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Breeding Time at the Hucow Farm Ch. 05


'Ugh,' I groaned as I blinked my eyes against the glaring morning light that pierced its way through the crack in the window shades. My head must have been replaced with a thorn bush during the night for how it ached in so many places. Every nerve seemed like a dagger stabbing into me.

Gingerly, I lifted myself up on my arm, trying to swallow away the horrid taste in my mouth. What did I drink again last night? Tequila, I think. Yes. Susan had a bottle. That wasn't the taste of tequila in my mouth, though. Tasted more like beer or scotch or like I spent the night licking a dirty oven clean.

'Ugh,' I groaned again, sitting upright; ready to run to the bathroom if I needed to.

I sat motionless as the minutes ticked by. The feeling of unease in my stomach slowly faded but I remained still. What happened last night? There were patches in my memory. I could remember everything up until we started doing shots. But wait, I remember we finished the tequila off. We were making jokes about how it wasn't even the end of semester yet. What did we do shots with?

I stared at the sheets bunched up in my lap, tracing the shadows the sun cast with my eyes. We... we... hmm. We did shots with some of the others there. Maybe we were drinking their stuff. Whatever it was, it- that's right! They brought Bacardi 151. One of the guys was bragging about how strong it was. Fitting that I can't remember what happened after that.

I clumsily pulled my legs out from under the sheets and stepped out of bed, bracing myself for a sudden turn of my stomach. Thankfully, it never came.

I looked down at myself. I was still wearing the same t-shirt and jeans from last night. I pulled the neck of my shirt open. No bra, though. The logic of drunk people. I must have taken my shirt off to remove my bra, but still decided to wear the same clothes to bed.

I looked around my room. It wasn't... the tidiest, but there was a certain order to it. Either way, surely my bra would be on top of whatever pile I chose to place it in. Or... not. Where was it?

I opened my wardrobe and looked inside. It wasn't with my other bras. It was the one that I was thinking of, right? Yeah, I was positive. The black one with the... you know, the fancy bits. All right, it was my sexy bra. I really liked that one. I better not have lost it.

I stepped back from wardrobe and surveyed my room once more. Did I hook up with a guy? I can't remember, and surely I'd remember that.

I felt that queasiness return to my stomach. It would explain where my bra went, probably still at Susan's house. I crouched down by my nightstand and fished out my birth control pills. Please tell me I remembered to take it yesterday. What day is it...? Uh, Sunday! Yeah. Okay, I did. Thank god. I breathed a sigh of relief. The worry fading from my stomach.

I popped today's pill out and stumbled to my room's door. My flatmate, Alex, was nibbling on some toast at the table.

'Morning,' he grunted. He sounded as bad as I felt.

'Hey,' I rasped. 'How are you feeling?'

'Like death, you?'

'Same.' I grabbed a glass from the cupboard and filled it with water. 'What time did we get back last night?'

'Probably around one,' he said. A smile breaking his tired demeanour. 'You were pretty out of it.'

I popped the pill into my mouth and took a sip of water. Blegh. I hated how water tasted after a night of drinking. It was like drinking a glass full of the taste in my mouth.

'Yeah, I don't remember much of the night.' I took another sip, grimacing again. 'Did you happen to see if I was hanging out with anyone last night?'

He thought for a moment. 'Besides Susan and the others?'


'Not sure, sorry. I was with the guys most of the night. The only time I saw you was when we did shots.'


'Why did you want to know?'

I rubbed my forehead with my thumb, clenching my eyelids shut.

'It doesn't matter. I think I'll go lay back down for a bit. My head's killing me.'

'Okay,' he said, returning to his toast. 'Feel better.'

I shuffled back to my room, clutching my glass of water tightly to my chest. Hopefully a nap would make me feel better.


The next morning was far better to wake up to. It had been well after the sun set the previous night before I had emerged from my room once more. My plan of napping away the hangover hadn't gone so well, but thankfully some greasy takeaway food for dinner did help. After napping the whole day I doubted that I would even get a wink of sleep that night, but the moment my head hit the pillow I was out again.

I sat up and stretched, looking at the alarm clock on the nightstand. I had uni in an hour. I ran my hand over my chest, trying to ease out any stiff muscles. When my hand reached my boob I stopped. I cupped my hand around it, kneading the flesh beneath my fingers. It was sore. I tested the other one. Same again.

I pulled the neck of my t-shirt open and looked at them. There were no bruises or anything that I missed yesterday. Why were they so sore?

The mysteries of drunken Rachel, I thought, hopping out of bed. Maybe I fell over at the party, or when Alex was leading me back to our apartment. But my boobs weren't that big. They were only a small 32b size. They weren't going to break my fall. I would surely have a bruised chin if that were the case.

I grabbed some clothes while running a brush through my long hair. I opened my wardrobe to grab a bra. That's right. I was still missing the one from the party. If I saw Susan today, I'd have to ask her if she found it. I grabbed a plain white one and put it on before throwing a white blouse over the top of it. I looked in the mirror at myself as I pulled my jeans on. I did wish at times that I had more of an ass. I barely filled these jeans out at all.

After a few more passes through my hair with the brush, I grabbed a quick breakfast and headed out.

The lecture hall was filled by the time I arrived. There were hardly any seats left, but I managed to find a spare one near the front just as the lecture began.

I pulled my glasses out of my bag as the lecturer launched into the minutia that was property law. Everything we had learnt in this class so far felt like it had sailed straight over my head. That's the problem with law, there's so much to each facet that you need a whole class on every one, but at the end you might not even specialise in that field. From what I'd learnt so far, property law didn't sound like it was for me. But I still had to get through this.

'Now, for those of you paying attention, you'll note that this will be very pertinent for your upcoming essay,' the lecturer said.

That's right, the essay. I hadn't even started on it yet. I had foolishly thought that I could get a few words written on it on Sunday, but that obviously never happened. I let out a yawn as I copied his words into my notebook. Why was I still tired? I had spent the last 24 hours mostly sleeping. I had probably slept too much and it was having the opposite effect. I could just go grab a coffee before my next lecture.

I leant back from my notebook to watch the lecturer. As I did I felt my bra pinch against my back. Ow! I reached behind my back, pretending to scratch an imaginary itch as I check what had caused that. My bra strap was digging into my back. Now that I thought about it, it felt tight around the front, too. I tried flexing my shoulder blades to try and ease it out, but nothing worked. It was just too tight. What was going on? I had worn the same bra size since I was fifteen. Could my bra have shrunk in the wash or something?

I'd have to go to the bathroom after class and see what I could do to fix it. But until then I'd just have to deal with it and try not to miss anything important. My biggest concern right now should be my essay, not my bra.


I had hoped the aching in my breasts would subside by the next morning, but that was apparently wishful thinking. They still ached just like yesterday, but that was barely of concern compared to what I discovered.

I pulled off my top and looked down at my breasts. They looked bigger. How was that even possible?

I put my hands over them, feeling their size. They were real. It wasn't some sort of dream or even the sleep clouding my eyes, distorting my depth perception or something.

I stood up out of bed and looked at myself in my stand mirror, turning this way and that to see them from all angles. I bounced on my toes, feeling the weight of them pull painfully at my front.

'Ah,' I giggled, feeling somewhat stupid as I cupped them with my hands. My smile soon faded as I inspected them again. Why were they growing? Was this a late growth spurt? I was nineteen. That seemed far too late for any form of puberty. Was I... no I couldn't be pregnant. I hadn't slept with a guy in ages, save the possibility of Saturday night, but even then that was too soon.

I had always been strict with my birth control. I had never missed a day in years. I pulled my pyjama shirt back on and sat down at my computer.

'What to search for?'

I typed boob growth in and hit enter. Nothing but recommendation on how to increase your breast size. Thanks, but I had the opposite problem.

I refined my search to what causes breast growth. Let's see... puberty, pregnancy... none of that helped.

I sat back, thinking of what words to use. I typed in unwanted breast growth and hit enter. The first link that came up sounded useful. A message board with a woman in her thirties asking about breast growth. I read through the replies, feeling the unease in me fade with each response. It sounded like it wasn't that uncommon for breasts to continue growing past puberty for a number of reasons.

I closed the tab and sat back, my hands returning to my boobs. With the worry gone, I couldn't complain with the results. They looked good. I had always wished through high school that I would have bigger boobs. This might be a good thing after all.


My boobs hadn't slowed down at all over the past two days. Yesterday, when I got dressed for uni, my bra had felt far too small for my growing chest, yet I forced myself to wear it, my boobs spilling out over the top of it.

I looked down at them as I sat up in bed. They were bigger still. I doubted I could even fit into my old bras anymore. I stood up, feeling their new weight move with me. My stomach rumbled as I inspected the new size of my boobs. Of course I was hungry. So much fat had moved to my boobs over the last few days I was surprised the rest of me wasn't wasting away.

I pulled a shirt and some jeans out and got dressed without a bra. I looked at myself in the mirror. Two little nubs were outlined where my breasts pushed against the shirt. My nipples had grown along with my boobs. A little bit thicker and longer that they had been. I suppose that made sense, they had grown with my boobs during puberty, this wasn't too different. But they were a problem without a bra to hide them. I didn't want to walk around with little pokies sticking out.

I pulled my shirt off and searched in my wardrobe for something else, finally settling on a patterned blouse that made it hard to distinguish nipple outline from the design.

I joined Alex in the kitchen as I made myself some breakfast.

'Morning,' he said, staring at my chest with intrigue.

'Morning,' I replied, pouring milk into a large bowl of cereal.

I brought it over to the table and sat across from him.

'So...' he started, 'you got uni today?'

'No. Day off. You?'

'Yeah... a few classes today...'

His eyes kept falling to my chest. He looked genuinely confused. Far more than he ever had since I'd known him.

I grinned, deciding to end his suffering.

'You curious about my boobs?' I asked candidly.

'Uh!' he said, his eyes rocketing up to meet mine with embarrassment. 'I wasn't...'

'Yeah you were. You just weren't sure how to ask,' I said, giggling. 'It's fine. You're right to be curious. They've grown a bit over the last few days. I think I've hit a second puberty or something. Late breast growth.'

'Ah, sure, sure,' he said, blushing.

'I does suck, though. I have to go out and buy some new bras now. Bye, bye, alcohol money.

He chuckled. 'After Sunday morning I'm sure you can live without alcohol for a while.'

'Yeah,' I said. The thought of alcohol still brought back the taste in my mouth that morning.

Alex stood up and took his plate over to the sink.

'I've got to get going. I'll see you later.'

'Okay, bye,' I called as he disappeared out the door.

I finished up my breakfast and soon I too was out the door and heading for the shops.


The bra store was cool when I stepped inside. The air smelled sweet in here as if the clerk had a bottle of perfume hidden behind the desk that they sprayed into the air constantly when no one was around.

