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Dark as Daylight Ch. 09

Note: This is the property of Prolonged_Debut10. All information is available at Literotica .com. All persons in this NOVEL are fictitious. There will be very little sex and it will not be of a graphic or vile nature. I hope you take this journey me as you did in my previous works. There will a great deal of science, how interpersonal relationships work in an enclosed space, and we will find the people who are responsible for trying to blow up the largest rocket ever made in the United States, as well as those people who intend to destroy the Good Luck 2.


Chapter 9

36. Last to Launch

"She's ready to fly, Monty."

"I'm just going to remind you one more time Jack; if that rocket blows up, Hannah's pussy and your tongue are the only way you are going to have sex ever again."

"Why am I always the one that gets screwed, when he fucks up?"

"Don't worry Hannah, if he fucks up this time, you won't be getting screwed ever again."

"Come here Jack, I have something I want to say to you."

"Are you going to hit me?"

"No, I'm going to kiss you good luck."

"In that case, I'll be there my love."

Jack approached her and true to her promise she kissed him feverishly. Then she did something he didn't expect. She grabbed his balls and squeezed them as if they were lemons.

He tried to fall to the ground, but she wouldn't allow him that comfort.

"That rocket is not going to fail is it Jack?"

In as much of a voice as he could muster he said, "I promise sweetheart that rocket is going to land in Times Square. It will sing our message all the way there. Please let me go, or we will never have sex again."

"I believe that's what Monty said. Now that makes 2 of us. If it fails, Monty's going to kill you. If you don't keep your promise to me, I'm going to kill you. Monty will kill you quickly. I'm a doctor; I will keep you alive. I will show you how much I love you as I kill you."

"I would hate to find out what you would do to me if you didn't love me."

Hannah kissed him, and told him to get ready to launch the last rocket.


Jack wanted desperately to go outside to help launch the rocket, but due to his age that was out of the question. Gordon was chosen to lead the 4-member team in honor of his father. When he refused everyone gasped.

Monty asked, "Why the hell not?"

"I want my sister to do it. Delicious is dad's natural born daughter. It is her place to stand in for him."

Those in attendance at the meeting looked at him as if he had grown two heads. Never would they have thought he would turn this honor down.

Monty looked at him, and shook her head. "That brain transplant has done you some good. You are finally acting like a grown-up."

"Don't you ever accuse me of that again. Not even my mother accuses me of growing up"

Everyone at the meeting laughed at him.

Jack asked, "What makes you think your sister will go out there, without a gun pointed at her head?"

"I'll bet you she will jump at the chance to do it. She is the oldest of his children. Call her Monty, and have her come down here."

They continued the meeting, and a few moments later the Grayson Thyme family walked in led in by Teddy, and Newton. Delicious walked in carrying Tatum, and Gray was carrying Truman.

Gordon got up and relieved Delicious of Tatum, and told her to sit down in his place. Immediately she became suspicious.

"Delicious, we offered your brother the opportunity to help launch our last rocket towards Earth, in honor of your father. Believe it or not, he refused."

Delicious turned, and looked at her brother. "You refused?"

"Yes I did."

"Okay Monty, what's the catch? I can feel it coming at me from every corner of this room."

"Dummy, this room is oval."

"Stuff it, Gordon.

"Your brother refused, because he said it was your right, as your father's natural born daughter, and his first child to help launch the rocket. He wants you to do it in his honor."

"When the hell did you grow up?"

"You are the second person who accused me of growing up in the last half hour. Don't you ever accuse me of that again."

The room burst out into laughter, and the noise woke up the twins; who howled in annoyance.

Gray and Gordon rocked them back to sleep within seconds, and the room became quieter.

Monty asked, "Are you going to do it Delicious, or not?"

"Hell yes I'm going to do it. I owe my father everything. This is the least I can do for him. However, I'm taking that child with me."

"You can't take a baby outside with you; it will die."

"Not the infant, Peter Pan, the boy that refuses to grow up."

Everyone at the meeting had to cover their mouths so they wouldn't wake up the babies again. It didn't work, they had to uncover their mouths to breathe, and when that happened the laughing started and could not be controlled.

This time the babies were up for good. They were hungry. Delicious said, "Give me Truman, I'll feed him first."

She raised her blouse, unbuckled her front closing bra, and brought her son to her nipple. He began suckling immediately.

Elizabeth asked, "Can I try that with Tatum?"

"Liz, it doesn't work that way. You may be pregnant, but you're not lactating yet."

"I know; I just want to know what it feels like."

"Go ahead Gray; give her to Elizabeth."

Elizabeth unbuttoned her blouse and raised her bra over her right breast. Unlike any place on earth, not one man in the room said a word as her breasts were exposed. She took the 7-pound infant from Gray's arms, and asked Delicious if there was any special way to do it.

"No, just put her mouth on your nipple, and when she feels it, she will do the rest."

Tatum was still crying as Elizabeth raised her to her nipple, but as soon as she felt the warm, soft, flesh of a breast near her cheek, the wailing stopped, and her head began searching for her source of nutrition. When she made the connection to the nipple, her little hands wrapped around the breast, and she became contented.

A short time later Elizabeth moaned.

Delicious laughed. "You just came didn't you?"

Elizabeth blushed bright red. "How did you know?"

"It happens to me all the time. These two are almost as good as Gray."

"You are not supposed to be telling tales out of school dear."

"I can't even pay you a compliment in public?"

"Your 4-year old megaphone is standing by your side. Is there anything else you'd like to say?"

"No, I think I'll pass."

"Good girl."

"Why is she satisfied; she's not getting any milk?"

"She satisfied because she's leaning against your warm breast. She's getting her suckling motion, and she's very contented. In an hour or so she will be hungry, and let me know it. I will not let it go that far, because I will feed her as soon as he's done."

"Now that household matters have been taken care of, we are going to have 2 members of the Luck family outside, and 2 engineers. Is that okay with you Jack?"

"Yes, that will be fine. Gordon will have to wear the jet pack again. I wish we qualified more people with those, while we were on the ground. We just didn't have the facilities to do it."

"Jack, when we reach Atwater Luck, and everything has settled down to a daily routine, we can take the ship up into orbit and qualify more people with the jet packs just in case something happens on the planet we do not foresee.

If in the future, while we are traveling to another planet, as part of another adventure, we will have those people on board to repair anything that goes wrong on the outside of the ship."

"Excellent thinking little boy."

"I can see we are going to have to come to a midway point between little boy and grown up."

"How about adolescent?"

"No, I hated those pimples."

"I have it, and I think you'll like it. I want a vote on this instantly, and there is no going back. Are you ready?"

There was a resounding 'YES!'

"Instead of calling him Peter Pan, adolescent, grown-up, and all the other words we'd like to call him with 4 letters, I hereby propose that this person be called, for now and forevermore, 'GORDON. All in favor signify by saying AYE!"

Everyone said, "AYE!"

"Do I hear any NO's?"

"Hearing none and seeing no raised hands, this person's name forevermore is Gordon."

Jennifer said, "I find that very interesting, because that's what I named him at birth."

"You did a good job Jenn. We have no complaints with you naming him Gordon. It is the idiot that couldn't make up his mind whether he wants to be a grown-up or a child. Now he knows he's none of those, he's just Gordon."

"Okay, when I smack him from now on, I'll be smacking Gordon. I'll also be smacking my son Gordon at the same time. That'll be a 2 for 1."

Gordon asked, "Does anyone want to hear the story about the first time I purchased condoms?"

Jen was out of her seat in a flash, and Gordon was out the door.

Monty was laughing hysterically.

Delicious looked at her. "Do you know what happened?"

"I was with them that night. It was one of the funniest nights of my life."

"Spill the beans Monty, I've got to hear this."

