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Controlling Emma

(if you have any thoughts or ideas let me know! Love reading comments and messages!!)

I've always had a thing for Emma Watson. Growing up as a kid, I watched her in the Harry Potter movies, I'd always thought she was cute. Now we're both adults, she's gone from cute to downright beautiful. I need to have her, not as a companion, or a friend. I need to have her as a slave.

I decided the best way to start would be figure out how to get a hold of her. I decided on a long shot. I sent an email to her "contact me" page on her website. I've dabbled with mind control in the past, I attached a file which had a dull tone. A tone that would make a person more susceptible to following orders. I also implanted some subliminal messages. I assume Emma wouldn't read her own fanmail. That would take way too long. So whoever read it would be compelled to show her and have her listen. It was a small chance but it was all I had. In addition to the tone, I gave a second tone, just for Emma to listen to. In it, I ordered her to contact my cellphone and ask for orders. I figure if she did I could take it from there.

I sent the email. If it worked, at some point I'd get a call from the beautiful Emma Watson. If not, I'd probably just get ignored or maybe even a restraining order. Worth the risk though!

(2 weeks later)

It took two weeks, I was sure it hadn't worked. But my phone started ringing in the early morning, around 6am. I answered thinking it was a telemarketer. A soft voice came over the phone, one I immediately recognized as Emma Watson. She didn't say hi, or ask my name. She simply stated quietly "I need my orders.".

"Are you alone?" I asked her, trying to conceal my excitement.

"Yes." She stated in a quiet monotone.

"Good. Turn on video chat!" I ordered. Gently but firmly.

"Okay. One second" she said.

I couldn't hold in my excitement, after what seemed like an eternity her face cam turned on. You could tell she hadn't gotten ready yet. She was sitting on her bed in what looked like pajamas, her hair was a mess, but adorably so. She also had no make up on. She didn't need it. She was beautiful by herself. She had earbuds in and was staring at the screen as if in a trance. She WAS in a trance.

I started the tone up over the call, I could see her start to shift around, unable to resist whatever she was told to do. I gave her my address. "Emma, you're going to come here the earliest you can without alerting suspicion. You won't bring any bodyguards or friends, just you. You also won't tell them exactly where you're going. Do you understand?"

She stared forward. Finally in her monotone "yes. I understand."

"Good. Bring some nice outfits and make up too."

"Yes, sir."

Sir. You like that. Although you have another plan. "You will address me as master, you're my slave now, Emma."

"Yes, master. I'm your slave now."

You did it. She was completely under your control for now. Only thing to do was to wake her up and get her started. "When I snap my fingers, you will awaken from this trance. You'll be under my control, my slave. You'll come to me as soon as you can. Do you understand?"

"Yes, master. I understand."

You reach up and snap into the mic. Emma jolts a bit. Looking around. You speak quietly but authoritatively. "Obey your instructions.".

She looks at you. "Yes, master. I'll get on a plane today."

"Good. See you when you get here." You hang up, wondering what the next couple days will bring.

What's next?

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