A lady with her hair tied into a tight bun strode over to me.

'Hi! How can I help you?' she asked with a big smile on her face.

'Uh, just looking for some more bras,' I said nervously. I hated being approached by staff. It was even worse when buying underwear.

'Of course,' she said. I suppose it was a stupid answer on my part. 'What size are you?'

'Uh...' I hesitated. 'I... don't know, actually.'

She looked at me with confusion for a moment before her smile returned. I'm sure she didn't get many nineteen year olds unsure of their bra size.

'That's fine, I can measure you up. Follow me over here.'

She led me to a side room and drew a curtain behind us.

'Just remove your shirt,' she said, grabbing a measuring tape.

I started to unbutton my blouse before stopping.

'Oh, I'm not wearing a bra underneath.'

She stared at my shirt. 'Hmm, how close fitting is that? I need to get the most accurate measurement...'

I felt around my chest and back with my hand. The shirt didn't seem too bad, besides maybe the stitching under my armpit. Then again, with how much I had grown in the last few days, I doubted I was finished yet. I didn't need skin tight measurements.

'I think it'll be fine,' I said, buttoning it back up.

'If that's what you want, but please consider that these measurements won't be the most accurate.

I nodded and she went to work, pulling the measuring tape around me and writing down numbers. Finally she announced that it was all done and gave me my cup size.

'Thanks, I'll just go look for one,' I said, hoping that she would let me look on my own.

I walked down the rows of bras until I found my size. 32DD. I couldn't believe how much my boobs had grown in the last few days, but here was proof.

I searched through the bras. There were so many cute ones that I would have loved to buy, but for now I just needed a practical one. One that I might even outgrow. Although, surely a DD was as big as I would get. I had been a B for so many years. How did my body have it in it to grow so much after so little?

I grabbed a white one and headed to the change room. I locked the door behind me and unbuttoned my blouse. As I pulled it open I looked down at my boobs. My nipples were hard. I threw my blouse aside and inspected them. It wasn't that cold in here, what was causing that?

As my fingers touched them a shiver ran through me. They were sensitive. I ran my finger over them lightly. Why were they so sensitive? Was it the excitement of being in public braless? If it was, I liked how it made me feel.

A smile spread across my face as I pinched my nipple. I gasped at the feeling. They were really sensitive. I blinked a few times as I felt a heat rising in my face and forced my attention to the bra. The sooner I finished here, the sooner I could get back home and continue what I started here.

I put my arms through the straps and pulled it on. My nipples quivered at the feeling of being stuffed into the soft padding. I clipped it behind me and I was done. It fit perfectly. I looked at myself in the mirror. It looked good. I looked good. It felt so much better than my tight old bra. There was room to breathe.

I unclipped it and pulled it off. My nipples felt relieved to be free. I had to admit, while the bra was comfy, free-boobing it felt even better.

Oh well, I thought, at least I have something for uni tomorrow.

I got dressed again and bought the bra before racing home. The entire way it felt like my nipples were getting more and more sensitive. Even my blouse seemed to irritate them unlike before.

Thankfully, Alex was still at uni when I got home. I went to my room and pulled my blouse off, sending it and the little bag with my new bra sailing into the corner.

I knelt down on my bed and inspected my boobs with my hands once more. I kneaded the soft flesh with my fingers, delighting in how they felt. I had never had so much boob to play with. I moved my fingers to my nipples, almost recoiling from the touch. Wow, they were sensitive. I flicked them with my fingers, drawing little gasps at each touch. They had never felt this amazing before. What was up with them now?

I pinched them hard between my fingers and squirmed at the sensation. My hands shaking from the pleasure.

I laid back and unbuttoned my jeans, pulling them and my panties off. I felt the soft bedsheets against my naked body. Even my skin felt more alive and electric. I rolled in my sheets, feeling my nipples rub against them. My hand shot between my legs and I found myself already wet. I inserted a finger while my other hand pulled on my nipple.

My head felt so hot, as my hand between my legs moved at an intense speed, bringing me closer and closer until my thighs clamped together and I writhed in ecstasy. My breath came in heavy pants as I withdrew my hand from my crotch and returned it to my nipple. I squeezed it, coating it in slippery juices.

That was amazing.


My alarm pulled me from my dreams the next morning. Ugh. I didn't want to get up. My bed was so comfy and a whole morning of sitting through lectures wasn't very appealing.

With a sigh I threw me sheets off me, revealing my DD breasts. The sudden cold air pricked at my nipples as they hardened in response. I hadn't slept topless in years, but last night had been... interesting to say the least. After the fun I had yesterday afternoon, my nipples didn't seem to want to calm down again. They remained as sensitive as they were for the rest of the day. So much so that I found myself remaining topless for the rest of the night, only putting on a shirt when I had to leave my room for dinner or the bathroom. And each time I did, I found that the longer I left the shirt on, what with it rubbing my nipples with each movement, the hornier I got. I kept returning to my room with a flushed feeling all over me.

When it came time to get into bed I chose to forgo trying to wear my pyjama shirt and lying awake horny all night.

It was a surreal experience at first. Not only had I never had boobs this big before, but lying in bed with them uncontained was even stranger. Every time I rolled over they would flop beside me. My old B cup sized breasts had felt so compact to my figure, whereas these stuck out so far.

I got up out of bed and approached my wardrobe, sighing at the thought of forcing my boobs into a bra today. I grabbed my new white bra and put it on, paying careful attention to my nipples. It didn't seem to matter. They exploded in stimulation as the cups squished them against my boobs.

I bit my lip, trying to ignore the feeling as I clipped my bra behind my back. Finished I looked at myself in the mirror. I still looked incredible. Busty and sexy.

With a smile on my face I went about finding something to wear. A figure hugging T-shirt? Maybe. Ah I know. My smile extended to a wicked grin as I put on a pure white blouse, making sure to leave a button or two open at the top to show off my new cleavage. I checked myself out from different angles in the mirror, marvelling at how the small blouse stretched to contain my boobs. Perfect.
I would surely turn some heads today.


'Come on, it's the weekend. Are you sure you don't want to come?' Alex asked.

'No thanks. I need to get my essay finished. It's due next week.'

'Well that sucks,' he said, picking up his bag. The bottles inside clinking together. 'Don't have too much fun. No wild parties while I'm away.'

'I'll try and restrain myself,' I chuckled.

The moment the door closed behind him I grabbed at the hem of my shirt and yanked it off, breathing a sigh of relief as my boobs sprang free.

They were bigger still, even my nipples had grown. Surely they would stop soon. It didn't seem feasible for them to get any bigger based on late blooming alone.

I poured myself a glass of milk from the fridge and took it back to my room. My boobs bounced with each step I took, causing me to grin. There were so many new things to enjoy with larger breasts.

I reached my room and sat down at my desk. My boobs bumped the edge as I did. I giggled, rubbing the underside of them. I would have to be conscious of that in future.

I pulled out my textbook, turned on some music and began typing. The minutes turned into hours and my brain grew more and more fried.

By the two hour mark I sat back and looked at what I had written. Only five hundred words. I needed two thousand five hundred. At this rate it would take forever.

I put my head in my hands and leant over my textbook, desperately taking in ever line in hopes that something would spring out to me.

My nipple grazed against the desk, sending a shiver up through me. I shuffled my elbows back, giving my boobs some room, though as I did, I watched them swing back and forth with my momentum. I rocked my hips from side to side, causing them to swing again. I grinned watching them, the drive to continue my essay fading. It had been two hours, anyway. I could use a break.

I stared at my nipples, standing to attention as hard as ever. I brought my hand to one and squeezed it. Why were they so hard all the time?

I could feel myself growing wet the more I played with my nipple. Teasing it. Pulling it. Rubbing my hand over my breasts and feeling it flick between each finger as they passed over it.

I had unconsciously started rubbing my thighs together, trying to appease the growing need between my legs. I pushed my chair back from the desk and pulled my leggings down, followed by my panties. Kicking them off from my ankles until I was completely naked.

Wasting no time, my hand shot down between my thighs, only to recoil as my fingers bumped into something.

I sat up with a start and looked down between my legs. My clit was huge. Far bigger than it had ever been before. It looked swollen or something. I inspected it with my fingers, almost recoiling again with how sensitive it was. It had swollen out into a rounder shape and was so very red. It looked like a tiny cherry perched atop my lips. The skin of the hood was stretched around its base, unable to contain its size. I ran my finger along the hood. It felt stretched and tortured, but through the discomfort, every nerve fed back into my swollen clit, delighting me with each touch.

I bit my lip in preparation and rubbed my fingers over the round head of my clit. I nearly bit clean through my lip as a wave of intense pleasure coursed through me. I moved my fingers over it again, pressing it down into me. Another wave of pleasure hit me, flowing through every nerve, ending at my nipples.

I brought my free hand back to my nipple, pinching it hard as I ground into my clit, rubbing it with fervour. I didn't even need to stick my fingers inside me, I was drawing close to an orgasm just from the stimulation of my clit.

My panting grew louder, echoing around the room until my thighs locked together and my back arched. My nipples felt like they exploded in pleasure too, mirroring the feeling in my pussy.

I slumped back into the chair as I came down from that intense moment. My hand rubbed lazily along my pussy, squeezing my clit between the V of my fingers.

As the lust cleared from my mind I looked back down at it. What had caused it to swell up so much? An allergic reaction? I hadn't eaten anything out of the ordinary today.

While inspecting it, I shot up out of my chair.

'Oh, dammit!'

There was a small wet patch of juices on my chair. My ass felt wet too, I had been sitting in it.

I ran to the bathroom, my boobs bouncing wildly, and grabbed a handful of toilet paper. I set about trying to soak up the wet stain with the toilet paper and breathing hot air on it to dry it up. On each inhale I got a whiff of how musky it smelt, like some sex orgy had taken place in here.

God, what if my room smelt of it for days? What would Alex think?

Finally, most of the wetness had been soaked up. Only a damp outline of a stain remained that would hopefully dry. The bunched up toilet paper in my hand was soaked through. I had never been that wet in my life.

I was growing wet again at the thought. My lips were flushed red and glistening in the light from how soaked they were. The thought of having another orgasm like that was very alluring, but my essay still sat waiting for me on my computer. Not even half finished.

I sat in contemplation for a while before, standing up. Fine. I did have to get it done. Maybe I could save masturbating again as a reward for when I finished it. Although with how wet I got just then, maybe I should reserve masturbating for when I had my shower.

A wicked grin spread across my face as I thought of how the shower head would feel against my swollen clit. Yes, I think waiting for tonight to try again was the right idea.


