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Cartoon Henchman

Welcome, welcome…

May I be the first one to welcome you into the exciting and rather dangerous life of organized villainy.

Now, you might have your worries about being a henchman, but allow me to be the first to waiver your fears.

You, the unfortunate hapless soul that you are, have been chosen to take up the noble profession and time-honored tradition of becoming a henchman. Now whether you joined up due to the fact that you needed money, are desperate, or simply just looking for a path in life.

You, have nothing to fear, okay let me rephrase that you have a lot to fear as a henchman as henchman throughout time been known to befall a series of unscrupulous and unfortunate deaths throughout history.

However, that was only due to the fact that the henchman in question, often worked for a leader or a group of leaders that did not care for their safety or well-being. Which is why the henchmen unions or Hench companies were formed as to meet the demand of henchman by those in need of hired muscle, but also to safeguard the lives and the well-being’s of the henchmen in question.

It is through these companies that henchman found better employment, better wages, better healthcare, and most importantly a safety net and guard against far more… Unstable employers.

It is not exactly known when the first henchman company was created. However, all that is known is that the henchman industry became quite the career path in due to no small part because of these henchman companies.

Now that said, all henchman companies had to follow a certain direct set of rules or guidelines, that they all must abide by, lest they lose their invaluable workers to other henchman companies. These rules are rather simple and are as follows.

1. Henchman come first: this was the first and most important guideline created by all henchman companies, as it is the very reason they were founded in the first place.

To put it simply the rule "henchman come first", comes from the fact that many henchman throughout history were getting sick and tired of constantly being killed, maimed, and even tortured by a series of unscrupulous and unstable individuals throughout history.

To counter this, all henchman companies have created safeguards to protect their employees against unstable and rather hostile employers, adding to this is the fact that the company is the one that pays the henchman, not whoever the henchman currently is employed by.

This is due to the fact that many, many, employers in the past often did not have the funds, or even the willingness to even pay their henchman a proper salary or even give them the basic health and dental medical plans. Thus, keeping in line with the rule of henchman first, all henchman companies are required to provide well-paying salaries and full medical plans to all henchman under their employ.

Thus, when in combination with preventing rather dangerous individuals from hiring their henchman, creates a strong sense of stability and safety for all henchman working underneath them.

2. the balance of power must be preserved: this is the second rule to come about by the henchman companies as to better protect their clientele base.

To put it simply, the rule “the balance of power must be preserved” simply refers to the fact that all henchman companies and the henchmen that work for these companies, are required to preserve the natural state of power within whatever world that they are currently operating in, as to prevent end of the world and apocalyptic scenarios.

However, this rule has been added on to with the passage of time as time has gone forward and it now prevents the mass slaughtering of any heroes, villains, or even civilians that exist within any of the worlds that any henchman operate in, as to avoid creating worlds of absolute peace or absolute chaos. This is all been entitled up into one single code shared throughout all henchman companies.

That code is called Code: Ragnarok, (Code: Ragnarok: the emergency code given to all henchman that an end of the world scenario or the end of stability scenario is about to occur, in order to prevent this event or crisis from taking place, the henchman is hereby removed and relieved of all contracts that they are currently in while operating in that world and must now assist in preventing either the end of the world or the end of the balance of power that exists in that world. Following which, the perpetrator of the end of the world scenario must be eliminated and any belongings, or even family members of that individual, are immediately forfeit and immediately become the property of the Henchman Company in question.)

An Extreme, but needed evil that is rarely used and for good reason. As with out these worlds that are in the precarious balance to allow henchmen, there would be no reason or even purpose for a henchman to exist. Thus why the rule was created.

3. Henchman must be able to grow: this was the third rule to come about and it came about simply due to the fact that more powerful and varied henchman were required by many different employers that hired henchmen over time.

Thus a system of categorization and evolution was created that became universal for all henchman companies.

A system of seven different categories were created to better separate and classify each and every henchman and each and every role that they would partake in with any employer as to have the right tool for the right job.

Each company has their own names for these rankings or even these classifications, but universally they are all the same as they all fulfill the same roles.

Those roles are as follows (Grunt: New henchman, security: soldiers and commandos, medical: doctors and healthcare specialists, science: scientists and researchers, engineering: mechanics and builders, intelligence: spies and thieves, right hand: a position reserved for someone who masters all branches in the evolution chart.)

Now that said, these roles go even further as they are classified into three rankings for each branch, these rankings identify how skilled that person is in that particular branch. (ex. Beginner, journeyman, master. Or to steam line the process of a grunt to an Elite, Grunt-> Guard (Beginner)-> Commando (Journeyman)-> Black Ops (Master).)

Now, these evolutions aren’t just simply rankings or titles given to people who have simply advanced up the promotion board.

No, these are actual full evolutions as thanks to a very powerful and potent energy discovered by the original henchman companies long ago, Tantric energy or Sex energy as it is called in layman terms.

(Tantric Energy: To put it simply, When a Henchman has sex with a willing female, a new type of powerful energy is created. The more powerful the female, the more powerful the Tantric energy. This doubles even more if the woman in question has given birth to children and double even more with each child that mother has given birth too. (EX: Sam Manson: 2 Tantric Points, Agent Honeydew: 4 tantric points, Drew Saturday: 10 points, Helen Parr: 40 points, Supergirl: 100 points.)

Tantric energy is a very potent and powerful life force that can be harnessed from anywhere and any place and is often taken by the Hench companies as an alternate source of payment when collateral or normal means of payment are unavailable.

The reason for this is the fact that Tantric energy can actually be infused and manipulated to give a person unbelievable abilities and strengths.

