Open on Literotica

Cave Man

Story Notes: All sexual participants are 18+.



Fire in the Night

I gripped the bars of my cell window hard, as the pitch of the scream, that rang out differently from the other raucous cries in the night, told me that the last of my kindred had fallen prey to the debaucheries of a monster's will . I would be the last of them to fall prey to the demon Emperor.

My time to meet the same fate as my kinsman would come tomorrow night.

Loud catcalls and jeers of delight sounded out loudly in the night air, a night that held no hope in it for me. I stepped from the bars and sat down on the floor of the cell.

I would be the last of my father's household to see the light of one more day.

It had been over a year since our capture by the king of Babel, the mighty Nimrod. They had come in the night, with a force that we simply couldn't hold out against.

The young and old, and all the women had been put to death that night. Only the best fighting men had been spared.

Why Nimrod had spared us and none of the children or even the women of our people had been a mystery at first, only for us to bitterly discover out later. We had been spared in order to provide both an amusement for him as well as a human sacrifice to his false deities.

By day we had been forced to fight as slave warriors in the gladiatorial arenas of Babel, where every manner of bloodsport could be found displayed with unnatural fervor. Many of my kindred had fallen there in the dusty sands of the arena.

Those of us that had remained alive had been the best of the best or at least the lucky ones to have survived or so we had thought anyway. It was then revealed upon the conclusion of the games that Nimrod was going to throw a feast to celebrate the destruction of the proud clan of Shem, as the sons of Shem were more righteous of spirit than the other sons of Noah and had resisted the most against the tyrannical rule of Nimrod over all mankind.

One by one to mark the days of his feast he had slain one of the survivors of the arena wars. The feast he had prepared was also to commemorate his one year anniversary since succeeding in the morphing over of his physical human form into that of a giant sized aberration of his former self in homage to the corrupted seed of the repha-im, the sons of fallen angels and human women.

Through what manner of sorcery he had welcomed in such a host of darkness as to utterly transform his outward appearance into that of a giant was not well understood and indeed who in their right mind would want to. The days like they had been before the great flood had once more become dark as every atrocity was performed in like manner to the ways of those who had provoked God's wrathful destruction of the entire earth, less than two centuries before.

Since becoming a giant Nimrod had gained a giant's unnatural appetites and had embarked upon the gory undertaking of splitting man after man apart with his shaft that had grown in the same measure of form as the rest of his body had. Any righteous God fearing son of Noah was his target, as even now in the night the work continued with the creation of a city unlike any other.

A city that was being built in direct defiance of the Creator of Heaven and Earth. A city with a tower at its center.

A tower that in its conception contained all the secrets of man's history from the great time before when the flood waters had consumed the face of the earth with water until all but one man's family had died. I and my kindred were of that man's lineage through Noah's son Shem and yet Nimrod also descended from Noah through No-ah's son Ham.

He however had become something else. The people that worked night and day upon the city were of all three sons, but most notably they were of Ham.

Instead of being appalled by Nimrod's many sorceries the people of the city had worshiped him like he was a god for his achievement of becoming like the giants of old. They knew only full well, though that there was a God in heaven with the power to once more, end all life on earth as He had almost done before.

This was why they worked of one accord upon the city and its great tower both night and day. They knew that their time was short, but the desire to become like gods themselves drove them with reckless zeal to work harder and harder with each day that came.

It was a literal manifest destiny to complete the tower and reach into the heavens and invade the very throne room of the Creator. Upon doing so it was their twisted belief that by forcibly sodomizing the Creator, Himself, that man would gain in like attribute and have access to all the powers of the Creator.

In ode to this belief, night after night, Nimrod practiced upon mankind what he intended to do to his own original Creator. I shook my head in the darkness of my cell as my mind and spirit rejected the blind arrogance of misbelief that was so rampant within this city of fools and demons.

To think that after only a mere hundred and fifty years since the great deluge that had wiped out seven angelic kingdoms and their vassal states all experiencing a golden age of advancement in power and knowledge that those resurgent post-flood remnants of mankind would be so quick to return to the sins that had brought upon the earth its utter ruin was incomprehensible. And yet it was so.

Babel stretched for miles around in every direction and it alone sat as the single most prominent city on earth. With oneness of spirit its freeborn citizens rejected the God of Heaven and refused to step away from their hell fated rebellion against His authority over them.

I knew though that this rebellion would come to a stop. I knew deeply that the Creator would not be mocked by aspects of His own creation without dire consequences following close behind. All of mankind should know that by now, but it was as if most men were blind and only clearly saw the path of their own wants and desires.

No pre-flood giant or angelic father, of far greater stat-ure and power than what Nimrod had attained for himself, had held out against the Creator's wrath and even so, no upstart of an emperor like Nimrod could hope to achieve even half the effort those in the time before had put forth in order to at first stop God and then when all attempts had failed had simply tried to escape the deluge, only to fail again.

Despite all their great power those giants and angels had failed and even as they had so even this city was doomed to follow in their footsteps. I wouldn't see that day happen though, but it did give me a measure of peace to know that at some point I and my fallen kinsman would be avenged of what had befallen us in this place.

Tomorrow was the last night of the festival. Tomorrow was also when the great tower would be completed.

The next day Nimrod would invade heaven, but by then I would have met the same dishonored fate as all my other kinsman had.

"No, Alon. You will not."

My head came up so sharply in the dark that it smacked off the stones behind me. In startled fear I gazed about the darkened cell only to dimly pick out the outline of a cloaked individual standing by the door of the cell.

He had the appearance of a man, but he was not a man and as if in answer, he spoke, "I am a messenger sent by the Most High. The Almighty is coming down to view the city. Its iniquity will not stand before Him, for He is righteous. Come now, there is not much time."

His hand waved and the barred door of the cell seemed to open of its own accord. Dry mouthed I stumbled up to my feet.

Shaking uncontrollably, I approached. The angelic messenger turned and passed through the doorway and I followed in a daze after him.

The guards, what about the guards?

They were asleep!

Every one of them snored loudly at their positions. Shaking even more I followed the personage of the angel that faintly glowed out into the night air until we came to be beyond the confines of the arena grounds.

Even in the dark of night I could see by the cast-off lights of the city that clouds of turbulence were beginning to form overhead. The Almighty, Himself, was coming down!

I would be consumed alive!

In terror I started to fall to my knees.

The grip of the messenger's hand was strong upon my shoulder, "No, righteous son of Shem it will not be so. This night will see the end of this fallen city's purpose that is true, but not that of mankind. Too long has the commu-nication been open to both change and challenge what the Creator has purposed for man. After this night you will but meet one man that will understand your tongue and he in return yours. Together you must form an alliance for the world of men will be fractured apart and no man will un-derstand his neighbor and the tampering of the flesh with that of both angels and beast alike will be forbidden even as the means of manipulation will be silenced until the time of the end, but that is a very long time from now. This man's daughters will be wives for your sons, and his sons will be husbands to your daughters. Go Alon, head away from this place and go by the way of the Great Sea to a faraway land, a land beyond the setting sun. Everything you have need of will be provided. Keep the ways of the Creator and worship no false graven image, or profane your flesh and spirit as the people of this place have. Call upon your Creator and He will hear you and make a way for you. Go now for He is driving all of mankind out upon the face of the earth this very night."

Unsteadily I backed away from the messenger, only to see him rise up in the air and become part of another group that numbered into a great many. Fire was beginning to show in the sky and crying out I turned and ran in fear for my life.

I, Alon, the last one of my clan and the champion of over fifty fights of personal combat ran as hard as all my being would allow. Streetscapes were a blur as I ran down them at breakneck speed and then the cooler air of the forest struck me, but I did not stop running.

A shockwave of overwhelming power ripped through the ground and caused me to stumble. I fell head over heels and with great gasping heaves for air I took in for a moment the sound of an uproar of discordant sounding voices from the city behind me.

The sound was utterly terrifying. I could still see the great city, but the voices raised in fearful consternation were strange to my ears.

It was even as the angel had said it would be. Of an even firmer belief now in the Ancient of all Days I got to my feet and continued to flee for my life into the night.


Unexpected Possession

My eyes opened slowly. The forest was awhirl with ac-tivity, but in the three days since my escape I had grown accustomed to its many sounds, but the sound I heard faintly in the distance was apart from the natural order I had become accustomed to.

The sound I heard now had a familiar ring to it and as I listened, I made it out to be the sound of a horse trotting. Not a wild horse either, as this one was fully shod and hence had come from the realm of men that I had left far behind.

I had never been so far from a known way before. After the great flood and in the days that had followed mankind had remained very close in settlement together.

The environment of the outlying areas was ever unsta-ble and thus unpredictable. In the outer regions weather could change very quickly.

Forests dried up and became deserts within a year, while new ones sprouted up before where there had been nothing but a scoured plain. The beasts had multiplied too, and unlike before the flood they now kept their distance from man as much as possible seeming to know that their own past downfall in numbers had come through association with mankind.

Mankind wasn't to be trusted and in this I was at least in full agreement with them. Up till now I had seen no one and heard no one since my exodus from Babel in the night.

Last night was the first time I had allowed myself to rest and now as I listened to the sound of a horse drawing steadily nearer to my position I lamented the fact of hav-ing rested at all. Tensed I waited in the underbrush.

I saw a glimmer of movement through the thick under-story, even as my ears picked up on the fact that the horse was slowing down. I should avoid the horse and its rider like the plague, but instead I moved closer through the brush.

Gaining sight of the horse now riderless as it was pulled up to a stop beside a babbling brook something within me became wrathful as I took in the royal insignias of the House of Nimrod emblazoned on the saddle blanket. Glancing to the side, I saw a likely piece of wood and I lifted it up off the ground to grip it with deadly intent.

The faces of my wife, my children and kinsmen now all dead flashed by my eyes as I came closer and closer to the horse and its rider that I could hear splashing in the water to the left of the horse. Swinging around the horse I lifted the branch of wood high in preparation for a killing bash upon whomever I found there.

To my surprise, I found it to be a woman. As the horse shied off to the side the woman pivoted away from the babbling brook and in her haste to escape fell over backward onto her hands.

She looked up at me in stunned horror. In my own con-sternation, I looked down upon a girl who was truly gorgeous in appearance and yet she was arrayed in the palace garb of Nimrod's finest silk raiment.

Any brood of that viperish Emperor no matter how beautiful in appearance was to be destroyed though. Muscles drawn taut to the task of what I saw as my duty to do before God, I swung the club with full intent to end a life.

The girl screamed and as she did an invisible force caught the club, even as a voice of authority spoke from within my mind and said, "No son, she has served the lot of a slave, even as you have been made to do. I do not find her worthy of death."

Entirely shaken I stood trembling as sweat rolled off of me in waves. Breathing hard I stared down at the girl crying out unintelligibly to me for what I took to be mercy.

Mercy? Had any mercy been given to the women of my clan?

No, there had not been, but held poised by the Divine force that had stopped me, I looked down as the girl covered her head with both hands as she bowed to the ground before me. Her action at self-preservation showed me the clear evidence that the Creator hadn't been lying to me.

Slave manacles were bound about her wrists, even as the golden bracelets of a slave adorned her upper arms tightly. No member of Nimrod's lineage was allowed to serve as a slave.

Slowly I lowered the branch the rest of the way to the ground. As the tip of it touched the ground, she glanced up at me unsteadily.

Her cascading hair was as black as the night and her features were entirely olive toned. In many ways she appeared to be potentially of my own lineage gained from Shem.

Was she? Did that even matter?

She did not have the words of the common tongue, but did anyone now?

I spoke into the silence, "How did you escape from the city?"

She blinked rapidly and slowly shook her head. Her consternation was very real to behold.

She could not understand me and with new fear I saw her regard me with even more trepidation. Things that were new were often regarded with fear by the surviving offspring of men who had come through the worst disaster ever known to man and here we both were going through a new occurrence of disaster with each other.

Not being able to communicate was truly a disaster given that just a few days ago all mankind had been able to talk with one another and be understood. I looked away and as I did the girl sprang to her feet.

She jerked upon the mane of the horse as one slimly muscled leg revealed itself as she attempted to mount the horse and make a getaway. I was of the mine to just let her go, when the same voice from before spoke, "From the time you first place your seed deeply within her, she will begin to discern the meanings of the language I have given you to speak from this day forth."

Seemingly outside of my own control I stepped forward swiftly as she swung upward into the saddle in desperation to escape. My hand caught a full swath of her richly unbound hair and with a firm tug of possession she fell backward out of the saddle to land at my feet even as the horse bucked and neighed with terror.

I heard the air leave the girl's lungs, but my grip on her hair remained. She started to rise up off the ground only to scream and press back up against my legs as if in intense need for shelter.

Dry mouthed, I remained still, as I stared at the great li-on standing just a little ways off from us. We were dead.

