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By our powers combined

Jacob fell backwards, his sweat laden arms draping over the freshly moved couch. He let out a sigh as his girlfriend wandered in. She tossed him a sandwhich, which he did not catch, and sat down next to him.

"Do you know when the beds get here?" He asked, unwrapping the ham and cheese from its clingfilm prison.

"Not till tomorrow last I heard," Ruby replied through a mouthful of bread and pickles. She chuckled again, "looks like we're both sleeping on the couch for once."

"Well we're not doing netflix till five AM. I don't know if I can take another serial killer marathon," Jacob put the back of his hand against his temple, as if he was fainting. Ruby laughed along.

"Only if you don't do the same with your games," she said, finishing her sandwhich and getting up to put the wrap in the bin, "I wouldn't be up so late if you weren't yelling at your team."

"Well, if my team was better, I wouldn't have to yell at them!" Jacob said, only half joking.

Ruby walked into the kitchen, shaking her head as that same playful smile danced across her face. As she put the sandwhich wrapper in the clunky little dustbin, she noticed a strange door beside the fridge. Sure, this house was pretty new to them, but even when she racked her brain, Ruby couldn't remember seeing this door when they inspected.

She gave the handle a push, and found the door to be unlocked. She pulled it open, and saw that is was empty. It was a small storage room. No shelves, and so dark that she couldn't see the walls. On the floor was the only thing this mystery door contained. A plain iron box, sitting atop a neatly folded up piece of paper.

Must be an old store room, Ruby figured. The last tenants must've forgot this when they moved out. Though, it did seem awfully strange...

"Whatcha got there?"

Jacob's voice right behind her made her jump, and she slammed the door shut.

"Woah, easy there. Did you find that old couple's dildo collection or something?"

"Oh! Wait no," Ruby shook her head, "it's just a weird metal box in there. I didn't get a look."

"Well lets have a look!" Jacob pulled the door open and pulled the box out. As he moved it over to the kitchen counter, Ruby grabbed up the piece of paper, unfolded it, and began to read aloud.

'To have power over oneself is of great danger to all those without. The mob of the weak may overpower those with false power, but the truly strong must be matched by another. Light to dark, matter to antimatter, soul to void, and Man to his other.'

'It is only in the gaze of that other that we are truly real'

As she finished reading, the box exploded in Jacob's hand.

Hello there! This story is styled to be a collaborative effort. If you'd like to take your own spin on the concept, the rules, or what the lovely young couple uses their powers for, I absolutely implore you to add your own chapters. I'd love to see what this spawns.

If you find yourself short on time or written skill, feel free to comment ideas on the latest chapter about directions you'd like to see the story move. I have some vague ideas for it, but I always love to hear what people wanna see more of, as well as what's not really gelling with you.

Finally, I really hope y'all enjoy!

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