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A Wizard's RPG

Candles flickered inside the Inn while you slowly sip on your mug of ale. It was a cold night and the fires from the harth crackled. It's warmth, a luxury you hadn't had for several nights along the old road.

The bar keep, a large portly fellow whom had recently started to go bald was chatting up a fellow customer at the far end of the bar. You smile as you hear the same sales pitch you had heard merely an hour ago.

He had welcomed you inside with a big smile. Obviously seeing a easy sale. For this was the only Inn you had seen in a week and the look on your face had shown that. The weather had made a turn for the worse about the time you spotted the large two story building. Thanking the gods for the good fortune you rushed for the entrance door. You almost made it before the down pour....

You were practically drenched through your clothing. Your light colured shirt being completely see through and your hard nipple pointing out. You ask for a room and the man tells you 20 coppers.

"WHAT! That's highway robbery!"

"Aye it is Sir, but we have more expenses being way out here in the far reaches of the kingdom. We have to bribe the city guards just too patrol out here. Plus all of our supplies come from the capital as well..." The large old man goes on and on about he's the real victim in all this. You felt like a fool getting sucked into his whining.

Unfortunately your luck had run out and you ended up shipping out 20 coppers. But it did come with a hot meal and ale. Which you're pretty sure they were only included because of the sounds of your gurgling/starving stomach kept interuping the Innkeeper. The last time he was all "Fine fine I cant take it any more...." And he led you to the bar where a bowl of rabbit stew and a mug of ale awaited.

The barkeeps told you his name was Olaf. "Your room is up the stairs and the second room on the left. It's yours til noon tomorrow." After finishing his speel he wandered away. As some new travelers seeking shelter from the storm entered the Inn.

The warm stew fills your belly and warms you up. You had never liked ale but you didn't want to be rude so your were sipping it whenever Olaf look back your way. You had pushed away your plate and you brought out your only possession other than the clothes on your back, and sheathed dagger on your hip. It was a medium sized journal with a black leather bound cover. If one looked closely they would have seen it was made of dark purple almost blac demon hide. Upon the cover was a large red pentagram engraved into the center. This was your fathers grimoire, a powerful spell book that contained every piece of magical knowledge a wizard learned until their death.

Your father died 10 years ago during the civil war. Father had served our Lord as the Court Wizard for years. Called into action once the war came close to our borders. You were only a young child but you still remember his black shaggy hair and constant five o'clock shadow. He had plans to send you and your mother out of the kingdom. But on the night he departed your keep was attacked! The entire village was slaughtered and burned to the ground.... You watched as friends, family, and neighbors be slaughtered like cattle. Dreams of your mothers death haunt you every night. You were only able to escape by pretending to be a corpse and then being burried underneath a pile of bodies.

You made your escape in the near dawn hours after the Kingdom Guards had butchered everyone in town and returned to the capital.

With only the clothes on your back you made it to the outskirts of Ravensreach. A town directly on the border to the next kingdom of Quin. Upon trying to cross the border you were caught by a group of soldiers on horseback. They ended up locking you up in Ravensreach's Dungeon.

It was there were you met Cid for the second time in your life. He was a knight in the guard who had actually served with your father and was actually there when you were born. He recognized the moon shape birthmark you have on your shoulder. Plus the fact that you looked like your father didnt hurt. He gets you out of jail after hearing his story and you eventually move in with his family. He and his wife Malinda, could never have children so they were happy to have you. This all happened when you were 8.

The city of Ravensreach became your new home. The war never quite reached your new home before it was over. King Terirdom had gotten what he wanted. The new lords all all kneeled to their new king and the last of the free territory was no more.

Unfortunately your father had fallen years before. The news shook you but at the same time it drove you. On your 18th birthday Cid gave you your father's Black Grimoire. A tomb of all the arcane knowledge your father had learned and studied. The leather bound journal was light to the touch but at the same time you could feel a deep power within it's pages. To your surprise however all of the pages were blank! Except for a hand scrawled note on the back of the cover.

It reads, "You have what it takes to change the world, This old book should help along the way. Love Dad" "What the fuck does that mean?" You mumble aloud to yourself at the bar. Some strange glances at your direction as you recall the event. Cid didn't have a clue. He said that messege was never there before... All he knew was his fathers dying words were to give this to his kid on their 18th nameday. Cid knew you could figure it out.

He was right. Later that night as you were flipping through the empty pages looking for clues. By accident youu blurted out loud in furstration "Just what the hell are you anyway!!?"

Suddenly the book came alive the pages flipping themselves to a seemingly random page. Where there was once blank pages there are now a full two pages of info on the grimoire. Apparently all you had to do is ask it a question and if the book had anything on the subject it would bring it up. So far the book has never failed you. Not once the entire time you started studying magic has it come up blank. This was about two months ago. That was when you decide to set off for adventure, and treasure! Much like the stories you have read your entire life.

Cid had taught you how to fight with a dagger to protect your self and so far you have learned 3 spells total. A simple fire ball spell you learned as a cantrip.(Cantrips are small, useful tricks that every wizard knows from first level on, and can perform at-will.) You can also summon a familiar to your side for a hour at a time. Plus a invisibility spell that works for as long as I hold my breath. But you are far from mastering any of these skills. Getting up every day at sunrise, practicing the hand gestures and mental visualization required for each spell. In all it takes about 3 hours of study and focus each day to have them ready... Just in case you need them for the random monster/bandit attack.

Feeling your money pouch and contemplating spending your last 10 coppers on hot food or just retreating to your quarters for the night. Your heavy eyes win over you stuffed belly. You head up stairs as the storms continues outside with a flash of thunder and lightning.

Second room on the left and you lock the door once inside as well as move the dresser infront of the door. More than once you had caught a snooping guest in your "locked" room. You sleep with your iron dagger underneath your pillow like Cid taught you. Inside your room is a small cot bed and a small dresser with a oil lantern place on top of it.

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