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Danielle Ch. 08

"Dannielle! Come down for dinner!"

Hanna's voice again. Nice of her to think that nothing had really changed, that she could stand the sight of her. Lucas wasn't so congenial. Every moment spent in his eye was rigid with disdain. Not that she blamed him. For a man who dreamed of raising a respectable daughter, someone who wouldn't conform to society's sexual tendencies, she was an unwilling failure.

"Your father's still at work." Hanna was outside her door now, speaking their native language. Trying to comfort her.

"Just leave it outside," Danielle said.

"You can't just stay in there, honey," Hanna tried the handle, but it was locked, "I haven't seen you in days. Your... friends are worried. I'm worried."

"It's better this way."

"Just come down."

Danielle didn't answer at first. She'd be lying if she denied that she didn't miss her mother. The woman had tried at least, and she hadn't fallen for Danielle like everyone else did. Because they were related, or perhaps she kept it hidden. No, Danielle thought and hugged herself tighter. She couldn't even curl into a foetal position anymore, no matter how she wished she could, her boobs just got in the way.

"Fine. Give me a minute," Danielle said.

"Thank you," Hanna sighed and the floorboards creaked with her retreat. Danielle later trod downstairs and into the kitchen, two plates laid out and piled with nostalgia. Her stomach growled.

"You haven't been eating well," Hanna said and nodded to a seat opposite her.

"No," Danielle pushed the food around. She didn't want to fuel her body, but it seemed incapable of malnourishment. After several days of a minimalistic diet, not an ounce of muscle was lost, and her curves continued to persevere. She sat a foot from the table, lest her breasts be crushed, and the chair was overshadowed by her rear. None of her clothes fit right. The best she managed was to yank a stretched out sweater over her chest and pray that her gym pants wouldn't tear.

"Honey, please don't starve yourself," Hanna kept her eyes low and away. She darted glances at times, but never lingered, until now. Though her curves remained steadfast, Danielle's face had lost its fullness. The cheeks had hollowed and a coldness surrounded her eyes, as if joy had become a foreign entity.

"Okay. Didn't work anyway," Danielle muttered.

"You're... different. There's nothing wrong with that."

"Oh, dad made it very clear that there is."

"Danielle," Hanna said her name like a warning, or a stranger's. That's right. They didn't know each other anymore. She couldn't remember the last time she shared anything with her.

"Whatever." Danielle ate in ravenous silence. The plate, stacked high with her favourite dishes as a child, lasted minutes and she left soon after with a whispered 'thank you'. Back in her room, she paused in front of her mirror, grimaced at her body, and laid on the bed. Her phone was in a drawer beside her, a constant temptation. Holly and Casey must be worried since she skipped school without a word.

Or maybe they just wanted to fuck? She'd overheard her mother on the phone with Tara and Violet on multiple occasions and, what little she could grasp of their end of the conversation, they seemed desperate to have her back. The others had visited sometimes. She didn't see them. Just the thought of her friends threatened her already perilous self-control.

It wasn't the isolation or tension in her own home that hurt. No, the abstinence made her insides ache, like she was missing something important. She woke night after night with sticky sheets, which she cleaned covertly, or to the sight of her penis raising like a gross sunrise. It hung past her knees when unrestrained, despite her balls forcing it to curve. She did whatever she could to avoid stimulating it.

But there were times where it was impossible. Even adjusting her legs while sitting or lying down made her yearn for more. Or showering... that was the worst. Danielle would be lying if she said it didn't feel wonderful to stand under hot water, to feel it cascade over her rigid form, or how it bounded off her boobs and butt. So often, she would bring a stress ball with her to avoid stroking herself.

She almost succumbed three days ago. The memory of being so close, on the precipice of orgasm when her father banged on the door twisted her stomach in knots. And made her nipples leak in longing. Was it the idea of cumming, or the prospect that she could be caught doing it?

She didn't want the answer. Danielle hadn't showered since, yet her hair felt silky when she ran it through her fingers, and she couldn't detect any foul odours. It was ridiculous. Everyone spent their lives striving for beauty, inventing products or exercising, and she had it handed to her without trying. Some ruined their lives just to look beautiful, or became Bimbos to achieve a different state.

Danielle touched her face and traced a cheek to her plump lips. They tingled against her fingers, as if agitated, tired of being without the kiss of her many partners. Holly was so sweet and gentle, insistent but patient, while Casey was all passion, a wild beast seeking to slake its desires. The throb against her leg shattered her reverie.

