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Arcana Pt. 02: A Succubi's Desire


Dominik Halcyon snapped out of the meditation with a gasp. Sweat dripped off her forehead and she was breathing heavily. Her legs felt stiff as she stumbled out of the recliner and rushed for a phone. Her fingers shook as she dialed her friend over at the Seattle Police Department.

"Hail." She said in her strong baritone voice.

"Viktoria. It's Dominik Halcyon. We have a big problem." She said urgently.

"Dom? Where have you been? Too busy being a girl now? I could've used your help last month. I had a seriously bad case here that ended a few decades of subterfuge." Lieutenant Viktoria Hail Klaus said with a sharp but playful tone.

"Is that Alexander? You finally nail who he was working for?" She said with a raised eyebrow. She was the only person Hail had trusted with the knowledge that her lead mage was a plant by a rival. Dom had been around long enough to know Hail in the early days of Seattle's Special Investigations and she had been a useful ally.

"Yep. Psychopathic shapeshifter feeding on Mythics and anyone else she could get her hands on. Get this though, she had a taste for her own daughters. Apparently she would leave a kid to be raised by someone else and when their powers came up, she'd eat them to get stronger. Her most recent daughter showed up on my radar and everything blew up over a few weeks. She and Alex are both dead and I've got two very talented permanents in my department now. Turns out the shapeshifter's daughter was dating a budding mage with an eidetic memory." Viktoria explained, "Rough time of it though, some foresight would've gone a long way."

"Sounds like you had it handled. Anyway! Big stuff! I need to talk immediately. I've got a big tip off for you to keep an eye out for over the next few weeks." Dom said, leaning against the wall.

Hail huffed, "One thing after another. I think I may already know you're going to tip me off about. Do you have time to get a bite of dinner?"

"Dinner? Oh hell, it is evening. I was out longer than I thought. Where?" Dom asker and Hail told of him of a little sandwich shop to meet her at.

She hung up the phone and hurried to get dressed.


Dominik walked into the shop, a quaint cafe named Mythic Morsels. She stifled a chuckle at the name. It was pretty brazen of place for two of the Mythic community to meet for dinner. It had a few tables on the sidewalk outside and a half dozen inside. The floors were clean hardwood and it was decorated enough to feel warm but not be gaudy. The kitchen was open in the back of the cafe and two women worked there.

She looked around and saw Hail sitting in the far corner. She was a blonde Nordic beauty with piercing blue eyes and a muscular boxer's body. As Dom stepped over there, Hail looked up and frowned, "Dominik?"

"Oh come now. Must you ask?" Dom said, sitting down across from her with a smile.

"What have you done to yourself now?" Hail groaned.

Dom looked down at herself, "What? I think I'm cute, damn it."

She was a bit shorter than Hail with fair skin and sharp eyes. Her hair was dark with a bright pink stripe in it. Her body was shapely and she had a pretty curvy ass. Hail eyed her up and down, "What are you, anyway?"

"I'm GoGo Tomago. I got torn up by a Chronotog in a movie theater and when I came to, this was what I had become." Dom shrugged, brushing a finger across her black bangs.

Hail laughed, "Have you ever figured this thing out?"

"I have some theories. I'm pretty certain I am destabilized on a psychic and magical level. Whenever my mind suffers the psychological trauma of death, my body goes haywire and reconstructs itself. I'm still unwilling to put a bullet in my head to test it." Dom shrugged.

"Even though you've died a half dozen times since Chernobyl?" Hail chuckled.


The two women running the shop came over to them with a plate of sandwiches. One of them was a taller woman with tanned skin and long black hair. She had a slight feral look to her with her sharp eyes and angular face. Her body was athletic and lean, like that of a panther or some other wild predator.

The other woman was ever her opposite. Irish, short, and pale skinned. She had bright eyes and huge, fluffy red curls. Her body was curvy and she wore glasses.

They sat down and Dominik stared at them, "Something I can help you two with?"

"Sorry, Dominik, let me explain. These are my newest regulars. They've proven themselves canny and capable so I've brought them in as permanents on the force. She is Caroline, shapeshifter. The other is Katelyn, my new lead mage. They're both new to the Mythic, but they've learned fast." Hail explained.

"Oh! Well that would explain why we're eating here. You two work for SI and run a cafe?" Dom asked, taking one of the sandwiches.

Katelyn blushed and Caroline laughed, "Gotta have something to do in our day to day. So who are you?"

"Dominik Halcyon, Chronomancer." Dom nodded to them.

"Really? You're a mage too? I haven't tried any time magic yet. The books Alexander gave me haven't explained any into that." Kate said with a sudden eager tone.

"No, young miss, I am not a mage. I am a Chronomancer. There is a difference. That boy Alex really never taught you anything." Dom sighed with a shake of her head, "Kids these days just aren't getting the right education."

"What do you mean? You don't look any older than me." Kate pointed out.

"That is an accident of my last major academic pursuit. You've heard of Chernobyl, yes? In 1986, there was no nuclear accident. That was all a cover up. It was an experimental magic being performed by myself and a dozen of my colleagues. I am the foremost master of Space-Time magic. We were trying to create a different dimension. The spells went wrong and the entire area was struck by a rift cascade that destabilized reality. I was the only one to make it out of ground zero. Ever since then, I have also been destabilized and when I die, I don't stay that way. I was actually born in Moscow in the mid eighteen hundreds."

"And that's why you're GoGo Tomago." Kate snickered, "Good choice."

Dom sighed, "I don't get to choose. I think the instability absorbs nearby psychic imagery to conform to my body. Hence, take a blow from a Chronotog in a theater and you get a movie character."

"So what's so special about being a Chronomancer?" Caroline asked.

"It's a rank. A title. You really call yourself a mage and you don't know anything about the society of the Wise?" Dom groaned.

"Not now Dom. You can educate her after you explain what's so important that you called me in a panic." Hail interrupted them.

"Right. The entire west coast will be destroyed in ten or so days. Not sure how or where or when. There is a substantial chance that everything will be dead and burned." Dom said, leaning on the table.

"Uhhhh." Caroline sat upright with wide eyes.

Hail sighed, "Don't panic. Details Dom. What can you tell me?"

"The destruction is caused by a demon. One of the Old. A demonic cult will summon him after sacrificing some source of great power. I can't refine it any more than that until we're closer to the event. But knowing how these things are done, there will be disappearances. Lots of sacrifices will have to be made, lots of blood spilled to get the attention of one of the Old. Then it'll take an immense power source, a Mancer or better, to break them loose." Dom explained as the two girls stared at him and Hail listened.

"Alright. I thought as much. We've had a young girl go missing and there's been a lot of talk about homeless disappearing. Good to know what we're looking for. Let me make a call." Hail got up and pulled a phone from her pocket.

"So... Uhh... Are we all gonna die?" Katelyn asked fearfully.

"No way of knowing." Dom shook her head.

"But you said you saw it. Doesn't that mean it's going to happen?" Katelyn asked with an urgent tone.

"Alright. Divination one oh one. No future is set in place. Anyone divining the future will tell you that anything more than two or three seconds out is impossible to guarantee. Humans and free will screw that all up entirely. But good time magic can look into the future and see probability. You can look at the threads of the future and see what is most likely to happen. It's damn rare that anything more than a day or two in the future is even clear enough to see, so when I see something like this destruction, I don't fuck around. It's got enough chance of happening and it will cause enough metaphysical shockwaves that it could become a self fulfilling prophecy if not headed off."

Caroline stared at her in confusion.

Dom just sighed, "Roulette. Bet on which number versus odds and evens, colors, or something like that. The chances are what matter. This event has a high enough chance and it's got enough impact that it screams at my divining magic. Look, being able to see the future isn't even an art or a science, it's a lot of best guessing and vague feelings. But I've done it a long time."

Caroline looked at Katelyn pleadingly. She still didn't understand it well. Katelyn just shrugged and looked back at Dom, "So what were you saying before. About the Society of the Wise?"

"Right. There are certain titles that define our talents and powers. There are four levels." Dom raised a finger and drew it through the air. A glowing line followed it and she wrote 'Adept'. "Adepts are those new to our world. Teenagers just coming into their power or those that don't have enough power to really take up any serious skill. Adepts sometimes get really good at one or two spells, but they don't get any real power. They probably make up half of the Wise."

"Okay. But I can do more than that." Katelyn pointed out.

"Then you would probably fall under the next category." She wrote a line and then wrote 'Mage'. "Mages are those that know basic rune magic. They have an understanding of their power and they are capable of doing quite a few things. This is the other half of our society. Very few every get beyond this level."

"What's higher than that?" Katelyn asked eagerly.

"Wizards." And she wrote it above mage before continuing, "These are few and far in between. Powerful Wise that can do almost anything you can imagine. The sign of a wizard is that you have moved beyond rune magic. You've started to take up raw magic."

"What's that?" Katelyn cocked her head, "I thought all spells required runes."

"To most, that is true. But a powerful enough mind can start crafting spells without it. It's much harder because runes make up the scaffolding for magic and they hold it in shape. A runic fireball will stay just that. A raw fireball can grow and spread and absorb other fire. It's a whole different challenge." Dom said, raising his hand an orb of fire appeared and glowed in between her fingers.

Katelyn stared, "I never saw Alex do anything like that. He always used runes. The books he gave me never even mentioned doing magic without."

"That's because Alex was a boy and he could never grow beyond what he was. Whatever power he served was more an interest to him than his magic. Now, while raw magic allows for greater variance and more creativity, rune magic doesn't completely go away. That scaffolding is still useful for complex spells and powerful incantations. Sometimes it just gets in the way though." Dom let the fire fade away.

"You said there were four." Caroline pointed out through a mouthful of sandwich.

"Right. The fourth and highest tier is the Mancer." Dom drew it atop the pyramid she had been creating. She outlined it in a triangle, "Mancers are the masters of their craft. The few Wizards in each school of magic that have grown above their peers and become an archetype. As a Chronomancer, I am one of the most powerful Space-Time Wizards in all the world."

"What's the difference? Is it just whoever is best?" Katelyn asked.

"It's a choice. A specialization. You'll have a lot of years to practice and study if you wish to become a Mancer. While a wizard can throw a fireball and burn down a city block, a Pyromancer can birth a sun and scorch the planet." Dom said stoically.

"Uh." Caroline stared.

"So what can you do then? Travel through time and all that?" Katelyn asked.

"Nobody can travel through time. You can look, but you can't touch. I am capable of a lot though. As space and time are inexorably wound together, I am also very good at spacial magic. For example, given time and preparation, I could drop the moon on Europe." Dom said as if it wasn't anything special.

Caroline choked on her sandwich and Katelyn just stared at him. Hail came back over and sat down, "Did you just tell them what you could do with the moon?"

"Can he really?" Katelyn asked as she patted Caroline on the back.

"Cheeky ass just likes using it as a shock line." Hail laughed and took a sandwich, "I called all this into the station. They're going to be checking cult and ritual sites tonight. Sweeping the underground for such things. Our priority is to find that missing girl. You wanna help us on this one, Dom?"

"It's not just a shock line." Dom huffed, crossing her arms, "I know I could. If I tried, I could."

"Dom! Got a little girl missing. You in?" Hail snapped her finger.

"Yes, yes. Whatever. How did you ever get someone so young and uneducated as your lead mage?" Dom said in exasperation.

"I'm not exactly rolling in options. But even if I was, I believe in her. She and Caroline have done some good work. Being my lead mage isn't all about power. Its about the right mindset and wanting to do some good as well." Hail said, jabbing a sandwich in Katelyn's direction. The girl just blushed and looked down.

"And that's why you had an asshole working for you for decades." Dom rolled her eyes.

Hail glared at her, "I'd rather an asshole not go running about unsupervised. But then again, I don't keep an eye on you, do I?"

Dom put a hand to her heart, "Oh Viktoria, that hurts."

Caroline looked at Dom pointedly, "Viktoria?"

A very slight pink touched Hail's cheeks. Almost imperceptible but Draconis, Caroline's spirit, was too good. She caught the emotion and snickered in Caroline's ear, "They're lovers."

"What?" Hail looked at her sharply.

"Oh nothing. I don't know anything. Draconis certainly didn't catch onto any emotions." Caroline shook her head and raised her hands.

Hail pursed her lips, "Keep it up. I'll have you on shit duty for a month."

"Come on boss, I'm just playing to my strengths. What was it you said? I'm a love-"

Hail cut her off, "That is quite enough! I don't have enough time in the day for a relationship. But you two know enough that there are still needs."

"Yes because that's all I've ever been. Just needs to her." Dom snickered.

"You shut it too Dominik." Hail got to her feet.

There was a moment of silence as she stood there. Then Dom looked up, "So am I still coming over? Usually that's how it goes, right? Haven't seen each other for months. Go out to dinner. Head back to your place. Girly body isn't too much of a turn off for you, right?"

Hail fumed. Her eyes looked like they could've shot daggers of ice through each of them, "Not a word. Not any of you." She stomped towards the door and pushed it open, "Dom!"

They all burst out laughing and Dom got up, "Coming darling."

The door slammed in her face and would've broken her nose if not for her precognition. She stopped just a fraction before it would've hit and glared at Hail through the glass.


Hail lived in a rather humble abode built on the shore of the Puget south of the Seattle center. It was a quaint one bedroom built thirty feet back from the beach and it had a nice yard.

She pulled her little silver sedan into the driveway and got out. Dom stepped out the passenger side, "Still the cutest place in town."

"You trying to push your luck?" Hail eyed her.

Dom raised a hand to placate her, "Done teasing. I honestly mean it. It's a cute house. Always has been."

Hail sighed, "Sorry, this last case has me on edge and now you came with this. I need a night to de-stress. What were the chances of this future coming to pass?"

"Thirty or forty percent. Going to be a lot less now that you know about it. I have no doubt that you and your team will tear it apart." Dom smiled as they walked up to the door and headed inside.

It was just as cute inside as it was out. A little spartan, but the carpet was a soft blue and there was a pot of flowers on the dining table. An artistic picture of Santa was hanging behind the couch. Hail hung her coat and gun by the door before kicking off her boots. She walked into the kitchen and pulled out two beers, popping off the tops with her bare fingers.

Dom took one and they sat down on the couch. A fluffy brown number with overstuffed cushions. They sank into it and Hail groaned. Dom looked sideways at her as she pulled from the beer, "Viktoria, how are you doing?"

"Getting more sick of the world everyday." Hail sighed, kicking her socked feet up on the coffee table.

"Isn't that all of us. How are you actually doing?" She prodded Hail with a finger.

She sighed and laid her head back, "Dominik. I'm tired. I've been doing this a long time. It's not that I don't like the work, I still love kicking ass when it needs kicking... But sometimes you just have to wonder if you're making a difference."

"You are." Dom said without hesitation.

Her blue eyes looked more worn down than they had been at the cafe, "Really? Because every time I stop a bad guy, there's another on the bench. Every monster I tear down, there's another right behind it. Every kid I save, Dom..."

"Is one more kid that gets to grow up. You know Viktoria, I think it's been a little too long since you had a night off." Dom said, setting her beer on the table. She turned to Hail and slid an arm around her shoulders.

"I don't doubt it." Hail sighed, leaning over against Dom. She slung a leg over the arm of the couch and drank more beer.

They lounged in silence for a while. Dom flicked some magic at the stereo and a low jazzy tune came up. Hail closed her eyes and just laid against Dom.

"Viktoria, why me? We're friends, but why do we always end up here?" Dom asked.

"You're old." Hail said idly without opening her eyes.

"Thanks." Dom snorted.

"No. Seriously. I've been around for damn near two millennia. My dad was born in literal biblical times. It's hard to connect too deeply with anyone when you have that kind of a gap. You're what, going on two hundred? You can at least understand what it's like to be here longer than everyone." Hail looked up at her from her shoulder, "I'm not naive. We don't love each other. But it's nice to have a good fuck and at least be able to have a conversation over breakfast."

Dom smiled, "Huh. I hadn't thought that much about that. Spent so much time in my studies that a connection with a person never really came up. I mean, those of the Wise only usually live to three or four hundred. I mean, some biomancers can go longer... And I probably will too with this instability. But usually humans don't have to-"

"Dom." Hail interrupted.

"Right. Sorry." Dom chuckled and pulled her a bit closer.

They relaxed on the couch until their beers were empty. Dom got two more and they cuddled up to finish those as well. Once they were empty on the coffee table, Hail got up and pulled Dom to her feet. She walked her down the short hallway and into the bedroom, "Let's see what that girly body can do."

"Yes ma'am." Dom chuckled as the bedroom door creaked shut behind her.

She watched with idle interest as Hail pulled off her shirt and undid her bra. She didn't have an ounce of fat on her, yet her breasts were still wonderfully shaped. Her chest was taut and her belly showed her abs clearly. She turned and undid her pants. Her movements made a little show of sliding them down, exposing a taut and round butt leading to long, muscular legs. She looked over her shoulder at Dom and frowned, "Well?"
"Oh like I can't stop and admire you? You know how long it's been since I've seen you naked? Leave me be for a second." Dom laughed and let her eyes drift down to her hips and ass again.

Hail huffed and turned to grab Dom, "You're not the only one wanting to see a naked body."

She pulled her shirt up and Dom let her. Unlike Hail, Dom was not cut and muscular. She was shapely and buxom with her wide hips and well shaped ass. How a character with that kind of body ever got into a kid's movie is a mystery. Hail eyed her big boobs as they fell free of the black bra she had on. Her hands went down and she slowly pushed down her jeans, exposing the fair skin of her legs and letting Hail enjoy an eyeful of her hips.

The muscular woman let out a whistle, "That is one fine body. Times like this, I wish I had a dick to make the most of it."

"Some how I think we'll find a way to have fun without any dicks." Dom smirked, sliding her arms around Hail's body. She pulled her close and met her in a passionate kiss. Hail's strong hands found their way further south and she dug her fingers into Dom's round ass.

Born a man, a few years ago something like this might've bothered Dom, but with her affliction it wasn't the first time she had been a woman. She just focused on holding Hail close and wrestling tongues with her. That only lasted for about a minute.

Hail abruptly picked her up and flung her flat on the bed. She growled like a beast and leapt on her. Her head went down between Dom's round thighs and her tongue probed deep into her wet slit. The sensations that coursed up her body were powerful. They made her heart skip and her breath came short. She gasped and pushed her head back, digging fingers into the sheets.

Hail's mouth was strong and she pushed her tongue in deep. It wriggled about and occasionally slipped to flick at her clit. Dom was writhing and her back came up sharply when Hail's tongue did a pushy dance over her clitoris. Her heart was beating wildly now and it had her head spinning.

"Oh fuck! Damn you're good at that!" Dom panted as she raised her head.

"Well don't hog it all." Hail said, crawling around her. She straddled Dom and pressed her bare pussy down on her. Dom didn't protest, instead digging her tongue in deep and letting Hail ride her. "Yes! That's it."

She gyrated her hips and worked herself into a heated passion. Dom could only appreciate what a wild ride that woman was.


The next day found the two of then spooning in the early morning light. A buzz and jingle from the bedside stand made Hail stir. She turned away from Dom's warm body curled in her arms and grabbed her phone, "Hail."

"Lieutenant? We have a lead on that missing child. Huge burst of dark magic early this morning. Consistent with the rituals you told us to look out for." An officer said.

Hail was on her feet and crammed the phone against her ear as she grabbed her pants, "Give me the details." He quickly read out an address and what the SI investigators had found. Hail huffed, "On my way. Message Katelyn and Caroline. I want them there with me."

He gave an affirmative and Hail hung up. She ripped the blankets off the bed and planted a slap on Dom's pale white ass that left a bright red handprint. Dom yelped and jumped at both the cold and the pain, "What the hell?"

"Found some dark magic and maybe our missing kid. Don't burn my house down. Breakfast is in the fridge. Catch you later, cutie." Hail smirked and kissed Dom on the cheek.



Yun-Hee Sun didn't remember the night before. In fact, she didn't really remember anything of the entire previous day. She woke up groggy, slouched on her couch with pleasure radiating through her body. Her eyes cracked with gunk as she forced them open and found a pair of deep onyx horns bobbing on her cock.

Wait, what.

A shock lit her spine and made her jerk forward. In the process, the huge dick jutting from her crotch rammed down the throat of the dusky skinned creature sucking her off. There was a loud gurgle of surprise and she felt wet, warmth convulse around her shaft. It proved too much and her muscles jerked. An instinctive feeling coursed through her pelvis and her hips bucked forward. Her spine and ass seemed to clench up tightly, precluding the heat that flooded her nethers.

Her vision blurred and her crotch humped, pushing out a thick, creamy load. She felt more pleasure erupt through her and she went limp. Her dick continued spurting weakly and the horns bobbed softly. There was a gentle slurping and the most beautiful creature Yun had ever see sat up before her. She smiled a smile that sent a flood of desire through Yun before she stood up.

The creature had deep purple skin, with a faded dusky hue to it. Her eyes were almond shaped and blazing deep green. Her lips were nearly black and pearly cum glimmered on them. Onyx black horns curled out from her forehead to curve back over her skull. She had long tresses of silvery white hair that was a stark contrast to her skin. Her whole face had a shape of sharp, inhuman beauty.

Down from her neck spread thin, perfect shoulders towards a lithe chest that supported almost comically enormous breasts. They weren't just boobs as big as Yun's head though. They were round and full, the kind of tits that men dream about and plastic surgeons wished and hoped they could create. They were boobs that could suffocate a man in both happiness and milky dreams. Her nipples were coal black against her dark skin, areolae as big as her palms and perky nips that stuck out almost an inch.

Her waist was thin, her belly button cute. Her hips flared out into a sexy gait that could draw the eyes of the blind. From her crotch hung a rather enormous equine looking erection in the same dusky color, probably near a foot in length with fist sized testes beneath it. Her legs continued down, curvy and seemingly endless and unbelievably sexy. They were bent back like that of a horse's rear legs with dark hooves in place of feet. Behind her snapped a long, spade tipped tail.

"You taste vonderful Mistress. I thank you for ze snack. How may I pleasure you next..." The succubus cooed, voice dripping with lust and unrestrained passion. She spoke with an accent that belied the long fangs in her mouth and her springy, sensual tongue.

Yun was a little too shocked to respond. That is, her eyes were wide, her heart was pounding, and her head was roiling in confusion. She looked down at herself. Her body was naked and from where a tuft of pubes used to sit rose a massive cock and below that a pair of balls bigger than the succubi's. She made a little incomprehensible sound and touched the hot flesh. It was throbbing and stiff, thick with foreskin and radiating a rich musk. Her hand slowly slid down to her sack and fondled one of the massive orbs, barely able to get her fingers more than halfway around it.

"Is zat a hint, my Mistress? I vould be only too happy to comply." She said and knelt back down. Her hands slid up Yun's supple legs and her mouth went to the giant spunk makers.

"No! Stop!" Yun finally choked out, waving a hand.

The succubus looked displeased but she obeyed, sitting back on her ankles.

Yun rubbed at her head, "What is going on? I don't understand what's happened to me."

The succubus smiled disarmingly white teeth, "You summoned me, Mistress. The blood has been paid and I am yours forever more. I will obey your every command and fill any desire you wish."

"What? I didn't... I mean... I don't... Ohh, my head hurts." Yun pushed herself to her feet.

Her body didn't like that and weakness overtook her legs. Her balance wobbled and she tumbled forward. The succubus was on her hooves in a flash and she caught her. With her hooves, she stood nearly a foot taller than the fun-sized, five foot Yun. She cradled her head on those massive, surprisingly fluffy breasts and held her close. Her voice was like velvet, "Mistress. Please, be careful. I am bound to you for as long as you draw breath. I vish one as beautiful as you vould command me for years to come."

Her blood seemed to flow back to where it belonged and her head righted itself. She pushed back and shook her head, "Alright. I'm fine. Let me get a drink."

Yun walked past the succubus, the fluffy blue carpet warm under her toes. Her apartment was not large but it was cosy. She headed into the kitchen and stopped as her blood turned cold.

Laying on her floor, naked and pale, was the corpse of a child. A girl, maybe nine or ten, was laid flat in the middle of a pentagram drawn from dried blood. Her eyes stared blankly at the ceiling and the scent of death filled the air. The girl had been slashed neatly across the throat and she had long since bled out. What should've been an incredibly messy was instead strangely clean. There was no blood anywhere. For a second, everything just sort of went still and it took a moment to click with Yun.

