Lesbian Rival Stories

287 results
Infinite Scroll

Lillian and Sharon Ch. 07

by Qeda_Charlemaigne on Sep 18, 2017
Lesbian Sex

Dubbed, "Shirley Muldowney, Jr" by her racing peers, Daria was making quite a name for herself as the only woman on the male-dominated NASCAR circuit. When a race started, rather than dropping to the inside of the track on a corner, like other drivers, Daria chose the center line and dropped the pedal to the floor. While exceedingly unorthodox, it usually...

Samhain's Witch

by wishfulthinking on Sep 13, 2017
Lesbian Sex

When new witches were initiated in historical times, they were often blindfolded and a sacred ointment was rubbed into their skin that would confuse the mind, speed up the pulse and numb the feet. They were then guided onto a broomstick, and when told they were flying over land and see, the witch believed. Ashlyn pulled the cloak tightly around her as she...

Maid of Honor S01 E03

by paopao33 on Sep 14, 2017
Lesbian Sex

Maid of Honor Season 1, Episode 3 Hannah's Audition NARRATOR: Hannah and Aimee finished filling up the application. Few days later Hannah received a call from one of the agents of Femme Fatale. (phone rings) HANNAH: Hello! Who is this? AGENT: Hello! Good Day! Is Hannah around? HANNAH: This is her speaking. AGENT: Hello Hannah, I am an agent from Femme...


by vqfarrold on Sep 16, 2017
Lesbian Sex

A friend was given an exercise in a creative writing class and suggested that I try it also. 'Courtship' is the result. Its second sentence describes the exercise - the story needed to contain these elements and to be written in the first person. There is no explicit sex in 'Courtship' but it has a lesbian theme. ******* Let me tell you about Lavender. It'...


by estragon on Sep 12, 2017
Lesbian Sex

This is a lesbian romance with a decidedly Christian theme. If this turns you off, read no further, skip to the end, drop your 1 bomb and go your way. * Altowiese MacMurtry woke first, and felt Jere's hand still on her hip. Altowiese slept without any clothes on, even on a cold spring night. It was still dark. Altowiese gently moved Jere's hand away and, e...

Rahab Bk. 04 Ch. 01: Discoveries

by Pixiehoff on Sep 23, 2019
Lesbian Sex

We left Tilbury on a dank autumnal morning. I felt a strange pull. It was, of course, parting from my beloved Bess, the great Virgin Queen. What I had felt for her I had only felt before once, for my Ana. My heart ached. Was it my lot, I wondered, to serve the Empire, but never know real happiness myself? A tear came to my eye as England vanished on the far...

Sarah's Catfight Adventures Pt. 13

by AimEnigmaClick on Jul 27, 2020
Lesbian Sex

All women in this chapter are 18 years old and seniors in high school. ------------ Sarah drove to school with big news for everyone. She had been waiting for a letter in the mail and it finally arrived. She could not wait to show all her classmates and teachers what was inside the envelope. It had big news that was going to affect her future, and she coul...


by Writer345 on Sep 26, 2017
Lesbian Sex

1. ...of fish and bicycles It was a new job or rather it was her first real job after university and Pam was thrilled. She had been invited for the interview on the strength of her CV and references and had been appointed to the new research team straight away. It really was a 'dream job'. Her new employer was one of the new Biotech Research Companies that...

The Magnificently Lustful Seven Ch. 03

by how_YOU_doin on Sep 16, 2017
Lesbian Sex

No one spoke as the foursome took their time packing up their belongings. Rathgar, Shakara and Sweets had woken up in a tumbled mess of sweat and cum next to the dwindling fire at the center of their camp. Sweets had awoken before all of them, concocting a breakfast of figs and apples roasted with warm oats. Rathgar wasn't happy at the absence of meat, but w...

General's Bitch

by Mixedwritings1993 on Sep 26, 2017
Lesbian Sex

There was a huge war going on between two most powerful kingdoms of the medieval period. The Champan and the Sanato Kingdom had been eyeing each other for more than centuries and finally the two super powers clashed on the borders of Champan. Finally after waiting for few centuries, the Sanato declared war against her main rival, tripling whom, would result...