All too soon it was Monday again. I did manage to get my essay done in time... on Sunday. I never achieved anything more than a thousand words on Saturday; too distracted with what waited for me that night. And, yes, the shower head was as wonderful as I could have hoped it would be. In fact it was a little too good. At one point the feeling was too intense and I moaned out loud. It echoed loudly around the small bathroom to the point where Alex probably heard it. If he did he acted like it never happened, at least, but god was that embarrassing.

My alarm woke me on Monday and I fumbled around to turn it off in a sleepy daze. I rolled out of bed, only to almost fall over. Staggering to gain my balance, I looked down at my chest. They had grown again, weighing heavily on my chest. Was it even a surprise at this point?

With a sigh I sat down at my computer and pulled a measuring tape from my drawer. I pulled up a site for measuring cup sizes and wrapped the tape around me. With the measurements typed in I hit submit.

'Geez,' I muttered as the results came up.

An F cup. I was an F cup.

I looked down at the huge orbs hanging from my front. The areola was almost as large as my palm and the nipples had grown even bigger. They still looked pretty good. Cupping them in my hands and feeling the soft flesh between my fingers still filled me with an incredibly satisfying feeling, but I couldn't help but wonder when they would stop.

I stood up and opened my wardrobe. My white bra sat on the shelf. The moment of truth. I had gone the whole weekend without wearing it. Would it even fit anymore?

I put my arms through the straps and put my boobs into the cups. They spilled over the top as expected. I tried clipping it at the back, but as it pulled tight, my nipples felt like they were being crushed. I let the clasp go and tried adjusting my boobs in the cup. Once more I tried to clip it, but again my nipples cried out as it pulled tight.

I sighed, looking down at my boobs. Even if I did find a position that was all right for my nipples, the bra would still be too tight on my chest. I looked at my clothes in contemplation before pulling the bra off and grabbing a dark jumper. It would hopefully hide any pokies. I pulled it on. It itched at my nipples, but was far more tolerable than the bra had been. I swivelled back and forth, watching my boobs swing freely beneath the jumper. The same for when I tried bouncing up and down. They had a lot of free movement under there without a bra. I would have to be careful. Definitely no running today. Possibly avoid stairs, too.

Next I pulled my pyjama pants off. The waistband nudged my clit as it passed. It was still as swollen as it was yesterday. I could see it through my cotton panties, making a tiny little bulge.

I pulled a pair of jeans out and tried to pull them on, but stopped when I reached my hips. I blinked in confusion and looked down. I tried again, but I couldn't get them over. They had always fit perfectly before.

I turned and looked at myself in the mirror. Something looked different. I let the jeans fall to the floor and pulled the hem of my jumper up. My hips were wider. They curved out far more than before. Even my thighs seemed thicker to match. I marvelled at my image. With these hips and my larger breasts, I had a serious hourglass figure going on.

I turned around to look at my ass. It too seemed bigger. More rounder, yet still toned. I felt it with my hand. It was firm as if I had done a thousand squats.

I grinned as I angled my ass straight at the mirror and tried standing on my toes, watching it firm up along with my thighs.

I had an ass. A good ass. I had always been so slender, I never thought I would ever fill out the ass of a pair of jeans.

Oh. Except I wouldn't be filling out the ass in these jeans. I kicked them aside and searched my wardrobe. To my dismay I didn't have a single pair of jeans that I would fit in. Instead I settled on a skirt. My waist was still the same size, at least.

I put in on and checked myself out in the mirror, smoothing the sides of the skirt down against my wide hips to remind myself what was under the fabric.

I nearly skipped out of my room, I was so proud of how I looked. Though, one tug on my huge boobs as they bounced freely under my jumper reminded me why I shouldn't.

Before long I was inside the lecture hall. A number of stairs lay before me, slowly descending toward the podium at the front. I didn't want to risk my boobs bouncing around for everyone to see, so I grabbed a seat in the back row.

As I fished around in my bag for my glasses and notebook, I double checked how my chest looked. My nipples weren't making any noticeable shape for all to see. Good. The jumper was a little too hot for the weather, but I could persevere.

I sat back and crossed my legs as the lecture started, ready to take far more notes this time around so I wouldn't be so stumped on the next assignment. Though as the lecture droned on I found my mind wandering again.

I kept having to look down to check that no one could see my nipples. They were hard as a rock, tingling like mad as the jumper tickled them with every breath I took.

I had to uncross my legs about fifteen minutes in. The pressure on my clit from my thicker thighs was too much to bear. Though, even then, I could still feel my panties resting on my swollen little nub.

I soon found myself day dreaming of the pressure of the showerhead kissing my clit. That thrumming sensation. God, it got me hot thinking about it again. When I finished uni I'd have to have a shower the moment I got back home.

The lecturer's words snapped me back to the present. My stomach flipped as I realised how much I had missed. I began writing notes like mad, hopeful that it was important. I adjusted my position in the chair, unfamiliar with how to sit on my larger ass, when I felt a sudden wetness.

Uh oh. I froze, trying to feel where the wetness was. I wasn't sure what I would rather. That I had sat on something disgusting, or... the other possibility. I moved my thighs back together and my fears were confirmed. A slick wetness greeted them. Damn!

I pulled my thighs apart again, my mind racing with panic.

I had to see how bad it was. I shifted my weight to one side and pretended to put my hand under my thigh as if I was warming it up. I tried feeling under me with my fingers, but all I felt was thigh flesh. Dammit, that's right. My thighs were thicker.

I sneakily readjusted, pushing my hand further underneath until I touched a damp patch. Shit, I had soaked straight through the back of my skirt!

I was about to pull my hand out, but a guy a few seats down coughed and I froze. How obvious was I being? If I removed my hand now he would surely know I was up to something. I was pretending to warm my hand up, I'd need to wait a couple of minutes to sell that.

I went back to taking notes, trying to drive the damp patch from my mind. But all I could think about was my fingers digging into my inner thigh with my weight on them. They were so close to my sodden pussy. I could feel the heat radiating off it onto my fingers.

It felt like the patch was getting damper. The tips of my fingers were feeling the wetness. I couldn't hold this position any longer.

As sneakily as possible, I shifted my weight and pulled my hand out from under me, drying my fingers on the side of the skirt. I didn't care if anyone noticed that. My heart was racing with panic at the thought of how wet I was getting in the middle of the lecture.

Finally the lecture ended and everyone stood to leave. Everyone except me. I pretended to fuss about with my bag and phone as everyone made their way out of the lecture hall. If I had a wet patch on the back of my skirt, I couldn't let anyone see it.

'Sorry,' the guy in my row said as he tried to squeeze past me to get out.

I gave a shy smile and turned my legs to the side to give him a path. As my thighs came together they put pressure on my tortured clit once more. I bit my lip until him and his friends passed by.

Finally, I was the last one left. Gingerly, I stood up, feeling the cool air bring goose bumps up on my wet ass. I looked back at the seat. Sure enough there was a wet patch where I had sat. Not as big as Saturday's, but noticeable. I twisted around to look at the back of my skirt. Again, a small patch, but quite obvious.

Feeling my face flush red, I held my bag behind me and quickly hurried to the exit, cursing my boobs as they bounced painfully with my quick strides.

Thankfully, there was hardly anyone in the hallway to the bathroom. I hurried into a stall and locked it behind me.

Throwing my bag to the ground I set about gathering up bunches of toilet paper and desperately trying to dry my skirt and panties. It hardly did anything besides dry up the immediate wetness, and every wipe of my panties just put further pressure on my clit.

Getting an idea, I unclipped my skirt and pulled it off. I paused and listened around me. I couldn't hear anything. Slowly, I unlocked the stall door and peaked out. No one was here. Thank god.

I snuck over to the hand dryer and held my skirt underneath. It whirred to life, dousing my hands in a blast of hot air. I moved the skirt about underneath it, trying to dry it from every angle.

My heart jumped as I heard voices approaching the bathroom. I dashed back to the stall and closed the door behind me, waiting. The voices grew closer, and then further away. They had just been walking by. But the realisation that I might have been caught in just my panties, drying my skirt was embarrassing enough to ward me off trying again.

I held my skirt up. It seemed dry enough. At least to get me to the parking lot. After that lecture, I don't think I could last the day and risk having that happen again.

I put my skirt back on and left the bathroom.

It felt weird coming home from uni so early, but I definitely made the right decision. My panties felt soaked again by the time I stepped through the front door.

My mind raced for a moment, trying to remember Alex's schedule. He wouldn't be home for a while, today was one of his longer days.

I threw my bag down and pulled my jumper off, my boobs finally feeling free. I unclipped my skirt, throwing it aside, and then pulled my ruined panties off.

Holy shit, I thought looking at my clit. It was a deep red. Even the stretched hood around the base was red with over-stimulation.

I gingerly touched it, almost gasping in response to how sensitive it was. If this was an allergic reaction, and boy, was it a strange reaction, would it ever heal with my panties constantly irritating it like this?

I looked at myself with concern. Something was really strange. My boobs and my clit doing this at the same time. This couldn't just be a second puberty and an allergic reaction.

I gathered up my clothes and bag and headed to my room. Throwing them into the corner I sat down at the computer.

I thought for a moment about what to search for. I eventually decided on the most pressing. Swollen clit.

My eyes scanned the results. Allergy, already thought about that... hormonal changes, I guess that could tie in with a second puberty, but it seemed like an extreme reaction.

Nothing seemed to mention breast growth as well, though. I tried Breast growth swollen clit.

Nothing sprung out to me. It either talked about one or the other. Not both.

I sat back in frustration. What did I need to type to get the answer? Or should I just go to the doctor? I probably should, anyway, but if it really was just nothing, I'd hate to explain how horny I had been only to find out the horniness wasn't being caused by whatever was wrong with me.

I sat back up and looked at the screen. I tried just listing everything that had changed over the last few days. Larger breasts larger nipples big clit wider hips. I hit enter expecting to see a list of porn sites come up. However, to my surprise, one of the links wasn't.

'Hucow,' I read as curiosity drove me to click it.

It looked like a biology site. It had .edu in the address. Must have been a university site. I read through the page as it described the physiology of a hucow. Everything seemed to match, there was even a captioned photo of a swollen clit that looked just like mine. I sat back in disbelief when I reached a section that explained that the heightened hormones led to a higher sex drive. I couldn't deny how must it all matched up.

I looked down at my large breasts and felt my stomach drop. They were growing bigger for a reason. It wasn't a second puberty, they were growing to produce milk.

This couldn't be happening. My hands shook as I called the local doctor's office and scheduled an appointment, luckily fitting one in this afternoon.


My appointment could not have arrived sooner. I had spent the day wrecked with worry. Despite how hungry I had been lately, probably another thing that could be explained by the whole hucow thing, I couldn't stomach anything for lunch.

'Rachel Jones? The doctor will now see you now.'

I followed the receptionist from the waiting room to a small doctor's office. A greying man with a bushy moustache greeted me.