Nausea welled up in her and she backpedaled, dashing for the bathroom. She fell before the toilet and violently wretched into it. Her guts churned with horrified disgust and she regurgitated everything that was in her. By the time it started to relent, her throat burned from the stomach acid she had thrown up. She leaned on the sink counter and panted. A look up at the mirror showed a haunted face.

She was a young woman of oriental descent. Her skin was lightly tan and she had short dark hair around her ears. Her lips were small and her nose cute. Her dark eyes were sunken and wide from the horror. From her neck down, she wasn't really herself anymore. She only just realized she had probably gone up a dozen cup sizes from from her formerly near flat chest to now porn star size jugs. Her hips felt wider and plumper from the way they moved, no doubt leaving her with an all around sexier butt.

The succubus appeared in the doorway, "Are you okay, Mistress?"

"What?! No! I am damn well not okay! Why the fuck is there a dead girl in my kitchen?" Yun wheezed.

The succubus rolled her eyes, "Because zat was the cost for me to be summoned and bound to you."

"So you did this? What the fuck is wrong with you?" Yun hissed, putting her hands on the tub. She pushed herself shakily upright and stared at the demoness.

"I didn't do anything." She sighed, "You cut her throat and used her life blood as the fuel the ritual."

"No I didn't! I would never kill a child! You were the one being paid, whoever did it is at fault just as much as you!" Yun howled.

Her dark green eyes narrowed, "I did not vish to be paid in such a way. I have no say in how rituals get their power. I find ze use of ones so young repugnant. It is a waste of good life that has not had a chance to grow into adulthood. Children are naive and simple. Adults, however, can be corrupted into beacons of lust and greed and violence. I prefer the sacrifice of the old and the feeble, those vithout use in this world."

Yun stared at her with wide eyes, "What am I even saying? This is madness! Its all a bad dream. I'll wake up soon. Demons and child sacrifices, what insanity!"

"Do not deny reality. I am real, vhat has happened is real. I am, until your death, inexorably bound to your soul and your vill." The Succubus said and she gestured to her neck. A braid of onyx and gold sat tightly there like a collar. Similar bands wrapped her wrists and ankles.

"Oh! So you have to obey me? Then go back to hell and give the girl back her life." Yun roared.

"I can do neither. It is true zat I must obey, but I cannot do anything outside if my power." She shook her head.

Yun started to say something when there was a thump on her door. She looked past the Succubus just in time to see a flare of blinding light around the door frame and then the door launched inwards. Her mind couldn't keep up with everything that happened. There was light and noise everywhere. Suddenly Yun found herself on the ground beneath the demoness and purple blood splattered her face.

There was a verdant rage in the demoness' eyes. She turned and launched herself towards the doorway, meeting a flash of black scales and ivory white claws in mid air. It took Yun a second to realize that the succubus was protecting her. There was bloody gashes all down her back where the splinters of the door had slashed into her flesh. Now she was embroiled in a wild brawl with a creature that looked like half woman, half dragon dressed in tiny black shorts and a tight white tank top. The fight didn't last long at all though.

There was another flash of light and a second woman, this one plain looking in jeans and a loose hoodie, walked in. A glowing rune floated before her outstretched palm and the demoness was wrenched back and into the air. Cool blue light shone around her hands and feet to hold her still.

"Kate, keep her while I take the warlock!" The dragon woman growled and she leapt straight at Yun.

Yun screamed in terror and curled back into a ball. The last thing she saw before she turned away was the woman's eyes. Reptilian and blazing with a fury so deep and vast that it bore into her very soul. She could feel a weight of those eyes upon her even when she couldn't see them. Just as she thought she was going to be shredded into ribbons and devoured, a loud voice boomed, "Caroline! Do not kill her! Katelyn, be careful."

The pain didn't come. Nor did the ripping claws and burning eyes. Instead, powerful hands gripped her arms and lifted her bodily to her feet. The dragon woman was staring at her only inches away, smoke curling from the side of her mouth. Yun sobbed harder, trying uselessly to squirm out of the woman's grip. She had fingers like steel bands that pulled her arms behind her back and turned her to face the room.

Standing in the middle of the room was the woman, Katelyn, still holding the Succubus in the air by magic. Beside her stood another woman, not much taller than Yun herself but she had broad shoulders and powerful arms. Her hair was military short and light blonde. She looked at Yun and Yun flinched. If dragon woman had eyes burning with an endless fury, then this woman's eyes were cold and immovable as a glacier.

"You wizard scum. You think you can hold me with this?" The Succubus growled, a smile parting her dark lips. She seemed to strain for a minute and then Yun's arms were pulled up painfully.

"Stop! Try to break free and I'll rip the arms off your master. Command your demon to behave." Caroline growled behind Yun.

"She's not mine! I don't know whats going on! I just woke up to all this! Please don't kill me!" Yun sobbed pathetically.

"Stop lying and do it! I can see the corpse in the kitchen! You tell her to obey!" Caroline roared and pulled hard enough on Yun that something popped in her shoulders.

She screamed in agony, "Fine! Whatever! Do it! Do whatever they say!" She slumped into boneless pain in Caroline's grip, whimpering softly.

"Yes, Mistress." The Succubus said, voice dripping with venom and hatred. She went still and stared down at Kate angrily.

The blonde woman walked into the kitchen, looked down at the child and sighed, "It's her. This is Holly Stephenson."

"Jesus. I've never seen a ritual like this." Katelyn hissed, looking away from the Succubus.

The blonde woman sighed, "I have. If you've got the knowledge, anyone can do this. Simple demon summoning with a human sacrifice."

"Well, that's that then. I say we rid ourselves of one sick child killer." Caroline growled and brought one of her clawed hands up to rest on Yun's throat.

"Stop. She hasn't lied." The blonde woman held up a hand.

"Lieutenant?" Katelyn raised an eyebrow, "Are you certain? Because the demon is definitely bound to her. There is some kind of magic connection between them."

"And the child's body is right there in her kitchen. Seems pretty cut and dry to me!" Caroline said and Yun flinched away from her hand in fear.

The Lieutenant shook her head, "But she hasn't lied once. She honestly doesn't know whats going on, she doesn't believe the Succubus is hers. Caroline, put her down on the couch."

Caroline huffed but obeyed, half walking, half carrying Yun over to set her on the couch. She didn't move more than an arm's length away though.

The Lieutenant came over and knelt down before Yun. Yun crossed her hands in embarrassment over her naked lower half. Her shoulders still burned and she just wanted to curl up away from the world. The woman's ice blue eyes bored into her and she spoke, "Did you kill that girl?"

"What? No! No, I told you guys! I don't know whats going on!" Yun choked out and fresh tears welled in her eyes.

"Do you know how this demon came to be connected with you? Did you have anything to do with that?" She asked calmly.

"No, I didn't even know demons existed! Oh God, I thought this was all a nightmare! Is this really happening?" Yun choked out, staring at the Lieutenant.

"Yes. My name is Lieutenant Viktoria Hail. You're going to have to come with us. Your apartment is now a crime scene. Get some clothes on and we'll take you down to the station." Lieutenant Hail said softly.

"Am I under arrest?" Yun asked apprehensively.

Hail nodded, "Yes. For the time being. Once we know what is going on, we'll get everything sorted out. I believe that you didn't do it, but there is a body in your house and we have far too many problems at the moment."

"Oh." Yun slumped. It didn't really seem fair. She had just woken up to all this chaos.

"Don't worry. It won't take but a few days." Hail said and she stood up.

"What about this thing." Caroline said with distaste as she pointed at the Succubus.

Hail raised an eyebrow, "If she is really bound to the girl, then she can control her with word alone. She'll come too and be locked up all the same."

"In the station? That?" Caroline raised an eyebrow.

"Give her some clothes. Everyone will take it to be really good cosplay." Katelyn said simply.

The Succubus growled but remained compliant.


They were driven back to the Seattle Police Department in a black SUV. Hail drove and Yun sat quietly in the passenger seat. She wore black sweatpants that barely fit over her newly expanded tush and a worn old logo'd T that used to be two sizes too large. Now it barely fit over her bust. She didn't even try to find a bra or panties.

In the back seat, Caroline was keeping a close eye on the Succubus, her draconic claws at the ready. The Succubus looked unperturbed, wrapped in Yun's blue bath robe as it was the only thing that could fit her immensely shapely form. Even then, it only came to mid thigh. Her cock would've been dangling freely if it wasn't for the extra pair of stretchy blue basketball shorts that Caroline had in the car. She looked keen for the Succubus to start something. Yun had told her to come along quietly though, and so she did.

At the station, they were shuffled quickly down the hall and into the holding cells. A few guards stared at Caroline and the Succubus, muttering something about 'Fucking SI' The gate on the cell latched shut and Caroline was left in quiet emptiness with only the Succubus. They sat a few feet apart on the bench in the cell.

Yun thought about the wounds and the blood the Succubus had been dripping. She sighed quietly, "You... Saved me. You fought to defend me. Are you okay?"

"I'll be fine, Mistress. Such vounds are trivial and quickly mended." The Succubus said, dropping the robe around her waist. The bloody gashes on her back were already closed up and some looked like they were already scarring over.

"What is your name?" Yun asked.

"I am called Nalschiel of the Highborne. I am one of the ancient Succubi Queens of hell. You may call me vhat you wish, but I am often known as Nal." She said with a nod of her horned head.
"Queens? There are queens in hell?" Yun raised an eyebrow.

"Of course. Power is everything and the greatest among us rule. I am one of the most powerful Succubi." Nal said with a flourish of her hair and wiggle of her chest.

The sight of it sent a bolt of heat through Yun's loins and she felt a strange pulsing in her cock. She groaned and shook her head, "What about my... My genitals? Why did you do that?"

"I did not. I cannot expend my powers in this world without the permission of my Mistress. Even zen, such precise modification of someone else's body vould be difficult to the extreme. I vouldn't attempt it lightly." Nal shook her head.

"What about the girl? Who did kill her?" Yun asked, "You must know something."

"I told you all I know already. The ritual vas constructed. The price vas paid. I vas summoned. I vas bound to you, so everything points to you having done it." Nal explained with an exasperated sigh.

Yun put her face in her hands and moaned, "No, no. I wouldn't. I couldn't have. I mean... A child! I don't even know what that ritual was, let alone being capable of it. I don't have any magic powers."

"It doesn't require magic. Zats ze point of human sacrifice. There is power in life and blood enough to fuel all manner of spells." Nal pointed out.

A deep sense of foreboding suddenly weighed upon Yun. What if she couldn't prove her innocence?



It took until lunch for Lieutenant Hail to come back to the holding cells. She unlocked the cage and opened the door, "Yun. Please come along. We have a lot to talk about."

Yun rose and Nal started to as well until Hail looked at her, "No. Remain here until I say."

Yun turned and smiled weakly, "Please, stay. It'll just be easier."

Nal scowled and sat back down, arms folded across her bare chest. Yun followed Hail out and they headed down towards another hallway. She led her into a sterile looking interrogation room. There was a steel table and two chairs. She gestured to one and took the other.

Yun sat down nervously and looked around. A few folders were sitting on the table, along with a bagel, some cream cheese and what smelled suspiciously like hot coffee. Her stomach growled in protest at this teasing display. Hail gave a small smile and she pushed the bagel and coffee to her, "Go on. We may be here a while."

"Thanks." Yun smiled. She quickly split the bagel and set about devouring it.

"Sun Yun-Hee. Daughter of Chinese immigrants, Sun Lu Kei and Guang Jiao. Your father and mother both came here with their parents on work Visas when they were still children in the sixties. You were born to them in nineteen ninety. Your father currently lives in Redmond, and your mother died five years ago while your father continues to own and run a small mechanic shop. This all correct?" Lieutenant Hail read out of one of the manilla folders before her.

Yun nodded and swallowed, "You aren't going to tell him all this, are you?"

"Not until there is a verdict. Katelyn, would you come in please." Hail said to nobody. There was a buzz and the door opened, admitting Katelyn and a woman that Yun didn't recognize.

Well, she didn't recognize her at first. She didn't have those reptilian eyes or the black scales, and she was nearly a foot shorter. The lack of seven foot stature cut back on her intimidation, but she still looked dangerous. She had donned soft slacks and a loose button up shirt. She still watched Yun closely though as she took a place in the far corner and crossed her arms. Her stance was that of someone confident in their strength and wanting to project that confidence to assure compliance from the rest of the room.

Yun could still feel those blazing, fury-filled eyes and she could see the flashing ivory fangs. It made her shudder to think of that fury turned upon her and how very close she had come to dying.

"Yun, over here. Caroline isn't here to attack you." Hail said, snapping her fingers softly. Her eyes went to Caroline, "Jeez, dragon, I don't think you realize what kind of a swath you cut through a room."

Caroline frowned, "I know exactly what I do. I do it because I want people to know exactly where they stand against me."

Yun put her head in her hands and tried not to cry. The memory of that innocent child's body on her kitchen floor still haunted her deeply.

"Hey. What did I say about that big bully thing you've been doing." Katelyn smacked Caroline on the arm sharply, "You and Draconis both need to cool it."

Caroline growled at her, literally. She bared her teeth and basso rumbling issued from her chest. Katelyn barked a sharp laugh in her face and kissed her full on the lips. That got her attention and surprise lit her face, leaving her looking much less intimidating for just a few moments. Katelyn turned to Yun and put a hand on her shoulder, "I know how it is being thrown into this world you've never known about. I was pretty startled months ago when it all happened to me. My big, scaly butthead of a wife over there isn't really helping. But when it comes to children being hurt, she's utterly irrational. Good reasons for it, but she still is. Don't let her rattle you too much. I'll kick her in the butt if I have to. I trust the Lieutenant's word if she says you didn't do it. You don't strike me as a killer much either."

Yun gave a weak smile and she really did feel better at those words. The Lieutenant coughed and said, "Alright. Well, Kate. Lets talk about whats going on right now. First, let's assume she is innocent. Hundred percent, she didn't do it. What are your thoughts about everything?"

"Well, someone has gone to some lengths to stage all this. That ritual didn't look like amateur work, especially considering what it summoned. If Yun is innocent then this just got a lot more complex than a child going missing and the remnants of a dark spell lingering about her house. Someone set her up for a reason and we don't have any clues. Whats more concerning is that, from what I understand of summoning that I've read from my predecessor's books, only two outcomes are possible if the summoning succeeds. One, the summoner lets the creature loose and it obeys nobody's will..." Katelyn looked concerned down at Yun.

"Or?" Hail asked impatiently.

"Or they bind it entirely to themselves. This winds the very life force of the two beings together. The summoner is given inalienable control over the summoned being. It's a contract of sorts, when the being agrees to be summoned, it agrees to the possibility of this binding. Likewise, the summoner agrees that, if bound, they will be attached to them until one of them dies. There are some edge cases of this binding changing hosts, but it didn't specify anything. In most cases like elementals or small demons, this just means that they stay here and under control until they run out if power and are sucked back to where they came from." Katelyn said, tapping a finger nervously on her arm.

"Which means what?" Caroline growled.

"A being like this Succubus is much more difficult to summon and they can gather power while they're here. They won't just fade away over time and they can break loose of the bindings. Also in Yun's case, due to this magical contract, it means she wanted this to happen." Katelyn's voice trailed off weakly.

"No I didn't! I didn't do it! I don't want to summon demons!" Yun squealed.

Hail waved at her with a sigh, "And she believes it. Not a false word among them. So theories?"

"Its impossible. As far as I know, one summoner cannot summon up a being and then bind it to another person unless they agree to it. It cannot be done. Best case, you force the connection with them and you get two beings tied together but not bound. At least that's what I think." Katelyn shook her head.

"Okay. So we know all that. What if she isn't innocent? What if she did do it? How is it possible that she is telling me truthfully that she didn't? Mind magic?" Hail asked her.

Yun's heart skipped and flopped, bringing cold sweat to her hands. She stared at the half empty mug in her hand and clenched her eyes shut. This wasn't a train of thought she wanted to ride.

Katelyn looked at Caroline and then back at Hail, Possible, but difficult. If she did it and then changed her own memory, its would explain it. But changing anything huge like weeks or months would be devastatingly painful and leave irreparable damage to the psyche. I doubt she was some evil warlock and changed her entire personality and memories. She'd be more unstable. There would be signs. I would be able to sense that much psychic trauma."

"Any other ways it could be possible? If she had to agree to this, then I presume she had to be conscious. Someone couldn't just knock her out and slit the girl's throat with her hand." Hail sighed.

There was silence for a minute and then Yun spoke up, "If... Even if I could do these things... I wouldn't kill a child. Never."

"Well, you can't use magic so none of this matters anyway. Someone else did this, somehow we're not seeing. We have to figure it out, but time is not on our side. I am sorry about this. You're under arrest for the murder of Holly Stephenson. You need to come with me." Hail said, standing and taking Yun's arm.

"What?" Yun squeaked.

She walked the stunned Yun from the room and spoke in hushed tones, "Now, as an officer of the law, I must officially advise against any escape attempts. Such an attempt would only serve to delay our investigation and give us more time to find more facts. It would be especially difficult for us if you could command a demon of hell to whisk you away with magic. If that happened, then the SPD would be verklempt over their neatly wrapped murder suspect and might be forced to accept other evidence."

They stopped before her previous cell and Hail put her in before locking it and walking away. Nal looked up from the bench. She had pulled her robe back up and her verdant gaze was intent on Yun. She spoke quietly, "What happened?"

"I think... Hail intends for us to escape and head back for clues. She and her friends think I'm innocent but they have no other suspects. If we escape, it buys time for investigation to prove my innocence. Do you have some way we could get out without being seen?" Yun asked in a whisper, "We need to get back to my apartment."

Nal smirked a crooked smile that could've made men cum on the spot. Yun felt herself growing erect and she stamped down the emotions as best she could. Her voice came out in a purr, "But if course, my Mistress. Let us be off."

She stood and raised her hands, purple runes and sigils gathering around her wrists. The light touched Yun and gentle wind gathered around them. There was an intangible pressure and then suddenly, Yun felt herself melt. Well, sort of. One second she was standing there, the next she just kind of oozed into an incoherent blue cloud. It was a fantastic sensation that made her feel like she was drifting weightless on the breeze.

In front of her, Nal had become a jade cloud. It swirled forward and gathered up Yun's intangible body. They whisked off down the hall together and out a tiny crack of the nearest window. In the blink of an eye, they raced off across the city. They cleared buildings and blocks, quite literally as fast as the wind. It took mere moments to reach Yun's apartment in blinding speed and there was a powerful whoosh of sensation.

Yun stood sold again, rocking gently, on the cement before her apartment door. Police tape had been spread over the shattered doorframe but no officers were in sight. Yun remembered all at once to breathe and she gasped in a deep lungful of sweet air. She exhaled loudly and shook her head, "What a rush! How did you even do that?"

"Transmogging our bodies temporarily into smoke is a simple trick. But very useful. Shall ve go inside?" Nal said, gesturing to the tape.

Yun nodded and ducked between the hung tape. She tried to mentally prepare herself for what she was about to see. Her feet felt numb as she strode towards the kitchen.

A thin white sheet had been tucked neatly around the girl's body. It didn't make the room any less morbid, but Yun didn't immediately lose her bagels and coffee.

"What can you tell me, Nal?" Yun asked, tiptoeing carefully around the bloody pentagram.

"It's a basic demon summoning circle. Blood vas used to draw it, as is tradition. A human sacrifice vas made and ze blood given vas drawn down into hell. It's power fueled my summoning here." Nal said simply.

Yun shuddered, "So if someone just... Just drew this and killed someone on it, it would summon you?"

"No, of course not. There are vords to be spoken, chants to call down to hell. My attention is not easily gathered. Whoever did zis succeeded though, as I have not been summoned in centuries." Nal shook her head, "Not to mention, it takes more than zis piddly ritual."

"Are you saying there was more rituals or what?" Yun looked up at her, "More... Sacrifices?"

"No, no. But in order to command ze power, mortals need implements. Candles. Incense. Sounds. All to focus your spirit and control so much power. Whoever did this vas a powerful practitioner if they did not use such things." Nal said, gesturing around at the lack of other ritual things in the kitchen. Besides the four foot circle on the floor, everything was perfectly in order.

Yun rubbed her brow and groaned, "I thought these rituals had to be done right? Perfect?"

"For the greatest chance of success, yes. But in theory, a mortal vith enough power could, vithout any circle or sacrifice at all, reach into hell and call me." Nal said, "It's never been done because it's needlessly difficult, but any and all steps of a ritual can be omitted at ze summoner's peril."

"So we know they did this with only a simple circle and... And the girl..." Yun looked out the kitchen window, willing her roiling stomach to calm down.

"Indeed. But you have not asked ze important question yet. Vhy? Vhy do it here and vhy frame you? Who are you?" Nal asked, squatting down and looking under the sheet. Her tail flicked about from beneath the robe.

"Me? I'm nobody. I'm a Chinese girl working as a secretary just trying to pay off her student loans. There's nothing special about me at all. I didn't even believe in demons and magic until today. It all still seems like such nonsense but there you are anyway." Yun turned and she flinched, "Oh God, put that sheet down. Leave the girl alone until the cops can take her away."

"There's something under here though." Nal said, lifting the girl's corpse. She moved it to the side of the pentagram and looked down, "Huh."

Yun looked down and her nausea was surprised by what was written there. Traditional Chinese lettering on the floor tile where the girl's body had prevented the blood from spreading. She read it out loud, "Sh? s? S?nw�k?ng."

"I'm ancient but I don't know all of your mortal languages." Nal said, laying the girl's covered body back where it was.

"Kill the Monkey King. Well, not specifically but when written like that, its meaning is obvious. The last bit doesn't actually mean Monkey King but it was the name of the Monkey King." Yun said, crossing her arms.

Nal stood upright and looked at her, "What does that mean? Does it mean something you you?"

Yun nodded, "I'll tell you on the way. Let's get out of here before the cops get back."



Dom lazed about Hail's house until lunchtime. She knew from looking into the futures of that day that she wouldn't return until late that evening. It had been almost a year since Hail had invited her over for a romp and her house had barely changed. She couldn't resist a snoop through Hail's closet and her underwear. It was as disappointing as ever; Hail only ever wore athletic underwear. She didn't own anything sexy or naughty at all. Still, it was sexy in it's own way, thinking about that gorgeous muscular legs wearing a tight little pair of grey sports bottoms.

She decided to get dressed after swiping a sandwich from her fridge. She held it in one hand and waved her free hand in a circle before her. There was a quiet hum of magic and a wavering dark circle appeared in the kitchen. It solidified and air flowed through it, opening a portal to Hail's office down at SI. She stepped through and it snapped shut behind her.

"Finally get your lazy butt up?" Hail asked as she clicked on her keyboard. She didn't glance away from the monitor as Dom took a bite of the sandwich. There was a slight smile at the corner of her mouth, "Enjoy raiding my food?"

"Oh it's one sandwich every few months. Maybe if you had me over more..." Dom teased, sitting down at the desk.

Hail rolled her eyes and glanced at her, "Last night was wonderful, but you know that I have responsibilities. Give me six months to get wound up and stressed out again. Then I'll buy some beer and invite you over again. Assuming we're still here. By the way, how is the future looking? We found the girl and a demon summoning circle. there was a succubus bound to the woman there but it was imposed by a third party, we believe."

"Such things are possible. All you'd have to do is mind control the victim, do the ritual, and force them to accept the binding. I haven't seen much fluctuations in the future, but it'd take me more than a few minutes to see any small changes. I get the feeling you are moving in the right direction though." Dom explained.

"Good. I let the woman escape an hour ago to delay the investigation. Hope she's smart enough to come back secretly to ease the headaches I'm going to get from higher up for this. I need you to go back to her house and see what you can dig up. Look into the past and see what happened there." Hail told her.

Dom raised an eyebrow, "Really? Commanding me? I'm not on your little Rolodex of soldiers."

Hail leveled a flat stare on her, "I will break you over my knee, little girl. You want to stop this destruction just like I do."

"Fair point. I'll go take a look. What's the address?" Dom sighed and stood up, finishing her sandwich. Hail scribbled on a sticky note and passed it to her. She nodded her thanks and stepped through another portal.


The police had come and gone by the time Dom got there a few minutes later. She slipped through the taped door and into the apartment. It was a quaint little number with a cozy living room, a plush couch, and a nice kitchen. There was still a summoning circle painted on the floor but the body was gone. Domm knelt down near it and closed her eyes.

