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Dark Prince Ch. 04

The spatters of black were barely distinguishable on the gloss of the floor. Devon snorted in self-disgust before his nose and eyes burned with tears. Cutting himself hadn't worked. He'd slit his throat, choked on his own blood for a few agonizing moments and then his body began to self-heal.

Trying to summon his divine sword hadn't worked either. It resisted his call.

He took a deep breath and then sighed in misery, blinking back the tears that blurred his vision. The streaks of black blood on the blade mesmerized him. His blood was black not red.

The shimmer of power skimmed over him, but kept his mind closed off. His entire being recoiled at having to talk to anyone, and he let them know he was in a black mood. Unfortunately, they didn't get the hint and invaded the tenth level where he'd cloistered himself.

The Seraphian Master Guardians had lived for over four millennia on this level, guarding Earth's solar system. It had been his refuge after they left when he and Lucien turned eighteen.

Three pairs of boots stopped in front of him, and then Zak, Seth, and Lucien settled themselves on the shiny floor of Aria's old quarters.

They remained silent for a moment.

"Um," Lucien began, "what are you doing, bro?"

Devon shrugged. "A little experiment." He held up the blade, still looking at it. "My blood is black."

Again, silence.

"The Seraphs. They raised him," Seth argued. "They'll probably be able to tell us what Devon is. Right, Luke?"

"I'm a demon, Sethaliel," Devon answered in a desolate tone, looking at the reflection of his glowing blue eyes in the blood-spattered knife. "If anything, I should go see the reapers. They can help me with my little problem."


Devon raised his gaze. Beyond the thick pane of glass lining the entire front of Aria's quarters was a scene from hell, instead of the vast expanse of space. Devil's taunted him, licking the glass and laughing at him. Their nails screeched against the glass, setting his teeth on edge... and he was the only one who could see it.

Fuck my existence.

Devon closed his eyes, hugging his knees to his chest as he leaned his forehead against them. "Yes. I think the Reapers can help me better," he whispered.

"There has to be another solution," Zak huffed.

Their concern touched him, but... "I don't want to turn into a monster. I don't want to hurt the people I love."

"But we need you," Seth insisted. "We're no longer welcome here. Once the Edenian council realizes we're back, they're going to open fire on Alpha 7."

"Move the station," Devon murmured, burrowing deeper against his knees.

Their silence made him look up. Zak and Seth gaped at him.

"Alpha 7's the size of a small moon," Seth scoffed. "How the hell are we supposed to move it?"

"There's enough power between all of you," Devon assured.

"Right," Zak laughed humorlessly, "and the Edenian council is going to let us take Alpha 7 just like that."

"We'll cloak it in invisibility." Lucien spoke now.

Devon looked at him. Lucien's aura flared brighter. Was it because of Angel? Was Lucien falling in love with her? Would he be good for her, or make her suffer the way the Seraph Garethael had made Annie suffer?

The thought of Angel in Lucien's arms made him want to howl in grief, even though he knew in his heart Lucien was better for her than a god-forsaken demon like himself.

He closed his eyes and let his power out until he felt Angel's presence. She shivered, recognizing him.


"Devon," Angel moaned, shuddering. Just as quickly, the feel of his power disappeared. "No." She closed her eyes, frantically reaching out with her mind to feel him again. Come back to me. Where are you?

A whimper escaped her lips as her eyes searched the room. Was he going to appear to her?

The seconds ticked by. No Devon.

"Damn-it," she hissed.

Closing her eyes again and reached out with her mind. She didn't know exactly what she was doing, but she concentrated on feeling for Devon's power.

If he didn't come to her, she'd go to him.

She felt a compulsion, a forward movement. Dizziness made her stomach roil as if she were in a spinning transport pod with a bad gravitational power grid.

The lightheadedness overwhelmed her, images blurring, swimming in swirling liquid colors, until a face appeared before her. Annie.

The brown-skinned Master Guardian shot to her feet, her golden eyes wide in shock.

Angel felt pain... in her foot, but when she would have looked down, Annie cupped her face and held it tight.

"No-no-no. Shhh..." Golden eyes held her immobile. A hand gripped her foot. "It's okay. It's only Rowie. Devon's been teaching you to teleport, huh?"

Angel shook her head, feeling faint. "No," she rasped, and then, to her shock, collapsed into Annie's arms.

Her brow and upper lip beaded in sweat as Annie lifted her and placed her on a soft white lounger.

"What's going on?" Angel asked feeling weak.

Rowie hovered over her blurry vision. "Angel, you just appeared here out of nowhere. You teleported yourself with your foot right under a metal chair."

Angel frowned at her, her mind still spinning in disorientation.

Anniel smiled at her. "Thank God it was only your foot that was impaled by the leg of the chair. It could have been both your legs through the middle of the seat."

Rowie made a face. "That would have been a lot nastier to fix. Ew."

Angel sat up to look at her foot, their meaning clear now. Devon had warned her how tricky teleporting was.

She was in a room similar to the one Lucien had taken her to before, but that room was plain compared to this one. Feminine touches, like flowers, bottles of perfume and glittering jewelry filled the counter over the drawers that took up one entire wall. A furry white coverlet draped over a round bed that sat upon a lighted pedestal rising a few inches off the floor. Big, round fuchsia chairs, with chromed legs were grouped together around the velvety lounger she sat upon. There was a puddle of blood around one of them. Angel looked at her foot again and wiggled her toes in her boot. It was only slightly sore.

"You'll have a pale spot there for a while, but no scar." Annie smiled.

