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Brick, Mortar, and Bruises

©2019 GlacialisFI

Young, vulnerable volunteer worker on a twelve-week commission overseas is raped and abused repeatedly by her sadistic new crew boss.

Dear Reader,

Please note that this is a rape fantasy story written for adult entertainment. Among other violent, extreme and possibly disturbing scenes, it contains graphic depictions of non-consensual sex. If you are uncomfortable with such sexual fantasies, do not proceed to read this story. Also note that this is a fantasy story only and I do not condone abuse of any kind in real life.


Chapter 1

Anni lay prone on her white sheets. His hand was clamped on her mouth and tears ran from beneath her tightly closed eyelids. It took all her efforts not to let out a shrill cry of pain as his cock was tearing her apart, but she knew that if she made a single sound beyond a faint oompf when he crushed her beneath him, he'd clench her nose shut as well and choke her into silence.

He'd never had a name, or a face, or a voice, but he'd been a part of every dirty dream she'd ever had. When she was a young girl he'd been an older boy, and as she grew up to be a young woman, he gradually took the form of an older man, whose depravity closely mirrored her own unfulfilled needs. She'd always known it bordered on insanity how much she loved him and how real he was to her, yet she never bothered with even a token resistance when anywhere, everywhere, every day her imagination conjured up his vague shadowy shape.

He came to her, looking deceptively calm, taking hold of her chin. She would either meet his gaze or close her eyes but the result was always the same: a powerful backhand blow to the side of her head that sent her sprawling on the floor. Next he'd grab her and drag her across the room, throwing her on the bed. Holding her stinging, tear-stained cheek, she would let him spread her legs and pin her down on her bed. She wanted desperately to be his good girl, so she would let out only a soft cry when his hard, bulgy penis first forced itself up her dry cunt.

She'd had boyfriends in high school and a few more after moving to Oulu to study, but she never got what she needed when she let those boys into her bed. She'd moan under them, smile meekly afterwards and state that she enjoyed it, but when she went to take a shower, her fantasy lover was waiting for her in the bathroom, a shadow forming from the swirls of steam, ready to slam her bodily against the tiles and snarl that she belonged to no one but him. None of her boyfriends ever made her feel that excited, but He had betrayed her in the most terrible way imaginable and Anni was all alone in the world now.

Half-covered by newer ads, the Bolivia School Project brochure had hung on the Geography department bulletin board since before her time at the university. She'd glanced at it from time to time, taking a moment to indulge in an exotic daydream, but now it conveniently offered her a way out when she most needed one. She could not bear the reminder of seeing the campus or the people on it for any longer and promptly phoned her dad.

The plane trip took 20 hours, which was exactly 20 hours too much for her to be alone with her own thoughts. He'd always been right beside her, waiting in the shadows for the moments she was alone, and it made her heart ache to leave him behind now. He'd preyed on her for so many years that she'd come to rely on his company and felt lost without him.

Upon arrival to Santa Cruz she was forwarded to a building site at the outskirts of Cochabamba where the volunteers were to assist a group of local construction workers in building a new schoolhouse. On the bus she met her fellow volunteers, all of whom had been on similar commissions before. For most of the trip Anni sat back, silent and invisible, and listened to the others exchanging anecdotes. If she wasn't exactly able to join in the discussion, then at least she got to hear a good deal about her new boss.

Raduz Karasek was said to be a hard but competent man of forty-odd years with adamant faith in the project and a long history in various humanitarian organizations. One of the men had been told that Raduz had taken part in the early demonstrations that sparked off the Velvet Revolution, but that he left Czechoslovakia soon after. One of the women recalled a rumour that he had been among those unfortunate few that got arrested, and that some unpleasant incident had taken place which caused him to forsake his home country for good. Absently Anni tried to imagine a scenario so bad that would make a man choose to leave when things were just starting to get better.

After a very bumpy ride, the bus finally slowed down and stopped on a gravel track in front of a long, bleak modular building that looked like it could be chopped to smaller pieces and moved elsewhere as soon as the job was done. Anni was peering out the window at her new surroundings with excited curiosity, when a sudden, swelling current of vibrating heat flashed and burned in her chest; through the blur of dirt on the glass, the man waiting by the door looked just like Him. She slammed her palms against the window, ready to leap up and run to Him, yelling and squealing, "You're here, you're here! And you're real!"

So thrilled was she to see Him that in an instant she forgot her anger and His betrayal and her own solemn promise to herself that she would not speak to Him anymore. But she wasn't insane, and all too soon the brief moment of blissful delusion she'd allowed herself was used up and gone.

Waiting for her turn to step out of the bus, Anni breathed deeply and composed herself. This is a real man, she told herself -- something which He most certainly was not. And, unlike Him, Karasek had a face. Yet it was a face that made Anni drop her jaw in shock and gasp involuntarily, for he didn't merely look harsh; he looked frightful.

She didn't dare to get caught staring and quickly turned to look for her luggage. The image, however, stayed with her: the disconcerting, broken features, the unnaturally crooked nose, and the scarred, drooping eyelid that almost closed his left eye. Anni recalled the talk in the bus and shivered from the word 'incident'.

One by one Karasek called them to his quarters at the very end of the building. After filling up the necessary paperwork, he settled them two by two into the camp's rather Spartan double rooms, starting from the opposite end of the building. The number of women being odd, and Anni being the last one to be thus processed, she landed on the lucky luxury of having the last room, the room right behind the wall, all to herself.

"This is your first commission, right?" Raduz asked.

Anni nodded, trying hard not to stare at the pale, puckered scar tissue next to Karasek's damaged eye. He leafed through a stack of papers in front of him, took off his reading glasses, and rubbed his eyes, groaning slightly.

"Why don't you come and see me in the morning, and we'll take care of all this after we've gotten some rest. It's getting late and I've yet to give you lot my welcome speech."

As they entered the hallway, Raduz rested his palm lightly on the small of her back and led her all the way to the other end of the building, past the bedrooms, toilets and showers, to the combined common room and kitchen, where the others were waiting. Though Anni kept telling herself that he was just trying to make her feel welcome, her new boss's touch made her uncomfortable. She was barely able to abstain from instinctively shrugging him off and thus making her impolite unease known also to the man causing it.

Raduz on the other hand tried to hide his smile when he felt the girl stiffen at his touch. These daddies' girls, he thought, coming as tourists -- as voyeurs -- to gawk at other people's hardship and distress needed to be taken down a notch. They sought to purchase with a few months of service an easy conscience for rest of their lives worth of excess and indulgence. When they pranced and simpered in front of him, he wanted to show them pain, show them despair, and drag them all the way down into hell.

The crew bosses didn't get pictures of the volunteers in beforehand, just sexes and ages as stated in their applications, but he'd gotten lucky for this new girl was a chubby strawberry blonde with round, inviting curves, a pretty, shyish smile and such a vulnerable look that his cock twitched while he addressed his new team. To make it more difficult for her to integrate into the group and make close friends, he'd picked his team so that the Finnish girl was the only first-timer and the only one so young. In the fullness of time she would fall straight into his lap.

"So, with you being a first-timer, I wanted to go over a few things with you," Raduz began their meeting the following morning and gave her a quick overview of the introductory material he'd handed over. While she was perusing the brochures, he opened a drawer.

"Here are two forms you should fill. You can do it now so I can help you if there's something you don't understand."

The first paper was her contract, which she signed readily. The second turned out to be a health questionnaire and she ticked off the boxes without stopping to think until she reached the last row. Anni looked up at her boss in confusion.

"Ah, it's a bit personal, I know, but as you can see the infrastructure here is what it is. Our drinking water is treated and boiled but there is a tiny protozoan parasite common to this area which can stay in your system for years and cause symptoms later. I'm sure you were vaccinated back in..." he looked at the papers, "back in Finland, yes?"

"Of course."

"Well, there's no vaccine for this unpleasant little organism. There's a preventive medicine for it though, in the way of antimalarials, but there's an interaction with the high hormone doses in birth control pills. Progestins decrease the effectiveness of the drug, so we must ask what method of birth control you use."

The question was really embarrassing and, to make matters worse, Anni felt herself blush. She understood it was relevant, but to discuss anything relating to her sex life with a stranger she was still half afraid of was uncomfortable in the extreme.

"Nothing. Condoms," she mumbled, avoiding eye contact with the man.

"Ok, well, in this case that is good," he said with a jovial smile, and handed her five trays of small blister packaged tablets. "This is enough to cover you for the twelve weeks here plus three more just to be sure. Take one pill every day and -- I can't stress this enough -- make sure you take them. One missed day might nullify the whole treatment."

As the door closed behind her, Raduz's mind began to wander. When Anni hesitated, her mouth was just like Marina's. When Anni smiled, her eyes crinkled up just like Marina's had. Would she let him touch her like Masha had? Then everything faded but the words 'Please understand, please understand,' tumbling around in his head, each word a reminder of one more punch from the dark.

On Saturday Raduz took the whole team into a little roadside bar a few miles from the site. They had a few beers, chatted and got to know each other better. By midnight most of the team was on the floor, dancing. Raduz's eyes lingered on Anni as he watched her frolic and spin. She didn't want for partners for after a few drinks her acute self-consciousness gave way to a new-found femininity of long looks and sensual motions.

Raduz had never been one for hopping about looking silly and it had never bothered him before, but now, looking at Anni flirting and dancing with other men, he resented not having their opportunity to steal a few touches unremarked. Experiencing the soft heaviness of her breasts pressing against his chest had to wait, though he had to admit that he craved to sink his fingers in her vulnerable, defenseless flesh. It wasn't often that he got to enjoy a specimen of such a plump pair. He'd seen how they jiggled when she moved and how the flesh wobbled when she laughed. Only the softest of breasts wobbled like that, the kind of breasts that would bulge out from between his fingers like bread dough when he squeezed to bruise. Luckily for Raduz he didn't have that long to wait.

Nursing a bottle of Paceña, Raduz noticed a tall handsome youth tenaciously crowding Anni on the dance floor. She'd danced with him earlier and politely thanked him no when he'd started to squeeze her closer. Apparently he now intended to snatch his pretty partner back. Anxiously Anni tried to dance away from him and hide behind the other volunteers. Yet the young man kept following her, laughing and taunting her as if it was all a big joke. The girl looked harried and Raduz was about to stand up when she had the sense to leave the dance floor.

Anni started towards their table but the young man followed her and grabbed her by the arm. Anni yelped and tried to wrench free but by then Raduz had reached them and taken a hold of the man's wrist. Raduz tightened his vice-like grip until the stranger cursed in rage and pain and let go of the girl. She quickly hid behind her boss's back, her trembling little hands gripping his shirt from behind, her soft breasts and belly pressing deliciously against him.

"Puta!" the stranger yelled and spat theatrically on the floor, but Raduz had already put his arm around the scared girl and was leading her back to the table.

For the rest of the night Anni didn't leave his side and Raduz felt immensely gratified. She had snapped straight out of her happy drunken confidence, and every time a man approached their table, she leaned against her protector's side, signalling that whatever it was they wanted, she wasn't available.

Playing this part of a white knight, Raduz found himself imagining how it might have felt had she chosen to sit there not because she was in hiding from other men but rather because she had wanted to be close to him in particular. In that make-believe world he could wrap an arm around her, claiming her as his for all to see. And should he lean down to kiss her, she would look up at him with affection and kiss him back. Would he feel whole then? Would that make him feel like a man? And if so, would the feeling last?

He shook his head and ordered one last beer to wash off the unwanted sentimental nonsense, for what-ifs were useless. The world was what it was. Women were poisonous, deceitful whores. And he was giddy with anticipated destruction. Soon enough he'd get to crush this witch to a weeping, bleeding mess. And he'd keep on grinding, day after day, until there was nothing left of her.

The group tried their best to make light of the incident but the general mood of their party did not recover and they soon called a little army of cabs to return to the site. Raduz had to bite his lip during the ride to hold back a grin. The night couldn't have turned out better even had he orchestrated the whole thing. Having her trust would make raping her all the more exhilarating.

Chapter 2

That night marked the beginning of their friendship. Karasek had earned her trust and all the qualities she'd found intimidating on arrival were now on play on his side, making him even more capable as a protector. Besides, from up close there was nothing frightening about his drooping eye. Actually quite the opposite, for when he was in a good mood, his lopsided smile gave his face a jovial and kind appearance.

Each day either one would take time to find the other for a chat, and each day Anni's respect and admiration for her boss grew. He had morals, strength and faith like no one she'd met before, and, even though he was somewhat reserved, his conviction to the project and to the cause of human rights in general was a great inspiration to her. No matter how late or how early it was when she got up to use the toilet, Raduz was always up, working, a faint trace of light shining from the crack beneath his door.

During their talks she confessed to him her insecurities about making it so far from home in the unfamiliar territory she'd gotten herself in, and Karasek, or plain Raduz as he preferred, reassured her with promises that he was there to look after her. He made her feel good. He made it possible for her to forget herself for a moment and smile. Soon she felt so relaxed and comfortable around him that she found herself telling him all kinds of silly things, and, little by little, he allowed her to get to know him too. But still, the true reason behind her hasty escape to Bolivia was not something she dreamed of talking about. With anyone.

"I feel really embarrassed. And stupid," she whispered to Raduz in secret a full week after the awkward ending to the crew's night out. "If I had handled the situation better the night wouldn't have been ruined like that. I know I should have just told that jerk straight out to go to hell but—"

She avoided his eyes, and, not knowing what to say, shook her head and shrugged. Raduz smiled at her but said nothing. "So you should have," he mused to himself. "But he scared you." Perhaps when he made his move she would be just as paralyzed, waiting in vain for someone to save her.

As he watched her walk away, he counted the days and shifted slightly to ease the pressing discomfort in his groin. She was so open, so artless, so nauseatingly trusting that he couldn't wait to destroy her.

All things considered, Anni wasn't quite as miserable as she had expected to be. Much of that was due to Raduz's kindness, but no matter how many distractions she sought to engage in, there was no escaping from her own thoughts. She worked hard, exhausting herself each day to earn a deep, dreamless sleep, yet still, every night, she felt Him probe at the edges of her mind, relentlessly searching for a way back to her. The prospect of never again being able to take refuge in the familiar, vital fantasy that was the one thing that supported and nourished her made her want to die - however, she could bear no more nightmares of Him surrounded by rows and rows of clones, grunting with pleasure on top of her wailing friend.

January was at the same time too surreal to be true, and still so very real that at times Anni found it hard to merely keep on breathing. January, and the morning after the big start-of-the-semester party. January, and Nea standing white-faced along the corridor outside the lecture hall. Nea, whose face was as wet with tears as with snow-melt dripping down from her stocking cap. Nea, who told her and the rest of their friends how a group of guys had trapped Riikka in one of the storerooms for the entire night to be raped over and over by them and their friends and their friends' friends. How Riikka had only staggered home just as Nea was about to leave for the lecture. How her clothes had been torn, and stained with blood, vomit and grime. How her eyes had been all dead and empty.

In her shock Nea blurted out every stabbing detail she'd gotten out of Riikka, and Anni saw it all so vividly in her mind that nausea hit her with such violent force that she was barely able to reach the toilets in time. As she coughed up her breakfast, a ring of ice tightened around her heart, freezing it to death. Angry, hot tears streamed down her cheeks in the cubicle and she whispered to the empty air around her, "Don't do this to me. It's not true. Not true. Please."

Hazy. Helpless. Hurt. Humiliated. Struggling in vain against strong arms holding her down. Taken against her will again and again... These were the kind of thoughts Anni would masturbate to, but she had never meant for it to actually happen. She hadn't wanted anyone to get hurt, yet finally, just as she had always feared, all those guilty, sweaty orgasms and her shameful fantasies manifested in a rape. And someone else had paid the price.
Anni didn't know the faces of the men who had assaulted her friend, but in her head they were all clones of Him, broken free from the puppet strings Anni had allowed herself to believe she controlled.

Seeing every day the slums some of the locals lived in, her first two weeks had been emotionally taxing but she didn't regret coming. The work was hard but rewarding and each night she could see the brick walls of the new school stand a little higher. Thankfully the stink of the slum didn't reach the site yet but in a few years the shanty town would most likely expand, swallowing the then finished school. Hopefully education would help some of the children into a better life and out of the slums.

To make Anni see that their work really changed things for the better, Raduz told her he'd take her for a drive to give her a look at some of the other schools the project had already built. Without really knowing why, Anni hesitated at first, but soon gave in as not to make an embarrassing fuss -- especially when he assured her that he took all first timers for such a drive.

Back home Anni had waited for her cab to the airport amidst snow banks over three feet deep, but halfway across the world March marked early autumn. The weather was warm and Anni was sweating under her jacket as she got into Raduz's car. She cursed the sticky feeling on her skin but it couldn't be helped as the stifling jacket was necessary to hide her swollen and erect nipples from her boss.

Her breasts had been sore for over a week and she couldn't understand why as nothing like this had ailed her before. Her nipples kept poking out embarrassingly through her shirts and bras, and the irritating, persistent throbbing of her nipples constantly derailed her thoughts to her breasts and to His cruel fingers pinching her.

"Dammit!" she spat at herself once again, for no matter how hard she tried to forget, He obviously wasn't going anywhere. And this drive wasn't helping.

As the old car hummed beneath her, the vibrations surged through her pleasure-deprived flesh to her very core. She'd gone three long months without an orgasm and the lack of release had started to show. She'd kept trying for a while but every time she placed her fingers on her clit, pleading in her head for her fantasy rapist to spare her, the fantasy unravelled to reveal a gritty, non-stop replay of her friend's gruelling rape. Excitement would turn instantly to self-loathing and she would yank her hand quickly from her crotch, utterly disgusted at herself.

Now the seat trembled inexorably against her pussy on the uneven roads, teasing her until she felt her juices flow. The touch of her clothes felt like hands stroking her skin, and she closed her eyes, giving in to the hypnotic hum of the engine. She concentrated one by one on the faces of the male volunteers -- a failing attempt to keep Him out of it -- but when Anni's mind offered her boss as the face for the man in her fantasy, she noticed with unease how alike the two in fact were. The shadow, always lurking just on the edge of her field of vision, seemed to have acquired Raduz's heavy brow and his thinning, sandy hair. She wasn't happy about it but for the first time since the assault on Riikka, the thought of Him warmed her instead of causing a cruel tweak of guilt.

Faux leather creaked and Anni stirred as Raduz leaned over to grab a pair of sunglasses from the glove compartment. She tried to move her knees out of the way, but the back of his hand brushed against her high strung body. She jerked involuntarily as a hot flush spread through her, originating from the point of his touch. She emptied her lungs in a long sigh, shocked by her own reaction yet grateful that the exhale didn't come out as an aroused moan.

Promptly she shook her head, trying to put aside her imaginations. It was unbelievably awkward to have responded sexually to a man she was working for, to a man she thought of as a friend and mentor. It wasn't really Raduz that she desired, she knew that, and yet -- even though it was totally irrational -- she feared that her boss could see into her mind and find that thought, that somehow he would smell on her a scent left behind by his imaginary counterpart.

Now that she had a secret to keep from him, Anni felt Raduz's gaze suddenly laden with power; his stare stripped her and pierced her, and brought forth in her mind the very images she most wanted to hide. In frustration she chewed her lip, making futile wishes of Him being real. She wanted Him to come to her, bend her to his will and simply force her past the guilt she couldn't seem to get over on her own. She ached to submit to something or someone stronger, to be freed from thinking, from taking responsibility, from constantly having to try to affect the outcome of fate in order to succeed in life. Also, she ached for sex. It would be so sweet to surrender to Him if only He could cross the barrier of dreams and reach her. She needed Him to free her from stewing in the torturous sexual unfulfilment she suffered from.

Unbeknownst to her however, Raduz's mind was occupied with similar thoughts as he'd had his own motives for their little outing. Though during the years there hadn't been any takers, he always gave the girls a chance to give their bodies to him willingly. As contemptible as he found them, they deserved that much.

He knew he wasn't handsome. He wasn't charming either, but Anni had displayed her admiration so openly that Raduz had expected a different outcome this time. She could have sighed and spread her thighs apart just an inch or two as an invite, but she hadn't. She'd gasped and pulled away instinctively from the hand that grazed her.

Despite the slight blow to his vanity, he had a hard time hiding his thrills, for he was looking forward to taking by force what she wouldn't offer by choice. Just one more week to be on the safe side, and then he would feast on her tears.

Chapter 3

There were four shower cubicles along the bleak corridor. After the first two mornings Anni started waking up before 6 am. to skip the shower rush. She'd already gotten used to having the whole place to herself when one morning she almost ran into a man in the corridor. Highly embarrassed, only wearing a towel to cover herself, Anni mumbled her apologies for not looking where she was going. When she looked up she saw Raduz, still dripping with water, with a towel around his waist. Too struck to mind her manners, she gasped and grimaced at the sight of him. Pale wide welts of scar tissue licked his sides from behind and covered his upper arms. She was so shocked that all words left her, she didn't even have the sense to let him pass and just stared slack-jawed at his marred skin.

He looked at her with disgust and pushed past her. Anni turned and started, "Good—" and, after Raduz had disappeared into his room at the end of the hall, finished absently, "...morning." His entire back had been covered with those same horrible scars. She had never seen anything like it and stood still for a moment before darting into a cubicle. She locked the door and hid herself under the stream, painfully ashamed for gawking.