Her magical senses reached out to the threads of time around her and she took ahold of them. She followed them back into the past, reaching for events that had already past. The kitchen shifted around her and light raced past. Time rolled back and she saw the body reappear. She saw police dash about at increased speeds in reverse. They passed and Hail reappeared with her comrades. There was a fight that didn't last long at all. Dom kept reaching further back into the past. The woman, Yun, was clearly sickened by the body. She dashed about and flopped on the couch. The succubus gave her a rather vigorous blowjob and she fell asleep, all of this the reverse of what happened.

Then it got interesting.

The succubus was idly walking around the house, clearly waiting for Yun to wake up. Then another person came back from the door and joined her, a person in a dark robe. Dom forced time back another hour and then watched it happen in real time, letting the sound in as well. Dom got to her feet and looked around the apartment. Yun was asleep in her bed and she had an obviously thinner body. Something had changed her between now and the present.

Across the apartment, there was a rattling at the door and a flash of black magic. The door creaked open and the cloaked figure entered. The succubus followed behind, her tail snapping impatiently. The succubus had a naked girl's corpse slung over her shoulder and she shut the door.
"Put her down. We must set everything proper of my plan is to succeed." The cloaked figure said. Dom walked around him, inspecting him closely. There was a shadow over his face, a magical shroud that prevented his face from being seen.

"Yes, master." The succubus said coldly, setting the corpse on the ground in the kitchen.

She and the cloaked man walked into the bedroom. Yun mumbled something and stirred. The man raised his hand and said a few words. A black rune shone darkly above his hand and Yun went limp again. He put his hand on her head and spoke another word, "Her memory has been erased. Give me your hand."

The succubus nodded and held out her hand. The cloaked man lifted Yun's hand and began to chant. A dark glow emanated from his hands and spread to both hands he was holding. The dark magic spread into a thin wire connecting the two and he let go of them, "She is bound to you now. I leave the rest up to you. I expect you to do as I instructed. I will be going to the Underground to ready the final ritual. Forty-eight hours, Nalschiel. No more."

"Yes, master." The succubus nodded and the cloaked man waved his hand in the air. Dark magic swirled out from a rune above his palm and it surged into the air. There was a soft rumbling as the magic spread into the night. Then darkness engulfed him and he disappeared. The succubus groaned and shook her head, "Stupid dickless wonder. Why did I have to be summoned by him? By all the hells, I hope I can at least get one good fuck before I have to go back to him."

She picked up Yun and carried her into the living room. With a wave of her hand, she disintegrated her clothing and then put her hands on her chest. She hummed quietly as she worked. Where her hands went, crimson light flowed into Yun and her flesh crafted into the shape that the succubus was making. Her breasts inflated, her hips widened and her thighs thickened. She smiled lecherously and reached around her hips, fondling her ass with a smile. The succubus's dick hardened as she fondled her sleeping body. She looked around as if expecting to see her cloaked master looming nearby. Then her eyes went back to Yun, "I'll follow his instructions in a few minutes. Might as well get my nuts off first."

Her clawed hand stroked at her horsecock and she spread Yun's unconscious thighs. Her tongue flicked around her lips and precum spurted from her cock. She pushed it slowly into Yun's pussy and wetness flooded forth. A moan escaped her lips and she pushed herself right to her sheath, "Oh that's the stuff. Even if I can't get a good dick in me, at least I get to have fun with this. Fuck yea~"

She moaned as she humped against the limp Yun. Her huge balls slapped about and she grabbed Yun's newly grown tits. Her breathing grew quicker and she groaned with relief. Cum exploded around her dick and poured out of Yun. She kept humping until she had started to inflate the girl and had made a seriously huge mess out of the couch and floor. A sigh escaped her, "That's a load better. What I wouldn't give for a good dicking though."

As she pulled free and cum flooded over her lap, she looked down at Yun. An evil smile split her lips and she raised her hands. She played them through the cum coating her nethers and crimson light flowed out of her. The cum seemed to soak into her skin and her pussy flowed like puddy. It closed and stretched upward. A huge cock blossomed forward and a small sack inflated beneath it. The succubus chuckled and groped the balls, "Grow. Come on. Bigger. Bigger. Bigger than that. Bigger~!" As she seemed to chant it, Yun's testicles just kept growing and growing and growing until they were inhumanly massive. The succubus chuckled and waved her hands about. All the cum was washed away in a single spell, leaving Yun lying clean on the couch with her new body.

The succubus then gathered up the corpse and headed into the kitchen. She raised one clawed finger and traced it over the ground, leaving lines of dried blood. She drew what had been there in the present, along with the Chinese etching proclaiming death to the Monkey King. The succubus seemed to be satisfied with her work and she set the body down over it before going to wait for Yun's awakening.

Dom snapped back to the present, her body a little heated, and she huffed, "Wow. That is certainly an implication. God would that make a ridiculous porno too."

She picked herself up off the ground and her legs wobbled a bit. Bad as the situation was, she couldn't help but be horny and jealous of that succubus. What a fantastic body she sauntered around with. It took her a moment and a glass of cold water to cool her head. Once she did, she looked at the clock. Maybe an hour passed while she had gazed through the past and she raised her hand. A shift in light and a portal slowly appeared before her. She stepped through it and back into Hail's office.

"So what did you find out?" Hail didn't appear to have moved in the hour.

"Whew. What a clusterfuck. Well, first, your suspect is utterly innocent. That demon is the minion of a dark wizard who did all of it. He is the suspect and he is the one doing the ritual. Though what he wanted with that girl, I don't know. Might want to find where she is quickly though because that succubus demon is not under her control." Dom said with a huff.

"I'm sorry? Start from the beginning." Hail turned to her.

Dom explained everything she had seen. She told her everything that had happened since the cloaked man first walked through the door and up to when they arrested her. Hail groaned and rubbed her forehead, "Yea, I haven't a clue where they went. Well that's a bit of a fuck up. I better get someone out looking for her. There's no telling what that demon is going to do."

With a nod, Dom said, "One thing we can be sure of. This madman has figured out some way to summon a seriously big time demon or he has gathered enough of a Cabal to work together on it. Whatever the case, he needs to be the one we stomp."

"Agreed." Hail nodded.



"Grand is Sun Wukong, the Monkey King, in all his splendor. Born of the Earth and the Heavens, from a rock ancient as time immemorial. Heavy is his staff they say, yet he swings it about like naught but hay. Gold mail he wears 'pon his chest and his feet are like air, striding over the clouds. Tricky and deft, quick of wit and easy to anger, the Monkey King declares himself equal to the heavens.

Angry with his pride, the Jade Emperor sends the celestial armies to arrest him. He defeats them all through his wily talent. None can bring him down so the Emperor must relent. He declares the Monkey King the guardian of the heavenly peach garden. These golden fruit blossom but once every three thousand years and their time has come. While standing guard, the Monkey King grows hungry and he devours them. When the fairies of the Jade Emperor come to collect the fruit for the feast, they find what he has done and mock him. Enraged, the Monkeys King lashes out. He causes mayhem and trouble. The Jade Emperor tries to stop him again, sending all he has. The Monkey King fights with all he has and he defeats the army of a hundred thousand led by the Four Heavenly Kings.

Dismayed, the Jade Emperor beseeches the Great Buddha. He is desperate to bring the Monkey King to heel. The Buddha acknowledges and he traps the Monkey King within a mountain. Spells are laid upon it to keep him within. For five hundred years, he is trapped until the monk Xuanzang comes and frees him. Xuanzang binds his forehead with a band of gold to control him when he would cause trouble and he becomes one of Xuanzang's four disciples."

Yun sighed and changed lanes in her little two door Honda. They were driving east on the highway, heading for Redmond. Yun's father was well educated in ancient Chinese mythos. She didn't know what he could tell her but maybe he could have an insight she didn't see. She looked over at Nal in her passenger seat, "That's about all I know of the Monkey King. Dad told me that story hundreds of times growing up. He loved it."

"Does it end there?" Nal raised a silvery eyebrow.

"God no. That's the prologue. There's a lot more to the real story. The tale of Xaunzang's travel to the west is enormous and I don't even remember half of it. But that's where the Monkey King comes from. It's pretty huge in China. They've made all kinds of new renditions of the story." Yun laughed.

They pulled off the freeway and headed towards the quiet little neighborhood her dad lived in. He had a tiny blue house sitting on a quiet corner at the top of a hill. Flowers bloomed in gardens around the house and the grass was immaculate. At the end of the driveway beside the house was a large workshop where her father worked on cars. In the driveway sat an old 50s Ford Truck that Yun had always teased her dad about, if anyone ever called him Mister Miyagi because of it. She pulled in behind it.

"Alright. So I hadn't really thought this far ahead. You can't stay out here but I don't want to terrify my father. So can you turn invisible or something?" Yun asked her as she turned the car off. The little four cylinder engine clicked quietly.

Nal rolled her eyes, "Easy as breathing." And then she faded from view.

The strange part was that Yun knew exactly where she was still. She could somehow feel her existence there, like a warmth that was tied to somewhere in her belly. She shook her head and got out. The door opened and closed on the other side too. Hooves clacked almost soundlessly on the driveway as they walked up to the door.

Yun looked up at the deep purple sky. It was well passed dinner and she hoped her father wouldn't be asleep just yet. Her knuckles wrapped on the door and there was a groan inside. There were some mumbled curses in Chinese and a short man with no hair and a weathered face appeared. He looked up and a smile brightened his face, "Yun! What a wonderful surprise. Come in, come in!"

He stepped back and Yun walked in. She looked back outside at her car, leaving the door open for a long moment before closing it. She could feel Nal slip past and slink into the living room. Yun followed her father and watched him sink down into a fluffy armchair.

Lu Kei Sun was a man weathered with age. His hands were calloused and showed the decades of work within them. His head was completely bald and his eyes were a bright hazel. He smiled as Yun sat down on the couch and he spoke in a deep voice, accented with his Chinese heritage, "So sweetheart, what do I owe the pleasure of seeing you?"

"One hell of a shitty day, dad. I'm in some real trouble." Yun sighed, rubbing her face with one hand.

Lu sat forward, "What can I do sweetie? Anything. I'm not rolling in money, but I've got savings and its all yours if you need it."

Yun shook her head, "Nothing like that. I've... I've been framed for murder."

There was silence in the room. Yun felt her heart fluttering as her father looked her over. His face hardened and he frowned, "What happened?"

"I woke up this morning and... And there she was... A little girl on my kitchen floor. I didn't know what to do... The police busted in and took me. The Lieutenant believes that I'm innocent but she couldn't prove it. I escaped and came here because I found something at my house." Yun said with a hoarse twinge creeping up her throat.

"What was it?" Lu asked.

"Written in Chinese under the body. Kill the Monkey King." Yun said. There was a long silence in the room before she raised her head and looked at Lu. His eyes were distant and she croaked, "I didn't know where else to go Daddy. You always told me so many stories about the Monkey King growing up. I thought... Maybe you could... I dunno... Help?"

Lu let out a long breath and shook his head. He mumbled another Chinese curse and then raised his hand, "You look exhausted. Go in the bedroom and get some sleep. Let me think. I'll be here when you wake up."

Yun nodded weakly and walked out. Nal watched her go. Yun couldn't feel the bond between then yet, but Nal was well versed in such magic. She could sense all of Yun's emotions and she could feel her innermost turmoil. She came here based on the facts that they found but it reached deeper than that. Down to the most primal feeling that her father would protect her, with her father, it was safe. She could feel the peace that edged away Yun's fear and desperation when she crawled into her father's bed. Sleep stole over her in moments.

Behind Nal, Lu shifted and propped his elbows on his knees. He leaned forward and put his chin on his knuckles, gold light spilling from his eyes like flame. "So, Demon, what is your part in this? Who are you to my treasured daughter? Should I kill you now?" He said, staring right at Nal.


When Yun awoke, she stretched in the slow morning sunrise. She hoped everything was a dream, but that was childish at best. She knew it all really happened, knew that she was lying in her father's bed and that she was a wanted woman.

She rolled over and yelped in surprise to see Nal lounging in bed next to her. She smiled a naughty smile, "Vant some help with that?" Her hand gestured to the enormously erection currently tenting the bed over Yun.

"Fuck no. Not from you. What're you doing? My father might see you!" Yun hissed quietly.

"He already has. If you vant answers, go talk to him." Nal said, an edge of annoyance in her voice. She sat up and walked out of the room. Yun stared after her in confusion and shock. What exactly happened while she was asleep?

She hurried up and almost fell over before she pulled her sweatpants back on. She looked down at herself and blushed deeply. Her father hadn't said a single thing, but there was no way he didn't notice her changed body. She tried to push the erection down but it was entirely too noticeable. It was slow in going away so she hurried across the hall and into the bathroom. A quick cold shower made it go away very quickly and she dressed once again.

Her father was halfway through cooking a batch of waffles when she came in. Nal was sitting idly at the kitchen table with a cup or coffee in her hands. Yun rubbed her arm and looked at her dad, "I guess I owe more of an explanation."

Lu looked back at her and shook his head, "Nalschiel explained everything. Somehow the child was killed to summon her and she has been bound to you. Binding your spirit with a Succubus would explain the changes to... Well, you... As well." A sense of unease touched his eyes as he glanced down at her body and then he went back to the waffle maker.

"Okay, what? You're just fine with meeting a demon from hell?" Yun stared at him.

He closed the waffle maker and an age she had never seen to him seemed to wash over his features. His muscles sagged and he hung his head. He seemed to gather himself and he looked at Yun, "There's a lot I need to explain to you too."

"Okay." Yun leaned on the doorframe to the kitchen.

"Breakfast first. You're starving, I know you." Lu smirked and began dishing plates. Even Nal took one and ate some dainty bites.

Once they were settled in, Lu clasped his hands on the table and said, "Our blood is that of the Monkey King. I carry the mantle of Sun Wukong himself. It's right there in my name all these years."

Yun dropped her fork and just stared. After a moment, she gathered her thoughts and spoke then, "WHAT?!"

Lu chuckled softly and raised his hands to his forehead. A soft yellow glow seemed to coalesce between his fingers. A band of gold so pure it seemed to shimmer like sunlight appeared there. It was beautifully crafted in the shape of blowing wind and shifting clouds around his head, gathering together on his brow in the shape of a shining star. Golden light began to issue from his eyes and the presence of him in the room seemed to grow denser. He felt like a force of gravity unto himself, pulling on everything around him. He smiled warmly to Yun and it felt like sunlight was warming her face, "The mantle of the Monkey King. When Sun Wukong ate the peaches of heaven so many millennia ago, he bound within his blood all his power. He was made immortal in a certain aspect and through his blood this power flows. It came to me over a century ago when my father passed it to me. My parents never came to the United States, I did, all alone. I'm a whole lot older than I ever told."

"Alright. So... Why never tell me? What does all this even mean?" Yun asked as she picked her fork up off the floor.

"I never told you because you didn't need to know. As for what it means, it means that I am to pass the mantle on. It was foolish for me to keep it from you for your own protection. It clearly hasn't worked." Lu sighed, "What is the English saying, hindsight is always twenty-twenty? The decision looks so stupid now."

"Wait, wait. So I'm going to be the Monkey King?" Yun stared at him with wide eyes as the golden light faded and the shimmering crown disappeared.

He nodded, "Indeed. Let us finish breakfast and then I will explain the rest."

"Are you sure? The police could show up anytime. I'm still wanted." Yun asked urgently.

His chuckle was peaceful and a little mocking, "Dear daughter, you have much to learn. They were here minutes after you fell asleep and I had already hidden your car in my garage. They asked about you and, of course, I told them you hadn't been here in weeks."

A tinge of pink warmed Yun's cheeks and she looked down, "Thanks dad."

He just ruffled her hair and ate more breakfast.


The three of them stood in the garage. Actually, Nal lurked in the doorway while Yun and Lu were in the garage. Her car was parked in the middle of the clean floor. Lu walked over to a corner where a number of steel rods and brooms were leaning. He pulled out one particular one and tapped it on the ground. The sound was like a booming drum, striking the concrete with enough strength that Yun knew it would break if he wanted it to.

A cloud of fine black soot scattered from it, revealing a shining grey steel of six feet in length with six gold bands spaced along it's length. He held it up, "This is the Ruyi Jingu Bang."

"Wait! Like, THE Ruyi? Seriously? The ancient staff of Sun Wukong? It really exists?" Yun exclaimed with delight glittering in her eyes.

Lu smiled, "It's been many years since I've touched it. I thought my days of fighting were over but it sounds like my ideals were fanciful. Even with the power of the Monkey King, I am not as young as I once was. I cannot protect you but I can give you what you need to protect yourself."

He twirled the staff as if it weighed no more than a cornstalk. He leveled it towards Yun and nodded, "Take it. With it I give you the Mantle of the Monkey King. May it serve you well and may you pass it on one day when you have children of your own."

Yun's hand shook with excitement as she raised her hands and took the end of the staff. There was a shimmering of light around her father that seemed to course up his arms and to his head. The gold crown appeared again, but it to swirled into light. The shining glow flowed down his body and into the staff. It coursed into Yun's hands and suffused her body with the warmth of gorgeous summer light. She gasped with delight and her father let go of the staff.

With a sudden cry, she was dragged over forward and thrown to the ground. The staff hit the floor with a resounding bang and she couldn't even lift it. At the same time, her father gasped and sank back against the car. He slid down to the bumper and slumped over to lean on his knees.

"Dad! Are you okay?" Yun leapt to his side and left the staff on the floor.

"Fine. It's just been a lot of years and without the Mantle, they're going to catch up to me." Lu breathed and laid his head back on the Honda's little hatchback.
Yun held him tightly, "Oh God, daddy! You're not going to die, are you?"

He gave a wheezy laugh at that, "No, I am stubborn as the mountain. I am just not used to the strength and endurance of a normal man... And an old one at that! Look at me, I'm half way to ancient!"

A choked laugh escaped Yun and she clung to him tightly. He hugged her back and she said, "Thank goodness. I don't think I could do this without you."

"What kind of a Monkey King are you?" He teased.

"Not one who could defeat a hundred thousand celestial troops." She huffed and stood up, "Can't even lift the stupid staff."

He gave an honest laugh at that, a deep belly laugh that had him doubled over and wheezing for breath. When he finally straightened up, he wiped at his eyes and said, "You will be a greater Monkey King than has been seen in thousands of years. I raised you. You are every bit the stubborn rock head that I am, but you have your mother's heart and that will carry you far. What I wouldn't give for my dear Jiao to be here and see her beloved daughter."

Lu stood up shakily and gave her a warm hug. She smiled, trying nit to cry, "I love you dad. Mom would be proud of how well you've done with my thick head."

He just hugged her tighter and then gestured to the seat next to the work bench, "Help your old dad. I'll be exhausted for a while, but right now this can't wait." Yun nodded and walked him over to it. He sank down with a groan and then sighed with relief. He gestured to the staff, "Pick it up."

"I'm not strong enough. It's too heavy." Yun said, looking down at it.

"Wrong, both times. First, you are the strongest person in the world now. Remember how much the Ruyi weighed?" Lu said, staring intently at Yun.

"Seventeen and a half thousand pounds." Yun said, staring at the steel.

"At it's heaviest. Right now, its maybe six thousand pounds. You can pick that up with one finger and fling it over a house." Lu said, "So stop wasting tine and pick it up."



Golden light spilled from Yun's eyes. She felt the power of the Monkey King flowing in her veins like molten sunshine. The Ruyi staff spun in her deft fingers and she set it carefully down on the cement floor. A huge chipped hole showed the first time she slammed down and drove it a foot into the cement. It didn't feel like it weighed two or three times her car, but it certainly was.

Once she had set her mind to picking it up the first time, it was very easy. The power of the Monkey King answered her joyfully and she had no trouble at all. A smile lit her face as she looked the staff over and then at her dad, "So what else can I do?"

"I cannot tell you more than the tales I already taught you. The Monkey King is legendary and even with the time I had, I could not discover all his power. You must find it out in your own. But I will tell you this: let your instincts guide you. They proved an able teacher for me and so they will for you. Follow them and you will grow in power." Lu said in a sagely manner.

"So how do I shrink the Ruyi? Do... Oh." Yun watched as the staff shrank in her hand until she was holding an abnormally dense pencil wrapped in tiny gold bands. She eyed it with a wry smile, "Wild. So what is the point of this power? What purpose does it serve? Do I need to fight off evil or something?"

"Serve? Yun, it serves you. Whatever purpose you make for it is the purpose of the Monkey King. Sun Wukong was not one easily controlled and only his master could stop him when he set his mind to something. So do what you will... Just be sure to come back and see your old dad from time to time." Lu said as he pushed himself to his feet.

She leapt to his side and put an arm around him, "Careful. Don't hurt yourself. Let's get you inside to lay down."

He nodded, "I remember when my father passed his power to me. I'll be weak for a few days and I'll never be back to what I was, but that's life. Perhaps it is time I should retire from work as well."

Yun cringed and felt a pang of guilt. She looked over at him, "I'm sorry you had to give this up because of me."

"It's not because of you. It's been many years coming and I should've done it when you grew to be such a wonderful woman. Don't fret about your old dad. I've not lost what I learned and I'm not going to die tomorrow. I'll be here when you need a wise word or a couch to crash on." He chuckled as they headed inside.

She hugged him one last time and they said their goodbyes. Outside, the sun was blazing in the morning sky and Yun looked up at it. It's warmth was more than it had been before. The Monkey King's power reveled in the light and it swelled within her. She exhaled and glanced over to where Nal stood in the shadows of the garage, "Come on. We got work to do. Dad gave me his truck to use so the cops won't stop us."

"Sure. Vhatever." Nal grumbled and walked briskly over to the truck.

They both got in and started off. Yun looked over at Nal's scowl, "What's wrong?"

"I'm hungry." Nal huffed and tapped her foot on the floorboard.

"Breakfast not enough? We could stop somewhere. We need to get some proper clothes anyway. Dad gave me a pile of money to use. Who knew the old man was so loaded?" Yun laughed.

Nal did not. She just glared at Yun, "Not zat you moron. I'm a succubus. You've not had your vay vith me at all yet I've been pouring out power in buckets. Zat little smoke trick? Easy, yes, but not exactly light on my strength. Healing vounds from that dragon. Keeping myself invisible. All I've done for you and yet you von't even let me pleasure you. I am aggravated and absolutely starving! I don't even need sex, just let me suck your fucking dick!"

Yun stared at her for a minute and then slammed on the brakes to keep herself from plowing into the car in front of her. The heavy American steel was slow to stop and the brakes squealed loudly but she managed to get stopped a hairs breadth from the next driver. She let out a loud exhalation and gripped the steering wheel, "Okay! You... You have a point. You have saved my life and helped me a lot. I guess a little sex isn't too much to ask. I'm just not sure about my body. It weirds me out to see that down there, to feel it between my thighs as I'm driving. I mean, what dad said, is this really because of you?"

Nal seemed to visibly relax when Yun mentioned sex. She sighed, "Believe it or not, in thousands of years, I've never been bound to a woman before. I've had some damn kinky men and a whole lot of orgies, but I've never been bound to the life of a female. I didn't know vhat would happen, but I guess my need for semen manifested itself in your cock."

"Great. Well, let's get something to wear so we don't stick out so much and then we'll hit a hotel. After that, do you think we could try and figure this out? We haven't a single thing to go on besides the death threat and the body. No clues of where or how. I'm surely plastered all over the news and we can only hope that Lieutenant Hail can find something." Yun groaned in desperation as they started to roll again.

A few blocks later, they rolled into the parking lot of a department store. Yun looked at Lu, trying to figure her size and sighed, "This is gonna be a pain. I think I'll have to buy some big hoodie or something for you. We can't get you in there looking like that."

Nal smirked and leaned over, "I can solve this problem a lot easier."

Her horned head went down on Yun's lap and she pulled down her sweatpants. She hungrily ogled the massive shaft and her tongue flopped out of her mouth. The moment she smelled the heady Musk Yun had started to produce around her crotch, she attacked her like a shark scenting blood.

"Nal! Nal, people might see!" Yun's voice sank into a long moan as the succubus took her cock all the way down to her huge balls. She looked around worriedly but the trucks was parked between a big suv and a tree. Should nobody come too close, theh wouldn't be seen.

It really did feel good. Nal was no slouch of a succubus, she had all the talent befitting her high status. Her head bobbed fast and her fingers kneaded her balls in just the right way. Yun moaned again and laid her head back against the seat. Her hand found Nal's silvery hair and she lightly fingered her silken locks as she sucked.