Angel stared at her, suddenly feeling the overwhelming urge to cry. The woman was so pretty with her dark skin and golden eyes. Her arms bulged with muscles and her breasts were round and jutting. Lillique was dark too, and, though she wasn't built like a warrior like this woman, her curves were rounded and feminine. Angel was their complete opposite; skinny, scrawny, almost flat chested, and colorless.

Angel lowered her gaze in shame. She'd once begrudged Anniel because Devon loved her. Not only was she beautiful, she was also a good person from what Angel could see.

"Hey, what's with the face, cutie?" Rowie asked sweetly.

Angel took a deep breath, preparing to answer anything—but the truth.

"She's in love with him." Annie caressed her face, and this time Angel could not contain the tears that spilled hotly down her cheeks.

"I don't know how or when," she began, trying to make sense of the situation. "I was ordered to bring him back to Venushti. I'm training to become a Venushtian priestess. I'm not supposed to feel attraction to males."

"Says who?"

Angel looked at Rowie. Her black eyes glittered with confusion.

"I never felt attraction for anyone... until I... saw Devon for the first time." She closed her eyes with a shudder, remembering the moment the vapor in the stasis unit had cleared.

"He is beautiful, isn't he," Annie chuckled making Angel blink at her in confusion.

"He had a young boy's infatuation with you. Why didn't you correspond?" Angel couldn't help asking.

Annie's smile faded and she blinked suddenly moist eyes. "I've always loved Devon... like a little brother." She sighed and looked away. "I always had a feeling he liked me more than just as a sister, but back when we were still teens... I guess I was too taken in by the presence of the Seraphs. Guess I suffered from a case of being angel-struck," she finished nibbling the corner of her lip as her pretty eyes darted back up to look at Angel.

"I had it really bad for Dev," Rowie confessed drawing Angel's attention. Her cheeks flushed becomingly as she cleared her throat. "...and Luke. But they both treated me like their kid sister." She rolled her eyes with a huff.

"Except..." Annie grimaced.

Rowie grinned and bit her lip, then looked up at Angel apologetically. "We found Dev really upset once in the enviro-level. He'd had another of his epic fights with Lillique." Rowie looked at Anniel, shifting in her seat as she pursed her lips and then blurted, "Annie and I both took turns kissing him so he'd break out of his glum mood."

Angel gasped. "Both? Kissing... but..." She didn't know what to say. It sounded so perverse, both of them kissing Devon... taking turns.

"We love each other," Anniel defended. "We all love each other."

Rowie put her hand on Angel's knee, her dark eye imploring. "We're one, Angel. When one of us hurts, we all hurt."

Rowie hugged Angel, kissing her cheek, as Anniel's arm also wound around both of them. Both girl's smile warmly at her.

Something surged through Angel. Was this what having family felt like? She felt their energy flow through her. Anniel's sorrow over losing her child was almost unbearable. The image of a golden-skinned baby with one fluffy white wing came into Angel's mind. She relived Rowie's lonely existence as an outcast girl on Earth, Zak's agony at being rebuked by his father, his mother's memory being erased of his very existence. Angel felt Seth's isolation and fear of learning to love again and being rejected once more, because of what he was. Devon's agony speared through her, his confusion, his desperation, and fear... and his love for her.

She couldn't feel Remien... at all.

"Where is he?" Angel whispered.


Angel looked at Rowie. The girl was more than a little attracted to the red-haired were-dragon. She cared about him... wanted him as much as he longed for her.

"Shit," Rowie cursed. "He's not on Alpha 7." She turned tortured eyes to Angel. "I know he's a prick, but he wouldn't do anything as vile as to plan mass destruction on a galactic scale."

"And which one of you would?"

Rowie shook her head, her brows narrowing over glittering eyes. "None of us. There has to be another explanation. None of us could be capable of such a thing."

"We were all captured, Angel. So it had to be someone outside of us," Annie added.

"We've got to find Remien and get to the bottom of this." Angel closed her eyes and felt for Devon again. "Devon is blaming himself."


Devon hurtled through space toward the Seraphian solar system. Lucien, Seth, and Zak gave chase, imploring him to turn back. He ignored them and doubled his speed, losing them in the blink of an eye. He was going too fast, knowing how he could rip time space continuum. Only the Divine One knew what would happen were he to accomplish that.

Devon slowed, but still breached the security perimeter of Seraphia. He plunged directly toward the summit of the holy city of Angelos, his Viper streaming ice and fire like a comet as it hit the atmosphere.

His eyes barely registered the turquoise sea with its foaming waves pounding the edges of Mount Chielos. The metropolis of Angeloria glittered with its white and glass structures clinging to the craggy mountain face. The holy city of Angelos was clearly visible by the delineation of the stone fortress wall. On the other side, lush green lawns and forest of willows cradled a sprawling castle made of white rock.

Devon slowed the momentum of his Viper, landing it with a soft thud in front of the fountain before the main entrance of the castle. The moment he jumped out of his transport pod, black winged reapers surrounded him, their swords drawn, and wings spread out behind their backs. Astonishment was clear on all of their faces.

"The dark prince?"


"No. it can't be!"

An older reaper, his black leather pants and gold band around his forehead denoting him as a high priest, approached Devon with a fierce scowl. The edge of his blade came against his neck, an impatient tick jumping in his cheek. He stared at the blade, his eyes widening slightly, then he scowled deeper and growled.

"Who in Hades are you? How dare you step on holy soil!"

"I'm Devon Angelos-"

"Blasphemy," he shouted. "Only holy warriors carry that surname."

"Those that raised me told me that was my name," Devon argued. "I doubt they would lie."

