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Amazon Stud

You awaken, groggy and bleary eyed, but immediately realize you are not where you were when you went to sleep.

The sheets on the bed are a different color, they are made of smooth silk, and the bed is a huge four poster, bigger than "king size", made of mahogany.

You sit up in alarm, and look around, whereupon you realize you are not alone!

There are five naked women surrounding the bed, no two of them from the same ethnic group, and each of them holding a razor sharp ax!

"Good morning James Kojiro," The One at the foot of the bed says, her dark oiled skin gleaming in the light from the window that looks out over a busy harbor filled with tall ships, "you have been selected to be a Stud for the Amazonian Empire. Should you accept you will be given the chance to select seven women from the list of 21 which have picked your profile as their preferred stud from the recent catches of our summoners. These seven women will become your mates and you will spend each day of the week with a different one of them and have the right to have sexual relations with her whenever you want during the day. However, when you assert that right she will get to decide how she will have sex with you, and/or may ask to wait until you are somewhere more private or comfortable, though in the later case you can request she do it right now. If she offers a type of sex you dislike you are free to refuse, but that means you don't get sex from her at that time, and must wait either an hour or until you are in a different area of the city, such as having gone into a building, before you may ask again."

"Furthermore, if you accept the Position of Stud you will not be allowed to leave this city until you are 50 years old, and will then be returned to the place and moment from which you were summoned here. You will remember nothing of your time here, not your mates, your daughters, the empire, nor anything you have done since the moment you arrived, with one exception. You will have crystal clear memories of every sexual encounter you have had as a Stud, but that will be the only thing you can remember from your time here," the oiled woman with the piercing black eyes asks, looking you up and down. "What is your decision James Kojiro?"

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