"So rude, so rude, so rude!" she chided herself, as her skin prickled where he had brushed her.

Grasping for an explanation, Anni calculated that Raduz must have been in his twenties at the beginning of the Velvet Revolution and wondered how much brutality had been swept under the carpet to name the event so. Lately she was so used to feeling guilty that she almost didn't notice the quick reel of her safe, snug life flash by in her mind as opposed to vague images of restless crowds clashing with riot police, dingy cells and the echoes of fists, boots and lashes thudding on flesh.

After lunch Anni sneaked away from the building site and went to Raduz's combined office and bedroom. She knocked timidly on the door, half hoping he wouldn't be there.

"Yeah?" She heard from inside and stepped in, hovering hesitantly close to the door. When Raduz saw that the comer was her, he turned back to his papers, a gesture that told her most acutely that she wasn't welcome.

"What is it?" he asked gruffly without bothering to look at her.

"Raduz, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to— I'm so sorry, " Anni babbled looking at her feet.

Raduz chose not to acknowledge her, but he couldn't wipe the strained, faraway look from his face; the papers in front of him were clearly the last thing in her friend's mind. He was wearing what he always wore - jeans with a t-shirt and an unbuttoned flannel shirt - and through the layers of fabric his fingers traced absently the paths of the scars in his upper arm. Anni had often seen him repeat this gesture of his but until now she hadn't known what it was his fingers were always stroking there. She glanced at his chest where the snug t-shirt revealed a dent in his ribs just below his heart. She hadn't noticed it there before, but after seeing him without his shirt on she knew where to look. There was pain in this man. Pain the like of which she, even under the weight of her scorching guilt, could not begin to imagine.

"Forget it. Go back before you're missed," Raduz grunted coldly. All traces of his previous friendliness were gone from his voice, and Anni couldn't help but feel that she'd insulted him by seeing, no matter how accidentally, the marks on his body.

The following night she woke up to someone touching her. Alarmed, she propped herself up on her elbows and tried to call out, 'Who's there?' but a hand touched her lips and a man shushed.

"What's happening?" she whispered, stiff with fright and confusion.

"Shh. Everything's fine."

Anni recognized Raduz's voice. The man was tense, his breathing shallow.

"Has someone come to the camp?" she asked with haste, thinking of the others lying in bloody beds cut into pieces with machetes, though she guessed machine guns a more probable cause of death in South America run by drug cartels.

"Everything's fine," he repeated with a strangely emotional voice.

The situation got weirder still when he ran his hand down the side of her head to her cheek.

"Everything's fine, just lay back down."

She'd followed his orders for three weeks without ever questioning anything he said and for a moment she was too stunned to speak. Then she felt her boss lift the blanket. This is some misunderstanding, she thought, flustered, but no: the man was getting into bed with her. Not wanting to wake the others up and cause an embarrassing scene, she held back her rage and hissed vehemently, "Raduz, what the hell?"

"Shh, it's ok. Everything's fine. Go back to sleep," he still tried to sooth her.

Anni tried to push him away and half hissed half growled, "What are you doing? Get away from me, god damn it!"

She tried to fight him but his hands were everywhere. Anni squirmed, kicked and clawed but her boss wrestled himself on top of her, stretching her arms above her head. He restrained her wrists effortlessly with one hand and caressed her face with the other.

"Don't pretend you haven't thought about it, dove," he whispered with a smile and slid his free hand down to grab a hold of her breast through her nightie. "Don't pretend you haven't thought about me."

Anni was now seriously scared and struggling to get free by turns spit curses at him and pleaded for him to let her go. She thought of the others sleeping down the corridor, and trying to wrench her hands free growled at Raduz, "Get off me or I'll scream!"

His face melted into a sly grin.

"No, you won't. You see, everybody knows the Kid's got a crush on me. After all those intimate little chats, every person on this crew knows that you're just dying to spread your little legs for me. The way you've been following me around and shoving your tits to my face they'd assume any scream merely to be the sound of ecstatic surprise when my cock tears your tight young cunt wide open. So go ahead, scream out for them all to hear what a dirty, randy slut you are."

Anni's eyes grew wider and wider as he spoke. She was the youngest of the group by fifteen years and as a joke she'd let them all call her Kid. She could well imagine that as a result the others had come to think of her as one and that Raduz and her spending time together could have been perceived by them as an infatuated teen running after a beau begging for attention. It would be her word against his and the crew would think that she had led him on. So, just as Raduz had guessed, Anni was too ashamed to scream for help and blamed herself bitterly for being so stupid as to expose herself to such gossip. No one would help her now.

"Please get off me," she begged in a desperate whisper, but he didn't move. "Don't do this. I don't want to. Raduz, really, I don't want to." She couldn't believe he would hurt her. Not him. Not Raduz. Not the man who had promised so warmly to look after her.

"Shh," he reassured her and pulled the rubber band off her braid. He combed her hair loose with his fingers until it ran down her shoulders, framing her beautiful, frightened face. "It's ok," he whispered and grinned, "I'll play nice."

Panic overwhelmed her and she started kicking and bucking frantically. If she could just get to the corridor she'd be safe, but she couldn't even get her hands free. In a few short minutes of tugging and heaving she had exhausted her strength. Hot tears streamed down her face when she realized that he was going to fuck her and there was nothing she could do about it.

"I know, dove. I know," he kept soothing her in a low voice and stroked her forehead as she trembled under him.

Now that her fate had been taken away from her hands, now that it was time to submit and surrender, Anni was fiercely against it. In her dreams it had always been Him who was to trap her under him -- a man she both knew and loved, a man to whom she'd give everything. Now there was a stranger on her, groping and squeezing her flesh, panting and grunting into her ear words in a language she couldn't understand, about to spread her body open and force himself to her very insides.

Raduz leaned his face close to hers and Anni jerked her head away in disgust. Her boss's voice went ice cold as he growled, "Don't test my patience. I can make it to really hurt."

Anni winced at the way he stretched out the word really and turned to face him.

"That's my girl," he murmured, and leaned in again.

Anni cringed, but this time she didn't dodge. She clenched her teeth shut, expecting him to kiss her, but instead he dragged his wet tongue over her pursed mouth, rubbing it against her lips. The sensation was revolting and Anni squealed in distress.

"Shut it," Raduz spat and grabbed her chin, clenching so tight that her flesh burned with pain as it was crushed between her jawbone and his fingers. First Anni squealed more because of the pain and fear but soon realized that silence was the only way to make it stop.

"There. Good. And not one more sound, you hear me?" her boss commanded.

Then his anger melted into a cruel smile and he chuckled. "Damn, you are a horny little cunt, aren't you? I'm not even inside you yet and you're already moaning like a bitch in heat."

Anni's first reaction was to shake her head no but she didn't dare move in case he would squeeze her chin even harder. She was worried he might break her jaw it if he got any more pissed at her.

Raduz had a system, a basic pattern, that he tweaked each time to fit the individual characteristics of the girls. One of his ground rules was that the girl was not to mistake herself as being desired. She was to feel used instead of wanted. Such heartless treatment combined with occasional gentle comfort tended to confuse the victim and make the soul-wrenching initial breaking process last longer. He could transform a girl into a passive fuckzombie in one, long and hard night -- and had -- but over the years he'd learned that what he most wanted was for the distress, the frantic crying, the panic and disbelief to last as long as possible. Weeks preferably. That suffering was his payoff, the prize he fed off of. That and not the end result, the meek, subdued fuckdoll they all changed into sooner or later.

This in mind he softened his tone and let go of her chin.

"See?" he said petting her hair. "If you play nice, I'll play nice."

Despite the veiled threat Anni kept writhing and whining as Raduz wrenched himself between her legs, leaving her sex open and vulnerable. Supporting his weight with the hand gripping her wrists, Raduz slid his other hand between their bodies in search of the girl's pussy. She slept without panties so there was nothing in his way.

Anni moaned and gritted her teeth when he reached her pink, puffy lips and burrowed his finger roughly between them. He followed her damp slit down to her pussy hole and started pushing his finger inside her. Her dryness resisted the invasion but with sufficient shoving the finger slid into her dry cunt an inch at a time, forcing its way deeper in search of moisture.

From deep within Raduz found a hidden reservoir and worked his finger in and out, spreading the meager slickness. Anni wailed faintly in futile anger for not being able to stop his unwanted attentions.

"Don't tense up on me," Raduz crooned. "Relax. Breathe. Don't fight it. I just need to stretch this tiny cunt a little so I can fit my cock in here. There. Getting nice and wet, good girl." Time dragged on as his words and her humiliation continued. "Feel that, dove? You're clenching again. Aren't you a horny little thing to want me so badly, sucking my fingers with your tight little fuckhole. Patience, dove. Patience. Don't worry, I'll give you some cock real soon. No need to hurry."

While Raduz was whispering to her Anni lay rigid beneath him. She had never even been to a gynaecologist and it was a horrifying feeling to be invaded so profoundly, to have something alien and unwanted enter her, wriggle, poke and scratch inside her body, force a reaction out of her and forever steal away her sovereignty. Raduz added a third finger and stretched Anni's pussy further.

"Please, stop. Please," she begged, her voice cracking, and kicked the air helplessly while her boss continued to defile her. He answered her pleas by taking out his cock.

"Don't cry baby, I'll make it feel good," he sighed. "You'll like it. I promise. Just let me take care of you."

There was a cruel contradiction between his caring tone and vicious actions. Anni knew his words were nothing more than filthy lies but Raduz had a way to make his voice sound sincere. It confused Anni, making her feel half safe and half scared out of her mind. The old Raduz had been her protector, her friend, and Anni couldn't quite separate that man from the monster now on top of her.

The heavy, fat piece of meat had stiffened and now prodded at her crotch. It leaked drops of pre-cum that smeared cold little puddles on her skin, and Anni imagined a huge, ugly snake spilling its venom on her, slithering towards the unprotected opening to her body, fangs ready to sink into her flesh.

"No! Please! You don't have to do this. Please, stop," she gasped as Raduz guided his penis on her entrance and lay down on her.

"Shh," he shushed. "You know me. Calm down, just let it happen. This doesn't have to hurt. Nothing to be afraid of; I'm here. I'm here. I'll take care of you. Relax."

His words were a cruel joke. Anni felt the snake push painfully against her sticky, resisting folds but could do nothing to save herself. She stiffened in disgust as the snake started stretching her tiny opening and forced its way inch by inch inside her body. Anni wailed softly, then gagged down bile, feeling the thick, scaly snake crawl deeper and deeper, unable to make it stop.
The penetration was so repulsive that she'd have clawed her boss's eyes out had he not had her hands in his grip. The small amount of wetness he'd coaxed from her depths wasn't nearly enough to ease her discomfort, and his movements chafed the inner flesh of the distressed girl.

She resumed her struggles, kicking and jerking vehemently, only to learn that he was on her and in her and that she was powerless.

"Are you done with that?" he asked dryly when she gave up trying to resist and slumped down to catch her breath. She made no answer though she knew she had lost the fight. He knew it too and kept whispering his poison in her ear. His words were a spell dulling her mind, his harsh, masculine accent growing thicker with arousal.

"Relax. Don't fight it. Everything's fine. I'm here. I'm here. I'm here."

He pulled out, leaving only the head in, and started pushing back in again. This time he fed her the whole length of his penis.

"Be still now and it won't hurt. You know you like it," he murmured as shudders of revulsion and pain rocked Anni's body. She knew they were lies but his voice was so enthralling, his authority so reassuring that a part of her wanted to believe, wanted it to be like he said instead of how it really was.

It grew harder to hold on to what was real, and though in her head she was screaming, her body was as good as paralyzed for he was too big, too strong, too much.

Raduz saw her silently crying and took even more pleasure from every slow stroke into her still rather dry pussy. The girl had turned her head aside and kept her eyes closed, but he saw tears pool into the hollow of her eye and run over the bridge of her nose. When he let go of her hands, she raised them only to cover her face in shame. No point in fighting anymore; what was done could not be undone.

Anni wished he would get it over with and leave, but Raduz didn't want to rush. He had a message to deliver and fucked her with long, slow strokes, relishing in the tight, warm grip of her pussy. Minute after minute went by and his hard cock, a disgusting weapon leaking poison inside her, ravaged her again and again. His weight rocked on her, back and forth in time with his grunts. Anni had stopped pleading with him, and her gasps, sobs and whimpers were the only outer signs of what her body had to endure. Her pussy had finally submitted to the mechanical stimuli of ceaseless friction and lubricated itself. She could hear the squishy sounds her cunt made and nothing could abate the searing shame of her body cooperating with him.

After what to her seemed like a forever, Raduz got off her and lay down beside her on the narrow bunk. Anni kept still, every muscle tense, waiting what he'd do next. His palm rested on her mound and he slid two fingers inside her. He hooked them to gather moisture and scooped out slippery juice, smearing it on her vulva, immersing her clit in it.

On feeling the first tingling sensations, Anni realized with a sudden shock what her boss had in mind.

"No, no, please, not that. I don't want to," she mumbled in a daze, gripping his wrist to stall him.

Raduz ignored her weak protests and determined fingers started circling Anni's sensitive spot.

"No, no," she whined, "please, no!" and to every no he murmured a low, rasping, "Yes."

Is this how it's going to be then, Anni thought, her self-inflicted celibacy both beginning and ending with a rape.

For a big and clumsy-looking man Raduz's fingers moved lightly between the swollen labia of her thoroughly plowed pussy. After such a long break in being touched, Anni was gasping and jerking involuntarily from the manipulation of merely the areas around her clit. When her boss moved his hand and brushed the tip of his finger across the little nub itself, the sensation was raw and the impact incredibly powerful. Anni's frantic intake of breath came dangerously close to a cry.

Raduz kept to a rhythm, sliding long, slow strokes over her clit. He stopped a few times to spit on her slit and then resumed. He was skilful; he didn't change pace or direction or the amount of pressure too often. To Anni the touch of another felt tenfold as strong compared to masturbating on her own. All he did was constant, compelling and inevitable and -- to Anni's absolute humiliation -- so was her orgasm. He clamped a hand over her mouth just before she started convulsing and her uncontrollable whinnies died down to a soft squeal escaping through her nose.

She was only half aware of what happened after that. Raduz piled pillows and clothes on her bunk and manhandled her to lie prone on the pile, her hips thrust up high. When he had her in position, he entered her roughly from behind.

Head bobbing up and down, Anni jerked back and forth from the brutal force of his thrusts. The sturdy bunk was noiseless even in such hard use. It had been chosen personally by Raduz for that exact reason. Her bare, fat buttocks slapped against his pelvis when he rammed against her, and he had to cover her butt with the hem of her nightie to keep the silence.

Despite the punching pain Anni didn't want to make any sound, didn't want to give him the satisfaction of showing a reaction, but it was impossible to prevent inhales and exhales from sounding like the pathetic sniffles, shocked gasps and sob-like grunts that they were as he pommeled her guts savagely, slamming his meat into her, almost knocking the air out of her lungs.

Time slowed down. Her boss was fucking her with a frenzied, relentless pace but in her head the minutes and seconds elongated and she felt every push as a new rape, a new shame, a new invasion into her broken, befouled body.

Finally, having fucked his victim into a wretched state of submission, he gave himself the leave to cum. He didn't bother to stop plunging into her when he came, and his whole body jerked when her cum-soaked cunt gripped his oversensitive glans, pulling on it as he pushed and withdrew. Every thrust into her sloppy pussy forced out a new gush of fluid from inside her.

Choking down his groans and bellows, he continued churning inside her with his limpening dick until her crotch was slathered all over with slime and his wilted penis was too soft to enter her narrow slit. She thought she had long reached the peak of revulsion, but somehow being fucked with a soft, flabby cock that had freshly regurgitated its milk inside her was the worst of all.

He got off the bed, breathing heavily, and grabbed her by the hair. He shook her head until she opened her eyes.

"The silence began at 11 pm. You will not move from this bed until the morning."

He tucked her box of tissues under his arm and forbid her to clean herself with any means he might have overlooked.

"I want to lie in my bed thinking about the mess between your legs."

With a last, firm shake he let go of her hair and her head lolled back on the mattress.

Chapter 4

The following morning Anni stayed in bed, claiming to be ill. She looked so awful with her drained face and lifeless eyes that no one doubted her word for a second. The ladies brought her some painkillers for she looked like she'd been crying the whole night, poor thing, and they assumed she was in pain.

Raduz entered her room as the others were leaving for the building site. He pocketed the painkillers and sat on the side of her bed, smiling a cruel smile, and crooned, "Aww, little dove. Feeling poorly, are we?"

His hand stroked her hair, and Anni froze under her rapist's touch. He brought his hand down for another caress when she quickly turned and connected an angry blow with his wrist.

"You fucking little—" Raduz began, grabbing her by the hair. He shook her hard until Anni stopped flailing with her arms. "Don't fuck with me, little whore," he hissed. "Spreading your legs doesn't earn you any special treatment. You may have fooled them today but tomorrow you'll be out there hauling bricks like everybody else, so you better shape up and quit your whining by then."

His fist still full of her hair, he yanked her closer and licked a slimy path up from her neck to her ear. He lowered his voice to a beastly growl and bit her neck hard. As she squealed, Raduz panted in her ear, "See you tonight, kurva."

Sniggering on his way out, he left Anni curled up on her bed, weeping into her pillow. The word 'cunt' always rolled so deliciously on his tongue.

Darkness had fallen hours ago, but the devastated girl hadn't bothered to switch the lights on. All day she'd jumped at every sound until, after they brought in her supper, she'd finally locked her door. With great heaving sobs she wept, not only for the degradation of her body but for the whole concept of lovemaking and sex. Intimacy would never feel the same again.

Her pussy was sore, her lower abdomen in pain and it hurt to walk or pee. She had tried to drain the night down the sewer but even after three showers she still felt his foul semen crawling inside her, coating every nook. The strong, pungent odour had stewed in her warm crotch, and smelling it she felt so filthy that nausea twisted her insides. Her flesh had a memory of its own and she'd felt her folds parting and her helpless cunt stretching around Raduz's thick cock over and over again. His fingers seemed to ever stay on her clit, his weight on her chest, his mouth on her neck, his whispers in her ears corrupting the truth.

She started to question her every recollection, thinking that she must have done something to give him the wrong impression, that he hadn't meant to rape her. Not really. It just couldn't be. Not Raduz. And she wanted to deny cumming all over his fingers. If it was rape she should never have done that. How was it even possible? It meant she had enjoyed it and she hadn't. She had hated every second of him on her skin.

And he was coming back! No room for misunderstandings now. He knew he was hurting her -- moreover, he wanted to hurt her. But the papers were signed and she had committed to do the twelve weeks. What was worse, the plane tickets had cost her dad 3000 euros. She could never explain to him why she would quit the program after just three weeks without either telling the truth, which was out of the question, or seriously displeasing him by coming across as an ungrateful spoiled brat.

"The Kid's got a crush on me," he'd said. And laughed. The words stung but Anni had only herself to blame. She felt yet another wave of tears coming on. She'd looked up to Raduz, admired him. She thought of her passport, locked in safe keeping in his desk drawer. No way to leave the camp, no way to escape. She had but her own feet, but she didn't know the way to a police station or to an embassy, and she didn't speak the language. Besides, rambling through the slum, lost and on her own, would be even more dangerous than staying. She was trapped -- as he well knew.

"Boo-fucking-hoo," she jeered at herself. "Wallowing in self-pity, are we? Well you don't have the right!" She clamped her teeth together in disgust and growled, "Take it, bitch. You've earned it. All of it."

The poison and the hate that she felt towards herself ran higher than ever now for the way she'd behaved. She had begged. She had submitted meekly to make it easier on herself. She had been pathetically grateful for any soothing lies he had cared to whisper. She was disgusting. Pathetic. Ridiculous. Detestable. She dug a nail into her wrist and dragged it along the skin again and again until she could see red lines, parallel and crossing, rising like dough to form welts. "Bitch. Cunt. Coward. Weakling," she muttered and rubbed the welts to get the swelling down. What she ought to have done was to fight harder and egg him on, force him to be more savage, more brutal. She ought to have struggled so hard that he would have hurt her much worse; choked her, punched her, maybe broken a couple of bones.

"You deserve it," she hissed. "You deserve to be punished. Suffer, bitch. Suffer. Suffer when he rapes you. Suffer when he hurts you. Suffer when you bleed afterwards. Be grateful for the chance to atone, you sick, filthy freak."

But such determination never lasts.

Anni was rocking back and forth on the floor, taking comfort in the simple motion, as a key turned in the lock on her door. Until now she had hoped against hope that he would not come. No one could be so cruel as to put her through another such ordeal. Didn't he see that he had already taken and torn apart everything she had? She felt so dirty that she couldn't bear to be touched. She knew she deserved to be punished for Riikka's sake, but she couldn't, simply couldn't, take any more of it. It was too much to ask when the memory was still so fresh and all the horrible, shameful details were still there, throbbing in her mind.

