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Cooking with a friend

You walk into the class as you usually do. 'Wow this class is packed!' you noticed 'I wonder what we're going to do.

'Hey, John. What's up?' says Conor as you are getting greeted by the two other friends who sit next to you: Mark and James. 'Not much' you respond.

'Hello everyone!' the teacher begins. 'Today we will start a new project to relief you from some stress. You are going to cook! And this time you will be making a cake.'

'Hell yeah!' you and Conor say simultaneously as the others begin to cheer.

'You can all leave for today to buy the ingredients and to make something at home, since we don't have enough ovens at our school.'

'I suggest that you make groups of four.' Before the sentence was even finished Mark looked at James, James looked at you, Conor looked at Mark and you, of course, looked at Conor.

'Okay, so what's the plan?' James said.

What's next?

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