Lesbian Spider Stories

164 results
Infinite Scroll

Junky Chronicles Ch. 02

by SAbitch on Sep 16, 2017
Lesbian Sex

If you haven't read part one then part two will make little or no sense. This one goes out to chrisomes who especially signed up on literotica to contact me. Thank you so much. I know you have been waiting a while, hopefully this was worth the wait. I want to thank my editors Cassy and LaRascasse, you guys make some of my crazier ideas make sense and the le...

Golf-India-Romeo-Lima Ch. 04

by AC_Pandorra on Sep 13, 2017
Lesbian Sex

++++++++++++++++++ The 4th chapter will focus on Chris as she lost her wings. I am very thankful for the help of my editors Dale and LaRascasse. What still is wrong or tedious is nobodies fault but my own. Thank you so much! Have fun Πανδώ⚢α ++++++++++++++++++ Golf-India-Romeo-Lima - Chap. 4: Free falling "The quickest path to self-destruction is to...

The Return of Carolyn Lord Ch. 02

by LCDRJMC on Sep 15, 2017
Lesbian Sex

Upon their return to the office, a strangely satisfied Carolyn was left alone to happily settle into her new job. She occupied the anteroom to Mrs. Stevens' much larger office, but, small as it was, it was all hers to organize and decorate as she liked. It was her first office and she resolved to do it and her new employer justice. She found that Mrs. Stev...

The Second Domino Pt. 03

by Shaima32 on Nov 26, 2019
Lesbian Sex

This is part three of The Second Domino. I apologise for taking so long with it as I've been caught up with Delicate Touches but I've made my changes and feel I've gone as far as I can with the Domino Series. I may revisit Ruth at some point in a breakout story but that's for later. For those interested in trivia, the last part of this was actually written i...

Crossing the Divide

by LimeyLady on Sep 24, 2019
Lesbian Sex

Chapter One (February 2002) Heather came awake with a jolt, surprised to be surrounded by darkness. Semi-dazed as she was two questions occurred to her immediately: “Where?” and “How?” “How” wasn’t too tricky to answer. It had been James’s twenty-first party last night. James was on her course but had taken a year out before starting university. He also h...

Sam Spade 04: Case of the Missing Heiress

by KaereniSister on Sep 19, 2017
Lesbian Sex

This story is copyrighted 2006 by Kaereni, may not be excerpted, reprinted, reproduced, or reposted in any form without the express written consent of the author. Visitors to this web site may read or temporarily download pages but are not permitted to modify or re-distribute them. The story contains sexual activities and situations that are to be read only...

The C.F.N.F. Club Ch. 02

by Smokey125 on Jul 31, 2018
Lesbian Sex

Greetings, buddies and gals. I had so much fun creating and writing "C.F.N.F. Club," it was just a matter of time till the urge came to spend another day with these mischievous, schadenfreudian ladies. Enjoy, and be prepared for a second playfully malicious, deliciously sinister, impishly wicked, totally kinky taco fiesta! P.S. This is a while after the stor...

Seducing Zoe Pt. 02

by Shaima32 on Apr 14, 2020
Lesbian Sex

PARTING THE WATERS In this next part I've brought in two characters from Delicate Touches, one of my other Literotica stories, Stella was one of the main characters but Charlie had a walk in walk off part. They now join Zoe and Lisa as the story takes another turn with Lisa's initial reluctance now beginning to melt along with Zoe's resolve. The sun was s...

Face the Music

by Maonaigh on May 13, 2020
Lesbian Sex

Face the Music by Maonaigh Face the Music is a combined sequel to two of my previous but unconnected stories, Forever Autumn and Smile (although both are set in the same fictional nameless city). In Forever Autumn, Sarah Rackham's lover died in tragic circumstances while in Smile, minor character Gudrun Nyström, a young and firmly in the closet lesbian...

Party Favor Pt. 02

by davybyrne on Dec 11, 2018
Lesbian Sex

Author's Note: This story contains reluctant sex and forced lesbianism. *** The first thing I did after leaving Angela's office was call my manager at Starbucks and tell him I was sick, yet again. The hesitation before he replied let me know what was coming. "Michelle, look, you are great when you are here, but you are just too unreliable. I know acting i...