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A Pokémon chose your own adventure book

Ultimate Poke

A Pokémon choose your own adventure

“this book is a game!”

Chapter 1: quite a rub!

You wake up. At least you think you were sleeping. At least you think you are awake. You do not recognize this room. It is far to clean, you have never seen anything like it. No dirt or dust or damage of any kind. And the colors of the blankets and the rug, the wooden floorboards are all vibrant.

You try to stand up. Did you struggle only to fall back again? Or did you not move at all? How long have you been here? Can you move?

You look down at yourself. You must have just moved your head. Unless it just fell forward from lack of support. Suddenly you pop up and trod through a doorway into a smaller room. Your body is moving but you are not exactly on control of it. Kind of like being on auto-pilot. There is a large metallic tub in here. A hot tub? There is a mirror you turn to face it. This is not your reflection. You remember movies you have watched where someone has the wrong reflection. The actor leaps back in shock. A reminder to the audience of when their monkey ancestors were prey.

You cannot leap back. Your mind and body are too sluggish to be shocked. So there is this reflection. As you involuntarily stare at the reflection you realize it is you looking back from the painted glass after all. The eyes are yours. But you are too skinny and too young. And the hair! And your build, not right. The face, the mouth is too thin. But it is you.

You are Red. You are not Red! You are….

In the movies this would be an opportunity for the actor to panic or the actors sidekick to panic on the actors behalf. However, many people face sudden threatening information with calm. Neo-Jungian Parapsychologists theorize that these ‘calm reactors’ have many horrible nightmares during every sleep cycle. You, for example. You are perfectly aware that the overly simplistic view of suns and stars as furnaces is detrimental to the seekers understanding of the neutron and its role in the organization of galactic… galaxy. The… because.

You decide not to panic. Get cleaned up. Your body starts taking its clothes off. You are numbly aware of the fine motor skills your body performs. Your vision and hearing are completely on line. Olfactory is less certain. A strong smell of oxygen? What about plants? Animals? Nearby liquid? Your body?

You continue to undress and as your pants are pulled away you notice that your penis is exactly as it should be. It looks even larger then before because of your smaller body. A bath. To stay calm. To wait until motor functions are on line. This hot tub, is it for bathing? For cleaning oneself? Or is it designed for recreation?

Your body is dressing without having had a bath. You finish dressing and walk out through your room. Your body stops possibly because there is a closed door in front of you. Your body stands there. You decide to try and control a fine movement. The door is close. Rest your forehead on the door. Rest your forehead on the door. You manage it. Your first touch of this new world is the surface of this door. You rest here for a short time which also seems to be an entire day and night. You rest like a nauseous person on a bathroom floor who is waiting to not be nauseous anymore.

You have a feeling your internal chronometer is not going to … it is offline. Better to focus on the positive. You open the door and walk downstairs.

The first floor is a large open area. You see a women among the kitchen islands. She has brown hair. She possesses long arms and legs, soft white skin. All signs of good breeding. She means to dress conservatively but her slim figure, amazing ass and perfect tits scream ‘fuck me’. Her long skirt is very seductive to your warped mind. Her naive expression hides a wanton lust. She is saying something to you. This is Red’s mom! This is part of the reason why you are here. You have lusted over Reds mom, now here she is.

You make an excuse about having had a bad nightmare. You ask for a hug. She complies. You put you hands firmly on her hips and press your face into the side of her exposed neck. And then you………..

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