'Have a seat,' he offered. 'Now, what can I help you with, today?'

'Um...' I said. Hours of worry and I hadn't even thought of how I was going to explain it. 'I think I might be turning into a hucow... as weird as that sounds.'

He cocked his eyebrow at me. 'I see. So you're unsure of it?'

I nodded. 'I have no idea why it's happening but over the past week or so my boobs have grown and... other changes have happened.'

'I see,' he said. 'A blood test is the most concrete way to confirm this, but that will take a few days to return. We can do that as well if you want, but for the moment there is a simple test we can run.'

He walked over to a tray near the doctor's bed and picked up a small plastic cup.

'If you could fill that with urine I can test the levels of hormones in it.'
'Uh... O-okay,' I said, taking it from him.

He led me to the door and pointed down the hall.

'The bathroom is the third door on the left.'

'Thank you.'

A few minutes later I returned with a full cup. He had gloves on and a few items laid out on the tray.

'Thank you,' he said as I handed it to him. With an eyedropper he took some clear liquid and put it in a petry dish. With another eyedropper he collected some of my urine.

'Now, this works very similarly to a pregnancy test,' he said. A pregnancy test changes colour based on whether it detects a certain hormone in you that is produced after falling pregnant. This liquid will change colour depending on whether it detects the hucow hormone in you.'

He brought the eyedropper over to the petry dish and emptied it into it. The moment the urine hit the liquid it turned a purplish hue, spreading through the clear liquid until it all became purple.

I looked up at him. 'So what does that mean?'

He put the eyedropper down and removed his gloves.

'That means you were correct. Your body is producing the hucow hormone.'

'But how?!' I spluttered out and he wheeled his chair back to his desk.

'The only way to introduce the hucow hormone to the body is through an injection. Have you had any contact with needles lately?'

'No,' I said. 'I have no idea how this could have happened.'

'You said you noticed the changes beginning a week ago. Can you remember anything from around that time that could have led to this?'

'No, I...' I stopped as it dawned on me. 'Oh. I did go to a party on that weekend, and... I don't remember much from that night. Could someone have spiked my drink?'

'No, the hucow hormone can't be introduced via ingestion. It would have to have been with a needle.'

I tried once more to remember everything that I could from that night. Did I pass out and someone injected me? Did I do it myself in some kind of drunken showmanship? Who would even have something like that at a party?

The doctor wrote something down on a note.

'I can give you the address to the Dairy Farm in the city. They have their own doctor staff that can assist you better than I can-'

'Wait, but I don't want to be a hucow! Isn't there some way to reverse it?'

He sighed. 'Unfortunately no. Not this far in. Within the first few days the hormone can be nullified, but after about four days your body begins producing the hormone and it is irreversible after that.'

I felt what hope remained in me disappear.

He put the note into my hand.

'Pay them a visit. They can help you further.'


Tuesday wasn't so great. I spent most of the morning crying. Or trying to cry. It seemed every time I became sad at my situation my spirits would all of a sudden pick up for no apparent reason or I would become horny. The hormones must have been screwing with my emotions. Or was it just that everything I was worrying about was tied to a more or less good memory. I was worried with how big my boobs would get, but I had liked how they looked so far. My nipples and clit were far too sensitive, but at moments like in the shower, I wouldn't have them any other way. My wide hips filled out my skirts and dresses like I had always wished they would, not to mention looking sexy even to me when I was naked. And I had come to enjoy spending my time naked. If none of this had ever happened I would never have discovered that.

But there was still what the future held. How big would I get? When would I start producing milk? What would I do when I started producing milk? I didn't want to produce milk. There was a lot to worry about, but I honestly couldn't even wrap my head around all of it. It felt like standing in front of an approaching train. There was nothing I could do but wait for it to hit. And my mind kept coming back around to the thought of: and then what? I didn't have a choice in being a hucow, but everything else was still up to me.

I had spent much of yesterday with that thought. Going around and around and never reaching a conclusion. I had gone to bed that night no clearer on my situation, yet I had woke this morning feeling much more content. Stupid hormones.

I looked over my textbook as I sat in the university library. No matter what I was going through in terms of my body, uni still demanded to come first. Another essay for another class. I had hoped to work on it from home, but my textbook only covered so much and the lecturer had recommended a book that the library had in stock for wider research.

And I was drawing near that point where I would need it. After I finished the paragraph that I was writing, I could probably start expanding my scope and looking for that research.

I looked out of the corner of my eye down the row of computers. After I had sat down a cute guy came in and took his place at a computer down from me. Whether through boredom at my essay or just on attraction alone, I had found myself looking in his direction quite a few times. Though I had never caught his eye in return.

I looked back down at my textbook with a sigh. He probably wouldn't be interested in a hucow anyway. That was something I'd have to think about now.

I probably should get that book.

I stood up from my computer and spun around, my breasts swinging wildly and almost throwing me off balance.

'Dammit,' I muttered below my breath. Slinking away between the bookshelves with my face burning red.

They had grown again, of course. It had become a part of my daily routine to get up and measure them. I was at an H cup now. My DD cup bra was way too small, but I could barely see the point in buying a new one. I would just outgrow it in a few days and my nipples would feel crushed inside them throughout.

I walked through the many rows of shelves, looking for the right letter. My nipples itched under my jumper. They had grown even larger and were beginning to become visible, poking through, even under the thick fabric of this jumper. They had been itching all day, like there was something irritating them beyond just my clothing.

Finally I found the book. I grabbed it and headed back to my computer. As I rounded a corner I ran headfirst into someone. My large breasts squished between us as our bodies collided.

I recoiled back, rubbing my forehead. As I looked up I felt my face flush once more. It was the cute guy. And I had walked straight into him like an idiot!

'Oh, sorry,' he said. 'Are you all right?'

'Uh... I...' I stammered, trying to find the words. My face felt so hot.

'Um, were you carrying a drink or something?' he said, pointing to my jumper while looking around at the floor.

Confused, I looked down at what he was pointing at. There was a wet patch on my jumper, right under one of my boobs.

'Uh, no. were you?'

I looked around trying to work out what it was when it suddenly dawned on me. All the red that had rushed to my face must have drained in an instant. Without saying another word I dashed past him. I held the book to my chest to try and stop my boobs from bouncing around wildly, but that just felt like it made it worse.

When I reached my computer I saved my essay and yanked the USB out as quickly as I could, leaving the book behind on the table as I ran from the library.

I felt like I was close to tears as I jumped into my car, taking a moment to catch my breath as the world spun around me. I looked down at my front to assess the damage. Wet streaks ran down my jumper from both breasts.

I punched the steering wheel, cursing. But no tears came to my eyes. It was like yesterday all over again. The longer I sat there wallowing in sorrow, the more my boobs began to ache and the more I felt the need to attend to them. With a defeated sniffle, I turned the key in the engine and pulled the car out. I would be able to think clearer at home.


'Hey, Rachel. What's the ru-'

I didn't stop to talk to Alex as I rushed to the bathroom, only stopping to throw my bag onto my bed on the way. I shut the bathroom door and locked it, proceeding to strip my clothes off until I was naked. I looked at my reflection in the mirror. Small blue veins covered my engorged boobs, leading down to my areola. My nipples were rock hard and poking straight out. A small droplet of milk still clung to my left nipple.

I knew this was coming, I just hadn't expected it to be so soon.

So now what do I do?

My boobs were ached as if they were going to explode from the pressure inside them. I doubted it would go away until I... got the milk out.

I bent over the sink and grabbed one of my breasts between both hands and squeezed. I grimaced at how firm my breast felt and how uncomfortable the squeeze felt, but a few drops leaked out from my nipple.

I tried again, this time moving my hands closer to my nipple. More milk came out that time and it didn't feel as uncomfortable. I kept trying, working it from different angles until I settled upon one I liked, squeezing just behind the areola.

The milk shot out from the end of my nipple in many directions. It seemed impossible to get it all in the sink without bending down really low. And after just a few minutes of that my back was already aching.

A knock came from the door.

'Are you okay in there, Rachel?' Alex's voice came through the door.

'Yeah, I'm fine!' I called back.

'All right. You just seemed upset.'

'I'm fine. Just go away for a bit, okay?'

'Okay,' he mumbled, before his footsteps retreated.

I straightened up, looking at the milk splattered sink. I needed more space.

I stepped into the bath tub and knelt down. My round ass rested softly against my ankles and my thighs squished together. I hadn't knelt like this since my body changed. It felt nice, sort of... mature. Like a woman's body rather than a girls. I brought my milk soaked hands once more to my breast and continued working at it.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, my left breast felt like it was nearing empty. I gave a few more squeezes but nothing more came out. I lifted both breasts with each hand, feeling the weight difference between each. Wow. There was a lot of milk in me.

I started on the right breast, working at it with a little more expertise this time. It felt good. I was finally getting at the itch that had been lingering in my breasts since this morning.

I felt a warm drip land on my ankle. I shifted around to see what it was. My pussy was once again flushed red and the lips glistening with juices. My clit seemed as red and swollen as ever.

I removed one hand from my breast, making sure that I could still milk myself properly with the other. I felt a rush at the thought that I was milking myself. It felt so dirty, yet right. My breasts had grown for a purpose, and they were now fulfilling it. And it felt amazing.

My fingers sunk into me, piercing my lips with no resistance. I seemed to open up to accept them, my inner walls engulfing my fingers in a warm, wet embrace. My fingers pistoned in and out of me as I ground the palm of my hand into my clit. The room soon became filled with little shlick sounds and the sound of my milk spraying against the tub.

I bit my lip, trying to hold back my moans as I drew closer and closer. Rocking back and forth on my fingers until finally I climaxed, shuddering as it rolled through me. I bit down hard on my lip, determined not to make a sound as I panted heavily. My right breast seemed to explode with milk as a huge gush spurted out, my nipples tingling from the orgasm.

I caught my breath, listening intently to see if Alex heard me. I couldn't hear him. That didn't prove one way or the other, though.

I finished up milking myself and stood up to turn on the shower. The warm water flushed what milk remained down the drain. I stood under the water, letting its warmth caress me and run down my breasts. I massaged them, watching the water stream down the smooth skin. The skin on my breasts had seemed so much smoother these last couple of days, like the multitude of hormones inside them was softening it. They glistened as the water flowed over them, looking so big and round.

I pulled on my nipples, teasing them out after having been milked. I honestly couldn't say that I hated milking myself. It certainly wasn't as bad as I had thought it would be. It felt somehow right, like it was a part of me. I shaved my legs, I brushed my long hair, and I milked my breasts. It didn't sound that foreign a concept. Or at least it didn't sound so foreign to me now. If you had have asked me a day ago I probably would have said otherwise.