"Only those born with black wings have the right to carry that name." The high priest tilted his head sideways, trying to see behind him. "You are not even Seraph." The breeze lifted his golden hair as bright grey eyes narrowed over snarling lips. "Who raised you? Who told you this lie that your surname is Angelos?"

"The Seraphian Master Guardians that guarded Edenia, before the last seven demons took over," another deep voice rumbled.

Devon's gaze turned to see another high priest step out from the multitude of reapers. This one looked much younger, his dark hair shot through with auburn highlights and his body as massively built as Zak's.

Cold grey eyes narrowed on his face, full lips twisted in contempt as he approached. The high priest yanked his sword from his sheath and lifted it high over his head.

Devon closed his eyes, waiting for the blow that would surely end his miserable life. The wind picked up, whipping his hair across his face, bringing with it the scent of blooms, sweet, and intoxicating... so familiar.

Devon opened his eyes with a jolt. Before him, all reapers, including the two high priests were kneeling reverently to his Dominatio, the strange child-like entity that made sporadic appearances throughout his life.

Anger. It swept through him like wildfire, making him clench his fists.

"Why did you stop him?" Devon whispered. The urge to cry, to scream, and lash out overwhelmed him. His eyes darted from the prone reapers to the sad-faced cherub. "Why do you show yourself now?" he shouted, his voice piercing the silence. "Where the fuck have you been all this time I've had demons and devils driving me insane?"

The cherub only pouted, blinking big blue eyes, its little wings a busy blur at its back

The dark-haired high priest gasped, his head snapping up to gape at Devon.

Devon could care less. His body ignited, blue flame curling from his skin, much like Remien when he lost control. He knew what that creature really looked like, and it was no baby. With the roar of a beast, Devon launched himself at the Dominatio, only to be intercepted by the two high priests. They gripped him hard, their black wings roaring like thunder behind their backs. Still, they fought hard to topple him to the ground. Devon struggled, cursing, and thrashing in their hold.

"Are you mad?" the golden-haired one rasped. "That is a divine angel!"

"Divine my ass!" Devon snarled, then immediately felt pain in his face.

The dark-haired high priest went nose to nose with him, shaking the bruised fist he'd just punched Devon with. He gripped Devon's throat with his other free hand. "Utter one more blasphemous word, demon, and I shall rip you from bowels to throat even if I'm cursed by all Dominatios for the rest of my existence."

The reapers eyes had gone completely black, no whites showing. By touch alone, had Devon truly been unholy, he'd have turned to ash by now because of the reaper's special abilities. The large hand around his throat gripped him tighter, almost keeping him from breathing.

"Release him," the Dominatio ordered.

The high priest obeyed, though somewhat reluctantly, his lips still peeled back from his teeth in a sneer.

He released Devon as if letting go of something distasteful, then turned beseeching eyes to the cherub. "How could you protect one like him? Is it because of his mother?"

Devon froze. His mother?

"There are things that are not yours to understand. It is not your task to destroy him," the cherub said.

"Then who's... so that I may seek this angel of redemption to rid us of this abomination?" the high priest implored, stabbing an accusing finger at Devon.

The cherub faded, leaving in its wake thousands of fragrant blooms falling from the sky to bury them ankle deep.

Devon snorted, lip curling in disgust. "Typical." Both high priests, as well as the reapers, turned to look at him, frowning. "At least I see I'm not the only one it never gives a straight answer to." His eyes snapped back to the dark-haired high priest. "Who was my mother?"

He stared at Devon, his frown deepening, his lips taught, almost pursed. "She was an Edenian Master Guardian."

The golden-haired high priest snapped his head to the other high priest, blinking in surprise.

Devon frowned. "My mother was a Seraph?"

To Devon's annoyance, he didn't answer. "Get up, and get out!"

Devon rose to his feet, but didn't turn back to his Viper. He let out a pulse of power that made the reapers shiver.

The dark-haired high priest's eyes narrowed. "What are you doing?"

Devon felt two more spikes of power, and focused on the strongest of the two. With a sneer, he raised both fists and flicked them off before teleporting into the castle.

The high priestess sat on the sill of an arched window over-looking the sea. The golden light of the sun poured in, making her hair blaze like fire. Her ebony wings drooped to the floor, the slight breeze ruffling the inky feathers. She wore a black sheath, open at the sides, and tied at the waist with a thick, golden belt. Around her head, she also wore a golden band, typical of her rank.

Her grey eyes stared out, unseeing to the horizon. She took a deep breath and for a moment, Devon could have sworn he saw her lush lips quiver. Her eyes closed with a sigh and she brought a golden goblet to her lips. Halfway there, her hand stopped. Her eyes snapped open and she turned to look at him.

Devon watched as all color fled from her face and the goblet dropped from her hand. It bounced on the floor, spilling wine and making a loud clanging noise that echoed off the stone walls.

Her mouth gaped, and her hand flew to her heart. Recognition. She knew who he was even though he was sure he'd never laid eyes on her before.

"Dava?" she choked out, getting to unsteady feet. "Davariel?"

Devon's heart raced and he took a step back. Why was she calling him by the angel of destruction's name?

Her eyes looked him over more closely, frowning. She shook her head, staring pointedly at his dark hair, and then she gasped, covering her mouth as her eyes bulged. "Oh, dear sweet God!"

Devon backed up more as she rushed him, but his back met the unyielding wood of one of the double doors to the sparsely furnished chamber.

Her hands slammed to either side of his face, as her sandaled feet touched the stone floor, and her black wings resettled themselves against her back. Now, eye to eye, she leaned in and sniffed at him. She reached up, and took a thick ribbon of his hair and examined it. She smiled, choking back a sob. "Luciel. You've got Luciel's hair."

