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Brittany's Crazy Adventures

Brittany is your normal average teenage girl. She is nineteen years old and just recently finished her first semester of college. The school she attends is very subdued as far as colleges go. There isn't a lot of drinking or sex. In fact there isn't really any of the usual trouble making you'd expect to find among college students. So while Brittany isn't totally naive when it comes to wild fun she isn't very experienced either.

For the time being Brittany has a semester off and therefore is stuck at home for the next four months. Since she left for school she has developed a deep appreciation for her independence which is causing her problems now that she is back under her parent’s roof. Lately she has been getting into trouble for not helping out with the remodeling that her mother is working on. It is on such a day that we find Brittany sitting on her bed surfing the web.

Brittany can hear her mother out in the back yard cutting tiles to the right size before she lays them down in the kitchen. She knows she should be helping but, at the same time she can't quite make herself get up and do it. So she just keeps looking up pictures of her favorite celebrities or as she likes to call them her future husbands. Laughing silently at herself she tries to imagine what it would be like to be married to a strong powerful man with big muscles and an even bigger bank account.

As her mind wanders further into her daydreams the slide show playing on her laptop keeps plodding along through pic after pic of one of her many fantasy men.
After a few minutes Brittany seems to realize that she has been staring off into space again and quickly gives her head a little shake to clear out any lingering thoughts of big muscles and dollar signs. She tells herself that it isn't the money or the muscles it is just how cute the guys are but, she can't be absolutely sure that the money isn't what makes them attractive.

Looking back down at the website she'd been cruising through she sees that it is still flipping through the photo album for one of the many hunks she hungers for. Suddenly a sharp gasp escapes her lips as the album begins showing pictures of this well developed man's penis. Quickly she minimizes the page trying to block the image from her thoughts but, she can't get it out of her head. Desperately she battles within herself trying to decide what to do. Her good moral upbringing tells her to close the page and forget all about it but, her curiosity is urging her to open it back up and keep looking.

Torn between the two conflicting powers within herself she sits on her bed for what seems to her like hours. Until finally a sharp voice breaks her concentration and puts a temporary halt to her internal struggles.
"Brittan where are you?" yells her mother calling her by one of her many pet names. Brittany normally would have ignored it until eventually her mom would come to her room to get her but, this time she was glad to have a reason to leave her room and her self confrontation behind her. She nimbly jumps off the bed and walks out into the hallway.

"Brittany....come here." She hears her mom calling again.

"I'm here" She answers as she reaches the end of the hallway and steps out into the living room. Looking around she wonders how this room will look when it is finished. Right now the walls are semi painted and have words written on one section where she'd used the excess paint to mess around when she'd been bored.
Standing in the adjoining breakfast area is her mother...Kelly or as those who are closest to her call her Kel. Today her mother’s clothes are covered with white pasty gunk that is used for sticking tiles to the floor. Her face and hands are also covered in the gooey sticky substance. She is sweaty and looks like she has been working hard all day. Brittany feels a slight twinge of guilt as she sees the drops of sweat condensing on her mother’s glasses.

Looking at Kelly Brittany can tell that she has lived a good life. She has dark shoulder length hair that is tied back in a pony tail so it will be out of her way as she works. Her face has the slight lines that come from years of laughter and also a little bit of stress. She has a few extra pounds on her that come from raising six kids and, you can still see the silent beauty that emanates from all mothers whom love their children. She is shorter than Brittany but, then most women are as Brittany is fairly tall for her gender. Looking beyond the height difference though you can easily see where Brittany gets her looks. Her slim athletic body gives you a good idea of what her mother was like in her younger days. Her long dark hair beautifully frames her gorgeous face while her long slender legs are enough to make most guys pop a tent in their shorts when she walks by. Of course Brittany is oblivious to the affects she has on men. Not that she doesn't think she is pretty but, most of the time she just doesn't realize how pretty she is.

"Can you help me out with these tiles Britt?" Kelly asks breaking Brittany out of her silent contemplations yet again.

"Ummm..." Brittany pauses to think for a moment. She doesn't really feel like helping to tile the kitchen but, if she refuses to help her only option would be to go back to her room. She feels her stomach do a flip and a strange butterfly sensation swells up inside her as the thought of hurrying back to her laptop and staring at the naked pics excites her natural curiosity. Then her conscience bred by nineteen years of following the rules kicks in and, tells her to stay and help her mom in order to drive the immoral thoughts from her head.

"Are you OK Britt?" Kelly ask with a slightly worried look on her face.

Brittany realizes that she will have to decide quickly or her mother might start asking too many questions.

What's next?

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