I washed my thighs, squeezing my ass as I ran my hand over it. I meant what I thought before, too. My new body felt more womanly. My breasts producing milk just seemed to add to that. I could remember when I first hit puberty and I began developing breasts. It made me feel more mature than the other girls younger than me, like I had crossed a threshold into adulthood. Now I felt like I had crossed one again. I no longer just had small breasts for show, I had large breasts full of milk. Maybe this whole ordeal wouldn't be so bad after all.

I got out of the shower and dried up. As I went to pick up my panties, I stopped. They seemed to irritate my clit so much these days, and I was just at home. I picked up my skirt and put it on without and panties underneath. It felt fine. I would just have to be careful sitting nearby Alex. With how hard it was to keep my legs crossed lately I could foresee accidently flashing him at some point.

I picked up my jumper and held it up. It was still damp with my milk. Hmm.

I cracked the door to the bathroom and peeked out. The hallway was clear. Taking my chance I dashed from the bathroom to my room, my breasts bouncing wildly and freely as I ran. I closed the door behind me, giggling like mad. That felt so naughty.

I opened my wardrobe to find something else to wear. I really had to do laundry soon. All I seemed to have was T-shirts. I stood staring at my selection of clothes for a good minute. It wasn't just what to wear, it was going out to the kitchen and running into Alex. If I wore a T-shirt my nipples would poke out like mad, and the moment he saw them he'd have questions.

I had to tell him. It was impossible not to, and leaving it just made things harder on me. With a sigh, I pulled out a black T-shirt and put it on. My nipples cried out as the sensitive skin rubbed against the fabric. I looked at myself in the mirror. A good deal of my midriff was exposed from how much my breasts pulled the shirt up. But my breasts looked good. I hadn't seen them contained in any way since I outgrew the DD cup bra, only ever seeing them hanging freely. They looked good bunched together under the tight shirt.

I approached the door to my room and hesitated with my hand on the knob.

'Here goes nothing.'


The talk with Alex went about as expected. His eyes shot to my large breasts and nipples the moment I went out to talk with him. I explained everything I knew to him. From the doctor's visit to the conclusion that my breasts were growing because I was becoming a hucow.

'So it's not reversible?' he had asked.

I shook my head in response.

'Damn,' he muttered.

'I think I'll be okay, though,' I said. And I felt it. I was coming to peace with the idea. There were a lot of exciting things about it that intrigued me and if I could get through the milking, possibly one of the most notable changes, then surely I could get through anything else.

And I didn't have any more issues for the rest of the week. I avoided going to uni and instead listened to the recordings of the lectures online. That allowed me to remain naked far more often rather than be burdened with clothing.

I awoke on Saturday, not from my alarm, but from the full feeling in my breasts. I looked over at the clock. 7:30am. I was still working out a milking schedule that would allow me to sleep in later.

It had become a part of my routine now. Wake up, milk myself. Just after lunch, another milking. And finally one more at night, usually accompanied by a long hot shower. That was probably my favourite. It felt so relaxing to sit in the tub with the hot water pouring down over me and milk my breasts dry.

I got up and grabbed some clothes and a very crucial object before heading to the door to my room. I held back a yawn as I listened outside. Nothing. I cracked the door and stuck my head out. Nope, clear. Cool.

I opened my door and walked down to the bathroom, trying to step carefully as each bounce from my breasts felt like it would make them explode. I stepped into the bathroom and closed the door behind me, locking it. A smile spread across my face as I stepped into the bath tub and knelt down. I was already naked and ready. I had stopped wearing any clothes to bed three days ago. After going without panties Wednesday night it was hard to go back to wearing them while in bed. My clit had only grown bigger over the last few days. My initial likening of it to a cherry seemed strangely accurate as it was almost the size of one. It had become near impossible to wear panties without feeling like it was far too stimulated.

I looked down at what I held in my hand. A large pink dildo with a suction cup at the base. I stuck it to the bottom of the bath tub and shuffled forward until I was perched over it. It nuzzled in between my ass cheeks as I grabbed a breast in each hand, pulling on the long nipples to ready myself. I started squeezing my breasts in rhythmic timing, drawing the milk from me. I felt myself grow wetter and wetter until I felt it was time.

Letting go of one breast I repositioned the dildo and lowered myself down into it. I sunk down onto it like a knife through butter. I sunk all the way down until the rubber balls rested against my clit. I returned my hand to my breast and continued milking myself, rocking back and forth on the dildo. It felt so good to have my pussy filled while milking myself. As if it was meant to be done this way. I could only imagine what it would be like to be fucked while milking.

An orgasm built and built the longer I milked myself until it crashed over me. I ground into the dildo as it subsided before continuing to rock back and forth on it again. As my breasts grew bigger they took longer to milk. I had started trying to achieve multiple orgasms in the time it took to milk myself. Three was my record so far but I was sure I could break that soon.

My breasts were a NNN cup size now. They weighed so much when they were full of milk and took quite a while to fully drain. I was only two weeks into my hucow development, too. The website had said that it takes three weeks to be fully grown. I could only imagine how much bigger my breasts would get by then. I couldn't wait.

After a while I finished milking and lifted myself up, letting the pink dildo slide out of me. I dried myself off and gave the tub a rinse down, specifically washing the juices off my dildo.

Now came the worst part of my milking: getting dressed. I put my skirt on without a fuss and then crammed my breasts into the tight T-shirt. None of my small T-shirts could cover all of my breasts anymore. There was always a bit of underboob hanging out the bottom. I had to borrow one of Alex's old ones just to remain modest around the house.

I grabbed the dildo and snuck out of the bathroom to hide it back in my room.

I headed out into the kitchen and found Alex preparing himself some cereal.

'Morning,' I chirped.

'Morning,' he said, pouring the last of the milk into his cereal. He threw the empty bottle into the bin and brought his bowl over to the table. 'You know, we should start saving your milk to save on our grocery costs.'
I snorted.

'If you want to heft these things around, then you can bottle all the milk you want.'

'Come on Rachel, milk makes up a big portion of our grocery costs. Think of the savings.'

'No,' I said, hugging my breast to me. 'You're not drinking my milk. That's just weird.'

'It's just milk,' he said defensively. He pointed at his bowl. 'Besides, this milk came from some other woman. You drink it too.'

'Sorry, dude. It's a hard no.'

As I set about making myself some toast I thought about it. I was wasting my milk by letting it go down the drain. If nothing more I could sell it and make some side money. But it wasn't about that. Milking was something personal to me. I liked the time alone with my body. To start bottling it up would ruin that.

My toast popped with a clang and I began spreading butter over it. Another product of milk. This butter came from some woman. In fact I had the potential for butter in my breasts. My milk could be turned into that, or cream. Oh, it could even be turned into ice-cream. I giggled as I thought about it. Imagine that, making ice cream from my milk and then eating the ice cream to make more milk to make more ice cream. I would be in danger of evaporating into a singularity if I became that self-generating.

'You going out today?' Alex asked as I came to join him at the table.

'No, I've still got an essay to finish.'

All right. Don't get too burnt out, though.'

I snorted. 'I'm doing a law degree. It's a permanent state of being burnt out.'

He stood up and took his empty bowl to the sink.

'Well we should have another party soon. A chance to unwind again.'

I shrugged. 'Yeah sure, I guess.'

'Sweet, I'll start planning something. Though, right now I'm heading out to hang with George. Catch you later.'

'See ya,' I called as he disappeared back to him room, only to emerge again with his bag and shoes.

As the front door closed behind him, I stripped down again.

Soon I made my way back to my desk and began working on my essay. The sun rose high into the sky as the hours ticked by and once again I found myself losing focus.

The mid-morning sun poured in through my window, warming my skin all over my naked body. It felt so relaxing. I found myself staring out the window, watching the clouds. My mind wandered, exploring thoughts and fantasies. I thought back to the dream I had last night. I dreamt of a mysterious man fucking me, his strong firm hands cupping my huge breasts and squeezing the milk from them. I thought back over every detail from the dream, every sensation.

I blinked, looking back at the computer. I was going to milk soon, but I couldn't wait until then. I was horny now. I felt down between my legs and was met with a familiar wetness already beginning to run down my thigh onto the chair.

'Not this time,' I mumbled to myself, standing up and heading to the bathroom. I returned with my towel and threw it over my chair. I retrieved my dildo from my wardrobe and sat back down.

I opened a new tab. What type of porn did I want to look for? I paused thinking. Something rough, that was for sure.

As I sat thinking, a wicked thought came to mind. Something very dirty. Or was it really dirty for me anymore?

I typed into the search bar: Hucow porn. A list of videos came up, each one making my jaw drop even further.

I clicked the first video with trepidation. It opened with the cameraman talking to a hucow. Her boobs were massive. Far larger than my already large breasts. And her nipples too. They were so fat and long, not so much nipples as chubby appendages hanging from the end of her breast. Her clit stood out atop her pussy lips bigger and redder than mine.

I looked down at my own clit, rubbing my finger around it. My hood still felt stretched around the base of my engorged clit and it was going to have to stretch even further as it grew. I'm not sure if I could take that. Both in terms of intense pleasure and pain.

'Well I'd ask if you were in heat, but I guess that answers it,' the cameraman said as he focused on her pregnant belly. The hucow giggled playfully as he moved around her.

Soon a man entered and my eyes went wide at what I saw. He had the biggest cock I had ever seen. It was so long and thick. Beneath it sat two of the largest balls I had ever seen. The skin of his scrotum looked leathery, merging back into normal skin once it reached his body. They bounced between his legs as he approached her.

'We got a nice bull, just for you,' the cameraman said as she got down on her knees and tried to take his cock in her mouth. It was so big she could only get the tip in. She moved to licking it up and down as she slowly stroked the thick piece of meat with both hands. My hand stroked my own clit as I watch transfixed.

The hucow on screen finally turned around and got on all fours, her large breasts swinging beneath her. The 'bull' moved behind her, lining his large cock up.

Surely that wouldn't fit, I thought, watching with rapt fascination. It was far too big. With a thrust he pushed into her, meeting with an initial resistance, before sinking into her, inch by thick inch. Her moans telling me it felt as good as I could imagine it feeling.

I grabbed my pink dildo and put my ankles up on the desk as he thrust in and out of her with a powerful force. His large leathery balls slapped against her on each thrust, causing her to moan even more. I brought the dildo down to my own sopping pussy and pushed it inside. It slid straight into my well lubricated sex. It wasn't as thick as the bull's cock, but I could imagine that it was him filling me up, stretching out my little pussy to take all of him.

My other hand found my clit, rubbing it hard as I fucked myself with the dildo. I threw my head back; a moan escaping my lips. The moaning of the hucow brought my attention back to the screen. Her round ass jiggled with every thrust from him. Her whole body shook under the force of him.

Is that what I had in store for me? I was becoming a hucow. Would I get to fuck a bull like him? To feel what she was feeling right now.

