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Character Creation Showcase

Note: Last Update: 2016-09-24.
gene.sis also created another story to present this same example in a different way:Conditional Branches Showcase (examples)


Note: The "source of the chapters" as copyable text can be viewed on the forum

For this to work, it is mandatory to start the Game Mode on the right tab under "Score".

In the Intro Chapter, the player is awarded 5 character creation points, which he can spent freely at the character creation screen.

  • This is achieved by ticking "Changes to the score" at the bottom of the chapter edit screen,
  • and choosing "Add a new score change: 00", then entering Variable: "Character Creation Points" and Value: "= 5"

Furthermore i will add the starting values by adding these as variable each as well.
Your starting values are:
Strength: 1
Intelligence: 1
Charisma: 1

Note: If you have any questions regarding this, feel free to ask on the on the forum.
Note: And as always, if you found something helpful, the author won't mind if you hit the like button ;-)

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