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A stable hands journey

Quick authors notes: this is my first story so I hope you all enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing, if you do don't be afraid to leave a like or even write your own chapter, it's really great to see that people actually like the shit i write so I'll take any ideas or suggestions I see in the comments as well, let's see what pervy little bastards you all are. Anyway that's enough of that bullshit let's get to the adventure and sex!

It's just another average afternoon on the salmonberry ranch, the suns punishing rays continue to pound your neck and back as you trudge away from the old stone well, bucket heavy with water in hand.

The only relief you seem to get is the coverage your long, blonde hair provides along the back of your neck.

"...fucking sun.." You grumble as you make your way back to the stable, you consider going back and taking a moment to strip down and use that bucket for a nice cool shower but you dismiss the thought "can't let the owner find me slacking off again, this time it might be a bit more... Difficult to convince him to keep me around" you bite your lip and blush at the thought of the last time you did some "convincing"... maybe you should take that shower after all?

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