I had no sword and even if I'd had one it wouldn't have been enough. The lion was truly massive and I saw our deaths easily unfolding as he looked me in the eye at the same level as my own eyes.

The girl in mute terror bunched up against my legs as we both stared death in the face. I let go of her hair and instead let the palm of my hand rest reassuringly down upon her head.

It did no good, but I whispered anyway, "Don't move."

Whether she understood or not she complied and with bated breath we waited as the lion enigmatically regarded us. Seeming to lose interest, then it moved away with a swish of its tail as if to say that both of us were unimportant to it.

The two of us remained motionless for several long moments after the lion's departure for fear that it would return. Blinking, I regained my composure and reaching down I gripped the girl's shoulders to help bring her up to her feet.

I saw a flash of steel and the instinctual reflexes of surviving death for a year now in Nimrod's death arenas had my hand catching hers even as I gave her a good smack across the cheek to disrupt her concentration. She blinked and swayed on her feet and quickly I forced the small knife from her grip.

Far from being angered I was instead impressed. She came at me then with teeth bared and as gently as I could and yet entirely forceful in manner I wrapped her up in a chokehold.

She struggled valiantly to be free, but as able-bodied of a woman as she was, she simply was not a match for the brute like strength that I possessed and with an exasperat-ed final cry, she collapsed into unconsciousness and I let my arm go so she could breathe as now I had no wish to kill her. Fully passed out I let her slip down to the ground gently.

I stood over her then gazing downward. It was easy to see now as she lay on her stomach the well-defined curves of her body that I had seemingly been blind to before. Not now, though.

I felt the length of my manhood expand and harden as the very real desire came over me to lift the girl's dress out of the way and make my way deeply into her. It had been a very long time since I'd known a woman.

My woman was dead now, along with my three children. Nothing was ever bringing them back and in many ways I felt like I should've died with them, but here I was tasked with the chore of surviving by the Almighty Himself. It was very clear to me that He'd given me this woman.

Hesitantly, I knelt down on one knee beside her. My hand shook as I let it fall to lay on her back.

Slowly I let it slide down her spine. She was very warm and even through the feel of the material I sensed the softness of her skin.

That said, she was capably built and she had fought to free herself very bravely. My hands found her sharply indented waist and with a groan I let it ride there even as my other hand was drawn to the other side as if the touch of her waist was mesmerizing.

I stayed as I was for a long moment and then I let both of my hands slide downward to be filled fully with the girl's wide hips even as my thumbs traced with pressure across her ass. The girl's head lifted off the grassy floor of the forest and with one hand I reached up to press it back down.
In some ways I just couldn't help myself. The face I had already seen as being beautiful lowered once more even as a pair of full breasts lay smashed up against the giving forest soil already.

My hand remained entwined in the ebony colored stands of her hair even as her own fingers curled into the dirt of the forest. I could only imagine what she was think-ing.

She was as alone as I was. We'd both been passed up by certain death and yet for how long?

She needed help, but what must it be like for her in this moment? Some part of what was left of my heart sympathized for her, but the overpowering need to find a moment of comfort for myself in a world gone mad had my other hand pulling up her dresses.

I laid them across her back and as I gazed down upon the bareness of her full thighs and ass I stood up with abruptness. Her head turned and I saw the evidence of tears on her face.

She knew.

She knew she had nowhere to go. She also knew that she had no chance of surviving on her own out here.

She fully knew she was about to be mated and in meek surrender, she lay on the ground before me as I undid my pants. They fell off of me and the girl's eyes closed as she once more moved her head to face the earth.

I knew she was no virgin as no slave girl was, but still I felt the part of a monster as I spread her thighs apart and kneeled into the dirt behind her.

My hands found her warm hips and I pulled authoritatively. The girl's body shifted and I looked out across her back to where she now supported herself on her hands.

I could feel the steady tremor of her body through my hand's grip on her soft skinned hip. My cock felt like it had never known the warmth of a woman before as it drizzled with the need to be pressed deeply into this woman.

Taking my hand, I rubbed my dripping wetness into my shaft, but it wasn't enough. Dry mouthed I stared at the glory of a beautiful woman poised before me for the tak-ing.

All I wanted to do was just drive in deep. I needed to be deep. I needed everything that was so badly wrong just to go away for a moment and right now the opportunity to achieve that was on her knees before me.

Breathing heavy I did something else though. I leaned forward and hooking a swath of her black lace like hair I pulled it back to be tucked behind one of her delicate ears.

A pathway to her mouth cleared I reached my hand forward to let it lay cupped before her lips.

Would she bite me?

I saw her mouth and jaw shift and with expectation I readied myself to know pain, but instead my palm was filled with her spit. I withdrew my hand and slicked her own saliva across the raging mass of my shaft.

Wetly I aligned myself with her and then taking a full grip upon her wide hips I began making my way into her. She was incredibly tight and as I made my way into her, she began to pant and whisper out pleas that I couldn't understand.

She wanted me to stop, that much was clear. I didn't.

She tried to pull away, but my grip upon her hips was simply more than she could overcome and groaning at the tight, and entirely luxurious feel of her I eased deeper and deeper into her. She coughed and gasped and jerked repet-itively as I made her expand to fit my thick girth.

At the end, seated fully to the hilt in her I remained for a moment in blissful stillness. Brokenly she cried out as her hands dug into the dirt in an attempt to escape, but powerfully entranced I held her fully impaled upon me.

The girl wasn't a virgin, but she was the next thing to it. Letting go of one of her hips I rubbed it up her back trying to console her and in a way it did as she stopped crying.

I stayed rooted to the hilt in the tightest womanhood, I had ever felt and with peace I left off rubbing her back to once more grip her hip with possession. I began then to imprint this girl with everything that was me as over and over again, I pulled my shaft back only to stretch her apart again.

Her womanhood was so tight and then as she gripped me hard I lost it completely. It had been far too long to really be able to last that long anyway and yet with prom-ise I already knew that with the fall of another night I would press the fullness of my shaft within this woman again and those first few spasms of an awareness of liking what was going on by her would be fully explored and to the best of my abilities fully maximized upon for her own pleasure.

My seed coursed heavily from my shaft and in a very real way I knew I had just made her my wife. The pleasure of ejaculating so deeply into her impressed tightness final-ly over I opened my eyes and said aloud, "Thank you Almighty God for this woman! Please help me to take care of her."

I stayed a moment longer and then I pulled free. I stood up and the girl straightened.

Her dress fell over her and I mourned the loss of look-ing at her exposed skin. Tonight, though everything was going to come off.

I held out my hand and after a long moment she took it. I pulled her to her feet.

She was breathing heavy and most definitely would not meet my gaze. Oh well.

I bent and began to fasten my pants about me again, which is when she went for the club. She swung it and again, my reflexes saved me and instead of my head the branch collided with my shoulder.

It hurt, but I let the pain pass by as I scooped her up and dumped her back to the ground. Again she fought hard to hurt me, but again, I subdued her.

Catching away my belt, I passed it through the manacle loops at her wrists and deftly secured her hands behind her back. Then reaching out across the ground I pulled a rope that had fallen from the horse towards me.

I made a noose out of it and slipped it over her head. Thankfully, it fell into place about her neck without the loss of any of my fingers. Getting up, I then pulled her up to her feet.

All the while she stared me balefully in the eye with dark intent to do me great harm.

I pointed to her and then to me. I twisted two fingers together to indicate the two of us and her brown face flushed.

I pointed to the horizon and made enough motions as to say that that was where I was headed and that she was coming with me.

She shook her head and motioned back toward the plains of Nimrod and definitively I said, "No, never again!"

She blinked seeming to fully understand me for once. It hit me then that my seed was very deep in her now.

I'd done what the Almighty had said would unlock my language to her. On inspiration I leaned forward and with care not to bruise her skin I pried the slave bracelets from off her upper arms and cast them to the ground.

Pointing at her as she gazed at me with surprise, I said, "You're my woman from this day forth. No other man will have you and you will serve me as a wife and be a mother to our children."

I didn't wait for her response, but turning I started out towards where the sun set in the sky. With the rope loosely dangling about her neck, she followed behind me without any effort to resist.

We didn't speak again for the rest of the day.


A Hidden Spring

Female Perspective

Ayangla wondered for the hundredth time about the origins of the man that led her forward through the day. Soon it would be night and she knew what that would bring.

Involuntarily she shivered. In some ways his huge cock felt like it was still inside of her.

It had most certainly left an impression. Master Dagan's cock was but that of a stylus quill in comparison. Sometimes it had felt like he wasn't even inside of her, but that was why he had paid the sum for her that he had.

She was a tight woman and for a man with a cock as tiny as his had been he'd needed all the help that he could get. Still half the time it had never even worked and Ayangla had hated those moments the most because he had beaten her for it, as if she'd had something to do with his own inadequacies.

Ayangla's eyes lifted to the muscled form of the man who had started out her morning by almost bashing her brains out only to then literally impale what had felt like her whole being on a stiff pole that had driven to a depth nothing else had ever reached. She very much doubted that he ever had a day when his cock didn't work.

The consideration by him to lubricate himself still mystified her. Master Dagan had never done that.

In a way earlier, she had understood him. She was clearly too now be this man's slave.

Even as that was clear so it also was clear that the man had a vision of going far away from the rest of mankind. They were leaving the known world entirely behind them and going out into an unknown and scary world full of hidden dangers.

That said she had felt strangely safe all day while in this man's close proximity. Still right now she would like nothing more than to wrap the belt that he'd bound her hands together with around his neck and strangle him.

She didn't want to be a slave, especially not to a man with a cock as big as his. The man had the ability to rip her apart with what lay between his legs and yet in an oddly gentle way he hadn't.

He was hard to figure out. It was equally hard to under-stand why the prospect of once more being penetrated by him wasn't the stuff of nightmares.

Something just kept saying that it would be better this time. Why did it even matter?

It was hard to say, but it did. He'd stopped.

He said something and again it was as if he'd spoken complete gibberish, but she had the idea that he'd said that this was the place they would stay the night. Tiredly she collapsed down upon the ground.

He let her go and she felt the belt removed from the manacles at her wrists and then the lead rope dropped to the ground as well. She was too tired to run and in bitter defeat at the missed opportunity she closed her eyes.

Within seconds she was asleep. A fact taken keen ad-vantage of by Alon, who swiftly left the scene and headed for where he'd seen some geese nesting down for the night beside a pond.


Male Perspective

I sat still watching her. It was actually quite comical.

Her nose twitched repeatedly and then slowly her eyes opened. She'd been asleep for over an hour.

Coming to greater awareness, she pushed up off the ground with one hand, while the other reached out to touch the cooked gooseflesh on the bone before her on a leaf, as if to see if it was really there and not just her imagination telling her that there was food before her. It was real and I smiled at the veracity with which she picked up the food and sank her teeth into the meat.

Her eyes drifted to me across the fire from her and studied me briefly as she devoured the meat before her as if unsure if I might yank it away from her. I'd had my fair share of such treatment in the dungeons.

Never again.

I pushed more of the second goose towards her and softly said, "There is no need to eat so fast. Take your time. No one is taking the food from you."

I made what I hoped was a calming gesture indicating to slow down and surprisingly she did. She definitely seemed to be understanding me more.

Looking away from her I stared out at the moonlit night. It was quite warm and very bright.

There was no need for a fire, but I had one anyway, as I had little else that would prove effective as a weapon against predators in the night.

Somewhere out there was at least one man who spoke the same language as I did. A man I was to ally with and go to a far land with.

A man whose progeny would be the mate source mate-rial for my own. My gaze came back to the woman that I knew so very little about and yet right now wanted with an intensity that was hard to refrain from.

I wanted her bare so I could be entirely enamored with the giving softness and warmth of her flesh. I waited though.

It was hard, but I waited, until I could see that she was full. She laid the last bone down and I stood up.

Her whole body jerked back from the fire slightly. She stayed put though, as I came around the fire toward her.

Reaching down I reclaimed the rope still about her neck and with a slight tug I encouraged her up to her feet. She got up willingly enough and I started off into the moonlight.

In some ways it was as bright as some days were. I led her to a pool of clear water that the moon brightly reflected itself upon.

Coming close I took the noose from off her neck. She was breathing hard, but she stayed put as I backed away.

Backing up to a boulder I sat down upon it. Trying to reflect calmness I pulled at my shirt and then indicated her dress and then I pointed to the pond of water behind her.

I had already bathed while she'd slept and the two geese had cooked.

She looked from me to the cool water longingly. Her gaze returned and I could tell that she was waiting for me to leave, but I was doing no such thing.

That became clear to even her after the passage of sev-eral long moments of silence between us. Her fingers rose and within moments the dress was on the ground and just as quickly she was splashing into the water until she was immersed up to her neck.

