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Addition to the Household

Author's note: don't expect much of an explanation for "why is there slavery?". This is erotica, not an alternate history essay. Suffice it to say it takes place in a world where slavery is commonplace, and sexual use of slaves is expected.

James practically skipped up the driveway to his front door, briefcase under one arm. In fact, he jumped the steps to the porch and performed a quick shuffling tap dance after landing.

His dance moves were hardly practiced, but when his wife Amy opened the door and burst out laughing, he refused to be embarrassed. Instead, he kept smiling and reached out his hands to invite her to dance with him.

Amy laughed even louder, then asked,

"So you got the promotion after all?"

"Yes!" he crowed, "I'll be running the whole region. It means the odd overnight trip, but fewer late nights. And the pay rise isn't to be sniffed at."

"You think we'll-"

"Get a slave? Let's talk about it later."

With that, he advanced, planted a kiss on her, then swept her up in his arms and carried her inside.

Half an hour later, in their bedroom, Amy was riding her husband's cock with a steady up and down rhythm, her stocking clad feet each side of his well muscled torso as she ground her dripping cunt down onto his erection. James lay stretched out beneath her, one hand grabbing at the headboard while the other rubbed at her clit. Her own hands were occupied rubbing at her nipples.

"Oh yes. I'm close. Just think, next time it could be a little slave girl helping me.. sucking at my- oh!"

With that, the couple came simultaneously. When he could speak again, James said,

"You sounded pretty enthusiastic about getting a slave of our own. It's a good thing I already booked an appointment with the slave dealer for tomorrow then, isn't it?"

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