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Breeding Buissnes

You are a small farmer. Nothing special but you love your job. You have liked to get up early as a child. Your parents have slowly guided you towards it. You first learned to plant different crops and later how to milk the cows and minotaurs. You already knew how to give first aid to a monster before you graduated as a farmer. The werewolves that guarded the farm were your first playmates and at 18 you were allowed to inseminate the first Minotaur girl. From then on you also learned how to collect the more valuable and more explicit bodily fluids.

The above-mentioned degree as a licensed farmer was in your pocket at 21. Your parents were so proud. But then the war came and all the monsters were drafted. Your mother was a gifted tamer and that is why she was drafted too. Your father followed her, rather tactically gifted. However, the best weapon is of no use against a well-aimed bullet or poison. How your parents died is still not clear.

The only certain thing is that apart from Berta, a cowgirl who was still too young at the time, and Cephas a Futanari, no one has survived the war. The war is over now for 6 months and slowly normality is coming. Sometimes unemployed soldiers come to ask for work, sometimes they want to rob you, but Cephas looks grimly enough with his scars to prevent the worst from happening.

I will write my own little branch of the story. if you feel like it, you can support me or write your own story.
As long as you play in my timeline no rape or incest.
If you are in your own you are allowed to do what you want. (as long as it stays within the rules)

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