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Adverse Effects: Signs and Symptoms

...And Signs and Symptoms of the “I have fallen In Love Syndrome or the IHFILS:

Addiction- A dependence that causes some excruciating form of distress when one is deprived of the presence of the one you love.

Anorexia- Is defined as "loss of appetite". This is manifested during the initial stage of disease wherein there is still uncertainty in the possibility of return of affection. It also occurs during the absence of the stimulus.

Aphasia- Partial or total loss of the ability to express self through language. This usually happens when you are blinded by the overwhelming beauty of your loved one.

Blocking- Sudden cessation of flow of thinking and speech related to strong emotion. This usually occurs during initial disclosure.

"Uh- what I mean is...uh...I- uh..."

Cardiac Arrythmia-Any change in the normal pattern of the heart beat. Similar cause as palpitation- caused by close proximity of the person you are in love with.

Circumstantiality-Interjection of great detail and incidental material that have no primary significance to the central idea of the conversation.


""Oh, you had Gastritis and you were hospitalized? By the way have you seen Timmie because every time I see her I get this funny feeling in my stomach. Her smile lights up the room... And speaking of teeth she has the most beautiful teeth that I have ever seen. Every time I see her smile I always get an acute attack of peptic ulcer, too..."

Condensation- Process by reducing several ideas into one symbol:

" Timmie" symbolizes---> happiness, joy, exulta- tation, peace, love, black, Lee jeans, white sandals, orange t-shirts, stiletto, sunglasses, sidelong glances, grace, dreams, touch, white, pink, orange t-shirts, bad poetry, love songs, love stories, children etc...

Delusion- (Unrequited love only)- False belief kept despite non- supportive evidence.

Diaphoresis-Excessive sweating that is usually manifested when you are on the verge of disclosing your true feelings. It is best to wear light clothing when you are in the acute stage.

Hyperkinesis- Excessive movements by the persons who acquired this syndrome. It is manifested by the people with this malady to burst into a song or dance without much provocation.

Hypersensitivity- The ability to detect the object of your desire in a 50-mile radius using the sense of smell, sight, hearing, and taste (If your
gustatory sense is that acute.)

Illusion- A false understanding of an external sensory stimulus, usually visual or auditory. It is most often of transient condition. This happens when you see the face of your beloved in other people that you meet.

Echopraxia- It is a repetitive imitation of mannerisms from the object of affection. This usually results when you are observing the minute details of the person every minute of everyday.

Impulsiveness- Outburst of activity that is unpredictable and sudden. One example is impulsively buying jewelry at the cost of all your savings just to surprise him or her.

Rhyming- The abnormal speech condition wherein there is an interjection, in a conversation, of recurring, corresponding sounds at the each of each phrase, as in poetry. It is not limited to verbal speech but it is also applicable in written form. It is evident by the deluge of bad poems circulating in the literary world.--> mine included.

Euphoria- Excessive feelings of emotional and physical well- being.

Elation- High degree of confidence, boastfulness, optimism and joy accompanied by increase in motor activity. This is where the term "I can move mountains" come from.

Exulation- Affective reaction extending beyond elation accompanied by feelings of grandeur. Same.

Lability- Quick change of expression of mood or feelings. This usually occurs in persons who are jealous by nature.

Ecstacy- The feeling of overpowering joy and rapture. Persons manifesting this adverse effect have a high risk of injury from people jealous of their happiness.

Perseveration- Is the pathological repetition of words, phrases or sentences.

E.g. "Oh Timmie, Timmie, Timmie, Timmie, Timmie, Timmie, Timmie, Timmie where forth art thou Timmie?"

Tremors- Rhythmic, quivering movements. The uncontrolled tightening and relaxing of groups of muscles attached to the skeleton caused by close proximity of your beloved.

Vertigo- A sensation of spinning, dizziness, or of rotation especially after a long, and sweet but unexpected kiss.

Obsession- A persistent recurrence of thoughts of your woman or man during conscious, subconscious and unconscious states.

Sleep Disturbance- As evidenced by the eye- bugged (If there is such a term) and pimpled- faces of the afflicted.

Delusions of reference- All events within the environments are referred to by the person as intended to them. Example of this is the belief that the lyrics of a song contain a special
message from dear old cupid that was created especially for them, as they heard it on the radio.

Irritable- Easily annoyed or provoked; fretful. This occurs when there is unexpected absence of your sweetheart.

La belle Indifference- A lack of concern regarding the severity of the abovementioned symptoms.



If you are manifesting two or more of the signs and symptoms of this "I Have Fallen In Love Syndrome" there is a 99.9% possibility that you have acquired this disease. I wish you good luck. You are either the luckiest or the unluckiest person in the world.
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