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Big Birthday

May 1st - 7 Days to Finals, 12 Days to Graduation, 14 Days until your Birthday...

You are John, a 19 year old, very average, young man. You decided that community college was for you, and you are trying to start your own online business. You're close to graduation, but it's going to be close. Your grades are on the line, and it's coming down to your final exams. Your business hasn't taken off yet, but you know in your heart it will soon.

You are an only child. Your mother, Kate, is 45, having you when she was 25. She nearly died during your birth due to complications during her pregnancy caused by a rare hormone disorder. She hasn't hit menopause yet, however, so that time of the month can get brutal. Your dad claims that when she was pregnant, that it was the only time her mood was stable and it was the best 9 months of their marriage. Kate hasn't hit menopause yet, but 5 more years and those rampages should stop. Too bad you'll have moved out by then.

Speaking of your dad, James, he is a 48 year old golf club sales rep. He has a fairly boring job, but you are a great golfer because of it. He taught you from a young age how to play and you hope that when your business takes off, that you'll be using those clubs to get and maintain some great business relationships.

But enough about your family...

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