Ruefully, I shook my head as I had been imagining a more long drawn out maneuver of undress in my fanta-sies. One day it would be so, but right now I needed to make sure that my gorgeous slave girl stayed put.

I watched her eye the other edges of the pool. Idly I got up and picking up her dress I brought it to the pool's edge and began to wash it.

She stared at me in open shock and to my best ability to do so I ignored her. It was hard to, especially as I heard the water begin to splash as she began to wash her hair.

I got up and wrung out her wet dress as best as I could and then turning my back to the pool I walked back to the fire. There I spread her dress out over a nearby bush.

I could practically feel her frustration in the night behind me back at the pool. The perfect opportunity to escape, but she had no clothes.

As much as I was amused by her predicament I was al-so a man in pain. The ache to be in her, to touch her, and just plain hold her was upon me with an intensity I just couldn't hold back any longer.

I went back to the pool. With relief I saw that she was still there.

I lifted a hand and crooked a finger at her. She knew.

Slowly she came up out of the water. The moonlight touched off her silken curves like a fantasy come to life.

I watched, entirely mesmerized, as bare as the day she'd been born she came to me. I half expected her to throw a rock at me, but her hands were empty.

There were tears on her face, though, tears that gave evidence of the battle being fought within. She came to a stop and I closed the distance to her.

I wanted to touch all that I saw of her at once and yet I was nearly undone by the vision of her by moonlight as it was. Breathing heavy I bypassed the sweet visions of fullness that were her breasts and brought my hand to her face.

I rubbed at the tear trail I found there. Again, I had no idea what she expected of me, but I had the feeling that my actions were a surprise to her.

"You are very beautiful. What is your name?"

Her eyes lifted and I repeated the question again. She seemed to comprehend and slowly her full lips moved with the insistence of my stroking thumb and said, "Ayan-gla."

The name was strange to me, but pointing to myself, I said, "Alon."

Her eyes watched me and with honesty, I said, "I want you Ayangla, but I... you're too beautiful for me to last even a moment and I very much want to last for a very long time in you."

I couldn't tell how much she understood, but I knew what I suddenly wanted most. I withdrew my hand from her face and quickly shed my own clothes.

I threw my shirt on the ground before me and then reaching out I let my large hands settle warmly over her narrow shoulders. I pulled her closer and put down pressure on her shoulders. She made an initial effort to resist, but then her knees gave way and she was before me on the ground eye level with my cock that had grown to seemingly new proportions.

I was taking a huge risk here. I remembered all too clearly those sharp white teeth of hers tearing meat off the bone but a short time before.

The most sensitive part of my anatomy was before her and she could well unman me if she wished to. Her face was cast into darkness and I let my hands massage through her wet coal black hair and finally I took the plunge and threw my fate to the wind.

My fingers gripped her head securely and feeling massively endowed I looked down to see my thick cock come up against her full lips. The feeling of her lips against the head of my shaft was sublime, but I pushed onward hungry for more.

Her lips parted and then her teeth as I insistently pressed forward into her mouth. With relief I felt her teeth scrape out of the way as my invading cock forced her mouth open farther and farther until her lips were stretched wide apart.

The wet heat of her mouth was intoxicating as was the heavy rush of her breathing against my body through her nose. Her hands rose to press against my thighs lightly and I recognized in that action a silent plea to stop and then I felt her choke.

I pulled back out of her mouth. A dribble of drool and no doubt some of my pre-ejaculate escaped her panting lips.

She wiped at it quickly. Her eyes darted up at me and in them I read a complete enigma.

She didn't seem to hate what I had just done, but she was clearly alarmed by the reality of what I could do to her. Strangely, she didn't seem to know that it was I that was at her complete mercy.

I let a hand fall from her head to caress under her jaw. With insistence my shaft returned to her lips and I held her steady for my invasion of her mouth once more.

Her eyes lifted up to me with alarm as my one hand warmly massaged her throat. I pushed deeper in and again she choked.

I pulled back but not completely out of her mouth. Massaging her throat consolingly I pressed in once more.

Her throat quivered beneath my touch, but this time she didn't choke and with a groan I sank my shaft fully down the back of her throat. All ability for her to breathe was cut off and with control I didn't know that I possessed I forced myself to refrain from remaining deep for as long as I desired to.

I pulled out until just the head of my shaft graced the outline of her lips. She breathed hollowly around my shaft as if she'd been in a race.

I gave her a moment to breathe and then I was stretching her lips open wide again, even as I filled out her delicate throat with my shaft once more. Everything about this girl was sublimely tight.

Her lips barely managed me and her throat was a literal massage. In and out I eased my shaft as I took full pleasure in the complete domination of the girl before me on her knees.

Eventually I became too far gone to withhold the inevi-table that such pleasure as she was affording me had evoked. I cut off her gasps for air around my shaft by pressing deeply and with a roar I came in jetting streamers down her throat.

Even in the midst of my orgasmic delirium, I knew she needed a breath and I forced my spurting shaft to pull back. She choked and almost bit me as my seed poured into her mouth thickly, even as it ran down her throat and out of the corners of her mouth.

Then her mouth compressed about me tightly as she managed to swallow. She'd gasped for air and then swal-low some more. In ringing completion I felt the longest orgasm of my life come to a close.

The girl's body was shaking and I pulled the rest of my shaft from her mouth. She coughed and then attempted to spit, but my hand in her hair brought her head up and with force I said, "Swallow it!"

Dutifully she obeyed and I let go of her head as her mouth hung open as if it had been stretched apart and truly it had been. I had never been so insistently aggressive with a woman before and all I could say was that in the current situation, I was a different man than I had once been.
Much of the sweetness of character and even kindness I had once had for others needs was now gone almost en-tirely from me. It had been stripped from me by the arena and now all that was left was something hard.

Something that knew what it wanted as my shaft began thickening again. I knew what it was that I needed.

The girl before me on her knees groaned in fright at the sight of my shaft restrengthening already. Smiling savagely I reached down and pulled her up to her feet and even then I didn't stop.

With firmness I folded her over my shoulder and headed back for the firelight. She shifted briefly, but my palm riding up against her ass along with the entrance to her womanhood had her abruptly stilling in place.

I didn't stop at the fire, but continued on. Turning a corner, I stepped into a sheltered glen bathed with moonlight.

I came up to the two thin trees I had found earlier. I let her down and breathing heavy her swollen lips fell open even as her arms tried to defensively fold over her breasts.

That wasn't happening. Catching her one wrist I brought a strand of rope through the manacle loop and pulled it tight.

Her eyes widened, but before she could react or struggle I had her other wrist tied off to a tree to the other side of her. Now she stood defenseless against my every caress and with a little cry of despair, I heard her exclaim her fright in her newfound predicament as I sank to my knees and let my mouth do what it had yearned to do all day, which was to envelop one of her dark areoled nipples completely within my mouth.

I suckled hard and it was like a lightning bolt coursed through her body. The girl was most definitely responsive!

My lips and tongue continued their caress even as my fingers tormented her other nipple. I switched sides and she openly cried out as she twisted in vain against her restraints.

I devoured her succulent breast with kisses, nibbles, and even a few slight bites that I made carefully sure not to leave a mark with. All the time as I did this I listened to the pleas and exclamations bubble out of her.

My hand left her one breast to coast down her smooth side until I crossed over the front of her thigh to press it against the very heart of her femininity. She was like lava to the touch and entirely drenched with wetness.

I pulled back from her breast, letting the nipple go free as I sat back on my haunches before her. She twisted in the moonlight before me on tiptoe and I truly had never seen a more erotic sight.

I pressed with a finger and her sheath's entrance gave way to it tightly. She was so tight even to a single finger.

Groaning with desire for her I worked my finger up into her all the way. She groaned loudly and stood up on tiptoe, but my finger went wherever she did.

She couldn't escape and in anguish she looked down at me as I began to give her a second finger. Her eyes closed as both my fingers seated fully to the hilt within her.

She was breathing hard and her outward bound hands were clenched into fists. I moved my fingers and she groaned.

Wet trails from her womanhood were spilling down over my hand and with authority I worked her woman-hood with my hand. I knew what I was doing even as it was very clear to me that this girl had never had anything like this done to her before.

As a slave I very much doubted that anything had ever been done for her pleasure, but now was different and with delight for each moan I was eliciting out of her I shifted my fingers within her. Her feet were small and with pleasure I watched her shift about on them as my large hands kept her full thighs split apart.

She began to pant and I took note of it. I leaned forward and wetly licked into her navel before pressing wet kisses all over her softly rounded belly.

She exclaimed something unintelligible and then a half scream broke past her lips. My fingers were literally seized fast within her and with wonder I looked up to see her eyes crammed shut as with a series of loud exclaimed moans she came in a fit of glorious ecstasy.

Everything about her reactions was that of someone experiencing something new. Something so unexpected that her body's reactions were catching her completely by surprise.

Rhythmically her womanhood clamped down upon my fingers and with a desire to never stop hearing her breathlessly moan with pleasure I moved them within her. I let my thumb soaked with the essence of her rub down fully towards the front of her opening.

Her whole body jerked and with a cry, she wantonly fell onto my fingers as a fierce wave of contraction swept through her. I didn't stop with the manipulations of my thumb though.

I could've shot my seed out upon the ground so turned on I was from the sound and feel of her pleasure, but I wanted it to be in her so I waited even as with every rub of my thumb and twisting of my fingers I had her whole body jerking in repeated ecstasy. Tears streaming down her face she cried out words to me as she hung suspended between the two trees.

I took my face away from where I had been kissing the outer swell of her full hip. She was begging me to stop even as she now hung upon my fingers in exhaustion.

I let my thumb move away from the engorged pleasure center that it had been stroking. The night air around us was thoroughly drenched with the scent of her womanly essence and it only made me crave her more.

I moved my fingers again and tiredly she came up on her toes once again as if to escape, but she couldn't. Her eyes opened and she looked down at me in consternation as my fingers began to move in her in a different way than before.

With both of my fingers together, I rubbed the forward wall of her sheath repetitively. She swallowed even as her hips began to sway into the action of my stroke.

Her head fell back and I watched her mouth come open. She groaned and clenched her teeth only to then look down at me in desperation, but I already knew what was about to happen.

I spread my hand warmly over her belly and pressed with my fingers even as I nodded my head with encour-agement. She looked at me as if I was crazy before cram-ming her eyes shut and then with a loud exclamation that shook the night her body exploded once more in orgasm.

It was a different kind of orgasm. An orgasm that had her drenching my hands with a clear fluid long known for its healing properties, a fluid known to prolong the life of men and make them younger.

Men were living ever shorter days, but even so there were few who took the time to encourage the fountain of youth held preciously secret inside women ever ready to spring forth and rejuvenate their days.

Instead, men destroyed themselves by having union with other men and foregoing the use of a woman alto-gether. I was not such a man.

Ayangla's body twitched and swayed before me as she was held drunkenly with pleasure on her feet by the ropes at her wrists. She seemed barely conscious as with intense reflection, I brought my cupped together hands to my lips and drank down the sweet fluid that had come from her.

I did not swallow all of it though. Getting to my feet I undid her restraints and she collapsed against me and with little effort I lifted her to lay over my shoulder once more.

Going through the moonlit darkness I reached the campfire. Laying her down within the range of the fire's glow I watched as her eyes opened even as I knelt down over her.

She cried out then even as her nails dug hard into my back reflexively as I took my pleasure and forced the or-gasmed tightness of her body to give way to my total domination of it. Her breath was a heavy rasp and her eyes wild as my shaft spread her apart and pierced her deeply to the core.

Her mouth was open in a pant for air. I lowered my wet lips to hers and as I did her breathing stilled.

I stayed deep within her clasping tightness for a long moment and as I did our eyes connected and slowly I let the sweet fluid I had captured from her slip into her own mouth. She swallowed and with surprise reflected in their depths her eyes gazed up intensely into mine.

It was always good to give life back to the source from where it had come from. I had no desire to use this woman up.

She was my woman. My mate.

The mother of my destiny, as every man's destiny is found through the children he seeds into a woman.

I lifted my lips from hers and spoke, "Ayangla you are mine. Wherever I go, you will follow. Where I lay down so will you. The children you bear me will be mine. Now open to me!"

She gasped loudly as with both hands, I pulled her legs up to splay them apart to either side. I held them widely stretched apart as with intenseness bordering on anger I drove into her going deeper than ever before.

She shook beneath my clamped down grip and then with a cry squeezed about me so hard that it was impossi-ble to withhold any longer from letting go. In some ways it was as if her body had pulled me in even deeper at the last.

I groaned deeply with ecstasy as my essence flowed in-to her in wave after wave even as she lay twisting beneath my grip and body weight with an ecstasy of feeling that was all her own. I let her legs go and shaking they came around me even as I collapsed down to my elbows only allowing my chest to smash her full breasts flat.

Seizing her head I kissed her hard. Even through the hard possession of her mouth by mine, I felt her own lips respond to kiss me back in return.

