Gay Down Jacket Stories

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Dominating Devin Ch. 02

by Cyanlot on Sep 14, 2017
Gay Male

I imagine that Devin thought it was a little strange when I invited him over to watch a movie together. It wasn't "bizarre strange." We'd talked before about the fact that we both liked bloody action films but often missed them because our wives weren't interested and it just wasn't the same sitting alone to watch a movie. I'd engineered it so that Marcie a...

Beware of Karma

by theevilpeach on Sep 14, 2017
Gay Male

DISCLAIMER: This is a fictional story that includes gay references and gay sex. It also includes references to religion. If it is illegal for you to be reading stories that include gay references or if your under age please stop now. If you take religion seriously then either stop reading now or take the ideas in this story for what they are: just a story an...

Guitar Me

by sr71plt on Aug 17, 2017
Gay Male

The name on the awning of the taverna struck me and brought up memories so rapidly and fully that I wasn't completely aware of the guitar music wafting up in my brain. If I had been I wouldn't have climbed the two terrazzo steps to the terrace level of the Tree of Idleness restaurant and sat at a table under a spreading olive tree. Even then, though, I knew...

Adam and Steve

by Robert_Furlong on Sep 16, 2017
Gay Male

Part of the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert Furlong === A few months after Linda had left me, when it was becoming clear even to me that my ex-wife wasn't coming back, I'd signed up to become a member of a couple of online dating sites in the hope that I might yet meet my soul mate. The endeavour had proven largely fruitless as the women who resp...

Pizza Boy at the Door Ch. 15

by JKendallDane on Sep 14, 2017
Gay Male

Valentine's Day dinner and then surprises on a deserted beach Less than thirty minutes after getting out of bed from their late afternoon lovemaking, both boys were squeaky clean from a shared shower, hair dry and properly primped, and dressed for the night out. Kyle had decided to wear a pair of new jeans also, instead of dress slacks. "I thought maybe we...

Box Shaped Heart Ch. 30

by laurasfox on Apr 17, 2019
Gay Male

Chapter Thirty - How to Cure Performance Anxiety - A Short Guide Could Aron tell he was nervous? His friend closed his hand over Carter's, and all he could do was to think of the warmth he was feeling. It was not exactly like they were holding hands, and there was some room between them on the back seat, while the taxi driver seemed more preoccupied with wa...

Fritz & Greg's Rooming House Ch. 04

by drmweaver705 on Feb 10, 2020
Gay Male

All participants are over 18. ***** The seasons changed, my college year ended and I went back home for the summer, having already paid Fritz my deposit on my room for the autumn. Back in my home town, I decided to widen my sexual repertoire and test myself. Since I had stayed with Fritz and Greg, sex had been oral and anal. I had yet to take my first woma...

Jamie - The Journey Begins Ch. 12 - Under the Stars...

by Hutchison12 on Aug 8, 2018
Gay Male

After saying our goodbyes in the predawn light, it was time to head off on our road trip. Josh had gotten a call at about 1 am from his workplace - they were called to help the US Forest service as they were mobilizing a large group of firefighters with some big fires that were burning in the Sequoia National forest and their logistical support guys needed h...

My Trip to the Lake

by andy943 on Oct 6, 2020
Gay Male

My Gap Year. My name is Hamish Macbeth, apart from having a really crappy name, I have wild bushy red hair that's always untidy and needing cut, blue eyes which means I am in the one percent of the red haired population category, five foot eight and a wee bit in height, weight not too bad but could lose a few, or so, pounds. Not very outwardly going, always...

If You Could Read My Mind Ch. 01

by SharpShooter69 on Oct 12, 2020
Gay Male

Henry Cassidy wakes with a feeling he's no longer used to: he feels rested. He isn't as young as he used to be, and so far his thirties had been plagued with cramping muscles, sore back, aches and pains in every place imaginable. But today, there's no crick in his neck, no twinge in his shoulder, no ache in his back. It is — and he is not a man to use this w...