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Chloroform man!

Welcome to CHLOROFORM MAN! Now chloroform man is personally BI to me but this is an anthology!

In the dark prison cells of Joey Buscher Penitentiary, in the maximum containment are there is a mysterious entity known only as Chloroform Man.

"Sooo.... Since we *are* alone here" flirted Michaels her fingers tiptoeing against Sanchez's back in a feline way "what do you say... We have fun?" She asked slowly raising up packs of condoms.

Sanchez smirkes at the offer, woah was Michael's beautiful, with her blond bun and her yoga classes... Mymy would Sanchez reaaally want to have her.

"yKnoW I knOw a THiNg or 2 aBout fUn" you brag in a crazy voice whilst the security guards glare at you.

"Of course you do..... F%@^# weirdo... You kept druggin people and f%!^@ them in all sorts of kinky ways!"

"HaHa sOMe oF e'M LIkeD it"

"Pfft, cmon Michaels let's zip!"

"AW cMon cAn i aTLeast teLl a sTory?!"

"Ugghh... Fine!"

"There will be many stories" your'e anonynous voice siddenly becoming stern and spellbound

"What the?" Michael said confused on your new personality

"All relating to me in some way, be it minor or major, be it i the flame, or i the wax, I will be in it!"

"H..huh ok.. Suuuureee...."

"Now let us begin in--

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