The next day, Saturday, her mother was back at her door, "Danielle? Are you up?"

"Yeah," Danielle answered from her desk. She paused the game she'd started in hopes of distracting herself, but it hadn't worked thus far. Every woman she saw sent a pang through her.

"There's a housewarming party across the street. Remember the Kales? They moved away a few weeks back."


"Well, the rest of the neighbourhood are going over to welcome them. Would you like to go?"

"Not really."

"Danielle," Hanna's sigh transgressed reason to brush against Danielle's neck, driving shards of guilt down her spine. What for? She had no reason to feel guilty after how her parents acted. If they'd just talked with her more, tried to explain what the heck her body was going through, then maybe Kelly wouldn't have... or Joan for that matter.

"Please? You haven't left the house in a week. It's just a little party. Just stop by, say hello, then you can go."

"I don't have anything 'decent' to wear," Danielle said. Anything to distract herself. Surely, in an open space with so many people, the women wouldn't react the way they usually did.

"I'm sure you'll find something," Hanna said, her smile audible in her voice, "I'll meet you there. Don't take too long."

Her mother was right; it was a little party. Danielle expected to hear music, her neighbours talking, laughter and kids squealing as they played together. Instead, the sounds were damp, muffled as if she were on the other side of a massive fence. Trickles of laughter reached her, and the occasional hiss of a grill. She saw a family from down the road leaving, red-faced. They glanced up and saw her.

"Not another one," the father muttered, though his wife seemed captivated. Danielle didn't linger and headed to the door. The two were talking now, with the woman insisting that they stay a little longer. Their child didn't say a word, simply gawked at Danielle as she stood on the porch, waiting to be saved.

"Sorry! Sorry! I'll be right there," called a jovial voice. Danielle relaxed at its sound, conjuring pictures of a better time, when she was young and her mom tucked her in at night. Or bleary memories of getting piggy-back rides with her dad. They hadn't done anything like that since they left Sweden.

The door opened and jerked Danielle to reality, "Hello... oh my!"

What was she seeing? Danielle blinked and shook her head. The visage before her belonged in a dream, or in a mirror, as it blinked back at her. But it couldn't be her.

"Come in! Please," the woman said.

"Okay." Danielle passed through the threshold in a daze, unable to tear her eyes from the duplicate breasts. She squeezed into the foyer and found herself crushed to the wall by the other woman, who seemed as shocked as herself. She shoved dark curls behind her ears, as if the cuticles were responsible for the startling sight. Danielle's had no such excuse. Her platinum mane fell from her face to tumble down her back and pour over her chest.

"I didn't... I never thought..."

"Um, I-I'm Danielle."

"Allie. Allie Vera," the woman squirmed free and headed down the hallway, "Come out back. Most people already left, but there's still a few hanging around."

"Okay," Danielle followed, eyes flicking to Allie's rear as well. They stopped in the dining room, where Allie gestured to a chair as she sat in another. She stayed close to the table, resting her heaving bosom on it. The furniture listed under the weight. Danielle did the same and evened it out. She'd been in the house before when she was younger, so she didn't waste time on the familiar scenery. All her attention stayed locked to Allie.

"You've never met another Hyper, have you?" Allie asked with a serene smile.

"Hyper?" Danielle asked. She swallowed her words before she spoke again, going over the context. Something in her didn't want to appear completely inept before this woman. Allie chuckled under her breath, summoning a flush to Danielle's cheeks.

"Sorry, but I thought someone your age would've found out by now. What with the internet and all."

"I, uh, don't really spend a lot of time online," Danielle said.

Allie's low hum made it clear she didn't believe it, "Okay. So, as you've guessed, I'm a Hyper."

"Because of your..." Danielle nodded at the splayed mounds before her, encased in a blouse that did its best, but flesh still spilled over the fabric to create a cavernous cleavage. The likes of which Danielle had only seen on herself.

"Tits? Yes, dear. But it's more than that."

"Mom? Dad's burning the hot dogs again," a child said, tugging on Allie's arm. They were similar, but the kid had an ambiguity to her. At a glance, Danielle thought it was a girl, another and she looked like a boy.