"You are not going to hear it from me. Your mother will fillet the skin off my body, and I have a lot of skin. If you want to find out, you are going to have to ask either one of those two."

"Do you know what my chances are of getting that story out of my mother?"

"About the same as pushing toothpaste back in the tube."

"No probably a little worse than that. I won't get it out of Gordon either, because he knows more about me and Gray than I care to think about. He could blackmail me for my next 5 lifetimes, and still have lifetimes left over."

"Bridge, this is Captain Jamison. How long before we reach the turning point?"

"Captain Jamison this is the bridge. We will reach the turning point in 6 hours, 17 minutes, and 18 seconds. From there it is 8.9753 hours to Atwater Luck."

"Abrams I'm going to gut you with a scalpel."

"I'm sorry Captain Jamison, Captain Abrams is not on duty. This is Janet Dover."

"There is a conspiracy going on. Everyone is trying to get my goat, because Gordon kicked my ass, and I can't run after them. My time will come. When I get back to my former self, I'm going to pound every one of those people, who give me exact times and reference points, down 2 feet from their former height."

Jack asked, "Why would you do that? You asked a question and they gave you the appropriate answer. If you were leading a squad into battle, and you asked your spotter for the enemies' position, would you want him to advise you that the enemy is located 120 yards somewhere in front of you; or would you want to be advised that the enemy is at your 2 o'clock position, at 105 yards. There are 35 of them, and they are in dug in positions."

"You are a pain in the ass, Jack."

"I'm just telling you like it is."

"You are still a pain in the ass. Jack I want you and your men to do one final check on the rocket. I know I'm being a pain in the ass again, but please do it for me."

"Okay Captain, you got it."

"Teddy, you've been very quiet. Are you okay?"

"How Elizabeth have baby so soon? Mommy take long time."

"That's not Elizabeth's baby, that's your sister, Tatum. She's holding her just to keep her quiet, until mommy is finished feeding Truman."

"Oh, feel much better now. We find out Elizabeth having baby three week ago. Today, I see her holding baby. I really confused. Mommy having baby; little belly, bigger belly, biggest belly, then babies.

Elizabeth have no belly. Then holding baby, feeding baby. I very confused."

Elizabeth said, "If it was that easy Teddy, every girl would have a baby. Your mommy will tell you it's not easy having a baby. It's very hard on your mommy's body. This time, it was so hard, they had to open your mommy's belly to take the babies out. Your mommy is very fortunate to have your daddy, Newton, and you to help her."

"All I do is pray."

"All you can do is pray? Don't you think that helps mommy a lot? Don't you think that helps your family a lot? I think it does. Look how much better your mommy is, because of all your prayers. God heard them all, and she answered them, because she loves you, and your family."

Teddy smiled shyly, and leaned against her mother.

Delicious said, "No more nose in corner."

"Still think you cheat Monopoly. You always win."

"You always want Boardwalk, and Park Place. I want the yellow and the red. You land on me more often than I land on you."

"Oh, that the secret. I get out of jail, I land on orange. I pay you money. I go next time, I land on red, I pay you more money. What happen with green?"

"Green is too expensive to build houses on. I don't cheat; I can read the rules. When you can read, we will be equal, and then we will have fun."

"Why you not tell me this before?"

"I thought I would enjoy beating you now, because the rest of my life you are going to beat me."

"I know you cheat."

"I didn't cheat. I love the look on your face when you are thinking about what to do next. Your nose gets funny. You bite your bottom lip, and you squeeze your eyes tight. If we had a camera, I would take hundreds of pictures of you every time we play Monopoly."

"When I five, you in trouble."

"What do you mean 5? I'm in trouble already with you. You are speaking better, and you are reading books by yourself. I love my Teddy so very much."

"I love my mommy very much."

"Why don't you go to the playroom for a while, and play with the other children?"

"No, I go downstairs and play with turkey's. Lot of little birds running in the cages."

"Okay, but remember don't let them out, because the big turkeys will step on them."

"Okay mommy, goodbye daddy."

"Goodbye Princess, if you find feathers on the floor, I can make you a little necklace or bracelet. Don't take them off the turkeys, they have to be on the floor."

"We have lots of feathers. We take them off the floor and put them in big bags. I bring you some later."

After Teddy was gone Gray said, "Oh My God, what have I just done?"

"I think you are going to be making Indian headdresses for every child on the ship darling. You remember the old quote don't you, 'No good deed goes unpunished.' Your good deed just got you in big trouble."

"Where is that stapler Even wanted to buy to keep his mouth closed?"

"Honey look at it this way. You work 8 hours a day. You sleep 8 hours a day. You help me with the twins every day. So that leaves you about 4 hours every day to work on the headdresses. I would say you can make maybe 5 or 6 a day. It won't be that terrible."

"Have you ever seen me sew?"

"Make that 2 or 3 a day."


"Sir, we have a cracked board."

"Where, we've been over this thing 3 times, and everything checked out perfectly."

"It checks out fine electronically, but take a look, you can see the crack going through the left quadrant of the board. It should show a fault on our test equipment, but it doesn't, and I don't know why."

"Put it back in, and run the test again."

"You see sir, absolutely perfect."

"Stevens bring your test kit here."

"Here you go Sir."

"Run the test again."

"Right down the line sir. It couldn't be better if it tried."

"Bring me a board we know is bad."

"He you go Colonel; we took this out of the second rocket. You can see by the tag attached to it what faults showed up."

"Test it."

"Shit Colonel this is not the right. There is no way in hell this circuit board should pass muster. Someone had to get to our test kits."

"I'll bet you a dime to a doughnut I know who it was."

"Who Colonel, who would want to keep us from sending a message home?"

"The same asshole that had us going in the wrong direction; Doctor Aubrey. I've seen him down here often enough looking around, haven't you?"

"Yeah, but we kept him away from all the important stuff, especially the engines. We didn't want anyone screwing them up."

"Thank goodness you did that. Otherwise, we could be drifting in space forever. Take your test kits apart, and let's go over them piece by piece until we find out what he did to them."

"Engineering to Captain Jamison."

"This is Captain Jamison; what's up Jack?"

"We had a saboteur here in engineering. You asked us to go over the rocket one last time, and because you did we found a cracked circuit board. The problem is it checked out perfectly when it shouldn't have. It should come back showing up with a fault, but it didn't. We checked it with another test kit and it still came back perfect. We tested a board we knew was bad, and that came back perfect. We are in the process of taking apart our test kits to find out what was done to them to make them show everything was fine.

However, I know who did this to them. It was Doctor Aubrey. He was the one that sent us in the wrong direction, with no apparent motive. Now, we see his motive. He did not want any messages getting back to Earth. Whoever paid him, or his family or whatever he's getting out of this, this rocket was never supposed to get our message back to Plant Earth."

"I request that you do not make the turn towards Atwater Luck, until we know we have this rocket ready to roll. It may add a few hours, or days for us to get to Atwater Luck, but it will also get this rocket that much closer to Earth. We need time Monty; we need time to fix our testing gear, and we need time to go over this rocket until it is absolutely pristine."

"You have it Jack, we don't turn until you tell us to."

"Thanks Captain."


"Science division, this is Captain Jamison."

"Science division, Harvey Cushing Captain."

"Mister Cushing, we are not making the turn as planned. It appears that Doctor Aubrey did more damage than previously noted. We will continue on this heading, unless you tell me there is a better one for us to launch the rocket towards planet Earth. It doesn't matter where we make the turn towards Atwater Luck from this point on. It only matters where the best point is to launch the rocket towards Earth. You may assume at this point that you are looking at a 24 to 48-hour timeframe. Work it out on your computers, and let me know what you think."

"Aye, Aye captain, we will be back to you in 15 to 20 minutes."

"There is no rush Mister Cushing, accuracy to within a dime's width is what I need."