The orgasm came quick and fast, taking mere minutes of astounding pleasure. Yun gasped and thrust her hips up. She pushed on Nal's head, eager to get entirely down her throat as heat suffused her loins. Semen, thick and rich, sprayed from her neglected balls. They joyously drained themselves down the throat of the greedy succubus. Her throat kept convulsing and she groped Yun's sack in hopes of more. Her tongue wriggled against Yun's cock hole and she sucked every single drip of cum she could down her throat.

"Ahhh! Oh by all the hells, zat is good!" Nal exhaled loudly as she leaned up. She brushed her hair back with both hands and licked her lips sensually. Her body seemed to have heated the cab up a few degrees and her eyes were sparkling. In just a few moments, her body shifted colors to a human tone. Her horns faded along with her tail, and her hooves became high heel boots. The kind that would clack suspiciously like hooves.

Yun stared at her, half dazed and just caught her breath. She slowly pulled her pants back up and groaned, "That felt really good."

"Thank you." Nal purred with a teasing sexiness, "I've practiced lots. I trust zis illusion will be acceptable?" Yun noticed her body was every bit as fantastically shaped as before and even without the exotic demoness look, Nal was still beautiful enough to destroy nations.

A small nod, "Yea, it'll do. Let's go."


After a half hour shopping, Yun was dismayed to see just how many sizes she had gained. Her hips and ass had undeniably sexy curves to them, but she had to go up almost four sizes just to get a pair that would fit comfortably over her plump bum. She had gone up at least eight cup sizes and there wasn't a pair of panties in the world that could fit her cock. In the end, she decided on blue men's briefs, an almost matching bra, black jeans, and a T-shirt printed with 'Zombies: Eat Flesh' in the style of Subway's logo. She also bought a Mariner's baseball cap. Nal had settled on tight white shorts, a black belly shirt, and a total lack of underwear.

Once they were done shopping, they drove across town to a little quiet motel. Not necessarily seedy, but definitely out of the way. Hopefully it would be far enough out of the way to avoid the police. Yun kept her hat low as she walked up to the office and passed the man behind the counter a hundred dollar bill, "Just one night."

The man eyed her for a moment and then at the bill, which was more than twice the price of a single night, "Name?" Yun didn't move or look up at him. He nodded and took the bill, "Enjoy your stay, Miss Jane. Here you go."

Yun took the key he passed her and they went out across the parking lot. A small room with a fluffy queen bed and soft shag carpeting. Nal gave a soft growl when they walked in, "Shag. The seventies knew how to fuck."

"Oh fucking hell. I don't know why I agreed to this." Yun rubbed her forehead.

Nal's illusion fell and she stripped off her clothes. Her cock flopped free, glorious and thick with it's enormous heavy sack. She turned around and crawled onto the bed. Her tail flicked around and rubbed her big, round ass enticingly, "Because you vant a piece of this."

There was a second in which Yun's cock just pulsed with blood and then she shoved her pants and briefs off. She walked towards Nal and dragged off her shirt and bra, "I can't argue with that."

She dropped behind Nal and dug her tongue into the dusky, sweet-scented pussy. It was wet and so very inviting. Her tongue dug in deep and she reached down to stroke her horse cock. Nal's cock was throbbing hard and it twitched eagerly as she rubbed it. Nal moaned happily and wiggled her butt about. Yun moved down and began to suck on one of her big testicle. She pushed two fingers in Nal's wet hole and played around inside her.

"Ahh. Stop toying around and just fuck me." Nal breathed headily.

Yun chuckled and lifted her cock. She nestled it up against Nal's plump pussy and thrust forward. Warm folds engulfed her cock and she felt like she was melting. It was unbelievable and totally mind-blowing. The insides of the Succubi's pussy was hot and tight, soft as velvet yet unyielding. Her cock was blazing with pleasure and she fought to sink completely inside her without cumming.

"Ahhhh! Holy fuck!" Yun roared as her massive sack churned with rich semen. It erupted forth and thick streams pounded into Nal's womb. She bucked and their juicy balls slapped together. Nal moaned excitedly as she was packed full of delicious cream.

"Yes! Keep it up! Fill me with more seed! Your cum is delicious!" Nal cooed, her tail wrapping around Yun's waist. Yun bent forward and pressed herself to Nal's back, reaching around to grip her drooling cock. She squeezed her foreskin and dragged it up and down, pleasing Nal greatly.

Yun breathed heavily, "I can't stop! I want more! It feels so good to fuck you! More! More!" Her hips drove back and forth with wet slapping sounds. Cum splattered all over her cock and ran thickly down Nal's thighs. She rammed her cock against Nal's cervix with little squeaks of pleasure from her. Her fingers dragged on Nal hard and she wrapped her other hand around it too. Precum was spurting from with each thrust and Yun's hands were sticky with it.

Her pleasure reached a fevered peak quickly and she pushed down on Nal until her balls were squished against Nal's sack. Her urethra stretched and burned with an enormous load. It packed in with the first, battering Nal's insides ruthlessly. She jerked the demon horse cock desperately and felt Nal's insides clench up on her. Her dick jerked in her hands and cum spewed all over the underside of her big jugs.

With a deep sigh of contentment, Yun pulled free and threw herself back on the pillows. Her cock flopped across her thigh and she cooed, "Okay, you're right. This fucking is great."

Nal leaned on her elbow, looking at Yun with a cheeky smile. She leaned up and stroked her cock, "Not done yet, are you?"

"Oh hell no. But my dick isn't bottomless." Yun said, poking the half flaccid shaft, "I promise, the next one will be longer."

"Of course it vill. I'm gonna fuck you." The Succubus crawled towards her and spread her legs.

Yun's eyes widened, "Hold on. I don't have a pussy like you. This isn't gonna work."

"Ha! It's going to work great!" Nal snorted and shoved Yun's legs up to her shoulders. Before Yun could argue, that enormous horse cock pressed to her asshole. Thick, slimy cum covered the length of it and she pushed powerfully forward.

Yun gasped and jerked, a mixture of blazing pleasure and tingling pain growing out from her ass. She grabbed the sheets and threw her head back, "Oh fuck that is so huge! You're destroying my ass!"

The flared cock head sank into her with a measured slowness. She felt a magma like heat growing in her cock and spreading up to the tip as it became fully erect again. Nal grunted and pushed past the sheathe halfway down the shaft. Cum lathered Yun's insides and piled up around her ass, rubbing off from the penetration. They pressed close together and Yun panted hard, laying back with such insane amounts of cock inside her.

"Nal! It feels so good! You're gonna drive me crazy!" Yun squealed and clung to her desperately. She smiled deviously and wrapped her hand around Yun's cock. The sensation made Yun look down and fear filled her eyes, "No. Nononono! Its too muuuuuch!"

She screamed as she came and hot spunk blasted up between them. Her ass clenched tightly and Nal laughed happily, starting to thrust hard. This drove her orgasm even harder and splatters of pearly goo went everywhere. Nal rode her hard and fast, pounding her virgin asshole with all the gentleness of a jackhammer. With a lusty scream, she began to cum hard up Yun's bum. She bucked and pushed Yun harder back into the mattress. Balls convulsed and even more demonic spunk bubbled forth. Yun's eyes tried to roll out of her head.

She heaved and Yun screamed, flopping over sideways on the bed. Nal pulled free of her with a messy plop of cum and a soft chuckle escaped her lips. Yun panted hard and stared up at her, "Yea. Fuck yea."


Hours. Hours upon hours. They fucked into the night and until the sun started to rise the next morning. Yun's ass and belly were stuffed with cum and her cock was sore from pouring gallons into and onto every bit of Nal's body. The Succubus had reveled in the semen bath and veritable buffet she had been fed.

So all in all, it was a shock when Yun woke up the next morning dressed and bound up like a prisoner.

"What?" Yun groaned, squirming about on the bed. Her hands were tight behind her back and something that felt like handcuffs, but not quite the same, held them there. They seemed to adjust and shift themselves to keep her bound as tightly as possible.

She jerked against them and found her strength utterly inadequate. Her heart began to pound fast as panic set it. She turned onto her side and looked around. Right in front of her was Nal, a cheeky smirk set on her face.

"Thank you for feeding me. I admit, I am quite annoyed it took zis long. Usually anything vith a dick is clamoring to fuck me from the first seconds zey see me." Nal chuckled.

"What the hell? Unlock these. What're you going on about, capturing me?" Yun growled as she pushed herself up to sit on the edge of the bed.

Nal rolled her eyes, "You are dense if you think a naive mortal like yourself could ever command me. I vas nothing but a plant all along to get ze Monkey King out of your father and into an inexperienced vessel."

Rage rose in Yun, "Let me out! Obey me!"

The Succubus threw her head back and let out a long peal of mocking laughter. Venom laced her voice, "I am Nalschiel of the highborne! No mortal can control me. Now stand!"

The voice snapped through the air and it made Yun go stiff. Her body twinged and she stood up abruptly. "No. What is going on?"

"I am not bound to you, fool. You are bound to me!" Nal growled and pointed at the door, "Walk! Ve must make it to ze ritual site."

Yun couldn't glare at her. Her legs were too busy walking in the direction Nal intended. She hadn't had the mantle a whole day and look at where she was? A long fall from the grandeur in the tales of the Monkey King. She kept herself from crying in her shame, but she couldn't imagine how disappointed her father would be. Nal didn't care. She marched her out the door and to the truck. They drove off into the early morning light to wherever the traitorous Succubus had in mind.



Down to the industrial docks, into a large drainage pipe, and deep into the Seattle Underground. The Succubus had her hands bound with a spell and her words seemed to bypass any resistance Yun had. She couldn't stop herself from obeying and she felt terrible. Nal hadn't said anything else, so Yun had no idea what was going to happen.

One question was bothering her though. Why the scheme to get her to wield the Monkey King's mantle? Why did Nal want it in her instead of her father?

It felt like they walked for hours. Darkness was all around them, but it didn't blind either of them. A neat perk of being the Monkey King was her eyes could see through any darkness or illusion. She could see abject truth as it existed in the world. The result of this sight was the telltale golden light spilling from her eyes.

The chamber they finally came to was large. It had to be some sort of underground warehouse or maybe a bunker. Standing floodlights spilled harsh light over the whole room and a generator rumbled nearby to power them. Laid out on the floor in the middle of the light was a massive bloody pentagram like the one from her kitchen floor, only this one was a hundred feet across. A man in a black robe stood at the center of it, a young woman held tightly against his chest. As they neared, he drew a neat line across her throat with a knife. She didn't speak or let out any sound as he held her head back and blood spurted out.
"What the fuck? What are you doing?" Yun gasped when she saw him dump the dead woman on the ground and more blood spilled from her. There was a terribly cold sensation around the pentagram and a faint eerie howling seemed to fill the air around it.

"I have brought the final sacrifice." Nal said and Yun's heart skipped. Her body suddenly went icy and she felt her stomach sink. Sacrifice? A vision of her in that woman's place flashed through her mind. Her own blood would seep out and soak impossibly through the stone floor to fuel the pentagram, just as the woman's did.

The hooded man nodded slightly, "Took you long enough. Almost ran out of sacrifices. Put the newest over there. I must prepare."

Nal bowed her head and grabbed Yun's arm. She yanked her over to the wall and kicked her knees in, "Kneel, and stay there."

Yun did and she closed her eyes. She couldn't look at that circle, not when she knew what it was being used for. Human sacrifices to summon demons. She shuddered and bowed her head.

"Why do you admit defeat so readily? Are you so interested in death, grandchild?" A stoic, rumbling voice rang in her ears in Chinese. She jerked her head up and looked around, but she was no longer in the Underground. She was kneeling in a hazy nothingness, a faint golden light emitting from nowhere.

In front of her stood a bald man that looked remarkably like her father. Only this man was six inches shorter and he stood with a cane before him. The strangest sight though was the hundreds of different shadows that spread out behind him from the golden light. He smiled with a twinkle in his eye, "About time that fool boy of mine gave you your birthright."

Yun looked at him, "Grand...? Are... Are you my grandfather?"

He nodded slowly and raised a hand, "Before you ask, I am part of the Mantle. As are all of your ancestors who wielded it's power. One day your father will die and join us. We are here to share our knowledge and experience. This is the truth of the Monkey King's immortality. He could not live forever in flesh but in magic and blood."

"Uhh... So... What do I do?" Yun asked squeakily.

Her grandfather let out a long, rolling laugh. He clacked his cane on the floor and came closer, "Anything you want, girl. You have the power of the Monkey King, and the knowledge of all his descendants, those that carried the blood which you do now."

"I am bound by a spell and I am forced to do anything the Succubus Nalschiel commands me to. How do I beat her? I am bound to her and I can't resist her commands." Yun asked urgently.

Her grandfather pursed his lips and then said, "The Mantle is as tricky as Sun Wukong was himself. Magic is simply will made real, and a greater shall overcome."

Yun frowned, "That's it? Some weird metaphor? I'm going to die here!"

"Oh child, you are only just coming into your power. Take my hand and you will see." Her grandfather said and reached out to her. There was a flare of light when their hands touched and power surged into her chest. Her grandfather had a soft and weathered hand, but as she took it, he was suffused by a golden light. She saw him as he had been with the mantle. Golden light shone about his head and he stood tall. He looked grand, like a legendary figure would be expected to look. She stared at him and the shadows behind him seemed to grow larger, more menacing.

He only smiled and then he was gone. Yun was put back on the hard stone and her head was still bowed. She glanced up to see Nal staring at the Pentagram with hungry eyes. Her grandfather's words rang in my mind and she felt power swirling deep within her soul.

Yun gathered together her will, the will infused with that of Sun Wukong himself. She focused on the bindings and how they weren't going to hold her any longer. In that instant, the magic faltered and her hands snapped free. She stood up and lunged forward. Her fist swung at Nalschiel, pouring all of her might and rage into the blow.

Nal sensed the broken spell and turned just in time to catch the blow across her cheek and eye. The impact was like a speeding truck and it hurled the Succubus head over hooves to the other side of the chamber. She struck the wall with a sickening crunch of flesh and bone.

"What?!" The hooded man looked up.

The Ruyi Bang came out of her pocket and grew to it's full size in her hand. She gave a cry and ran at the man, swinging like a wild brawler with the staff. It whistled through the air where the man had been and he appeared a few steps back from her. This time she leapt towards him in a single bound, Ruyi raised over her head. He growled in anger, "Nalsciel, you worthless scum. You have ruined the ritual!"

And with that, he disappeared into shadows. The Ruyi whistled through the air where he had been and hit the stone floor with titanic force. Shards of rock exploded everywhere and the floor cracked. Great stone pieces heaved and rose around the point of impact, nearly throwing Yun off balance. The pentagram's buzzing power surged out in a flash of violet light when it's lines were disrupted by her strike. The entire chamber shook and the blazing floodlights went out with feeble crackles.

Things went silent and the only light left was coming from Yun's eyes. She lifted the Ruyi and settled it on her shoulder. Her steps clacked through the chamber as she walked over the uneven ground towards Nal's crumpled form. The Succubus groaned as she looked up, dark blood running down her mishapen face. The eye Yun had struck was utterly crushed by shards of bone and blood ran down her face in thick streams.

Anger boiled in Yun's belly and she set down the Ruyi with an ominous thump. She knelt down and took Nal's chin in her free hand, "You will not die here. I have questions and you will answer them."

"Fuck off. Sit your ass down and don't move." Nal's voice slurred.

She felt the compulsion in them, felt it in the binding between them. She focused her will on it and resisted easily. Nal didn't have the strength to enforce her commands over Yun any longer.

However, Yun did have the strength. Why couldn't she just make Nal do what she wanted? She held Nal's chin and said, "I command you now. You are my demon, nobody else's. Do you understand?"

Nal made a face like she just had a very unpleasant feeling. She cringed and shook her head, "Fuck you."

Yun hardened her will, brought forth all the stubbornness and strength in her mind. She filled it with all her rage and roared, "Obey me!"

The command struck Nal like a physical blow, knocking her head back and making her gasp. She leveled her eyes on Yun, anger smoldering in the one whole emerald orb and said, "Yes, Mistress."

"Good. You're now mine to command! Nobody else. Do you understand?" Yun said and she enforced her words. It took less effort that time. With Nal's will already bested, she couldn't form a resistance. Yun knew how that felt, but Nal didn't have the Mantle of the Monkey King and the will of her ancestors to back her up.

"I understand. I am yours alone." Nal hissed and there was a hint of humor in it, like there was something funny about her being taken by Yun.

Yun cared little. She just looked back at the pentagram, "What was happening here? Tell me everything."

She didn't need to push her will upon Nal. The Succubus was obeying her willingly now. She said, with a hoarse tone, "My original master, ze Warlock Gregarian, vas attempting to summon the demon Abaddon to destroy."

"Destroy what?"

"Everything. Abaddon is destruction incarnate. He would come and he would lay vaste to everything he could." Nal said simply, a faint smile on her lips.

Yun groaned, "Okay. Will he try again? Why was I needed?"

"The demon Abaddon is imprisoned by an archangel. To release him requires more power zan any mortal sacrifice could employ. The death of thousands vould not be enough. So a circle was prepared and empowered vith some mortals. Then the sacrifice of a greater power would be made, something zat had enough metaphysical energy to break Abaddon free. However, anything powerful enough to do that vould be beyond ze reach of simple sacrifice. Except for a choice few creatures that could be subdued. The Monkey King vas the best choice because the Mantle of power could be passed to a younger and inexperienced host." Nal explained and as she spoke, her face slowly repaired itself. Her bones cracked back into place and her eye filled out.

"Fuck." Yun observed, "You said I was the best choice. Are there others?"

"Of course. I do not know who zey are or vhat they could be, but I know Gregarian said there were other possibilities." She nodded.

Yun just stared at her as realization washed over her, "You set all this up. You influenced me to go to my father. You knew he would give the Mantle if he knew I was in trouble."

A pleased look crossed her face, "It vas simple. Our only concern was if your father saw through me and struck me down. Such a fool."

Rage burned, "Shut your mouth!" Nal complied and held her tongue. Yun got to her feet and leaned on the Ruyi, thinking. What a mess this all was. Just a few days ago, she was nobody special. Fate, or the gods, or whatever entity of chaos tried to control everything sure enjoyed twisting her words. She groaned and looked down at Nal, "On your feet, demon. You're going to stay by me and tell me anything I want, got it?"

"Yes, Mistress." Nal growled and got up on her hooves with a clack.

"Now lead the way out of here. We're going to see Lieutenant Hail. You're going to make us invisible." Yun said, pointing to the entrance.

"I am hungry Mistress. Healing vhat you did to me cost a lot of power. I don't know if I'll be able to." Nal said warningly. Yun snapped her fingers towards the door impatiently and Nal led the way.


The truck rattled to a stop a block from the Seattle Police Department where Special Investigations was located. They parked in a shaded alley where they would not be overlooked. Yun looked over at Nal, "Look, Nal, our relationship is going to either be pleasant or unpleasant. I will not be walked upon again. If you claim to enjoy sex so much, then why try to kill and murder? There are plenty out there willing to have sex without violence."

"True. I served Gregarian because he summoned me. It vas not a... Mutually beneficial employment." Nal nodded.

"I don't want to have to command and watch your every move. You help me on all this and I'll make sure you enjoy it. This Gregarian guy, he's going to fail. I'm going in there to tell Hail everything I know and I'm going to do everything in my power to crush his fucking skull. Anyone who kills children like him is less than dirt. So you're with me from here on out or I kill you."

The Succubus seemed to contemplate it for a moment. She laid her horned head back on the seat, "I won't lie. The thought of giving myself willingly is repulsive. It is not my vay to be submissive." She took a deep breath and crossed her arms, "But. You have hurt me in ways I haven't ever been hurt and you did it as a helpless, naive beginner. When you start to learn I von't stand a chance if you turn yourself against me. I suspect you will be no kinder to me than you shall be to Gregarian for killing that child. Not to mention, the man couldn't fuck a limp melon." She spoke with loathing hatred in her voice. She turned to look at Yun, "I am villing to give myself over to you and follow you on one condition. You fuck me. You fuck me a lot. You slake your every thirst and desire upon my body and let me drink your semen every day. The fucking you gave me last night vas simply the best I've experienced in centuries."

"Oooh. That sounds like a tall order." Yun hissed with a cheeky smile, "Fucking you? Such a chore. I hated the other night. Best part about it was waking up in magic cuffs."

Nal grinned a fanged smile that spoke of her bestial desires, "So ve have an agreement?"

Yun unzipped her pants and let her cock flop out. Nalschiel, the proud and powerful Succubus, fell upon it like a starved slut lost in a crowd of dickless fuckboys. She hummed with joy as she took it down her throat and Yun put a hand on her silvery hair. The pleasure of fucking her talented throat was entirely supernatural. She thrust against her face and felt her throat constricting on her pleasurably. She couldn't get over what a fantastic trip this dick was. She wasn't exactly swimming in sexual experience with her now absent pussy, but it felt empowering and quite heavenly to use her cock.

Nal made amazingly fast work of it, her forked tongue slithering coils around her throbbing shaft. Her fingers squeezed Yun's balls in just the right way, fondling the immensely oversized sack until it began to convulse and release it's load. Yun grabbed her head in both hands and held her down to her crotch, bucking and spasming with pleasure.

"That's it! Drink my cum!" Yun grunted and shoved against Nal's face. She was pushing hard on her as if she was trying to strangle her with her dick. Her balls creamed themselves out and she shot her last down her throat. She sank back with a sigh and let go of Nal.

The gorgeous Succubus sat up and rubbed at her lips with a happy moan, "Zat right there is enough to make me obey you." She purred with satisfaction, "I simply adore being used and being fed such a tasty load."

Yun smirked as she fixed up her pants, "Alright, make us invisible?"

"Vith pleasure." She cooed and raised her hands.

They both blended into the truck seats yet the could still sense one another through the bond. If she focused on it, Yun could see through the invisibility and Nal's gorgeous Succubi form would appear like a blurry ghost next to her. She let the power go and got out of the truck, "Stick close. We need to get to Hail without the officers seeing us."

"As you vish, Mistress." Nal said, her voice perky. She seemed to be in immensely better spirits with their new agreement after having Yun throatfuck her so readily. Apparently Gregarian's fucking left just that much to be desired that a simple, overflowing blowjob was enough to make her friendly.

Up the block they went and towards the front of the police station. The officer standing outside paid them no mind as he smoked his cigarette. He did look in confusion when the door's handicapped motor whirred to life, opening the door automatically but a moment later he shrugged it off.

They passed the front desk, slipped through the rear door and down the hall. The followed the signs that led up the steps and towards SI's secluded wing. The door creaked as they opened it. Yun went through first and was immediately surprised. For something as important as Special Investigations and with how much power they wielded, she had expected grandeur or at least a room full of staff.

Instead she stood in the doorway of a rather cramped little office space with a smattering of worn old desks set about. There weren't private offices except for two near the back and all the officers just seemed to be normal people.

Nal poked her in the back and urged her forward. They crossed the room towards the office that read 'Lieutenant Hail - Special Investigations Lead' and stepped in the open door. Almost as soon as she stepped in, Hail's glacial eyes flicked up and she sniffed once, "Close the door and drop the blinds. You're still technically in lock up. Nobody can see you up here."

They both stood there just looking at her.

"Come on, don't waste time. I've already had my best wizard tied up for a day sitting in a cell pretending to be a brooding demon and a confused Chinese girl." Hail said impatiently and she snapped at the door. Yun quickly closed the door and dropped the blinds. Nal let the spell go and they both faded into view. Hail nodded, "Alright, don't move a muscle."

The Lieutenant was suddenly holding a rather large handgun pointed straight at Nal. Yun's eyes widened, "What're you doing?!"

"She is a traitor. When a friend of mine went and looked at what happened in your apartment, she looked into the past. The demon was the one that set it all up. Her and a cloaked dark mage. So I am not taking chances." Hail said coldly.

"Stop! I know she is a traitor. But I handled it." Yun raised her hands quickly.

"Explain." Hail didn't move the gun.

"Nal?" Yun looked at the Succubus.

Nal explained everything that happened: Gregarian laying the girls corpse in Yun's apartment, his casting the binding between her and Yun, how she altered Yun's body and then played the part of an innocent slave. She explained the ritual and everything Gregarian had planned, including using Yun's untapped power as a sacrifice, and how Yun then proceeded to thrash the whole plan. Everything up to, "Then ve sealed the agreement vith a blowjob and now I am Yun's, not Gregarian's."

