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A Boy at a Girls School

Choose a boy's name as first name
Choose a girl's name as last name

It is the first day of term. Your name is John. You arrive at Skyviews school. It has been a girls boarding school up to now. This is the first year that they have decided to allow boys to attend the school. This will be your home for most of the next 2 years. You know that you will be one of only a few boys surrounded by about 300 girls. This will be great!

You feel a mixture of nervousness and excitement. You only know one girl at the school. Trish was your best friend from your home town. You went to primary school together and lived in the same street a few houses apart. It will be nice to see her again.

As you approach the main entrance you pause to decide where to go first. Do you check out the classrooms, your dorm room, try to find Trish or do something else?

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