The faint, green glow of the corridor's emergency exit lights fell into the room and revealed the girl sitting in one corner of the dark room, hugging her knees, her head buried in her lap. Raduz was unable to suppress a sadistic little grin as he noticed that she'd chosen the corner farthest away from the bed -- a pathetic little attempt to distance herself from the altar of her degradation.

He closed the door softly and slipped the master key back into his pocket as his cock was already swelling in anticipation. The girl shook her head weakly without looking up, and Raduz heard her first, forlorn sobs. He half wanted to drag her to the centre of the floor, spread her and take her right away, but almost as much as the sex itself, he enjoyed watching her cower, helpless and afraid, and wanted to make it last.

"No, n-n-no, no," she stuttered when he walked over and crouched beside her. To his surprise he saw that the girl was clutching a pair of scissors in her trembling hands.

"Are these for me?" he chuckled. "You won't stab me, dove. You don't have it in you."

He tugged at the scissors, and indeed Anni let go of them without a word. Smiling assuredly, Raduz caressed her hair and whispered softly.

"You should be asleep by now. Trust me, you do not want me to think that you're not a good girl."

You keep your good girls, you monster, Anni thought bitterly. Then she lifted her face and spat at him.

Dumbfounded, Raduz pulled back a little, and Anni took advantage of the moment of confusion and started pounding him blindly with her fists anywhere she could reach. Her first blow landed on his cheek and woke his fury.

"You little cunt!" he growled in Czech and banged her head three times against the wall with full force, resulting in three very satisfying whacks. He spread the scissors and pressed the sharp edge of a blade into her neck, denting her flesh, causing her breath to wheeze. Anni, light-headed and wide-eyed, stared at his enraged expression, thinking he would surely kill her. One forceful cut and her blood would gush out, and her life with it.

She closed her eyes, bracing herself against the pain, reassuring herself that after she died she'd never be sad or in pain anymore. Raduz could rape her body even if she was dead but she didn't have to be there to feel it. All the trials of being human would end and she'd slide gracefully into sweet oblivion. It might even be better that way.

But the pain didn't come.

Raduz had stopped to listen. He'd lost his self-control for a second but apparently the women next door hadn't stirred at the noise.

"Let's try this again," he said, more to himself than to her, and grabbed the hair at the back of Anni's neck. He brought his face close to hers, took a deep, calming breath and whispered, "I expect to find you snugly tucked away when I enter this room at night. Don't let me catch you out of bed again. Ever. Understood?"

He tightened his grip on her hair and Anni nodded meekly.

"Now, give me your hands."

He pulled her up and stood looking at the petrified girl.

"There, there, dove," he muttered through his gleeful grin and pulled her in his arms to be 'comforted'. He knew that she wanted to be held, that she wanted everything to be ok again. He knew that she wanted to believe she was safe, even when knowing that he was only kind to her to fuck with her mind. He'd had time to perfect his method, and it was effective.

He led the girl to her bed. With tears streaming freely down her cheeks, she allowed herself to be laid down on the mattress. Raduz turned and stood still for a while, his back at the silently weeping girl. He shouldn't have been so rough, it had been careless of him. Wiping her spit off his forehead with a sleeve, he took a deep breath. The night had taken a bad turn, but it wasn't too late to get back on his usual track. He cleared his throat, turned around and sought for a gentler tone.

"There, calm down. You had a bad dream. Hush, dove, don't cry. Everything's fine. Close your eyes. Don't be afraid. Close now... There, good girl."

Anni's face was turned to the wall and a small hand hovered in the air, cupping protectively, yet avoiding to touch, the back of her throbbing head. He stroked the hair off her face and whispered, "Keep 'em closed. It's just a dream. And you're gonna stay completely still."

If she hadn't been just another whore, too proud for her own good, he might have apologized for his sudden rage. To his surprise, the word sorry had snuck to teeter on the tip of his tongue, but Anni had to learn to know her place like all the rest of them, and so he kept quiet.

He turned her on her stomach and positioned her arms to lie along her sides. Slowly, prolonging the moment, he then pulled off her pyjama pants and panties. He was in no hurry for he liked to watch his victims sniffle and shiver in fear.

The following sound of a zipper was loud in the silent night and it was followed by a faint rustle when Raduz's trousers fell on the floor beside the bed. He caressed the round, protruding curves of Anni's fat buttocks, and got on top of her.

"Good girl. You just sleep now," he murmured and started tugging at her thighs to get her to spread her legs.

"Shh," he scolded her mildly as she started to fuss and whine. "What are you so afraid of? I'm not hurting you. — Oh, I see. Are you afraid you might enjoy it? You're not afraid of me, no. You're afraid you're going to get wet for me again, like last night. That you're going to cum. Again."

He took hold of her chubby thighs with determined hands and pulled them apart.

"Now open up. There. Good girl."

Too afraid not to, Anni went along with it and allowed it to happen.

Raduz cupped her pussy with his palm and leaned to murmur straight into her ear, "I bet you have thought about me all day. Waiting, wishing, hoping that I'd come. If I shoved a finger up your cunt right now, would you be wet already?"

He spread her pursed cunt lips to reveal her pink, quivering fuckhole and started feeding in two of his fingers.

"Shh. Lay still. I'm gonna make this really nice for you."

He spat on her until he ran out of spit, and then rubbed in what little lube he'd managed to produce. The fingers pulled away and were replaced with something rounder and wider; the snake was searching its way in again. Anni shuddered. Her boss caressed her hair and whispered soothing nothings in an affectionate tone at the same time as his rapist's cock poked at her crotch, wriggling and pushing, bumping into her just slightly off the mark.

He was so adamant in his whispers that he managed to make her doubt her own mind again. "I'm not hurting you," he'd say. "You want this. Yes. Just let me take care of you."

Anni had not the inner strength to argue, and -- despite every cell in her body screaming in horror and disgust at what he was doing -- him saying these things over and over made her start to believe that they were true. He knew so much of the world, he was so experienced, so respected, so wise and intelligent -- he was always right, right? And, she thought, if I feel like I'm being raped when all he's trying to do is to look after me, I deserve it all for bringing a curse over Riikka, for being at that party and not noticing that something was wrong.
But still, even though a part of her was relieved to finally receive the long due, long craved punishment, in truth she would have given anything to escape it.

For a while Raduz kept pushing against Anni's bottom without bothering to aim. It amused him how each time the girl flinched under him and whined in fear of penetration. Soon he grew bored though, and tried to shove himself inside her, but couldn't find the spot. He cursed under his breath and sat down on his knees. In frustration he sank his thumbs into her crack where her butt met her thighs and harshly yanked her flesh aside to reveal her soft, pink pussy for his throbbing cock. The girl stiffened under him as he lined his shaft with her opening and pushed. She wasn't wet but he spread her pussy lips wide with his hands and entered her anyway, thrusting with force to compensate for the lack of lubrication. Anni jerked at the pain but settled down when Raduz grabbed her hair and shushed her; fighting back would only make him hurt her worse.

She whimpered when he started to fuck her, for his penis felt sharp and bulgy in her raw dryness, dragging the linings of her pussy back and forth on each of his thrusts. She started to turn her head towards him to plea for mercy, but he checked her with firm hands.

"Keep still, dove. Go back to sleep. It's just a dream. Just a dream."

He stroked her hair lovingly, pulling out and pushing back in, over and over, murmuring all the while.

"It's ok. I'm here, dove. I'm here. You're safe. Go back to sleep."

His movements were slow as he relished in her pain and humiliation. The previous night's confusion was gone and she knew that the Raduz she'd known had been nothing but a lie. His mock gentleness was revolting, and Anni cringed at his touch, but there was nothing she could do to stop him from pumping, heaving and grunting on top of her and inside of her.

When Anni finally acquiesced and quit her writhing and moaning, Raduz didn't mind. He loved to listen to a girl sobbing faintly into her pillow beneath him, and only wanted Anni to lie still and keep her legs dutifully spread. For now.

Sooner or later they all learned how to slip out of their bodies as if they weren't there, but he wouldn't allow Anni to do that for a long, long time yet. Pretending to do so was fine with him, but when the girls finally slipped away to where he couldn't hurt them anymore, he got bored and sent them away. Yet, luckily, he was just getting started with this one and she was still far from broken.

Outwardly she didn't try to resist him just then, but her cunt cramped frantically around his cock, trying to expel the shaft Raduz forced inside her again and again in an endless nightmare. She was too innocent to know that the contractions of her pelvic muscles were only making the fuck that much better for him.

Yes, she was a good find. If only she wouldn't break too soon, for his mind was bursting with cruel games he wanted to play with her. He couldn't put his finger on what it was exactly, but some tiny imperceptible detail in the way she responded to him fucking and hurting her egged him on and inspired his imagination to come up with countless of new fantasies of torture and humiliation. He would make it last as long as possible, but sooner or later he'd find her limits and push her past them until her soul would crumble and crush. He could swear that her choked whimpers and weak little twitches beneath him were almost like an invitation. Almost. Maybe. Just.

He watched her little fists clutching, clutching, clutching in reaction to his thrusts. She was still dry, but it served only to inflame his lust all the more. He grabbed her by the hair again and bent her head back until her chest rose from the mattress.

"Your pussy has a lovely angle," he panted into her ear between gasps of breath. "This wouldn't work with every girl, but your whore's cunt just begs to be fucked from behind."

The thought that the angle of her sex matched her inherent submissiveness immediately sent a shudder through her, and her cunt clamped down hard on his cock and flushed with wetness. She did not want to get excited as she was being raped, but learning that she was physically made for offering herself to a man like this, prone and submissive -- literally made for taking their cocks from behind -- she couldn't stop the rising surge of heat. If only it had been Him on top of her and not this despicable monster she hated so bitterly.

Raduz felt her cunt's reaction at once and chuckled triumphantly. "You dirty little slut, I felt that!"

He picked up his pace as the sudden slickness was accompanied with loud, wet smacking sounds.

"Oh yes, that's good," he laughed. "Tight and wet and twitching. Good little whore."

Anni moaned at his words, the horrible, unwanted arousal still plaguing her. At the sound, the panting man on top of her squeezed out another choked chuckle and continued with surprised glee, "You like to be dominated! You really do, don't you!"

It was a statement, not a question, but Anni shook her head; she wasn't moaning, she wasn't aroused, she wasn't dirty, wasn't good, didn't like it -- didn't, didn't, didn't!

Ignoring her protests, Raduz lowered his whisper to a beastly snarl. "Oh yes. You like it. You love it you little slut! What? More?! You want more?! You think you can take all of me?! I'll show you, you little cunt! I'll make you beg!" he growled, and slammed into her with such force that it left her breathless. "Oh, you love being used like a whore, don't you? You love being helpless. You wouldn't get sploshing wet like this otherwise, bleeding and creaming at the same time. Can you fucking hear that?! Can you hear the noise you're making? Can you feel your juices splattering all over the place?"

She started grunting and yelping with pain as his brutal thrusts again started punching the bruised back wall of her pussy, and he had to cover both her mouth and her nose with his hand to keep her noise down. In time she would learn to endure pain in silence but for now it was still too new. He leaned his mouth just above hear ear and whispered to her in his native language a continuous string of obscenities while forcing her to accept her lot as his pet.

"Take it, Masha! Take it! You fucking whore! Take it and suffer! I'm going to rape you 'til I've ripped you in shreds!"

He grabbed Anni by the shoulders and neck to steady himself for the final angry ramming before ejaculation. To keep himself from roaring out his pleasure, he sank his teeth brutally in the back of her neck. Anni's howl of pain gurgled against the hand crushing her airways shut. The pain and the choking made her frantic; she bucked wildly and swatted at Raduz's head in blind panic to make him release her. Raduz snatched her wrists in his one hand, bent them out of the way and put all his weight and anger into his thrusts. He had to wrestle his desperate, hysterical victim to continue being able to rape her, and in his attempts to restrain her he bruised her body all over.

Her feet were pounding the mattress like crazy when Raduz finally came inside her, churning like a madman. To get his cum all the way in there, he rammed his cock up her cunt as deep as he could go and her snatch milked every last drop with its tight, panicked grip. He felt her tears run over the back of his hand as she writhed in agony, disgust and shame. She didn't want his vile load inside her but she'd gotten it just the same. And there it would stay.

Raduz let go of her and stood up. She curled up on her side and her hands instantly flew to her crotch, as if covering herself could wipe away the risk of pregnancy and disease. She huddled there, a half-dressed, sobbing, quivering wreck, weeping from pain, shame and shock.

"Roll over," Raduz told her and rolled her back onto her stomach. She froze with fear when Raduz reached down to spread her slimy, messy cunt for inspection. She had a hungry little body -- willing or not -- and her snatch had sucked all of his milky cum inside her. Raduz shoved two fingers coarsely into her cunt and she jerked with this new invasion. She was absolutely terrified of him, wanting nothing more than to duck from his touch and dash away, but fear kept her still. She knew better than to defy him.

"Do you like that, dove? All that creamy cum? Can you feel it, working its way deeper?"

Grinning at her pathetic display of dread, Raduz murmured, "Nothing you can do about it, dove. You know the drill. No shower 'til the morning."

He reached deeper with his fingers and rubbed the puckered mouth of her cervix with his cum-coated fingers while she whimpered.

"I want it to have all night to crawl up into your womb," he crooned, and added softly, "I have friends who particularly enjoy raping pregnant chicks."

When he was content that she was soiled through and through, he pulled her panties and pyjama bottoms back on her and patted her plump behind. Her mouth was slightly open and her lips quivered with sobs. Raduz pushed his slimy fingers into her mouth, rubbing them all over her tongue to spread the taste. Anni jerked her head back instinctively, but Raduz followed her movements, shoving the fingers deeper and shushing her to relax her gag reflex.

He nuzzled her cheek and took a long, hungry lick to taste the deliciously thrilling tang of her night of tears. She felt inhuman with his fingers in her mouth and his drool on her face. He was inside of her and all over her and she had no say anymore to what happened to her body -- he had taken it from her.

She lay still, worn out, beaten and subdued, accepting that his foul tasting fingers would remain in her mouth as long as he chose and there was nothing she could do about it. He reached his other hand behind her head and shoved the fingers in her mouth still deeper, all the way down her throat. She started gagging and coughing but Raduz held her head still so she couldn't back away as her instincts were yelling and screaming at her to do. On the mercy of reflexes, she couldn't help making noise and gulped down vomit as best she could -- she had a hunch that Raduz wouldn't appreciate being puked on. Breathing was impossible and she tried to implore with her eyes for him to let her go before she'd suffocate.

"Know this, dove, you will not lock your door on me again," he whispered to her in a voice she would never dare to disobey. "Nod if you understand."

Anni tried her best to nod and spluttered, "Yes! Yes! I understand. Please!"

When Raduz was certain that she had learned her lesson, he let go of her and dressed. He picked up her blanket and pillow, and, as if nothing had happened, gently tucked in the shivering, cum-filled girl. He brushed the messy tangles of hair from her face, leaned in to give her a kiss on her forehead, and walked out of the room.

Chapter 5

In the morning Anni rose early, but not too early to anger her boss. She hobbled to the shower, thighs tightly pressed together yet all the same pathetically unable to stop a wash of thin, pink liquid from running in rivulets down her calves onto the hallway floor. She did her best to wash his semen off from her crotch, but the stink was there to stay. She knew it would only help his sperm towards her womb, but her acute sense of filthiness was all too overwhelming to give room to things like the voice of reason, and so she unscrewed the shower head and pushed the end of the shower hose as deep into herself as she could, rinsing herself from inside out with water as hot as she could bear. Like the previous morning, she yelped at the first touches of water when it stung the abrasions and sores inside her.

As she had no choice, she dressed and joined the rest of the crew for breakfast. She forced a smile on her face even though she was sure that anyone could smell as well as see the rapes on her. As she sat down however, she felt completely invisible -- intangible even. The food had no taste, the world had no colour, and all sounds were muffled and far away. She was present but still not part of the scene. Walls of fog seemed to fence her in and keep her apart from the other people and the real world. No one saw her. No one felt her. No one saw how she suffered.

Raduz had been waiting for her in the corridor when she got out of the shower, and as she had bent down in her towel to mop up the goo she'd leaked on the floor, he had stepped behind her and performed what he'd called a 'cunt inspection'. He had fingered her right there, out in the open where anyone could have come upon them, checking with rough-handed determination how much she was bleeding and oozing and whether she deserved a panty liner. He'd decided she didn't.

Throughout the day her aching pussy throbbed and cramped. Every time her muscles contracted she felt another tiny wave of semen, cunt juice and blood gush out of her. Where it all came from after the mornings meticulous washing up she couldn't guess, but, as Raduz had taken from her room everything she could have used to clean herself up, she now waited in fear when she would soak her illicit toilet paper padding and a growing wet stain would spread on her pants for everyone to see. When she was left alone with herself for a moment, tears came without her being able to stop them, yet around her everyone acted as always, joking and chatting amicably, while she withdrew to an anxious solitude. Speak to no one and no one will ask questions, she thought. With Raduz's support she had been more or less coping 'til the night before last, but now she had no idea how to go on.

On the third night she didn't lock her door, but when Raduz stepped into the room he saw that Anni was waiting for him in her bed wearing just about every piece of clothing she had brought with her.

"Silly girl," he chuckled, and started unwrapping his prize. "Who are you kidding, dove? None of this will save you. Besides, you want it as much as I do."

He was pleased that he didn't have to beat her up for a second time. Violence was easy -- too easy -- and it wasn't his thing. Degradation on the other hand -- rape, domination, manipulation, humiliation -- that he had down to an art.

Anni flushed deep red as Raduz stripped her, piece by piece, with quick and impatient moves. It was the first time he saw her completely naked, the dimness of the room as her only cover. Being somewhat overweight, Anni was very self-conscious about her body. It was the single greatest reason why she hadn't slept with more men in search of someone who could have, if even for just a single night, fill His shoes. She shut her eyes tightly and tried to cover herself from her boss's hungry gaze, but Raduz lifted her hands and placed them back on the mattress, pressing them into it, making his point: No.

Raduz recalled how pale she'd been on arrival, but during the warmer days sun had had time to sprinkle some freckles on her face, arms and chest. He ran a palm along the ample soft curves of her bosom, belly, hips and ass, and watched her breasts jiggle when his hand so much as brushed against them.

Anni felt horribly ashamed to be thus studied and looked upon, for she hated the way she looked, especially her breasts. They had been round and perky in her early teens, but as her body grew fuller and her breasts swelled, the weight caused them to sag. Without a bra, her nipples wouldn't point straight out in front of her anymore, and to her it looked ugly. So, when Raduz at last stopped to sink his fingers into the soft flesh of her breasts, Anni could sigh with the meager comfort that at least he now covered some of her shame from sight.

But just when she had managed to calm herself down a little bit, Raduz growled in lust and started brutally kneading her breasts. Anni held her breath, trying not to shriek when he crushed his fingers down on her malleable flesh with as tight a grip as he could muster. She tried to tear his hands away but it only made him squeeze harder.

"Please!" Anni gasped in despair, not yet realizing that word to be the least likely of them all to reach this man. She would have silently prayed for the cruel game to stop had she not known for sure that as soon as he would tire of toying with her boobs, he would rape her again.

When he couldn't trust her to hold her screams any longer, Raduz amused himself by flicking her painfully erect, ever aching nipples. Even the slightest flick or tug of a nipple caused the entire breast to loll heavily and he buried his face in them, enjoying the innocent, pure joy of diving into a plump, heavy bosom. He could already see white blotches where bruises would soon start to form, and his cock grew impatient when he thought about how her tortured breasts would look on the morrow when the bruises had had time to darken and blossom.

Eager to press himself against her bare, warm skin, he took off his clothes without leaving the bed while the girl turned over onto her stomach to hide her nakedness and protect her throbbing boobs. Side by side, both naked, their bodies touched from shoulder to knee in the narrow bunk. She felt him there but still kept her eyes shut in a doomed attempt to flee from the situation. However, as his wandering hand slowed at her hips and grabbed a handful of her buttock, spreading her crack open just a little, her eyes flew wide open.

"Tell me, dove, have you ever had a cock up your ass?"

He felt her body tense up against his own. She sought his gaze, pleading with her eyes.

"Well?" he pressed on, tightening his hold on her fleshy butt.

After a moment of hesitation, she gave an almost imperceptible nod and Raduz sneered.

"I should have guessed! A nasty, randy slut like you! I bet you loved a cock pushing in through your naughty place."

The girl shook her head.

"What? I don't believe you," he almost laughed. "With an ass this big I'm sure you can take a cock or two up the ass without even blinking."

Her whisper was barely audible when she whimpered that it had been just the once and that it had been an extremely painful experience for her.

"Come now," Raduz scolded her. "No doubt you were messing around with some stupid boy who didn't know what he was doing. Trust me, you'll love it when I do it right. Hell, you love everything I do to you!"

He coaxed the trembling, sniffling girl on her hands and knees and slipped a pile of pillows and clothes under her. Then he pressed down on the arch of her back until she reluctantly submitted and lay down on the bed, prone, her hips on the pile and her round, wobbly ass thrust up for easy access.

Not raping Masha's ass when he'd had the chance was Raduz's constant regret; how degrading the proud little kurva would have found it. Now every single one of his little victims paid dearly for his past negligence.