"Alright," Allie huffed and stood up, rolling her shoulders. The child was overshadowed by her breasts, but Allie seemed used to it, "Sorry, Danielle. Gotta be a good hostess and all. Oh, Callie, this is Danielle."

"Hi," Callie said, then her eyes went wide as she took in Danielle's figure, "She's like you mom! But she's got a thing like Dad and me."

"Shh, that's rude. Sorry about that. She's had a bit too much sugar," Allie said.

"It's alright," Danielle followed her out into the garden, where the charred smell of burnt meat filled the air. Looking around, Danielle wasn't sure who Callie's father was. She recognised most of the faces, those she didn't belonged to women. A couple of girls her age were off to one side, talking to a taller woman.

"Greta! What did I say about turning up the heat?" Allie said as she came to the smoking grill. Across the yard, Danielle noticed her mother's stunned gaze, mirrored by several others as they watched Allie throw away the useless meat. Each step sent residual shudders through her chest. The heat caused sweat to gather and drip down her fair skin, dampening her top and pulling it taut against her body.

"Sorry, babe. Didn't want people to wait," a woman said as she came to Allie. Not a woman, Danielle thought with a glance to their crotch. It was a shemale, like Casey.

"Now they're ruined. God, what am I going to do with you?" Allie said, but she chuckled and shook her head.

"Is that... Holy shit," Greta said, then cleared her throat and walked to Danielle, who hadn't moved from the doorway, "I'm Greta, Allie's wife."

"Danielle. Um, you have a nice house."

Greta chuckled at that, "Yeah, just like all the others in the neighbourhood. Gonna have to work on that. Thinking a nice burgundy for the exterior."

"Okay," Danielle said, though she wasn't paying much attention. From the moment she saw her, she couldn't take her gaze from Allie. Doing so for even a glance was difficult. She tried taking in the diminutive party, or taking note of how Allie's hair seemed to catch fire under the sunlight, but it was futile. Her eyes returned, without fail, to the woman's chest. Was that how others felt when they saw her, Danielle wondered.

"So, you're a Hyper too?" Greta asked, noticing where her eyes lingered.

"I... I guess so?"

"Danielle! Come on over," Allie waved to her. Hanna looked up at her daughter's name and realised Danielle was there, then looked between her and the matronly woman. Others did the same. She ignored them and walked to the grill, now cleansed of the burnt smell, replaced with the sizzling aroma of fresh protein.

"What would you like?" Allie asked.

"It all looks great," Danielle said, unsure if she meant the row of meat, or the woman herself.

"Oh stop," Allie giggled, "I'll just give you a bit of everything. I imagine you eat quite a lot."


"Good girl," Allie's smile was so bright, like the flame of her hair condensed into a blazing sun. Danielle took a large stack of chicken, beef, pork, even some lamb and venison, and sat watching Allie as she continued hosting, despite the meagre guests. What was it that demanded Danielle's attention?

Not the hair or face. She'd 'played' with superior women in those regards. The arms didn't catch her, and certainly not the clothes. It could only be her curves. At first, Danielle had thought Allie was her equal, now she revaluated her judgement. Glances between herself and Allie made it easy to mistake their similarity, but the longer she looked, the firmer her belief. Allie had boobs several sizes larger, and an ass greater still.

Casey would be erect from the second they met. The futa chuckled at the idea, then stopped. A cloud sailed to obscure the sunlight. Even without it, Allie shone in her eyes. Danielle glanced around. She'd never felt so alone. Her mother was muttering with other neighbours, eyes jabbing at Allie, while the other kids her age either gawked or tried hiding their interest behind phones. Only Allie's family seemed in good spirits.

"How'd you like it?" Allie asked, collapsing into a garden chair beside her.

"It was great. Thank you," Danielle said.

"Good. Good. It's hard, isn't it?"

"What?" Danielle looked to her crotch, worried that her thoughts had blinded her to an erection. It remained docile, hot and claustrophobic in her clothes, but quiet.

"Growing up. One moment, you're, well... just a girl. The next, you're bigger than your mom. I outgrew her when I was twelve."

"Oh, you meant," Danielle blushed, "Yeah. It's hard."

Allie chuckled and leaned forward, squishing her breasts against her lush thighs, "I can't imagine what it's like for you, though. A shemale Hyper? Never thought I'd hear of it. Much less meet one."

"I'm not shemale," Danielle said.