Hail grimaced and nodded, as though it wasn't that strange of news. She held the gun barrel steady on Nal's forehead, "What is stopping you from tricking us? Do you intend to betray Yun again?"

"Yun is. Vhen she overcame Gregarian's binding upon me and used the binding between her and I to assert her vill, she took command of me. I am truthfully hers to command zis time. I shant betray my Mistress and Gregarian's control is permanently broken." Nal said honestly.

Hail stared at her coldly for a second and then she gave a small smirk. She lowered the gun and put it back in a holster under her arm, "Good. Just so you know, she took advantage of you while you slept. She left the bit out that she had her way with your unconscious body."

"What the hell? You had your way with me while I was sleeping? More than the blowjob I woke up to?" Yun looked at Nal.

"It vas only a little. I fucked your pussy before I gave you a dick. I honestly didn't even plan the whole dick thing until I had nutted inside you. You were such a masterpiece zat I couldn't waste you." Nal shrugged.

"Oh you are evil. You took away my pussy after you did that. We're going to have a talk about this." Yun growled.

Hail snapped her fingers, "More important topics. I need to know what he is doing next."

She thought for a second, her tail flicking back and forth. Then she crossed her arms, "In all likelihood, he shall take some time to recover his power. Ze ritual was immensely taxing to prepare and it vas utterly ruined. He von't use that site again. A new one vill be needed and he is very picky."

"Underground?" Hail asked, pulling out a notepad to write down some points.

Nal nodded, "Certainly. A place of death. Zat chamber once held slaves and many died there. It gives some darker magic an edge."

Hail scribbled it down and stared at the paper, "You two need to be back in your cell before I get down there in ten minutes to let you out. We have had no conclusive evidence proving the murderer was Yun. There was no tool in or near the apartments that was consistent with the wound and the body was shown to have died a number of days before it was placed there. She is still the prime suspect but without some connection, I am forced to let her go. Such a person should remain in town through otherwise the investigators could take that as a testament to guilt."

"Gotcha. Nal?" Yun nodded and looked over at her. Their bodies faded once more and they stopped out of the office.


Her apartment had been cleaned up and the crime scene tape was gone. A check for a few hundred dollars had bene cut to cover any damages or cleaning following the police department's intrusion and arrest of her. Then they were allowed to drive home.

Yun sighed as she closed the door behind Nal, "God, I am glad that is done with."

"It is not done. Gregarian is not a man to give up easily." Nal shook her head.

"No, the part with the cops. I thought the cops would be searching for me all day. Turns out Hail had a plan all along. They never knew I escaped." Yun chuckled.
"Zen why did some officers show up at your fathers?" Nal pointed out and her words felt like they dropped a heavy, cold stone into Yun's belly.

"Uh." Yun's mouth fell open and she ran for the phone. She quickly dialed her father and tapped her foot impatiently as it rang.

"Hello?" He picked up a few rings later.

"Dad! How are you doing?" Immense relief washed over her at his voice.

"Oh just fine honey. I'm still relaxing here. Are you okay?" He asked.

"Fine. The police let me go. Said there wasn't enough evidence to hold me. Dad, nobody down there knew I escaped. Those officers that you said showed up to ask about me. They shouldn't have known." Yun said quickly.

There was silence on the line and then Lu sighed, "I thought they felt a bit off. Don't you worry about me, Yun. I'll take care of myself. Just be sure to keep yourself safe."

"Alright dad. I love you. I'll call you tomorrow." Yun said.

"I love you too. Good bye." He hung up.

Nal looked at her as she put the phone down.

"He is fine. I don't know. Do you have any ideas?" Yun asked her.

She shook her head, "No. But a good fuck always helps vith zat."

Yun huffed and gave a small smile, "Alright. I can take a hint. Just let me get a shower."



Hail sank down on her couch that night. Dom appeared through a portal and slumped down on the couch next to her. Hail eyed her, "I didn't invite you in."

"I was having a look through the futures. They fluctuated. Pretty big stuff. The chances of this happening have dipped some. The timeline has been pushed." Dom said, crossing her legs on the table, "But it is still there."

"We didn't get the guy but we messed up the ritual he was going to complete soon. We messed up his plans good and got his little demon helper under Yun's control." Hail explained.

Dom raised an eyebrow, "The Chinese girl? How?"

Hail smirked, "Turns out she's the descendant of a serious bloodline mantle of power. The Monkey King."

She let out a whistle, "Wow. Sacrifice a young woman with a power like that? Yea, that would certainly do it. I wonder where he's going to get that kind of power next. There must be another source or he must get Yun again to complete the ritual."

"Yea. How far out do you think it's been pushed?" Hail asked.

"Instead of next week, we're now looking at next month. It's much more vague. Too far away to see anything clearly at all. I can't even get details of who is responsible. All I can see is the destruction." Dom shook her head.

"Well, I can work with a month. I've faced world ending terrors with less time than that." Hail nodded.

They sat in silence for a while as the news played on the television. After a few minutes, Dom looked sideways at Hail and said, "So we fucking again then?"

"Where did you get that idea?" Hail snorted.

Dom glanced at the strands of the future again, sensing out the possible futures. Five minutes, they would be entwined and hot. That future strand burned brightly with probability. She looked at Hail and smirked, "I can see the future."

Suddenly the futures shifted in Dom's gaze and she saw her sitting alone on the couch. Dom frowned and stared at Hail, who only smiled, "Where did you get that idea?"

"I hate you sometimes." Dom groaned. Hail knew how Dom's powers worked, knew how she could look in the future. She also knew that if you convinced yourself you were going to do a certain thing, that is all the futures would show. So all she had to do was decide utterly that she was going to walk away and not fuck at all. But it didn't last that long. After another few moments, the futures switched back and they were writhing in bed together again.

"Come on. Might as well make the best of you being here." Hail smirked, turning off the television. She took Dom's hand and led her into the bedroom.

Clothes fell away from them as they went and Hail pushed her back onto the bed. She locked lips with her and slid her hand between her thighs. Dom's body twitched as pleasure tingled from her clit. She gasped and arched her back, pushing her crotch against Hail's strong hand.

"Damn Viktoria, you're in a hurry today!" Dom moaned, her insides clenching as Hail's fingers slipped into her.

"I want to get the most out of this cute girly body before you up and kill yourself again. How often do I get to play with something so soft?" Hail's free hand was fondling her large breasts.

Dom let out a little cry as her hand twisted and a third finger pushed into her. Her body was hot and her heart had sped up. She grabbed Hail and clung to her as her insides squirmed with blissful sensations.

Hail held her down and kissed her again. Her fingers shook harder and wetness splattered from Dom. Her body writhed beneath her and an orgasm lit her nerves. She whimpered into Hail's mouth and her muscles clenched up. She shuddered and fell limp beneath her, eyes half closed in a daze.

"That's a good start." Hail smiled, lifting her wet hand to her mouth to lick it clean. Dom's half-lidded eyes watched her as she licked between the digits and sucked them clean. Hail gave her a knowing smile and got up on her knees. She threw one over Dom's shoulder and straddled her face, lowering her pussy down to her waiting tongue.

Without a word, Dom dug her tongue deep between Hail's wet lips. She closed her eyes and moved her tongue about, lapping at the clenching insides of her pussy.

"Ahhh yea. I love this." Hail sighed, her fingers playing through the silly streak of purple hair in Dom's otherwise black locks. She gyrated her hips and ground her clit against Dom's nose.

Dom's limbs quickly found their way again and she grabbed onto the taut, muscular cheeks that sat on her chest. She fondled them and slowly worked a finger towards her ass. A quick bit of wetness from her own pussy and she wriggled one finger into her tight backside.

"Oooh! Yea, get that in there. That feels good." Hail moaned as the finger rubbed about inside her ass. She threw her head back and rubbed her pussy more urgently, her breath coming faster. It only took a few minutes of heated desperation to bring her body to cum.

Hail gave a short cry and clenched her legs against Dom's head, holding on as her cunt dribbled hot juices down her face. She sighed with relief and got off her. Sweat shone on her pale skin and she stumbled a step when she got off the bed.

Dom propped herself up on her elbows, "How do you always manage to taste like peppermint? Do you have scented soap or something?"

"My dad is Santa Claus and you're confused as to why my vagina taste like mint?" Hail laughed as she dug into her closet.

She huffed and sat upright, "It's not a lot. Just a hint of it. I didn't want to immediately conclude it was magical."

Hail pulled down a long box and turned, "It's not magic. My body is just like that. You know how your blood tastes of iron? Mine tastes of sugarplums."


"No you idiot. Get on your hands and knees." Hail snarked, pointing at the pillows.

Dom raised an eyebrow but shrugged. She turned around as told and raised her curvy round butt into the air.

Hail let out a little growl and tossed the box aside, "I can't get enough of this ass. I've never seen one like it before."

She fell upon it with body hands, fondling and ogling. She leaned down and bit playfully on the plump flesh. While her fingers kept squeezing, she leaned down and dug her tongue in, slurping up more of Dom's salty flavor.

"Ahhh! So... So what's with the box?" Dom cooed, looking over at it. She grabbed the lid and the box fell open. An enormous sixteen inch dildo came out. It was all blue and was lined with thick veins. A big, gorgeously crafted head capped both ends of it. Dom's eyes went wide, "Wow! That's a big dick!"

"I forgot about it last time you were here." Hail said between deep licks, "Daddy does oh so love giving me naughty gifts. I got that Christmas last year with a note wishing me a happy love life."

"How did he know?" Dom moaned, hanging her head as Hail went at her clit.

"He's sent me one toy or another every few years. Sometimes he gets lucky." Hail smiled, sitting up and grabbing the dildo.

"Isn't that a little weird for a father to make for their daughter?" Dom sighed as the pleasure trickled away.

"Might be if you're young. I'm well into my twentieth century. Dad's more than twice that. I think we're both adult enough to know that I fuck." Hail laughed, spreading her legs. She licked the head of the dildo a few times and nestled it between her thighs. A bite of her lip and a sharp inhale and the thick head plunged into her. She moaned happily and pushed slowly until eight thick inches of cock were nestled deep inside.

Dom watched as she turned and got on her hands and knees behind her. She scooted back until the dildo prodded her cheeks. Hail gave a little moan and she grabbed the fake dick, guiding it into place against Dom's eager hole. She clenched down on it and pushed, slowly driving it into Dom.

"Oh god that's huge!" Dom exclaimed, arching her back and almost collapsing from the massive penetration. Wondrous ecstasy began to suffuse her body and her breath caught in her chest. She felt it going deeper and deeper until their flesh was pressed together. Their asses rubbed on one another and the dildo ground within both of them. Her tight pussy clenched hard on the dildo and she felt Hail start to draw back.

Hail's muscles were much stronger and no amount of clenching would keep her from moving. She dragged the dildo slowly out of Dom and then pushed it back in. Her own body was singing with joy too because every shake, shudder, or jerk from Dom transferred right through the dildo and into her nethers. Soon it was soaked in their juices and Hail was sliding back and forth quite smoothly. Occasionally, she would relax her clench on it, letting Dom's cunt grip it, and then ride the gloriously thick bastard for a few strokes. In this manner, they traded back and forth, heatedly fucking one another. Their asses were splattered wetly with their desire and they slapped quite lewdly with each thrust.

"Oh fuck this is good!" Dom panted.

"No kidding." Hail moaned, slapping her ass against Dom's.

The biggest orgasm yet began to grow. It built up within Dom first and the more inexperienced woman gave a shrill cry. Her body seized up and shook wildly. She screamed and heaved forward, collapsing into a limp pile.

Hail and the dildo followed along. It was bent at a bit of an odd angle but it was still lodged inside Dom and between her thighs. Hail raised her hips and pushed down on it, bouncing hungrily against Dom's luscious hips. Dom whimpered weakly as more pleasure assaulted her from Hail's needy ride.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! So close!" Hail panted, grabbing ahold of Dom's legs and slapping her hips faster. Dom wailed in protest as her orgasm-weakened body was flooded with pleasure.

Hail plunged down on it and let out a final cry, her head going back and her mouth hanging open. She reveled in the powerful sensations, riding the high for as long as she could. The peak petered out with a little sigh from her and she slumped over backwards, laying halfway across Dom's back. The dildo bent and plopped free of her, slapping wetly down between Dom's thighs. A few inches still lodged it inside her, but it was unmoving and she went limp again.

"Why the fuck didn't we do this the first night?" Hail breathed hard. Sweat dripped off her bangs and she closed her eyes.

"I dunno." Dom murmured.

Hail scooted over and cuddled up close to Dom. She flopped a blanket half heartedly over their exhausted bodies and they fell asleep.


They sat together talking over plates of eggs and bacon the next morning. Hail was wearing a pair of panties and Dom had on Hail's robe.

"So about this doomsday thing. You keep talking about how only really sure things can be seen in the future. Is there anyway out of this for us?" Hail asked her.

Dom crunched some bacon and sighed, "Probably not. If there is any chance to stop it, it's going to be small and difficult. No reason we shouldn't try though. You saw what happened when Yun mucked about the warlock's plans and took his succubus. He lost a month of time. Even if it's not able to be stopped, we should be able to mess things up enough or at least plan enough to come out the other side."

"That's not what I wanted to hear. I'm gonna need to make some calls." Hail groaned.

Dom watched her get up. She couldn't help but stare a bit at her almost naked body. Those athletic panties were really starting to grow on her. They did cling to her pussy in such an enticing way. She turned and grabbed her phone of the counter, allowing Dom a good look at her beautiful ass. Her thoughts about Hail's underwear were swirling around her head again. Honestly a gorgeous, muscular body like hers probably wouldn't look right in lace...

...Would it?



Yun got out of the shower and Nal was standing naked in the doorway, erect and smiling. She eyed Yun's naked body, "I really did it right. Your body is glorious."

"What? Oh you liar! You told me you didn't do this!" Yun laughed and groped her own huge tits, "Said it would be too difficult!"

Nal's eyebrow went up, "Oh please. Zat is such nonsense. Vith a binding between us, such magic is not zat difficult. I needed some way to ensure I could get you to feed me. Gregarian vasn't giving me enough."

"Well then can you give me my pussy back? I liked getting your dick in my ass, but cut a girl a break." Yun said, holding her hands out as she dripped from the shower.

"Mmm. You did have a pretty great pussy. I can make it even better, Mistress." Nal smiled and held out her hands. Crimson light emanated from her palms and washed over Yun's body. She felt her insides squirming about strangely and she gasped a bit in surprise.

Yun smiled as she felt between her thighs. Nal's magic was fast and painless. She smiled at the Succubus, "Wait, so if he was going to sacrifice me, why even bother changing me at all?"

The demon grinned evilly, baring those long fangs of hers, "My little insubordination and mocking of Gregarian. He summoned a Succubus like me and can't even last thirty seconds."

"You really hate him, don't you?" Yun said, drying off and eying herself in the mirror. The massive boobs were really starting to grow on her. They might be a little in the way at times, but damn if they didn't make her look sexy as hell. The cock was exceptionally attractive as well, giving her body an exotic almost amazonian look. It slowly grew stiff as she touched it and groped her balls. She turned and looked down her hips and at her ass. It was so much bigger than it had been, but it wasn't just needlessly fat. It was shapely and full, squishy to the touch and big enough to cradle a certain demonic horse cock between her cheeks.

Nal was too distracted by her glistening body to answer. She simply licked her lips and her dick twitched. She hungrily watched Yun fondle her plush butt and spread her cheeks in the mirror. Yun looked over and saw her staring. She snapped her fingers, breaking Nal out of her thoughts, "I... Yes. Dickless wonders always annoy me. Can ve fuck yet? You are being so hellishly teasing, standing there admiring yourself."

Yun smirked and sauntered towards her. She pressed close, squishing their erections between them. Her lips met Nal's and her arms twined around her. The kiss was hot. It was full of lusty need and it made her heart start to beat quickly. Their dicks brushed together and she reached down to fondle the Succubus booty. So plump and soft, perfectly crafted for bouncing against as she was hungrily pounded. Nal's tail curled around her arm and she felt fingers squeezing her own big bum. She giggled into Nal's mouth and broke off the kiss, "God, how can someone like you be evil?"

"I am what I am commanded to be." She breathed.

Yun rubbed her chest against the Succubi's enourmous bosoms and moaned, "I command you to be sexy as hell and never stop."

She kissed Yun, "Oh yes my Mistress, anything for you."

They stumbled, pressed together, across the hall and into Yun's bedroom. Yun shoved Nal down on her back and eyed her body with all the emotions of a beast looking at some delicious prey. Lust smoldered in Nal's eyes and she laid back, waiting for Yun to use her in every way she knew she wanted.

Yun went after her huge member first. She wrapped both her hands around the base of it and began to lick over the flared head. She wanted her badly, but after the tension of the last few days, a little relaxation seemed good. Her fingers stroked up and down and she got her mouth around Nal's glistening head. The taste of her precum was wonderful, it had a hint of sweet sugar under the musky salt.

A long moan came from Nal as she was sucked and rubbed. She caressed Yun's head and laid limp, soaking in the wonderful blowjob. She didn't try to resist the pleasure and Yun was horny enough to drive her into a rushed orgasm in just a few minutes. Her hips jerked and a huge burst of cum erupted into Yun's mouth. Her eyes widened in surprise, but she kept working the dick. Her throat convulsed as she tried to drink all the salty sweet cum down, but she was doomed to fail from the start. She jerked back with a gasp and cum erupted across her face. She hurried to keep jerking Nal off and made her cum messily all over her own belly and tits.

"Whew! What a show." Yun laughed as pearly semen ran down her face and dripped from her chin, "Now come on, I'm horny as hell from that."

"My body is yours Mistress. Please, use and abuse me." Nal's eyes glinted brightly and she turned around. She laid upside down with her head hanging off the bed, "Fuck my throat and use me like a toy."

Yun eyed Nal as she stared at her throbbing shaft. She began to wonder just how rough she could get with the demon. She was literally begging to be abused and that was after she had been so happy when Yun throat-fucked her in the truck. She stroked her cock and let her precum drip on Nal's cheek, "Just how rough do you want it?"

"Strangle me vith your huge cock, Mistress!" Nal's eyes looked almost feral.

That answered that. Yun slipped into her waiting, wet mouth and her cock went easily down her throat. A low moan escaped her as she sank up to her balls and felt the huge sack press to Nal's face. Her throat was clenching and swallowing around her, her long demon tongue wrapped around Yun's fleshy pole. Yun drew her hips back and pushed in again, building up a steady rhythm with Nal's hungry throat.

After a minute, there was a gurgled command from Nal and her fingers dug into Yun's butt. She pulled on her, urging her harder against her face. Yun obliged her and moved faster but apparently it still wasn't enough. Nal gestured to her throat and pulled on her ass again.

"You were talking literally. Well, slap my ass if its too much." Yun raised an eyebrow. She slipped her fingers around Nal's throat and held her as she slid her dick back and forth. She could feel Nal's throat shuddering and convulsing around her cock. Her fingers tightened slowly and she felt Nal's throat get even tighter on her shaft. It felt better than ever. Nal's hands squeezed her ass urgently, enticing her even more.

Yun gave in entirely at that, clenching her hands down around Nal's throat and ramming her hips forward hard. Her huge balls slapped wetly on the Succubi's face and she moaned from the pleasure of fucking that tight throat. She had never even seen sex this rough before but the way Nal's cock was twitching and spurting precum, the demon was clearly enjoying it. Yun squeezed with her fingers like Nal's neck was a fucktoy and she plowed it as hard as she could. The sensation of her glans passing through the hot, wet passage with her hands squeezing it so tightly had her on the cusp of orgasm.
"Here! Drink up! Yes!" Yun roared and buried herself down Nal's throat. Her cock tightened the passage further as it thickened from the enormous load. She poured it straight into Nal's belly and it didn't end quickly. She rode her face for at least a minute while her cock pumped and sprayed, loosing every ounce of cum her demonically enchanted balls could release. By the time she was done, Nal's tits ahd been raised a bit by the bulge of her belly. She drew back slowly and her cum-lathered dick dragged over Nal's dazed face, smearing her dark skin with tasty seed.

Nal drew in a deep breath once her throat was free. Yun would've been worried if there hadn't been such fire in her eyes. The way Nal was looking at her, the emotion in her face... It was an ecstasy like Yun couldn't imagine. Nal might claim to hate submitting, but that look alone told her that she couldn't experience a greater pleasure than being so strongly used. She coughed and turned back over. It took her a minute to get her shaky limbs under her and push herself up to a sitting position. Her iron-like erection didn't help the matter any either, and a veritable flood of wetness could be seen running down her thighs.

"Zat... Oh Mistress... By all the hells... I have lived thousands of years... I can't even put it into words." Nal moaned hoarsely, breathing heavily between words.

"I was worried I was going to hurt you. Seems kind of sick to do to someone during sex." Yun said, scratching her cheek, "But... You seemed to be enjoying it."

"Enjoying...?" Nal looked up at her as if she had said something strange, "Zhere is no way I can describe it. To feel such power upon me... To feel you holding my life in your hands like zat... To know you are finding such pleasure in abusing me to your desires... I can't even tell you all ze things I vant you to do to me, or the things I vant to do to you! Mistress, please!"

"I can't help but notice how hard your dick is. Want to get started on that list of things?" Yun was on her hands and knees and she wiggled her ass at Nal. Her balls and cock were dangling between her thighs and wetness from her pussy was dripping down them.

The Succubus was on her in moments. She pressed her flared horsecock to the newly formed pussy lips. They split and her enormous member sank inside. Yun's flooded pussy enveloped her readily and she felt her going deeper. More than a foot of Nal was buried inside her and Nal's massive tits pressed to her back.

Yun gasped with pleasure and her vision swam. She hung her head and breathed, "That's... That's not normal... That is a lot of dick."

"I might've given you a pussy like mine. Demonic elasticity. No fun if I can't put... All... Of me... In you." Nal grunted as she pushed her sheathe inside and sank up to her balls. Yun's eyes bulged out of her head and her cock slapped against her belly.

She felt Nal's tail twiddle against her clit and she moaned loudly. Her body was growing unbearably hot and her dick drooled constantly on the bed. Nal pulled back and pushed into her. The flared head of her cock dragged against her insides and sensations of blinding ecstasy coursed up her body. She gasped, "Nal! Oh fuck me! Nal, this is amazing! Jerk me off! Oh please, jerk off my dick!"

"Mistress, your pussy feels so hungry for my cum. You're clenching so tightly on me." Nal moaned as she hugged close to her. Her arm reached around and strong fingers clasped on Yun's aching shaft. She pulled on her thick foreskin and her hand grew sticky with gooey splooge.

Yun was panting and she moaned out, "Yes! Cum inside! Yes! Oh Nal! Fuck me, yes!"

"Anything for you, Mistress!" Nal groaned through clenched teeth. She jerked Yun harder and heat blossomed inside her pussy. A huge flood of demon cum packed her womb and erupted out around the monster shaft. It poured onto the bed and splattered over everything. Yun screamed and her dick started to spew its own load. Nal didn't let up at all. She kept pushing her hips and her hand moved faster than ever as it became greased with semen. She drove Yun's orgasm to near insane levels and pearly goo was pooling on the bed in a thick mess.

When Nal finally pulled out, Yun was gasping and her heart felt like it was going to explode. Her every nerve burned like the sun with pleasure and she could feel the spunk running in thick streams from her nethers.

Nal sighed happily, letting her cock spurt its last over Yun's messy ass and thighs. She sank back against the wall and smiled, "Amazing... You are the sexiest mortal... I have ever fucked."

"Gllrrrgglll." Was Yun's Incoherent response. Nal chuckled and turned over, laying down on the warm, soaked bed. She dragged over a pillow and closed her eyes.

A minute later, the bed stirred and Nal felt hands grabbing her ass. Her cheeks were spread and a sloppy cock flopped down between them. Yun leaned down and growled, "You think I can be done after that?" She grabbed Nal's shoulders and shoved herself up against her hot little hole. "I. WANT. MORE."

Her dick pushed inside her ass with a long moan from Nal. She rammed right to her balls and gyrated her hips, grinding hard against her sexy ass. Her balls were huge and heavy, loaded down with more seed than ever as her lust-fueled body overcharged them. Her hips dragged back and she began to rut Nal's plump ass with total abandon. She bounced off her soft flesh and wrenched her ass wide with every push. Nal was screaming with joy and her tail snapped about in a show of her happiness.

"Oh by the Fallen, I picked the right one! I picked the right one to fuck! Yun, you are amazing! Fuck my ass! Yes!" Nal screamed as she arched her back. She quickly lost herself to the pleasure of the anal nailing.

