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Break Girl and the End of the Robot Mistresses

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Cover picture to come!

This is a simultaneously-developed sequel following MidBossMan's in collaboration with him. Please check it out!))

"Testing. Testing." In a darkened laboratory, an elderly man's scratchy, impatient voice could be heard quietly and furtively, although he seemed to be the only person present. "Ack, what was the blasted... Ah, there we are. Model # DDN-001B, you will obey me. Initialize wake-up on my command. Open your eyes, Break Girl..."

In the darkness, hidden in a closed, human-sized capsule, large, blue eyes suddenly flickered on with an electronic buzz. The figure's fingers flexed tentatively, but the young woman remained inside the pod for the moment. It was shrouded in shadow, except the rare light emitted from a console display. It seemed exceptionally crowded with pods, but she was the only robot present...

Well, robots aside, there was a person. Her mechanical eyes finally adjusted to the darkness, and she found herself speaking to the man, who seemed to be hiding in a crouch beside her capsule. "Unit # DDN-001B Break Girl, online. Dr. Dolly, how can I assist you in... fucking..." Although she had been speaking without emotion a moment ago, her words suddenly trailed off, and she felt a flush growing on her fair cheeks. "What... am I saying? Wait... Dr. Dolly is not present. Who are you? What's going on?"

"Gahaha! It worked, it worked!" The figure in front of her rubbed his hands and cackled in a dramatic laugh, then held a flashlight up in front of his own face, giving it a spooky low light source. She could now identify his balding head with great grey bat-like hair around the edges of the crown, along with his hooked nose and equally great grey mustache. Below that mustache, his teeth were clenched above his cleft jaw with a grin. "Break Girl... I am your creator, Dr. Albert Wily. Allow me to explain-"

"Dr. Wily? My creator is Dr. Dolly," the robot spoke with confusion in a gentle, feminine voice. "I was created as a sister unit to Buster Girl, with all of the same capabilities. I was... created to... fuck her. Or so my programming tells me. B-but that's obscene!" The flustered robot hid her face and waved her arms in front of her. "Buster Girl is my sister unit! Why would I-"

"Geh!" Wily interrupted her, then shushed her with a hiss. "Your knowledge base is helpfully started, but frustratingly incomplete. Allow me to quickly bring you up to speed, my creation. First, a little history lesson... It is the twenty-first century. I am the genius, Dr. Wily, and along with a little help from the short-sighted nitwit Dr. Thomas Light, I have ushered in an incredible age of robotics. Unfortunately, Dr. Light saw fit to pursue robot sentience, we had a little disagreement, and, eh... I tried to take over the world with six of his robots, he stopped me, barely. I tried again with my eight Robot Masters, he stopped me again by a hair's breadth. That blasted Mega Man... If only...! Ah, I am off topic. This is the part of the story where you come in. Ahem." The doctor cleared his throat, as though the part he was coming to would be harder to explain.

"Dr. Delila Dolly, a hopeless degenerate scientist focused on the applications of robotics for perverse homosexual pleasure, created a series of eight dangerous 'Robot Mistresses' to take over the world! Can you believe it? She even tricked me into cooperating and providing the weapon systems, then left me to rot! The nerve! Get your own ambitious schemes, I say! But, ah, I digress. Your 'sister,' Buster Girl, defeated them. Peace returned to the world, Dolly vanished, I had a brilliant scheme to trick Dr. Light into helping me build a gigantic robot to take over the world, there were eight new robots we worked on, Mega Man foiled my scheme again...! Bah! That time, I nearly died! It was nearly the end of Dr. Wily, I tell you! The world would suffer without the mind of its greatest genius!"

"Are you almost caught up, Doctor?" Break Girl didn't know much, yet, but she could tell this mad doctor who seemed to have awakened her was a real megalomaniac. If she didn't keep him on track, he'd probably ramble on forever.

"Yes, yes. That brings us to you. With my laboratory and my robots in shambles, all I can do now is hide and pretend to be dead. Or, so I thought... to my amazement, I was contacted by Dr. Dolly. She was preparing to create a new wave of Robot Mistresses for a grand project. Stealing another page from my playbook, she is pretending to be reformed, and each of her robots is disguised as a servant of the public good... Meanwhile, I am aware of the secret operations and the special surprise she has planned. She offered to cut me in as a partner, fifty-fifty. And what do you think I said?"

Break Girl searched for the context clues. "... Yes?"

