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At the Door

Your feet feel heavy as you slowly make your way up the narrow stair case. Your heart races and your palms sweat as you prepare yourself for what may very well be one of the most important nights of your life. After months and months of gathering up courage, you've finally asked out Katherine, the most beautiful girl at work. It wasn't easy; Katherine was someone who could only be described as complete knock out of a beauty. She immediately caught your attention on your first day on the job, with her short, black cropped hair and her perfect hourglass figure. She was the perfect blend of classic beauty mixed with a modern sexiness that you just couldn't stop thinking about. Due to your lack of self confidence, it took you weeks before you could so much as speak to her. When you finally did, however, you found out you had a lot in common. You liked a lot of the same things, from movies to video games, and before you knew it, you two became good friends. She would vent to you about her relationship problems, like how she always attracted arrogant assholes and wished she could find a nice guy who would treat her right. It killed you to see her constantly dating guys you knew were wrong for her, but you never had it in you to step up and take the plunge. Until now. Katherine had broken up with her last boyfriend, some big dumb jock named Steve, about two weeks ago. During those two weeks, you waited patiently until you felt she was ready to go out again. Finally, with a sudden burst of willpower and determination, you asked her out on a date so you could show her how she deserved to be treated. Katherine sheepishly agreed, and the two of you decided to go out this weekend.

Replaying the events that led you here, you finally make it to the top of the stairs and walk down the hallway of her apartment complex. Still wringing your hands with anxiety, you question whether you're even up to this. Maybe you two work better as friends? Maybe there's a reason she never showed any interest before? What if you embarrass yourself and get made fun of by all the other women at the office? With a few final steps, you make it to her front door. This is it. Are you going to be brave enough to take the plunge?

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