Her small hands pressed against my back. Not to push me away, but rather to hold me close.

The signs of her feminine welcome of me as her master were the strongest of all aphrodisiacs, even as the taste of her mouth and sweet breath was an overwhelming sensation not to deny oneself of ever. Gasping for air I let her lips go free and she gasped for air just as hard as I was doing.

Breathing hard I pulled my once more raging shaft free of her wet gripping tightness. Her eyes reflected a sem-blance of both wonder and mystery as she saw me go back on my heels before her.

I pulled back further still and she was already groaning from expectation as my mouth lowered to her opening and I began to lick, suck, and then thoroughly devour her. Her hands clenched hard in my hair, but I ignored them.

She was a taste I would never deny myself from consuming. Crying out her hands beat at the ground and the beastly nature I'd been born with once more rose within me.

Pulling back, I quickly flipped her, only to pull her hips up to me in the manner that I had first taken release in her body. This time though it was different.

Instead of the resisting body of a woman fearful of agony I was met with the giving softness of a fully flowered woman already awash with pleasure and eager to experience more. I gave her my shaft all the way to the core and she moaned with the pleasure of it as if I had just done something very special and in a very real way I felt as if I just had.

Gripping her wide hips I taught her once more to know the full depth and breadth of me and from her panting lips I heard my name whispered out over and over again as her head tossed and her black hair cascaded about everywhere in the ecstasy of being mated by a man from this day forward that only had her best interests at heart. At the last I reached forward and gripped a hold of her raven dark hair and as I pulled on it I drove in even deeper.

Groaning gutturally I lost my seed for the second time within the wonderful realm of her plushly welcoming womanhood of intense heat. As I gave full reign to orgasm I wasn't the only one.

Her earthen cries sang through the night air with an erotic beat even as she bathed my manhood and thighs once more with the waters from her hidden spring. It was a good feeling.

It was so good to be in this woman. I thanked my Creator, all over again, for the gift of this woman.

Survival on my own would have been rather pointless, but with this girl life now had an intense meaning to it. It made sense why I should fight to survive.

The future to be had with this woman could be so vastly different. So very different from the already fallen ways of the other sons of Noah.

Breathing heavy and suddenly deeply weary I fell over to my side and then my back. Ayangla now lay completely on her front panting heavily beside me.

I'd shown her no mercy and neither would I in the days to come. She was mine and I'd take her as many times as I liked, but always I would endeavor to give her pleasure too.

I entangled my hand in her dark mane of coal black hair. My fingers tightened into a loose grip of it.

She wasn't going anywhere.



Female Perspective

Ayangla lay with her face turned to the side. In resignation, she lay as she had fallen.

It was dark, and the fire had mostly gone out. She wanted the cover and warmth of her dress, but it was lost to her.

Three times she'd tried to pull away only to have her new master's powerful hand grip tighter about her hair. He never woke up, but it was clear that he wasn't letting her go, not even in his sleep.

The only part of her that was passably warm was the side that bordered him. He was hot to the touch. So very warm.

Ayangla bit her lip as she shivered. If moving away was not an option, then that left just one thing to do.

There were too many more hours in the night to face and it was only getting colder. Slowly she turned and moved in to cuddle against her master's side.

She gasped slightly as full contact was made with him. It was almost too much for her to manage as she felt her right breast settle over his chest even as her other pressed into his side intimately.

Shyly she let one thigh coast up over the top of his. That done, she let her hand settle down over his chest.

The grip upon her hair lessened and then left altogether as his hand came down to splay out over her back just above her bottom. She let her cheek rest down against his shoulder and wearily she closed her eyes.

The man was so blessedly warm. He was also savage and entirely domineering.

He'd made the point of his ownership over her very clear. She literally felt his possession of her like it was a tangible essence that could be observed.

From the possessive hand on her back to the copious amounts of his seed deeply poured into her, she felt it, but it was even more than that. He had given her pleasure.

Untold amounts of pleasure. She would never have dreamed such pleasure was possible if he hadn't made her to feel it and he very much had worked hard to make her feel it.

Her insides ached from the feel of his burgeoning shaft having its way up into her so aggressively, but there was also a deep-seated ache to feel him do it all over again. The pleasure had been so intense and somehow even in this there was a testament of possession over her by this man.

She wanted to feel the pleasure he'd given her again. She wanted him, his shaft, inside her, again and again.

How had he made her love these new pleasures? In a way she should hate him, but really the only question to that was, "Why?"

He'd fed her and even now he was a source of warmth for her. Just being with him was a security of safety and as longevity went it was clear that he intended for her to remain with him.

Children were most definitely in this man's plans and that wasn't something to not be desired. She wanted children to.

She'd just never imagined things ending up like this. Instead of her children being born into the life of a slave maybe they could be something more. Something special.

The man was leaving civilization far behind. He was going into the wilds where very few went.

They could die quickly. But at least out in the wilds if they did perish it would be in a state of freedom.

This man may have claimed her roughly to be his, but it was also clear that he was no typical slave master. There was something that said she had value in his eyes.

A value above, simply what pleasure could be afforded to him by the use of her body. She'd been used for years and she knew what it felt like to be used and what had happened earlier had felt like something completely different.

The man's heat warmed her in wave after wave of as-surance of his virility and Ayangla with very few reservations for the future ahead of her fell asleep with her hand poised over Alon's heart.


A New Day

It was getting light all around us, but I didn't have the heart to wake her yet. At some point in the night she had drawn close.

Progressively in search for warmth I guessed she had shifted until now she lay entirely on top of me. I watched her head rise and fall with every breath that I took.

She truly was a thing of delight and not able to restrain myself, I brought my hands to her sides and pulled her further up me. Her eyes abruptly flew open.

She made to push away, but my hand lifted to the back of her head and pressed and within a moment we were drinking in each other's breath. I kissed her wetly and with insistence, I eventually got her to open her mouth.

When it finally did sweetly fall open I pressed my tongue in to play with hers even as my hands reveled in the curving slope of her back until they met the sublime arching curve of her ass and that is where they stayed.

My fingers curled over the cheeks of her bottom and I pulled. Her ass split apart, only to be pressed together again by my hands.

Her lips broke from mine and I saw her blink appreciably as I continued to work her ass. She liked what I was doing I could tell.

On her elbows, she stared at me and then blushed as my gaze lowered to her full breasts. I looked meaningfully from her one breast to her eyes and then back again.

She knew what I wanted. I was curious to see what she would do though.

Her countenance blushed several shades darker and yet slowly she began to move. She hitched herself forward several inches and leaning to the one side she offered me with one hand the dusky brown nipple that my eyes had hungered for.

My mouth enveloped her nipple wetly and I began a full suckle upon her breast that had no gentility to it. Her whole body twitched and her hand left her breast to brief-ly push at my chest, but I claimed her wrist with mine.

She was mine to taste and I wouldn't be denied the de-light that her breasts could afford me. She shook within my grip as I hungrily suckled upon her with the firm latch of an adult man.

She would give me milk long before the birth of our first child and with that emphatic thought to myself, I shifted her and hungrily took hold of her other nipple. She gasped and bucked against the grip of my mouth, but I gave her no mercy.

I was hungry, so very hungry to once again be nour-ished daily by the body of a woman. Both of her breasts had engorged with blood and in a way I could tell that my actions were already provoking a physiological change within her.

I glanced up from my mouth's clasp of her warm, sweet flesh to see her eyes crammed shut even as the breath came fast to her lips. Letting my restraining hand slide away from her back, I let it come beneath her.

Firmly my fingers rolled her other nipple. She jerked and as I suckled hard on the other I felt the beauty of her orgasm course across her whole frame.

She screamed with extreme passion and then with a desperate look to them I saw her eyes open. There were tears in them, even as the pleasure I had her experiencing had her writhing upon me in naked want.

I was being too hard with her. I let her abused nipple escape and bringing her head down I kissed her on the lips wetly.

Her lips swollen from earlier parted without resistance and again I tasted her mouth. Her eyes that were so hard to read stared into mine as I wetly explored the depths of her mouth.
My shaft was a raging torrent of need as it strained against her thigh even as its head grazed the gates of her womanhood repeatedly. Taking a hold of her hips I pushed her down and in doing so I entered her.

Her eyes opened even wider as she felt me make way in between her legs and breathing heavy she lay upon me. Meeting her gaze even as her passionately full breasts drug through my chest hair I said, "Ride me."

She blinked. She yet couldn't understand me and then she surprised me by moving down upon my shaft slightly.

I went deeper and with the passage of time my shaft became utterly soaked to the hilt in her hot womanhood. She struggled for a moment to proceed and patiently I waited for her.

She moved then and my shaft went shallow and then deep. Her nails dug into my shoulders even as she gasped in time with her own movements.

Laughing softly I pushed her up by her shoulders and as I did her body sunk on me and I went to the hilt in her once more. She jerked hard and would have risen up off of me, but I let one hand fall to her widely proportioned hip and held her seated upon me.

She swayed there and stared at me unsteadily. She would've collapsed back down onto me, but I pushed her completely upright upon me.

She seemed very shy and again I wondered at potentially how little sexual experience she had ever had. Lying back I let my hands slide from her hips to place them be-hind my head and interlace them there.

Drinking in the vision of her fully engorged breasts and split apart thighs, I said lazily, "Move."

Lifting my own hips off the ground I drove up into her even as I lifted her whole body up into the air. She gasped hard and both of her hands fell to grip at my waist.

Breathing heavy her eyes opened to gaze down at me once more. I nodded in encouragement and slowly then she rose up on me, only to reach a midpoint and then slide all the way back down.

As she slid down her eyes closed and with every heated slide by her upon me, I felt a look of sheer contented pleasure come across my face. It became too much even-tually though for her and with hands fallen to my chest once more for support she drove herself down upon me only to then grind with a series of breathy gasps before her whole body seized about me in an orgasm that left her gasping for air and me thanking my Creator all over again for this amazing woman.

The feeling of being willingly enveloped by her was simply too much and I lay still beneath her as I filled her with my seed that was coaxed out of me by every rhyth-mic squeeze of her womanhood wrapped so tightly about me.

Smiling, I waited for her eyes to open and as they did I said, "That was beautiful Ayangla. You are so beautiful!"

She blushed even hotter still and hesitantly, her hands came up towards her breasts, but catching my gaze her hands stopped. Beginning to look embarrassed I saved her by rolling her under me.

Shaft still within her I began kissing her all over again. I kept kissing her until my shaft was once more hard and as it fully materialized, I embarked once more in exploring her as deeply as I could go.

She clung to me and again I heard my name on her lips. Grunting savagely I eased my seed into her for the second time, even as I had just provoked her body to orgasm for the third time.

Resting on my elbows I opened my eyes and saw something even more beautiful than expected. She was smiling.

Her smile brought out my own and leaning down I kissed her even as I relished the feel of her legs gripping about me. There would be no need of bound hands or a lead rope today.

This woman was mine and once more she now fully knew it and was accepting of it. I thanked my Creator for the victory as my tongue played with hers that was now timidly beginning to venture forth to play with mine.


Not a Slave

Two Weeks Later

Ayangla washed her hair in the clear water of the pool. As she rinsed her hair, she found that much to her sur-prise, she was for once proud of the beauty of her hair.

Glancing down, she added that the rest of her body was now held in the same esteem. She'd been born into being a slave, always the desires of her masters had come first.

Having a dream, any kind of hope for personal freedom or a future not ruled over by another had been the most foreign of ideas. While in some ways nothing had changed; yet in a way everything had changed.

She was still ruled over, but she wasn't a slave. It was on the surface hard to define, but in the reality of it they were miles apart.

Alon was her master, but he was her mate more than he was her master. He was extremely dominating and yet as extreme as he was, his many signs of affection and something else too, something that felt like respect, more than made up for his harder side.

He did respect her. Being his woman while to some may seem to be slavelike but to her it was not turning out to be that way at all.

Being his woman was to daily experience passion, companionship, humor, and a general feeling of accomplishing something together. They were together in this bold new road into the future.

She could even understand his language now and respond to him with his own words. Her smile deepened as she felt his presence then.

She glanced up to peek through her hair to see him there on the bank watching her. His need for her was apparent.

He always needed her and in return she needed him and she wasn't shy about showing it to him anymore. Swinging her head, she sent water spraying in a long arc.

Her wet hair swung up and over her shoulder to slap against her bare back. She stood for a moment in the waist deep water feeling like an entirely new person, with an ability to experience life and everything in it like never before.

With invitation in her gaze and desire to feel his touch, she stared at the man who had awoken her to pleasure, even as day by day he took over her heart by kind action after action. He was more than pleased with her that she knew, but it was now her desire to please him daily in any way that she could.

It was beautiful. The more she gave to him of herself the more he shared of himself with her.