"Reach back and spread your buttocks," he ordered, but Anni didn't move.

"Please," she whined. "He was being very, very careful and it still hurt!"

Hating herself for it, she sank as low as to beg him in tears to take her as he had the two previous nights. When he wouldn't relent, she sank even lower, offering to suck his dick, promising to make it really, really good for him, but her boss was unswayable.

"Please," she tried desperately. "I'm really good at sucking cock, I swear. I'll lick your balls, I can even take you into my throat! You'll love it, I promise. Please, just don't do this."

Raduz leaned closer to hiss in her ear, and as lust took over his brain his accent grew thicker once more.

"I'm trying to do you a favour, little cunt, so shut the fuck up and do as I say. Have you any idea how much I can make this hurt if you refuse to cooperate?"

Anni shuddered with terror and shame but she had no choice but to obey. Reluctantly she reached back and did as she'd been told.
"More," Raduz ordered. "Stretch your little bud to really open up for me. There. Good girl."

It was so humiliating and obscene that her breath began to wheeze as she tried hard not to start sobbing again. Raduz stroked a teasing finger along her crack, making her whimper and squirm.

Dirty! she thought. Dirty! Nasty! Foul! She couldn't bear being touched there, being made thoroughly repulsive by being touched there. Her asshole, yuck, the mere thought of her own asshole made her want to vomit. Yet worse was to come, a lot worse; having something first shoved in and -- oh god -- pulled out from there. How could Raduz, or any man, want to look, touch or -- Ugh! -- fuck such a disgusting, dirty, unthinkable thing. Anni wondered if he deliberately allowed her this moment's respite so she'd have the time to fully grasp the depravity of what was going to happen to her.

"You'll be fine, I promise. I'll make it feel good," he murmured with a twisted kindness in his tone. He took her moisturizer from the bedside table and flicked the tube open. Anni gasped when the cool lotion poured on her hot crack.

"Shh," he hushed, "trust me. All you have to do is relax."

He knew that nothing she did would lessen the pain, but he loved to give her that false hope. He would love to first watch her struggle desperately to relax her asshole and then weep in burning pain when it didn't help after all.

"Please—," she tried. "Please—,"but couldn't make herself say the words. She wanted to ask him to start with something smaller, gently ease her open with a finger or a pen before trying with his penis, but every time she choked right after please, too embarrassed to ask her boss to insert something -- anything! -- in her ass, something that would have to come out of her right before his eyes, something that would come out dirty.

"You'll tear me apart. Please, you're too big," she finally managed. Raduz knew what was in her mind but wouldn't dream of making it so easy for her. Lubricating his cock was enough of a concession for the little bitch -- more, actually, than he'd originally intended.

"There's no need for that, I'm not that big," he assured her, patting her butt. "You can take me, you're a good girl. Just do as I say. Open up and you'll see it won't hurt ...too much."

He was rubbing his cock on her backside, spreading the lotion all over. Anni felt him as a huge bulge on her tiny speck of a hole. The poorly veiled malicious thrill in his last words disproved each and every sweet, reassuring lie he'd so far whispered to her.

"You're squeezing your ass shut. I can see your hole rippling," he said sharply. "Stop it and do as I tell you: relax."

Anni wanted to die then and there. The thought of him staring at her asshole -- and from so close he could see it moving -- was so humiliating that she almost wished he would start fucking her already, at least if he was crouched over her he couldn't look at her where it shamed her, where she felt unclean and hideous.

He pressed the tip of his cock against her entrance and she sprang up only to have his hand push her back. His cock was so thick she had no idea how it could ever fit. Her ex hadn't been nearly as thick as Raduz, and even then being stuffed up the butt had been too painful for her to bear, but this time she was given no choice but to endure what was to come.

She moaned in fear and Raduz reproached her, "Let that be the last I hear from you tonight. Understand?" He covered her mouth with the iron grip of his big hand and whispered with glee, "It's not that I don't trust you to shut up. It's just that if you don't do exactly as I say and relax that little ass of yours, this is really going to hurt. Your choice."

He started pushing and the pain hit her. She squealed and groaned frantically, desperately trying to invoke empathy in him. Her asshole wasn't made for sex and the pain told her exactly how wrong it was to use it so. It wouldn't -- couldn't! -- cooperate. She kept tearing her cheeks wider and wider apart with desperate hands, trying to pull herself open for him, but all he did was push her knotted little bud inwards into her body before the blunt, wide tip of his cock. I can't take this, Anni thought. I can't do what he wants, it's not possible for me to stretch the way he wants me to. I can't. Can't. Can't. She tried to speak but couldn't get out a single word. She tried to struggle but he was too heavy. She tried to kick but couldn't hit anything but empty air. Everything she tried Raduz ignored while wilfully filling her ears with his own muted groans.

He felt her beneath him, kicking helplessly as if they were in water and she struggled to swim away from him. He kept relentlessly applying pressure and inevitably her slippery, lubed flesh gave in to the assault. The ripping pain took her voice and all she could do to try and make it stop was to try and push him off her. Each millimetre he forced her flesh to yield hurt so bad she was thrashing about wildly under his weight. Desperately Anni tried to hitch herself forward to regulate, even a little, the cruel, painful pace of her anus being stretched, but her boss was too strong, too heavy, and she could not move.

He laughed at her, at her panic and pain. He glanced down to view his cock begin to force itself into her tiny tiny speck of a hole. The way her defenceless body gave way to his assault was truly magnificent: he pushed and she stretched -- not because she wanted to, oh no, but because she was so utterly and totally helpless to stop it.

Anni screeched into his hand and threw her head from side to side when Raduz made yet another push.

"Be still!" his ice cold voice commanded, dripping with the sinister 'or else' left unsaid.

"Back out! Back out! It hurts!" Anni hissed in tears, finally managing to claw away the hand from her mouth. The pain was just as she remembered it, and worse. She would have wailed out her anguish but didn't dare to disobey the cruel man further.

"Calm down, you stupid cunt!" he barked impatiently. "My knob isn't even half way in yet and you're bawling that it hurts!?"

"Please," Anni pleaded pitifully, but her rapist wouldn't relent.

"Please what? We're having fun, aren't we?" he jeered.

"I can't take it. Please. It's too much."

"Well, what do you expect when you refuse to relax? Now shut up or you'll seriously make me lose my patience."

Anni said nothing and only whined feebly as an answer. Her little stretched ring was screaming to be allowed back to its retracted state, and she had to fight herself not to raise her hands against her boss once more. She squeezed and relaxed her sphincter in turns, pushed out and sucked in, but nothing eased the pain that made her squirm and cramp up under her rapist, the pain that turned her face into a constantly changing mask of panicked distress when he kept nudging his widening glans further and further inside her.

Raduz replaced his hand on her mouth and slapped the back of her head with the other.

"Hands back on your buttocks NOW, or I'll hurt you for real," he hissed and Anni obeyed. "Spread that asshole you filthy little whore. More. More!" When he felt the grip of her asshole ease up a tiny, tiny bit, he continued more leniently, "There. That wasn't so hard now was it? See how much easier it is when you do as you're told? Now stay calm and I'll give you a moment to get used to it. If you talk back, I'll make it hurt. Which is it going to be?" She froze with the bulbuous tip of his penis just halfway into her asshole, unable to imagine a pain even worse.

In the next moments Anni did her best to shake the tenseness in her body and Raduz rewarded her good behavior with a confusing display of tenderness: he shushed her, held her, stroked her hair and whispered sweet nothings into her ear. Anni soaked it all up and had a little cry in his arms, desperately grasping for any available comfort. So precious was every second of not being hurt more, that she believed in his reassurances with all her heart, imagining he was again the man he'd been to her before all this: the friend, the mentor, the protector, the idol.

Then, midway through a hush and a stroke, Raduz, suddenly and without warning, resumed pushing in. Anni shrieked wildly into the hand he had quickly slipped over her mouth again. Lubed and slippery as Raduz was, the swollen tip of his cock lunged in with sudden force, tore her rectum wide open and lodged inside her. Her noises grew dangerously shrill and he tightened his hand on her mouth. When the girl couldn't take the hint, he reached with his thumb and forefinger and clamped her nose shut.

Finally silence.

"See bitch, I'll shut you up if you don't," he told the suffering girl under him, who, as it happens, was beyond hearing anything at that point for there was no escaping the horrible pain that felt like a huge wooden club had been shoved brutally and violently deep into her dry anus.

"Take it little bitch. Take it Masha. Take all of it you dirty fucking whore," Raduz cursed at her.

Anni threw her head from side to side, trying to escape his grip, desperate for air, desperate to beg him for mercy. Yet all her distress did was to make him glow with his supreme power over her.

"Stop making such a ridiculous fuss," Raduz whispered with a sneer. "You're not the first girl to get her ass fucked. You didn't want to relax so now you're only hurting yourself."

He let go of her nose and allowed her to breathe. It was sweet to watch her confusion as she tried desperately to relax her tortured little asshole; the silly girl only made it clench on his glans more and thus also hurt even more. So easily suggestible this one, Raduz mused. Just a few words and she really believed that she was to blame for her pain and not him.

"Shh, little dove. It's ok. I'll stay still for a bit if you stop clenching. You can do it. I know you can."

He stroked her head and soothed her, murmuring, whispering, caressing. Slowly, the grip of her sphincter on him loosened a little.

"Good girl, that's right. Does it hurt now?"

Anni nodded feebly and he continued, "Well, you know what comes next; I'll push deeper, but don't worry, I'll be careful. You're over the hard part, the rest is easy. Just stay as you are. No tensing up. No fighting back. And no noise."

Her answer was a new string of pleading whimpers but Raduz didn't care. She was so tight that his cock swelled inside her, the head expanding into a punishing ram. He needed this, he needed this badly.

He delved deeper and for every fraction of an inch of cock he got buried into her, her body twisted and jerked. Her small childlike fists clenched the sheets and she groaned into the mattress as he rode her jerking body, keeping her still with his own weight, drilling her slowly and counting it out for her.

"Four inches left... Three... Hush. Don't tense up. Relax."

But relaxing was, again, beyond her. Unable to control herself, Anni's body seized up in violent, uncontrollable cramps as he kept advancing deeper into her rectum. Had Raduz not held her mouth and nose she would have been screaming outright. He couldn't understand where the pain came from for he knew what he was doing, but he could not deny that Anni's unusual susceptibility to this kind of pain made anal rape more thrilling and more satisfying than ever before. He had never been able to hurt any of the other girls this much without resorting to various tools and substances, and it made raping and torturing Anni a strangely intimate experience: he was inside her and he alone was all that was needed to drive her nigh insane with agony. He couldn't wait to start the real business of fucking her sore asshole to his heart's content.

"Aaannnd two," he groaned and glanced down at her. The hand silencing her was drenched in her tears. "Aww, little dove, painful is it? Well go on, cry, let it out, that's a good girl. You're doing fine," he reassured her and began sawing short strokes in and out. "One more inch to go... Hush now, don't squirm. Hold it, hold it... A bit more... A bit more... A bit more... and there! It's in."

Anni was panting and wiping sweat from her face. Raduz moved inside her in tiny nudges that still exacerbated the pangs of wrenching pain.

"Good," he murmured as she stayed still. "You're getting the hang of it. Just shut up and take it. That's a good girl." He kept one hand on her mouth and grabbed her by the shoulder with the other. "Now stay still," he whispered with malice. "I'm going to have some fun."

He chuckled and started picking up speed and plunging deeper. Each of his wanton thrusts felt like being punched and ripped inside. Anni thrashed. And bled.

It took all her energy not to bite his hand and scream out for help as Raduz reamed her good and hard. She'd prayed for a quick end to it but Raduz wasn't going to let her get away with it so easily.

Long ago, back in a time he preferred not to think about, Raduz had spent eight weeks in a dark cell going mad. He was beaten daily and thrice flogged within an inch of his life. Not that he'd tried very hard, but he was never quite human again after that. On some level he could appreciate how sick it was what he was doing, but still he hadn't been able to stop revenging the past on every little bitch too stuck-up for her own good. When the little cunts wept and begged and bargained, that man who had lain naked, broken and bleeding on a stone floor, waiting for another beating, shrunk inside him and disappeared. Breaking them gave him power and that power was the only thing that made him feel whole again, in control again, a man again. It was the only thing that kept him alive. The only thing he had left. On those precious moments he was strong. On those precious moments he could see Masha cowering from him in her lacy nightgown, terror and panic in her eyes. On those moments he felt good.

After what he'd gone through he had dedicated his life to promote freedom, equality and human dignity. Stripping just those things from his girls didn't make him feel the least bit like a hypocrite; they were his to judge. That's why Anni's prayers would not be answered. She would suffer as long as it amused him to watch her suffer -- and he enjoyed nothing as he enjoyed watching hope drain out of her.

Finally she was exhausted and lay docile beneath him. He still noticed her cringe when he speared her with intentional cruelty but she'd quit screaming and thrashing and Raduz rewarded her submission by being more gentle. Her breathing slowed down, her body went limp, and tiny, barely audible sobs were all he could hear in the room. Raduz loved how she submitted and allowed him to use her though she was crying silently all through her ordeal. She was so fragile and so soft, and he got to be the one to defile her.

"What did I say?" he crooned, resorting to his native language. "Feels good, huh?"

Anni didn't answer, didn't even react. She tried to pretend she was dead, that she wasn't being raped in her filthiest hole, but his every thrust into her shattered that illusion. Her head was filled with dancing images of shards and broken things raining down as he took from her what no one had the right to steal.

Riikka, I'm so, so sorry, she thought for the thousandth time, listening, strangely detached, to the slick, sticky noises and embarrassing burps her body made in the hands of her rapist. The friction burned her shattered insides and each thrust widened the fresh cuts on her hole. Hot tears and drool were soaking into the already wet bedding.

Anni was only waiting for the thrusts and the torture to finally end when her boss started breathing faster and ramming her harder. A new sudden level of pain, his cock stabbing deeper than before. Anni yelped of shock. Raduz took hold of her hair and hissed, "Shut up Masha. How do you like my cock up your tight little asshole? Your whore's cunt is so loose I won't touch it. Oh, don't cry, I'll pay you for this privilege, just like your husband. So what do you want?" Anni couldn't understand what he was saying but the words drove him into a fury. "A dress? A diamond? A car? A cook? A mansion?"

Anni was scared. What had she done to anger him? She pressed her face to the mattress as he got rougher and rougher and she got closer and closer to crying out. She tried hard to hold back the screams but a mixture of groaning and gurgling got out and Raduz forced his hand over her mouth and nose again. He choked her until she couldn't let out even the smallest sound, but, despite her silence, he continued spitting pure unadulterated hate at her.

"Shut up you lying, greedy whore!" he huffed and Anni felt his anger. The grip on her shoulder was getting tighter and tighter, his fingers digging into her flesh, his nails breaking her skin. He was yanking her back onto his cock the same time as he was pistoning forward with all his might. The stabs of agony were unbearable and she couldn't take it anymore. She couldn't take any of it. No more. No more. Please. No more.

Anni panicked when he didn't let her breathe. Her lungs burned and she started struggling frantically. As a punishment he drove into her even harder, making the girl hysterical with pain and fear. She bucked and fought but he was stronger. Death and darkness were spreading in her brain, snuffing her mind. She tore at his hands with desperation and her rectum started spasming around his cock, her body twitching and jerking, fighting for a breath, losing consciousness.

Anni had sobbed through the two previous rapes but this time Raduz left her in debilitating pain. When she came to, it hurt when she tried to push, it hurt when she tried to squeeze and it hurt when she tried to relax. She'd taken the two painkillers that Raduz hadn't found and taken from her, but they did nothing to alleviate her worsening discomfort. She wriggled her hips, trying anxiously to ease the pain, but she felt as if he had left something inside her, some huge alien thing that was still scratching, stretching and stuffing her.

The bleeding wasn't so heavy that she should have been concerned, but time dragged by as she waited in vain for the pain to abate. Yet nothing she did and not even the hours that passed eased the sharp pulsing ache in her backside. Her rectum felt loose and knotted at the same time. She felt like she really needed to go to the toilet and yet that wasn't it. Raduz had been so rough with her at first, breaking her tight little ring wide open, that she couldn't really feel what was going on back there.

In addition to the pain she really needed to wash herself. She was filthy but Raduz had explicitly forbidden her to leave her bed before 6 am. He wanted her to lie the whole night in his cum and her own blood and soil.

More time passed and now she was sure she needed the toilet, but couldn't decide what to do as he had ordered her to stay in her bed. Finally she reasoned that getting out of bed to ask for his leave was a lesser sin than being caught using the toilet without permission.

Raduz's room was right next to hers at the end of the hallway, and Anni tiptoed in a sweaty, oversized t-shirt to rap quietly on his door. Her face was red with tears of pain and shame, and as soon as Raduz opened the door she started babbling uncontrollably.

"Please can I use the toilet. Please. I really need to. Please. Oh god, it hurts."

He wasn't happy to see her, but his face wasn't cruel either.

"You can't use the one in the hallway," he said. "You'll wake up everyone. Step in here." He had a toilet of his own in his quarters and gestured towards the narrow door. "Use that."

Anni didn't want to at first; she felt bloated and she knew that relieving herself would be a noisy business. The thought of him hearing all of that was mortifying, but she was desperate. For a few seconds she fidgeted hesitantly on the floor and then dashed through the door he'd indicated.
Chapter 6

Time passed. First days, then a week, then more, and every night Raduz came into her room. Every night she lay waiting on her bed as instructed. Every night she endured a new variation of the same ordeal, sobbing under her boss as he shoved his penis into her, grunting in pleasure. The darkness that had always been her friend in faithfully bringing His hands on her skin, was now her tormentor in bringing his.

His hands crept on her body, reaching everywhere. His arms closed around her so tight that it hurt, coiling and twisting like storybook vines, holding her down, squeezing her 'til she couldn't move or breathe, choking her breathless and wordless. She would panic but he wouldn't let go -- not before he had taken what he came for. Not before his cock would push against her flesh, force her open, make her bleed all over again. Thrusting. Spreading. Tearing. Vile.

Each night, when Raduz finally rose from atop her shuddering body, she tried in vain to imagine Him leaving the room. If she could convince herself that it had been Him who had been fucking her night after night after night, it wouldn't be real and she wouldn't feel so disgusting, worthless and dirty. But the power of imagination wasn't enough to make the gaping feeling in her pussy or ass disappear, not enough to disassociate Raduz from the constant oozing at her crotch.

Each night he took out his anger and bitterness on her until she was too destroyed to utter even a single word. Then, afterwards, after all the pain, his edge would wear off, his voice soften and he would fuck her cramping body slowly, slowly, murmuring to her his sick, gentle poison, that he'd take care of her, protect her, cherish her. His hands would stroke her hair softly and caress her face. His wet, raggedly whispering mouth would press against her neck or temple and she would believe that he meant the words that flowed out. She would believe that he was gentle and caring. She would believe, because she needed to, although she knew well enough that he'd be back to hurt her with those same hands as soon as his anger would rise again. He'd be back because he needed the comfort of making her suffer. She'd figured out as much.

The sex, if rape can be so named, felt so completely alien to Anni that she could hardly believe the difference. Every sensation she was used to enjoying hurt. The sensations she usually hardly noticed hurt. Every single thing hurt now that she wasn't aroused, prepared and waiting. The stretching on her labia, the strain on her perineum, the chafing on her entrance, the spreading of her sheath, the friction inside, and the pommeling of her back wall. Never before had she noticed the supposedly distinct swollen head of a partner's cock inside her as opposed to the rest of the shaft, but now she felt the ridge of Raduz's glans raking against her tender flesh, spreading her insides even wider than his shaft.

A pussy was meant to settle snugly around a penis but there was no settling now - she wasn't given the chance. Raduz's assaults were so repulsive to her that she was as stiff on the inside as she was on the outside. In the kind of sex Raduz used her for, the penis was punching her cunt to bruises for her body refused to adapt in order to accept the invader. Had her flesh yielded, the rapes wouldn't have hurt so much but that wasn't a choice. There were no such words in the world that could have made her instincts shut down.

For Raduz it was just as well. He enjoyed feeling her shock on his cock, for it told him all he needed to know about the effects of his visits. Unknowingly, Anni repeated one after the other all the same pleas Masha had made on their last meeting thus driving him, even after twenty years, to higher ecstasy.

"You told them I raped you, you lying, little cunt. Well, I'm raping you now," he growled at Anni in Czech and tried his best to stab her deep and make her cramp from pain. "You made a whore out of yourself, Masha," he spat, "so shut up and do your job!"

This hated whore that Raduz saw in every woman was his first and last love.

Once upon a time he'd been a handsome youth serving his stint in the military. It was common knowledge in the garrison that the colonel had engaged his beautiful daughter to a well-off captain on a path to promotions. Less well known was that poor Marina dreaded her future, sharing a marriage bed with a man she barely knew and certainly didn't love. As her last chance at happiness, she'd decided to make the best of her last summer of freedom, and chose Raduz as the poor sod she threw herself at.