"I'm sorry?" Allie frowned at her groin, tracing the unconcealable length of Danielle's member. Even soft, a few veins stood out from her tortured pants, "You're transsexual?"

"No, no. I'm a futa, uh, futanari." Allie's jaw fell, her eyes bulged, and a heavy blush did its best to hide the spatter of freckles on her cheeks.

"I knew there was something special about you," she said, "If you've got time later, would you like to hang around a bit?"

"Y-yeah," Danielle said, "Sure."

Once all the other guests had left, including Hanna, Danielle went back into the house and sat with Allie and her family. The matron held her youngest between her breasts, hugging them as best she could. The other two were twins and looked Danielle's age. Each had a tall frame, angular faces and strong noses. One appeared shemale, the other female. She couldn't be certain with their choice in clothes, though.

"This is Penelope and Liz," she gestured to the pair. Penelope had a slight arch to her left brow, mirrored by her sister, and had the freckles that Liz lacked, "You've met Greta." The tallest of the family waved. She was a shemale, the shape of her breasts and penis made that clear. Were the others not comfortable about it?

One thing had Danielle's curiosity; the twin's breasts. Not average by any means, but they were puny compared to Allie's dominating bust. Reading her gaze, Allie said, "Hypers are extremely rare. I think about six-percent of the entire world are Hyper, but it's probably less."

"Okay," Danielle squirmed in her seat. The twins were staring at her, whispering to each other.

"Girls," Greta warned.

"Sorry," Penelope said, "It's just, well..."

"She's huge!" Liz mimed a tube, overlapping her hands to emphasise its imagined size. Danielle grinned; hers was larger than that.

"What's she talking about?" Callie asked.

"We'll tell you later," Allie said with a shake of her head, "So, Danielle, what do you know about Hypers? About yourself?"

"Nothing," Danielle said, "I mean, I know I'm... big, but that's about it."

"Hmm," Allie set Callie down and said to Greta, "Sweetie, can you take them out for a bit? I think we need some privacy."

"Sure," Greta said, "I seem to recall an ice cream place not too far away."

"Yay!" Callie leapt at the news. A moment later and the rest of the family were gone, though the twins were reluctant.

That left Allie and Danielle alone, across from each other. The sight still seemed impossible. Any moment now, Danielle expected to lurch awake to drenched sheets again. Alone again. It's not a dream, she told herself. If it was, then she doubted they'd still be sat there. Moments ticked by in silence, marked by their slow breaths. Questions simmered on her tongue, while a nervous tightness circled her gut.

"How many?" Allie asked suddenly.


"You must've had sex before. It's kind of unavoidable for Hypers," Allie clarified.

"Oh, yeah. Yeah, a lot," Danielle gazed into the depths of her cleavage, as if it contained a census of every woman she'd played with, "But not lately."

"Why?" Allie frowned.

"Because..." Danielle shuddered at the memory of Kelly, bloated and deranged, and the prospect of doing that to her friends. No matter how great sex felt, how right the act seemed, she couldn't do that to them. She wouldn't risk it.

Allie reached out and laid a hand on her breast, unable to reach her hands or shoulders, "It happens. I had this thing for a girl in high school. We got together and, well, I went too far."

"What happened to her?"

"She got better. I think. Most people don't really get over sex with a Hyper. It's addictive. Just ask Greta. Before we met, she was only after guys, not much luck there you can imagine, then one night together and she couldn't get me out of her head. After a while, we decided it was love."

"That's nice," Danielle said, grinning at the idea, but knew it wouldn't happen for her. If she let go like that again, her friends wouldn't be themselves anymore.

"So," Allie leaned back and stretched, "Basically put, a Hyper is someone with an abundance of libido and endowments. For most, it manifests through their most sexual traits. Women get huge boobs and asses, and men get giant shlongs. Sometimes a few wayward things happen, like someone with a Hyper pussy and nothing else. Oh man, that'd be a sight."

Danielle didn't want to think of such a thing, or linger on how her member jerked in longing, "But I'm... I'm both."

"I know," Allie beamed, rich cheeks dimpled with the force of her smile, "You're unique, Danielle. I noticed it right away, of course, but to think you're a futa of all things. I wanna hear all about your experiences."

"You don't..."

"Oh, I do. All Hypers have something they excel at. For me, it's being a mother. For others, it's pure sex. I want to see if your being a hermaphrodite changes that," Allie said.

