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28 Months Later

"Stop fucking about back there!" your father yelled from the driver's seat towards yourself and your older brother as your game of I Spy had escalated to the mild violence of trying to give each other dead arms.

"Sorry Dad" you both replied in unison. It was not unusual for your Father to have sweary outbursts or even lash out from the tiniest provocation but something about being behind the wheel always seemed to cause his anger to grow further.

"Please behave yourselves" your mother quietly chimed in looking toward the pair of you from the front passenger seat. She was always softly spoken as were yourself and your brother probably because of your fathers domineering presence in your lives. You had all grown accustom to doing as you were told.

Deciding it would be best to avoid even returning to the game in case it aggravated your father you just decided to look out the window to pass the time during this car journey.

Your attention was pulled to the front window as the car braked suddenly. "Yeah just pull up in front of me you stupid cunt!" your father yelled while blaring his horn. It looked like quite a commotion was going on in the car in front from what you could see through the window. "Perhaps their game of I Spy had escalated too" you jokingly thought to yourself.

It suddenly looked as though the passenger of the car sunk their teeth into the driver as the car swerved violently off the road before returning just in time to collide with your car. A deafening noise was followed by silence and total darkness.

You feel awake suddenly but very weak. You can tell you are lying down but you can't move. Even your eyelids refuse to move to allow you to see where you are. A loud repetitive banging noise can be heard not far from yourself. It turns into a smash as what you guess is the door to the room you are in is barged open.

What's next?

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