Marina was blazing, lovely and determined - impossible to refuse. The two spent a summer full of affection, meeting in secret on a forest clearing behind the garrison. She was frail, and their first time was hard on her. She wailed in pain as he stretched her virgin entrance and tore through her hymen. He feared that she didn't much enjoy her first time, yet she was too headstrong to ask him to stop. When he rolled from atop her, the sight of her own blood shocked her, but Raduz had come prepared and tore his old undershirt into strands for her to tuck into her panties.

Every week was at the same time more intimate and more dismal, for autumn drew nearer and so did her wedding day. Besotted as he was, Raduz asked Masha to marry him instead, but to his astonishment she laughed at him.

"You expect me to live in some shabby apartment with your mother and grandmother and brothers and sisters?" She shook her head and continued more seriously. "Forgive me, Radek, darling, but I will never be poor. Not even for love. Please understand."

Her coldness wounded him, but he adored her and believed honestly that with time she would choose their love over a comfortable yet empty life. Sadly he was too naïve to see her true nature.

With several months' worth of built-up hatred and sexual energy, Raduz visited Anni every night with unbridled zeal. And as it always did from the first night on, in a surging, golden rush strength and vigor returned to him, and the part of his soul he wanted gone started obediently to shrink once more as he revelled in his power over the girl and in one more victory over Masha, one more victory over the broken creature lying in his own filth that he himself had been reduced to all those years ago. Throwing himself with a will into rape, revenge and destruction, he sought to burn away what he did not want to remember.

Every night, after her boss had satisfied his need, Anni was forbidden to wash herself. He made her lie dirty in her bed with his slime on her and inside of her so she couldn't rid her mind of the rapes even for a single moment. Sometimes he'd come to her again in the morning for yet another cunt inspection, and, after a prolonged, thorough and thoroughly humiliating session of prodding and probing, forbid her to wash her cunt even then.

She would then carry the stickiness and the musty latex paint smell of his rape with her the whole day until he came into her room in the night to do it all over again. Usually in the ass, so she'd have his cum itching in both her holes.

"Soak it all up, little whore," he snarled and jeered. "I'll send you to my friends swelling with a bastard."

Anni wanted to scream, to run, to die. Her despair had no limits as she knew that without contraception she'd get pregnant sooner or later, trapped as she was in his domain. She was constantly terrified of conceiving, yet still she never voluntarily offered Raduz her ass to minimize the risks for she was even more terrified of the agony that his brutal usage of her back passage always brought. For one, he never gave her a long enough rest to heal the nicks and cuts on her asshole. Also, what was much, much worse than the stretching of her hole, were the sensations of tearing, gut-wrenching agony deep inside of her and the violent cramps that made her whole body seize up uncontrollably. Sometimes he would start gently but only a few minutes into reaming her he got lost in his own lust and Anni would have no hope of stopping the frenzied torture before she could make him cum.

On most days she felt that her anal opening was no more than an open wound, yet every stab of pain was a notch off her guilt and thus in a perverse way something to be thankful for.

Rape for a rape, she kept telling herself. How many times had the brutes cummed inside her friend? How many times had they flipped her filthy, bleeding body over and started raping her all over again? How much more of this hell did Anni still have to live through to be freed from the nightmares in which the scene of Riikka's rape kept replaying in her head, over and over and over. Riikka struggling in the grip of god knows how many men. A close-up of the first man's cock thrusting into her. Her face, eyes bulging in shock and pain, her jaw straining to get out a scream from under the hand clamped on her mouth to stifle any cry of help she might try to voice. Then the pounding, the ruthless, vicious pounding that made Riikka's body jolt in the grip of the men holding her down and spreading her open for the assault. The blurry male shapes kept changing on top of her, each and every one wanting a ride. And another. And a third. Each blurry shape laughing at Anni with His taunting voice.

Chapter 7

The girls that had went before had barely been able to handle him raping them, Raduz thought, but Anni was different. She proved more resilient than he had estimated and more able to come to terms with him assuming absolute power over her. The other girls hadn't been able to take on even a fraction of the full weight of his hate but Anni just might. With her he'd been able to delve deeper into his hatred and vengeance than with anyone before, and so he kept thinking up new ways to torment and dominate her. He pushed her to the edge night after night, and come morning she still looked sane and stable enough to send out with the others to work on the site.

As a result, his fantasies grew darker and more cruel, and every night of pain and humiliation, after which she still hauled herself on her feet in the morning, cost her more pain and further degradation on the night to come. With perpetual arousal and anticipation gnawing at him, it didn't take long for Raduz to lose the battle of wills with himself; soon he couldn't keep himself away from her during the daytime either, and came up with ways to extend the pain, domination and anguish to her every waking moment under the very noses of the rest of the crew.

A toy that didn't break was an exhilarating novelty, and it was rather a shock, when drinking his coffee in the canteen one morning, Raduz realized that he felt happy; he'd forgotten that such a feeling existed. He glanced over his breakfast tray at Anni's direction. The girl was picking at her food and he made a mental note to order her to eat properly. No fun bumping against a bony arse, he thought, and smiled at the memory of the previous night's bumping.

The girl looked tired and worn, maybe a little glum, but from the way she looked no one could have guessed that she had a healthy dose of cum and half a cup of lemon juice sealed inside her swollen rectum with a purple butt plug, or that under her jacket and blouse there were clamps on her nipples and rows of sharp push pins digging into the soft, heavy flesh of her breasts. During the weekend Raduz had glued push pins to the insides of the cups of each and every bra Anni had brought with her. Raduz could hardly sit still as he thought of all the opportunities he would get in the course of the day to secretly grope her lovely breasts harshly through her clothes and watch her gasp and squirm.

Pain and humiliation Anni was able to take without going mad, but mind games, he'd noticed, affected her much more severely. She had descended into a world Raduz had never seen another woman slide into. It took but a few kind words and she was lost - truly, truly lost. So weakened were the tethers of her lucidity that the slightest influence made her doubt her own mind, for Raduz could make his whispers sound so much more convincing than the drowning cries of her own confused mind. Sometimes in the night, when he had used her hard and she was really out of it, she looked at him with a loving smile, as if finding by her side the most cherished of friends. Then, slowly, reality returned to her, her eyes refocused and the sight of his face looming over her filled her gaze once more with fear.

Anni on the other hand had come to learn that it was one thing to shed tears for fear or uncomplicated physical pain and quite another to shed them for such forlorn inner wretchedness only Raduz could subject his victim to.

The daily abuse made hours grow longer and in a matter of weeks she'd come to feel as if this was the only life she'd ever known. Raduz was everywhere. Raduz was everything. Raduz controlled everything. She wasn't a 'her' anymore, she was simply his. Forced each night to take his cock, his anger and his abuse, she was losing herself as her mind was nearing its breaking point. She wasn't getting enough sleep and the way Raduz stroked her head and spoke to her gently while raping her messed badly with her psyche. He knew her triggers and there were times when her muted moans were of pleasure. Parts of her consciousness were shutting down, trying to protect her from the nightmare her life had become. Parts of her were responding to the combination of Raduz's gentle caresses and ceaseless domination, causing his carefully constructed conditioning to kick in. Hurting was caring. To own was to protect.

Yet every moment of punishment helped her forget a tiny bit of her guilt and her nightmares about Him and Riikka grew more infrequent. At least she'd been able to make amends and ease her conscience, but the price was her body, her sanity and, if Raduz got her pregnant, her future.

Eventually, even though his touch made her weep, when Raduz slid his hand down to her sweaty crotch, he didn't have to reach inside to find what he was looking for. When his fingers stroked her petals he found them slick with her juices and just a light touch was enough to release a slippery, welcoming bath all over his probing fingers. The reaction stemmed from self-preservation rather than pleasure but the facts didn't matter when one was eager to misinterpret and the other too ashamed to be rational.

Watching her sob Raduz was pleased that Anni still wept, for in the forced silence of their nights her tears were his reward. Still, sooner or later the girls always died inside and stopped crying. For that reason alone it was a good thing that the commissions lasted for twelve weeks, so that after breaking one girl, he'd get his hands on another eager volunteer soon enough. And in time Anni, as those before her, would be signed up for a few dozen more commissions under the watchful eyes of his friends - men who could appreciate convenience, men who were always ready to take off his hands a young set of holes that didn't fight back.

During the days Anni tried to avoid her boss as much as she could, but he was always around, watching her. The rest of the crew mistook her depression for homesickness, for she'd grown reclusive and they couldn't come up with a better explanation to why all she did was sleep. After work she crashed on her bed and tried to make up for the night's hours. If there were activities planned, she skipped them and became more and more isolated from the rest of the group. Since she stubbornly refused to talk about it -- and because her behavior was making everyone uncomfortable - the crew mostly left her to herself.

When one of the men attempted one last time to approach her, and asked with sincere concern what was really going on with her, Raduz called her to the camper van that served as his on-site office and punished her, hard. Unaware of their significance, he quoted the words of her shadow companion, telling her that she was his and his alone. A disturbing emotion flickered in Anni's heart when for a minute she felt the familiar tug of His possessiveness.

No one came close to guessing the truth since, even though Raduz wasn't one for easy smiles, he was in good terms with everyone. Respected and admired. None but Anni knew what a monster he really was, for the rapes weren't his only tool of degradation and torture. Not even close.

He liked to grate her cunt raw with a rough stick before raping her. And as if that wasn't enough, he then coated his hand with salt, lemon juice, chilli paste, cayenne pepper or rubbing alcohol -- anything that would burn and sting in her wounds -- and rubbed the stuff in, stretching her inner walls, making her feel as if he was fucking her with a branding iron. When her vagina tried desperately to flush out the poisons, he was waiting with cruel words.

"Listen to that squishing, kurva. You're really loving this, aren't you? Say 'yes,' just give me a nod, a simple little nod." And when she obeyed in fear of further punishment, he crooned, "There you go. Good girl likes to be used hard."

Twice, when he was feeling especially vicious, he did the same to her ass and Anni was scared to death of a third time. She hadn't known anything could hurt so bad, first the brutal tearing with the stick, and then the burning, the awful, unbelievable agony of the burning.

She started to fear that by the time she could return home, she'd need extensive (and extensively humiliating) medical treatment to fix all the damage. She begged for mercy, blurting out to him in shock that he was destroying her for good, but mercy or pity were not a part of his vocabulary. As long as she was still tight, he found ways to amuse himself.

He forced her to keep things inside her: large, sharp and bulgy metal clips from his desk drawer; inflatable sex toys he pumped up until she could barely walk from the pain; twigs and pinecones that stabbed her from the inside as she worked; wide and scratchy bits of wood he whittled himself to maximum effect; smooth, heavy stones Raduz painted with texts like 'I take it up the ass!' that forced her to struggle and clamp onto them ceaselessly to prevent them from dropping from her vagina and down the leg of her trousers to humiliate her in front of everyone; thick, cruel anal plugs to seal in his enemas of semen, lemon juice and spiced oil; smaller everyday plugs that reminded her not to go to the toilet without begging for his leave; thick pastes made from hot spices and potent essential oils that he dabbed on her clit or sealed inside her cunt with plugs made of scrunched up foam; medicine capsules he had emptied and refilled, that melted under her tongue during the day to release a deposit of cum he'd scooped from her vagina after raping her -- there wasn't a minute in the day he wasn't in some way throbbing inside her.

She learned what it was to be so thoroughly owned that if she saw him close his fist in the distance, she felt the grab as if she was two inches tall and trapped inside that hand. He only needed to look at her to make her feel a cruel grip on her crotch, breasts and throat, squeezing until she panicked.

Her cunt had been forced to accommodate his large, hard fist time and again and every time he was as thrilled to see her desperate attempts not to scream when her tender flesh was crushed between his knuckles and the narrow gap in her pelvic bone. He had rubbed his stubbled cheek against her clit like sand paper until pricks of blood appeared. He had ended nights of humiliation by pissing on her body, on her face, and in her hair, and when that wasn't enough to amuse him anymore, he started pissing into her mouth. He'd made her expel his enemas while he watched. He'd taken photos of her with objects jutting obscenely out of her. On some days he stuffed a scratchy, sharp-edged plastic syringe in her cunt and arse every couple of hours to inject her with searing, burning, liquids and pastes. Come night her asshole and rectum would be nicely swollen tight for him to rape, and he could take it easy for once as even the tiniest of movements would be enough to send Anni soaring into a nightmare of pain.
She couldn't believe how much pain she could endure without crying out in agony. Night after night she heard her own shrieks ring in her head but she was the only one who did. So terrified of him was she that his word alone seemed to make her physically unable to disobey; her body would simply make no sound.

"Shh," he shushed her when she begged silently for mercy, "none of that. You have to learn to behave." She could feel the wide, gleeful grin spreading on his face as he pressed his mouth onto her ear and continued, "It will be a long couple of years for you if you won't learn to please your masters."

Anni's eyes grew wide with horror and Raduz sensed her stiffen in shock.

"That's right, dove. You better start getting used to the idea. And since your wellbeing will depend entirely on the man you're serving at any given time, you must learn to please. Some of these men will be very strict, some less so, but you will learn to always adapt and obey. Don't make things hard on yourself unnecessarily. And," he lowered his tone into a menacing growl, "never embarrass me by misbehaving."

Despite all of the abuse he put her through, and to her great shame, she had repeatedly succumbed to his touch and cummed for him. Being manipulated into doing that made her feel like her body and soul weren't really hers anymore. By making her body comply against her own will, he had taken something from her, something even more personal and sacred than the trust in the world and herself in it that he had taken by raping her. She didn't want this, she didn't want to be his -- he was a vile, vile man. Yet everything was rapidly changing until the only thing she had left was him. The inevitability of a total breakdown weakened her resolve and made him seem stronger and stronger -- too strong for her to ever trick him into letting her return home when her 12 weeks were done.

Eventually, passing time blurred into a monotonous tube. Weeks bled into each other and Anni lost count of them, spending her days slipping like a wraith in and out of His strange shadow world. He still didn't have a face but His appearance had become more brutal with the addition of cruel scars like Raduz's criss-crossing His body. She was losing herself and couldn't always tell what was real and what was not. The raging conflict of what he told her was happening and what she felt was happening eroded her hold on reality. In the moments when Raduz's hands were gentle, she felt safe and warm, and when she moaned for him in pleasure, she didn't care about going home. When Raduz's strong arms were around her, holding her still, it could have been Him on top of her, inside of her. The world was a haze, but when he made her submit, from amongst the chaos rose a feeling of clarity and safety, the soothing familiarity of coming home. Coming home to Him.

Sanity was truly a relative concept when bit by bit the two men merged in her head.

Chapter 8

Anni always wept when he raped her but now, after a full month of relentless mental and physical abuse, she'd started to show signs of the stress she was under. She kept sobbing while hauling bricks and buckets of mortar, and it was calling undue attention from the rest of the crew. Raduz wasn't pleased, but he knew he needed to snap her out of it as soon as possible, for sooner or later she'd have a loud and public breakdown and he'd have a hell of a time cleaning up that disaster.

So far he had always been able to ground her with sufficient amounts of pain, but the merciless regime of internally delivered spiced and essential oils he'd had her on for several days had only driven her closer to the edge. In her madness she thought that she was burning alive from inside out and the mere sight of a syringe was enough to make her start hyperventilating and babbling incoherently. His hand was the only thing that kept her from screaming out loud in horror when he injected more chemicals into her already raw and burning holes before raping the living daylight out of her.

It seemed that his new toy wasn't unbreakable after all, and Raduz was seething with anger. He'd been looking forward to torturing her like he'd never been able to torture a girl before, but now, after a very promising start, Anni suddenly failed to endure his cruel games. She'd lead him on and then betrayed him. Just like Masha. And he wanted to hurt her for it, make her suffer, keep her screaming in agony for hours and hours and hours, beat her, crush her, burn her, destroy her.

Under cover of night, still fuming, he stalked down the corridor in fury and burst into Anni's room. He found her weeping silently on her bed, curled into a ball, rocking herself, unseeing eyes wide open. She wasn't at all pretty when she cried and in some unfathomable way seeing her there, stripped of all dignity, confidence and beauty, quenched his rage. The distinction between Anni and Masha was fleeting but it was there.

Her lips were moving and as he stepped closer he heard her murmur under her breath, "No more. No more. No more. No more. No more." He remembered her eyes with a different look -- lively, playful, artless, warm. A look he had never had from other women. A look that belonged only to Anni.

Despite seeing her for who she was, or maybe partly because of it, Raduz felt his cock grow hard. He wanted to fuck her, and what he wanted he was going to get no matter what. He started pulling her pants off and her chanting grew more frantic.

"Shh," he whispered as softly as he could. "I can see that you're barely holding on. It's ok, dove. Shh. Don't cry. I won't hurt you tonight. I'll be nice. Tonight I'll be nice."

And he was. In a way. Almost.

Murmuring in low soothing tones, he coaxed her into position and slipped his cock into her much abused ass. Anni gasped and kept sobbing and chanting except when pain forced her to hold her breath. He had used her so hard for so long that even his slow and gentle movements were pure agony to her.

Since he was trying not to hurt her -- and because she was as still and unresponsive as a corpse -- it took a long, long bout of reaming her dry, inflamed ass for him to reach such arousal that he started to feel the vague promise of an oncoming orgasm. He told her of it in soft whispers and asked if she wanted to take his cum in her ass. Anni didn't answer but she wasn't chanting anymore either; the last weeks had seared so deep into her memory that no matter how far into lunacy her mind had slipped, deep down she knew what her purpose in life was. And it was this. Being fucked by Him. Moaning, weeping and groaning as His cock ravaged her torn and tortured insides. Sobbing in pain as He sought his moments of brief, blissful ecstasy.

"There, good girl," Raduz groaned as Anni arched her back to invite him deeper. "Does that mean that you want me to cum?"

Anni nodded obediently, and nodded again after he asked if she still wanted him to cum even though he would have to fuck her really hard for a few minutes to reach his peak. She soon came to regret that nod when Raduz started fucking her in earnest and his punishing piston was tearing inside her like a medieval morning star.

Afterwards they kept still for long minutes, his flaccid cock still embedded in her anus from behind, for Anni wouldn't move unless he told her to. She had learned that lesson well.

"Raise your hips more and spread your legs wider," Raduz told her, and they shuffled, still attached to each other, until Anni had her ass properly thrust up and he felt the tightness of her ass lessen as her tissue and bones rearranged themselves.

Anni had no idea what he was up to until she heard him sigh and then first felt his cock twitch inside her and then sensed a sudden burst of pressure. Her instincts told her to move, crawl, escape, but Raduz's hand was already in place between her shoulder blades, crushing her down, holding her still. Anni whined as warm, stinging piss kept gushing into her, rapidly bulging her insides, making her cramp, flowing alarmingly deeper and deeper down towards her belly, pulled down by gravity, swelling her bowels unnaturally. She forgot herself and whispered frantically, "No! No! Stop it! Please!" as if she had a right to talk to Him like that, but his fingernails pinching her exposed clit between the two sharp blades of keratin made her shut up with a gasp. The torrent of piss seemed never to end; she was already full to bursting, but it kept coming and coming and coming and the extreme distension had her writhing and thrashing in pain.

When he was done he kept still for a few more minutes, allowing the piss to work its way down before removing his cock. When he finally did, he forced in its place a plug so large and thick that he was sure it would seal her tight for the night, shoving it swiftly and uncaringly all the way in. Anni held her screams and begged him, desperately, for permission to go to the toilet, but he didn't mean for her to get away with it so easy, and told her that she would have to hold on until the morning. To make sure she couldn't disobey even when faced with hour after hour of excruciating pain and powerful natural instincts urging her to relieve herself, he tied her hands and feet with garments from her locker.

"You stay right there little dove, I'll come back before six."

To make the hours feel even longer to her, he drew the curtains so that she wouldn't have the chance to keep track of time by the changing darkness outside her window. She was already sweating, cramping hard and shuddering in pain with her visibly protruding belly, when he locked the door behind him and walked back to his quarters with a light, happy step. This little opportunity to reflect should set her straight for a few days at least.

As was to be expected, Anni didn't sleep at all that night. She lay awake, twisting, turning and weeping, frantically willing the night to pass, but she had no way of knowing if two hours or mere 15 minutes of her seemingly endless agony had passed. Time didn't work right. And the pain and the cramps were unbearable, so unbearable in fact that she kept trying in vain to empty herself past the plug even though she knew that Raduz just might beat her to death for it. Then she backed up and thought no. He wouldn't.

Some insane impulse brought back her first weeks in the camp, and the warm and open man she'd learned to know. The same man that now was cheerfully and eagerly raping, abusing and torturing her. There was a reason for all this somewhere. Had to be.

She was thirsty, drained and bleary. She couldn't think, couldn't focus. The world had no bottom and everything beneath her was a black, empty void of endless cramps and pain. She started drifting, only half conscious and half real, reaching for a reason that could help her understand. The scars, his anger, his hatred for this Masha woman.

The scars. It all started with the scars.

Lost. Afraid. Hurt. Alone.




Long before his key turned in the lock, she had her answer: Just as he held for her a kind of deranged salvation, did she also for him.

Chapter 9

In the days that followed, Raduz sensed a change in Anni. Though she said nothing, he could see it in her eyes, in the way she moved, in the way she left her mouth just slightly open when he brought his face close. Her eyes were not blank or full of loathing. Her body wasn't stiff when he touched her. Her mouth wasn't a hard, angry line but sensual and somehow expectant.