"Bridge, this is Captain Jamison."

"Captain Jamison this is the bridge."

"Janet, I want you to ask Callie the same question I just asked the science division. Using a 24 to 48-hour launch window, what is the best heading for us to take to make a close approach to Earth before turning towards Atwater Luck. The rocket has been sabotaged, and is now in the process of being repaired."

"Can we just throw that bastard out into space. He's wasting our air Monty."

"Believe me I'm thinking about it. As a matter of fact, I'm going to do more than think about it; I'm going to call for a quorum, immediately."

"Communications, this is Captain Jamison."

"Captain, this is communications."

"Communications put out a quorum call for all persons not involved with critical duties, immediately. The meeting starts in 45 minutes."

"What shall I say it involves Captain?"

"High Treason against Doctor Lincoln Aubrey."

"It will be on all speaker, and on display in 30 seconds. The bells will begin sounding at the same time."

"Captain Jamison, this is Harvey Cushing in the science section."

"Go ahead Mister Cushing."

"We would recommend a change in course to 1250, angle of declination to minus 35o."

"Thank you Mister Cushing, we're running it through Callie right now, and we'll see what she comes up with. I will let you know her answer."


Janet was seated in the Captain's chair waiting for Callie's solution, when she was reprimanded.
"Anyone that slouches in the Captain's chair should be horsewhipped."

She jumped, sat up straight, and looked for her accuser.

"That's much better Janet. Now, tell Jack not to use a sledgehammer when a tweezers will do. Tell him to use the KISS method. Doctor Aubrey didn't have a lot of time to disable all the test kits in different manners. He had to do it the same method with each one.

Tell Monty I want to speak with her, because something is missing. Something terribly wrong is missing."

Callie asked, "What do you think is missing Doctor Luck?"

"Callie, why would someone go through all the trouble of taking you into the deepest parts of space, while keeping all your colleagues in the dark. Academics don't do that; they feed off the knowledge of each other. That's how they grow; that's how the leaves on the tree expand, and grow upwards towards the sun. The more knowledge, the greater the expansion of the tree. Doctor Aubrey was the smartest one in that group, and he had the most seniority. That's why I gave him that position. I thought it was the right thing to do. Apparently I was very wrong.

Now, he does not want this rocket to be a successfully launched towards planet Earth to give the message that we are landing on Gliese 581G, and have renamed it. If that message gets out, our mission is successful. If it doesn't, it is a failure, because no one will ever know what happened to us. The only way we would ever be able to tell our story is to return home. We could do that easily, but we would have to bring home dirt and rocks from other planets to prove it. Therein lies the problem. We would have to land. I will bet that Doctor Aubrey has done something to the landing system."

"How could he bypass all the built in safeguards?"

"He could put a block of C-4 in any of the landing gear chambers, and attach wires to any of our electrical lines. Once we start lowering the landing gear, the explosion will rip apart the ship, and depending on our altitude at the time, it could kill everyone on board as we crash to the ground."

"I heard everything you said Even, now what do we do about it?"

"We do the same thing I told Janet to tell Jack to do. Use the KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) method. Don't make it public knowledge yet. There is no sense getting everybody worked up over it.

Use Gordon, Newton, Laura, and Adam Schiff. There are only half a dozen people on this ship that know that the landing gear can be put down hydraulically, instead of electrically. They are four them, I am the fifth. You will guess who the sixth one is."

"Well don't keep me in suspense, who is it?"


"Hannah, how did she get involved with this?"

"She was my nurse remember? When I was not allowed to work at work, I worked at home. The blueprints were so big she would help maneuver them for me. I began explaining to her what I was doing with the blueprints and that's how she found out about the hydraulic system. We can even lower the landing gear by hand, but it might take months to do."

"You have your quorum coming up in 10 minutes. I think you should put him in a spacesuit, take off his helmet while he is outside and let him die at Gods' hands. As you're getting him dressed in engineering tell him you know all about his plans for blowing up the ship, and you've already taken action to remedy the matter. As you taking him outside, he may tell you where the explosives are, and the reason he is doing all of this to us."

"I have to go Even. Callie give your heading towards Earth to Janet so we can compare it with the science divisions' estimate."

"Yes Captain Jamison. Captain Dover, your heading towards Earth should be 126.07o with an angle of declination of 38o."

Janet wrote down Callie's numbers, and compared them to the Science Division. Then she made her first Executive Decision. She split the difference between the two numbers.

"Helm make your heading of 125.5o, angle of declination 36.5o.

"Helm responding: 125.5o, angle of declination 36.5o."


"Put that traitorous bastard in that chair, and if he moves out of it hit him, hard."

"Members of the quorum, we meet here under very unusual circumstances, and on a matter of the utmost importance. The cases before you today are of High Treason; not 1 count of High Treason but 3 counts. We will only take up two of these cases today just to show his ill intent towards the members of this quorum.

Today's cases are against Doctor Lincoln Aubrey, former Director of the Science Division. Members of his staff will testify that he ran the division as a tyrant. The members did not complain simply because it is not done in academia. If it was not for one brave man, this entire ship would still be heading in the wrong direction, instead of heading towards our new home at Atwater Luck, formally known as Gliese 581G. Why he did it is unknown, and he has not been forthcoming with his reasons. All we know is he did it, and he got caught at it.

Today, in a little more than 4 hours we were supposed to launch a rocket towards our former home, The Planet Earth. This was our last rocket, and our final chance to tell our families, friends, and all humanity of our success and landing on Atwater Luck.

During a meeting today I requested the head of our engineering department, Col. Jack Daniels, to run one more examination of the rocket to make sure everything was in perfect operating order.

He and his staff were going over the rocket, when one of his staff members found a cracked circuit board. It should have registered a fault on his testing equipment, but it did not. They tested it with another test kit and it also registered good. They took out a circuit board, from a previous rocket they knew was bad, and tested it on both test kits. The broken circuit board tested fine.

Someone tampered with our test kits. The only person to visit the engineering section on a continuing basis, prior to his arrest was Doctor Lincoln Aubrey. He has the knowledge and the expertise to disable the testing kits.

All equipment in the entire engineering section that Dr. Aubrey had access to is now being tested, and retested by different personnel, to verify every component is working properly.

The men and women working in engineering are a very elite, and prideful group. This man has put a stain on their reputation, and they are angry about it. They will do their part to put this ship back into top working condition, and find whatever traps this traitor has laid for us before we successfully land at our new home.

Our Engineers are asking your help. They want you to listen to the evidence we are going to give you, and if you find it sufficient, find the defendant, Doctor Lincoln Aubrey guilty of High Treason. One Moment Please."

"Engineering, this is Captain Jamison; Jack I need you up here now."

"On my way."

"The first witness for the prosecution will be our chief engineer Colonel Jack Daniels."

Jack arrived and presented to the quorum the cracked circuit board that tested positive when it shouldn't have, and the testing equipment that was tampered with. Then he showed everyone exactly how Doctor Aubrey tampered with the test kits to make sure everything read positive. It was a trick every science student in high school learned, while taking chemistry, and physics. It also worked on these high-tech machines. Now that it was repaired, he attached the wiring to the circuit board, and it proved that the board was damaged.

Then he used a test kit that had not been repaired. It showed the circuit board was good. He told the quorum that the rocket would have exploded within 100 yards of their spacecraft, with the potential of doing damage to the exterior of the ship, as well as destroying the last remaining rocket."

Monty asked, "Do you have any questions for this witness Doctor Aubrey?"

"Yes, I do. How do you know it was me that tampered with the test kits?"

"Do you mean besides your fingerprints being all over the units, Dr. Aubrey? You see Doctor, when we handle sensitive equipment, we always wear gloves. They protect the equipment from the oils on our hands so it does not disturb their accuracy. You didn't wear gloves, and your fingerprints are everywhere."