"Okay, well..." Danielle told her everything that happened. At first, she wasn't comfortable and kept her descriptions succinct, almost skipping entire encounters, then, as she relieved the moments with Holly and Casey, her arousal slipped into the story. Her pants groaned from the strain of her erection, but held until the end, "And that's it." Her story completed, the fibres gave out and exploded around her cock. It whacked the underside of the table and brushed Allie's legs. The Hyper yelped at its touch.
"Jesus, that's... oh god, you're sitting so far away. You must be almost five feet long," Allie took deep breaths, "And that musk!"

"Are you okay?" Danielle asked, regretting her mistake. Fellow Hyper or not, Allie was a woman. All others, except her own mother, had succumbed to her presence in moments. Let alone after prolonged exposure.

"I'll be fine," Allie shifted back in her chair, away from Danielle's member, "So, from what you told me, you've never really learned anything about sex?"

Danielle shook her head, "Only what Holly and Casey have tried telling me, but it's embarrassing."

"Well, I don't like to toot my own horny... horn, sorry, but I'm a licensed Sex Ed tutor. More a therapist, but the principles are the same," Allie said and sat up, pulling her gigantic chest from the table, "If you'd like, I could teach you. A lot more than any of your teachers or friends could."

"My parents won't let me," Danielle said.

"Your parents? Danielle, you're eighteen years old!" Allie chuckled and shook her head, the motion transitioning into her breasts, "Your life is yours. What you want to do with it, that's your choice."

Danielle cupped her hands together, fingers twined in a tight embrace. They rested just over the base of her shaft. Its heat pumped through her, infiltrating her thoughts and tempting her. Saying no and going back home was a simple matter, there she could continue to hide herself and wait for... something. Amidst days spent waking up to another orgasm, or suffering her father's withering tolerance. She almost laughed. Allie had behaved more like a mother to her than her own parents.

Kindness suffused the woman's eyes. Lust riled beneath it, prepared to take hold at a moment, but Allie waited. She wanted Danielle to choose for herself. Not like all those times before, when she was a drafted player in a game she barely understood, but wanted to. And here was a random woman, no more than an acquaintance, offering a choice for once. Her parents made decisions for her, all but stole knowledge from her grip, and even her friends didn't offer much choice.

"Would you like to know what I think you excel at?" Allie asked, rousing her from the thoughts.



"I'm not... I don't really do that," Danielle said. She'd heard about the idea from Holly and it hadn't appealed to her. Stealing control from someone, turning them helpless under her ministrations, seemed wrong.

"Oh, not that way," Allie chuckled and stood. Perhaps because her thoughts obscured it, or she hadn't paid true attention to the woman's mammoth size, but Allie seemed larger than ever. Almost twice the size of Danielle's own, "You can dominate in other ways. Your scent, for example." She came to stand behind Danielle as she spoke, breasts so huge that they framed her head despite Allie's straight posture.

"Do I smell that bad? I haven't showered in a while."

Allie shook her head, "You smell great. It's overwhelming even. Hmm, if you told me to, I'd be on my knees right now. That's what I mean. Most people are enamoured with Hypers, but you... I told you that I excel at being a mother, yes?" Danielle nodded, "Just breathing you in, makes me want another child. You can't feel it, but my womb is hot right now. My pussy's soaked. Just give the word."

"Aren't you s-seducing me? That's the word, right? You're trying to get me horny so I'll... fuck you," Danielle said.

"Can't help it," Allie said, leaning into Danielle now, "This is what we are. Hypers are sexual beings through and through. But you have a choice. I won't make you do anything. Even if I want to." She added with a giggle.

Danielle turned to face her. If she took up the offer, then what would her parents say. They'd find out. Her mother might already suspect something, and she would tell Lucas without a thought. But she had lived under their rules for all her life, accepted them without question for so long. The time to make her own choices was long past. Better late than never, she thought.

"Mind if I stay here for a while?" Danielle asked, a tight grin on her face, "I don't think my parents will let me stay when they find out about, um, this." Relief and sorrow clashed and sang inside her, raging to be set free, but cowed by a far louder roar. Or rather, a persistent throbbing in her veins.

"If you think you can handle the kids, and Greta," Allie said, returning the smile with a sun's worth of warmth, "Now, how about we go to the bedroom? The others will be back soon."