Thus, when any henchman ranks up or evolves into the next stage of that particular branch, they fully evolve, becoming bigger, stronger, faster, and even smarter.

Adding to this, is the fact that certain abilities or “perks” as they are called, were created to better enhance henchman out in the field as to get the best product possible to those who order the services of a henchman from any of these companies. (ex: adamantine skeleton: make your bones indestructible, there are currently five ranks, each rank increases the amount of durability that your bones have.)

This all leads to the next rule that all henchmen unions created.

4. What makes Henchmen S.P.E.C.I.A.L.?: To better identify the overall power level of each individual henchman the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. System was created to better evaluate the strengths and weaknesses present in each henchman.

S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Is an acronym for the overall stats that make up each and every Henchman and all perks are divided up into one category out of the 7.

Strength: The measure of overall physical might within a person.

Perception: the overall level of awareness and ability to perceive things found within a person.

Endurance: the level of durability and stamina found within someone.

Charisma: the overall level of charm and likability someone has on others as well the amount of influence that person can have on others.

Intelligence: The measure of a person’s overall mental acuity and creativity.

Agility: the flexibility, balance, and overall quickness found in a person’s actions and reflexes.

Luck: the measure of a person’s overall control over the probability of the universe that surrounds them.

All of these stats go from a rating of 1 to 10, with there being 4 ranks or evolutions that each stat can undergo once they max out at stat level 10.

Peak human (rank 1) (EX: Batman, Captain America, Green arrow)

Enhanced human (rank 2) (EX: Spider-man, Cyclops, Cyborg)

Super human (Rank 3) (EX: Magneto, Naruto Uzumaki, Green Lantern, Kratos)

Absolute human (rank 4) (EX: Hulk, Superman, Goku, Saitama)

Each evolution or rank up of each stat occurs when that stat in particular maxes out. Even then the evolution of those stats only occur once that henchman in particular qualifies for the next rank up of a particular branch in a henchman union.

(Ex: the security branch of any union will require that the Hench in question have a special stat of 10 in strength and endurance before advancing to the next ranking. Once this requirement is met along with whatever secondary requirements that particular union has in place, that stats are set back to 1 as the evolution commences and the Hench in question has these stats ranked up.)

(Ex: rank 1 strength with a stat of 5 is the average strength of most people, while a stat of 10 in rank 1 is equal to a bodybuilder in overall strength.)

Now all stats can be raised with Tantric energy infusions or through rigorous training, That said Tantric energy infusions will require more and more Energy as these S.P.E.C.I.A.L. reach new rankings.

(EX: Rank 1 requires only a Tantric infusion requirement of 2 points, While Rank 2 Requires 10 points per infusion)

Adding to this is of course the perk system, Perks are gained Through a Specialized Process that forcefully causes mutations in the Hench in question with the aid of Condensed Tantric energy infusions, these infusions are far more expensive than stat infusion, but as a result give permeant powerful mutations to the hench in question. These mutations and be added onto more later, with a limit of 5 times, to increase their overall capability.

(EX: Toughness: Tantric Points required for rank one: 20 points, Rank up requires double the amount per rank. (40, 80, 160, 320.))

5. Henchman must have time off: this was a simple demand that all henchman demanded when the henchman companies were created, where in which all henchman are given their own personal time off as to not be worked to death and are hereby given their own personal vacation days that are limited up to three months on the regular.

6. The law does not apply to the henchman: this rule was specifically designed to protect henchman from the more politically scheming employers that would rather have their henchman take the fall for their own crimes.

Essentially, this law gives diplomatic immunity to all henchman and is enforced by a series of complex magical and technological viruses, that will work their way into the systems of what ever world that the henchman is currently operating on and hereby give that henchman diplomatic immunity and immunity from all laws while under contract.

Thus a henchman cannot be arrested or persecuted for any actions or directives that they are given by their current contract holder, while on that world.

It does not mean they are exempt from all laws all the time, they are only exempt from all laws when they’re currently on contract for a contract holder.

7. Anyone can hire a henchman: this is the final law that was created by the henchman unions as to better facilitate or expand their base of clientele.

To put it simply, anyone can hire a henchman, whether they be hero or villain or even the old lady that lives down the street. All they require is the proper contact information, a background check, and the proper funds to pay for the services, whether it be collateral, monetarily, or by payment with Tantric energy.

That said, to better spread the word that anyone could hire a henchman, many companies offered pro bono coins or free contract coins that will immediately summon a henchman to perform a contract for them, at no charge.

Many of these coins were lost throughout history, no due in small part due to the massive Hench wars that occurred centuries ago, which more or less wiped out all members of these henchman unions.

That said, these coins are still in circulation and are constantly being found, many keep them as keepsakes or simply as junk in their drawers.

Thus, anyone can truly summon up a henchman from any of these companies, so long as they find the coin.

8. There is only one company left: Now, to wrap things off, I must announce that you are the last remaining henchman of your particular henchman union or whichever union that you join up with as the amount of energy that is being required to summon you to one of these unions is the remaining energy left in all these unions automated systems.

This is in due to no small part because of the series of Hench war's that occurred a couple centuries ago, as I mentioned before, where in which all henchman union members were all wiped out in these cataclysmic conflicts between these henchman companies.

So, that leaves you is the last acting member of whatever union you join up with and it is your responsibility to restore whichever company you decide to join up with, back to power.

This can be done a number of ways, but the overall win scenario as it were, would require you to recruit several other henchman throughout the multi-verse and rise to the position or ranking of right hand in whichever company that you join.

This is not an easy task and you are more than likely going to die in attempting it, but hey at least it pays well and get full health and dental!

Now with all that exposition all the way…

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