"Anything further Doctor Aubrey?"


For the next hour, a line of scientists preached about the way Dr. Aubrey handled the Science Division; never allowing any other scientist to see the scans from the x-ray telescopes or any other advanced systems that were available to them. He kept them totally in the dark, and under threat of expulsion from the division.

When they were finished, Monty asked, "Does any member of the quorum have any questions they'd like to ask the defendant?"

An under voting age teenage girl stood up and asked, "Why would you do this to us? No one here ever hurt you."

Aubrey didn't answer her.

Monty said, "It's up to you to vote on the innocence or guilt of the first charge. Hijacking the spacecraft Good Luck 1. This is too important to use an electronic count. All voting members who believe Doctor Aubrey is guilty please stand."

"I count 67 Betty; what about you?"

"I count 67."

"All who believe Dr. Aubrey is innocent of the charges please stand."

No one stood up.

"On the first count of the indictment Doctor Lincoln Aubrey is found guilty. Please be seated."

"On the second count of the indictment, the willful destruction of community property, with the intention of destroying the last possible way for us to inform Planet Earth that we have successfully completed our mission, by landing at Atwater Luck, formally known as Gliese 581G. Please rise if you believe the defendant is guilty."

"I count 67 again."

"I count 67 also.

"On the second count of the indictment Doctor Lincoln Aubrey is found guilty. Please be seated.

"According to our laws there are only 3 crimes that can receive the death penalty. Rape, Murder, and High Treason. Never when we sat around the table making up our Constitution and laws; never did we ever believe in our hearts would anyone commit High Treason onboard this vessel. Everyone was so carefully screened. Everyone gets along so well and then there is this one rotten apple, which always finds its way into the barrel. We just found ours. Doctor Aubrey, I'm not even going to ask you to stand. I'm going to announce that you are guilty of one of the highest crime imaginable by our laws.

'You are hereby sentenced to death.'

On the same day, at the same hour we launch our last rocket towards our former home, the Planet Earth, the helmet on your spacesuit will be removed, and you will die instantly. I wish it would take longer. The remainder of your spacesuit will be removed from your body, and you will be cast out into space, as a piece of flotsam for eternity. Take this traitor back to his cell."

Newton was sitting in the third row watching Aubrey intently, as he was ordered to do. When Monty delivered the death sentence, Aubrey didn't wince, he didn't blink, and his breathing didn't change. He remained calm as the guards took him by his arms, and led him away. As he walked by Newton's row, he seemed to have a satisfied grin on his lips.

Newton went up to Monty and made his report.

She asked him, "How large are the access ports to the landing gear?"

"They are easily 6 feet high by 4 feet wide Monty; why?"

"I'm just wondering if we should put 2 people into each opening so it can be searched more thoroughly."

"We would only get in each other's way Monty. All of them are all going to be searched in the same manner. They are going to start at the top of the shaft, and work our way down. We are only talking about an area of 16 feet in diameter. The top of the landing gear is a flat, impenetrable surface. The access panel is only there for us to work on the electronics, the pneumatics, and if all else fails, the cranks to lower the landing gear by hand. I hope that never happens, because that will take a very long time to do it.

The 4 of us will look for anything that is out of place. He couldn't have walked around the ship with a 6-foot pole, without someone noticing it. He could not have carried liquid explosives onto the ship, he would have needed a lot of inside help, and he didn't have the connections to get them in. If it is C4, he had to hook it up to a battery and timer or an electrical source for it to work properly. There are only so many places that have electrical cables that can be reached in there. Even if he had all the schematics for the ship, which I'm sure he doesn't, because Callie doesn't give them out to just anyone, they're all going to be in the same place where we can find them. All we need is time and that we have more than enough of. We can stay in orbit around Atwater Luck for months if we have to, and survey the planet while we continue to look.

We also have one other way to lower the landing gear I just thought about. As we decelerate going into Atwater Luck's atmosphere, we can release all the locks. At 75 feet above ground level, give the ship a really hard bump down. We should be able to level off between 40 and 50 feet, if everything goes well. If there is an explosion, we will still have three legs remaining, plus the nuclear engine, and Delicious' engines operating at full capacity.

The belly of the ship is 22 feet lower to the ground than where the landing gear begins. It means we stay aloft, and look for a grassy incline. A place without a great deal of rocky outcrops, and send out a landing party to verify it. We can even see what damage was done to the strut and determine if it is repairable."

"Enough forward thinking for now. You engineers get started and you are going to have me building a bridge to Gliese 581F. Don't you dare get yourself killed Newton. Elizabeth will hate me if you do."

"The hell with Elizabeth, I'll hate you."

He got smacked hard, on the back of his head.

"What's this 'The hell with Elizabeth already?"

"Hi baby, you missed the first part."

"The first part better be very good, otherwise you're going to be in an awful lot of pain."

"That was the first part baby. Monty said, "I'd better not get myself killed, because Elizabeth will hate her. I said the hell with Elizabeth, I'll hate her."

"Is that what happened Monty?"

"I have no idea what he's talking about."

Newton got hit again, but this time it was hard, and then harder.

"Come on Monte that's not fair; she's going to kill me now."

"Yes, Liz that's what happened. I just like to see men crawl, when their women are around."

"Me too, isn't it fun. The only man I ever met, who didn't crawl when he was near his wife was Doctor Luck. No that's not true; Doctor Thyme is the same way; he is a very strong man also."

"Beth, I know it's going to be hard for you to remember, but it's not Doctor Thyme anymore, it's dad. We are a family now."

"I know Newton; it's just going to take me a little while to get used to it, that's all."

"I've got to change and get ready to go to work."

"You're not scheduled to go in for 3 hours yet."

"I know, but Jack wants me to check one of the receptacles in the landing gear and it's going to take me an hour to get there. So I'm going to start early, and I'll finish early. That way when you get home, I'll be all rested, and we can fool around."

"I think I have a headache."

"It's starting already?"

Monty smiled. "Way to go Elizabeth, never let him know what's happening."

"Why did he say he was going to hate you Monty?"

"He's going to be looking for something very special."

"How special, for him to hate you?"

"Oh, it's just an explosive device, meant to blow up our landing gear, and part of our ship as we approach the planet."

"I'll go with you. You are the first person I ever loved, and I'm not about to lose you."

"You're not coming any place near me. It's not only you, there's our baby to think of. I won't risk either of you for anything."

"Gordon is going into another of the landing gear. He has one baby, and Zoey is pregnant with another. He's not letting her anywhere near that place.

Laura and Adam Schiff are going in the other two landing gear. They have no children yet, and if something happens, one of them will survive. It's the best way baby. Let us do our work properly, and nothing will happen to hurt us or this ship."

"He's going to be a little late starting his work, Monty. My headache disappeared."

"Take all the time you need Elizabeth; remember he needs some energy left to do is work."

"I'll let him sleep for an hour, after I'm done with him."

"Enjoy yourself, if anyone deserves some enjoyment in her life Elizabeth, it's you."

"Come on big boy, let's see what you got."

"You've already seen it."

"I'm going to see if I can make it grow."

"It might hurt you if it does."

"It already hurts me, and I don't complain because of the way we finish."

"I believe this is going to be a lot of fun."

"This is going to be more fun than all the engineering you've ever done; all the roller coasters you have ever been on, and all the lies you ever told in your life."

"Oh Boy!"


"Colonel, we have a new one still in its box."

"God loves us. Take it out, put it under a microscope to check it for cracks, and then test it."

"Colonel, I need you over here for a moment."

"What do you have for me, Mel?"

"Here sir, take the mirror and look about 8 inches in. We have a hairline fracture in the body of the rocket. It may be nothing, but I think I'd like to micro-weld it as a precautionary measure."