Devon continued to stare at her, hoping she would help sort out his confusion. She dropped the strand of hair and cupped his face. "You're exactly like him. The same... identical... except for the black hair."

Devon swallowed, terrified of asking her like who. The dark prince?

She stepped back, looking him up and down, "but you're shorter..." Her hands spanned his chest and abdomen, feeling his musculature, "with a heavier build. Of course," she closed her eyes with a sigh, "poor thing had barely come into full bloom when he became a fallen—"
The other door slammed against the wall, the dark-haired high priest rushing in breathless. "Amaranth," he panted when his wide eyes settled on her.

"Ashriel. Why didn't you tell me about this?"

Ashriel's eyes darted to Devon and he scowled for a moment before his gaze switched back to Amaranth.

"There is nothing to tell, sister."

Frustration had Devon wound up like a tight coil. He turned back to Amaranth, needing to hear the truth once and for all. "Fallen what?" he demanded when she opened her mouth to say something to Ashriel. "Angel? Fallen angel?" His hands gripped her shoulders.

The high priest growled his disapproval and stepped toward them. "Get your hands off her."

Devon ignored him. "Who do I look like? D..." he sucked in a nervous breath, "...Davariel?"

A shiver went through him. The images of horror that name evoked, his mind running rampant with all the tales he'd heard of the demonic possessions, the killings, and the plagues that had held the entire galaxy in the grip of terror.

Amaranth's eyes filled with tears, confusing him even more.

Ashriel's bark of bitter laughter snared his attention.

"You, "the high priest ground out, pulling Amaranth from him, "are not even half the man Davariel was."

Devon watched as Ashriel wrapped Amaranth in his meaty arms. Growling with anger, Devon spat, "I don't want to be him. The only beings I've ever fought and killed were the holographic training images in Alpha 7's training hall."

"Dava never killed anyone before he turned either," the high priest spat back.

"What am I? Who were my parents, damn-it?" He hit his fist against his chest as he snarled, "I have a right to know!"

When Ashriel would have spoken, Amaranth placed her fingers over his lips. "Ash...?"

She continued to gaze into the reaper's eyes, now softened with tenderness as he looked down at her.

Ashriel's hand smoothed over one of her wings, making her shiver. He shook his head, and then turned hostile eyes back to Devon. "You're his son... the angel of destruction's spawn." Devon's blood ran cold. "He was supposed to kill your mother, but succumbed to his lustful nature. You see... Davariel was conceived by a Seraph and a succubus."

Devon closed his eyes. He felt as though his head were spinning.

"Why was I allowed to be born?"

"I was sent to kill you while you were in your mother's womb," Ashriel snarled, "but that son-of-a-bitch of your father sent Luciel away. We couldn't find any trace of her. By the time I located you and your parents, you had the protection of a Dominatio. There wasn't anything anyone could do." Ashriel's eyes looked at him from head to foot, a disgusted sneer on his handsome face. "I still can't believe you were anointed an archangel as an infant. Makes no sense, especially when demon blood courses through your veins."

The Dominatio. Devon blinked. "You can't kill me? But..." Confusion assailed his senses. He was losing control of himself. His only comfort had been that at least the reapers would put an end to him were he to turn completely. "I don't want to kill... I don't want to become a mass murderer and be responsible for opening the gates of hell."

To that, Amaranth simply replied, "then don't."

"But how?" Devon fell to his knees, pulling at his hair in desperation. "The devils torment me. They call me their master. They tell me to kill... to hurt..." he closed his eyes, repulsed by the fact he felt longing racing through his body at his own words, "to bathe in blood."

"Perhaps you need to embrace what you are." Ashriel's voice had Devon snapping his eyes open in shock. Embrace what he was? A demon? "Embrace and accept what you are and tame it. Don't..."

"You're crazier than I am," Devon snapped, lurching to his feet. Dismayed, he realized his trip to Angelos had been a waste of time. At least now he knew who his parents were. He was the son of Davariel, the angel di' la morte. "Why didn't the Seraphian Master Guardians tell me what I was?"

"They thought by teaching you love and kindness they'd be able to keep you from turning. You have human blood in you too. That's why you don't have wings," Ashriel said.

"And if I do turn... I'm just going to be allowed to destroy our universe?"

Ashriel's eyes glinted with cold hatred. "No. Then no Dominatio in the realm will keep me from hunting you down and finishing you. That's what I was born to do. Kill angels of destruction."

His words washed over Devon, giving him a measure of peace. "Promise me."

Ashriel's glittering grey eyes narrowed. "I'll do more than that, demon." His black wings opened gloriously behind his back as he unsheathed his sacred sword, pointing it at Devon. "I'll swear an oath to it."


Angel had never been to places of leisure debauchery. Her few ventures out of Venushti after the high priestess had saved her from sexual slavery had been to visit a few solar systems, meet others of religious devotion, and visit the sacred stone in the Edenian solar system.

As she weaved through the throngs of twisting aliens, dancing to the rhythm of hard pounding music, she wished she had Devon's arms around her, protecting her body from the feel of lust around her.

Rowie cast a glance back in her direction, smiling apologetically.

His presence feels stronger here, Angel—her voice whispered into her mind. We'll find Remi this time...I'm sure.

A forked tongue whipped out and stroked along Angel's neck, making her flesh crawl. She cast a killing glare at the lizard creature giving her a toothy grin. Something wrapped around her wrist, making her look down. Her nightmares had come true as she gazed in horror at the root-like tentacle wrapped around her wrist, trailing slowly up her arm.

Angel's eyes lifted to stare into the face of a creature that looked more like a plant than a humanoid. The glowing red eyes seared into her, the mouth opening and emitting a rasping hiss that smelled of rotting vegetation.