Yun's jaw was set and spittle ran down her chin. She rammed down hard and held herself there as cum blasted from her cock. Her fingers dug into Nal's shoulders and she shuddered. Well more than what could be considered sane amounts of semen poured into Nal's ass. She came and came and just kept going until Nal's insides felt hot and heavy. When Yun finally pulled back, cum was running in thick rivulets down Nal's asscheeks and drooling constantly from Yun's cock.

"Mmmm... Yun... This cum is so delicious." Nal swooned, biting her lip as she savored the sensation of fullness.

"I'm still not done. I don't see my cum running from your pussy yet." Yun said, groping her messy ass.

"You have more? Oh fuck the hell yes!" Nal pushed her knees under herself and raised her ass. Her dick flopped down and her pussy glistened in the dim light. She looked back at her, "Do it. Fill me vith so much cum that I can't move."

Yun smiled and raised her still-cumming cock. She wasted no time in splitting those dark purple pussy lips. Her insides were hot and slippery, oh so welcoming to her hungry cock. She nestled right up inside her and moaned happily. Her balls were feeling lighter but they still churned with a thick load ready to come out. She wasted little time in humping, her hands grabbing Nal's wide hips tightly. Her massive balls slapped wildly against the Succubi's huge sack as she fucked her hard. Cum was still oozing from her cock the entire time and it painted Nal's insides in a wonderful goo.

Nal was gibbering her excitement in little noises and cries, her body shaking with pleasure. It only grew better when she felt Yun's balls slap against her own. She propped herself on one elbow and grabbed her dick with her free hand. She jerked herself in time with the cock impacting her innards. Her heart fluttered with delight and she peaked quickly. Her dick began to spray more pearly cum over the bed. She didn't stop either, hand flying up and down her shaft. She drew out all the cum she could as her pussy sang with ecstasy.

"Here it comes! Ready?" Yun gasped, sinking inside and pushing together the sweaty, cum-splatered mess of their balls.

"Yes~!" Nal screamed, collapsing onto her side as her dick spurted half-heartedly.

Yun rode her down and clung to her plump hip, grinding her cock slowly as her cum flooded out of her. Nal laid beneath her, lost in bliss as her last hole was packed full to bursting with delicious cream. She breathed hard and didn't do much else. Yun was just slowly and gently fucking her to eek out the last of her load. Cum was an inch deep beneath their bodies and it soaked into the mattress. Yun didn't care, she just focused on pouring out everything she could into her Succubus slave.

When it finally ended with a light tingling up her spine, she pulled free of Nal with a sloppy plop. Cum rushed out of her and Yun scooped up a huge handful. She crawled over and held it to Nal's nose, "Good slave. Have a treat."

Nal opened one eye and smiled knowingly. She leaned forward and licked up the cum from her hand. When the last of the thick spunk disappeared between her lips and that long, demon tongue retreated, Yun laid down next to her.

"What a waste of a shower." Yun chuckled quietly.

"We can go have one together if you'd like." Nal pointed out.

"Not worth it with the bed so messy. Just hold me close until morning." Yun yawned widely and scooted closer. Nal wrapped an arm around her and nuzzled her neck, "Love you, Mistress."



Hail kicked off her boots and stripped her socks quickly. She stepped up onto the practice mat in the Police Station's basement gym across from Caroline.

"So what're we doing here? You worried I'm not doing my job well enough?" Caroline asked.

Hail smiled slyly, "No, no. Up until now you and Katelyn have performed up to everything I expected out of you. But since the incident with your mother, we've not come up against anything big. It occurred to me this morning that neither if you have had any formal training."

"So that's it then? You just want to teach us how to kick more ass? Where's Kate then? Why send her off with that Dom chick?" Caroline raised an eyebrow.

"Different training. Dom is one of the top magic users in the world, she can train Kate better than I could even hope to. I barely know any magic at all." Hail said, tossing her coat aside and pulling off her shirt so she stood similar to Caroline, pants and an athletic bra.

Caroline scratched her head, "So you know shapeshifting then?"

"Nope. I figure you and Draconis got that figured out. I'm just gonna kick the shit out of you and then you're gonna learn." Hail laughed and raised her fists.

"So what, just brawling? Don't want me to use claws or fire?" Caroline raised her own fists.

"Oh hell no. Use anything you want. Er... Well, you should probably skip the fire anyway. Don't want to burn the station down." Hail shrugged and in the blink of an eye, she had leapt forward two paces.

"Whoa!" Caroline yelped in surprise and brought her arm up to block. Hail's leg was a blur as she whipped a roundhouse at her head. Caroline barely stopped it and even then, she staggered a step and grunted with the effort.

"Fight! Fight woman! Try and take me down!" Hail roared as her blood began to pump. She threw a left and a right. Caroline dodged the first and took the second to the shoulder.

The shapeshifter snarled in response and her body shifted, flesh growing and changing in seconds. Thick, heavy fur spread over her and she grew six inches in height. Muscle grew in powerful, ropey bulges up her arms and legs. Her eyes were red and feral as her hands and feet became enormous bear paws. Hail's next punch caught her in the middle, mid-shift and she was driven back a step.

A deep roar bellowed from the half-bear Caroline. She leapt at Hail and brought one huge paw sweeping down for a crushing blow. Hail effortlessly sidestepped it and spun around in a graceful move. Her momentum was perfect and she carried her arm around to drive an elbow into Caroline's side. The muscle and bear pelt did a wonderful job of absorbing the blow, but Hail was still strong enough to drive it home. Caroline roared again and twisted, swinging with all her might at Hail.

"Whoop!" Hail dropped and rolled backwards, letting Caroline's huge paws hit the ground. The impact made the room shudder slightly and Hail noticed it. The girl wasn't well practiced, but when you could hit like that, you hardly needed to be.

So imagine what a force she could be when she was? Hail smiled and charged in again, low and swift. She slipped around Caroline's next wild attack and grabbed her by the knee. She turned and heaved, upsetting Caroline's balance. She let go and spun, driving a fist right beneath Caroline's shoulderblade. The giant bear girl stumbled and Hail pounced again. She hit her low and with force, taking her stumbling leg away and up. A few hundred pounds of angry fur struck the ground and Hail leapt up on her.

She stood on Caroline's broad chest, hands on her hips, and said, "What happened? Do you know?"

Caroline growled, "You were faster than me. I couldn't hit you."

"Okay. So try something faster then. You're a shapeshifter, use it." Hail stepped off her and took her place again.

"What if I hurt you?" Caroline asked as she got up. The fur seemed to grow lighter in tone and her body thinned out. Stripes of color played through the now yellow fur and her eyes became cat like. Her paws shifted more feline and her legs grew springier.

"What if? Well, just see if you can. If you manage it, I'll deal with it." Hail said confidently. As Caroline took her place and looked her way, Hail spread her legs and clenched her fists at her sides.

Caroline rushed her, a yellow blur, and swept deftly around her. She brought her claws up to strike and Hail brought her fist down in just the right place. Caroline's own speed worked against her and Hail drove four knuckles straight down into her skull. The cat girl fumbled her attack and fell to the mat. She groaned in pain at the blow and huddled there, paws wrapped over her head.

"Okay. So what about that time? Was it speed again? You were fast. I didn't move my feet at all." Hail said, standing over Caroline.

She rolled over with a groan, shame in her eyes. Hail helped her up as her fur faded away, "I guess I don't know what went wrong the first time. You're just better than me."

"And that's why we're here. No transforming this time. Give yourself a bit of muscle to keep up with me, and stand there. I'm going to run you through some forms and show you some counters." Hails said, gesturing to the other side of the map. Caroline nodded and took her place.


"So what're we doing?" Kate asked as Caroline and Hail left the office.

"You two are short on training and with some big players in town right now, we want you to be up to snuff. From what I've seen, you two are damn good for amateurs. You still have a lot to learn though so I'd like to help you alone with that." Dom said, raising a hand. She moved it in a circle and a large oval appeared before her, a portion of space-time sinking out of reality. Through the hole, Kate could see a large empty beach. Dom stepped through it and gestured for her to follow.

She did and a strange sensation washed over her. Her legs wobbled and her heart fluttered. She felt a million things rush over her nerves as if she had just traveled around the world in moments. Her body swayed and she barely kept herself upright. Behind her the portal swirled shut.

"What...?" Kate gasped.

"This is my personal realm. Using my magic, I created a tiny bubble universe outside our own. Here, I control reality. It's where I come to relax." Dom said, gesturing around her.

Kate took it all in for the first time and realized what was so strange. The beach was just one side of a tiny deserted tropical island. Around them, water lapped at the sand and waves rolled in slowly. Yet a mile out, she couldn't see anything more. No horizon, nothing. It was as if the world just ended and blank black sky took over. There was no blue, nor clouds above them. Only a single small white disc of light hovered above the horizon.

"This is wild. You made this? How did you do it?" Kate said in awe.

"A lot of talent and a lot of experience. I'm very good with space-time magic. The first lesson you need to learn about being a proper magic user is imagination. You need to be able to twist and churn your powers to use them in ways not easily thought of. Creativity is the only limitation to a wizard." Dom said.

"What do you mean?" Kate asked.

"Say I ask you to lift this." Dom raised her hands and a large block of stone appeared out of the air between them. "What would you do? What kind of spell would you employ?"

"Um... A force spell. Like this." Kate said, raising her hands. A large rune appeared in glowing blue lines before her. The ground rumbled and the block began to rise into the air. She groaned with the effort and dropped the spell only after a few inches.

"Obviously. The most direct approach. I would instead do this." Dom raised one hand. For the first time, Kate saw her use a rune. It appeared in glittering gold and black light before her. There was a whisper of power and the block began to rise, as did a few inches of sand beneath it. It rose to eye level, tumbling lazily as the sand rose around it.

"What kind of rune is that? I've never seen that before. You used so little power. How?" Kate was enthralled as she reached out to touch the block. It twitched at her touch and began to roll another way.

"Gravity. I used a rune that caused the force of gravity to invert. But that spell is still limited by the rune itself. If I wanted to throw the rock using that magic, I'd have to direct another rune to twist gravity again. Or I would've had to use a different rune entirely. Its far too constrictive. So this is where Wild Magic comes in. The next step in learning the magical art." Dom twisted her hand. The rune disappeared and a fluctuation of gravity flitted through the air. The block suddenly turned over, shot up, spun around and fired out into the water with an enormous splash.

"Wild magic? The books Alex gave me never mentioned that." Kate said uncertainly.

"That is because Alex was a close minded egotist. All his passion was for serving his evil master, not growing in the art. All real practitioners must move into Wild magic at some point because when you are caught in the moment, you can't use runes fast enough. They're too complex to be swift and too restrictive to allow true imagination." Dom explained and Kate looked at her in confusion.

"But why?" Kate asked, "How is runic magic too slow?"

"You have a collection of runes you are capable of using. What happens if you are set upon by an enemy or a disaster that your runes can't cover. You have precious seconds to act. Not time enough to design a new rune for a new spell." Dom said with a wave of her hand.

"But I have done that. I make up new runes all the time." Kate retorted.

"Oh sure, you can twist or alter a rune you know well enough. But you can't create a complex and intricate new rune from thin air in the span of a breath." Dom shook her head, "Not unless you're a master Arcanologist."

"I'm telling you that I have. Coming up with new runes is easy. Alex tried to tell me I couldn't just learn the basics of magic in a few days but I did! I've got an eidetic memory, everything in my head stays there in perfect clarity." Kate argued in exasperation.

"Every young mage goes through this. Every one uses runic magic as a crutch and because they can make a fireball or a cryoblast spell on the fly, they think they are a true Arcanologist. What's the most complex rune you've made up on the fly? Show me just how good you think you are." Dom sighed, waving her hand idly in impatience.

Kate furrowed her brow and thought. It took her a moment to decide, "Uhh, probably a month ago when we took down a fire elemental. It had made its den in the underground beneath an apartment building. It was volatile and dangerous, we had to contain it. I didn't know how dangerous until we got there and it broke free of my prison spell in seconds. If we didn't act fast, it could detonate itself and that would collapse the area we were in and likely set the entire apartment on fire above."
"So what did you do?" Dom asked.

"I made a new one. I'm not as strong as you or as Alex was. Even with Caroline's help, I can't power big spells for very long. But I've learned to work around that." Kate held out her hands and a rune began to appear in the air, line by line. It started as a circle with a complex series of spiked lines inside it, but from there it kept growing. It kept getting more complex. Other circles and lines appeared, intersecting at seemingly random places. Soon it was as tall as she was and immensely intricate, like a blazing tapestry woven of fire. She moved her hands around, spinning the rune slowly in the air until she was certain it was finished, "I do things in ways that allow my power to flourish. I used this to capture it and let it self destruct harmlessly inside."

Dom was utterly aghast. She stared at the rune and even for a master Chronomancer like herself, it took a minute to understand. She traced a finger around the rune as she studied it, "You took the barrier and enhanced it. Empowered it to act beyond normal parameters. You crafted in conversion runes on the inside to allow the spell to feed on the elemental's own power. The more the elemental thrashed and raged, the more powerful the barrier would become. It wouldn't take a fraction of power from you to keep it going. What about the radiant heat though? The temperature would pass right through it and the room would be scorched."

"No. Look at the outside here. I used a rune I designed a long while back to sound proof my bedroom but I reversed it so instead of sound to heat, it made sound from heat." Kate pointed at the series of small circular runes lining the entire outer edges.

"Genius. That way all its destructive power feeds the barrier while the heat is reduced to harmless vibrations in the air. I imagine it got loud though?" Dom looked through the rune at Kate.

"You know those tuner cars with the big subwoofers that rumble from a block away. It sounded like that but twice as loud. None of us could hear well for an hour or two." Kate explained, "Definitely something to work on next time. Maybe a reverberation plane around the outside to force the sound back inward upon the prisoner."

"No, no. For getting rid of heat you should've just used transfer runes to feed it into the stone beneath the rune." Dom shook her head.

Kate nodded, "Makes sense but I'd never seen one at the time. There is a lot about runes I don't know so I keep coming up with little things like this to bypass what I don't know."

Dom ran a hand through her hair and huffed, "For the first time in probably a hundred years, I can safely say that you really are an Arcanologist. If you really made this rune up in anything less than fifteen minutes at your age, you have a clear talent. Usually I have to go through a few dozen classes of magic before an apprentice discovers their niche, but you got it."

"So why is being an Arcanologist a good thing? What about all that you said of imagination? Won't this still limit me in the long run?" Kate asked in confusion.

"In truth, I only use raw magic for quick and dirty stuff or stuff I'm very familiar with. The greatest high level magics still use runes. But that kind of stuff is not shared with apprentices because they will become complacent and stuck in runic magic. They won't spread their horizons and grow in talent. In time those that learn to use Wild magic see its positives and negatives. They think about runes in a new way. They start to learn what you already have. The ingenuity that is necessary to make truly grand magics." Dom said with a nod, "Do you understand?"

"Yea... Its kind if like using a calculator in math class. You can start out with it, but at some point you're going to need to learn all those basics without it. Then once you get into the truly difficult stuff like advanced calculus, you get the calculator back so you can grow even further." Kate said with a bright smile.

"Sort of, yea. I haven't heard that metaphor before." Dom laughed.

"I'm really good at math. Teachers hated me because of my memory. I just went through and did hundreds of problems on my own every night and then I'd just recall the work when the test came up and I'd just write it all down again. I'd finish tests in minutes instead of hours." Kate sniggered and Dom laughed again.


"So how did it go?" Hail asked when Dom reappeared back in her office that evening.

"Katelyn is going to be the greatest Arcanomancer this world has ever seen. Give her a few decades of practice and she will flourish into grand power. What she doesn't know or realize yet is Arcanomancers are the real masters of magic. They are the most powerful and most skilled because they are not limited to one field of Mancer level magic. A master Arcanist can call every element, every force of the art to their command, and they are a terror to be reckoned with." Dom said, rubbing her face as she sat down, "Don't lose her and Caroline. Keep them at your side."

"Do you know of any Arcanomancers that would be willing to train her?" Hail asked.

"There isn't one. There hasn't been a true Arcanomancer in centuries. They're rare. Incredibly rare. Runes are the easiest and the most complex magic. They can do simple things and they can do impossible things. The rune she made to capture that fire elemental was like one of Da Vinci's blueprints. Its rough and messy, but it was amazing. It would've taken me at least ten minutes to design and practice that rune well enough to be able use it. She made it up and used it in the field, in combat. The sheer talent required... You don't quite grasp it. Its the skill to be able to take apart a car blindfolded, then put it back together blindfolded, all while hopping on one foot, whistling showtunes, and juggling with one hand." Dom described animatedly.

"So you're saying she's better than you? You of all people, Dom, are admitting you're not the best?" Hail smirked.

"Viktoria. Give her a century of practice and experience and she'll rival Merlin. I'd stake my power on it." She said solemnly.

Hail's eyebrows went up, "Arthurian legend Merlin?"

"Merlin the Original. He was a true Arcanomancer and the greatest in history. If she puts her mind to it, with a lot of help and support from Caroline, I think she could do it." Dom nodded.

"Damn. And here I thought I had the better news. Caroline has been fighting on her spirit's instinct this whole time. Getting some real practice and technique under her belt has her growing into a real talented fighter. We sparred all day and she actually got a couple hits in on me by the end of it." Hail cursed.

"Oh and you were teasing me about my ego?" Dom poked a finger at her.

"Pull that finger back or I remove it, Dom." Hail growled.

Dom just snickered and got to her feet, "Keep an eye on those two. They're going to change the world some day." And she was gone through another portal.

"Yea... Maybe someday I could retire." Hail sighed with a hopeful smile.



Yun woke up before Nal. She found herself cuddled up beside the voluptuous, sinfully sexy succubus with her arm wrapped around her chest to grope one of those watermelon-sized boobs. Nal's big, plump butt cheeks were cradling Yun's throbbing morning wood. The warmth of her flesh and the scent of last's nights sex were the limit of what she could resist. She reached down and wrapped her fingers around Nal's huge, equine cock. It was hard and still sticky with semen. If anything, that made it sexier and more enticing to Yun, the dirty, lustful desire of it all.

She began to stroke Nal off, admiring just how big and hard the demon's morning erection was. She carefully wriggled her cock free of those plush cheeks and worked it between the soft thighs below. It felt amazing to slide into the hot, gooey mess there. She eased forward until her dick was nudging Nal's big, heavy cumsack. Her hand moved faster and she started to lazily fuck her messy thighs.

The succubus didn't notice anything. She slept soundly and even let out a rumbling snore as Yun sped up. Her hand jerked faster and her cock rubbed in and out of Nal's hot thighs. She worked her morning orgasm out very quickly and her cock erupted. Thick goo sprayed from her and pounded against Nal's heavy balls. It splattered all between her thighs, coated her balls and burst back against Yun.

It was then Nal stirred and gave a sleepy moan. Her eyes fluttered open with a wide yawn, "Good morning, mistress. Are you enjoying yourself?"

"Heya. Tell me, how am I ever going to wake next to you and not immediately start fucking you? Your body is so warm and soft, your dick sooo..." Yun growled and bit at her ear, "Very hard!"

"Mmmm... Zat's the idea, mistress. I'd like you to use me every morning. Please, just use me in every vay you want. My body is your plaything." Nal cooed hungrily.

Yun let go of her cock and scooted back, despising the fact she was pulling her cock out of that warm, messy love sleeve. She sat up and gestured to her, "On your back then. My pussy is hungry for that huge beast of a dick."

"You're lucky I made you so much stretchier, mistress. Zis size could kill normal pussy." Nal smiled, rolling onto her back and holding her erection still.

"What a way to die, though." Yun licked her lips and didn't take her eyes off it once. She stood above it and slowly lowered down, splitting herself open on the gooey, flared head. A long, rapturous moan came from her as she slid down its girthy length. Her butt pressed to Nal's lap and her cock slapped down on her belly. Yun's eyes half closed as her mouth hung open. Her body was filling with pleasure and it wasn't going to take much more. "Oh... Fuck." Yun groaned, the only thing holding her up was the gigantic rod in her pussy.

Nal grabbed her hips and pulled her forward, hugging her to her massive chest. "Better mistress? How does your pussy feel?"

Yun took a breath and rubbed her face against the warm, messy skin of her breast, "Still hungry. I don't have a big load of yours inside me yet."

"Oh yes my mistress, coming right up." Nal smiled, sliding her fingers teasingly up Yun's hips until she sank them into her soft ass. Her hips rose and she pushed that big horse dick completely inside her again. With aching slowness, she drew it back out and pushed it back in, working five or six inches of thick cock back and forth.

Yun hummed happily, snuggled up to Nal's big boobs while her depths were so lustily plundered. That is until Nal decided to speed things up. In the span of a second, her lazy fucking beget a wild, superhuman pounding. Her cock flew in and out of her pussy and her huge balls slapped against Yun's ass. Yun let out a howling moan and clung to Nal's shoulders.

The succubus fucked her without an ounce of mercy. She kept going until Yun gasped and creamy splooge poured between Nal's tits. Yun's cock jerked and spewed as her insides gripped Nal in a fleshy vice. Nal turned and rolled Yun beneath her, leaving her cock to sputter the last over her own chest. She squished her beneath her huge boobs and started to work her hips again.

"Nal! Yes! Fuck me!" Yun screamed in a pleasure drunk voice.

With her legs splayed wide, Yun was joyously helpless beneath her. She pushed her flared head right up to her womb and unleashed a torrent of hot goo. Her balls clenched up tightly and she filled her in short order.

Yun's eyes rolled back as she was overcome by the sensation of being filled with hot bliss. She just basked in it all until Nal slowly pulled herself free with a messy rush of cum. Yun sighed and raised her head. The succubus was standing at the foot of the bed, eying her naked and messy body with a hungry look, "Every time we fuck, I realize just how awesome it is with you. Being a demon has its ups and downs, how restricted ve are when it comes to mortals sometimes sucks... But other times I get to see this."

"Don't get too excited all at once. Not the only time you're gonna see it." Yun chuckler, sitting upright. She got to her feet and stumbled. Her knees wobbled and she grabbed the dresser with a choked laugh, "Fucking hell. I am not used to that much fucking. I feel like I should be sore and aching but I'm not."

"How boring is it for you mortals normally? I could go for days more." Nal snickered.

"I... Oh... Damn." Yun cursed as she saw the disaster of the bed. It was soaked down to the carpet with semen and other fluids. Gooey white spunk splattered the walls and pooled among the sheets. She rubbed her face, "Maybe we should fuck in the shower mode. I don't make enough money to have my whole bedroom cleaned every night."

Nal laughed, "Oh please Mistress. Vhat is the matter with living in a den of our carnal desires?"

"It's slightly unsanitary. Also can you imagine how uncomfortable this will be when its really cold or really hot out?" Yun shook her head, "No, we'll fuck outside or in the shower, not so much in here anymore."

"Oh fine. You are no fun Mistress. I love sleeping in a mess of cum." Nal huffed, raising her hands. A dark rune appeared before her and a warm breeze blew out of it. It swirled around the room, upending blankets and pillows, washing over Yun's body and fluffing the carpet. It blew against the walls and fluttered back to Nal, leaving all clean and fresh in its wake. The scent of semen was a fraction of what it had been and all the walls and floor looked freshly washed. The bed even made itself as the wind disappeared.

"Wow! That's handy." Yun exclaimed.

"And so boring." The succubus sighed dejectedly.


Yun put a pair of burgers on the stove for lunch a few hours later. She had spent the morning doing long needed chores, washing clothes and such. Nal complained most of the time, pining on about her need for sex.

The meat started to sizzle as the pan heated up. Yun flopped down on the couch and Nal snuggled up next to her, "So, fuck?"

"It just never ends with you. Humans do other things besides fuck, you know that right?" Yun said, glancing sideways at her.

"Yes and you are so boring during that time. Unless you are killing or fucking, you are vasting time zat could be spent killing or fucking!" Nal exclaimed.

Yun stared at her and shook her head, "Or I could call my boss and try to lie my way back into my job. Maybe I could get Hail to sign some paper saying I was doing something for the police department. Make a believable story so I'm not fired."

"A job? You have a job? How are ve supposed to fuck all day if you aren't home!" Nal said, throwing her hands up.

Yun just rolled her eyes and picked up her cellphone off the coffee table. She dialed her work and asked for her boss. Ten minutes later, the results were rather clear. "Fired. They don't care that I didn't have an option in my missed time. Said they can't trust a secretary that will just up and vanish for a few days with no notice. I'll receive my severance in the mail."

