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A place for you

[Please note that this is a completely fictional story. It has been written as a erotic story and is not relevant to real life. All picture links in no way depicts an actual person and serve only to have an estimate representation of the characters in the story.]

‘White’ was the first thing Alan noted, it was so bright it was all that could be seen.

“Hello Alan” a soft voice murmured that seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere at the same time.

“I know you are confused but just listen and all will be clear. Everything has a beginning and an end, to live you need to accept that there is an end. You may find it unfair that you have lived su….”

“Wait!! You mean I’m dead?” Alan exclaimed.

“Oh come on why does everyone always interrupts my speech!” the voice replied with an annoyed tone.

“Ok to put it simply you got hit by a truck and you died.” the voice continued. “So now that you are dead you should be sorted into either heaven or hell. The bad news is you are not going to heaven…”

“You said ‘should’ right? I’m not really going to hell am I?” Alan questioned timidly to the voice that had his future in his hands.

“Seems you caught me there, yes to put it simply god has an alternative place for people like you. You can in some way call it the purgatory.” The voice answered.

“But I have not done anything wrong in my life… I mean some lies and maybe I could have gone to church more but still, I have not done anything that bad. And I have tried to help people and does helping grandmas crossing streets not count?” Alan rambled on fear seeping in slowly.

“It’s not about right or wrong for you...actually it is because you never succumbed and indulged in the pleasures of the flesh. I think the almighty took pity on you guys.” The voice replied with a smirk Alan could actually hear even unseen.

“ok… being a virgin lands you in purgatory how cool is that…ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!! WTH is wrong with this pla…” Alan continued on with his tirade but noticed after several seconds that no sound seemed to be coming out.

“Calm down, the place you are going is actually a form of heaven. What you will step into will be a place formed by your deepest wishes. A place where everything you ever wanted becomes reality and as a bonus you can control that world and modify it if you so wish by making use of a simple command. Just say ‘Oh almighty Angel Cedric the most handsome of them all, please show your mercy on this pitiful soul and grant my wish’ followed by your wish’.”

“uhm this sounds a little wrong, are you sure that is what I should do.” Alan questioned in a perplexed tone.

“Nobody respects angels nowadays” the voice replied sadly,” you need to just say ‘I wish’ followed by your wish and end with ‘let it be so’. Are you ready to step into your new world or do you have more questions.”

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