Before she had time to scream, Rowie and Anniel were there. Their arms wrapped around Angel, pulling her from the swarming aliens. Still, Angel shivered, struggling to breathe normally. Rowie held her tight. It's okay. You're with us. No one's going to hurt you.

Angel clutched at the black curls that fell to Rowie's waist, just breathing in her comforting scent. Anniel smooth her hands over her back.

That's when she saw him. Remien was in the arms of... a vampire. The dark male's mouth fastened to his neck.

Angel didn't need to utter a word, Rowie stiffened in her embrace, as if she were seeing the whole scene through Angel's eyes, then she disappeared from Angel's arms only to reappear behind the vampire, laser sword at his back.

"Uh-hum." Anniel snorted. "That Vamp's in deep shit now, Angie."

Angel watched, shocked, as he released the were-dragon who fell to the ground, his neck oozing blood.

"Tell me why I shouldn't kill you now?" Rowie hissed in the vamp's ear.

Angel and Anniel scurried toward them, and crouched to help Remien. They gripped him under his arms, trying to help him up. He blinked in confusion, and then scowled at them.

"What the hell goes on here?" the vampire growled, obviously displeased his meal had been interrupted.

"Rem, are you okay? What the hell is wrong with you? Why were you letting this asshole feed off you?" Rowie demanded.

Remien cursed under his breath. "I'll explain later. Wait for me outside."

He swayed forward, Angel barely catching him in time before he plummeted to the floor again. His body felt hot, scorching. Her lip began to bead with sweat from the heat rolling off him and the effort it took to keep the six-foot-three were-dragon up.

"What?" Rowie snapped, incredulous. "Remien Fyre, do not tell me you're whoring yourself out for blood feeders!"

"Red, you're in deep shit now," Anniel murmured through the side of her mouth, doing her best to help him remain standing.

The vampire laughed, making Rowie push the handle of her laser sword deeper into his spine. He grunted with discomfort, scowling down at Remien again. "This is not amusing, dragon-man!"

"Fuck, Row. Just give me some more time here." He swayed on his feet a little as he wrapped his arm around Anniel and Angel's shoulder and smiled at Rowie, "There's plenty of Fyre to go around."

Rowie shoved the vampire out of her way and grabbed Remien by his ears. "Conceited prick! Asshole! I should just leave you here to rot."

Angel followed them as Rowie dragged Remien out by his ear to where they'd left the Viper.

Rowie was still cursing up a storm, yanking his ear. He only smiled blissfully. "Where's your Viper? Bring it here! You are never to disappear like that again. Selling his blood! Can you believe that, Annie? He was whoring himself out!"

"But, baby..." he began.

"Don't baby me," she shrieked in his face. "You're a Master Guardian, not some cheap blood slut."

"I needed the money..."

This time she slapped him, but he only groaned as if aroused. To Angel's shock, he cupped his straining erection and gave Rowie a pleading look. "Baby, you know how much that turns me on by now."

Rowie stamped her foot in frustration. Remien's black Viper floated down behind him and opened with a soft hiss. "Get in," she grated.

He obeyed, but a bit unsteadily, making Angel wonder if perhaps he was drunk as well as suffering from blood loss.

Rowie turned to her, her eyes imploring. "Please don't leave me alone with him."

Angel understood... perfectly. Rowie was fighting the urge to succumb to her lust and love for Remien. She nodded and was about to climb into the pod when someone caught her eye.

Near the entrance to the gothic nightclub, she saw a shimmer of silver hair. Her stomach roiled into a knot of fear as she saw Seth talking to two Greis.

Annie followed her gaze and then frowned at Angel.

"You didn't see that, Angel," Annie said, her voice suddenly gone cold. "Go on, with Row and Rem. I'll meet you guys back at Alpha in a while."

Rowie was still fighting with Remien, so she doubted she overheard.

What was that all about? Seth? Annie? Suddenly Remien didn't look so guilty anymore.


Doubts clouded Angel's mind. They arrived at Alpha 7, Rowie continuing her angry tirade with Remien the whole way. It only took three minutes, but felt longer for Angel. The sensual current running through the Viper was so strong, she was beginning to feel arousal herself. By the time the Viper settled in the docking bay of Alpha 7, Angel wished they would just kiss already.

Now she understood what Rowie meant when she said they all felt like one. Emotions that weren't hers were raging through her.

She heard Remien snicker when she jumped out of the Viper. Rowie was still yelling at him, but Remi turned his head to look at Angel. A lazy grin graced his pretty face. He flicked his fingers, giving Angel a wink a second before the top of the Viper rolled shut, sealing them inside.

Angel just gaped, unsure of what to do. A big hand sliding onto her hip startled her. With a gasp, she turned to see Lucien smiling down at her. His finger came up to her cheek, caressing her gently, giving her chills. His gaze was so intense, she had to look down. She focused on the golden winged insignia over his left pectoral. His bulging left pectoral.

"You look tired. Are you hungry?"

That deep voice... so mesmerizing. His head tilted to the side, sending a cascade of blond hair spilling over one brawny shoulder. If it weren't for the color, she could almost imagine it was Devon's warm body holding her close.

She felt her face flush and looked up into Lucien's pale blue eyes. His sad look made her feel guilty.

"Couldn't you give me a chance? I mean... if you decide not to go through with the priestess thing?"

How couldn't she? Lucien was gorgeous in his own right, gentle, and sweet... but she knew she couldn't kiss him without seeing Devon's face in her mind.

He pulled her against him, making her eyes widen in surprise.

