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Cathy and boyfriend

Cathy walked down the street after swimming practice, towards Arthur's house. The girl was wearing an old gray sweater, under which was nothing but her purple brassiere. The shirt she had planned to wear had gotten wet during the class due to the fact Diana sat on it accidentally right after she left the pool. She didn't want to use the one she wore to school early that day since it was dirty with ketchup and he had already seen her in it that day. Also, since she was trying to be bold and sexy for him (and partly for herself) she decided to wear no top and go to his house only in her Bra and sweater. While she walked, the feeling and the idea of the sweater touching her bare skin with no shirt in between got her slightly damp between her legs. She smiled, remembering all the good sexy times she had had so far with Arthur. He made her feel amazing, confident, and sexy, and every day was trying to make her more secure about her body and sexuality. Before, she was shy when her girlfriends talked about guys and sex, but now she was not embarrassed to admit she and Arthur were sexually active.

Even thought the sweater didn't let anyone appreciate her C-cup breasts nor her narrow hip (which, for her, were her best features) guys along the road kept turning heads to check her firm bottom, which was contained in a pair of dark blue jeans. That made her blush, whereas some time ago it would have simply made her upset and embarrassed.

Finally, she reached his front door, ready for their afternoon of "Movies and Pizza" It had been a while since the last time they touched each other, and almost a month since the last time they had sex, because she had left during the holidays for a swimming competition just the day before he arrived from his vacations. He knew this day had to live up to the expectation and the long wait. She intended to make it memorable

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