"Zat is a good thing, yes? Now you don't have to work!" Nal said with a fanged grin.

"No it is not a good thing! I don't have a job! I hardly have any savings and I've got student loans to pay off. My schooling was all in business, I have to find more work or I'll lose my apartment! This is all awful! Why did this have to happen to me? I'm nobody special. I just wanted to live my life. But first you, then this body, then my dad is the Monkey King, and now I'm the Monkey King. I have super powers but they don't just make me bricks of gold. Hell, I don't even know what to do with these stupid powers! What does it even mean to be the Monkey King?" Yun covered her face and laid back on the couch, trying not to cry. Everything had been happening so fast lately and now there was time for everything to catch up. It did so all at once and her head couldn't take it.

Nal slid an arm around her shoulder, "Calm down. You don't need to panic over such trivial issues."

Yun sniffed and rubbed her eyes, "What do you suggest I do?"

"Sit and breathe. Nothing vill change or go wrong in the next few minutes. Gather yourself." She suggested.

"Meditate. Yea. That seems like a Monkey King thing to do. Wonder if my ancestors can answer any questions." Yun gave an empty chuckle. She pulled her legs up to herself and closed her eyes. Nal got off the couch and went into the kitchen while she tries to focus.

It came easier than she expected it to. Once she had a mind to try and meditate, her body reacted instantly. Her heart slowed down, her muscles went limp, and her mind began to slowly empty like a blocked stream finally released. It was as though she had done this a million times before and she only needed to remember how. Her breathing slowed and she felt comfort in the dark and the quiet.

As the last thoughts faded from her mind, she felt a soft breeze ruffle her hair. She opened her eyes to find a small but rich meadow before her. Tall mountains of some unknown Chinese valley loomed around her and the only thing in sight was a gorgeously blossoming mandarin tree on a hill in the little meadow. She got to her feet and walked towards it. Beneath it's shade sat her grandfather, his body still and his face peaceful. He wore worn white robes and his cane was leaned against the tree next to him.

"Grandfather." Yun said as she walked up the hill towards him.

"Ah. Hello Yun. It is good to see you. You look troubled. Come, share my shade." He said, patting the grass next to him.

She walked over and sat beside him, "Thanks. Can't seem to make sense of things the last few days. I just lost my job and my apartment probably isn't far behind."

"Hmmm." He said thoughtfully, "Why do you find yourself so overwhelmed?"

"Because there is just so much happening! I'm the Monkey King and I can't even keep my job. Why can't anyone just tell me what I'm meant to do with these powers?" Yun leaned on her knees and rubbed her forehead.

Her grandfather leaned over to her and held his hands out. In them was a beautiful white bloom from the tree above them. He held it up and looked at her, "What do you see?"

"A flower." She said the obvious.

"I see an mandarin that is yet to be. I see the tree's hope. I see a promise." He said, turning the blossom around.

"Yea, I guess that's true too." Yun nodded.

Her grandfather smiled warmly, "You are like this blossom. You are yet to bear fruit but you show promise. No matter how things seem, you still have room to grow."

"I've never liked all this metaphor and mystical crap. Why can't everything be straight forward and simple. Maybe I'm a bad choice for Monkey King." Yun groaned, shaking her head.

That made him laugh. He held his belly and gave a great bellowing laugh that seemed to make the grass sway and the wind sing. It brought a smile to Yun and she felt its warmth soak into her. He took her hand, still chuckling, and put the blossom in it. "My dear sweet granddaughter, you are more like Sun Wukong than any Monkey King since him. None were more bullheaded, stubborn, and implacable as he. You and he are more alike than you can possibly imagine."

"But he was wise and powerful. He did things I can't even imagine. Fighting a whole army? I was almost bested by one gorgeous demon woman!" Yun scoffed.

"He grew wise with age. You will too. But believe me when I tell you that he was just as stubborn the day he finally died as he had been the day he was born from stone. He was never one for hyperbole or mysticism. He liked simple solutions to simple problems. He was tricky, yes, but when he asked a question, he wanted an answer... Not more questions." He said, still grinning.

Yun turned the blossom in her hand and sighed, "I don't suppose you can tell me how to get a new job in the next week, could you?"
He laughed and clapped her on the shoulder. He rose to his feet and took his cane, starting off down the hill away from the tree.

"Grandfather, can you tell me anything else about this? It's all so much. Can you give me any answers for what I am supposed to do now?" Yun asked after him.

He turned and looked over his shoulder, "Whatever you want, granddaughter. You are the Monkey King after all."

As he walked further away, Yun kicked at the grass in frustration. Why couldn't he just tell her? It didn't make sense to have the power of the Monkey King and no purpose. Was she supposed to protect the innocent? Was she supposed to show off the glory of the Monkey King? Wasn't power supposed to beget responsibility or something?

Was spiderman just a lot of nonsense?


Yun jerked in surprise when Nal shook her shoulder, "Mistress! You've been sitting there for two hours. The burgers are cold. Vell, yours is. I ate mine."

"What? Oh. Wait, how long?" Yun stared at her in surprise.

"A little more zan two hours. I kept nudging you or trying to vake you up. I gave you a blowjob while you were out." Nal said, pointing at her half-erect cock.

"I guess I was really out of it. Didn't seem like it was that long though, I was just talking to my grandfather. He never can tell me anything helpful though. I just want to know what these powers are for!" Yun groaned, stretching her arms above her.

Nal cocked her head, "Vhy do you need a purpose?"

Yun picked up the burger sitting in front of her, "Because it seems so weird. Why would I just get powers like this? Why would these powers exist? Everything has a purpose, even you."

"How deterministic." She nodded, crossing her arms, "Vhy can't your purpose be whatever you make it?"

"I didn't make this power, I didn't earn it. It didn't choose me, I didn't choose it. I inherited it and that was all. I don't know. Maybe I don't even understand it myself." Yun groaned, biting into the burger with a sigh.

"You mortals. So needlessly complex." Nal shook her head.



Yun tossed two large bags of clothing on the couch later that afternoon. She had been to a thrift store and bought a pile of cheap clothing that would fit her more voluptuous form. It wasn't really money she should be spending but she wasn't going to find a new job in basketball shorts and an almost painfully stretched old shirt. She still couldn't find a bra, but she had some men's boxers that looked like they'd fit pretty well.

"Vhat is all of this?" Nal asked, poking through one of the bags.

"Thanks to you, my entire wardrobe is useless. Not a piece of clothing in there can fit me. I can't go job hunting in these kind of clothes." Yun said, gesturing to herself, "Though the lack of bra might help me."

"Men are easily enticed by a jiggly pair of jugs." She chuckled.

"Now if only I knew somewhere to look. To the internet I guess." She sighed. Job hunting really sucked.

Nal pulled out a white blouse done up with ruffles down the front and a cut that would show off a lot of cleavage. She held it up to herself and then looked at Yun, "Vhat about that Hail woman? She had zose two working with her. You desire a purpose, perhaps it is to defend the innocent with her team?"

"I... Huh. That isn't a terrible suggestion. I wouldn't argue with being a police officer. I wonder if she would be willing to train me." Yun blinked in surprise at the idea.

"The sooner you are happy and employed, the sooner I get more sex. Happy humans are more open to suggestions." Nal grinned.

Yun just rolled her eyes and stripped off her messy clothes.


When they walked into the police station, the both of them were wearing properly fitting clothes now. Yun wore tan slacks and a blue button up shirt that could barely fit comfortably around her breasts. Even as conservative as the outfit was, she still looked immensely attractive because of her curves. Nal on the hand had put on that low cut frilly white top and it showed off exactly as much cleavage as expected. Her lower half was only covered by jean shorts to the mid thigh, bulging obscenely around her huge cock. Only Yun could see her as she normally was, everyone else just saw pale skin and boots instead of purple and hooves.

Yun walked up to the front desk and the officer behind it looked up at her, "Yes ma'am?"

"I need to speak with Lieutenant Hail." Yun asked.

"Both of you please sign here and put these on." He said, pointing at a visitor sign in on the counter.

Yun scribbled down both of their names, took the visitor tags, and headed up the stairs towards Special Investigations. They went through the doors into the bustling room full of SI officers and spotted Katelyn standing at the head of the room, moving pins around on a map of Seattle.

They walked over to her and Yun spoke up, "Um. Hello. Is Lieutenant Hail in?"

"Oh! Hi again. Yea, she's in her office. Go ahead." Kate smiled to her and pointed at her open office door. They walked through it.

Hail sat behind her desk, focused on her computer and whatever she was reading.

"Um. Hi. Sorry to disturb you." Yun said, standing awkwardly just inside the door. Nal leaned against the frame behind her.

"Yun. Is there something you need to tell me? We are in the middle of searching for Gregarian. Did you or her come up with anything?" Hail asked, looking up at them.

"No. I was just wondering, could I have a job?" Yun asked bluntly.

"Why?" Hail asked.

"Well I lost my last job because of what happened. They said they couldn't have a secretary that would just up and leave for a few days without warning." Yun said.

"So you're just looking for a paycheck?" Hail said.

"I do have bills to pay." She shrugged.

"No. I don't need people just in it for the money." Hail waved her off.

Yun frowned, "Oh come on. I lost this job because of you! Some psycho uses me as bait, you two barge in, and my entire life gets upended! I've had a hell of a time trying to adjust to all this. I've got the powers of the Monkey King. I can fight."

"If I just wanted Mythics that could fight, I would have hundreds. I have a select few that are on payroll because they believe in what they're doing. You have no idea what you believe in and you're just grasping for anything you can. You aren't a fit for this job." Hail said, wagging a finger.

"I know what I believe in! I believe I need to do something with these powers. I believe I need money. I believe you should hire me." Yun argued.

Hail clucked her tongue and shook her head, "You don't even believe that. Your words are traced with insecurity and dishonesty, even if you don't know it. There are better things you could be doing."

"What am I supposed to do then? I don't have anywhere else to go. At the end of the month, my apartment is going to evict me when I can't pay rent. Even if I can find another normal job, what happens when something like this happens again? Somehow I don't believe this is the only time your world is going to fuck up my life!" Yun exclaimed, pointing at Hail.

"Oh stop acting like a child. Stop looking for someone to blame. The real world is all around you and things happen. People get caught in back alleys being preyed on by vampires. Boyscouts in the woods go missing when a werewolf drags them off to eat them. Innocent people die everyday and you are acting like losing your job is the end of your life. You are luckier than most. If something decides to attack you, you have the power to fight back. That is why I won't hire you. Your first thought is about yourself, the hardships you are suffering. You came in here for a job on my team and there was not a thing about protecting those that can't protect themselves. That is who I want around. I stand as a bulwark against the things of the dark and the mystic for the people of this city and I expect nothing less of those I bring with me. I'm sorry, but you aren't it. Go solve your own problems and figure out your own life. There is already a check in the mail for compensation, should be enough to keep you in your apartment for a month or three." Hail didn't raise her voice but there was a force behind it that made Yun take a step back. When she pointed at the door, Yun obeyed without argument.

She stopped right outside for a moment, "I'm sorry. I didn't think about any of that. I'm just trying to cope. I hope you catch him."

Hail nodded and Yun walked away, Succubus in tow.


Yun parked her car down in the industrial park, near where Nal had originally taken her to Gregarian.

"Here Mistress? Vhy?" Nal sounded uneasy.

"I need to work out some frustration and I didn't know where else to go." Yun said, getting out. Nal looked a little apprehensive as she opened her door.

"I've heard sex is good for that. I'd be happy to take a hatefucking." Nal said with her eyes flitting about.

"Are you okay, Nal? You're fidgeting a whole lot." Yun asked as she led the way down to the drainage entrance.

Nal tarried a step behind as they descended into the underground. Yun's eyes began to glow when she willed the power of the Monkey King to cut away the darkness. The succubus took a minute to speak up, "I'm sorry I ask for sex so much. I didn't mean to be a nuisance. Zis return to Earth has been the most pleasurable I've ever had. I vanted to make ze most of it. I really have enjoyed my time vith you."

Yun stopped and looked at her with glowing golden eyes, "Why does it sound like you're dying?"

"Are you not taking me down here to vork out your frustrations? I am the cause for much of your strife, so I expect you vill beat the life out of my body in recompense." Nal said, hands writhing together.

"What? Hell no! I need you around. Its a relief knowing that I have someone who will be with me and help me. People go to the gym to work themselves to exhaustion as a way of relieving emotions. No gym around could have the weight I need." Yun laughed and continued walking, "I like to think we're becoming friends."

"Oh. Vow. I did not expect that. I am so used to being around vindictive and selfish men. Zis compassion is new to me." Nal said with wide eyes.

They trekked all the way back to the chamber where Gregarian was going to sacrifice Yun. The ground was still broken and shattered, jagged edges of stone rising up at strange angles around the spot where Yun tried to crush the warlock. Yun stepped over the rough stone to stand where the center of the sacrificial ritual had been. She looked over the fading purple lines on the broken stone and felt her anger rising again.

"God damn it, I wish I could've crushed that bastard. You're not to blame for anything you've done, Nal. Everything that has happened to me is because of him. What I wouldn't give to be there when Hail gets him." Yun said through gritted teeth.

With bare hands, she grabbed ahold of one of the huge pieces of broken stone. Her muscles bulged and the power filled her. She felt the stone shift and a few tons of rock slowly lifted from the ground. She gritted her teeth and lifted it above her head. It was a jagged chunk of stone probably as big as her car and when she took a step while holding it, the entire room shook.

"Whoa..." Nal said in awe, "I've seen mortals do zis with magic... But never vith muscle."

"I don't know if there is any difference with these Monkey King powers." Yun said, adjusting the massive stone so it was sitting, if a bit awkwardly, on her shoulders. She slowly walked to the edge of the room with big booming steps, "So the way you were acting earlier... Erk... Do you actually fear death? Grrr. I thought you just went back home."

"That's true, but I never know vhen I could be summoned next. I might be stuck in hell for a thousand years. It's not a bad place but being here with you..." Nal watched as Yun stopped in one corner and began to do squats with the tons of stone on her shoulders. She licked her lips, "I have not lied vhen I express my enjoyment of being at your side."

Yun looked up at her through the dark. She turned and dropped the massive stone at her side and leaned against it, breathing hard. A smile broke her face, "Big powerful succubus... Falling in love with a mortal?"

"It is not love! I simply am enjoying myself." Nal snapped sharply.

"After everything you've said? Why don't I believe you?" Yun smiled at her before sitting down next to the rock. She laid back and pulled the huge slab of stone onto her chest. It took a bit of wriggling before it was square atop her and she began to benchpress it.

"Love is not something for a Succubi Queen! I am above such mortal emotions." Nal argued, stamping one hoof. There was silence in the room as Yun grunted and worked her arms. The massive chunk rose and fell, completely obscuring her body.

Yun pushed the rock up and down twice more before asking, "You ever read Shakespeare?"

"I knew the man himself. Vhat of him?" Nal asked with an impatient tone. Yun allowed herself another few presses, feeling the burn growing in her arms and shoulders.

"The lady doth protest too much, methinks." Yun groaned, pushing the rock off to one side with a booming thud. She got to her feet, sweat dripping from her brow, and walked up to Nal.

The Succubus watched her as she stepped up close to her. Yun stood on her toes and stared into Nal's eyes until she blinked, "Wh-what?!"

Yun kissed her on the lips and Nal squeaked, "You can't not love someone with that kind of reaction. Plus your cock is throbbing just from watching me work out."

"I just like a strong partner. I'm telling you, I'm not in love!" Nal's face darkened as her purple skin blushed. The fuming look on her was that of an embarrassed school girl getting caught in her lies.

"Oh come on. Its not a bad thing. Hearing that you were so scared of not being with me anymore got me pretty happy." Yun slid her arms around Nal.

"I... Vait. Stop." Nal pushed her back a step.

Yun crossed her arms, "Really?"

"No, not zat. Here." Nal stepped past Yun and knelt down. A burst of red fire filled her hand and she pointed at a little piece of gold that glimmered with the light.

"What? An earring? What's so special about that?" Yun cocked her head.

"Pick it up." Nal said.

"Why me?" Yun reached down and picked it up.

"Because I cannot touch the symbol of Christ. What is it doing down here?" Nal asked.

Yun looked close and realized she was right. The tiny earring was a cross maybe a quarter inch in length. It was held on half inch of gold chain to a little hook where it would've been hung from the earlobe. She shrugged, "Someone dropped it?"

"How deep are we in the underground? You believe someone who vould have gold jewelry vould come down here?" Nal raised an eyebrow.

"Okay. One of Gregarian's other sacrifices?" Yun suggested.

"I remember all he used. None had such jewelry on them." She shook her head.

"Well I did scare him something good when I took a swing at him. Think he dropped it?"

Nal tapped her chin and tapped a hoof on the stone before frowning, "No but something tells me zis was intended to be found. Perhaps he has a new sacrifice and they dropped it as a sign. But vhy here? Gregarian has no reason to come back here. It is a pointless risk."

"Maybe we should take it to the Lieutenant?" Yun said and Nal nodded.


When they got back to the station, it was late in the evening and things were a wild flurry of motion. There were twice as many people in there as that afternoon. Hail stood at the head of the room, organizing the chaos. At her side stood a rather stern looking man with graying hair and a priest's attire. Hail waved them over the moment she saw them, "I've got little time for discussion. Make it fast and move on."

"We found this at the ritual site underground where I knocked Gregarian around." Yun held up the little earring, "Nal is sure its out of place and I figure it might help you."

The priest's eyes flashed and he snatched the earring out of her hand, "This is one of hers."

"Who?" Yun asked.

"A missing girl, a treasure of the Catholic Church. The father here assures us he saw Gregarian take her." Hail said, "Where did you say you found this?"

"In the Underground. The first ritual site where Gregarian tried to sacrifice me. I can show you." Yun said.

"Good. Caroline, keep in touch with me. We're going to go try and find her. If I come across the warlock, I'll give a call and we'll meet up to take him apart." Hail said to the young Arcanist at a nearby desk.

"Will do Lieutenant." She nodded.

"Come on. You too father. I trust you can protect yourself." Hail said, heading for the door.

"He will protect me. I have no fear for myself but for Gisela." The priest said as they walked out.

"Who will?" Yun asked.

"God." He replied simply.

Yun raised an eyebrow, "Really? Like miraculous intervention or something? What about this girl. Why would Gregarian take her as opposed to someone else? It seems like taking someone called a Catholic treasure seems a little conspicuous."

They got outside and piled into an unmarked police SUV. The priest got in the front while Yun and Nal got in the back. Yun looked at hail, "Industrial docks. About halfway up the seaside wall there is a large set of drainage pipes."

She nodded and they started off.

"So what is the Catholic Church doing in all this?"

"I will answer your questions if you tell me why you have a demon with you." The priest said, looking over his shoulder at Nal.

"What is even the point of camouflage if everyone can see through it? She isn't running wild, she is under my control. Gregarian summoned her and tried to tie me to her. What he wasn't expecting was that I could overpower his control over her." Yun said with annoyance in her voices, "Who are you anyway?"

"I am Father Pedro Cervanta. I was entrusted with the guardianship of young Gisela and I was overwhelmed by the warlock we are chasing. He had a host of demons with him and I could not fight them all. If we had any hint such danger would reside here in Seattle, the Church would've sent considerable forces instead of just me." He said, hands clasped in his lap.

"But what of the girl? I don't get why Gregarian wants her bad enough to kidnap her. We know he's sacrificing people but wouldn't a less obvious target make better sense?" Yun leaned forward in her seat.

"She is one of the True Faithful." Pedro said.

Yun scratched her head, "What does that mean?"

"True Faithful are those born with the spark of divine faith within them. Most have to aspire for decades to achieve the same." Hail said, turning a corner towards the industrial district.

"What's the difference between that and believing in God?" Yun sighed. The questions were never going to stop and it annoyed her.

Pedro nodded, "A simple and common misconception. To believe in God is to think he is there. To have faith in God is to hurl yourself off a building and know he is going to save you. Very few people can attain a true faith in God and those that do are very old and wise."

"What of you?" Yun asked.

He laughed at that, "Sweet girl, I am mortal. I am sinful and my faith has wavered. I believe and I do my best to follow that belief, but I am not perfect by any means."

"Okay but what's so special about having perfect faith?" Yun just wanted to understand.

"There is a world of difference between perfect and imperfect. My faith in God lets me call upon his fury and wrath to smite his enemies and protect the innocent. But that power is imperfect, it can be defended against and defeated. Gisela's faith lets her call upon his love and truth and such power is immutable." Pedro said.

"What, she can heal?" Yun guessed.

"She can but that is not her true power. To be able to call upon the love of God, one so enamoured with our world that he sent his only son to die for us is a power beyond imagining. She can show a person God's love for them and in the face of that, no mortal can stand. No power can stop or affect it. When she touches you and you see God in all his glory and you feel his love for you, you know the utter truth of who you are." Pedro spoke with a solemn reverence.
Yun thought about it for a minute but she didn't grasp what was so awe inspiring, "So? I know who I am. What would that do?"

"Can you imagine being a murderer and having killed? Having taken the life of another human being that was not yours to take. The truth of God shows you everything you are. You see every crime, every wrongdoing, and you know with surety every sin you have committed. You know just how easy it would've been to not sin if you had simply chosen otherwise. You see your soul bared beneath his glory and you know exactly how entirely short you fall of it." His voice grew quieter as he looked at his hands, "Yet you know without a single doubt that God still loves you unconditionally. To call such an experience life changing would fall utterly short. To try and describe it is to try and hold a candle to the sun itself. That is why we call her a treasure and we cannot let such a pure soul die."

"Oh." And she did understand.



Hail frowned as they got out of the truck. This place seemed entirely too obvious for evil schemes. She walked around the vehicle and pulled a sports bag from the back or the truck. There was little noise as they gathered at the front and looked at the six foot drainpipes sticking out from under one of the industrial piers.

"Something about this just seems wrong. Why would an evil warlock bent on destruction use some place so obvious?" She said, looking around at her small group.

"Gregarian said he needed a place vith evil history. Somewhere evil magic could flourish. This chamber deep underground vas once connected to the surface elsewhere and used for slaves." Nal said.

"It still feels strange to me. Let's hurry this up." Hail said, checking her flashlight.

"Let me bless our group." Pedro said, pulling out a cross hanging on a long chain of beads. He bowed his head, "Lord please guide our steps tonight. Help us to find your lost lamb. Protect us from those that would stand in our way. Amen."

A gentle flow of power swirled among them. It was subtle and quiet, a whisper on the backs of their necks. The demon, who currently looked like a busty Vegas hooker in high heels, shivered in discomfort.

"Alright. Keep it close and quiet. I know you were here only a little while ago but the sun is down now and there is every possibility that earring was a plant." Hail warned them and then she led the way to the tunnel entrance.

Hail shone a flashlight down the tunnel as they entered it. It was a little steep at first but the tunnel slowly flattened out. A trickle of water ran down the middle of it but whatever factory or business had ever used this drainage was no longer using it. In this day of green industry, it wasn't a big surprise.

A few minutes later, the tunnel took an abrupt turn and the side of it was broken open into a rough entranceway. Hail looked at Yun and she nodded. They continued on through the rougher passage.

That passage gave way to old brick underground after a dozen steps. From there they walked in silence for the better part of a half hour before they came to an enormous chamber.

"This is it." Yun said, and she pointed to the middle of the room where the floor was shattered and huge chunks of concrete and stone sat askew. "That's where I about crushed him and that's also where we found the earring."

"I don't see anything. The only other entrance is blocked by rubble. Old rubble, not new. Its weathered and crumbling." Hail said, pointing her flashlight at a collapsed doorway on the far side.

"Perhaps he did just drop it." Yun shrugged.

"I-" Hail was cut off by a large portal opening a few paces away. There was a roar of sound through it and a blur of yellow. The portal snapped closed and the blur zipped to a stop before her. It was Dom, wearing a black skinsuit with yellow armor up her legs, arms and over her chest. She was panting hard and seemed to be riding on a pair of glowing wheels besides her feet.

"Hail! Found them! My future sight has been lying to us this entire time. Everything has been a setup. Gregarian is on the other side of hiding in some of the old Trog chambers. He's got that girl you were looking for and a whole damn army of demons." Dom exclaimed, her face red with exertion.

"What? Son of a bitch! It was a setup. Dom, you got to get us all there!" Hail said.