"You don't know that, Angel." His head began to lower. "Let me try...please."

It was the entreaty that undid her, the forlorn way he breathed it... as if she'd break his heart if she refused him.

His lips, though petal soft, felt different, as well as the kiss. His tongue swept into her mouth, hard demanding. She felt the suction on her tongue, the different rhythms he used and intensity. Oh, no. She could never mistake Lucien's powerful kiss for Devon's innocent forays.

He released her, and to her surprise, she found she was trembling. "Someday, when I kiss you" he whispered close to her lips, his fingers cupping her cheeks, "you won't think about him anymore. Then you'll only love me." He smiled. "It'll be nice to have someone love me for a change. I can wait, Angel."

He drew farther away and clasped her hand. Everything around them blurred into liquid color and another room took shape around them.

This time, Angel felt only slightly dizzy. Her attention was captured by Zak, who had his hand over a small round object on the table where he sat. Angel gaped. He wore no shirt, his rippling muscles on display... and a wary look on his angelic face.

"You scared the hell out of me," he blurted.

Lucien's brows furrowed. "And why's that?"

"I didn't feel..." He stopped talking, blinking a few times and then waved his huge hand dismissively. "It's nothing."

"Distracted?" Lucien prodded.

The golden-haired Master Guardian blushed to the roots of his wavy locks.

He stood, making Angel's mouth go dry. Zak's pectorals protruded like meaty squares over a deeply ridged abdomen. His biceps bulged and rippled with power as he pocketed the strange silver ball into his snug black pants. His hips were lean, but his thighs thick, cradling an impressive package. Embarrassed, Angel let her gaze drop to his booted feet. Huge! The man had huge feet to go with his huge body. Angel pitied the poor lover who'd have to bear the brunt of that body thrashing in the throes of passion. The thought made her face burn hotter.

Rowie popped in near them, looking flushed and flustered, her lips very pink and swollen.

Remien appeared with a little flash of fire, smiling from ear to ear, another red handprint on his left cheek to match the one on his right.

By the time Lucien had shown her how to use their food unit, Seth, and Annie had joined them.

When Devon walked in, Lillique behind him, Angel was glad she was already seated. The sight of Devon with this woman had a surge of hurt squeezing her heart.

All eyes fell upon her, making her blush. Lucien's hand squeezed her fingers, offering her a supportive grin, before he glared at the others.

Angel remembered what Annie had said... about being one and feeling the pain of the others around them. Where they feeling her emotions? But she wasn't one of them.

Remien remained staring at her, his green eyes thoughtful.

"Try this." Lucien held up a piece of pinkish fruit to her lips.

One look at Devon revealed his look of shock, then anger. Just because Lucien offered her fruit?

Lillique laughed as Angel took the bite from Lucien's fingertips. She barely registered what the hateful girl threw in her direction as the taste exploded in her mouth. Angel closed her eyes and groaned with pleasure, "Oh, my goddess!" Never in her life had she tasted anything so delightful. More! She had to have more!

She opened her eyes and blushed, realizing her outburst had sounded a little too much like she was being screwed senseless.

Devon's face was flushed, looking for all the world as if she'd betrayed him. Lillique picked up a piece of the fruit and offered it to him. He smacked it out of her hand with a snarl, making everyone gasp.

The slap she gave him was vicious, making Angel wince. Devon did nothing, just kept his head bowed, but from the heavy way he breathed, she could tell he was trying hard not to lose control.

Angel gritted her teeth in fury.

"Fuckin loser," Lillique seethed. "I don't know why I stay with you."

"Here we go again," Seth mumbled under his breath.

Lillique grabbed the bowl of fruit and upended it on Seth's head.

The young were-tiger roared in fury, pushing back from the table to stand. Annie gripped his wrist and implored him to calm down. Casting venomous glares at Lillique's laughing visage, he obeyed, flicking pieces of fruit from his clothing.

Devon grabbed her arm, making her scowl, "You broke up with me. Remember?"

Lillique laughed, tossing back her reddish curls. "Oh, Dev, baby. You and I are going to die together."

Devon recoiled from her. She continued to laugh, an irritating sound for Angel. How she wanted to throttle the bitch.

Get in line—Remien's voice whispered in her mind.

Angel looked around to realize that the weredragon wasn't the only one scowling at Lillique.

She seemed oblivious to the hostility around her, or she didn't care as she picked up another bowl of fruit and scooted over the table to sit in Lucien's lap. He stared at her wide-eyed.

Not waiting for a reaction, she popped a piece of fruit past his lips. "You see, Dev? Why can't you be as docile as Luke here."

"If you like Luke so much, why don't you fuck him instead," Devon snarled back.

Lucien scowled at Devon. "Thanks."

"Sorry," Devon mumbled.

Lillique only laughed louder, "You idiot. Seems to me, Lukey here wants a piece of this boyish girl's ass."

Angel snarled, grabbing a knife from her plate and would have slit the hateful female's throat if Remien hadn't gripped her wrist. "Not worth it, Angie."

Lillique smirked at her, making her temper flare higher. With a toss of her head, she turned back to Lucien. "Good going, Luke. Finally taking your first steps at coming out of the closet."

Lucien's face became mottled with anger. "I'm not gay."

"Easy, babe. No one said you were." She leaned in to his ear and whispered loud enough for everyone to hear, "I know you'd rather fuck someone else's ass, than to have your own reamed."

"That's enough!" Rowie stood from her place across the table. "Leave him the hell alone!"

"Make me," Lillique spat. "Sniveling little slut. You just want all the cocks for yourself."

Rowie made an enraged sound and almost made it across the table if Zak and Remien hadn't held her back.

