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Conception Commission

Your name is John. You just got over a troubling relationship with your now ex-girlfriend Cerise, and moved onto dating, as well as fucking, your long-time crush, as well as best friend, Rose.

Cerise was a bit of a bossy bitch. When you say "bit", you mean almost entirely. She never even let you have sex- with her, it was always "Oh, could you eat me out? I promise I'll repay you one day." That, combined with the fact that she never even got a job or any source of income, practically suckling off of you, prompted you to kick her to the curb. Unfortunately, her older brother was a lawyer and her younger brothers were police officers. That being said, you decided to just let her have your old apartment, and most of the stuff that was inside of it.

Your long time friend, Rose, had just gotten out of a "bi-curious" relationship with a chick named Olivia. Olivia still lived with her parents, and Rose had a fight with her own parents about moving out to be with Olivia, so she couldn't go back to her own house. She bought a new luxurious new apartment, and started looking for a roommate. Luckily, before the absolute dumbass of a man, Brock Lee, could get to the apartment with her, you dumped Cerise, and then you were dumped out, yourself.

So that's how it came to this, sharing a bed with your new lover, Rose. You can already tell this is the start to a blossoming relationship. You both are naked, and you just woke up. You've been thinking what you're going to do today, as the early morning sun shines across the white bed sheets. Your girlfriend yawns, waking up.

What's next?

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