"Why didn't we pick this up before, Mel?"

"I don't know sir. The body of the rocket has been apart several times, and not under guard. That bastard could have come in here with a pocket knife, reached in and made that long scratch easily. I'm not saying it wasn't there before, but it is there now, and I think it should be taken care of."

"I agree Mel, do it."

"Thank you, sir."

"Engineering to the senior captain."

"This is Captain Jamison, what do you have for me Jack?"

"Can I put that bastard in the nuclear containment unit and watch him roast."

"I've already pronounced sentence on him Jack. What did the bastard do now?"

"One of my engineers found a 10-inch long scratch on the internal portion of the rockets body. There is no way for it to get there except by human hands. Mel found it as he was checking a few moments ago. He believes Doctor Aubrey took a pocket knife and gouged the internal portion of the aluminum. Would you have a security team take apart his room, from top to bottom, to see if he has a pocket knife there. If he does, bring it down to me and I'll test it to see if it to see if the aluminum on the tip of his knife matches the rocket casing. Then I'll go to his cell, and detach his balls with it."

"The documents say you cannot do that to a condemned man. I will have his room taken apart, fumigated, and put back together."

"Thanks Monty. It's just like on Earth, the accused has more rights than the victim."

"That is the truth, and there's nothing we can do about it. Go back to work Jack. Find out what else that bastard did to our rocket. Our message has got to get to Earth. I will continue keeping us together."

"I've got my best team on it, and I am here supervising."


"Jack get over here quick!"

"What's up Mel?"

"While I was welding, I thought I saw something further back towards the tail. That cock sucker is very good. Look at the present he left us. I think the scratch was a diversion."

Taking the 'Chimera' hand held, digital microscopic camera, Jack pointed it towards the rear of the rocket, directly against the propellant container. What showed up on the television screen made everyone but Jack gasp.
The words that came out of his mouth were directly from the docks of New Jersey. He had never had the occasion to visit the 'Garden State', but you could not prove it by the language that was pouring out of his mouth. Each and every one of his words were all pointed at Doctor Lincoln Aubrey. The guy was a fucking genius at everything he did, and everything he did on this ship was meant to destroy it. The question still rang in his and everyone else's mind: 'WHY!'

"Monty, get your ass down to engineering now."

"I'm on my way."

Still using her crutches as if they were canes, she walked into engineering, and directly over to the rocket.

"Look at the television monitor, Monty.'

"Is that's a block of C 4, Jack?"

"Yes Captain. The C4 is sitting next to the propellant casing. The 2 blasting caps are connected to the wires that set off the solid rocket booster fuel. When the 'Amminium Perchlorite, Amminium, and Iron Oxide; or simply APCP is hit with a jolt of electricity, it starts to burn, nothing on God's green earth is going to stop it until it runs out."

"I swear, by Her Holiness, there is a conspiracy onboard this ship to drive me crazy. Why couldn't you tell me in the beginning that whatever those long words were was called, 'APCP', Jack. You knew I wasn't going to understand them."

"You are the captain of this ship, Monty. I have to give you all the information I have available to me. After that I can give you the abbreviation you can use. Now if you'll let me into the cage with that prick, you won't need to send him out into space."

"I can't do that Jack. I told you that already. Just tell me how you're going to get rid of that C 4."

"Oh, that's easy, we're just going to remove the blasting caps, cut the wires, and then remove the little clips that are attached to the electrical wire lines. Then you can throw the block of C-4 to him, or bend him over and shove it up his ass."

"It's useless without the blasting caps; correct?"

"Yes Captain, without the blasting caps, it's like Playdough."

"Take it out; have your team check out the rest of the rocket with that thing you have, very carefully. Then meet me at the brig with the 'Playdough'. I think we'll have a little fun with Doctor Aubrey."

"Are we going to play catch?"

"Were even going to let him join us."

"That sounds like fun. I'll meet you there in 15."

Jack yelled out, "Who wants to pull out some C4?"

Nearly the entire engineering section yelled, "ME, ME, ME."

He allowed the youngest member of his staff to do it. He was 17 years old and this was his first experience with the explosive compound.

He opened the access panel, looked at its' position, reached his hand in to the 'blind position' and felt for the blasting caps. He removed them, gave the wires a quick, authoritative jolt, and they came free. Then he pulled off the C4, and removed everything, singlehandedly. He placed everything into a 6-inch square box, and recited to Jack what he had, and what was missing.

"Do you have to remove the needle clips?"

"Not always, sir. However, on a project as important as this one is to everyone on this vessel, I would."

"Do it."


"Doctor Daniels, this is Captain Jamison. Report to the brig immediately. Bring your kit with you."

"I'm on my way Captain."


"Get him out of his cell, strip search him. Do an internal body search, and check his room with a fine tooth comb. Look for wires, or discolorations on the floor. Anything that looks out of place, I want to know about it. Don't leave anything in there. No blanket, no sheet, nothing of comfort. I don't want his death to be self-inflicted. His death belongs to the members of this ship, because he tried, and is still trying to kill us."

"Yes Captain."

Doctor Lincoln Aubrey was pulled out of his room in the brig, and humiliated for the next 20 minutes, as he had never been in his entire life. From a life of privilege, at birth, he was now having fingers, hands, and tubes shoved up and down his openings looking for anything that might or could kill him.

When they were finished with him they threw him back in his cell but did not close the door.

"Hannah check his vitals, make sure he will live for the next 2 days."

"Yes Captain."

"Joseph, Stephen, and Will, go in there with her. If he takes any actions towards her, break his fucking arms."

"Yes Captain."

Hannah checked Aubrey. His blood pressure was 210/128. His pulse was 105, and his oxygen intake was 94. He wasn't going to die; just yet.

"Monty, you put him through a lot. His blood pressure is through the roof, his pulse is very high and is oxygen intake is low. If I cared about the bastard, I would put him in the infirmary. As it is I'll stay here and check him in 10 minutes."

"No, you go back to the infirmary. Send a nurse up here to watch over him. All she's going to do is take his vitals. If you are called, in the case of an emergency, you are not to run. You will come up here at a normal pace and then check him. I would like him to live, so I could carry out the sentence of the quorum, but it will save us the time of putting him into a spacesuit if he dies. We just found a block of C-4 attached to the engine of the rocket being sent to Earth. I just wish he would tell us why he's doing this before he dies."

"In his current state a truth serum would work."

"Very good Doctor, and where would I get one of those?"

"Downstairs in the infirmary, where else?"

"We keep truth serums on hand?"

"No we don't keep truth serums on hand. Truth serums are combination of drugs that were made for different purposes. They just found out that these drugs made people less likely to lie."

"How long would it take to make one of these miracle drugs?"

"3, maybe 4 minutes. It may kill him if I give him too much of the drugs."

"I absolve thee; I absolve thee; I absolve thee."

"I'll be right back; I'll bring up the drugs, and do it here."

Monty said, "Bring a bed into the hallway, with a sheet, pillow, and a blanket. Bring 2 buckets of water; one with ice for drinking along with 4 glasses. The other with warm water, 6 small towels, and 4 chairs. Once everything is together, put him on the bed, and use cable ties to attach his legs to the frame of the bed. Don't make them too tight, but make sure he can't get out of them."

It didn't take long for her orders to be carried out.

She was the Senior Captain, who everyone obeyed, but most of all, her entire security team loved her. She was one of them, not one of those prissy scientists, who had no idea of what a workingman did for a living. Dr. Even Luck was the exception to the rule. He worked harder than they did.


Finch asked Daniel's, "You are going to do what?"

"I'm going to give Aubrey a truth serum."

"That's against the Constitution, without his signature of approval."

"Doctor, you are thinking of the wrong Constitution, on a different planet."

"You're right; I'll go up there with you and watch the action. Just don't give it to me, because Sandy will kill me."