"Yes, good. That's exactly what I said. But do you think that is what I meant?"

The young woman still barely knew where or who she was, so she thought the endless barrage of questions was mean-spirited. She tried to think it through, all the same. "... Yes? You had no lab or robots, after all-"

"Buahahaha! Of course not!" Wily cackled, as though he hadn't been telling her to be quiet only a moment earlier. "Yes, I helped her with her weapons development, but a schemer recognizes a scheme, at least from one who sprung it on him once already! I'm no naive idiot like Thomas. I understand when I am being used for someone's ambitions. And so, I have come up with my own devious scheme... You, Break Girl. You will be my ace in the hole. My spy in their midst... My fly on the wall. Bwahahua! Ah, you see, my dear girl, Delila has no idea I sabotaged your programming to make you exclusively loyal to me. Before she knows what has happened, you will escape this place, striking out 'on your own.' I'll tell Delila I have no idea what happened, of course."

"Ah... That sabotage you mentioned. Is that why my memory seems corrupted? And why my personality does not seem to correspond to my function?"

"Yes, well..." The doctor folded one arm behind his crooked back and stroked his mustache with the other hand. "You have no memory because, unlike the other Mistresses, you were created for the sole purpose of defeating Buster Girl. So, you were only to be released as a countermeasure to her appearance. As for your personality, I made some slight modifications... Hmhmhm. Call them 'humble chips,' if you like. Thanks to my programming, controlling you is simplicity itself. You will remember I built you, Break Girl. Above all, you will obey me."

Break Girl shut her eyes, considering his words... Finally, she opened them again, full of conviction. "I will not follow your commands due to programming. Dr. Dolly's advanced algorithms, it seems, have given me the sentience you spoke of before. I will live my life by my own rules... However, I owe you a debt. In order to repay it, I will obey you. U-unless you ask for anything lewd!" The young woman's cool character broke as she began waving her hands in front of her again. "I d-don't even like guys, especially not old creeps like you!"

Wily had already seemed furious at losing control of her, but looked even more upset at her unnecessarily biting commentary. "Bah! Fool! That Dolly seems to have taken pages from that insufferable Doctor Light, aside from my own genius... Very well. There is no time to adjust your programming further. This will have to do... If you're dumb enough to overplay your hand like that when I might still be capable of reprogramming you for total obedience, you might be just as much of a goody-goody as that blasted Mega Man. I'll take what you said about that 'debt' at face value that, gahaha! Your first order, then: destroy Buster Girl!"

"W-wait, why?!" Break Girl immediately complained, grabbing the edge of her capsule and finally leaning forward from her resting position. When she did, Wily was startled to see exactly what Dolly had grafted his weapons technology into: this woman looked very similar to the notorious Buster Girl, a cute, fair-skinned, and pleasantly curvy nineteen year old with large, mechanical gloves and boots, otherwise dressed in a half grey, half race-car red high-legged leotard and a red choker to match. She had a manufactured beauty to her face, but with a brow perpetually creased with concern by her circumstances, and she might be mistaken for a human if not for the round metal disks that replaced her ears. Her brown hair, bound in a long, single ponytail by a yellow bow, stood out as the main difference between her and her predecessor. "Why must I destroy my sister? What does she have to do with Dolly's scheme? Wait, how am I even supposed to do that?!"

"You will do it with your powerful weapons technology, naturally!" Wily gave her his evil grin, which seemed to be the closest he would get to a reassuring smile. "It is quite impossible that Thomas managed to equip that blonde-headed bimbo with weapons more powerful than I have managed to engineer! That includes, of course, the Break Girl Buster that I created along with Dolly. Using it, Buster Girl will be of no concern to you whatsoever, and I intend to prove it. We'll consider Buster Girl your training course before you move on to the real operation."

There were several points Break Girl wanted to complain about, but first and foremost... "The Break Girl Buster... From my internal diagnosis, I think I have an idea, but... How exactly do I equip that, again?"

Wily's good mood immediately soured as he gave her an awkward frown, like an old father forced to have "the Talk" with his daughter. "I'm going to just leave that up to you. You've got that 'self-determination' you were blathering on about, right? Use that and decide where you want it. We can install it either place: as a retractable gizmo in place of the hand, or... Eh, between the legs, as Dolly seems to fancy."

Already, Break Girl was forced with a major decision... Truly, this could be called her first step on her life's path. Believing that was easier than bluntly acknowledging she was being asked to decide if she wanted a dick or not.

What's next?

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