Boldly she posed in the water for him as she watched his eyes drink in her body. Speaking of drink.

She smiled and let her gaze fall to her breasts. They were fully engorged with milk for him.

The thing about it though was that he often shared and she had grown to crave the taste of both her own milk and inner spring water as much as he did. He'd become stronger and so had she.

Slowly then she lifted her slim hands to palm her own breasts that had seemed to double in size, but showed no signs of sagging even filled with milk as they were.

They literally ached. They needed his mouth on them.

He'd been unmerciful with the stimulation of her breasts from the very start and within days he had been receiving a reward for his efforts and she'd only benefited pleasurably from it from every moment after that.

Slowly she stepped through the water toward him. He stood stiffly with every muscle defined.

He was such a stud. He would mate her violently this time.

Even though she knew this she didn't care. Brazenly she stepped foot onto shore and left the water behind.

His eyes were on her breasts and Ayangla smiled as his large, powerful hands rose to encapsulate her waist only to lift her to suddenly be sitting on a mossy boulder. The boulder was soft to the touch and very earthy feeling and so was her exclamation as his hungry mouth captured her nipple and began to suck powerfully.

Groaning with delight, she let her head fall forward to rest on his even as her fingers knotted deeply into his hair. She loved the sensation of him feeding upon her.

At the feel of his fingers at her already soaked entrance, she groaned for she knew the pleasure that they would bring her. Gasping, she held on as not one, but two of his big fingers forced their way into her.

Combined with the powerful suck of his lips at her breast she found herself utterly helpless to resist the waves of pleasure that began coursing through her entire body. Hotly she squeezed about his fingers and with a heady groan, she prepared herself with the knowledge that it was but the beginning of many orgasms to come.

Twice more she came before he had her breast drained of milk and then she exploded again at the simple first contact of his lips with her other nipple. If it was possible to die from pleasure she would've done so several days past, but as it was each day with this man was like some form of perpetual heaven.

He was hungry for her and she doubted he would share any milk today and that was okay because he had already given her more than any man ever had. Alost in a world of pleasure she felt his lips finally break suction and wanting to please him she squirmed out of his grasp and down the mossy side of the boulder that she had soaked with her womanly essences.

The smell of his heady masculine scent was overpowering as she tugged his pants down forcefully. Somehow, in the last two weeks a cock large enough to terrify any woman, if used brutally, had instead become the most favorite part of her man to her.

Hungrily her lips seized about the head of his shaft as possessively as her breasts had been owned by his mouth. His whole body jerked and his large hands squeezed about her head with a restrained power than made her quiver with appreciation.

She didn't doubt for one instance that he had the power to crush her head if he wished to and yet with her he al-ways restrained himself from the force that he was capable of. She loved that.

She loved him. Her tongue wetly played about the head of his cock as she with tears on her cheeks fully admitted the reality that she loved this wild savage of a man that had completely turned her life upside down and given her both respect and a common courtesy of mattering in the big scheme of things in a way that no slave girl ever could have back at the city.

She suckled hard upon him and he almost exploded, but with a savage grip on her hair, he wrenched her head off of him. With feet braced apart, he yanked her up to her feet roughly.

In wonder she stared into the eyes of his complete vi-sion of raw power and felt the heady pleasure of knowing that it was she who had done this to him. Abruptly she was spun around and both of her wrists were seized by his.

He pulled her arms backward and instinctively she bent over completely at the waist until her hair drug the ground. He held her wrists tightly and with savagery he shoved the length of his hard cock into her depths.

No matter the level of her preparation the reality of the moment was that it hurt. The position he had her in was literally that of a slave position, only she wasn't a slave.

She was his wife. Instead of tears she instead with read-ied resolve stood on tiptoe, each time he made way into her with a force equal to that of any animal herd sire.

The force of his penetration along with the power of his shaft literally lifted her as she was held completely helpless to his savagery. At any other time this would've been the harshest of rapes, but instead Ayangla felt the stirrings of a deeper orgasm.

He roared savagely and as if in response to his explo-sive orgasm her own orgasm suddenly broke and joined his. It was an orgasm of a deeper meaning.

It felt like her actual soul had reformed about the member of her man that had her on tiptoe as it pulsed life into her and in a way she felt one with him like never be-fore. In startled wonder she breathed heavy as wave after wave of pleasure radiated through her being.

Breathing like a tiger after a successful hunt, he pulled her up so that her back was to his front. One big hand palmed across her belly and held her still on tiptoe even as the force of his erection remained within her.

Both of her hands closed over the top of his even as his other hand lovingly caressed the contours of her jaw. In a way they both knew the outcome of this joining.

She was pregnant and knowing that only made the moment sweeter. His words were heady as they came into her ear, "I think instead of journeying forth today that I will remain by this pool and make love to you all day."

Ayangla smiled richly. She shifted slightly and he let her go.

She turned and sinking to her knees, she gazed up at him and with her heart in her eyes, she whispered with fervor, "But first master allow me to make love to you."

He did nothing to stop her as her lips came out over the top of his cock made hot by the heat of their passion for each other. Her hand came up to cup and gently hold the two balls that had just put life into her womb.

Taking her mouth from his shaft, she leaned forward to wetly mouth both of them one by one. They were a treasure to her and with desire she gave her man a massage knowing soon that it would be her laid out before this pond with thighs spread apart even as he drank from her and gave to her as unselfishly as she now gave her attentions to him.



The Next Day

Ayangla slipped on her dress. Her hair was still wet, but it was time to go.

It could dry on the long walk. Hearing a noise Ayangla looked up with a ready smile for Alon.

Her face froze though as she saw that it wasn't Alon that she'd heard. It was a giant.

As giants went he wasn't overly big, standing at just over ten feet. A far cry from the giants before the great flood that had stood hundreds of feet tall in height.

Still, it was a giant and one that bore the colors of the house of Nimrod at that. He hadn't seen her yet though.

He was nosing about their campsite. Fear closed about her heart as she stood frozen in indecision as to what to do.

Where was Alon?

The giant lifted his head. Breath came in a rush then to her for the giant had seen her.

She spun about and began to run. It was the only defense that she had other than to cry out to the Creator that Alon constantly spoke to and that now even she believed in.

The ground shook beneath her as the giant gave pursuit and Ayangla's heart threatened to perish from within her chest. Refusing to quit Ayangla tore through the forest un-derstory.

The giant's stride was far greater than hers so she did what she could to make up for that by dashing and swerving around trees and never running in a straight line. With a crash of timber snapping the pursuing giant cursed as her strategy paid off.

Despite her success Ayangla didn't look back. If he caught her it would be death in the worst ways imaginable and at some point he would finally put her out of her mer-cy by eating her alive as the flesh of mankind was above all the most favorable to giants.

With the dread of knowing what her fate would be if she was caught, she screamed, as in her haste she failed to jump high enough over a fallen tree. She pitched head over heels to the ground and with desperation rolled back up to her feet.

She glanced back unavoidably and saw the triumphant smiling gaze of evil incarnate as the giant swung around the last tree that was in his way of getting to her. Something moved fast in a straight line through the understory growth of the forest and with both relief and concern Ayangla saw that it was Alon.

The giant roared and stumbled as Alon with a bullish roar of his own slammed his shoulder into the giant's lower leg. His impact was enough to send the surprised giant spinning to the side, but the giant recovered quickly.

In anguish of spirit Ayangla watched Alon step between her and the giant. What could one man do against such an abomination of flesh?


Male Perspective

Sweat rolling into my eyes, I turned my head briefly to Ayangla. Her face was awash with tears and I saw that she wasn't going to listen to me and yet I said anyway, "Run!"

I barked the order out at her, but in reply, she shook her head no.

Turning back, I faced the giant only to hear him say with triumph, "I will feast on the both of you!"

Then, with a finger he pointed at me, "But only on you after I've finished with the sweet meat of your woman."

He went to laugh then and I moved forward to the assault. Quickly recovering from the mirth that he had planned to let loose, he bent to swipe his grotesque six fingered hands at me.

I dodged it and ducked in close, which was where the true vulnerability of any giant was. Even as being in close was also the place of most hazard for any attacker of a giant.

I dipped down to the ground and my hand came away with a rock. Pushing off with both legs I vaulted forward through the giant's legs and as I did I crushed the rock upward into the abominations nut sack.

I hit the ground on my shoulder and spun even as the giant behind me howled. The air shook as he crashed down to his knees, but I was on my feet again.

Grabbing hold of a section of fallen tree snapped off in a storm I lifted it and went to smash in the giant's head. The section of tree was heavy and the giant recovered faster than I could swing it.

The air left my body as his backhanded slap impacted my chest and sent me flying backwards through the air. I fell onto my back and in desperation I turned over and tried to breathe.

With wrath I heard the giant step forward toward me. Grasping a rock I rolled over and as I did I threw the rock upward.

The giant had been bending down and the rock caught him in the mouth and immediately I saw blood gush. He swore even as with vile hatred for me in his eyes, he spat out several teeth to the side.

He still had plenty of them, but his soon to be torment of me had just gone up a notch I could tell. Gasping for air I scrambled backward, but it was a losing proposition.

Then in the fever of the moment I saw a sliver of movement as something hit the back of the giant's leg. It was an arrow!

In consternation the giant turned from me to reach back and grab at the lodged in arrow. When he did that two things happened.

He wailed with rage as a second arrow slammed into his one eyeball, even as with a metallic clang a sword in its scabbard was tossed out of the brush off to my side to land near my feet. I wasted no time, but grabbed up the scabbard and pulled the sword free even as arrows coming from the giant's other side still came one by one lodging into the mass of the giant with sickening impact.

Moving forward with a spirit of retribution I came up behind the giant that had turned to face the arrows and slashed both of his tendons at the knee. Like so much dead weight the giant crashed helplessly to his knees and as he did, he became perfectly poised before me as I made a powerful back swipe with the sword that sent the giant's head rolling free with a shower of blood into the under-brush of the forest.

After a long moment his kneeling corpse fell forward for the last time to the ground. Breathing heavy I waited, sword in hand for I knew not what.

A man stepped into view. His skin was coal black and he stood taller than me by several inches.

He was powerfully built and wore the tattered remnants of a uniform. It was a soldier's outfit.

With caution I regarded him as he came closer to me. He had been among the rank of Nimrod's Army and yet he'd saved both of us from one of Nimrod's twisted breth-ren?

My gaze went to the side and I took in the sight of a woman as white in complexion as her master was dark, step into view. It was she that had thrown me the sword.

Leaning down in the unsteady silence, I wiped the bloody blade clean and then taking it by the blade I extended it back out to the couple who had come to stand beside each other in front of me. The man shook his head and with a deep voice said, "Keep it giant slayer."
With surprise, I exclaimed, "You're speaking in my tongue."

"Indeed I am and the vision I have had leads me to believe it is also so that you know where I and Sarli are to go. We are to be together, you and I, a tribe."

I nodded and said, "That was, as I have been told by the Most High too, but tell me why are you dressed in the garb of Nimrod's house?"

He looked down and then up, "For a time it was that I was made to serve, but no longer. I will never serve the will of giants or fallen angels again. I have seen the fury of the Most High and I will listen and do as I have been told by Him. My name is Enais and I am ready to walk by your side."

Making a gesture with my hand, I welcomed him as I said, "I am Alon and let the road be before both of us as the Most High God wills."

As he came closer I asked, "Do you know of the Great Sea to the west?"

His eyes gleamed and in reply he said, "I do and if it is still there a ship as well."

"A ship?"

"Aye, not known to many within Babel is that for years Nimrod has dispatched scouting parties in every direction in order to locate remnants of technology that survived the waters that broke upon earth and covered all the mountains. I was tasked as a commander of one of those scouting parties. Though we did find relics of the time before I and my crew destroyed them and for this we were to be served alive to the giant's table the same night that you were to be split asunder by Nimrod himself. It would seem that both you and I have escaped cruel fates for a far better one."

"Indeed, it would seem so." I said before glancing off to the side and taking in the sight of two happily smiling women conversing with each other in the same tongue like they were long-lost sisters.

Turning forward I asked my companion for the journey, "Have you then been to the other side of the sea?" "I have. It is a dangerous land, but a beautiful one too. I did not wish to leave it before and I am blessed to be allowed to return to it now."

I nodded and said, "We are both blessed. Let there be a bond between us as brothers from this day forth even as of my children I will give you sons and daughters to be husbands and wives to your own children."

Enais's hand came forward and gripped mine firmly as he said, "So let it be as you have said. From this day forward let our houses be joined and the name of our kindred be Alonai."

Together we set forward for the horizon with a shared purpose and the vision that we both had been given by the Most High, even as we were followed by two women trusting in us to lead them in the right way.


A New Home

Three Months Later

The air was chilled, but the elation of landfall was enough to warm the blood. The journey across the Great Sea had been both arduous and extremely hazardous.

