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Contract of Submission

Perhaps the greatest hurdle that women face in enjoying sex is overcoming society's imprint on their psyche. At a young age, they are often trained that sex is dirty, offensive and best left to be performed on an "as needed basis". Even as women grow, mature, and become more comfortable with their sexual needs, it can still be difficult to erase society's fingerprints from their minds. Add to that a woman's innate desire to please and the situation can become even more complicated. She wants to please her lover, but society has taught her that many things he wants are "unladylike". Also add in a woman's natural tendency to worry about events far outside of the bedroom and intimacy becomes even more complicated. Men can easily lie on the bed and immediately give full attention to sexual activities. Most women, however, find it difficult to shut of their work day, parental duties, and other commitments. So even as women become comfortable with giving and receiving pleasure, it can be difficult to shut out the world and let her juices flow.

One way to assist a female lover in overcoming all the mental noise she hears in the bedroom is to develop a scenario of submission. If a woman feels that her sexual desires are not under her command and that her full attention is required in the bedroom, she can be freed to focus on the matters at hand. Under her lover's command she is free to experience acts that she enjoys, but is unwilling or reluctant to ask for.

My wife is one such woman. She will do anything I ask in private, but she is often tentative in asking for her own desires to be met. She is interested in anal sex and is also excited by mild discipline and submission. While she may not easily ask for these activities, she thoroughly enjoys them. I developed the following "contract" to help her release her inhibitions. After signing this, she now feels free to experience all the aspects of sex that she enjoys and any guilt or apprehension is set aside under the auspices that I am "making her do these things". This new "contract" has been going so well that I thought I would share it with other readers. Feel free to use and modify it for your own needs.

Contract of Submission

I, ________________, do willingly agree to submit to my husband's will within the confines of our bedroom. Additionally, I will submit to his will in any location where intimate activities take place. I willingly give him possession of my mouth, breasts, pussy, ass and any other portions of my body that he desires.

By submitting to his will, I agree to give him free reign to use my body as he wishes. He may use whatever toys or devices he deems appropriate to bring me pleasure or pain. He may insert his manhood into whatever orifice he desires for as long as he likes. He may restrain me or use reasonable force to achieve his sexual satisfaction. I agree to perform any sexual act that will please him and assume any position that he desires. I will perform these acts for as long as I am physically able. He may also refer to me as a "slut", "fuck toy", or any other demeaning name and I will only respond with increased enthusiasm. I will also wear any costumes, jewelry, or lingerie that he provides for me.

I also agree to pleasure myself for his enjoyment. At his command, I will fondle my breasts, tug my nipples, stroke my pussy, and penetrate my ass and pussy with objects of his choosing. I will continue these activities until he tells me otherwise or I achieve an orgasm that he deems satisfactorily loud.

In exchange for my submission, I will receive amnesty from any feeling of guilt or apprehension that I may feel when performing for my husband. The acts that I perform and any resulting pleasure it may bring me are under my husband's control. I will not be held emotionally liable or responsible for the slutty, naughty, demeaning acts that my husband requires or demands me to perform. I also will not need to concern myself if I am performing an act correctly. I will be doing as he asks and therefore I will know that I am doing it correctly.

Also, in exchange for my submission, I will receive sexual pleasure provided by my husband or by my own hand at his request. I will receive this gift without guilt or remorse because it will be provided at my husband's desire. I do have the right to ask my husband to pleasure me, but I must respectfully address him as "Sir" when I ask.

I am my husband's wife and I live to please him. This contract of submission frees me to act as my husband's pleasure toy in private and outside the bedroom I will remain a dignified, free thinking woman.




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