"Lilli, enough!" Devon ordered.

"What? And not spill the beans that not only did she try to seduce both you and Luke, she also fucked Zak a couple of times before the weredragon showed up and caught her eye?"

Rowie gasped and blushed furiously. Remien blinked, then cast Zak a narrow-eyed glare. Zak's nervous gulp was the only sound in the silence that ensued, his sapphire eyes wide.

Everyone started talking at once.

"Geez, Rem," Zak blurted, "we were drunk, and it was before you came on board, bro. I'd never betray you like that."

But Remi wasn't listening to him. He was glaring at Rowie. "So all this time you withhold yourself from me when you've been friendly with the other men on Alpha 7?"

"Zak, you don't have to apologize..." Rowie gasped in outrage, Remi's words finally sinking in. Friendly? What are you trying to say, Remien Fyre? I'm no whore!"

"That was totally uncalled for," Anniel was saying also. ", Lucien, can't we kick her out? She did break up with Dev."

"I knew she'd be trouble the moment she came on board," was all Seth said with narrowed eyes, still wiping the fruit juices from his chest.

Only Lucien and Devon remained silent, Angel watching their expressions. Devon was fuming, and Lucien shook his head, glaring at Lillique coldly. She only laughed.

"Enough," Devon snapped, slamming his fist against the table. "Lilli, I'll set you up wherever you want. I'll give you enough credits to see you comfortable for the rest of your life..."
"No!" Her eyes filled with tears, her lips pulled back in a sneer. "You won't leave me! Three hundred years have gone by. Everything and everyone I knew is dead, and it's all your fault!" Her voice grew more hysterical. She scrambled out of Lucien's lap to lean across the table and stab a finger in Devon's face. "You didn't listen to me. If we'd had gone away like I said none of this would have happened. They would have been captured, not us. We would have been free. Who the hell knows—you might have been able to prevent the whole god-damned war, but no... you had to stay... had to play at being god because the whole fucking Edenian solar system needed you... your god-damned angels needed you. Allot of good it did them. Even now, I'd be willing to bet you're still at the top of their list as the one who betrayed them."

"It had to be me," Devon choked, bowing his head.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that." The evil female turned narrowed eyes to Remien. "You, Dragon-boy, your credit chip has suddenly gained a substantial amount of credits recently. Be interesting to find out how you can get so much money in just a few hours."

"That's none of your business," Rowie snapped.

"I'd have to disagree," Seth growled glaring at Remien, then cutting a narrowed glance at Lillique. "Exactly how much are we talking about?"

Lillique grinned with a sniffle, wiping angrily at her tears. "Enough to buy himself his own solar system." Her smile turned into a hateful sneer. "Or fund himself the biggest kickass army in history."

Rowie paled and turned to Remien. He looked around the table, all eyes on him. "So we're back to thinking it was me. Why not? I'm still the newbie. I'll admit, I've been dabbling in a few less than honorable deeds..." His angry gaze fell upon Seth again, "but at least I'm not associating with Greis."

Startled glances fell upon a red-faced Seth.

Before he could speak, Annie jumped in to defend him. "Just because a person talks to Grei's doesn't mean they're planning mass destruction."

"You've always been too overprotective of Seth," Lillique sniffed with disgust. "Sometimes I wonder if that fake mommy-love isn't some twisted, frustrated desire to fuck him. He has grown into a really hot man."

"Bitch," Annie snarled. "Seth is like my baby brother. We're all over-protective of him."

"Yeah. But you most of all," Lillique spat back. "Everybody thinks you're little miss goody-two-shoes, but you don't fool me. Your kid was treated with disgust on every planet in Edenia. Even the Seraph's rejected him. Poor little Gareth and his pathetic one wing."

Annie screamed and jumped, fingernails exposed, toward Lillique, but Seth and Zak restrained her. Devon had jumped to his feet also.

"Stop it already, Lilli," Devon demanded.

Angel frowned. Was it her imagination, or did Devon's eyes look brighter, his lips darker, almost plum.

Lillique continued to prod at his fury. "Why? She had motives to see a little destruction heaped on Edenia. Even Zak, if you ask me. His father hated him, wiped his mother's memories of his very existence. Creating that war was a damned good way to get back at his asshole father for what he did. Seth, the same. Abandoned. And Rowie?" She laughed scornfully, "Don't get me started there!"

"You seem to have all the dirt on all of us, Lilli," Zak snarled.

"Yes, I do!" Her eyes snapped to Lucien, "You're the best one of all. Did you ever tell anybody what your step-daddy did to you ever since you were little?"

Lucien's chair flew back when he jumped to his feet. Angel saw the beginning of fear creep into Lillique's eyes.

"I think we've heard enough," Lucien grated through clenched teeth. "You've made your point clear. Devon isn't the only who might have planned all of this."

"Great. So we have one nut job and six possible psychos," Seth mumbled.

Everyone jumped when Devon screamed and all the chairs flew against the walls. He was gone in an explosion of white fire.

Lucien had grasped Angel in time to avoid being knocked over by a chair and pulled her beneath him on the floor.

They weren't the only ones who'd taken refuge under the table.

"Shit! Did he just lose it completely?" Zak blurted, raking his golden blond hair from his face as he blinked at them. Remien was huddled over Rowie, covering her head even as she complained for him to get off her.

Angel scrambled to her feet and just as she was about to try to feel for Devon, Lucien gripped her arm.

"No, Angel. That would be too dangerous."

He closed his eyes and she felt his energy skim over her.

"He hasn't lost it totally yet, but he's close. His essence is changing."

"Oh, God, poor Dev," Annie whispered. "We've got to do something."