I moaned louder still as sparks of pleasure shot up me from my clit. My juices dripped down the dildo, pooling around me hand. That tingling feeling returned to my nipples as I drew closer.

The hucow on screen let out a final moan as the bull speared her to the hilt and held her in close. His cock pulsed again and again and again as he filled her with a non-stop surge of cum.

My eyes rolled back as my own orgasm hit me. I held the dildo in me as I convulsed around it. The muscles in my pussy milking the dildo for everything it had. Milk spilled from my nipples and ran down my stomach onto the towel. I panted, trying to catch my breath as my eyes fluttered open.

The bull on screen pulled out of the hucow, a river of cum following him. I played lazily with my clit as I watched. The camera moved in close as she knelt up, letting the remaining cum drain from her pussy and down her leg.

I pulled my dildo from my pussy. It was coated in sticky juices, as was the towel beneath me.

I looked back at the screen, my mind still comprehending what I saw. The thought that I would one day be that hucow, fucked and filled with so much cum, filled me with no end of excited anticipation.

I brought my hand to my breast and gave it a test squeeze. Milk leaked out between my fingers and dripped onto my lap.

'Screw it,' I muttered to myself. 'It may be early, but I want to milk myself now.'

I stood up and headed to the bathroom, still clutching the wet dildo in my hands.


My hands worked at my breasts, milking them to the delight of every nerve inside them. I sat, rocking on my dildo, my eyes closed in a dreamy trance as I enjoyed every second of it.

I was actually proud of myself. I had managed to finish my essay yesterday, despite the image of that bull fucking that hucow penetrating my mind at every minute. Somehow I had finished it, and now I had all of today to dedicate entirely to those thoughts. I had spent most of the morning after my milking locked inside my room doing just that, only coming out for my midday milking.

My fingers continued to work the supple flesh, drawing the milk from deep inside my breasts. My thighs were covered in milk, as was the bath tub. I had often wondered just how much I could fill the tub up if I put the plug in before beginning. There was so much milk in me.

A noise caused my eyes to snap open as I froze, still holding my breasts in my hands. I turned around to see Alex open the bathroom door. Dammit, in my haze I had forgotten to lock it today.

He stopped in his tracks and looked at me in shock before backing out in a hurry.

'I'm sorry!' he cried as he pulled the door shut behind him.

I just stared at the door, unsure of what to say. I quickly surveyed myself, determining what he had seen. He obviously saw my breasts in hand, droplets of milk still dripping from my nipples, but thankfully he probably wouldn't have seen the dildo. Besides the side of the tub most likely hiding my lower half, I was sitting down firmly on it, the rubber balls pushing into my clit and the rest of it deep inside me.

'That's... that's okay,' I mumbled, though he was long gone.

I wasn't sure if it was because of the lust clouding my mind or how at ease milking made me feel, but I didn't really care if he saw me. I milked myself three times a day. It was just what I did now. It was who I was.

I finished up milking and rinsed myself and the tub down. I dried myself off and went to get dressed. I clipped my regular skirt around my waist. It felt like my hips had grown wider still.

I picked up my shirt and pulled it over my head. I sighed as I fixed my breasts up under the shirt. It was always the worst part of milking. My breasts felt like they were glowing now, a beautiful relaxation spread through every muscle in them like I had just had them massaged for an hour. To stuff them into a tight shirt and subject them to discomfort just felt wrong.

I looked at myself in the mirror. They filled out so much of the shirt and my nipples were outlined in their entirety. I was wearing this shirt for modesty, but it wasn't that modest.

I grabbed the hem and pulled it off again, letting my breasts fall back to a comfortable position. I was so much happier like this. I hated having to shove my breasts into a tight shirt just to get a glass of water from the kitchen. And I hated sneaking around to milk myself. I payed equal rent here, I should be able to walk around shirtless if I wanted.

I grabbed my dildo along with the shirt and stepped out into the hallway. I dumped my stuff in my room and headed out into the kitchen to find Alex.

'Hey Alex,' I said upon seeing him.

'Hey, Rachel, look I'm sorry about before- ah!' He turned around and nearly dropped the glass he was holding. 'What-'

'Would it be okay with you if I stopped wearing a shirt around the house?' I asked. 'My boobs get really uncomfortable if I do.'

'Uh...' he spluttered.

'If you're uncomfortable with it I don't have to...'

'No, no, it's fine. It's weird, but if that works better for you then you can if you want.'

'Are you sure?'

'Yeah, I mean... with how big you've gotten it's not like they weren't noticeable, or something.'

'Plus you kind of already saw them just before,' I grinned.

'Ah, yeah, about that. I'm really sorry, I should have knocked or something-'

I held up my hand to stop him. 'Don't be. It's just something I do now. I really don't care, so you shouldn't either.'

'Okay,' he said. He still looked uncomfortable. 'Just make sure to lock the door in future. I don't want to walk in on you again.'

'I will,' I said.


I couldn't have been happier after that. No more hiding. No more discomfort. I still kept a skirt on for the sake of modesty down there, though. I didn't care if Alex saw my boobs, but that was a bit too much.

I fell into a routine over the week. Get up, go milk myself, put on my skirt, have breakfast, talk with Alex if he hadn't already left for uni, then I'd head to my room, close the door and strip back down to nothing before listening to my lecture recordings and studying. Maybe some masturbation interspersed in there. In fact, I had been using my dildo so much lately I had given up placing it back in my wardrobe and instead just left it on my nightstand. Alex never came into my room anyway, and it was far more accessible there.

I had given up measuring my breasts daily. I had been curious before to see how big they were getting, but now after seeing the hucow in that porno and knowing that I could eventually be that big, it felt less exciting to document it. All I knew was that I wasn't as big as her yet, but I was getting there.

Soon it was Friday. I was almost at the end of my three week development period. I was looking forward to finally finish growing so I could buy some clothes and not outgrow them instantly. I still did need some clothes for uni, even if I wanted to just spend every day at home.

Alex had brought that to my attention on Thursday.

'Are you planning on going back to uni soon?' he had asked me as I watched him make a stir fry for the both of us.

'Um, I don't know.'

'You have to go back some time. Don't you have an attendance grade?'

'Hmm.' He was right. I could skip a few classes, but after that it did affect my grade.

And so I had promised myself that I would go to uni today. While I found myself loving the lifestyle I had built up this past week, I was still determined to finish my degree. I had wanted to become a lawyer since high school, and I wouldn't let anything get in the way of that.

I finished up my morning milking and headed back to my room to find something to wear. There was so little left that I would fit into. After some searching I finally pulled a loose flowing dress from the back and held it up to me. It looked like it would fit.

I threw it over my head and pulled the fabric down over my large breasts. It was light enough that it didn't bother my nipples too much, but after almost a week with nothing covering them the slightest touch felt irritating.

I looked at myself in the mirror. My hips and ass were outlined even under the loose fit of the dress. That accompanied by the outline of my large breasts made me look like some kind of Greek goddess of fertility. I just needed some laurels in my hair and it would match.

As I watched my womanly reflection my hands slowly moved to my flat belly beneath my breasts. Fertility goddess. Hmm.

I had been having very vivid dreams these last few nights. Dreams of the bull from the porno. Dreams of him holding me down and fucking me like he did that hucow. Dreams of him filling me with so much cum it spilt over and ran down my legs. Dreams of being impregnated by him. How his strong hands would caress my pregnant belly as he kissed me deeply.

I had never dreamt of being pregnant before. Maybe it was just the image of the pregnant hucow mixing with my own imagination, but the idea still felt somehow right to me. When I sat in the tub milking myself, I always felt so womanly in that moment. I could only imagine how much more content I would feel doing that with a pregnant belly. A life growing in me while my breasts produced so much life giving nourishment.

My hands fell away from my belly. What was I thinking? I had always been so careful with my birth control. The thought of messing up and falling pregnant was the worst thing I could think to happen to me. And now I was dreaming of this?

I shook my head, trying to clear the thought from my mind and grabbed my bag. Without another look in the mirror I stepped out of my room and headed for the door.


I woke up on Saturday from yet another wonderful dream. I dreamt of lying in a sun dappled field, a bull making love to me, my belly already so swollen from him impregnating me previously.

In my half asleep state my hand caressed over my belly only to find it flat. I sighed, feeling empty, but the images of the dream lingered. I could feel my heartbeat throb within my clit as it demanded attention.

I sat up and grabbed my dildo, ready to head to the bathroom to milk myself. Yet as I was about to stand I noticed my legs. My inner thighs were slick with juices. There was even a damp patch in bed where I had been lying. I looked down between my legs. My lips were red and swollen, glistening in the morning light. That was odd. Was this another change? I was at three weeks. That should be the end of it. Had I just had a lot of wet dreams or something? Either way I felt the need that my swollen pussy was telling me.

I stood up and made my way to the bathroom, locking the door behind me and doing my morning routine. Yet as I milked myself I only seemed to get hornier. I came again and again on the dildo, but it just kept building. My clit felt like it was on fire. I needed more.

My breasts ran dry but I stayed where I was. Rocking on the dildo, trying to satisfy an itch that wouldn't go away.

Finally, after countless orgasms I stopped myself. Whatever it was, it wasn't going away through masturbating, and I was starving.

I rinsed myself and the tub down before drying myself off. I could feel the immense heat radiating from my pussy as I dried over it. I clipped my skirt around my waist and headed out into the kitchen.

'Morning,' Alex greeted me.

'Morning,' I replied.

I wasn't sure what I wanted. I was hungry, but my body didn't want food right now. It wanted sex. I ended up settling on some toast. I could at least force myself to eat that.

As I retrieved the butter from the fridge I felt a wet droplet run down my inner thigh. I quickly rubbed it off with my other leg, hoping that Alex hadn't seen it. Or smelt it. God, I must smell like sex with how hot my pussy was.

The heat radiating from it was undeniable. I could feel it on my inner thighs. It was like there was an oven inside me.

'Are you hanging out with George today?' I asked. Hoping that I would have the house to myself again.

'Ah, no,' he said. 'I've got an essay due Monday.'

'Uh huh,' I said, grabbing my toast as it popped and cursing internally. Dammit! I would have to try and keep quiet all day. Watching hucow porn on mute and trying to stop the dildo from making squelching sounds inside my sopping pussy.

Once my toast was buttered I picked up the plate and hesitated, almost shivering from the urges inside me. My nipples were rock hard and sticking straight out. I couldn't sit with Alex like this.

'I'm going to... go listen to my lecture capture,' I said, excusing myself.

'Okay then,' he said, as I disappeared down the hallway to my room.

I shut the door and locked it behind me. I placed the plate on my desk and fell down onto the bed, not even bothering to remove my skirt. My fingers were inside me in an instant, working furiously. With my other hand I bunched my skirt up to my stomach and started rubbing my clit.