"You are a lying sack of shit. You haven't done anything that woman would disapprove of. Even while you were separated, you didn't fool around."

"How do you know?"

"Did you?"


"Well, there's your answer."

"I have to go; are you coming Doctor?"

"Who else should we give the truth serum to?"

"I believe it would ease Elizabeth's mind of all the hate, and sexual abuse she saw growing up."

"No, I'm talking about having fun with it. Who was a topless dancer, while she was in college? Who worked for the mob? Stuff like that."

"Joe I'm beginning to worry about you."

Sandy said, "I just found out I'm pregnant again, and now its father has to go into the rubber room. This does not bode well for this pregnancy."

Joe turned, jumped in the air, grabbed his wife and kissed her.

"We're going to have another baby?"

"Who said you were the father? There are many eligible men in this bubble of ours."

"Doctor Daniels, may I borrow your truth serum?"

"Of course you may; but only if we're going to use it on you."

"I'll pass." He got slapped.

"You know I never would do anything that would offend you baby."

"Then why won't you take the test?"

"I don't like needles."

He caught her hand in mid-air, and kissed her. "Would you like to get on to the examination table? I can close the doors, lock them, and put up the sign that says 'Female Examination in Progress. Do Not Enter.' It will give us 30 to 45 minutes to fool around."

"In other words doctor, you want a quickie."

"It's the best I can do, until Doctor Daniels returns."

"Okay, let's rock this place."

"Have a good time you two. I'll be back whenever."

Sandy said, "Let us know how your truth serum works out?"

"You two work out. I'll worry about the truth serum."


"Hold his arm still Steven. Joe hold his head. I have to get this catheter into a vein."

"No problem Doctor. If he doesn't hold still, I'll just break his fucking arm. It won't inhibit the flow of blood. It will just hurt him that much more."

Aubrey looked into Steven's eyes, and knew the man was not joking. While he was distracted for that split second, Hannah slipped the needle into a good vein, and got a significant blood return. She attached the tube holding the mixture of medications, and began slowly introducing it into his body's system.

"Steve count down from 100 for me please. I have to give him a large dose of this medication, but I have to do it very slowly."

"Okay Doctor here goes: 100- 99- 98- 97- 96- 95-//// 84- 83- 82-81."

"That's all Steve, thank you very much. Now we let the medication take effect. It shouldn't be more than 20 to 25 minutes, before we get the reaction we need."

"I know I'm going to hate myself in a few moments, but I have to ask this question, "What are you using on him?"

"They are pregnancy drugs Monty. When a woman goes into labor, but is less than 6 months pregnant, there is no chance for the fetus to survive. What they do is give her a drug to stop the labor. It's called '3 quinuclidinyl benzilate' and then keep her as inactive as possible. This is 1 of the 2 drugs I'm giving him now. The other one I'm using is an anti-depressant called 'thiopental', which is a very popular drug. It is used all over the world as an anti-depressant. Between the two, we get the truth serum effect.

It was found out, quite accidentally, by a husband who realized his wife might be having the baby of another man. The outcome could have been a terrible, but as he continued asking her questions, he found out she was raped by a man they both knew. He called the police and had them listen to her.

When he asked his wife why she didn't tell him about the rape, she told him she was too embarrassed by it. She found out a month later she was pregnant, and wasn't sure if it was her husband's baby or the other man's. She hoped it was her husband's, but was never sure.

After the baby was born, and the bloodwork was done, it was the husband's baby. The rapist went to prison."

"Monty if you want to ask him questions, you have to keep your voice in a low monotone, and never raise it.

If you can't do that, Jack and you should write your questions down, and let me ask the questions for you. There can be no gaps during the questioning. They have to be continuous, like a conversation. I can fill in some blanks, but it would be better if you handed me question after question, in a contiguous order. Don't ask the question 'WHY', until the very end."

"I don't want you to do it Hannah. I want you to keep him alive so we can question him for as long as we continue to head away from Atwater Luck. You watch his vitals, and continue giving him the medication. I won't do it either, and neither will Jack. We both will kill him. I have two other candidates, but one may still be busy. I'll check."

"Captain Jamison to Captain Elizabeth Thyme; are you finished with your husband?"

"She giggled as she keyed her microphone. Yes, Captain Jamison, he is in his rest period now. How may I help you?"

"Take a shower get dressed and come to the brig. You have 7 minutes."

"Yes Captain, but what am I going to do with the other 3."

"Get down here you evil witch."

She arrived 3 minutes and 45 seconds later; fully dressed, hair combed completely, and her face cheerful.

"Captain Jamison to Adam Finch. State your position?"

"Adam Finch to Captain Jamison; I'm underneath my wife."

"Tell Laura she is needed in the brig in 7 minutes, with or without orgasm."

"You do realize you are not going to be her favorite person, dead or alive."

"I will worry about that later. Just tell her to get her ass in gear, and get here."

She did. He did also. Their hands helped each other, in every way possible, and at 4 minutes 27 seconds, Mount Mauna Loa erupted. It erupted again, again, again, and BANNGGG!

Adam lay unconscious underneath his wife, as she picked up her communicator.

"Laura Finch to Captain Jamison."

"What do you need Laura?"

"I love you Monty. No other words can express my feelings for you at this moment. What you did for Adam and me will forever live in our hearts."

"I don't care where I will live; I need you down here now."

"I will take a quick shower, and throw on some clothes. I will need someone to carry me to the meeting. I have no strength left in my legs, and Adam is unconscious."

"2 security members will be at your door in 30 seconds."

"I should reach the shower in about 30 seconds."

"Move your ass Laura."

"I can't, it's too tired."


"I'm standing up."

"In 90 seconds, security will be entering your room and pull you down to this meeting."

"I hope no one is prudish, I'll probably be naked."

"Come on baby, I'll help you."

"If you touch me, I will rape you."

"I feel the same way, but I have to go to work soon. Let me get you into the shower. Monty seems to have something on her mind that sounds important."

"Don't touch my breasts, they are on fire. Look at that thing down there; it's already up and looking for more pussy."

"My eyes look at your body, and you have that effect on me every moment of every day, and night. Hold on tight here comes the water."

"Get in here with me."

"We both know what will happen if I do; so behave."

"I got married so I didn't have to behave."

"No, you got married, because you finally fell in love with the right man."

"So help me God, if I find you in that tube holding a block of C 4 in your hands, unable to remove the blasting caps, the wires, and the electrical clips, I'm going to castrate you."

"What if it's not C4?"

"I'll think of another way to hurt you."

"I love the way we make up."

She put her head on his chest, and whispered, "Me too."

There was a loud banging on the door.

"Laura Schiff, this is security, you are needed in the brig area. You have 30 seconds to come out, or we will come in to get you."

Adam yelled, "She will be out."

With history making speed she put on her clothes and shoes, picked up a brush to do her hair on the way to the meeting and kissed Adam goodbye. He walked her to the door with his erection leading the way. He opened it, and the guards blanched as they looked at him in all his glory.

"Here she is guys. Be careful, or she will break you apart."

"Yes sir, we know. They clasped their hands together, making a seat for her. They lifted her off the ground, and walked off towards the elevator. As they reached the brig, her right thigh cramped.

"Put me down, quickly, my right leg is cramping. Who is at the meeting?"

"Monty, Elizabeth, Doctor Daniel's, Doctor Thyme, Colonel Daniel's..."

"Put me on the floor and ask Colonel Daniel's to come here."

"What's up Laura, how can I help you?"

"My right thigh is cramping. Can you help me with it?"

"This will hurt."

"Not nearly as much as this cramp; go ahead Jack, do it."

Jack knelt down, and grabbed her calf. He made sure her leg was absolutely straight, and asked her again if she was ready.