Raduz felt queer for it was years from the last time he had bedded something even closely resembling a willing woman. What was wrong with this girl who'd reacted to his abuse like no one else? He tried to steady himself but Anni's stifled moans rang in his ears when he tried to concentrate on work. None of the other girls had haunted him like this. They'd been faceless. They'd been nothing. But this one he wanted. Craved even. And he was none too pleased about it. The girls were supposed to be nothing but faceless vessels to vent off his pouring hate and that was how he wanted to keep it.

Yet it was hard to hate when her body no longer told him that she hated every second of having to bear his touch. When he grabbed her, she pretended to moan in disgust but try as she might she couldn't hide the electric current that shuddered through her when she felt the heat and need in his touch. And even as he tried to taunt and humiliate her with sweet lies, he heard in his own tone a disturbing warmth he'd never meant to be there.

During the days she spread her legs willingly to receive his punishments. At nights when he started pushing against her sphincter, she wasn't agitated anymore, instead her breathing was even and her body relaxed. To reward her good behavior he went easy on her, taking it slow, spreading her to her limit with sweet, agonizing precision. She hissed and moaned when he pushed in and pulled out before pushing a bit deeper again, but she didn't resist, didn't struggle, didn't beg. She whined, cramped and shivered beneath him yet curled her fingers around the backs of his hands as he held himself on top of her. The pain was definitely still there but even if not enjoying the act per se, Anni was obviously getting turned on by being hurt and taken. Being hurt and taken by him. Sometimes he even skipped lube yet still she didn't stop him or even attempt to, and Raduz was pleased that she surrendered to him so completely. She had finally accepted that she had no say over her own body anymore, that he owned it now, inside and out, every single inch.

Each time after he'd used her she cried, her anquish a deep well of shame, disgust and despair. She was no more the sobbing, frantic time bomb of a creature on the edge of a breakdown he'd had to be worried about just days before. She was confused, forlorn and lost, but safely grounded in that black pit she inhabited. Yet no matter what she felt, she had her nightly cries while hanging onto him. And he let her. It made Raduz swell up with satisfaction to have her so emotionally wrecked. She was broken, no defences left. And it was beautiful.

With so many people under the same roof, the two washing machines in the communal kitchen were on several times every day, yet Anni washed her panties by hand and in secret in the shower room. It certainly wasn't a task she enjoyed, but no one could be allowed to see that every pair she'd brought with her was by now stained at the crotch. And at least these moments alone gave her a chance to have a cry in peace, so that she could hold herself together for long enough to eat her supper in the cafeteria without weeping onto her plate.

Staring at the incontrovertible proofs of her degradation, scrubbing in vain to get the semen, cunt juice and blood to wash out, made her burst out in tears every time because it reminded her that she too would never be the same again. She could buy new panties but the dirtiest and most disgusting stains, the stains inside, were not going to fade for as long as she lived. And in a few short weeks it was going to get worse -- a lot worse -- when Raduz would hand her over to—

Suddenly her thoughts changed course; the word 'weeks' and the blood stains on her knickers connected in her brain.

Raduz walked into his room after supper and found the girl sitting on his bed. Anni turned her face from him, hastily rubbing her cheeks with her sleeve.

"You shouldn't be here," Raduz stated gruffly, and started towards his desk, but Anni made no move to leave. He stopped in front of her and raised a hand to slap her for her disobedience, but she surprised him by lurching forward to hug his thighs and hung on for dear life. Oddly touched, Raduz crouched before her, as he might once have done, and rested his hands on her thighs.

"What is it?" he asked, searching for her gaze, but her shoulders started to shake and she buried her face in her hands.

Raduz went to the door and locked it, hoping that no one would need to see him just then. Being found behind closed doors together with a sniffling girl would be almost as bad as getting caught in the act of molesting one. Whatever her problem was, he needed to get Anni to calm down fast.

He sat beside her and pulled her to sit sideways on his lap. With one arm he held her to his chest and with the other he stroked the hair from her face.

"Come now, what is it?" he prodded gently, worried that someone might have found out about them.

"I'm p-pregnant," Anni, still avoiding his eyes, managed to stutter into the cleft between her breasts. Then she suddenly looked up at him, imploringly, as if Raduz had the power to unmake it so. "I don't want to be pregnant Raduz," she sobbed, "I don't want to. I don't want to. I don't want to!"

Raduz smiled simultaneously with relief and glee. After all his careful and careless mind games he was now the one she came to for help and reassurance. He -- her abuser. He'd stripped her soul bare until he was the only thing she had left.

For a moment he played with the idea of expanding on his threats of 'friends' particularly fond of abusing and dehumanizing pregnant girls. He kind of liked the idea himself, the added vulnerability and helplessness, eventually followed by the inevitable, gruesome pain of childbirth. But he knew that she couldn't take any more messing with her head, and he needed her lucid, so he took hold of her chin and forced her to face him.

"You haven't gotten your periods?" he asked, and the girl shook her head. "Have you been taking the medicine I gave you, every day?" She nodded, wiping her eyes. "Then you're all right!" he laughed, squeezing her to him as if she was a silly child afraid of boogeymen under her bed. "You're not pregnant. Everything's fine."

Anni wasn't convinced and stared at him with big, frightened eyes.

"Anni, you're not pregnant," he assured. "You're on the pill. That's what the medicine is. There is no such parasite. I made it up. You haven't gotten your periods because you have taken the pills continuously without a break during which your period could come. See, there's nothing to fear. You're not pregnant. Your cycle is just a little messed up."

Anni's lips stopped quivering, she slumped with relief. Then she took in the meaning of all that she'd heard and started hissing in fury.

"You gave me those pills the day I arrived! All that time you pretended to be my friend, you were planning ...planning this!"

Anni hadn't known it was possible to feel even more violated, hurt and betrayed as she'd felt in these past weeks, but -- of course -- it was. She flailed with her arms and feet to free herself and storm off, but Raduz wouldn't let her go. She tried again, pushing at his chest and thrashing on his lap, but he tightened his grip. She wanted to get away from him to cry in private. She didn't want him to see how she felt. She couldn't stand him touching her.

"Please," she wheezed with a choked voice, trying to control her anger. "Let me go."

But Raduz didn't grant her wish and held onto her as minutes passed. Every time Anni started to squirm free, he nuzzled her neck and adamantly tightened his grip, hushing and soothing until she settled again. He held her, and held her, and held her, gently and quietly, and, despite not wanting to, like the true little submissive she was, she slowly acquiesced and calmed down.

It appeared that nothing had been what it first seemed during her stay in Bolivia. She wasn't pregnant. That wasn't real. And Raduz's threats, at least the ones concerning getting her pregnant, weren't real either. But neither had their friendship been; all that time she thought they were sharing something he'd been grooming her, setting a trap for her. Anni felt so hurt at that, it was as if she didn't know the first thing about who Raduz was after all. Yet still he, Raduz, had made sure that she wouldn't get pregnant. That meant he'd kept her safe, protected her, cared for her.
Anni looked up slowly and saw him in a new light. All the time he'd abused her, he'd also made sure that she wouldn't have to suffer through the realities and consequences of an unwanted pregnancy. From day one he had -- in a way -- secretly looked after her.

For a long time they stayed there, without speaking. He'd hurt her so much, done things no person had the right to do onto another. He had used her, hurt her, tormented her in truly sadistic ways, made her feel small and disgusting, worthless and dirty. He had raped her over and over to the point that she had started to lose her very mind. She wanted to be furious; she wanted to hate and despise him as she used to, but she didn't. The hate just wasn't there. Instead she felt oddly warm inside, thinking about the little hormone molecules circulating in her blood. All watching over her. All put there by him.

She opened her mouth but found no words. Even so, she didn't want him to think she was ungrateful and so she reached for his hand and pressed his palm on her cheek and held it there.

"What is it girl? Feels good, doesn't it?" Raduz murmured just behind Anni's ear a few hours later. The very same words that he'd used on her almost every night since the beginning.

He had opened up her chafed and sore ass enough to be inside her to the hilt, and then started stretching her with long strokes. He'd reached his arms under her and gripped her shoulders, fucking her slow and deep, enjoying himself. At first Anni hadn't so much as flinched but after a while she'd started responding by squirming slightly against him. He considered roughing up, making it hurt enough to make her cry and bleed for him again, but he didn't want to, not now. Tonight he wanted something more.

He nuzzled her neck and breathed hard onto her sensitive skin, and grinned as her sighs and moans turned into unabashed sounds of enjoyment. He reached his hand to stroke her hair and growled, "Good girl."

Her back arched, instantly, reflexively, and her butt bucked into him, sucking his cock deeper.

"Oh?" he teased her. "Turns you on, does it?"

Raising the stakes he fucked her harder for a few strokes. When she winced, he put his lips close to her ear and repeated, stretching the words out slow and deliberate, "Good girl."

Anni shuddered, and goose bumps rose along the skin of her arms. Raduz pinned her head to the mattress and licked her ear with a wet, lazy tongue. The icky feeling and the wolfish sounds of his heavy, rasping breath made her squirm involuntarily. She felt like he was devouring her, and the wet sounds and the invading tongue reminded her of sex and turned her on more. She was holding her breath; she didn't dare breathe for she was so turned on she might scream. She was desperate. She did not know what was happening to her. She knew only that from the moment he'd cupped her face in his hand she'd been aching to get closer to him once more, aching and waiting for the night to come.

Raduz touched his lips to her freshly licked ear and whispered as quietly as he was able to,

"Do you like having your sore little asshole stretched around my cock? Do you like being my good little girl?"

Anni bucked again and her exhale was a sharp, loud and lusty moan that seemed to ring violently in the still night.

Anni and Raduz both froze instantly and paused to listen. Somewhere a door opened and their hearts raced faster. She turned, and with their gazes locked in the darkness, they listened to the footsteps, holding their breaths. When the door to the toilets opened and closed, and they heard the steady, commonplace sound of someone taking a piss, they both slumped in relief as tension left their bodies.

"Sorry," Anni whispered and looked at him, her young face nervous and unsure. "It just came out. I couldn't help it."

Raduz cupped her cheek and growled a quiet reproach. Then he leaned down and kissed her. He never kissed his girls, never, but Anni's face had been so close, and her lips parted so invitingly in unwitting seduction. He hadn't expected a response, he merely acted on an impulse, but when he felt her kiss him back, first gently, then passionately, something inside him moved.

Raduz had spent years trying to make himself whole again by breaking, dominating and destroying others. The power thus assumed hadn't, however, done anything to purge his inner victim. In reality he was coping rather than living but even had he himself possessed this insight he would have preferred coping to crumbling. Still, even though the relief he received from dehumanizing one girl after the other was feeble and fleeting at best, he had no other outlet for his bitter, seething hate. In sweet, malicious whispers he'd told them all they had wanted it. Yet in all the years not a single woman had come alive beneath him. Not one. Not one until Anni.

He'd expected to watch her die inside as all the others but Anni proved to have bizarre depths of empathy and strength. Taking the power hadn't made him feel like a man again but being given the power did. Every move and sound she now made told him that she wanted him and wanted to be his, body and soul, and that willing, eager submission was an intoxicating rush. He hated to think that she had seen through him and somehow sensed what he most needed from her, but nonetheless the experience was healing on so many levels that he felt a new restless momentum massing within him.

His hatred had consumed him for so long that there wasn't supposed to be anything left in him; no life, no warmth, no feeling. Yet, when her soft lips started to flutter and move against his own, searching to share the moment, he felt all three pulsing in his core, taking over the desolate wasteland of his heart. Words were not uttered, nor were they necessary. He knew he wasn't alone anymore, and Anni knew she'd found the man whose ghost she'd worshiped since before she could remember.

Chapter 10

In the afternoon following their kiss Raduz stopped Anni in the corridor. He grabbed her waist from behind and pushed her against the wall. Anni resisted feebly, glancing around her, embarrassed and afraid to be seen.

"Not here," she whispered frantically, but Raduz trapped her under his frame, grinding his crotch against her big, soft ass, leaning his weight on her back until her already scratched and tender breasts squashed flat against the push pins in her bra. Under her clothes, he knew, her skin was speckled with bite marks and bruises, yellowing old ones and darker new ones, and he couldn't wait to add more to the collection.

She had followed him with her gaze all day long and he was stewing in lust and frustration because it was still hours and hours until darkness would fall and he could make her weep and suffer and cream and cum for him again. He knew she longed for it too, yet still she kept trying to push him off her. More amused than moved, Raduz ignored her and let his hands roam possessively on her alluring curves.

"Someone will see us. Please, let me go," she pleaded nervously, already panting audibly, but Raduz didn't move and she was getting desperate.

She had to come up with something that would make him leave her alone before someone walked in to see her in their boss's arms. In mid thought Raduz leaned closer and raked the skin of her neck with his teeth. Anni's planned reaction, a vexed exhale, turned into a throaty moan when he started sucking gently. Her holes were already twitching eagerly and she knew she'd lose herself if he would keep on pushing her buttons. Then she had a sudden insight.

"Who's Masha?" she squeaked, and Raduz's hands let go of her as if her flesh burned him. "I know it's a name. Why do you keep calling me that? Why does she make you hate me?"

Raduz took half a step away from her, his face disgusted. Wishing that she could take back her words, Anni reached for him in reconciliation, but before she had time to think of something to say he walked away without a word.


Darkness sheltered Raduz as he sneaked back to the garrison. He had no idea how long he'd been held. At first he'd been sure he'd go mad but after all that time in the dark he had become a part of it, silent and invisible. He found the right house and entered stealthily through an open window to find that the captain and his young wife had separate bedrooms. Perfect, Raduz congratulated himself. He was on a high, nothing could go wrong, and he'd make her pay.

The captain, who cared little for his bride and much about the promotion that was in it for him, hadn't cast Masha off even after the unsuccessfully hushed-up scandal. At barely 18 she lived in a grandiose house attended by servants and had all the clothes and jewelry she could wish for. Yet she'd understood only too late that she had passed from under the tyranny of her father to a life even worse. Her husband was both proud and cruel, and day in day out Masha paid dearly for dragging his name through the mud.

Raduz walked to Masha's bed and looked down with burning hate at the woman he'd still loved not two months past. She woke up with a stifled yelp when he pressed his hand over her mouth. She fought him, trying to claw his palm off and scream, but when he spoke she froze.

"Hello, dove."

Recognizing the voice and the nickname, Masha searched the darkness for the face of her former lover. From the reek of her fear Raduz could tell that she hadn't expected to see him ever again. He leaned close and Masha nearly panicked from the sight of such a monster. Shock and revulsion flickered in her eyes when she saw his familiar features so ruined and misshapen. Raduz's lip had been split and he was missing some teeth. His nose had been broken and left to heal unset. His complexion was overrun by purple and yellowing bruises, and his once handsome face had turned ugly from all the swelling. His left eyelid hung useless, almost closing the bloodshot eye, and beside it a bloody crust covered a mean looking gash.

"Did you have a nice wedding?" he asked with an ugly smile, nodding towards a white layered gown hanging on a dress form. "So sorry to have missed it."

Realizing the stranger really was Raduz and not some nightmare illusion brought on by her guilt, Marina's shoulders slumped and she covered her eyes, sobbing.

"I'm sorry. Oh God. Those animals."

Then she looked up at him with terrified eyes.

"Radek, my darling, you have to believe me, I never meant for dad to—"

"Shut up you lying little cunt!" Raduz hissed, and backhanded her across the face as hard as he could. He put both his hands around her throat and squeezed.

"You told them I raped you. Well," he leaned to kiss her trembling cheek and whisper into her ear, "I'm raping you now."

Masha knew better than to fight the enraged man but as soon as he loosened his grip she continued begging.

"Please, don't hurt me. I had no choice. You don't know what dad's like! You don't know what Ondrej's like!"

Then, realizing that Raduz knew their cruelty better than she ever would, she looked at his bruises and whimpered desperately, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean—," until Raduz punched her in the face and stomach, silencing her to gasp air back into her lungs. This deranged beast clearly was a different man than the lovesick puppy she'd known.

Marina bled on her first time with Raduz -- and she bled on the last. Scared out of her mind and head swimming from pain, she wasn't ready for him when he forced his cock into her, ramming hard, hatefucking her so vehemently that her whole bed shook. Breathless and cramping, she gurgled from pain when he punched in and out, splitting cuts and sores into her dry flesh with his cock. The mattress squeaked as Raduz's weight crushed the girl into it again and again. Pain from his broken ribs struck him on every thrust but hatred and adrenaline gave him strength to ignore it and keep on shoving his cock into her with increasing savagery. In furious barks and hisses he listed for her all the luxuries around them she had sold herself and betrayed him for. It was all on her and now she was paying.

"Remember this, dove?" Raduz hissed, and showed her a gnarled tree branch. "It's from our tree. The tree I carved our names on. I wouldn't want to leave you with nothing to remember me by."

He had to gag her, tie her up, and choke her by the throat to keep her still and silent when he destroyed her cunt, tearing her flesh, fucking her with the branch, beating her with all the hatred roiling in him, listening to her bones crack. When he watched her suffer and bleed from the torture, a part of him wanted to kill her then and there, choke the bitch to death with his own hands, maybe stab her all over until she'd bleed to death, watch the life go out of her, witness her agony and fear, rid himself forever of the memory of her.

In the end he decided it was more of a punishment to let her live out her cursed life. She'd never recover from his last gift, so neither of them would ever be whole again.

When he finally removed her ties she still breathed weakly but didn't move. The branch jutting from the open wound that used to be her cunt was covered in blood, and so, as his last words, he snarled into her ear,

"What a bloody mess you've made, you filthy bitch. You could have told me you were on the rag."


At supper Anni kept glancing in his direction but Raduz didn't even look at her. In her room she curled on her bed and squeezed a pillow against her chest. She buried her face into it, trying to pry out even the slightest trace of his lingering scent. The whole situation was insane. Why did she feel safe when he hurt her? Why did he hate her if he wanted her? She had never known it could hurt so much to care.

She lay awake, watching hours tick by on the little clock on the screen of her phone. 11pm. 12pm. 1am. 2am. Without Raduz and the pain he always brought, there was no place to run from the barrage of thoughts and memories she could bear even less than pain. With an all-seeing eye she saw her past self dancing away while her struggling friend was being dragged to a room down the hall. She saw herself laugh and flirt while Riikka was forcibly stripped and stretched on the floor. She saw herself kissing and groping frenziedly with a guy who's name she didn't even know, while the first man kneeled between Riikka's writhing legs. In the surrounding darkness her own mindless laughter and the taunting jeers of Riikka's rapists mingled into one monstrous, cruel cacophony. She'd been having fun while faceless men shuffled in and out of the forgotten back room, in and out of her sobbing, begging friend. The self-accusations were unbearable. She should have noticed. She should have known. She should have helped. She should have done something. Useless. Stupid. Selfish. Drunk.

She took out her keys and dragged a sharp edge along her forearm with gusto. Again and again she dug the key into her flesh, dragging and scratching until skin broke and tiny globules of blood rose like rows of miniature mushrooms along the scratches. She curled under the blanket and felt the stinging pain override the anxious clutch of guilt until she was able to breathe again.

But the night dragged on; pain was starting to abate and still sleep refused to take her. Raduz wasn't coming and she felt her body ache for him. She reached to find the thought of Him to keep her company but mere fantasies weren't enough to make her really feel anymore. Besides, she didn't dare to examine her feelings too closely for fear of what she might find.

No one had ever made her feel as good or as wretched as Raduz did. The moments after the torture was over, when the horrible pain finally abated and he held and soothed her, she felt so light, relieved and calm that she'd never experienced anything like it. The punishments that she imagined she deserved gave her a convenient excuse for wanting to be hurt but the intrinsic need for domination and pain had always been there. She just hadn't been ready to admit to herself the truth, that what Raduz did to her was what she'd been dreaming of since she first started following the opposite sex with hungry, lustful eyes. It was all so obvious but she had wanted to lie to herself just a little while longer -- and play the innocent for her lord and master.

At half past three she slipped into a nightgown and stepped into the corridor, full of confusion and self-loathing. From the crack under his door she saw that his light was still on and tiptoed towards it.

Raduz woke up with a start to a rapping at his door. Disoriented, he sat up in his bed and cursed under his breath as the sound came again. He snatched a bunch of papers from the floor, donned his reading glasses with great haste, and tried to lean casually against the headboard as if he'd been reading all along. The door opened slowly and Raduz stared with his mouth open as Anni slipped in and closed the door with trembling hands.

When she turned from the door she avoided his eyes and crossed the floor. Raduz made a choked noise of protest when she fumbled for the switch on the bedside lamp, but whatever it was died of shame in his throat and so the light went out. In the darkness Anni crawled into his bed. Timidly she reached for his glasses and papers and laid them down on the bedside table. She lifted his blanket and snuggled tightly against his side, coaxing him with soft hands to lay down beside her. When he did she laid her head to rest on his chest just above the dent in his ribs, tracing it with her fingers. The dent was the crack through which hatred filled him up, but when Anni let her fingers rest in it, her touch seemed to stem the flow of poison.

"Anni," Raduz started, his voice thick and throaty. He wanted the girl back in her own room, so that things would be uncomplicated again and under his control. Something was happening to him and he didn't like it.

