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Being a woman I cannot know what arousal, sexual arousal is like for a male. Before we are born all of our sexual parts develop, differentiation occurs very late in utero. Except for the pair of ducts both genders have, all of the parts the girl baby is born with and the boy baby is born with are late developments from those common parts. So it's quite likely similar, but I don't 'know.'

I have two wonderful, caring male lovers who 'tell' me what it feels like. But that is not the same as knowing. Actually if I think about it although my female lovers 'tell' me what sexual arousal feels like I cannot 'know' how another person feels. Although their reports are very similar to my findings. This short tale then is how I feel when sexually aroused.

The blood rushes to my genitals. It makes them warm. It makes them expand. The increased blood flow to Bartholin and Skene's glands causes them to increase production of their lovely high viscosity vaginal lubricant and their very low viscosity urethral lubricant. Increased blood flow to my vagina causes her circular muscles to expand and get warm.

All aerobic exercise causes increased blood flow lowering blood pressure. Sex is no exception. But more than just the exercise, capillary and arterial dilation... The increased circulation resulting from exercise... The flow of blood into my genital region can make me light headed and euphoric on its own.

The expansion of my vagina pushes on my vestibular bulbs and clitoral corpuseum causing a most pleasant tingle. The clitoral cruea fill with blood and expand. Because of this the shaft extends within me pushing on everything else. I simultaneously become looser for easier insertion, and tighter since all structures now impinge upon one another.

Lubricant from my Bartolin's glands fills my vaginal rugae easing my lover's entry. My glans clitoris protrudes from behind its protective hood as the shaft extends outward from within me. My larger protective folds, my paired labia, spread as the structures beneath them, the vestibule bulbs, become engorged with warm blood.

My urethral sponge fills with blood, blocking the inadvertent flow of acidic urine during my upcoming ride. It is mocking those ignorant doctors who pompously declare female ejaculate to be urine. Taste it just once, and you will know the truth. Their ignorance succinctly explaining why I chose to give birth in a bathtub attended by caring amateurs, but that's a different story.

My vagina is absolutely amazing, it takes a finger at rest. As it becomes aroused and expands it easily take two, three, or four of my lovers fingers. It will take his wondrous penis, so hard and yet so soft. My corpus cavernosum traps my vagina and clitoris within my body pushing my vulva out to meet my lovers corpus cavernosum which has made his penis erect.

His three unified cavernosum enclosing his urethra is able to then slide gloriously with me. His Bartholin and Skene's glands (for some reason called his Bulbourethral gland and Prostate) produce the vast majority of his savory ejaculate. It is a base lubricant and protein-rich nutrients for that significant two percent made by his testes.

My vestibular bulbs have filled with blood and pinch off my cavernosum making my labia expand outward, easing my lover's entry into my body. His bulbs, his corpus spongiosum maintains the integrity of his urethra as his rhythmic thrusts within me cause his glands, especially the sensitive corona to bounce off of my well lubricated rugae.

His thrusts increase the pleasant pressure on the crura of my clitoris, pushing my glans out and creating delicious contact with other tissues. My warm wet soft and hardness sends his softly wrapped magnificent hardness beyond the brink, and he releases. If I am paying attention I can feel the warning signs. The pause, the calm before the storm, then the trembling, and the hot volcanic eruption with me.

His male equivalent of my Bartholin's produced a base lubricant to neutralize my vagina's natural acidity, and it performs that function well. But it cannot handle the acidity of the pure fresh lemon pulp; that too is another story. This coupling was for our mutual pleasure. Our internal fireworks show sent off 16 to 40 thousand electrical signals to the pleasure centers of our brains. Each of our glanses sending out eight thousand alone.

Although so many choose to ignore, or actively oppose the concept, God did not create my beautiful body to only have a certain type of lover. Each of us, male and female, we are built to love other people. To love either gender. As I can take my male lovers fingers or penis within me: as I can enjoy his tongue, or his fingers, on me I can take a woman's fingers, her tongue on me.

With the proper amount of warm up, my wonderous vagina can take my female lover's hand, or my male lover's. It can take both of them in fact. On a couple of occasions I have actually pushed entire fully formed human beings out of her.

That was not a problem, because when the first labor pains hit, my pituitary gland dumped plenty of pain killing endorphins into my bloodstream. Then millions of receptors throughout my brain released their stored endocannabinoids, my body's own "happy juice" (quoting my high school cross-country coach). I am just fine, in time they made me a grandmother.

In my lifetime I have not had very many lovers. But I have had the same ones inside of me tens of thousands of times. We don't have to talk because we know. We know each other. If I pay attention and focus on my body and the sensations created, I can exist in a state where I can feel all of this actually happening inside of me. And while it is a very small sample size, the fact that my female lovers can do this as well strongly suggests that I am not unique in this regard.

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