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Aidan Ch. 01

Asika groaned as she slowly came too. She was cold and her body ached in places she didn't even care to know about. The frosty air bit into her throat and lungs with each inhale. She could feel the unforgiving earth beneath her side. Her long, dark, red lashes fluttered open, allowing her to view her surroundings through drowsy eyes.

"W-were am I..." she mumbled, rolling over to her back. A small whimper of pain brushed through her lips as she squished her bound hands beneath her back. "Hello! Is anyone out there! Can anyone hear me!" she shouted, wiggling from side to side. "Help! Please!" she cried to no avail as she thrashed around wildly against her bonds.

Her mind raced as she managed to roll over to her stomach. " me...someone...anyone..." she whispered into the dirt beneath her. She relaxed against her bindings, attempting to calm her racing heart.

A rustle in the foliage behind her sent her heart racing again. She curled her knees underneath her, shoving off of the ground with her chin. The hard earth bit into her flesh before allowing her to lift up her upper body. She craned her neck in the direction of the noise. At first, she couldn't see anything but the gentle sway of the trees. Then, suddenly, a very large hulking figure squeezed between the greenery, approaching her crouching position. It was a few moments before she recognized this creature to be a very well-built, heavily armor-clad man.


Her mind went haywire, attempting to come up with an escape plan, but all she could manage were a few knee-scrapping hops before she toppled over face first into the earth. She squeezed her eyes shut tight. This man was probably the one who kidnapped her, which meant he was most likely going to rape her and or kill her.

With her last desperate attempt at escape, she tried wiggling away from the beast of a man. As her luck would have it, she didn't get very far. He easily scooped her up by her middle and the bindings on her wrists. "Where do you think you are going?" he said. His voice wasn't too deep, but deep enough to make her tremble.

"I was escaping! Now release me!" Asika demanded, pretending to be unafraid.

His rumbling laughter only showed her how much he didn't believe in her act. "You looked more like a wiggly worm to me." he teased, setting her on her feet before him. She swallowed a lump that appeared in her throat.

This man was built like a warrior. There wasn't another word for it. He was so much taller than she. Her red hair barely reached the tip of his shoulder. His body was a lot wider than hers as well, and with those rippling, muscular arms of his, she was sure he could easily crush her. Deep down though, she couldn't help but wonder what the rest of him looked liked under all that armor. She shook her head to clear it. She was not one of those types of girls that fantasized about men. Unfortunately though, she couldn't help but explore his features.

His face was round...and yet chiseled, like a boy who had just reached maturity. She figured her couldn't be much older than she was. Pale blond hair framed that beautiful face of his, giving him a somewhat angelic appearance. His eyes were so blue, she was sure they rivaled the sky on its prettiest day. "I...I am not a worm." she stammered, transfixed by those beautiful features of his.

Asika couldn't help herself as a subtle laughter bubbled through her lips. How could she be afraid of such a beautiful man? He had yellow armor for goodness sake. Surely this man couldn't be the one who kidnapped her. "What's so funny?" she frowned, crossing those huge arms over his broad chest.

"You are." she admitted, bluntly as she laughed even harder. "I simply can't believe that I've been kidnapped by a man who looks like you and wears yellow armor."

"What's wrong with my looks?" his cheeks warmed "My armor is only yellow by mistake! They were supposed to be gold, but the metal and leather didn't take to the color very well," he shouted, embarrassed.

"I think there was just a mix up with the dyes and you are just trying to cover it up, but who am I to call you a liar," she said, sobering. "Anyway, you should probably return my scepter to me and allow me to return home. Just tell your commander or whoever is in charge over you I was eaten or something, I'm sure they'll understand."

He stared at her, perplexed. Asika sighed in frustration. "Barbarians...I swear." she growled under her breath. "Look, I...would be...untied." she slowed her speech, sounding out every syllable.

"You are really...strange..." she chuckled, shaking his head. She felt her chocolate colored cheeks warm, as he continued to stare at her mockingly. "Anyway, we should get going, there's a long trek ahead of us. We only have a few hours to reach our next destination."

"I hope this 'long trek' is to my home." she demanded, standing as tall as she could.

"Yes, to your new home. You are not going back to your old one, love." he smiled, gently patting her shoulder.

"What do you mean, I'm not going back! Release me right now!" she frowned. If only her attunement to the elements was stronger, she could easily escape then. It didn't matter that her family was one of the strongest family of elementals in the world. She still had very little power, to small in some cases to be recognized.

"I mean, you belong to me now and we are going home. My home and your new home." he said, slowing his speech and sound out each syllable as she did before.

"You aren't funny..." she growled, glaring at him.

"I guess my humor isn't suited for someone so high classed like you" he teased, with a wink. "Now let's get going." he turned his back to her, walking away.

"I refuse." she stated plainly. She abruptly dropped into a sitting position.

The 'kidnapper' stopped dead in his tracks. "You refuse, do you?" he growled, facing her.

"You heard me. I'm not going anywhere. Besides, what did you expect me to do, hop?" Asika snapped, glaring at his hulking figure.

Without another word, he scooped her up, draping her elegant form over his shoulder. "Put me down right now!" she shouted, wiggling as much as she could.

"Shut up or I'll gag you!" he growled, smacking her supple rear with one of his large hands.

She was stunned momentarily. "Did you just...spank me?" she asked, her voice a higher pitch than normal.

"Yes I did and I'll do it again if I have to." he growled, carrying her off into the forest.

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