Twice giant sea monsters had come close enough to the boat to almost tip us over. Then for two weeks we had been ensnared in a floating log mat, a residual flow from the time before when the great forests of the world were ripped down by the waters raging down upon the earth sent by the hand of God.

For years they had been floating and slowly rotting to one by one sink beneath the waves of the sea to the floor of the ocean. Now, thankfully we were finally free of all the obstacles that we had encountered and entering into a new land.

The boat was moving fast and with a hard riding bump we slammed into the sands of the beach. Enais and I both with a grimace glanced over at our respective wives.

Both were clutching at their stomachs as they sat beside each other in joint misery. The sooner we had them off the boat and onto dry land the better things would be for all of us.

Amidst the crashing of noisy tides I went about gathering up the few provisions that were left to us, while Enais with his great bow jumped to the land to scout out the terrain beyond the beach. He was back quickly and together we got both women to the dry sands of the beach.

The women would've gladly stayed on the beach for a while in relishmeant of solid ground, but both Enais and I knew that open places are never that safe and so with slight mumbles of grumpiness they followed us into the terrain beyond the sands of the beach. Both of them were several months pregnant and they had attitudes to match.

Both Enais and I were looking forward to some quiet time apart from them and yet we dearly loved our women and they us and with a joint feeling of growing excitement that brought out new energy in all of us we journeyed forth into a new land. A land far from other men.

A land we would conquer and reproduce our own kind into even as we sought to honor the ways of the Creator, for both I and Enais did not want the judgment of the Cre-ator to fall upon us as we had seen it do upon the greatest city of men.


It took several hours of walking and then some climb-ing to reach several inviting looking caves. With caution Enais and I investigated them.

They were empty and with thankfulness we moved our women into the central cave. I worked hard upon the mak-ing of a fire and that done, I went about collecting firewood.

I made piles of it in all three caves. Then, with my sword I chopped soft needled evergreen branches off to make beds in both side caves.

That done, I went about collecting even more firewood. With a soft spirit of discovery I walked about the surrounding terrain.

In my heart and then with my lips I began thanking my Creator for everything. I made it back to the fire as darkness finally began to fall upon this new land.

Both women had been out and about discovering as I had and now as I drew near I could see that they too had been busy. Armfuls of various looking vegetables, berries, and herbs lay on a blanket before the fire.

Both women were laughing. It was a very good sound to hear.

Ayangla saw me and proudly gestured to the food that she had helped to gather. I smiled and nodded as we were all half starved for something other than fish.

I looked up then to see Enais stumble into the cave weighed down by the plump carcass of a type of deer that I had never seen before. He laid it down and for a long moment all four of us stared at the bounty before us.

Feeling emotional I glanced around only to see both women already crying. Their hands were clasped and nodding as the notion struck I stepped forward and took Ayangla's other hand.

I held my other out to Enais and he caught on swiftly and stepped forward to take mine and that of his wom-an's. Feeling half choked I spoke, "All this before us. These wives you've given each of us. We are truly thank-ful Father. Please help us to be stewards of this land that You've led us to and let our dominion over it not be hin-dered."

After a long moment of reflective silence we broke apart and went to the work of making a feast. All of us ate and ate and then ate some more.

I don't know where it went, but we all had the same condition and as we ate we talked and shared stories and made plans for the morrow. Eventually, though feeling the proverbial drawl to be close with my woman, really close, I leaned into her and kissed her behind her ear.

She gasped and lifting my eyes I saw that Enais was similarly making his own intent clear to his woman in much the same way. Both women, who had not been quiet for hours now, were quite silent now as each of their mates made it lovingly clear that they desired to be inside of them.

In some ways it was the most fitting of conclusions to such an epic day. I saw Ayangla's eyes open and with a cheerful whisper she said to Sarli, "I'll see you in the morning."

The only response to her farewell was a giggle as with urgency Sarli was brought to her feet to be drug away by her man. Similarly, I drug Ayangla along as with a torch in my hand, I entered our side cave off of the main cave.

I stuck the torch into the ready made firewood and with a dry whoosh it started to blaze up. I turned from the fire only to see Ayangla already disrobed with her dress laid across the soft pine needles.

Her long hair was drawn to the side and with a teasing look she gave me a glance over one shoulder before kneeling down upon the bed that I had made for her. My own clothes fell and with a groan I stepped up behind her as she kneeled before me on hands and knees.

Intuitively she knew I just had to come. Squatting be-hind her I remained on my feet as I rested my hands on her hips for balance.

I drove into her and she gasped hard, only to turn her head and look back at me with a glance that begged for more. I gave it to her and with brutal force I cried out as my seed bathed the gates of her already impregnated womb.

Pulling free I collapsed down to the bed of pine nee-dles. I opened my eyes as I felt her mouth hungrily close over mine even as she straddled me.

My hands stroked lovingly over her and we shared each other's breath for several long moments. With a groan, she slid down onto my shaft never breaking contact with my lips as she did so.

She road me until with a scream she came crying euphorically against my neck. Her orgasm at last came to a close and softly I left her there impaled upon me as I lis-tened to her steadily fall asleep.

Without a doubt I was one of the happiest men alive. I was pretty sure that there was another such man just one cave door over.

Smiling, I stared out at the starry night sky outside. Winter was coming, but in the cave it was warm.

Encased within my woman it was warmer still. In com-pletion of spirit, I fell asleep with the sweet weight of my loving wife and unborn child resting on top of me.


Fully Taken

Ayangla hummed to herself happily as she walked to-ward the pool. A month had passed.

A wonderful month. An entirely blessed month.

There was no end of good food and so much extra that soon they should even have enough to last through the harshest of winters. The realities of having acquired so much food so quickly beyond just the blessing of the Creator was in large part due to the tireless efforts of two men.

They worked their hearts out all day long and then further still into the dark hours of the night. Truly, no two women had ever been blessed with more responsible hus-bands.

Both men worked so hard that they were almost not left with enough strength for their wives at night. Almost.

Ayangla smiled, as she reminisced on how hard Alon had fought to stay awake last night in order to give her an orgasm before he fell sleep. Ayangla rubbed her hands soothingly over her growing belly.

The proudest day of her life would be the moment she handed Alon his firstborn child. She knew he didn't care what it was, but she hoped it was a boy, which, if true, Sarli had better have a girl.

Both Ayangla and Sarli knew that when it came to the bearing of many children that their men would have no mercy on them and neither woman minded in the slightest. Too caught up in her thoughts to notice the events ahead of her Ayangla came to an abrupt stop as she came upon the pool of water that lay a short walk from the caves.

It would seem Sarli had succeeded in pulling her man temporarily away from his labors. With a hand to her mouth and cheeks red with embarrassment Ayangla made to back away and remain unnoticed by the couple not ten feet away, who were locked together in the position that Alon often took her in.

In truth, it was an erotic sight the vision of Sarli on her knees with her long blonde hair bound up in her hus-band's black fist as he drove into her from behind. In-stantly Ayangla knew what she needed.

She needed her man's hand wrapped up in her hair as he held her secure for his thrusts just as Sarli was now ex-periencing. With curiosity Ayangla took in the position of Enais's other hand.

It wasn't gripping Sarli's hip in the way Alon's would've been if it was her before him and not the couple by the pool. Instead, it was pressed firmly over Sarli's full bottomed ass.

Blushing even more profusely Ayangla realized why that was as her scrutiny took in the fact that not one, but several of Enais's fingers were fully buried in her friend's ass. It was a shock to see and feeling spellbound Ayangla stood silently in the shadows as her friend's voice sang out in the sweetest of orgasmic highs.

Enais just kept driving into her with groans of his own that said he was well pleased with what the Creator had given him. It would be over soon and Ayangla knew that she should leave.

Something made her stop though, and then to her sur-prise, she saw Enais stop his hard pounding of Sarli. His big fingers pulled free from her ass and claimed her hips as he pulled free of her sheath with his cock.

In shock Ayangla watched on fully knowing what was about to happen, but not fully wanting to believe it. Enais's big hands brought Sarli's hips back so that her legs were more under her and then Ayangla watched as he took his cock in hand to line it up with where his fingers had been in Sarli's ass.

His big cock began sliding into her ass even as Sarli's fingers dug into the dirt. With worry Ayangla looked to her friend's face.

Instead of anguish all Ayangla saw was an extreme point of feeling and then with an explosive cry as if in echo to her facial appearance Sarli cried out in a low gut-tural tone, "Yes!!"

As her husband's cock steadily drove deeper into her ass Sarli remained still and even seemed to be pressing back into her man's invasion of her ass. Shocked by the emotion she saw on her friend's face Ayangla's eyes roved back to be just-in-time to see Enais's groin mash up completely to Sarli's bottom.

With both hands, then on her hips, he pulled himself in even deeper. Sarli had never stopped groaning and then Enais was moving back out of her slowly and then back in slower still.

Sarli's face was one of extremes and as she lay there bent over before her husband Ayangla couldn't get over how both submissively replete and aggressively pleased she seemed to be at once. From the sound of her cries an even bigger orgasm was on the way for her than she had experienced just minutes before and now having seen enough Ayangla slowly backed away to leave the couple to complete their time together alone.


Slowly Ayangla walked back towards the caves. The extremeness of expression that had been on Sarli's face as her husband had taken her ass would not leave her mind.

Reaching the central cave she saw Alon busy at work. Feeling drawn to him she moved in his direction.

He glanced up and immediately stopped what he was working with and set it to the side. Rising up to his feet, he came to her and taking her hands, he asked her, "What's wrong?"

Honestly, she spoke, "I saw something I shouldn't have. I... I wasn't paying attention and I came upon Enais and Sarli making love. They didn't see me though."

She let her head fall forward then, but Alon's finger at her chin tipped it back up. The look in his eyes was kind-ness itself as were his words, "It was bound to happen sometime. Goodness knows how many times one or the both of them have come upon us. I know I can trust you not to go to another man, Ayangla. Is that what's bothering you?"

Ayangla shook her head no and then whispered, "I stayed and watched them for a while."

She looked at Alon to see his expression, but it re-mained open and loving even as he leadingly asked, "And?"

"He was doing something to her that I've never seen a man do to a woman and and and Sarli... Sarli was loving it. I would never have imagined a woman loving it, but she was."

Ayangla stopped talking then. For some reason the moment was very emotionally charged for her. She'd seen an act done that she'd only ever had detest for and it had impacted her very differently to see Sarli's enjoyment of it.

Deep down Ayangla knew that she needed to let her man have his way with her in the exact same way. It was simply a very deep knowing, but she didn't want to give it and yet her body was already yearning for it.

Instead of asking her what the act had been though Alon gently scooped her up and took her to their cave. There he undressed her and with intended laziness gave her orgasm after orgasm until in a daze, she lay on her side facing the fire with the warmth of her man pressed up to her rear with his big hand warmly holding her growing bel-ly.

It was the feel of his shaft being cuddled by the cheeks of her bottom that had awareness coming back to her and sleep departing from her eyes. In a whisper Ayangla spoke, "Don't you want to know what he was doing to her?"

His words were warm against her ear, "If it's important I know you'll tell me."

Ayangla closed her eyes. It was important and he was right about her entirely.

Softly then she said, "He had his fingers in her... her ass."

Silence reigned for a long moment and then softly Alon encouraged, "And then what happened?"

"He took them out and... and put his cock in. He put it all the way into her ass."

"I see." Alon said softly, only to then ask, "And why has this so bothered you? I haven't done either thing to you."

"I know." Ayangla murmured softly.

Alon resting on one elbow, behind her said in a tone as if to say that the female of the species was a great mystery to him, "But you want me to."

"Yes." Ayangla whispered.

"And yet you also don't want me to."

"Yes." Ayangla whispered, even as a soft smile began to curl at her lips.

"A real conflict, that is, but if it helps I have no interest in doing that to you."

Ayangla's smile deepened, "That's a lie."

The whole time they'd been talking his cock had been getting harder. It now rigidly pressed against the entire cleft of her bottom and Ayangla fully surrendered to the reality of what she was about to do.

It was her choice and she had made it. There was a long moment of silence after her accusation to her husband.

Finally, it was broken as with a deeply reflective tone Alon said, "You're right, I did lie. I'm sorry for that."

He lay over onto his back then. Ayangla turned and co-zied into Alon.

Resting her chin on his chest, she gazed into his face as he stared at the ceiling of the cave and softly said, "I know why you did though and I don't fault you for it."

He remained silent. It was Ayangla's turn to come up on elbow and gaze down at him from a higher angle.

It took a while, but he finally met her gaze. Softly she said as her hand rubbed over his chest, "It must've been awful for you. Being in the jail cells night after night and hearing your family members ripped up by giants night after night knowing that at some point it would be you bent over Nimrod's feast table."

He nodded and looked away.

"Still that gives you no excuse husband."