"No problem but its hell in there. He's got at least a hundred demons. I stumbled on them while following a rather weak arcane trail. About got my ass ripped trying to portal to you. We go back there and it will be a fight to get to him." Dom nodded.

Hail dropped her sports bag with a loud clang and unzipped it. She drew out her old Norse battleaxe and pulled out a strange looking piece of metal. It fit over her hand and she gripped it tightly, loosing a mechanism inside it. The metal popped outward and a dozen metal slices snapped into shape forming a large buckler on her arm. "We go. Is everyone else ready?"

"Uhh..." Yun looked around nervously at them.

Beside her, Father Pedro pulled open his coat to reveal a combat vest covered in magazines and knives. Under his arms hung two large handguns. Strapped all along his belt were various other tools including what looked like a few glass bottles of holy water. He drew his handguns and checked the safeties on them, "God is with me."

"Yun, do you have a weapon?" Hail glanced at the girl.

"Yea, I do." She reached in her pocket and pulled out a small metal rod that quickly expanded into a heavy staff. She still looked uneasy but they didn't have time to waste.

"What about you? Any problem killing your own?" Hail looked at Nal.

"Problem vith it? I relish it. Angels are so boring and noble. Only demons have ze brutality I enjoy." Nal laughed heartily.

"Dom, get us as close as you can without dumping us in the middle of them." Hail nodded.

Dom gave a cheeky smile and raised her hands, "Get ready for it."

A line of light drew through the air before them and, at her command, it split open into an enormous doorway. Through it they could see another long chamber lit with torches. Near the back of it, they could see a raised altar on which laid a figure clad in clean white. Gregarian and a black specter both stood above the altar and dark magic was swirling around them.

Standing between them and the alter were rows upon rows of maroon and black skinned creatures. They stood ten abreast to fill the chamber and they looked vicious. They each wore dark armor and wielded spears and swords. Upon the opening of the portal, the demons roared and charged towards it.

The Chronomancer was faster.

She kicked off and shot through the portal in a blur on her strange skates. She held out both her hands and two glowing white runes appeared. Force erupted from her as she races through the portal and the front rows of demons were hurled back as though Dom drove a speeding bulldozer into them.

The rest of them ran through after her. The roar of battle was immense in the enclosed space and Hail felt her blood sing with it. She raised her axe and bellowed a roar of challenge to the demons, letting her voice fill with all the unrestrained rage and lust in her body.

When Dom reaches the line of demons in front of them, she let go of the spell and leapt into the air. In a gravity defying feat, she spun through the air and landed on the ceiling with her skates. She kept rushing forward past the raging demons below her and struck out at Gregarian on the altar. A shimmering black barrier appeared and her spell broke against it.

Hail barely took note of this as the front rows of demons began to organize themselves. She swung her axe forward and felt a meat crunch as it bit into demonic skull and brain. There was a agonized cry and the demon erupted into murky shadows that seemed to slink away.

At her side, Pedro was running just as fast as she was. He had his guns up and yelled something in Latin. Light erupted from his guns, more than just muzzle flash, and four demons in front of him were blown into shadows.

On her other side, Nalschiel the Succubus was cackling wildly as she tore into the horde. Her disguise was gone and so was most of her clothing. Her body was wreathed in black and purple flames as she ripped demons apart with her claws. Blood flowed over her arms and she wore a maniac's smile.

Yun was staying at Nal's side and was striking out at demons with her strange staff. Every time it hit though, it seemed to crush with impossible force. Demons were being hurled away by the blows and they were smashing into walls and the ceiling before disappearing.

Adrenaline was pounding in Hail's veins and she blocked a spear stab from a demon. She took his arm off at the elbow with her axe and then cleaved him across the chest. Her old viking instincts were in full control and she roared for more. These little times where she really got to let go were what made her feel alive. It felt so good to her foes being driven before her.

Chaos reigned around them. The demons kept trying to push in and surround them but the four of them lined up in the ten foot white tunnel, none of them could find ground.

They pushed deeper into the horde while Dom kept zipping around on the ceiling trying to break through Gregarian's barrier. Nothing she did seemed to make a difference. Him and the demons were both being protected by something.

Hail felt her body growing colder as her blood heated and her true nature came forward. She swung her axe overhead and cleaved a demon in two. His blood splattered everywhere before he disappeared.

The Father yelled a prayer to God and threw a bottle of holy water over the heads of the demons. Where the water splashed, there were flashes of light and eruptions of golden white fire. Demons screamed in agony and vanished.

It didn't take long for them to crush the last of the demons, there had been maybe fifty in all. As the last one fell to Hail's axe, the five of them gathered together before the dark barrier protecting Gregarian. He was still chanting and gathering dark power. Hail raised her axe and struck the barrier a mighty blow that made her arms shake. The smoky black magic remained unmoved.

She looked through the barrier at the girl laying on the shrine. She was unconscious and wore a peaceful smile as though she had no idea what was going on. She wore robes akin to that of a nun but all white. In her right ear was a small cross earring that matched the one they found.

"Dom, what can you do about this? We have to stop him." Hail said.

Dom shook her head, "Nothing Viktoria. They are protected from magic somehow. A bargain with some demon I'd imagine. My magic couldn't affect any of them. Not directly. I've been twisting gravity this entire time and just letting gravity do the damage to them to get around the protection. No amount of gravity will get through this."

"Lord Almighty, if it is your will, remove this impediment stopping us from saving your faithful." Pedro prayed and held his cross up before the barrier. Bright golden light shone from it, but all that happened was the barrier grew darker. Pedro frowned and pushed the cross closer, but the barrier pushed back and threw him on his ass.

"Well, maybe I can do something." Yun said, raising her staff. Golden light was glowing from her eyes and she swung the staff in two hands at the barrier. The dark magic flickered and fluctuated, absorbing the titanic blow.

"Stop! I can bring it down if I focus. My faith will save her." Pedro said and he gripped his cross in both hands. He closed his eyes and started to pray silently. Yun grumbled and stepped back. The chamber fell into silence.

Gregarian had stopped chanting.

"Oh by all means... Keep trying. Keep wasting your strength." He said coolly, "I have been a step ahead of you all this time and I still am. You will not stop me."

"No you haven't! I took your succubus! I found the earring. We are here stopping you right now!" Yun yelled at him.

He eyed her with a smile, "Oh really? Are you now?" His hands flashed out of his robes and dark magic surged through the barrier. There was a rush of shadow around them and a roar of anger.

Demons suddenly lunged out of the shadows all around them. Spears glinted maliciously and drove towards them. Hail reacted to them, but she and Dom were the only ones who did. Her shield and axe leapt up in the way and deflected the spears aimed at her. Dom was already leaping up in the air on a burst of gravity magic.

All around her, screams of pain rang out as spears penetrated flesh and organ. Hail howled and swung with all the strength and rage of a true berserker. She killed the two demons in front of her and struck down the three impaling Pedro through the chest and neck. He fell to the ground with hardly a gurgle and blood flowed freely from his throat.

While that was happening, Nal was smiling through bloody fangs as spears cleaved cleanly through her. She grabbed the haft of the one in her gut and broke it in two, "You little boys haven't a clue what you're doing!" She lashed out with dark power and eviscerated the demons around her.

"Nal!" Yun groaned in pain. Hail looked over to see her standing with a spear in her side and one in her heart. Nal screamed and launched herself at the other demons, ripping them apart with utter brutality. She caught Yun's bloody body before she could fall. "No, no! Not now Mistress! You can't die!"

"Dom!" Hail yelled up at her.

There was a deep fump as the remaining four demons were squished into paste by a literal ton of gravity. She landed lightly next to Hail and looked down at Pedro, "Oh damn. Viktoria, I'm not that good with healing."

"Well the Catholics are not gonna be happy if we lose Pedro and the girl." Hail groaned, watching Pedro's body go still. She looked over at Yun and Nal. The demon was tending her wounds with some kind of dark magic. Hail stood up and readied her axe again, "What now?"

"Honestly? I don't know." Dom huffed.

The dark shade floating above Gregarian began to laugh, "Oh little Hail. So sure of yourself. Feels so good to see you bested."

"Alex, you son of a bitch." Hail knew the voice instantly and it filled her with unmitigated fury.

"Did you fools really think I was out to summon Abaddon? Really? When Alexander told me you would be easy to fool, I didn't believe it at first. The legendary Viktoria Hail, guardian to the innocent and the meek, who had stood strong for decades against the worst to threaten your city. How could you really be that gullible?" Gregarian smiled, walking around the altar.

"And here comes the villainous monologue." Hail groaned, dropping her shield. She held her axe in both hands, "Come on out of that little bubble, boy, and I'll give you the fun end of my axe."

"Would you deny me my victor's speech? When you have been so thoroughly beaten, how can you resist the knowledge of why?" Gregarian smiled at them.

"I want to know one thing. My future sight. I saw Abaddon. I saw the destruction. You can toy with short term future sight but long term like that is much different." Dom asked, crossing her arms.

"Ah! Dominik. The only true Chronomancer in the world. Not a very intimidating body you have there. If that is your curiosity, it has been the rituals. The sacrifices have not been wasted or distractions. Every one of them has been payment to a dozen different demons. One in particular has been following you around for the last month and every time you decide to look into the future, it toys with your head." Gregarian chuckled.

"Stop. Just stop. Tell me what it is you're doing, what you want, and give us back the girl." Hail barked loudly.

"What I want is you defeated, dead, and gone. I finally have it. When I started searching for a way to do it, one fresh and angry shade in hell was only too happy to lend his aid. He contacted demons and bartered for power. Only one more sacrifice is needed and then I will be finished with my work." Gregarian said, running a hand across the young girl's hair next to him.

"If it's not summoning Abaddon, then how will you take her down?" Dom asked.

Hail growled in anger, "Dom... Stop letting the bad guy talk."

"What am I Hail?" Dom said and turned back to Gregarian, "How?"

"I will do nothing. Hail will be brought down by the masses. Alex told me of a masterfully crafted magic network that just needed a little repair to be functional again." Gregarian said simply.

"The fear enchantment? You plan to restart that? How will that bring her down?" Dom scoffed.

Hail was growing angry with Dom. What was she? She was annoying. Sbe was infuriating. He was... Was... Hail realized it moments before she was going to yell at her again. She was a genius. She was a Chronomancer, time personified. What Dom had said the other night, if you weren't an Arcanomancer, it took time to come up with new runes and spells. Dom was buying time while she tried to come up with a spell.

"No. Its not that simple. It has been repurposed. Instead of radiating fear, the entire network will be ignited and will be opened to Arcana itself. The magic radiating from Arcana will transform people. Hundreds will be affected. Some will gain magic powers and others will be transformed into creatures of dreams. Society will erupt into chaos. Hail's precious division will be swamped and collapse. Tens of thousands will die in the wild eruption of new Mythics. Think of the disgruntled masses angry with society as a whole, angry with the president or with their jobs or with the cops. Suddenly they find themselves with fantastic powers and able to seize control for themselves." Gregarian laughed, "I will not kill you, Hail, I will destroy who you are and I will destroy everything you have strived for."

Hail didn't understand half of what he said. She looked at Dom, "Dom. What is he talking about. How can he just make thousands of people into Mythics?"

Dom was speechless, staring at Gregarian in shock. She shook her head, "You are fucking mad! Opening a portal between here and Arcana all over the city? Who knows what could come out! Forget the people, there are nightmares and creatures aplenty in Arcana who can't just be released into the world!"

"And now you see your true defeat." Gregarian said and he turned to the altar.

"No! We have to stop him! This is beyond the girl or any of our lives! A portal to Arcana that large will be just as bad as releasing Abaddon!" Dom screamed and she struck the barrier with all she had. It rippled and shrugged off all her magic.

Suddenly the chamber was full of glowing golden light. It was damn near blinding and Hail put a hand before her eyes. Behind her, Yun spoke up, "I think its about time we put an end to this."

The blinding light struck the barrier and it shattered into twisting motes of darkness. Gregarian screamed and raised a knife in his hand over the girl's heart.



Yun felt the spear pass into her heart like a blade of pure fire. Her chest convulsed and she gave a pitiful grunt. She felt the second stab into her side and the tip of it sank into the bone of her spine. She yelled for Nal and her vision darkened. Her muscles went limp and she didn't feel much of anything after that.


Really, she didn't expect much but was the afterlife just a lot of darkness?

She tried to look around but no amount of light could be seen in any direction. She called out. Yelled into the darkness. "Grandfather! Anyone! What is going on?"

A spark of light appeared. Distant and flickering, Yun tried to run towards it. Her feet were heavy and slow. Her entire body felt like lead. She pushed as hard as she could. The light slowly grew larger and larger until she saw it to be a campfire. Not a big roaring thing but a small flame fueled by a handful of sticks in a shallow pit. Short grass spread around the fire and it looked like a little island in the sea of dark.
Weariness and exhaustion caught up with her. She found herself unable to continue past the fire and so she sat down beside it. The fire was warm despite its small size and she found comfort in it. Her body was still exhausted and even with the flame, she felt herself growing cold. The fire sank a little.

"The fire burns low." A deep voice said behind her.

She tried to turn, but her body wouldn't. She saw the fire flicker and one of the sticks popped, collapsing inward a little bit. A tall character walked around the fire and sat down across from her. He only wore deep maroon pants and a gold band around his head. He had broad shoulders and a muscular chest. Hair was very prevalent upon him, coating his chest and belly like fur. He had a brown mane that spilled down his shoulders and a thick, bushy beard that wrapped all the way around his chin.

He clasped his hands together near the flame and blew gently on it. The fire grew in size and warmth washed over Yun. She sighed and flexed her fingers, able to move some of her body again.

"Yun, your fire is weak and dying. Why do you not tend the flame?" He asked sitting back on his palms.

"I don't even know where this is or who you are. I got stabbed in the heart... I died... I think." Yun said.

"Ah." He nodded and reached up.

Above them was now a mandarin tree. The man broke off a few dry branches and tossed them into the fire. It crackled merrily and grew a little. More feeling returned to her and she could move her arms a little.

"Who are you?" Yun asked.

"Sun Wukong! No doubt, you've heard of me. My exploits are legend, I'm sure." He smiled a toothy grin.

Yun's eyes widened, "Sun... So is this the mantle then? Like when I talk with my grandfather?"

"Uh-huh." He nodded, poking at the fire a little.

Shame blossomed inside Yun and she looked down at her knees, "I must be a huge disappointment to you. Inherited your mantle and all but I couldn't even survive a month with it."

Sun clicked his tongue and chortled a little, "Disappoint me? I do not expect you to impress me. One does not expect anything of the Monkey King. The Monkey King does what they want, how they want, and none can tell them otherwise."

"But you're the Monkey King." Yun said.

"So are you. At least, you're supposed to be." He cocked his head, "It seems to me that you don't want to be the Monkey King."

"Want to be him? You were my bedtime stories. I heard tales of you all through my childhood. I revered you and thought you my hero! Come to find out my dad has your mantle and he gave it to me. It was a dream come true! Except... I suck." Yun exclaimed. The fire grew brighter for a moment and then it sank lower than ever when she finished. Her body shivered and stiffened again.

Sun sighed and plucked a few more branches from the tree. He stirred the fire and blew on it, making it rise again. Warmth returned to Yun and she sighed. He leaned back and blew out a breath, "Since you became the Monkey King, you've never once accepted it."

"What? Of course I have. I have your staff and I kicked a whole bunch of demon butt. The mantle gave me strength I couldn't imagine. It let me workout with a literal ton of rock." Yun said quickly.

"No, it didn't. You did that. You keep saying, the mantle did it, your power did it, you have the power of the Monkey King. Have you once said you are the Monkey King?" Sun asked.

"I think I have." Yun said.

"Oh." He smiled, "Well have you ever meant it? Have you ever truly believed it? Yun, you are the Monkey King. You don't carry my mantle or use my power. You ARE the Monkey King. Do you understand?"

"What does it matter if it was my strength or yours. I was using it. But now I'm not." Yun sighed and slumped against her knees. The fire fizzled a bit and shrank down to little more than flickering embers.

Sun shook his head, "It matters Yun. You have spent all this time searching for purpose and meaning, for cause. You keep thinking you needed to choose these powers instead of them coming to you. Well they're right there and you haven't chosen them. Not once have you been the true Monkey King. Look at the fire, Yun. I can stroke it no more. Without you, it burns low."

He stared at the glowing coals and Yun looked at them too. She thought about his words. She hated admitting she was wrong, but he was right. She was so caught up in everything that was happening, so worried about doing right with these powers that she never just did. She wanted answers but she never listened. She sought purpose but it had been there all along. Nalschiel was right, her purpose was whatever she chose it to be. She felt so damn stupid for dragging her feet this whole time. Wasn't the Monkey King supposed to be able to walk on clouds?

The fire reappeared on the coals and grew up a little.

"That's it. You understand now. The Monkey Kings powers are not yours to use. You are the Monkey King and it is your own power. What is a few little demons to the might that can bring down ten thousand celestial troops?" Sun smiled brightly and sat upright.

Yun felt her spirit rising. If she was here, then she wasn't dead yet. She had things to do and the first was to kick that asshole Gregarian's tiny sack squarely through the top of his head. She watched the fire suddenly surge and grow to six feet in height. Raging heat washed over her and fire surged around her. It wasn't painful though. The fire didn't feel of pain. It felt of passion, and desire. It surged with lust and excitement. It was every good emotion she could imagine and it felt fantastic as it licked her body. As she reveled in it, it grew even larger. She stood in the fire and it reached up to the heavens, becoming a roaring spire that made her feel more alive than ever. All around her, the grass erupted outward into a gorgeous valley. Mountains loomed on the horizon and beautiful blue skies streaked overhead. A wind blew over her and the fire was carried off to the sky where it burned brightly, brighter and larger than the sun had ever been.

She laughed wildly, "What is this? What is all of this?"

"This is your soul, my descendant, and you are alive once again! The fire is your spirit and it very nearly went out! Now go, Monkey King, and show the world your glory!" Sun said with joy radiating from his face.

"Right!" Yun said and the light flared around her.


Nal was leaning over Yun, tears streaked down her sorrow-worn face. Yun reached up and caressed her cheek.

"Mistress!" Nal hissed seeing her move.

"Heya. What was that about not loving me?" Yun smiled.

Tears welled fresh in her eyes and she gave a choked sob, "Yes. I do love you."

"Great to hear." Yun smiled and got to her feet. She released all of her power and bright light shone from her body. A long golden tail flicked out behind her and a crown of pure sunshine appeared on her brow. She lifted her staff and said loudly, "I think its about time we put an end to this."

With three steps as swift as a dancer, she strode on the air itself and swung the Ruyi Jingu Bang at the barrier with all her might. It didn't stand a chance and the magic shattered into specks of darkness that blew away from her. Gregarian raised the knife and she lunges towards him... A moment too late.

With a sickening crunch, the knife sank into the flesh of the innocent girl and her body jerked upward. Blood flooded around the knife and dark power exploded from the altar. Light shone momentarily from the girl and then was consumed by the darkness.

Just as Gregarian was looking up in success, she caught him across the face with one of her feet. The impact snapped his head over backwards as his body went flying off the altar. He struck the far wall with a splatter that threw entrails everywhere.

Alex's specter laughed as the power rushed out of the chamber, "It's too late! You've failed! The Arcana is opening and this city is doomed!"

He disappeared before Yun could swing her staff at him.

"Oh fuck me." Dom cursed.

Hail leapt up on the altar and looked at the girl, "Son of a bitch. Dom, how fucked are we?"

"If I go now, I can interrupt the Alex's network before the portals are open too long. Some things will have already gotten out though. I have to hurry." She said.

"Then go, you stupid fuck! Run!" And before she called her a stupid fuck, she was already gone through a portal.

Yun leaned on her staff and grimaced at the dead girl, "That's the second dead child I've seen. I'm starting to understand Caroline's reaction towards me a little better. Wish I could hit that sonuvabitch again."

Hail looked over at the mess that was left of him, "Don't need to hit them again when the first blow was like that. Come on, we're gonna have a lot of work ahead of us."

She pulled the knife out and gathered up the girl's body. Yun picked up Pedro's and followed her.


The next afternoon, Hail had called them all over to Caroline's cafe to talk. The city had to hadn't erupted into chaos yet, in fact everything seemed to be going normal. Kate switched the cafe's sign to closed and joined the table.

"So nothing seems to be burning down yet. Does that mean you stopped whatever was going to to happen?" Yun asked, leaning idly back in her chair. She wore jeans and a tight sweater. Beside her sat Nal in a hip skirt and a rather slutty top, but her skin was at least white and she wore her usual illusionary boots.

Dom shook her head, "No. I didn't. The portal to Arcana was open for at least ten minutes."

"Wait a second. Is nobody going to ask about that skintight little thing Dominik had been wearing down there? It was practically framing that curvy ass of yours." Nal said with a lusty glint in her eye.

"It was the outfit GoGo wears when she's being a superhero. I think its fun and I like zipping around on those skates with gravity magic." Dom said with a sigh and a roll of her eyes. "Back to the important conversation."

"Gotta admit, if we hadn't been fighting to save lives, I would've been real distracted." Hail shrugged.

"Really Viktoria? Don't we have bigger problems!" Dom exclaimed.

Katelyn raised a hand, "I am curious, what is Arcana? Why is it so dangerous to open a portal to?"

"Arcana is a realm of pure will and emotion. There are countless dangerous creatures there and nobody just opens a portal to it." Dom said.

"But that doesn't explain why it's so dangerous. Is it just the creatures escaping from there? Why would they want to open so many portals to it?" Yun said.

"Its not multiple. It was one huge one. Kate, what is magic?" Dom asked her.

Kate thought for a moment, "Someone changing reality according to what they believe it should be. It's will made real."

"Exactly. And Arcana is a whole world of pure will, no guiding force. Its just a world of endless raw magic. So even air floating out of it is dangerous because it is made of magic. A portal open for two seconds lets in some air from Arcana. That cloud of magic floats over to your neighbors and engulfs their dog. Maybe it does nothing. Maybe it starts changing it into a chimeric beast of hell. We don't know. There's nothing controlling the raw magic." Dom said, waving a hand about.

"Oh shit. So this huge portal being open for ten minutes let out a lot of magic. No telling what it might change or fuck up. Are we gonna be okay?" Yun asked with wide eyes.

"Don't know. Likely we will because Arcana has more of an effect on normals than Mythics. We're going to see a whole lot of people popping up with magic powers or changing into dangerous creatures. We have to get a lot of resources here to start collecting the fresh Mythics as soon as possible." Dom told Hail.

Kate looked around, "Okay but what about things that could've snuck through. Where was this monster portal anyway? Underground?"

"Do you remember the fear spell Alex had woven through the underground? When we dispelled it, we didn't go around and muck up everything. Just tore it up enough to stop it working. Well Alex came back from the dead and helped someone repair it." Hail said.

Dom continued, "And using the power of a pious sacrifice, they garnered the help of a massive demon to empower the network. The way Gregarian had it repaired, instead of radiating an immense fear, it opened a metaphysical connection with Arcana through the entire network. Nothing physical could pass through it but magic could seep in like poison gas. If the portal had remained open long enough, real passable portals would've fractured reality in the underground to let through creatures but I headed that off. I imagine Gregarian hadn't planned on me finding them so soon. Five minutes later and the portal would've been open long enough for chaos to ensue."

"So what's the long and short then." Caroline raised three fingers, "Bad guy is dead, but so is the girl and her body guard. Magic gas has been released all through Seattle. Now we need to be on the lookout for people with magic powers or superhero mutations. That about it?"

"Seems it." Hail nodded.

"So how would someone go safely to Arcana then, anyway?" Kate asked.

Dom pointed at her, "No. No, you don't. But if you ever do though, plan a staging area. Open a rift to an alternate dimension like my own pocket world. Go to Arcana from there. There isn't anything there but chaos and madness. Wizards don't just go there for fun, they have a reason and they get out as as quickly as they can."

"Alright, I get it. I won't try. You make things sound exciting and curious though." Kate grumbled.

"Well if that's it, I think Nal and I will be off." Yun stood up.

Hail looked up at her, "If you still want it, that job position is open on my team."

Yun smiled and shook her head, "No, it's not my place. I've got other things to do anyway. I've got some ideas on how to make money being the Monkey King. Why anyway?"

"You showed something in the fight yesterday. I think you could do good." Hail said.

"I know I could do good, and I will. But in my own way and my own time. If I come across anyone, I'll send then your way. Have a good day everyone." Yun said and walked out the door, Succubus on her heels.
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