It had been so long since he had felt anything other than hate, that even the weak, stirring emotions felt something akin his all too familiar panic attacks: aggressive, uncontrollable, terrifying. The feelings came unbidden and wouldn't bend to his will. He did not want them but they refused to go away. For weeks he had thought it was indigestion but finally he recognized the gnawing knot of inner heat right below his sternum. He cared for her. And all the tender words he'd whispered to her while fucking her hadn't been just the malicious jeers he'd thought them to be.

When he was on her, he loved her and hated her at the same time. As he had loved and hated Masha. No, he told himself. No love. The kiss had been a mistake. This girl was a mistake. She would have to go. Soon. She wasn't normal. She got wet for him. Was she wet now? He cursed at himself but the thought of Anni's warm, slick, pulsing cunt, waiting and aching for him lingered. He heard in his head the wet noises her tight, dripping hole made when he pulled out and plunged back in.

It wasn't supposed to be like this.

When he inhaled to tell her to leave, Anni moved in the darkness, pressed a finger on his lips and quickly cut him off.

"Please," she whispered innocently like a little girl, begging for permission to sleep in her parents' bed after having a nightmare. "Please," she repeated, and reached her arm around him, her tiny hand resting on his side, shyly caressing his skin. The nervous, hesitant touch expressed what she hadn't dared to voice, "Please ...I need you."

Raduz knew he should send her away, but before he had the chance the dreaded darkness got under his skin, as always, and triggered his accursed panic. Hating himself for his weakness he fought to keep it secret, yet still the inevitable and unexplainable terror hit him like a tsunami, drowning him, choking him. He couldn't breathe, he thought he was going to die. All he felt was blind terror. His clothes felt tighter and tighter, the room too small, the air too hot, too stuffy. His mouth watered as he tried to gag down nausea. Reality slipped from him. He couldn't feel the bed beneath him or hear the hum of the heater. Instead he heard the hated, never-changing soundtrack of his panic attacks: doors, boots, thuds, screams -- his own screams. He shivered, his body rigid, covered all over with cold sweat.
He wanted to shove her off, get up, strip and run outside to breathe yet was unable to move. The girl was crowding him. He needed to breathe, breathe, breathe.

Then Anni moved, searching for a more comfortable position, and the comforting warmth of her soft, plump body against his flesh anchored Raduz to reality. He put his arms around her, resting one hand on her shoulder and closed the fingers of the other around her arm. He squeezed lightly, just to make sure she was real, and she let out a pleased little cooing sound. He clung to the girl clinging to him and concentrated on mimicking the rhythm of her breathing until it slowed down and deepened. He feared he'd have another panic attack back to back with the first one, but slowly Anni's tiny whines drowned his thoughts and the rhythm of her heart beating calmed him. Raduz dozed on and off, his head going murkier and murkier until he too fell asleep, and, for the first time in 22 years, he slept without the lights on.

Anni slept lightly in the cramped, narrow bunk and listened to him snore. She spent long moments awake, thinking. She was tired of lying dead beneath him, being touched yet not being allowed to touch back. With him right there, fast asleep, she couldn't resist doing what he'd never allowed her to do.

She let her palm slide up and down his chest and across his stomach and side. She reached up and brushed her hand over his forehead and, smiling to herself, felt his messy hair. Asleep he wasn't frightening at all. She was bringing her palm down to touch his face when Raduz grabbed her wrist.

"Time you go back to your own bed," he said, his voice cold and stern.

Anni didn't listen. She shook her arm free and placed it gently on the side of his head.

"No," Raduz said, and took hold of both her hands, pushing them, and her, away. "Enough. Go now."

"Don't," Anni murmured softly. "Let me stay. Just for tonight."

She had no idea how he'd react to her disobedience, but slowly his grip on her loosened one small fraction, then more. The darkness between them grew dense of things left unsaid yet he did not resist when she slid her hands under his t-shirt, sighing with pleasure at the softness and warmth of him.

She sat up and their gazes locked; they were both breathing heavily. There was a spell over them he hadn't allowed into being before, and, without a word, they moved instinctively in response to each other. Anni leaned in to tug at his T-shirt and Raduz straightened his arms to allow her to pull it off and throw it on the floor.

A glow of desire flamed up within her as he went along with her coaxing. Licking her lips in a delicious daze of control, Anni climbed to sit astride his lap. All mine, she mused, as she kissed and caressed his hair and face ever so gently. Raduz had forgotten that a touch could be so gentle - after all, for twenty years touch had existed in his hellish world only as a means to debase and destroy.

Anni's crotch was growing warmer and warmer and she rocked from side to side to ease the acute need to be filled. Her lips dragged downwards on his skin, nibbling, kissing and sucking his neck, shoulders and chest. Eyes closed in the dark she slipped into another world where the only sense that mattered was touch. She got his chest hair in her mouth but didn't want to stop even for the moment it would have taken to spit them out. Now it was her turn to hush and coax him into staying still beneath her, and she grinned like a little devil when he relaxed obediently into her caresses.

She didn't flinch when her lips found his scars; on the contrary, she'd been seeking for them. She ran her fingers over the welts gently, kissing them, licking even, wondering if she would ever get to know how he'd gotten them. But that didn't matter; all she wanted now was to breathe and taste the scent of his skin. Dizzy and out of breath, she nuzzled her face against his shoulder to breathe in the luring male musk of his sweat, writhing and wriggling on his lap in growing anticipation. A jolt of pleasure shuddered through her when she felt his cock swell where her sex was grinding against his boxer shorts.

Now Raduz started moving impatiently, as if he thought it was time he threw her down on the mattress and mounted her, but Anni shushed him gently to sit still. Unknowingly she had found the creature inside that had waited for 20 years for someone, anyone -- mother, sister, lover, friend -- to come fetch him to safety, to hold him and make the beatings stop. No one came, he thought. No one came. No one.

Until now.

The darkest stretch of night had passed and Anni sat up straight and looked at him. She was flushed, and so very beautiful. A small smile made her eyes narrow into dark, seductive pools he hadn't gotten the chance to see before. She leaned closer and rubbed her nose against his cheek and jaw; her gentle touch spoke of mercy, of absolution. In her smile was such honest affection that he wanted to surrender, to let go, to simply break down after all these years and trust her to pick up the pieces.

Repeatedly she moved in, slowly, and pulled back again, teasing him, causing him to repeatedly open his mouth in anticipation like a gasping fish, before she finally pressed her lips on his, slightly open, delicate, loving. He didn't dare move in fear of breaking the spell and driving away his angel of mercy.

She struggled to keep her kisses gentle but found it more difficult every passing second to stay in control of herself and the fierce hunger consuming her. She wanted to devour him until they were so deep under each other's skins that they wouldn't know where one stopped and the other began.

He was full hard now and she sat aside him to pull down his underwear. He grabbed her waist and tried to pull her on his cock but she protested. She leaned him back on the pillows and snuck her hand in between his legs and ran her fingertips teasingly along his balls. He jerked from the sudden sensation, and then groaned when she leaned down quickly and sucked his cock into her soft, wet mouth. His cock smelled sweaty and warm but she was in a craze, wanting nothing more than to suck him and tease him until it would drive him insane. She swirled her tongue inside her mouth, using it to tickle his glans and rub his shaft as her lips worked up and down. She leaned down until his cock was pushing against the back of her throat on every bob of her head, and mimicked swallowing to use the muscles of her throat to milk his swollen glans. She hadn't lied to him before, she was good at sucking cock. Good and eager. She loved to be able to reduce him to a trembling, incoherently mumbling ruin by merely stroking him behind the balls and working his cock with her wet, eager mouth.

He had invested in her the power to get him off and now she took that power and used it. And for once it was he who was helpless, not her. When she sat up to replace one soft, wet hole with another, Raduz reached for her in frenzy, grabbed her ass and pulled her onto his cock. She was ready, so very ready to receive him with every cell that the bursting and rushing sensations of his cock plunging into her left her breathless as if punched.

Anni felt the last remnants of his tenseness melt away as he started fucking her with fiery abandon. For once he was there, all there, with her. No talk of Masha, no ghosts. For the first time he was fucking her. She wasn't just a hole. She was Anni. And he was speaking to her, whispering to her sweet words without a sneer. Words he meant. Words that were for her and her alone.

"I'm going to scream. I'm going to fucking scream. You're so—You're inside me—I can't bear it. Please. Oh god," she mewed and groaned and wheezed as his frenzied upthrusts made her bounce on his lap -- tits, thighs, belly and all. She was more aroused than ever in her life and the difference it made was mind blowing: her cunt was flooding her head with sensations beyond believe. Every nerve ending cascading with pushing, filling, stretching and rubbing, driving her higher and higher into swirling ecstasy. It was the difference between silent films and full-on special effects. There was no rhythm in her breathing, just a constant irregular wheezing, grunting and moaning when he grounded inside her. Never had anyone fucked her like this. And never had she felt so much pleasure at getting fucked. It was as if all those times she'd lain beneath random guys from back home hadn't been sex at all. This. This was what sex was supposed to be like. Always, always this.

"Help me," Raduz huffed in Czech when he felt he could hold out no longer. "Help me, dove."

He needed to say it, needed her to hear it, but was still unable to share his weakness, his trauma, with her in a language she might understand -- but Anni, she already knew. He hadn't succeeded in so destroying her emotionally that she would have become unable to sense the pain in him, the dark shadow behind it all.

Anni rose quickly and shuffled to take his cock into her mouth again. Raduz was seizing up, his throat rattling and wheezing as he tried not to roar out his nearing orgasm for all the crew to hear. His cock tasted of her own cunt but she sucked it anyway, using her tongue to press on his glans and shaft to make her mouth even tighter. Her head ached from the speed she tried to uphold but she didn't want to stop. She wanted him to cum in her mouth, in the only hole he hadn't marked as his yet. She wanted to be marked. Everywhere. All over. All his. All His. For ever and ever and ever.

She started purring and humming, sending the vibrations straight into Raduz's flesh. He groaned and grabbed her head, shoving her down on his cock, all the way down. Anni coughed and sputtered but he was too far gone to notice. His cock punched the back of her mouth, trying to get into her throat. His pubic hair pushed inside her nose and tickled. She needed to breathe but he wouldn't relent. When she tried to pull back he forced her head down harder, thrusting brutally into her throat, hurting her so that tears squeezed from her eyes, making her gag on his cock. She felt vomit rise up from inside her and fought to keep it down but his cock triggered her gag reflex over and over and over. Anni tried to close her throat, he would come on any second and she was afraid his cum would block her trachea and suffocate her. She couldn't bare it anymore, panic took her and she started fighting back, her hands tearing at his death grip. She screamed but nothing but muted moans came out. Raduz growled and thrust again and again into her throat, deeper, harder, desperate.

Then he jolted and shot his load down her throat, pumping back and forth while her body seized up painfully, trying to dislodge the thing blocking her airways. He pulled back some, finally, but Anni couldn't breathe before she had swallowed the cum and vomit in her throat. She swallowed and swallowed while Raduz pumped more warm, thick cum into her mouth, squeezing all of it out with his fist. Anni felt it cover her tongue, the roof of her mouth, the back of her mouth, everything. She tasted the soapy, rubbery foulness but couldn't escape it. His cock shrank back and she drew a panicked breath, coughing and wheezing in despair. He still kept fucking her wide open mouth with his limp cock, he was sloppy and her face was a mess with cum all over but Anni only concentrated on catching her breath and crying in relief. For a while she had thought that she would die with his cock in her throat and emotions ran high.

Raduz looked down on the broken, sobbing creature between his legs and pulled her up and into his arms.

"Shh, little dove, don't cry. It's over now. You did very well," he crooned and stroked her tangled hair.

His finger traced her trembling lips and pushed inside into her mouth.

"Mmgh," Anni protested but Raduz wouldn't stop.

"Uh-uh. None of that," he said firmly, and pushed in more fingers, deeper than the first.

Instinctively Anni jerked her head back but his other hand was in her neck, forcing her to stay still. He poked at the back of her mouth with his fingers until she started coughing and gagging again.

"Shh, let me in. Relax. Open your throat for me."

He forced his fingers past her bruised and hurting epiglottis and kept them there.

"There," he cooed. "Hold it, hold it, feel my fingers. Feel them wriggling in there. Mmh, good girl. Now, keep still as I count to 20. If you squirm or cough I'm going to start the count from the beginning and add two on each time you make me start again. Trust me dove, you want to get used to this for I'll be fucking your throat very, very often from now on."

Anni shivered, and wished he wouldn't be quite so brutal in the future but doubted it. Raduz would make it exactly as distressing for her as he pleased. And it pleased him much when she suffered.

It took three tries for her to keep still while he fucked her throat with his fingers and counted. On the first go she got to 11 before she threw up on the floor, then to 17. On the last try she managed to hold out 'til Raduz reached 24, but only barely.

She was about to get up to start cleaning the mess she'd made on his floor when Raduz yanked her back.

"Now little one," Raduz said, reaching for a bottle of lotion, "get on your hands and knees and show me that little rosebud. I need to take a piss."

Chapter 11

All through the following day Raduz was cold and preoccupied. The connection Anni had felt between them the previous night was lost again. Then, when he finally came to her late at night, Anni sensed the sudden danger right away. During the hours they'd spent together the previous night, at least up until he had raped her throat, he had allowed her to see him -- the real him -- and now, she knew, he was going to make her pay for it. The darkness that controlled him had its claws deep in his flesh and wouldn't let go lightly. The coping mechanism that Raduz had created and nursed for over two decades was now fighting for its existence and she wasn't welcome.

Anni tried to appease her volatile lover with words but Raduz didn't want to listen. Quickly he shoved a rag in her mouth and sealed the gag with a length of tape. Yet somehow her resulting muteness seemed to enrage him beyond anything she'd seen before. He slapped her face, hissing words at her -- taunts, questions, insults -- a barrage of words in Czech that Anni had no way of understanding. Under his breath Raduz kept growling something that she came, with repetition, to understand to mean "answer me." Yet, gagged as she was, she could only stare at him with wild eyes while panicked snot ran from her nose.

"Answer me!" he yelled again, and shook her so hard she heard her bones and tendons snapping ominously. He was the only man she'd ever seen yelling in a whisper. The only man who hated her for caring for him.

When she still kept silent -- except for what mewing she was able to whine through her nose -- he shook her even harder. Her head bobbed wildly and she thought her neck would snap if he wouldn't stop. When she still wouldn't answer him, he started hitting her with his fists, everywhere, growing wilder and wilder and punching harder. Masha, kurva, and answer me was all she could understand from what he spat. She'd closed her eyes, waiting in terror for him to stop it or kill her. He punched her in the stomach and she felt caustic, burning vomit rise in her throat. If he'd punch her again she would cough the vomit up her nose and suffocate in it. She was past even moaning now. No way to plea. No way to beg. His hisses, blows and curses raining over her. His hands tearing her legs open. His fists punching her vagina with full force. Once. Twice. Three times. Pain. Red horrible pain.

Raduz was exhausted, hunched over and panting. The girl was quiet, and when he saw her there, still and unmoving, over the horizon of his still raised fists, reality got hold of him at last and he realized what he'd been doing. He unclenched his fists in shock, tore off the tape and the rag with trembling hands and picked her up in his arms.

"Please forgive me," he babbled, unaware whether he spoke English or Czech. "I'm sorry, dove. Please, dove, my little dove, wake up. Look at me. I'm sorry."

He rocked her back and forth, talking to her gently, listening to her weak breathing, coaxing her to come to.

When she finally stirred at his familiar voice, her hands grabbed at him weakly and she leaned her face against his chest and wept. In the midst of all his regret, shame and self-loathing, he felt happiness and warmth that still, even after the way he'd lost control over himself, she turned to him for comfort and solace.

He didn't sleep at all that night. He kept vigil by her bed, watching with ever-rising levels of guilt as the bruises darkened and spread, leaving only tiny areas of unblemished flesh between them. He had nothing to help her with beyond towels dipped in cold water and garden variety painkillers, which both seemed ridiculously poor and inadequate.

"Please forgive me, little dove," he whispered over and over as she slept it off in an awkward-looking position, for she couldn't close her legs because of the throbbing pain on her battered, purple and swollen pussy.

Raduz had seen Masha looking back at him from her face and lost it. But it should never have happened. Never.

He realized he could have killed her and quickly moved away from the thought, for it put him face to face with thoughts he expressly didn't want to face. The fact that Anni was growing on him made her very, very dangerous to his current world order. An order dependent on a delicate balance that she now threatened to disrupt. Yet no matter how many times he told himself she was just another whore, he couldn't make himself believe it, not really, for she wasn't like the others.

He could see and feel Anni feel, he knew instinctively that what she felt was real, she didn't -- better yet, couldn't -- fake or hide her emotions, and he felt he could trust her because of that. There was no poison in her, no deceit, no lies. He could always be sure of how she felt for he could see it for himself. And he hated himself now for how he had repaid her openness and honesty. He hoped fervently that the shock and trauma of the brutal beating she'd received wouldn't change the sincerity he most loved in her character.

He stopped himself right there. Loved? Loved?!?!!

Raduz saw he was in deep shit now. Too deep.

Anni was sore and weak in the morning, but as Raduz hadn't bruised her face too badly she decided to make the best of it: cake on make up and go to work as usual. Raduz wanted her to stay in bed but she didn't want questions asked. People looked at her funny already.

Raduz watched Anni wince as she walked bow-legged towards the door to get to the showers, her pussy, now one massive, swollen bruise, showed dark purple between the pale skin of her chubby thighs.

On impulse he took hold of her and bent her over the small writing table in her room. She whined in abject fear and pleaded pitiably to be spared, but Raduz had already made up his mind. He shushed her timid protests and rubbed spit on her throbbing, blood-engorged labia. When his glans pushed against her swollen sex she jerked violently and cried out a little.

"Shh!" he hissed. "Be still now, little dove. Remember that you are mine. No matter how much you hurt I will take what's mine when I want to."

He pushed in slowly to make her feel every millimetre of spreading in her tender, battered flesh before his glans was lodged between her cunt lips. The swelling from the bruises made her feel even tighter, softer and deeper around him, and he groaned as his cock slid inside her barely moist cunt.
"You're so pretty like this dove, bent over and bruised, quivering in fear, gasping in pain. I could slap your puffy bruise of a cunt, slap it until you'd get your slutty little cunt wet for me, but I won't, don't worry. I won't - because right now all I want is to pound you hard."

He was true to his words and fucked her brutally. Throughout it all he had to do what she most hated, clamp her mouth and nose shut simultaneously to keep her from screeching when his pelvis slammed against her inflamed crotch. The pain was worse than death, and yet she felt so owned, so taken, when he forced himself on her despite knowing full well how horribly painful it was for her. And, while listening to her own screams ringing in her head once more, she came to accept that whatever the circumstances, he could fuck her at will. It was his right. And her duty. Also she saw that no matter how much he'd already hurt her, he could always hurt her more, and make it feel intimate.

She wondered which of them was sicker to allow this to go on.

After Anni had taken his load and staggered off to the shower, Raduz sat on her bed. Her notebook was lying on the table and he picked it up and started absently leafing through it. It was full of words he couldn't understand, except one, his own name, over and over staring back at him from every page. He stared at her diary in silence, all her thoughts, memories, fears, dreams and nightmares littered with his name. If he was in over his head, then so was she.

The way she'd looked at him when he allowed her to stand up and leave for the shower told him that he'd failed to beat love out of her. And he most certainly didn't have the power to beat it out of himself or he would have done so already. The only thing he could do to destroy what was budding between them was to send her away to a life from which she'd never return as the same person again. To do to her something which would truly make her hate him forever. Only that way he could keep his life from changing from what it had been before her arrival.

Anni sat on her bed, fidgeting in nervous anticipation. Raduz had told her to stay in her room when the others left for the site and she didn't know why. A week had passed since they slept together in his bed, but so far Raduz had flatly refused to talk about it -- and about the beating that followed. The whole thing was insane. She knew he cared about her, she could see it in the way he looked at her, hear it in the way he talked to her, and yet, he fought it harder than was humanly conceivable. She needed to know what was going on and she needed to know soon, for time was running out. Hopeful that he might be ready to talk now she kept glancing at the door, waiting to hear his footsteps from the corridor.

When Raduz finally entered her room he had someone with him. Anni stood up, instantly wary. She hadn't known they were expecting a visitor, and didn't like the hunger with which the Arab's eyes were assessing her. This didn't bode well.

"I want you to meet a friend of mine," Raduz said flatly, sounding like a complete stranger, cold and indifferent. Not one bit like the man who'd nursed her not too many nights ago.

Anni hadn't forgotten his past threats of 'friends' and new commissions and understood at once what he had planned for her now. With frantic, whining whispers she started pleading and bargaining -- just as Raduz had known she would, for she was about to lose her only asset, her status as his special girl. She could see that he was about to demote her into a common whore, open to anyone he chose, and more important: unworthy of his affection.

"Don't do this," Anni begged. She wanted to add 'Don't do this to us,' but her boss was heartless. She saw now, finally, that for him there was no us.

"Stupid, stupid, foolish girl!" Anni spat at herself inside her head. "Did you really let yourself believe he cared?!"

