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Christine's Craigslist Adventure

Your name is Christine Edwards, and you are currently one bored, horny woman.

Moving is usually bad enough without your hormones backing up; you're used to moving, having done so with your still-stuck-in-the-60s semi-hippie parents. Given that you'd run through twelve countries by the time you were sixteen, it's not surprising that you'd take a job that allowed you to travel, so for the last handful of years you've been a photographer for a travel/fashion magazine. Add in your nice paycheck and hot girlfriend, you would have thought you'd have it made.

And you did, for a while.

A few months ago, though, Paradise started falling apart around you. First, the recession hit the magazine hard, so you were forced to accept a smaller paycheck... But hey, at least you weren't fired, the way most of the staff was. You cut back on your spending, so things were a little dry for a while and Jennie, your girlfriend, started to whine. When you got fired, hr cold shoulder turned into a gust of wind as she sped out the door, tossing you a bleached-white smile as she dove headfirst back into the local lesbian scene. Which, honestly, you should have done too.

But you'd had it with that city, and maybe it was just your shiftless roots, but you felt that it was time for a change. You shopped around for other jobs and just in time, so that when the magazine finally folded you were already packing your belongings for a trek across the country. Now situated on the West Coast, you've got a nice apartment, a steady job, and...

... Absolutely nothing, or no-one, to do.

You sigh irritably and chuck a folded paper against the wall, not bothering to look over and see where it landed. You're lying atop the blue-striped sheets across your bed, staring at the stucco ceiling and idly wondering why it's always been so hard to find a good fuck. You're not asking for a relationship, here, just a hot tongue and a pair of fingers that aren't your own... But you're still new to the city, after all, and you haven't figured out where "your kind" gather. So you're stuck here, in your room, all alone.

Which is a pity, because you're damn hot if you do say so yourself. You're somewhat tall and with a tan on your face skin, and an hourglass body any woman would love: Your breasts are still soft but firm, thank god, and have yet to start losing their shape at any point in your 25 years. You wear a D-cup, although it's a little tight on your breasts; you just aren't quite a double-D, although you'd been hoping. You've got a tight ass, a trim waist, curvy hips and legs you're especially proud of, taking every chance to flaunt them in short skirts and strappy heels. You regularly shave to get rid of unsightly hair, and you've come to terms with your body a long time ago.

But now you wish someone else appreciated it that much!

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