"Sure," Danielle slid the chair back and extracted her erection the table, "Lead the way."

"Don't get lost." No chance of that, Danielle thought. Allie's hips squeezed through the doorways, brushing the frames along the way, and captivated her, more so than the outpouring of boobs from her front. The Hyper's blouse strained as they walked. Its hem lifted with her steps, flashing a glimpse of panties that struggled from within her ponderous ass cheeks. Nothing could distract from such a sight.

"Once we're inside, you do whatever you want," Allie said when they came to a door. They were upstairs now, down the hall and facing a simple, white door. Yet it was that plain barrier that separated Danielle from something familiar but unknown to her. She started at the thump of clothes and saw that Allie was naked, standing beyond the open door. What a view.

While Danielle adored Holly and Casey, this woman exuded sex stronger than both combined. She angled her hips to accentuate her lower curves, otherwise her breasts would conceal them. Huge had defined the futa's own tits for months now, but this woman eclipsed the word. Without the heft of her arms, her breasts would conceal her body down the knee. Danielle gulped at the sight and glanced at her hands, suddenly aware of how insignificant they would be.

"Don't worry about that," Allie said and turned to show off her voluptuous ass. Her own personal chair it seemed, "Haven't you noticed how sensitive your body is?"

"Yeah," Danielle said and entered, led by her cock and nose. The entire room reeked of sex, yet she knew Allie had only just moved in. Boxes still littered various rooms around the house. Lust and need panged her stomach, the realisation that the aroma came from Allie alone fuelling her.

"Hmm, I know that look. It's the pheromones," Allie said and climbed atop the bed, ass facing Danielle as she parted her legs. Shadowed by her cheeks, Allie's pussy drooled in thick rivulets, which snapped under their weight to splatter the puffy folds. All else fell away and Danielle strode to the Hyper, unconscious of her monumental shaft. It slammed against Allie's opening long before she reached her.

"Oh fuck, yes... put it in me! Stretch me so fucking wide... until only your cock fits me, AH! Oh Goooood!"

Danielle pressed onward. Her glans shoved past the Hyper's lips and stretched her, just as she wished it to, paving the way for the shaft. The opening snapped shut when the head passed through. Allie's insides rippled against Danielle's cock, fluttering like a hummingbird's wings, and sucked her in. Deeper and deeper, heedless of how the cock stretched her body like a condom.

Not even a foot deep and Danielle felt the woman's tits part around her. They invited her to come closer, to slide every inch into Allie's trembling pussy, until their flesh clapped together in a joyous union. And she did. Both Hypers shivered against the other, caught in the throes of ecstasy, yet Danielle hadn't cum. She folded herself over Allie's rear and hugged the cheeks, waiting for the sensations to calm. Past her new friend's head, her cock throbbed and jerked.

She'd kept it deprived of this for too long. Deprived herself even. Danielle rose and beheld the sight beneath her, of furniture-sized ass cheeks, which tucked into a torso almost doubled by her cock. Fulfilment surged through her and flowed out as pre-cum.

"Don't stop now," Allie said with a shake of her hips, "I said do what you want."

"Okay," Danielle said. She didn't ponder what she might like and let her body act instead. She grabbed Allie by the calves and flipped her, still with several feet of dick buried inside, then leaned over to stare down at the Hyper. For a moment, she gazed at Allie in wonder and worry. The woman peered around the pole stretching her body and chuckled.

"It's okay," Allie reached up and pulled her down, smothering the futa in an ocean tit-flesh, "What happened was a fluke, trust me." She said, assuming that the futa had thought of Kelly.

"It's not that," Danielle said.


"I feel like... if I keep going, then that's it. This is all I'm gonna want to do. How can I enjoy anything else after this? It feels so darn good. If I let go, then I'm never gonna stop."

"I know. Nothing quite compares to sex. Even raising my kids isn't as fulfilling as this," Allie stroked the cock through her skin, tracking its dense veins, "But that doesn't mean life isn't nice. And nothing compares to finding someone you want to share this with. Or several others for that matter."

"Like you and Greta?"

"Yes. We're Hypers, Danielle. This is our nature, to fuck and fuck and fuck. We can only be what we're meant to be."

"Thanks," Danielle peeled herself from the breast and snapped her hands to Allie's waist, muscles bulging in preparation, "I think I'm gonna enjoy this."

