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Awakening to the Gayland

You open your eyes to darkness. You are curled into a ball in a tight, confined space, what feels like wood all around you. Despite just being born, you have enough information about the world to get by. You run through these facts in a mental list:

-You are an adult man.

-You can see, hear, taste, smell, and feel things.

-You have the ability to move, hunt, work, create things, solve problems, eat, drink, sleep, and have sex.

-Eating, drinking and sleeping are priorities to live.

-You do not need to defecate, but you do need to urinate. Your penis is used to urinate and have sex. Your anus is meant purely for sex.

-Do not look directly into the sun for extended periods of time.

-You can comprehend the basics of mathematics, reading, writing, speaking, social interaction, and having sexual intercourse. The rest can be learned later if you so desire.

-Be kind to most people, but be careful and keep your distance with some others. Trust is important.

-Consensual sex with other people is enjoyable.

-You committing violence towards others or vice versa is rarely justifiable.

-Rape is a horrible thing to do other people or happen to you, no matter what.


You think about the information you have and process it. It is a lot, but nothing you cannot handle. After a long list of natural instincts and feelings, as well survival and sex tips, you reach the final fact:

-There is a fully-formed kingdom filled with other men. Break out of your tree and follow the way the mushrooms on trees point.

You now know you are in a tree and can exit. You feel around with your hands and feet, looking for possible gaps in the wood. Extending your limbs forward, you feel something thin and brittle in front of you. It is tree bark. You kick forward, breaking the bark and ushering some light into the tree hole you were born in. You touch your feet to the ground and feel grass brush against your soles and in between your toes.

Then, pulling with your legs while pushing against the inside of the tree, you slide into the outside world on your back. Looking up, you first see the green leaves and brown bark of your tree. Sliding further, you are meet the blinding sun. Remembering one of your facts, you cover your eyes and turn your head. It takes a few minutes for the pain to stop. Keeping your head turned, you reopen your eyes. It still hurts to take all of this light into your unused eyes, but it is better than the sun. You look to your current left to see rows of tree trunks surrounded by grass and wild flowers. They are only the third thing you have ever seen, but they are so beautiful you could cry. In the distance, you hear what you think is the sound of water crashing.

After many minutes of laying in the heat of the sun, enjoying the shapes and colors of nature, you stand up. It takes you few tries, but by getting onto your knees. you are able to put your feet flat on the ground and push yourself onto two legs. It feels strange at first, carrying all of your weight with your lower back and legs, but you slowly get used to it after stretching yourself out.

You look forward to see a pond! You remember that those could be a source of food, a place to wash your body, and if clean enough, a source of water. You take your first steps towards it, rocky and off-balance as they may be. You stop at the edge the pond. There, you look into the reflective pool of water and see your full self for the first time.

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