Raduz made her strip in front of the stranger and, shaking with sobs, Anni removed her clothes with numb, trembling fingers. She felt sickened as the stranger's eyes gleamed with lust at her large, naked breasts and plump, bulging curves. Raduz nodded and the stranger moved to squeeze, paw and taste her. Suddenly -- forcefully and without warning -- he shoved a cruel finger all the way up inside her unprepared pussy. When she cried out in shock and pain, the man pushed her from him and backhanded her across the face with such force that she was thrown sideways and was left cowering on the floor.

"Shut the fuck up cunt," the man hissed and raised his balled fist as if he might hit her again. "I don't need you conscious to find out whether your cunt is worth your keep. In a few weeks I may come to take you with me and trust me, you don't want me to think that you plan to give me attitude."

He looked over at Raduz who was leaning casually against a wall, a forced, ugly grin on his face.

"What the hell is this shit?" he shouted angrily at him. "You've been working on this fuckhole for two months. Does this look 'trained' to you?"

Faizan had noticed an unsettling quality of tenderness in Raduz's manner toward the girl, something Faizan had never seen before. It made him look on his old friend with contempt.

"You gone soft or what?" he mocked.

Needled by the scorn, Raduz approached Anni and pulled a wide roll of cloth from his back pocket. He took her by the shoulders and lead her to stand by the bed.

"Don't pretend to be surprised. You knew this was coming. Faizan is not a bad man as long as you spread your legs and don't give him trouble." Raduz wiped the tears from her cheeks and lifted the blindfold to her face. "Come now, he won't want you if you're all redfaced and snivelling."

She tried to whisper in the smallest voice possible so Faizan couldn't hear her, "Can't I just be yours? Please? I want to be only yours." Raduz pretended to suppress a burst of laughter.

"Oh baby, with an asshole like yours, I couldn't be so selfish."

The mocking tone in his voice was the product of much effort, for in reality he was starting to regret the whole business. He'd seen her cry before from pain, fear and humiliation but this time was different for he knew she was crying for what she felt for him. Still, he wrapped the cloth three times around her head and tucked in the ends. Faizan was standing further away, saying nothing.

"Now, get on the bed on your hands and knees. Show him what a good girl you can be."

Lips quivering Anni complied, seeing before her a grim future with the cruel master that already had hit her once. Somewhere in her mind a small voice cried out, "This isn't happening. This isn't real. This is not you! Run! Scream! Fight! Goddammit, do something!" Yet compared to the inexplicable power that Raduz held over her, that tiny voice was nothing and she stayed where she was.

She felt Raduz's familiar hands arrange her body, nudging her knees apart, bending her back to arch and her ass to rise. When he was satisfied, Raduz stroked her hair and whispered, "You better hope that that cunt is wet."

Anni heard him walk to the door and close it behind him, and with that one sound any intimacy they had shared was gone. Next there was some shuffling, and then a long pause before she heard a zipper and the sound of Faizan's clothes dropping to the floor. When he climbed behind her on the bed she let out an instinctive, panicked wail of fear.

Faizan ignored her outburst, spit on his hand and rubbed it harshly on her while spreading her labia. Anni wanted to scream from disgust or at least ask him to use a condom on his possibly infectious cock, but she was too afraid of him to dare open her mouth. He rubbed another load of spit impatiently on his cock and entered her with one needy push. After the initial grunt of surprise and pain Anni held her breath, struggling to not let out even one tiny sound as her blindfold soaked with tears.

The man fucking her was also silent. Anni was afraid her future master didn't find her pleasing as she couldn't make him let out even one groan. The only sounds were his breathing and her own heartbeats.

"A good whore," Anni thought dismally. "I've become a good whore. I shut up and let a stranger masturbate with my body. He's raping me and I don't even fight back."

He fucked her so hard that eventually she failed to be still. She grunted and cried out in pain and soon his pummeling caused her knees and hands give way and she lay prone beneath him. Any time now he would cum inside her. The grunts, the breathing, the disgusting, contented groans. And then the inevitable. The jerking and seizing. The huffing. The spurting. And, finally, the last desperate stabs into her tightness.

When he collapsed on top of her, Anni heard the door open again and someone walk out. She went rigid with shock; Raduz had tricked her. He had only pretended to leave the room and instead had stayed to watch her be used by another. Everything was over now. Everything. He would never touch her again.

She heard the inhuman, animal-like scream before she realized she was the one making the sound. She didn't feel any connection to her own body. All she felt was loss and pain. There was no meaning in anything anymore. No point breathing. No point feeling.

Then the man still on top of her whispered into her ear. "Such a good girl. My brave, obedient little dove."

Anni stiffened. He had played her! The men had not switched places. Raduz had tricked her! Anni knew she should be spitting with fury but she was too pathetically grateful to care. Her emotions went in a heartbeat from the cold agony of total emptiness to a chest tightening glow of utter happiness. It was all too much and she burst into tears, shaking uncontrollably until he pulled her to him and held her.

"Hush, it's over now. I'm here, little dove. I'm here."

Anni would never know that until the very last moment Raduz had meant Faizan to have her. But as much as he was anxious about the changes in his life, he'd grown too attached to her to bear the idea of another man inside of her. Faizan was gone now and Raduz would probably never see him again. When Raduz stopped him from raping Anni with a finger on his own lips as a mark for silence, Faizan's face had radiated such loathing that Raduz knew he was nothing to his old 'friends' now.

Chapter 12

"Little dove," Anni prattled on and on in her head. For days. "Little dove, little dove, I'm his little dove," she went, smiling like a loon.

She was spinning. Fast. Feet off the ground. Spinning and falling. Falling in love. When the rest of the crew would leave for their faraway homes, she and Raduz could spend all their time together, grunting and screaming, sweaty bodies coiling, no prying eyes, no skulking in the dark, no secrecy, no forced silence -- and no limits. She shivered from fear and excitement to think what it would be like to be alone with him, to have him use her completely without restraint. Some of the things he'd been doing to her so far had been truly terrifying, and with no one to hear her screams he would surely force her even further into panic and agony.

Yet she wanted him, his voice and his touch, and would allow nothing to stand in the way. Indeed, so selfish was her love that she didn't care about the deeds of his past no matter how many women he had destroyed. That didn't matter now. Nothing mattered. Nothing except him and her and his hands on her skin. Now that she had finally found Him, she had to have him. Let the rest of the world burn for all she cared.

What Raduz could offer her was a dream come true, a delight beyond words, a gift she had given up hope of ever receiving. The fear, the pain, the brutal, savage sex and then the gentle kisses, caresses and whispers afterwards -- all of it. She wouldn't give up such pleasure and passion for anything. She wanted to spend the rest of her life being first broken and then mended by him, Raduz, her great, amazing love. She deserved this happiness and by god she would keep it. All that she had ever dreamed of was to be His little girl, and now she could do it -- for real!

She could see that he wanted her and cared for her, and by her own sentiments could guess just how truly, madly and deeply his feelings also must run. She would never go home. She'd stay with him for ever and ever and ever.

But in her feverish frenzy Anni was blind, for Raduz still had every intention of sending her away. Even more so now that he'd failed to keep his promise to his 'friends.' Anni's little girl crush was moving, but not something he could ever allow to persist. The great change that she had started was unwanted -- not to mention dangerous. She did not know what she was getting into with him. She could not be able understand what it would mean for her to take him on, to take on all of his pain and all of his past. She did not know what it would mean to share his life, what it would be like to see -- and endure -- him at his worst. This change she wanted to bring about would leave him dependent on her, and for that he hated her as much as he needed her.

But as much as he wanted it to be so, nothing was as straightforward anymore, and Raduz felt delirious and desperate all at the same time; delirious for touching her and desperate for losing her. At nights in her bed he could have longed for the way she used to cower from him in fear when he stepped into her room, but surely it was even better to be able to make her shiver with desire and cream between her legs by the mere thought of him hurting, fucking and humiliating her.

He had never managed to frighten her so deep into herself that she would have lost that artlessness and earnestness that set her apart from the girls that had went before. What he saw in her eyes after they had spent their passion each night wasn't pity -- he couldn't have stood pity -- but it was compassion, a contact, a connection. Touch and be touched. Want and be wanted. She was aware of his needs; she knew he enjoyed hurting her and watching her thrash and suffer in pain, yet in her eyes he saw no blame. She understood it; she understood him. And she had her own perversions as well, a need deep down in her soul to be hurt, controlled, raped, used, brutalized and dominated. He didn't know why, but when he raped her sore and swollen holes and flooded her brain with pain, it seemed in some inexplicable way to set her soul free.

Still, no matter her reasons, Anni wanted him for the man he was. Thus she obviously saw him as something much better than he saw himself. She was a strange creature to see his violent and abusive behavior towards her as some sort of reaching out. Yet her faith in him made him want to become that better man she saw. The l-word came up in his mind over and over. That, and the word 'mine.'

Ever since the day Raduz had stopped his friend from raping her, Anni had been walking on clouds. Then, out of the blue, just as she was happier than ever before in her life, Raduz asked her into his office and told her that when the bus would come to take the rest of the crew away, she was to get on it too. There. Dismissed. Go.

Anni was absolutely devastated. But Raduz was even worse. He couldn't even stand to look at her, let alone touch her. Anni wept, raged and begged hysterically but Raduz refused to talk about it. When she cornered him and tried to force him to explain, he choked so badly that he couldn't utter a single word. Seeing him in such pain tore Anni's heart in two, the way he visibly hurt and still despite it was so god damned adamant to push her away.

"Do you have any idea how much I was ready to give up for you?!" she howled and raged, her voice breaking. "How much I was ready to forgive!? And now you're sending me away!? Fuck you, Raduz! Fuck you! I hope you burn in hell!"

When the words 'fuck you' only made him turn his eyes to the floor and silently withdraw even deeper into himself, Anni knew it was serious. The Raduz she knew would never have allowed her to speak to him like that, but that man was broken now, broken because he could not let go of the past, could not allow himself to find his little piece of happiness. If only he would give her a chance to explain how she had felt the same way, and how it was him who had finally freed her from it by offering her a chance to atone. She hadn't been able to save Riikka when it really mattered, but she could save him now. If only he'd let her.

After her near three month rollercoaster of emotional extremes, this disappointment was simply too much. The crew got a new cause to wonder and worry as Anni, after slowly recovering to her original sunny self, suddenly collapsed into another sullen, withdrawn depression. She didn't eat, didn't speak and merely stared ahead with dead, empty eyes. This time round the other volunteers however had some guesses as to what might be the cause.

For weeks and weeks Anni had behaved strangely around Raduz, and many had noticed the nighttime traffic between their rooms and heard the murmurs of muffled whispers. Yet, out of respect for Raduz, the rumors of a dirty old man fiddling with a pretty young thing encumbered with serious daddy-issues were not allowed to become a public joke. But, even if it was to some extent unrequited, the girl could not be so unhappily in love with the old volunteer veteran that it could explain her dramatic mood swings and frequent weeping when she thought no one could see. Some claimed that she was so unhinged that she should return home to her family at once so they could get her the professional help she so obviously needed. Then again, others said, Anni was young and maybe a little naïve and at that age the affairs of the heart could seem quite dramatic. But, as they assumed that Raduz indeed was having intimate relations with the girl, none felt comfortable to voice their concerns about her unstable state to him.

Although she was relieved that Raduz had reneged on his initial threat of sending her to suffer the vile passions of an untold number of cruel rapists, Anni wasn't eager to return home to her little lonely apartment where He was just a dream. She listed in her mind the few guys she could text for sex. Then she thought of the times she had lain beneath them, taking their cocks yet feeling nothing. She didn't actually have a relationship with her boss in the traditional sense, but however outlandish their relationship was he made her come alive. With him she felt passion she'd only dreamt of before. With him she felt owned and desired. And, despite once hating him more than she had ever hated anyone, she had, eventually, also come to love him more than she had ever loved anyone. She was again counting down the days to departure, but not for the same reason as only six weeks ago. How could she go back to her old life and to being a mere ghost and a shadow herself?

She didn't even bother to leave her room anymore but everyone could hear her crying in there. And since nobody knew what to do, the morning the bus drove onto the gravel yard to take the volunteers back to the airport was a relief to everyone.

Anni walked to the bus, threw her rucksack and bag into the bus's luggage compartment, and took a seat without so much as glancing at the people around her. One look at Raduz, she knew, and her legs would give out, and losing the very last shreds of her dignity was a humiliation she could do without.

With the continued presence of the huge elephant in the room, most of her colleagues took their leave of Raduz with less cheer than they would have preferred. Everyone agreed that he should not have toyed with someone so obviously incapable of handling it, but no one opened their mouth to actually say it. No one felt comfortable to get involved in Raduz's private affairs.
Between the handshakes and farewells, Raduz kept glancing through the bus window at Anni. Regret and longing wrestled inside him as he felt her slipping from him for good. He had raped her. He had used her. He had beaten her and fucked with her mind over and over and yet she had trusted him with all that she was. She'd seen his scars, the beaten dog that hid underneath his clothes. She'd seen, but she'd still chosen to see the man in him, not the dog.

Nevertheless, Raduz still kept on waiting for a sign that Anni's apparent distress over losing him was nothing more than an act. He had paid a high price for trusting a woman's feelings once and he'd be damned to let it happen again.

"Liars," he thought as he watched the bus drive off. "Liars and whores all of them."

Had she ever really cared for him or had she just been playing a part to evoke his pity and save herself a full year of harrowing sexual slavery? How could Raduz be sure of anything? He knew better than anyone what vicious, twisted creatures women were.

"Yes," he admitted to himself, he did see the signs; Anni's love had been written all over her being, in every word, look and touch. But still, how could he believe it? How could he trust her? He knew it for sure that if she betrayed him he'd beat her to death with his own hands. Did he have the right to gamble for happiness with her life? Did she even realize how dangerous a man he was for a little girl like her to desire?

His past made him want to play it safe, yet still he couldn't help feeling Anni's pain in his own heart. He felt her feel, so he knew that what she felt had to be real.

He returned inside and sat at his desk. He picked up some papers and stared at them without seeing them. The thought of the next group of volunteers arriving in a few weeks, the thought of the next wretchedly weeping slip of a girl beneath him, made him curl his lip in disgust. Knowing what it felt like to be given, Raduz did not want to go back to taking. He didn't want to watch some random girl sniffle and cry -- he wanted to hear Anni moan; and then watch her thrash wildly in pain and shriek in agony when he would put her back into her place.

She had suffered and bled for him and still she had loved him. Twisted and broken as he was, she had accepted and wanted him for who he was. And he had started to love her too; first as a mere object of vicious obsession but later -- after the night she had held and touched him -- as something much more than that.

Maybe there still was a chance that he could be the man he wanted to be instead of a hollow ruin. Maybe he wasn't broken beyond repair. Maybe he still was capable of companionship and trust, maybe even love. He thought of the night he had melted in her small hands, her touches, whispers and caresses, the fire within, the way her touch and her presence relaxed him. Her plump little body was as soft and warm as her soul was gentle. If he was ever to find peace this was it. And he, idiot, had sent her away. He'd let go of the only person ever to want him. He kicked the chair from under him, felt his keys in his pocket, and started running towards his car.

Anni and the rest of the crew were already inside the terminal and did not see Raduz's dusty car pulling up in the airport parking lot. Anni's legs were shaking as she approached the gate. It was so hard just to keep upright and choke down all the tears and sobs. She couldn't take much more of this. She needed to curl up in a black hole somewhere to cry it all out. But that wasn't a choice now. Not for 20 more hours at least.

There was a line before her and in her head she shrieked "Move!" at the other passengers. Even the imagined voice in her head sounded broken and shrill. She couldn't bear standing there, waiting, and suffering the physical, wrenching pain of a broken, broken heart. Every second of waiting tortured her, so if she had to leave she wanted to get it over with and be on her way.

A woman in the airline's uniform worked the line quickly and the gate loomed only a few yards away. She had to stiffen the muscles in her neck to prevent herself from looking back. He would not be there and it would only make it hurt more to remind herself that he, the heartless bastard, had not cared enough to come and see her off. She thought of her apartment, of her family, her friends, her studies and all of it felt faded and unreal. Raduz had been a blazing storm of wildfire, which, when it suddenly burned out and died in the ash, left her with nothing. Nothing but loss. The unbearable, unceasing agony of loss.

With him she had learned how twisted her emotions were and how dirty love was. And then, later, how nothing was really twisted at all and how truly glorious love was.

She remembered the day he had had her come into his office every half an hour to wipe off her flooding juices and rub in more cold cream to burn her clit, asshole, nipples and pussy to make her sore and swollen for the agonizing rape that would follow at night. Her shocked cunt had tried to flush out the irritants but he had applied more and more, fucking the gel inside her with his fingers, coating her vulva, her vagina, her rectum, her clit, asshole and nipples, until her only thoughts were fire and pain.

She remembered, and she wanted it back, because that pain, Raduz's intense, passionate pain, was so much better than the pain she was in without it, the aching and longing and emptiness that had gnawed her flesh and bones all the years He had been no more than a fantasy and a dream.

All she wished for now was unconsciousness so she wouldn't have to think or feel. Having finally found Him, how could she bear to live after losing him? After having been sent away by him, unwanted. What was the point of anything now that the world held no meaning and offered no joy.

She clenched and unclenched her fists, trying to focus on the tiny movement. Stretch. Clench. Stretch. Clench. Stretch. Don't think. Don't look back. Don't feel. Just stretch and clench. Stretch and clench. In mid-movement a hand closed around her wrist from behind, but she didn't jump. She recognized Raduz's touch instantly and it filled her with ease. It was instinctive to her now, whenever he touched her she knew she needed only to obey, to follow his lead, and he would take care of the rest.

In silence, without a word, without even looking over his shoulder at her, Raduz picked up her bag and lead her away from the gate and past their confused, ogling colleagues, through the huge terminal, out into the cold late autumn sun and through the parking lot to his car, pulling Anni with him. He smelled of cigarettes though he'd said he'd given up smoking years ago. The smell was comforting and familiar, the same scent that had surrounded her as a little girl in the arms of her father. It filtered into her flesh and made it hum.

"All will be well," it sang.

He opened the passenger side door, gently pushed her in and closed the door after her. Anni sat there, absolutely dazzled, not yet fully realizing what had happened and where she was. She watched as Raduz placed her bag in the trunk, walked around the car and stood there, his hand on the latch, a minute, another, third. Anni stared at him even though she could only see a stretch of his torso on the other side of the window. He turned, lit up a cigarette, smoked half of it, swore and tossed the pack on the ground. The numbness in her body was changing, turning into the prickling of a thousand pins, into a burn of a thousand flames. She stared through the driver side window at his familiar shape in his familiar clothes: the jeans, the flannel shirt, the tan colour of his faded suede jacket. His breathing was shallow, his body tense, his movements nervous little shuffles. When he finally opened the door and sat down, Anni stared stiffly out the front window, unable to move, too nervous to look at him.

Raduz took the rucksack from her hands and threw it on the back seat. His hand rested for a moment on hers and started sliding up her arm. When it passed her shoulder to rest in her neck, she closed her eyes and let out an instinctive, involuntary moan. His grip coaxed her to turn her head and slowly she looked at him. He pressed his left palm against her cheek, thumb stroking her lips, and she rubbed her face against it, telling him without words how much she had missed him. The smell of tobacco on his palm flooded her with emotion, and, feeling the tears finally burst out, Anni buried her face into his chest and hugged him fiercely.

He let her cry, stroked her hair and whispered hoarsely, "I wanted to let you go, to be free of you. But you are a little witch, aren't you? You're under my skin and in my head and—"

He stopped, not ready to say more, and after a while added, "Stay. Be mine. Only mine."

Sniffling in his arms, Anni wept and laughed at the same time, momentarily unable to accept the great happiness that was offered her.

"And," Raduz continued, his voice grave and his arms squeezing her tighter to make her understand he'd never been more serious, "never leave me or I will go mad."

With a new-found certainty Anni looked up and caressed his face, committing to memory every detail, every line, blemish and groove. Now that she finally saw -- truly saw -- His face for the first time, she wanted to remember it forever so that He would never be vague or faceless in her mind again.

"Say you want me. Say you need me," he pressed when she still didn't speak.

"I do want you," Anni replied, smiling. "More than anything."

"Well, in that case," Raduz teased her with a predatory smile, "we have two full weeks of solitude until the next batch of volunteers arrive."

He nuzzled her neck, causing her to yip and giggle in excitement. Then he suddenly grabbed her harshly by the hair.

"Do you have any idea of the things I can do to you in two weeks? You're going to scream, my little dove. Oh yes. You're going to scream for me until your throat is swollen and too hoarse for you to even speak. And then I'm going to tie you down on my desk and fuck it until you beg, until it's as raw and bloody as your every other hole. Actually, dove, we might not even make it back into the camp before I shove my entire fist into your randy little cunt and fuck you with it until you pass out from screaming."

Hearing his threats a girl might have regretted not getting on the plane, a girl might have been scared. But the two had finally found their match in each other and by the time Raduz pulled over to empty his balls into her and realize his threat, Anni's pussy was already dripping juice and twitching eagerly in expectation.
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