"Me TOO!" Allie screamed the last word. Danielle jerked back and forth, dragging every inch of cock that she could, before thrusting back in. With each thrust, something fell from her mind. A weight she hadn't realised she was carrying. Her body rippled with her motions, every muscle working in concert to fuck the woman beneath her. They fell into a loose, but powerful rhythm.

Pleasure flowed like a ceaseless stream inside her body. It boiled in her veins, gurgled in her balls, and dripped from her tits. She poured herself into the act, grunting like an animal, primal and untameable. Her hips snapped into place against Allie's crotch, smothering her clit. Rich fem-cum spattered the futa's abs and thighs and connected them as she pulled away.

Allie moaned and mewled in her own bliss. The tower between her tits shrank and surged with Danielle's thrusts, which echoed throughout her body. Her tits bounced and clapped together, her ass shook against the futa's balls, and her juices gushed freely. Catastrophic lust saturated every slight movement. From the subtle shift in Danielle's angle, or the addling sensation of pre-cum pouring into her womb, her pussy squelched in orgasm.

"Your tits," Danielle grunted and changed her grip to her lover's breasts. They poured from her torso, each mound big enough to suffocate several people at once, and covered much of the bed. The nipples jutted like cherry tinted fists, calling for Danielle's touch with a seductive melody. She caught them and pulled. Allie's tits coalesced around her cock bulge, their warmth and fluidity inciting her lust.

An endless back and forth. Stopping seemed a foolish idea. What could be better, she wondered, than the harmonious act of sliding away to the slurping of Allie's pussy, before it squelched and sputtered with the clap of her return. Nothing. Danielle tugged on the nipples as they danced to her thunderous rhythm. The sounds of Allie cumming on repeat filled the room, a perfect accent to the heady stench of their lovemaking.

Sweat gathered and broke across their bodies. It shone clearer on Allie's skin and flew from her tits. Danielle laid her hands on the bed and leered over the older woman, her face obscured by the near five-foot pole rising from her chest, before snatching a nipple in her mouth. Allie instantly cried out. Her teat pulsed on Danielle's tongue, before a deluge of sweetness flooded her. It didn't surprise her. The futa gulped it down while grinding her body.

Her few moments with multiple partners came to mind. This didn't match it, but was a close second. Here, she felt the sweltering depths of Allie's pussy and womb, while her own body undulated against the cock responsible for everything. Without it, she never would've discovered sex, or not for a long, long time. She wouldn't have slept with Holly or Casey, or any of her new friends. And she never would've discovered her calling.

Perhaps because she was a Hyper and a futa, or just a product of her naiveite, but she felt she belonged. In that moment, driving foot upon foot of girl-dick into another woman, her worries all cascaded into nothing. What happened with Kelly still worried her, but that was just a result of bad timing. She was angry then and acted on it. Not here. Not again.

Her balls gave a loud rumble and her cock lurched against Allie's insides. Pressure massed in her core. It turned her thrusts into rabid twitches, like a dog with a bitch, while pre-cum poured down her length. Moans vibrated inside and against her chest. They broke into screams. She bit down on the nipple, thrusting harder and faster, desperate to drag out the pleasure for all she could. Finally, it exploded.

Danielle froze inside Allie with every inch buried inside. The woman shivered like an artic wind just bellowed in, but her juices were hotter than ever, a scalding cascade as her pussy macerated everything in reach. Then it stopped. Danielle's cock swelled with its oncoming surge. Allie's lips flattened around it, stretched white and her clit was folded in on itself, while the orifice throbbed in tandem with Danielle's heart.

"Cum in me... oh god, please! Pour every drop of your seed in me! Pre-cum isn't enough. I need to feel it in my womb... I need it to flood me... my ovaries..." Allie jabbered, her words slurring together as she came again. Danielle had no other plans for her. But that plea for the inevitable, the knowledge that this woman didn't want her cum but needed it, pushed her into her own cry. She released the nipple, reared back and howled above the audible spray of her cum.

A week's worth of semen. The thought almost gave her pause. She'd seen what she had produced with back to back sex, and her body had grown more prolific since. She had turned flat bellies and hardened abs, into spheres of her cum. And now, Allie would take the brunt of that, many times over.

