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Celebrities become famous from many different paths of life, Whether they are a Actress, Singer, Rapper, Sports athlete, Politicians, Models, Monarchs from a role bloodline, Cable news anchors, Talk show host, Radio DJs, Cooks, Public media yoga instructors, Or just famous from public media outlets, Are just some local celebrity such As Local news weather women.

They all something in common, They have many secrets Some non-sexual and some very sexual, Secrets that they rather not have in the public limelight, Whether because there ashamed of their actions, Afraid it would ruin their careers, Tricked or mislead into sexual acts When they happened to be a Mere 18 year’s old or just plain naïve,‘ Just did it to better themselves such As earning a staring movie roles by performing sexual favors’, And lastly some have taboo fantasies they want meet,Etc.

Thus they all have one thing in common, Keeping these secrets very hidden and close to the vest, Always Hiding these sexual secrets from the public.

Just to Keep their public persona intact at any cost, Ensuring these many famous celebrities keep themselves earning millions of dollars, Some just doing it for nothing but local fame at that.

Celebrities have good or bad experiences like normal people, They are not perfect having their own life’s to live, often making good or bad choice’s, Which determining their many life experiences, Not all of these experiences are to their liking, Although some of theses experiences happen to be to their liking.

Their celebrity lifestyle is full of choice’s, Just like average people, life is full of good or bad consequences from the choices they make.

Good experiences would be sexual secrets the celebrities wanted or were happy to do making them feel no regrets and liking the sexual acts that they experienced.

Bad sexual experiences would be sexual secrets the celebrities didn’t expect or Were unhappy happened in their life’s, Feeling regret Etc, That they allowed theses experiences to happen or occurred in their life’s at all.

These experiences are to be things that could actually happen in the real world, No mind control, Magic, methodical beast, Aliens etc.

So what are these sexual secrets and are they good or bad experiences in the minds of the celebrities. &

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