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Chosen of the Elder Gods

Since time immemorial the elder gods have drifted through the fabric of space and time, taking part in affairs that no mortal mind could comprehend. Whether by intention or accident they leave just a hint of their existence in every world they touch; and this is typically the extent to which any one of them has influence over the inhabitants of those worlds.

As it happens, Earth is one such planet that the majority of the old ones ignore. Whatever struggles or celebrations humanity takes part in are of no consequence to those of infinite power, and most of the gods see no reason to involve themselves in mankind; much in the same way a human might regard the affairs of ants.

However, there are exceptions to this rule. There are a handful of the dwellers of the infinite void who are mildly curious about our little blue ball, and they watch what happens as though viewing a movie without a plot. Sometimes, through boredom or curiosity, they introduce their own plot. The story that is about to be told is one such occasion. Earth is about to become the stage to settle a petty debate among the gods, with little to no regard for the well-being of the inhabitants.

Slan is an elder goddess who has a tendency to involve herself in the affairs of mortal creatures, sometimes directly. She views these mortals as toys for her to enjoy at her leisure. And enjoy them she does, for she has always been associated with promiscuity, debauchery, sex, and physical pleasures. Slan is about to give an unsuspecting human from Earth a taste of power with the sole purpose of making them the messiah for a new religion of hedonism and delight.

((Author’s note: If you wish to add your own chapters to this, feel free! But be sure to check the writer’s guidelines chapter below for a few things you should know first. Enjoy!))

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