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Construction and Demolition

You liked your life. You had never wanted and were well provided growing up. Because of this, you could never stay too mad at the world. How could you? You were somewhat handsome, tall, and pretty well endowed! You had it all. But if there was one thing you hated, it was being lied to. Something about being manipulated and treated like you were an idiot just didn't sit well with you. Besides that, no real prejudice against the world. You started in retail at around 20ish or so and did that for about 3 years before moving on to what seemed like bigger and better things. Friends you knew personally helped you out by providing odd jobs. You did all sorts of things ranging from selling insurance, shipping out packages from warehouses, and just right out manual labour. Least favorite among your hobbies. You did this for a couples of years aimlessly wandering looking for a place to really settle in.

Until one day, your dad mentioned a friend of his, Jeremy, was expanding his landscaping and construction business to the neighborhood nearby. He said the work was going to be hard, but that Jeremy was a stern but fair "leader". That word stuck out for you. At this point, being 27, you really couldn't complain.

Calling him up the next day, you found he had a gruff but almost fatherly personality. Jeremy said to meet up at his office and you'd discuss it from there. He gave you directions, an address, and said goodbye before you heard a female voice in the background. The wife you figured. You met him at his office, housed in a building that looked more like a post office filled with file cabinets and cubicles than some sort of trailer you'd see at a construction site. While walking through the door, you quickly examined him. Jeremy...didn't look like much. You felt bad about judging so quickly, but appearences were somewhat important to you. He wore a stained shirt, most likely from work over the years, and some dusty jeans. He had balding square head that showed off his, admittedly, impressive mustache. A trustworthy smile was right beneath the black stache. His body was a strange thing. It looked bronzed from years of work and his pudgy body looked like muscles layered over. You shook his hand. Strong but friendly. You conversed back and forth mentioning your father and him talking of their time back in college.

Finally realizing that the conversation was getting off topic, you cough and ask, "So, what are the chances of me getting this job?"

Jeremy kindly laughs and says, "Well pretty high actually. I'm the one hoping you will work for me. I've been operating downtown and locally for about 15 years now and I really want to make myself and the company a brand that will go places. As much as I love going to the family functions, fundraisers, and buying ads in our town, I would love to expand. I have 10 employees under my belt right now, and have only had to fire about 7 or so over the years. I figured with young guys like yourself and veterans on my team, can go hand in hand and work towards a company worth building up!"

You weren't quite sure if he was trying to make a joke or not so you casually shake your head up and down agreeing with what he says. Again, curious about the job, you say, "Not to be rude, but what'll be my pay here?"

Without so much as looking away, Jeremy brought out some documents and folders and handed them to you explaining, "Well I want to make sure I provide for this family and get you all squared away. You'll make about 16 dollars an hour, an optional insurance plan, and even some college co-pay if that's what you'd like." You were impressed by the amount of work he had put into this in such a short amount of time. Excitedly, you flip over the pages looking for anything that may be out place. You wouldn't really know what to look for, but you never know.

"So what do you think?", Jeremy asked while smiling.

"I think I'm looking forward to working for you, sir!" You shake his hand and sign the documents. While leaving, he shouts, "I'll be interviewing some other guys in the next week or so. I'll call you up and let you know when the party will be. It's something we throw to welcome the new guys and to show the old ones who they'll be bossing around."

You laugh a little and wave looking forward to the new life you'll be leading.

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