He looked back and his thunderous expression clearly said that she had gone too far. Not intimidated in the least Ayangla looked down at him and with a smile said, "I've noticed several things about you and I know you've noticed at least two things about me."

Silence reigned within the cave and with playfulness Ayangla teased, "Come on, ask me and stop looking at me so seriously."

Alon folding his big muscular arms under his head gave a loud sigh and said, "Fine. What is it that you have no-ticed?"

Ayangla smiled and leaned forward to kiss him briefly before saying, "Well, for starters, I've noticed that despite possessing a very studly manhood as men go you sir are no grotesque monstrosity of a giant in terms of proportions."

Alon snorted derisively, but said nothing.

"Now I on the other hand have seen you notice at least two things about me."

"Oh really? Do tell."

"Well, for starters the one would be that I am a wom-an."
Alon rolled his eyes and laughing Ayangla continued to say, "And the second is that you are madly in love with the shape of my ass. Don't deny it, because I know it's the truth."

Alon sighed and said, "Guilty."

Still smiling Ayangla let her hand coast down her hus-band's body to lovingly grip about his rock hard shaft. She squeezed gently before saying with erotic pose, "Now an-other thing that I am noticing about you is that with the mention of penetrating into the general area of me that you admittedly adore your shaft has gotten incredibly hard. Your past my past neither of them matter. You aren't a giant and I am very much your wife and as you have proven time and time again, I truly can fit you inside of my body despite what a stud you are. That said, I am also a wife that would very much like to give her husband's cock something it admittedly would like to experience even as in terms of possession I want you to be inside of me where no other man has ever been."

Alon blinked and asked, "Not when you were a slave?"

Ayangla shook her head no and softly said, "He tried once, but I was too tight. Admittedly, I clamped down pretty hard."

"Aren't you scared?"

"Petrified." Ayangla admitted nervously with a smile.

In counterpoise to that statement though she drew back to get enough space to lay down on her front beside Alon. She hitched her one knee up higher to make room for her belly.

Her head was turned his way and with a whisper she said, "I'd like it if you used your fingers first, but I'm yours to do with as you please master."

Alon came over onto his side. He let one hand settle on her ass and Ayangla smiled. The love he had for what he touched was clearly evident.

Looking troubled and excited all at the same time he asked, "You really want me to do this to you?"

"I do."

"What about the part that doesn't want me to?"

"It trusts you."

Alon nodded and moved out of view. Ayangla turned her face down.

Oh, what had she done?

Her breath left her then as she felt her mate's fingers delve into the valley of her ass. They gripped and she was spread apart for his full inspection.

She felt his breath and then his lips and with a gasp she felt his tongue. His breath was warm against her as he asked, "How was that?"

"Wonderful!" Ayangla whispered a little shocked, only to close her eyes and grip on to the covering of the bed again as his tongue returned.

Gasps erupted and then an outright groan as his tongue penetrated her. He drew back to whisper, "Okay?"

With a groan full of wanton need for more Ayangla urged, "Please don't stop!"

Alon looked back down at what his fingers had exposed and said with promise, "I won't."

Ayangla's whole body shivered in response to the knowing that before too long it would be her on her knees impaled to the hilt in an entirely new way of experiencing an entirely new intense form of pleasure with her hus-band.


Enais came up to where Alon was standing at the mouth of the central cave staring out into the early morn-ing air. The morning mists were slowly rising up off the land as one more night gave up its grip to let the start of another day begin.

It truly was a beautiful sight.

To Enais's surprise Alon turned to him and held out his hand. With uncertainty Enais took it and with firmness Alon shook it as he said, "Thank you!"

He let go then and with bewilderment Enais asked, "For what?"

"The answer to that I will never tell you, but just know that I owe you one."

With that said Alon turned and headed back towards his cave.

"Aren't you going to go hunting today?"

"No, I have something else on my mind."

He disappeared into his cave and the corner of Enais's mouth twitched into a smile as his mind put things togeth-er. He'd caught a glimpse of Ayangla leaving yesterday.

Apparently one thing had led to another. Enais looked out at the morning speculatively.

He really should go hunt, but... but suddenly he too had something else on his mind. Turning around, he en-tered his own cave and came to the bed that he had made that his woman now lay sprawled across.

Coming down over her he kissed the back of her neck wetly. With effort not to put any of his weight on her pregnant belly he entered her.

She in turn gasped and shifted and then voice rich with sensual delight, she asked, even as his teeth gently raked against her neck in a mock bite, "I thought you were gone for the day."

"Thanks to Alon, I'm not."

Groaning Sarli managed to get out as his tongue delved into her ear, "Why, what did he do?"

"I will never tell you."

"Was it something bad?" Sarli asked with concern.

"No, something good."

Sarli purred, as he drove deeper into her and with an erotic heaviness to her words she said, "Well, whatever it was, I'm glad you came back."


True Love

Male Perspective

Three Years Later

Much had changed for me. Idly I thought over the last three years that we had been in this new land.

I was now the father of a son and a daughter. Enais's woman had borne twin girls and now she was pregnant with what she said was a son.

As a tribal unit we had prospered greatly. We'd had to leave the caves though.

About a year after we had been occupying them a pack of roving hyenas of enormous size had almost made an end of all of us one night. They'd had an intense desire to possess the caves for themselves and it had driven them past the boundaries normally observed between fellow predators.

Having to keep guard of the caves, night and day had become quite unsustainable as neither I or Enais could stay at the caves all day every day. So, somewhat bitter sweetly we had packed up and moved on.

The year after we had left, though a great flood caused by excessive early spring rains and snowmelt had flooded the valley that the caves lay within. Even though the caves had been up off the valley bottom they had been put completely under water by the raging tumult.

All of the hyenas had perished within their new hard won abode. If it hadn't been for their insistence to have the caves for themselves it would have been us that would've died.

In this instance along with so many other occurrences I saw the saving graces of the Creator always at work for us. With each of these Divine providences I spoke to my children of them as I tried to instill in them a respect for the Creator, who had brought us to this land and through the years had been daily sustaining us in it.

In homage to the One who had made us, we lived and prospered, even as we lived in harmony with the excellence of all His creation around us that daily bore us wit-ness of the fact that there was indeed an all supreme God.

Even though our blessings were many survival was by no means an easy task even in a land of plenty. But as our tribe grew and our children increased in years, our chances of succeeding as a people only became greater.

Winter was soon coming again, but we had more than enough and yet it was best to always have even more than was needed. The winters here were hard.

To augment our supply Enais and I had made the long journey to the coast to catch fish that we would then dry and smoke to put away for winter storage. We had all come to love variety in our diet and of all the items stored away for this coming winter fish was in the least supply.

So we had come to fish by the seashore where we were assured of catching the greatest number of fish in the shortest amount of time. Even though we were both away from our families we were secure in their safety as over the last two years we had made for ourselves quite an en-campment that was easily defendable against even the most tenacious of predators.

That said, even though our families were safe, we as a matter of habit were always on our guard, as it was only too often an occurrence that the hunters could become the hunted in a land where the animals had only become in-creasingly separated from respecting the life of humans as being of a higher order of creation than their own.

I heard an abrupt whistling sound, which cut through the noise of the tide breaking on the shore and in reflex one hand dropped the net I had been laying out on the sand to grip the sword at my waist. I quickly stepped to where my spear stood stuck in the sand and pulled it free.

Turning I looked for Enais, ever ready to come to his aid, even as I had entrusted my own life to him a thousand times over in the past few years. I quickly spotted him, but no immediate aggressor seemed to be present.

Instead I saw him point towards the sea. Turning I beheld a small craft seeking to make a way through the breakers about a mile out.

It was the first glimpse of humanity either of us had seen since we had left Babel.

The ship was too small to be of use to a giant. It how-ever was also too slight of build to make it through the treacherous course that its master had charted for it.

The situation on board must be dire in order to risk such an approach to this section of coastline. Enais had come to my side and together we watched for that was all that we could do.

In the distance, then we saw a much larger ship and Enais and I shared a meaningful glance as it became clear to us what the insane plight of the smaller craft might have been provoked by. We watched on and silently each of us rooted for the smaller craft, as we both distrusted the forc-es at play in the larger ship that had drawn off against the horizon to sit idle and watch what would become of the smaller boat.

It almost made it, but at the last series of breakers, it got caught in a cross current and was slammed hard into a jagged patch of seafoam encrusted boulders. Before our eyes we watched the boat disintegrate into pieces.

Both of us had reached a common consensus that whether or not the boat held a friend or foe we were going to do something to help out fellow humans that had exhib-ited as much courage as these had in order to risk coming to shore along this section of the coastline. While some may have said what they were attempting was suicide it could also be said that they were willing to die in order to remain free and that was something that both Enais and I could identify with strongly.

Tossing our weapons back to the dryer sands of the beach we turned and surged forward together into the rough surf and soon we were swimming. It was hard going as wave after wave came upon us, forcing us to duck un-der or be washed back to shore.

Eventually we broke through the tidal cascades and neared the spot where we could see evidence of swimmers in the water. As we drew closer we saw that there were three survivors.

One was barely moving and being held up by the other two, who were putting forth a great effort to get to shore, but were being pulled around and around by a strong eddy current. The one barely moving was a man and his two helpers were female.

All three were of a black skin color, but not nearly so dark as Enais was. Entering the strong eddy current both Enais and I were swept into the group.

Grabbing the injured man we relieved both girls forci-bly of their burden. Now they would do much better.

Enais and I fought then, against the ocean with the very real knowledge that by seeking to help others we very well may have killed ourselves. With an abrupt gush we cleared the eddy current and from there the current took us back brutally towards the shore.

Hacking and spitting out seawater we stumbled with fa-tigue as we drug the man held between us up the beach and away from the crashing of the waves. We laid him down and panting for air as our bodies shook with exhaustion and the adrenaline of almost dying we took stock of our surroundings.

At almost the same moment we remembered the two girls. Glancing back it was to thankfully see them crawling onto shore exhibiting even more signs of exhaustion then we were.

Stumbling back up to our feet, we headed for them and grabbing a hold of each of them, we pulled them up to their feet and helped them make it the short distance to what had to be their father given the strong resemblance to him that they both had. Panting for air and yet crying at the same time both girls knelt down beside the man laying very still upon the sand.

I looked away from the scene with sharp remorse. The man was dead.

Mournful cries echoed out of both girls as they fiercely hugged the man's body in an age old symbol of not want-ing to let go of someone deeply loved.

Enais came to my side, and with a glance out toward the sea, we both saw that the larger ship had finally disap-peared as it looked for easier prey elsewhere, finally he asked, "What is it you think we should do? The ship may come back or move up the coast and put a landing party ashore."

I nodded, but said nothing.

"These girls will not do well alone. The man died to save them from whoever is on that ship."

I nodded again and this time I said, "First, we let them mourn their father. I think it's best that we burn the body, because if we don't he'll just be dug up by a critter of some kind and we don't want to leave any evidence to show that anyone made it to shore. After that's done, we will take them back with us to the encampment, but we will go the long way and make sure that we are not followed."

Enais with a concerned look to his normally enigmatic features asked, "And what will they be to us? Servants?"

I glanced back to where the two girls still knelt beside the man lying still upon the sand. They really weren't girls, but in reality were both fully filled out young women.

I shook my head no and said, "A servant of unknown origin is not to be trusted. If they are to be with us then they must be a part of us. You and I will take them for wives. In that way we can ensure that they will become invested in the same struggle for survival that we all face. Pick the one that you want and I will take the other, but we will not be husbands to them until they are stable of mind and able to see a future past the grief of this moment."

Enais nodded slowly and said, "I think what you have said is wise, but what of our wives? What do you think they..."?

"They will respect our decision."

Enais nodded and said, "So be it."

Though my words had been firm I had no wish to trample on the hearts of either of our wives that we both loved, but the reality for these girls was that they would die on their own and to be with us they had to have a purpose that would yoke them into the plight of our family. We both had a vision of what we were to do in this land and God had just multiplied our chances of making it hap-pen to a much greater degree.

Still the reaction of both of our women was no easy setting thought within the minds of both of us as we went about preparing for the funeral of a man we had never known and yet had just accepted the burden of responsibility of caring for two girls that before today had rested solely upon him.


The heavy wooden gate ahead of us parted and inwardly I braced for conflict. Both Ayangla and Sarli rushed forward and the two black girls, who we had given our heavy fur coats to were rushed forward toward our central building within the encampment that we had made for ourselves. The building was a place for gathering together and cooking as by ritual of habit we ate together as a tribe.

Enais and I were left in the courtyard with our young children hugging about our legs doing their best to trip us and bring us down to their level. They had no greater input in the moment then to be simply glad that we had returned.

Enais and I went our own ways to our own separate dwellings once the gateway had been re-fastened and secured tight. Our children followed behind and we gave them all of our attention, even as our minds remained occupied with what may be happening elsewhere.