I bit my lip to hold back a moan. I couldn't make a sound.

Two fingers soon wasn't enough. I inserted a third with ease and continued. But that wasn't enough either. I pushed a fourth in and my pussy opened up to accept it, the slick inner walls providing no resistance. So that was how the hucow took all of that bull's cock. Her pussy was able to stretch so much without any effort. My pussy was able to do the same. I was a hucow just like her now. That meant that I could take a bull in me. My pussy would stretch to accommodate his thick rod. I could almost imagine every thick inch of that pushing inside me, my pussy stretching around it, crying in ecstasy.

I let out a whimper before biting down hard on my lip
I mustn't make a noise!

But I needed it. Oh god did I need it. I wanted a bull inside me right now. His huge balls slapping against me with every powerful thrust.

My pussy exploded in pleasure, travelling through every nerve in my body all the way to my nipples. I let out a moan as it crashed through me. My hand flew from my clit and I gathered up a bunch of bedsheet before shoving them into my mouth. I moaned deeply into them but the sound still escaped.

My fingers slid out of my pussy, covered in my sticky juices. I wiped them on the bedsheets and rolled onto my side, my breast falling onto the other with a heavy weight. My legs twitched and spasmed as my clit continued to throb, still burning with unsatisfied desire.

As I caught my breath I propped myself up on my arm and grabbed a piece of toast.

Well, might as well get my strength back before round two.


My horniness didn't subside throughout the day. I lost count of how many times I masturbated. I was worried that I would become dehydrated, what with the constant flow of juices leaking from me. In between orgasms I made sure to drink plenty of water.

Not even my second milking of the day was enough to end the burning in my loins. As the day wore on and the sun set I became more and more frustrated. Finding no end to this horniness.

As I plunged the dildo into me one more time, I heard Alex's door open and him walk to the kitchen. I lay there on my bed frozen, listening intently. Though as I waited the desire not to be heard soon began to lose out to the need to keep fucking myself. Modesty was becoming very low on the list of worries right now.

I started moving the dildo in and out of me again. The soft shlicks echoing around my room.

As I heard him return a strange thought entered my mind. I wanted him to hear me. I needed more than just this. After a day I had proven that my fingers and a dildo would not satisfy me. I needed a cock.

I heard his door close again and felt any hope of that dwindle.

I really did need a cock. I was exhausted from masturbating. I needed someone to fuck me. To take control and satisfy my needs.

Without thinking I found myself sitting up. I pulled the dildo out of me and stood up, my hands trembling as I approached the door. I gulped and pulled it open, stepping out into the hallway.

I tip toed my way down to his door, hesitating before it. The need inside me drove me on, leaving no other alternative.

I knocked.

'Yeah,' I heard him call from inside.

I turned the handle and stepped inside.

'Jesus, Rachel! Why are you naked?!'

I looked at him with pleading eyes. 'Something's wrong. I need your help.'

His expression softened as he stared at me. 'With what? What's wrong?'

I went and sat down on his bed before lying back, pulling my feet up onto the bed and spreading my knees wide.

'I need you to fuck me.'

'What?!' he spurted out, his eyes going wide like I had gone mad.

'Please, I'm so horny. I've been so horny all day. It won't stop.'

'Rachel, what-'

'Please,' I begged.

He stared at me. I hoped he was considering it, but it was impossible to tell. I on the other hand, couldn't stand it any longer. I had gone long enough without any stimulation and my clit was burning.

My hand shot down to it and began rubbing it.

'All right, all right,' Alex said, standing up. I could see a tent forming in the front of his pants. 'If you're going to just masturbate on my bed I guess I can help.'

He leaned over me, unsure of where to start. I grabbed his shirt and pulled it off over his head.

'Oh sure, like it was a hard decision for you to make,' I teased.

He undid his belt and finally pulled his pants down, his hard cock springing out.

My hand was straight on it, feeling its length and stroking it. His hand pushed mine out of the way of my clit and he ran his fingers over it.

'Is that... normal?' he asked running circles around its bulbous shape with his finger.

'For a hucow, yes.'


I was nearly shaking with anticipation.

'Come on, get up on top of me,' I said

I shuffled back further onto the bed as he knelt between my legs. He bit open a condom packet from his nightstand and slipped it over his length. With it on, he guided his cock with one hand until it found home and slid into me.

I moaned as I felt him plunge into me. Deeper and deeper until his balls rested against my ass. He leant over me, holding himself up on his elbows either side of me. Our body heat intermingled as my nipples rubbed into his stomach.

He began thrusting in and out of me, picking up pace.

'God you're so wet, Rachel,' he panted.

I just moaned in response, wrapping my legs around him. I met his thrusts with my hips, trying to drive my clit into his abdomen. Every little touch sent electricity through me.

His cock speared into me with vigour. My flatmate's cock. It sounded so naughty. Just a few weeks ago I would never have thought I would be here, underneath him, begging for him to fuck me.

My moaning grew louder as the ecstasy grew. It echoed around the room. I didn't care. Let the neighbours know that we were fucking.

I pushed back into his thrusts again and again, nudging my clit into him. The pleasure it brought me grew until finally it spilled over and my legs squeezed tight around him. I threw my head back into the sheets and cried out. My nipples exploded, splashing milk against his stomach and leaking down my waist. I felt his cock pulse inside me and he grunted into my ear.

We lay there for a moment, him still on top of me, his cock buried deep inside, both panting. He pulled himself up and looked down at me.

'That was incredible.'

'Mhmm,' I moaned, caressing his thighs with my hands until he backed up and pulled out of me.

I watched as he pulled the condom off and tied it up. I sat up and looked down at my pussy. It was still red and slick with my juices, but not a drop of cum leaked from me. All I could picture was that hucow from the porno; all the cum that poured out of her when she stood back up after being fucked. That was what I really wanted.

My hand began to rub my pussy again, the fire still burning inside me. Alex threw the condom into the bin and looked back at me.

'Everything all right?' he asked.

I sighed. 'I'm still horny. This is what I've been dealing with all day. It never seems to go away.'

'Hmm,' he said, looking at me with worry.

I stood up and grabbed his hand, leading him to the door.

'What? Where are we going?' he asked

'It's almost time for my milking.'

'And? Why do I need to come?'

'Because you're going to fuck me while I milk myself.'


Dreams of bulls and hot steamy sex sailed through my mind that night. In every one my belly was swollen, full of the bull's seed. The thought of it only added to how hot it was. By the time I awoke I was covered in sweat and my inner thighs were slick once more.

I got up out of Alex's bed, careful not to wake him. We had fucked late into the night, only falling asleep out of pure exhaustion.

I snuck from his room and grabbed the dildo from my room before heading to the bathroom to milk myself. I decided to leave the door open as I got into the tub. It had felt wonderful to be fucked while milking last night. If Alex happened to wake up and find me in here...

I set about squeezing my breasts and drawing the milk from them. My pussy still burned with desire. Not even a night of sex had satiated it. I was beginning to get worried. I couldn't go another day like this. I needed help.

As I rocked back and forth on the dildo my mind searched through every possible avenue. Perhaps I could go to the doctor. Maybe he could give me something to lower my libido. Though, despite the frustration I was feeling at my never ending horniness, the thought of lowering my libido didn't appeal to me. I liked it. I just wanted some breaks in between.

Suddenly, I remembered what the doctor had told me. He had given me a note with the address for the Dairy Farm, saying they had a doctor there for hucows.

That was it! They would know what was wrong with me and could help fix it!

I hurriedly squeezed the last drops of milk from my breasts and jumped out of the tub. I practically ran to my room and searched through my drawers until I found the note. The address wasn't too far away.

I grabbed my dress and threw it over my head before grabbing my keys. The sooner I got there the better.


The reception hall was quiet as I stepped inside. A woman sat behind the desk, but besides her there was no one else here.

'Hi, how can I help you?' she asked, smiling as I approached her.

'Uh, hi. I was recommended to come here by my doctor... to see the doctor here.'

'Okay then. I'll just grab your name.'

'Rachel Jones.'

She typed away before turning back to me.

'Okay, just take a seat and someone will be out to show you to the doctor.'


I sat down on one of the chairs and waited. My pussy was still burning, but I refused to pay it any attention.

After a few minutes a woman stepped through the door and approached me. She must have been a hucow. Her breasts were as big as mine. Though, I was taken aback by how she walked up to me completely naked. As if it weren't an unusual thing to do.

'Rachel Jones,' she asked.

'Yeah,' I said, standing up.

'Follow me.'

She led me in through the door to a carpeted hallway. Many doors lined the walls, each room inside looking like an office.

I couldn't help but notice the small bump on the hucow's belly. It was something so minor, yet it seemed to make me even hornier to see.

I tried to ignore it until she stopped at a door and held it open for me. I stepped into a doctor's office, not unlike the one at the clinic. Sitting at the desk was a naked man. I felt my breath catch as I spotted him. His body was rippled with muscles and his face rugged. As I entered he spun his chair around and stood up. As he did a large pair of leathery balls fell between his legs, along with a fat cock. He was a bull.

'Ah, please, have a seat.' He indicated to the doctor's bed.

Nervously, I sat down, watching his cock as it slowly lengthened and grew harder before me. I didn't know what to say. The nurse didn't blink an eye at it. Was that just a normal thing around here? I wasn't sure how I was supposed to react, all I could think was dirty thoughts about what I would love to do with it.

'You can take your dress off if you're more comfortable that way,' the nurse said to me.

'Um...' I said. It was such a strange situation. I didn't know what to expect. But, the dress was irritating my already desperate nipples.

I stood up and pulled it off before sitting back down again. The doctor's cock was fully erect as he approached me. It was even more daunting to see up close. Eleven thick inches pointing straight at me. The knob alone was as big as my fist. Large veins ran down his shaft, and those huge balls hanging beneath it, so full of cum...

'Now what can I help you with today?' he asked.

'Uh... I've... I came here because I thought this might be a hucow problem... or maybe it's nothing, but I'm not sure. I've been really... uh, horny lately. Like 24/7.'

'Mhmm,' he said. 'That doesn't sound like anything out of the ordinary. You've just gone into heat.'


'Your heat. You're ready to be bred. I assume this is your first one,' he said, turning to the nurse. 'Sarah, is she on record here?'

'No,' the nurse said, looking over the tablet in her hand. 'I can't seem to find her in any of the databases.'

The doctor turned back to me.

'Where did you get your injections? What was the name of the farm?'

'Uh... I don't know. I mean, I haven't been to a place like this before.'

He looked at me with a furrowed brow. Even the nurse stopped what she was doing to watch.

'So who gave you your injections?'

'Um, I honestly don't know. The best I can tell, it happened at a party that I can't remember.'

The doctor and the nurse looked at each other.

