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Cards Against Chastity

Sunset bathed the park in an unearthly, beautiful glow. The sidewalk weaved gently through the manicured lawns, providing nice views of the encroaching Spring foliage. A lone bench sat inches from the path, pristine and beautiful in its own right. Sounds of birds and squirrels chirping and skittering came from nearby woods, but the area near the bench was strangely lifeless. In fact, in good lighting the one corner of the bench appeared to be different. Dark, decayed, and rusted, the bars twist and change there, seeming almost insidious. The grass below also withered away, browning despite the green of all the rest of the grass.

Atop it all sat a black box with white words engraved atop it: Cards Against Chastity. Ordinary in appearance, it managed to give off a menacing aura, as if it was somehow corrupted. There was something else there, however: a magnetizing pull of intrigue that could enrapture even the most uncaring human. A sense of joviality likewise emanated from it, giving the sense that the corruption may not be complete, or at least not tell the whole story.

A person walks the path, their breath curling like mist around them. Their brow furrows as they see the bench and note its centralized degradation. The intrigue pulls them in, and although their heart beats faster and faster, they move forward, finally staring down at the box.

With trembling but inquisitive fingers, they reach down, picking it up. They look inside, noting the white and black cards, then close it while quickly glancing around. Seemingly satisfied, they walk quickly back in the direction they had come from, box in hand, fading into the distance as dusk settles.

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