"Ahhhhh! Yeah! It's pouring into me! So much! It's in my womb, all over my womb... in my ovaries!" Allie screeched. The initial blast distended her skin further, before pouring down to meet at her watertight cervix. Not a drop would escape her. Before it even dwindled, the next shot was upon her. Seconds passed and Allie's once slim waist, albeit distorted by a cock of a similar size, rounded into a fake baby mound. Danielle watched it all from her throne of bliss. A thought occurred.

Allie had said she excelled at being a mother. Hypers were sexual beings, so mothering a family made some sense, but not in the way Danielle understood it. It wasn't being a mother that she excelled at, not in truth, but the process of it. She would be pregnant after this. Danielle had gotten someone pregnant.

"Yes!" Danielle held the woman's thighs up, using them to push and pull herself while cum raced through her shaft.

"Oh god, what're... you're still cumming?! Ahh, I'm gonna get pregnant! Your Hyper, girl cock will get me pregnant!" Allie wailed, thrashing in yet another orgasm.

"More," Danielle said and powered through her ongoing climax. Her cock tingled all over, caught between a mere flame and an inferno, and jerked to a stop. A second climax in the midst of the first exploded within her.

"Fuck!" Allie howled as the constant swell of her belly leapt forward. It rose higher on her body and fell under its own liquid weight. For a moment, it could be mistaken for a third breast, before it eclipsed them. The mountain pushed Allie's tits higher and threatened to smother her. She showed no concern. Her voice had dwindled to a series of sputtering noises. Danielle flipped her back over so she rested atop her belly.

Still she swelled. Her inflated gut spilled to the sides, but the pressure forced it to maintain a semi-spherical form, lifting her higher. Inches of Danielle's cock slipped free, a pittance against its hulking mass. She idly rocked her hips to prolong her pleasure, even as Allie grew to the size of a deer. The futa could have comfortably fit inside.

"This is incredible," Allie later said once she recovered. The flow had receded to a slow stream, pushing the last of Danielle's climax into her. No matter how massive her stomach, her tits still splayed across the bed.

"Did you get bigger?" Danielle asked.

"Oh yes. My puberty ended long ago, but I still grow a bit when I'm excited."

"A bit?"

"I got really excited," Allie giggled. The sound sent ripples along her belly, "Don't worry, they'll go down a few inches after a night or two. Anyway, how's it feel to impregnate me?"

"Incredible," Danielle said without thinking, then realised what she'd said, "Oh no, I'm sorry! I didn't..."

Allie cut her off, "It's okay. I love it. You wouldn't believe how many times I've surrogated. Although, I wonder what'll happen now."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, whatever makes us Hyper doesn't pass on very often. I've had over a dozen children and none of them have displayed anything of the sort."

"Oh," Danielle rested her head against Allie's ass cheek. She sighed into the flesh, so soft that she wondered if pillows were a downgrade, "I'll do what I can to help you... with the baby, I mean."

"Don't worry about it," Allie chuckled and shook her hips in such a way that Danielle felt as if she were stroking her cheek, "Greta and I are quite successful. And there's always couples out there looking to adopt. Not to mention, if it's our child, they'll be beautiful."

Danielle blushed and grinned, "I really liked this."

"Me too."

"Not just the sex, but the idea that you're pregnant," Danielle said and stretched a hand to stroke the taut flesh of Allie's stomach, "I think it's a... what's that word?"


"Yes, that one!" Danielle giggled, "I can't stop thinking about my friends now." Her mind cycled through images of Holly and Casey, Megan, Tara and Violet, a few others. But it always went back to the first pair. She cherished the thought of Holly with a huge belly, waddling along, and of Casey's constant jealousy. She'd want to be filled up all the time not to be outdone. Or Danielle could get pregnant herself.

"Oh, someone's getting excited," Allie breathed at the powerful throbbing in Danielle's cock.

"Yeah," Danielle kissed the cheek she rested upon, "Ready for another round?"

"Danielle, look at me," Allie said, serious for once. For a moment, Danielle feared that she would refuse her, then her face broke into a lurid smirk, "Of course I'm ready."

Greta later returned to find the two unconscious. Danielle laid atop Allie's stomach, cock limp but still buried inside the Hyper's pussy. It popped free as she shifted position, unleashing a tide of cum. Both slept with a satisfied grin on their faces. Greta shook her head and waded through the sludge of semen. Hopefully, the house could handle two Hypers. If not, she'd have to make some serious modifications.

The first of which was getting some of that action for herself.
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