'So, you weren't aware that you were injected?'

I shook my head. 'No.'

The doctor turned back to the nurse.

'Sarah, phone around to the other farms and have them do a count of their vials. Do the same for us as well. See if any are missing.'

'Will do,' the nurse said before stepping out of the office.

'The legal distribution of the hucow injection is very strict,' the doctor explained to me. 'We'll find out who did this. However, I must ask how you are coping with all this? It must have been a shock to go through the changes blind.'

I looked around the room, still catching up on what had just happened.

'Um... it was weird at first, but I kind of like it now. I mean...' I said with a shy smile, 'I like milking.'

He nodded. 'That is very fortunate, then. To be honest I have never heard a hucow ever wish to go back, but they all knew what they were getting into beforehand.'

He sat back down at the desk and pulled up a file. His erection still stood straight up between his legs. It hadn't wavered once since I came in. My clit felt like it would burst a blood vessel with how much it throbbed at the sight. My whole body yearned for it.

'I can enter your information into our database, if you want,' he said. 'That way we can have you on record officially. Plus we have proper milking facilities here. I noticed that your teats seem underdeveloped. I suppose you've been milking by hand up until now.'

'Can I ask you something?' The words fell from my mouth before I could decide otherwise.

'Hmm,' he said, still typing away.

'Why... why have you had a boner this whole time? Isn't it distracting or something?'

He let out a chuckle.

'It's because of you. Your heat. A bull can sense it and our body responds.'

'So...' I started, letting the words linger in the hopes that he might finish them, but he didn't. The head of his cock bobbed ever so slightly as he typed. It was so hard, so thick. I could only imagine how it would feel inside me. That large head forcing its way past my sopping lips.

Fantasies flashed in my mind. I gulped as I thought of him coming over here and holding me down while he fucked me. Shooting his cum deep inside of me. Impregnating me. Taking me as his. He had said what I was feeling, this 'heat', was a need to be bred. I needed it. I wanted it. God, I could think of nothing I wanted more than that right now. I wanted to be like that hucow in the porno, or the nurse. Bred.

My feet touched the cold linoleum floor as I stood up from the bed. My heart was racing a mile. I stepped slowly as I approached his desk. He looked up from his computer at me.

'I want to be bred,' I said. I hadn't been more sure of anything in my life. I didn't care who bred me, I just wanted it now.

'I can send for one of our bulls-'

'No. I can't wait any longer. I want it now.'

He stood up from his chair. He made me feel tiny as he towered over me.

I held my breath as he stepped around me. He placed his large hand on my back, pushing me forward over the desk. I felt the large head of his cock graze against my swollen pussy. I shivered at the contact, begging for him to put it in. I tried pushing my hips back but he acted first. He grabbed my hips and thrust forward. His cock pushed against my lips, meeting resistance. Though, just as I thought it would never fit, my lips gave way and he plunged into me, causing me to cry out. It was so big. Bigger than anything I had ever had inside me. I struggled to catch my breath as my pussy stretched and expanded, pulling him in further.

His head nudged against my cervix as he bottomed out. I felt so full. He slowly withdrew. Every nerve along my inner walls felt every inch of him pulling out. The flared ridge of his knob felt like a plug, pushing into my walls as it dragged out of me.

Without warning, he thrust back in, his large balls slapping against my thighs. His hands moved down from my hips to my thighs before pulling them apart. I complied, letting him reposition me. Everything below my waist belonged to him. He could do with me whatever he wanted as long as he kept that heavenly cock buried deep inside me.

He pulled out again and thrust back in. This time his balls swung through, slapping into my engorged clit.

'Oh!' I moaned. He did it again, and again. Every thrust was a mind-blowing combination of my insides being stretched by his cock and a jolt of pleasure from my clit.

It was everything I had dreamed it to be. The power of his thrusts, the feel of his cock, the thought of him impregnating me.

My breathing grew more rapid as I met his thrusts. My knees felt weak as the passion grew. Every slap of his heavy balls against my clit became more and more intense. I almost couldn't take it anymore, but I was powerless to stop it. Again and again his balls collided with my clit, the intense pleasure building, until finally, with a scream from me, I exploded in orgasm. His hands grabbed my breasts as I came, forcing them down so my milk splashed against the floor rather than over the desk.

My knees gave out and he caught me, lowering us to the floor, his cock still buried in me. With my knees on the floor and my toes still twitching as they curled behind him, he resumed his thrusting. He forced my shoulder down until my head rested against the floor, lying in my puddle of milk. It drenched my hair as I looked back at him, but I didn't care. I just kept my ass high in the air for him.

With one final thrust, he pulled my hips back against his, burying his cock deep in me. His head nudged against my cervix as it plastered it with spurt after spurt of cum. He just kept cumming, emptying his massive balls into my wanting depths. Far more than any guy I had ever been with. Finally, his cock stopped pulsating, but he kept it firmly in me. I could feel cum running down my thigh and dripping onto the floor, but I could still feel so much more inside me.

A dreamy smile came over me. There was so much virile cum inside me. I would surely fall pregnant. In a few months I would have a large belly like these hucows. Truly bred.

I was no longer a girl. I was a woman.

'We can get you set up in a room upstairs if you want,' he panted behind me. 'You can live here with the other hucows.'

'Mmm, I think I'd like that,' I mumbled.


Six and a half years later

'I think we've got them by the balls on this one,' Harold whispered to me.

'It could still go either way,' I said, watching the judge flip through the pages of evidence. The tense minutes stretched on and on as we waited quietly. I adjusted myself in my seat. My udders were quite full.

Finally the judge placed the papers back on their desk and spoke.

'We will adjourn for a brief recess while I review these documents. Court will reconvene at 2pm.'

'Is that a good thing?' our client asked, looking to us with confusion.

'Well, it's a lot better than the judge dismissing the evidence out of hand,' I said, standing up and smoothing my business skirt down over my wide hips. I grabbed my briefcase and turned to Harold.

'I have to go milk myself quickly, he'll most definitely be called on when we come back, so can you prep him?'

'Sure thing, Rachel,' he said. 'Don't be too long.'

'K,' I said, stepping around him to leave.

My heels clacked against the marble floor as I exited the courtroom. A few other people milled around in the hall. Lawyers, clients, people who had come to sit in on proceedings. A group of men watched me as I passed. I smiled to myself as I heard one whisper to the other. I was quite used to men checking me out constantly.
I turned down a hallway pointing toward the bathrooms, watching the doors as I passed. Male, female, disabled, ah, here it is. Hucow.

I stepped into a warmly lit room, locking the door behind me. I placed my briefcase on the floor and hung my suit jacket up on the coat rack in the corner. I began unbuttoning my blouse until finally I undid the last button and pulled it off, releasing my udders from their confines. I carefully hung the blouse up on the coat rack, too, before bringing my hands to my teats.

They were sore from being squished into that blouse all day. I ran my fingers along their length. So long ago they had once been tiny nipples, now long, fat teats.

I strode to the corner of the room, my heels echoing around the small room. I picked up one of the metal milk churns and carried it over to the milking table in the middle of the room. I knelt down and fed the pipes from the machine into the churn. Good, it was ready, and so was I.

I hopped onto the table, and attempted to lower my udders into the suction cups. However, as I did, I discovered an issue. I stood back up off the table and played around with the levers until the middle section of the table lowered down.

Much better, I thought, getting back on and lowering my udders into the cups, this time my eight month pregnant belly had room beneath me as I lay down.

I flicked on the switch and the machine came to life, pulling on my teats in rhythmic tugs. I let out a moan as I felt the milk squirt out through my teats. It was always such a heavenly feeling. My milk splashed loudly as it poured into the churn beneath before beginning to fill up.

My clit rubbed against my skirt as the machine pulled on my teats. I lifted my hips and hiked my tight skirt up, working it over my wide hips until it was bunched up under my pregnant belly. The air of the room tickled my bare, wet pussy. I never wore panties anymore, not even when I dressed up for court.

With my clit free, I began grinding it into the padded table, delighting as every nerve in it was stimulated from the contact.

As my hips grinded into the table, my hand fell to my pregnant belly, running over its firm shape. My little calf grew inside, already growing so big. I had already been bred with seven calves before. This would be my eighth. I loved every minute of it. Being pumped with so much seed from a bull. Falling pregnant was an inevitability with the virility of the bulls. Then his calf would grow inside me, my belly slowly growing, supporting a new life. Until finally I gave birth, giving him a healthy calf in return for how well he bred me. Then I would go into heat again and be bred once more. Sometimes by the same bull, sometimes by a different one.

Even Alex had bred me. A few years into my time as a hucow I visited him again. It took some convincing, but I eventually sold him on life as a bull. He got his injections, his cock growing so large and thick. His balls becoming so massive, hardening to a leathery texture. I was so excited for him, and so eager to try his new cock. I let him breed me. It seemed only fair given that he had taken care of me during my first heat. He sired a beautiful daughter in me and mounted me many times throughout my pregnancy. After, too. In fact, at times I couldn't keep him off me. Maybe that was his plan, to keep mounting me in the hopes that I was in heat when he did. If so he succeeded. My eighth calf would be out second together. I couldn't be happier at the thought.

And to think, there was a time when I wouldn't go a day without birth control. When my greatest fear was falling pregnant. If I knew then what I know now, I never would have bothered. Being bred was the life for me. It was what my body was designed for. I couldn't imagine having an empty womb ever again.

I suppose my fears of falling pregnant back then were due to the worry that I would ruin my career. I made sure that it didn't. I kept going to uni, scheduling my classes around my milking schedule. Writing essays in between being bred by the bulls. I somehow managed to pass one of my classes without even using the textbook, after having to throw it away due to a bull cumming on it. I ended up graduating with flying colours, accepting my diploma with a large pregnant belly sticking out beneath my udders.

When I pictured myself as a lawyer, I never imagined it anything like this. But I wouldn't change a thing. It was perfect.

My udders ran dry and I turned the machine off. I sat up, massaging around my teats. The milk churn was completely full, small drips of milk still leaking from the pipes and splashing into the white liquid.

My heels touched the floor and I stood up on shaky feet. I walked over to the shelf and grabbed a lid for the churn. I screwed it on tight and pulled it out from under the machine. I would have to come back and collect that before leaving this afternoon. The Dairy Farm would take it from me and process it.

I pulled my skirt back down over my large rump, smoothing the creases out. I grabbed some paper towels and dried my teats off before pulling my blouse back on. I buttoned it back up, adjusting my udders to make sure they sat comfortably. With it buttoned up, I tucked it into my skirt, over my large belly.

As I pulled my jacket on I looked at myself in the mirror, fixing my hair. Everything looked neat and presentable. No stains from milk or my juices. Time to put on my professional face again.

With one last inspection, I picked up my briefcase and headed back to the courtroom.
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