Laura put her hands behind her head, closed her eyes, and put her teeth together as hard as she could.

He moved her calf, left and right, while slipping his left hand up to the knee joint. He extended the leg to its full length, and then again to the point to where the knee was at 90 degrees to vertical.

That's when he did it. With the full force of his body he pushed her knee, calf and thigh up, until the entire leg unit touched her breast. The entire thigh muscle went into cramp mode.

Laura's scream was bloodcurdling. Everyone at the table dropped their heads, and grimaced knowing what she was going through.

Gray knew the pain she was in more than all the others combined. As a competitive athlete, he had been on a trainers table many more times than he cared to remember.

He got up from his seat, walked over, and asked if there was anything he could do.

Through her tears Laura joked, "I would feel much better if you rubbed my breasts."

"You might feel better temporarily. However, when Delicious found out what I did, I would be missing the hand I did it with permanently."

"Yes, I've noticed that she is fiercely protective of what's hers."

"Yes, I believe you would be quite calm, if you were in the cafeteria and saw my wife handling Adam's family jewels, wouldn't you?"

"That would all depend; where were Adam's hands at the time?"

"You couldn't tell for sure. He was either holding Tatum or Truman, or both of Delicious' breasts. Take your pick?"

"In that case, I would probably do to him the same thing I did the night before we were supposed to check our luggage into the spacecraft. He drove home drunk, and parked sideways on the swale. He was the only certified plumber for this spacecraft, and he jeopardized our entire mission.

To be honest, I gave him permission to stay out late that night, and get drunk with his friends. My father was going to be visiting me that evening, and was still with me when Adam drove up.

When he saw the situation, and the fire in my eyes. He said, "Go easy on him."

Adam walked in, said hello to my dad, as my dad walked out of the house, and closed the door.

Adam walked towards me and told me he was drunk. I gave him what my best friend, and security agent, George, trained me to do. I gave him a 'Stevedore's Handshake'. I went to bed, and left Adam on the floor, where he landed, until the...

While Gray and Laura were talking about family and old times, Jack was not wasting his time or talents. He was twisting and kneading her leg muscles, until they were soft and relaxed. When he finished with her right thigh, he tested her left, and began working on it. It took another five minutes, but there would be no more cramping tonight.

"Anytime you two are finished yacking, both your legs are done Laura. You will be cramp free for at least the next twelve to eighteen hours. If you need me after that, I will be in my bed with the new doctor, or in engineering."

Laura stood up and gave Jack a bear hug.

"Thanks Jack, if you need computer or math help, I am your girl."

"I may take you up on that Laura."

"Now that both of you are here, we have Doctor Lincoln Aubrey under sedation. More accurately we have him medicated with a truth serum. I want you to each ask yourself this question: Can you keep your voice at a constant monotone, while asking him questions, regardless of what his answers are. No matter how furious those answers may make you, you must remain calm. Can you do that Elizabeth? Can you do that Laura? It's important you be honest with yourselves, because this involves the safety of the ship. Laura you already know why. Elizabeth I will tell you why now. We believe Doctor Aubrey has planted explosives in the landing gear, or someplace else close by that as we attempted a landing, the ship will crash instead of touching down safely. Having that information, you still have to answer that singular question; can you keep your voice in a monotone while asking Doctor Aubrey questions."
Elizabeth replied immediately. "Monty, you know my history better than anyone. I'm just getting over all that pain and suffering, and now I'm finally happy. I'm starting a new life with Newton, and I don't want to go backwards. Please don't make me do this."

"Thank you for being honest Liz. It's better for you to know your limitations, and for us and our purposes here."

"Laura can you do it?"

"I have no problem with it at all Monty. If I can live with my mother for 23 years, and not slash both my wrists, and my throat, nothing that bastard can say to me will upset me."

"Okay everyone, get lost. With the exception of Laura, myself, Hannah, and Jack, I don't want to see anyone else's faces. We need absolute quiet in the area of the interrogation. The microphones and the recording devices in communications have to pick up every sound he utters. Steve go over there and make sure they understand how important this is."

"Yes Captain."


"Don't forget the pressure plate, Mark."

"I'm walking in your tiny footprints Kelly. How could I possibly not remember the pressure plate?"

"You could be looking at my ass, instead of down."

"I have been guilty of doing that in the past, but not this morning. I've seen the Colonel at work in Boston. I don't want him working on me, because I was looking at your bottom."

"Okay, hand signals from here."

They did not come from across the street, as Kelly did the first time. They crouched as they moved along the embankment of the bay that was behind James Watley's house. They were running a little late. It was already 4:20 a.m., and they should have been in position on the roof, already.

Kelly signaled she saw movement, and they both froze. Sure enough, one of the guards was walking around the exterior of the house, without his weapon. He must have been bored, and went outside for a breath of fresh air. He walked down to the waters' edge, picked up a handful of rocks, and began throwing them.

He was so tuned out from what he was supposed to be doing, they could have killed, or captured him, without a sound being made.

Unfortunately, it was too early, and it would ruin the plan if they took him out too soon. So Kelly and Mark stayed in their positions unmoving, until this guard decided it was time for him to go back inside.

If he turned to the right, he would have looked directly into Kelly's eyes, as well as her 9 millimeter weapon with a rubber bullet in the chamber. At 15 feet, if she aimed for his head, he was dead. Any other place on his upper body, he was unconscious.

Fortunately, he turned to the left and continued to walk leisurely around the Watley estate.

As soon as the guard turned down the West end of the house, Kelly and Mark dashed quietly to the relative safety of the east side. Even after her admonition about the pressure plate, Kelly poked Mark in the abdomen and pointed to it prior to shining a penlight on the back portion of the steel ladder. She was not foolish enough to think that their enemy might not have looked over their defenses in the last few days and saw something was missing, or added another level of defense to the ladder.

Placing the penlight between her teeth, Kelly led the way up the ladder, because of her lighter weight, and her familiarity with the home. When she was 6 feet below the window, she had no choice but to turn it off. She placed her hands on the rungs of ladder, rather than the rails. Keeping her hands in the center of the rungs, believing anyone setting a trap would place it on either side, she advised Mark to do the same. The same rung she felt move during her first trip up the ladder moved again. She signaled Mark not to touch it, because of his heavier body weight.

She scaled the last remaining obstacle and slid over onto the tiled roof with no problem. Mark was a few feet behind her. Without resting they climbed over the pitched roof, and checked the time. They were a full 45 minutes behind schedule, but still one hour and 15 minutes ahead of when Julio was supposed to arrive for work.

Mark said, "Verify your rubber bullets are marked with green, and your lethal are unmarked."


"Holy shit, movement."

They both flattened themselves against the pitched roof, as two people came up the same side Jimmy took Kelly down the previous week.


"Come on baby, no one's going to see us or hear us up here. The stars are out; it's a beautiful morning, we have a comfortable blanket; we can fool around for a while."

"You pull me out of my parents' home, at 4 clock in the morning to bring me to the top of another house to fuck me? That's very romantic Julio."

"I know it's not much, but you do know I love you. No one else is allowed to drive my car but you. Isn't that so?"

"How do I know; I only see you 3 times a week."

"You only see me 3 times a week, because I'm working 7 days a week. I show you my bankbook every month to show you how much money I'm saving for us, don't I?"

"Yes you do; but if you run off with another woman, I swear with the last dollar I make, during my lifetime, I will track you down, cut off your balls and serve them to you with rice and beans. Then I will open your stomach up and empty it out before I kill you."

He pulled the woman to his chest, and rubbed his forehead against hers.

"I am going to be marrying the most jealous woman on the face of the earth. If I tell her I'm going to be home at 6 o'clock, I'd better be walking in early, rather than one minute late. She will have a knife in her hand when I step through that front door, and ask me where I've been. Isn't that right Consuelo?"

