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A Cruise for Two

Sam's POV

People say that you tend not to remember things from when you were young. I guess for most, that's probably true. But not for me. I have one memory from when I was two that I know I'll never forget.

But before that, I suppose I'll introduce myself. My name is Sam. Well, that's my nickname at least. My "real" name is Samuel, but I really don't like it when people call me that. No, I much prefer Sam. It's short, sweet, and if I'm being honest, I think it sounds cooler.

But anyways, what else could I say? I mean, I like playing video games, watching movies, doing nerdy things like playing Dungeons and Dragons, and making food. I'm going to school to become a chef, so I try and get all the practice in that I can on my family and friends.

Oh, I don't just stay inside all day, of course. I really enjoy going for a long walk or hike through mountain trails, and I absolutely love swimming. Something about being in the water just seems to give me peace. I find it hard to be angry and swim at the same time.

But I think my favorite thing is to do all that stuff with my best friend. Oh yeah, I guess this is where I should talk about that memory I mentioned.

Well, back when I was only two years old, my family moved into this new neighborhood. We were also brand new to the area, having just packed up and moved from North Dakota to Florida. Our second night in our new home, the neighbors next door came over and introduced themselves. They brought us a tray of cookies and invited us to come eat dinner at their house the following night. My parents agreed, and that next evening, the four of us, my parents, older sister and I walked to the neighbors' house. It was there that they introduced me to their daughter, the girl who would become my lifelong best friend.

Her name was Chloe, and like me, she had red hair, though her's was fiery and bright, while mine was a deeper and softer color. Her bright green eyes met mine, and I watched as they sparkled when she smiled. The last thing I remember was her taking my hand and pulling me to her room to play.

From that point on, the two of us were inseparable. We lived right next door to each other, so we would play nearly every day. As we got older, it became less about playing, and more about hanging out. When we got into middle school, we made a pact to be best friends forever, and from that point until now, we've done just that.

But now, something feels different.

While we are still closer than ever, I can't help but notice that there is a bit of a wall building between us. Stuff that she would normally tell me openly is harder to get her to talk about. I mean, sure, it makes sense that she wouldn't tell about some stuff, but things like who she has a crush on, where she sees herself in ten years, things that we used to joke about together all the time are now really awkward to bring up.

I don't like it at all. I really want to ask her about it, but I don't want to pressure her into telling me something she doesn't want to. I know she's at home right now, so I could go talk to her. But maybe I should wait and see what happens...

What's next?

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