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Conquest of Westeros

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Several characters are aged differently than they should be at this time in the lore to make it possible for more girls to be of age and not too old at the same time.

Suddenly, the feelings come back.

During the long hours of the battle, you barely noticed your injuries, but now that it's finally over, all the little scratches, the minor flesh wounds and the cracked ribs make their way into your consciousness. And Gods, you're exhausted. You're not in the mood for celebration, you need some rest.

Just now, you see your father riding through the gate on his elk. You can feel the aura he has on the men around him, he looks like a God among mortals. Half man, half white walker; they say. And even you have some of his powers, even though your mother was a common wildling.

"Yohn", he shouts with his characteristic, strong and imposing voice. He never laughs or acts jovial, but you can hear that he is pleased and even proud of you. You can't help but smile a bit. "Father."
He rides up to you and elegantly slides off the elk, then gives you a firm forearm handshake. "It seems you've done good work, my son. Report."
You quickly recall the past days. "After we climbed over the wall, we found an abandoned shack to rest for a night, then made our way towards Castle Black. We reached it in the twilight hours and attacked at nightfall. I didn't consider it safe to just run to the gate and try to open it, it would have cost too many lives and we would not have had a second chance had it failed, so we advanced in organisation and fought them back slowly until we reached the gate. We opened it and gave the signal, and your main host smashed the Crows."
Your father nods approvingly. "Very good. No amount of bravery can replace a good mind. You have great achievements ahead of you!"
Then he speaks to his lieutenant. "Let the men celebrate, but guard the walls."
The man nods. "The wall as well?"
"Just a few lookouts. I think we made sure there are no enemies in the North left."

While the conquerors quickly set up their defenses, you find yourself a decently comfortable chamber to claim your own. Only then you notice that you're also hungry. You sigh and leave the room to search for some quick food. The men have apparently found the Black Brothers' ale and meat supplies and are holding a feast in the hall. They cheer you as the hero of the day, which forces you to stay at least for a few rounds. At least there's lots of food, and the ale warms your body in the cold winter night and makes you forget your injuries.

After an hour, a man comes in and informs you that your father wants to see you. You follow him to the former Lord Commander's chamber, now your father's room, where he waits for you - with three girls standing in the middle of the room. You quickly recognize them - they are three of the wildling girls the army has captured during the previous weeks of battle against the free folk. You've remembered them because they caught your eye, and your father had promised you one of them if you were successful in your mission.
"Yohn, you deserve your reward. Take your pick!"
You look at them again. One of them a pale, freckled redhead, skinny but with good muscles, slightly crooked teeth and grey eyes - Ygritte, you remember her name. She's clearly a warrior, looking at you with defiance. Then there's Gilly, was captured from the old man with the harem. She has dark hair and an adorable, youthful face with doe-eyes, as well as a very slender figure. Her expression is rather scared. And the youngest one, a silver-haired girl named Sylvi, barely of age, but very cute - and her unusual hair color gives her something ethereal.

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