"This is all your fault," Lillique screamed at Angel.

'What," Angel gasped incredulously.

"I see the way you look at him. You want him, but he's mine." Her eyes narrowed, looking at Angel with disgust. "As if he'd ever be interested in something as pathetic as you."

"Well guess what, slut," Rowie stepped forward, hands on slim hips. "Devon's already had her, and he's in love with her, and we all approve of the match." Rowie looked around as the others nodded.

Lillique turned to Lucien, crossing her arms over her ample breasts. "Oh, I think Lucien wouldn't agree to that, would you, babe?"

Angel stiffened. She felt rage that Lillique would bring to light the uncomfortable situation with Lucien, and saddened she couldn't correspond the way he deserved.

"Luke?" Rowie blinked, her eyes and mouth wide. Her eyes darted to Angel, and then back to Lucien. Understanding dawned. "Oh, God, baby... I didn't realize... I'm sorry."

Angel's face heated up more. She slid her gaze to the side to peer at Lucien.

Lucien swallowed, his face blushing. Angel had never felt more uncomfortable. He cast her a longing glance before answering softly, "It's up to Angel. I've already told her how I feel. I know Devon has feelings for her, but in his present state..." He looked up at the others. "I'm not pressuring her. I'm only trying to be a friend." He lowered his head. "I know how to be a good second."


"You are a fool," the black devil admonished Devon. "You have the power to destroy all of them. Keep the blond female that entices you so, but the others are not necessary."

Devon gripped handfuls of his hair, trying to block out the screaming voices of the other devils.

"Leave me alone, please! I won't kill!"

"But you crave it, my prince," the black devil said in a soothing voice. "You are above these petty mortals. The Divine One has been distracted enough by these pathetic creations. They cause our creator great misery. We would be doing the Divine One a great service by ridding ourselves of these disgusting creatures. It's not like they would be completely destroyed. The Divine essence they're made of will be absorbed by us, making us stronger."

Devon closed his eyes, covering his face with his hands. In his mind, he saw Lucien, his aura brighter with the happiness he was feeling from being near Angel. When he'd fed Angel forbidden fruit, her reaction to the flavor of the fruit, the passion and ecstasy... he'd wanted her first taste of the fruit to be from him... from his hands. It had taken every ounce of his will not to jump across the table, take her in his arms and make love to her right there, claim her for himself. Damn Lucien for taking the woman he wanted... loved.

"Master, she can be yours," the devil insisted. He turned and waved a hand to his bed. Angel appeared, her body completely bare, her hair spread out around her like white satin. Devon's mouth watered when she inhaled, making her pert breasts rise, then fall softly as she slept. Her nipples were the palest pink and pebbled to perfection.

Transfixed, he stepped closer to her. Reaching the edge of the bed, he crawled on his hands and knees until his thighs straddled her hips. A movement in the mirror drew his attention. Devon stared at his reflection, crouched over Angel as she slept innocently, his evil self grinned, exposing sharp fangs. Dark grey devil's wings almost touched the ceiling. The evil creature licked his lips and bent his head to Angel's throat.

"No." Devon shook his head. "Don't touch her!"

He scooped Angel up into his arms, intent on teleporting out of the room with her and snarled "mine" into the mirror. His evil self snarled the same thing, then bent and bit Angel. She jolted in his arms and opened terrified eyes to him. Devon stared in horror at her as she cupped the side of her throat, her hand coming away full of blood.


Blood. His mouth was filled with it... her blood.

"Devon? W-why?" She began to cry, breaking his heart.

He held her tight and cried with her. "I'm sorry, baby. I'm so sorry." Her arms went around him. "I love you. Don't worry. I'll..." he pulled away from her, to tell he could heal her, but it wasn't Angel in his arms... it was Lucien, blood pouring out of a gaping hole in the middle of his chest.

Confusion made his mind reel.


Lucien's body convulsed, dying, more blood spattered from his lips.

The screams of the devils continued, if anything even louder, combined with hysterical laughing.

Sweat broke out on Devon's flesh. He tried to ignore the cacophony of noise surrounding him and placed his hand over the wound. "Fuck, Luke! Don't die! I love you!"

Lucien coughed once, his eyes rolling back a bit, and then his lips curled into a sneer, his eyes staring at Devon with pure hatred. "I...I hate you," he hissed. Lucien began to laugh, a high-pitched hysterical laugh that turned into screaming, his eyes bulging out of their sockets.

Devon released him, looking about wildly. "This isn't real! This is all a lie." He saw the black devil sitting on the floor in his quarters, chin in hands as if enjoying a show. "Son-of-a-bitch," Devon growled, scrambling out of the bed. When he approached the devil, the other devil's attacked him.

Their claws and fangs tore at his flesh, his body whipped mercilessly by their tails. Still he fought, viciously. His fists flew as well as kicks to get the writhing melee of devils off him. They began to yell at him in the familiar voices of his angel's, but he wouldn't be fooled this time. It wasn't his beloved angels attacking him. Sharp teeth raked him, pronged tails stabbed at him, the pain so agonizing, he was forced to enclose himself in a protective bubble.

He was unable to fight anymore.

Panting, in pain, and furious, he glared at the chuckling black devil. The creature pointed one claw behind Devon. Knowing he would regret it, Devon peered behind himself.

Lucien lay red-faced on the ground, clutching his crotch, Seth looked unconscious, and was being roused by Zak, who had a black eye and a bloodied nose, and Remien was bent over, coughing up blood.

Confused, Devon turned back to the black devil to find Lillique cowering on the floor.

"Told you all we should've left him the fuck alone," Remien sputtered through bloody lips.
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