Sarli rubbed at her growing belly and leaned back against a table that Ayangla was working at as she prepared more food for the two young women, who couldn't seem to get enough of eating vegetables and wild venison. Both older women could fully sympathize with them, as they'd had their own sea journey once upon a time to look back upon.

Ayangla's son had come in and retold the story of what was known of the two women, about the shipwreck and the death of their father. Truly, it was a tragic reality being faced by both of the young girls and both women were fully sympathetic to their plight and did their best to set the minds of the girls at ease by smiling at them and offering them all the food that they could eat with no censure giv-en.

Sarli glanced at Ayangla and whispered, "Are you angry?"

Ayangla shrugged a little, but then said, "Maybe, but truly we don't have a right to be."

Sarli nodded and rubbing at her belly she said, "I was thinking much the same. Truly would we wish for men more interested in pleasing just us solely or would we wish for men that have hearts big enough to be interested in the plights of others beyond just our own desires. I do see the rationality that they cannot be here with us unless they are a part of our family. More children will only make us stronger and it's not like we couldn't use some extra help too."

Ayangla smiled softly, "You don't have to convince me Sarli. I know all those benefits too. It's just that I will miss... I will miss the exclusivity that I've had to my man."

Male Perspective

"Ayangla?" Both women jumped at the sound of my voice and promptly blushed as they discerned that I had overheard them talking.

I struggled for a moment and then finding my voice I said, "I started my time with you as uncouthly as any barbarian could. Truly, I... my own mother would be ashamed of me. I desired you, I took you, and I fully intended to never let you go. The thing is, that as much as I desired you, I did not know that you would also take something from me. You took my heart, and you gave me the passion to dream of achieving the impossible. Ever since then with your every breath and movement of you in my every day, life I have been richly blessed by the Creator to share my days with you. I truly love you and I have no wish to hurt you, any more than I want to cut my own hand off. What I have with you is not changing. I am to you and for you as I have ever been and I repeat that that is not changing. I truly wish for you to understand that, but truly at heart, I remain the barbarian that I was from the beginning and so I must do what I have by bringing home another woman to be a wife to me even as you are in or-der to fulfill the vision my Creator has entrusted me with. She will not have what we have between us, but it is my hope that I will have a unique relationship with her just as I have one with you. In the Creator's eyes, she is of no greater or lesser value than you and truly it is only you that can determine by your actions, whether you will be lesser or equal to her going forward in life. I intend to care for her and love her even as I care and love you. I can love both of you, but I cannot make up your mind to choose to keep loving me. If you can that would truly be my greatest wish, but regardless you will respect me and the decision that I have made, even as I am the man who held you down and claimed you for my own. I will not ever put you aside and truly if you have anger toward me that you wish to show, then do it now and be done with it since I will not have a discord of bitterness growing unbounded within my house that if left unchecked will become the undoing of us all."

Pulling an obsidian dagger from my belt, I extended it out to her handle first.

Her eyes as she gazed at me were smoky with intense emotion, but I could not tell what her thoughts going on behind them were. She came closer then and took the knife from me.
She held it up and looked at it for a moment and then gazing into my eyes, she said, "From our first moments together you brought me to be in submission before you and every day since then I have remained so and even now as you give me leave to act out and be the aggressor I truly must decline, for I want the man that I have come to love and who I know only has my best interests at heart even in this decision of yours to take another wife. Take your knife back husband. I remain your loyal wife and I welcome into our home the woman who I will share you with, even as I pray to the Creator that she will come to love you even as I love you."

Numbly, I accepted my dagger back from her hand. I wanted to reach out to her, but she was already moving.

She went with grace across the room to the girl that was mine of the two sisters and held out her hand to her. The girl stared at the proffered hand for a long moment.

They did not know our language, but it was clear that they had both discerned somewhat as to what was going on. She glanced at her sister briefly and then without a word spoken seemed to reach her own decision as she placed her hand into Ayangla's.

Ayangla pulled and the girl came to her feet with a natural grace all of her own. She stood several inches over Ayangla in height, but it was Ayangla who seemed to have the dominating presence of the moment.

Ayangla turned and led the girl toward the door. Reaching it, she stopped.

Glancing my way she said softly, "I will have her ready for you, but even as your seed has claimed me and soon her, know that we will both be sharing your bed through the long hours of the night, even as I know that you will share your heart with us both because you truly are a man of your word and as that is so neither of us will be separated from you, but together with you we will always be one flesh."

Almost stuttering I said in reply, "I... I was going to give her some time."

Ayangla's eyebrows rose with humor, "Did you give me time, master?"

No answer was needed to that question. The two left and several minutes of silence followed.

I broke the silence then by moving through space going to the door. Of everything I had expected it had not been this.

This was far better than I had expected. I stepped through the doorway and began my journey forward in life that now boasted of having two women to please and cherish.

I stepped to the door of my house and opening it, I entered into it. As my gaze fell over the bare contours of two women standing in nakedness before me it was all I could do to focus to close the door behind me and cut off the cold night air from entering.

The girl was truly beautiful, her slim, muscular form and the overall shape of her body was very different than Ayangla's, and yet I found her just as beautiful and to-gether the variety that both their bodies had to offer me was breathtaking to behold.

As enraptured in the moment as I was I could also see though that the girl was shaking almost uncontrollably. Catching my gaze Ayangla asked, "Master, would you like to have her positioned as you first had me?"

Gazing at Ayangla I accepted the reality that I had never known how much she loved me till this moment. Find-ing my voice I said, "Actually, I want to make love with you first. I want her to see how it has come to be between you and I and maybe in so doing, she will lose the fear that I truly do not wish for her to have even as I would never force it upon you again."

Ayangla smiled softly and came close. Leaning up on tiptoe, she kissed me and I her and then she made me as bare to the light of the fire's flame as she was.

Then, as a younger woman watched I made love to my first wife, the woman who'd given me a reason to survive. Our love for each other was extreme and now I was sure that even as I loved her she too loved me.

Not for just what I could do for her, in terms of the safety and security I could provide, but truly she self sacrificially loved the whole of me. I'd been born into this world a man and with that reality, I had a man's need to have dominion and to multiply my seed upon the face of the earth.

Some men only had one vessel by which to bring forth life into the world, but now I had two. I thanked my Crea-tor for that even as with a new energy that I had never felt before I pulled out of my pleasure satiated wife and turned my head to see that the girl was now standing be-side the bed.

How long she'd been at sea I did not know, but she had the mature body of a woman and I literally craved to know and feel every last inch of it even as I had done already with Ayangla. There was no dimming of need for the one in the light of there now being a second one to enjoy.

No, there was just the desire to conquer both and be a master over them both all the days of my life. These two women would bear my children and yet I wished to call them my closest of all friends.

I lifted a hand in gesture and the black girl slipped onto the bed obediently. She came closer and when she was close to me I kissed her full lips with a passion to know all that there was about her.

The taste of her mouth was intoxicating and so help me the urge to fill her and make her mine was simply overpowering. She was breathing heavy as I forcibly con-sumed her breath with the two of us poised close to each other on our knees.

I needed action and yet I fought the barbarian in me. I brought a hand up between her toned thighs only to feel her womanhood already drenched with the juices of sensual passion that was a statement to the fact that she was fully aroused and ready to be my mate.

I pulled back from my deep pressed kissing of her to gaze into her dark eyes that were both innocent and yet hotly on fire with a wanton need for more. Groaning with desire I became the man that I was by nature and quickly turned her about.

As her body bent forward by natural inclination, I was already behind her and with ready regard my shaft split her tight wet folds apart. Slowly I made my way into her, marveling at her tightness.

I was a man twice blessed over to be sure. A sobbing cry broke from her lips as her virginity shattered apart and breathing heavy I gripped hard upon her hips as I made her know the rest of me to the very deepest part of her womanhood.

Her body accepted me wetly even as she was a tight clasp all about me for the whole journey into her and back out and into her again. Time rushed by that was complete-ly filled with the bliss of discovering this new beautiful wife only to finally culminate with me filling her deeply with my seed.

She was now mine and breathing heavy I stayed locked deeply within my newly won territory.

As sweat streamed down my face, my eyes opened as I felt movement. It wasn't from the girl, who still shook with the aftereffects of what was most likely the very first orgasm she'd ever had in her life.

No, it was Ayangla. She'd come up onto her knees beside me with a look of utter desire for me in her gaze. She let one hand fall softly to caress the small of the girl's sweaty back even as into my ear she whispered hotly, "You are such a stud, my husband."

Truly, I felt like one at the moment and yet if I was, it had been a gift from the Creator and I told her so. She nodded and then kissed me passionately.

After a long moment she broke contact. Her full breasts pressed into my side and her hand left the girl's back to trace down over the sweaty muscles of my chest to my abdomen and then to where my cock still fully had my newest wife filled to the hilt. I had no explanation for my virility of the moment other than to say once more that God had made a change in me.

Who knew that with the Divine gifting of more than one wife also came the ability to please them both. As my eyes gazed down upon Ayangla's fingers I watched them shift from the soaked base of my thick shaft to the other woman.

Still held prisoner by my cock fully pressed within her virgin sheath she held still before me on her knees breath-ing hard. My cock that had never diminished in size only swelled thicker then as Ayangla both wetly licked my ear and spread the girl's one ass cheek to the side with her fingers at the same time.

My new wife's asshole outlined with darker black skin rhythmically tightened before my view even as her sheath continued to squeeze about me with the afterglow of in-tense orgasm. The contractions of entrances were in time with each other.

Ayangla's words were honey sweet with promise as she said, "Her ass looks really tight master. Would you like it if I saw to it that it was made ready to accept your cock tomorrow night?"

The passion invoked by her words was tremendous and turning my head to her I said, "Yes!"

My gruff reply to her sensual torment of me made her chuckle and then with innocence she said, "I have only one request master."

"Name it."

"Take mine right now." Ayangla fell back to the bed and gently I left the wet and tightly inviting corridors of my new wife.

Her body fell to the covers and I saw her head turn towards Ayangla, who had faced hers to her already. Ayangla smiled at the girl and sweetly I watched the girl smile back in response.

In this moment there was no need for an understanding of language to realize that the three of us were together from this day forth. These two women already had something in common and that was me.

I pressed Ayangla's knees upward and then I had her full attention as my erection that just wouldn't die started to make way into her vulnerably tight ass that was mine for the taking whenever I desired to as its way forward was made slick by the orgasmic cream of another woman.

As always Ayangla was hot and tight and yet wetly I slid into her easily as she'd well learned how to fully relax and accept my domination of her in this way. I sank to the hilt and as I did I groaned with the joy and pleasure of it.

Tonight was the beginning of a new relationship with not just one woman but with two. My need to survive in a dangerous land had never been greater and yet I could say that God's blessing over my life had easily eclipsed every fantasy I could've ever dreamed possible despite all the dangers and uncertainties that we were surrounded with daily.

With God all things were possible, even as right now I was living proof of it. With newly born confidence to fully trust God for all the future events to come, I fully en-joyed the present that He had so bountifully blessed me with to the hilt again and again.


Female Perspective

Shyly a young, newly made wife watched, even as she with a sureness of knowledge praised her Creator for giving her and her sister a place to not only survive, but also thrive in. A place of security had been manifested out of the very midst of the greatest disaster of their lives.

She hoped that the Creator, whom her father had served so faithfully all his days would let her father see that she and her sister were going to be okay. Much better than okay.

Her interested gaze traced over the movements of the man who now fully owned his wife's entire body and felt within herself the desire to know his possession of her in the same way. The gates of her womb were awash with his seed and with wonder she watched his muscles bunch and tighten with the power of a man gifted with a Divine purpose from on high that transcended the ordinary walks that most men chose for themselves.

The Creator out of the midst of chaos had put her in a sure place, in the very midst of a loving relationship. She would submit in everything to this man and bear his chil-dren and be his loyal companion all of her days.

Shuddering hearts stilled to even toned beat and as sleep overtook the tired bodies of the three individuals within the room, two cuddled against the form of one, even as he slept with the strength of having two women to help him in his daily task to survive and make a way forward for everyone in order to live securely in a new land. A land that he had been endowed by his Creator to have dominion over and pass on one day to the fruit of his loins.

What his children would do, when the struggle to survive and manage families of their own fell to them, was not his battle to fight. But with every day given to him he intended to show his children the correct way to live and how not to anger the Heavenly Father, who had made all and for whom all had been made for the express enjoy-ment of by Him.

In this he was different from most men as he did not live to seek out his own desires of the flesh, but rather by righteousness of spirit he lived his life to ensure the en-joyment of others with life and in turn every desire and need he had was met by a Creator that sees all that goes on within the world of men. A Creator who can do anything with anyone, who chooses to honor and follow His ways, and this is the story of just such a man, a caveman.
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