"That's an outright lie Julio and you know it. You have 2 minutes to walk in the front door, before I start looking for lipstick and smelling for perfume."

He laughed heartily, and then they kissed a lover's kiss. They prepared the blanket, as he watched her remove her clothing.

Mark gasped, and Kelly kicked him.

Consuelo was probably in her late teens, and was a ravishing beauty. She was taller than Julio and had a larger chest for obvious reasons.

Mark whispered, "I can't watch this, I'm going to explode."

Kelly replied, "I'm wet and they haven't started yet. I'll make you a deal if you can keep your mouth closed. If you say yes, and it turns out to be no, you're a dead man; understood?"

"Understood, what do you have in mind?"

"Buttercup has to leave before 6. We take him down, and put him away as planned. We use his blanket for a little extracurricular activity so we can get our heads on straight, and cool down. Agreed?"

"Fuck yeah."

"One word and you are dead."

"I heard you the first time and I agreed. However, those 2 couldn't hear a bomb go off, if it landed next to them. Do you want to practice?"

"Men, you're all dogs. Why don't you go sit in a corner and lick yourself for an hour"?

"I have a better idea. Why don't you drop your camos down to your ankles? While you watch them fool around from the ridge, I'll snuggle under your hips, and eat your pussy for an hour."

"For the whole hour?"

"Yes, unless you tell me to stop, and to fuck you instead."

"Do you have condoms with you?"


"You guys fucking amaze me. You are going into combat carrying condoms."

"It's a habit I got into when I was in Iraq. You pulled them over the muzzle of the rifle so you didn't have to clean it so often."

"Who the hell taught you that?"

"The Brits; they brought crates full of those small-sized condoms specifically for that purpose. Their guys got ridden really hard, because of the size of those things, but out in the desert they worked like a charm."

Kelly removed her backpack, side-arm and utility belt. She opened her belt, unbuttoned the buttons, and slid down the zipper. She crawled up to the top portion of the pitched roof, where she could keep an eye on the 2 lovers, placed her side-arm within easy reach, and told Mark to pull down her pants, and get to work.

He asked, "Kelly can I borrow your penlight for a moment?"

"Sure, it's in my backpack. Why do you need it?"

"I just want to make sure that the colors match."

If her legs were not constricted by her pants being down by her ankles, Mark would have had to jump off the roof to stay safe. She knew it was a joke, but it was very poor timing considering their current situation.

As Mark uncovered his head, smiling at her, he asked, "Am I forgiven?"

"It all depends on how talented your tongue is."

"I'll get right to it Captain."

Kelly moved back into position, and was settling in, when the lower half of her body was lifted, her knees parted, and her hips resettled on Mark's face. It had been a few years since a man had been in that position, although she did have several dalliances with some female acquaintances.

Those were fun, but not fulfilling, because there was nothing to come afterwards. A man was always preferable, because of the extension between his legs, and hopefully, Mark knew how to use his enthusiastically.

Her pussy lips were very dry, and Mark did not use his fingers to open them. He used his tongue as a moisturizer, wetting her outer lips until they became moist and plump. Occasionally, he would slip his tongue through the slit in the middle, making contact with that nodule that always set her aflame, playing with it, and then moving along.

Kelly was not completely thrilled with the way Mark was starting out as a lover, because what she was watching was much more scintillating. She always heard that Latin males were always the aggressors when it came to lovemaking, and to life. Apparently, someone forgot to tell Consuelo. She had Julio's cock down her throat, and he was biting his arm attempting not to scream and wake up the entire neighborhood. For some reason he did not go after her pussy as Mark was going after hers now. It might be a cultural thing, but from where Kelly was looking, Consuelo probably had an advanced degree in 'Fellatio', from one of the top universities in the world.

They weren't separated by more than 50 feet, and she could see the vixen cradling Julio's testes in her hand, and twirling them like marbles. She didn't think that was possible, but he didn't seem to mind.

She was so intent on watching what was going on, she jumped when a finger entered her now liquid pussy, and teeth attached themselves to her clitoris, and bit it.

"You prick."

"I just wanted to make sure you knew I was still down here."

"Okay, I'm sorry, they are putting on quite a show, and I got carried away."

"I'll forgive you, if you let me fuck you now."

"No, it's too soon. We have to wait until we put him away for keeps. Then we can relax and take our time."

"Okay, by the way, you are really a blonde."

"Mark don't make me kill you."

"Yes ma'am, I was just resting my tongue."

"It sounded to me, as if you were flapping it around the wrong way."

"You are correct again ma'am."

He inserted a second finger into her vagina, and started using his tongue in a way that turned her insides to jelly. She could not understand how any man could go from ordinary to extraordinary in the matter of a split second, but she was not, could not complain. Her insides clenched, her ovaries contracted, and with unbelievable speed she released an orgasm that made her teeth chatter. Her energy level went from full to empty just that quickly. She could not have moved if Julio spotted her, picked up his rifle, pointed it at her, and pulled the trigger. She was totally spent from this one massive, overloaded, release of sexual energy.

"Holy fuck Mark, what did you just do to me?"

"I apologized remember?"

"Remind me to have you apologize more often. That was the best orgasm I've ever had. I mean in any fashion; oral, anal, or vaginal."

"You do anal?"

"Sure, what's the big deal?"

"I've never met a woman who didn't think anal was gross."

"You have to start early, and have a good teacher."

"How early did you start, and who was your teacher?"

"Are you going after my ass again, Mark?"

"If it's allowed, hell yes. If it's not this time, maybe another time."

"His name was Mister Compat. He was 32 years old. He was our physics teacher, and track coach. He was gorgeous, and he didn't want to get me or any of the other girls on the track team pregnant. We were 13 and 14 years old. If we asked our parents to put us on birth control pills, they would have killed us. He said he couldn't wear condoms, because he was allergic to latex. So we all stayed virgins, technically, and we could prove it, all 8 of us."

"Why don't you come out of there?"

Kelly rolled her hips so Mark could make an easy exit from underneath her. She laughed when she saw him.

"You better do something with your face; you have me all over you."

"I knew I felt wet. I think I'll go over there and borrow their blanket."

The sound of Mark's joke had not dispersed when Julio's yell bypassed the arm that was pressed against his mouth.

"I'm coming Consuelo, I'm coming."

Kelly and Mark rushed to the top of the ridge to see what happened next.

Consuelo pulled the snake out of her throat, and continued pumping it until 'white fire' spit out of its mouth in continuously long arcs.

It proved to be a problem for Consuelo, because she kept moving in the wrong direction. One stream of fire would jet upward, and she would move to get out of its way, only to move in the direction of the white stream of fire that lost its upward momentum and was now falling downward. The descending arc hit her hair, face, and very bountiful chest.

Julio was lying inert on the blanket, and Consuelo was beating on his chest, because she was such a mess. All he could do was laugh, and finally, she lay on top of him, and joined in his laughter."

Mark said, "He better hurry up, or is not going to be able to fuck her. It's a ready 5:35."

"Shit, give me a hand and help me get dressed. Thank God there are no pebbles on this roof."

"I would pick them out of your ass for you, with my teeth."

"Oh good, now you are going to have my ass on your mind all day."

"You always accuse me of having your ass on my mind."

"Well don't you?"

"No, sometimes I think about eating."

"I'm not talking to you until after 6 a.m. When we are finished with him, I'm going to beat the shit out of you."

"You're reneging on your promise?"

"What promise?"

"You said I could fuck you after we got rid of him."

"You're right. You can fuck me first. Then I'm going to beat the shit out of you."

"Is that before or after we get dressed?"

"Why, is that important to you?"

"Yes, I wouldn't want the Colonel to find me naked."

"Okay, it will be after we get dressed. Are you happy now?"

"I'm not happy that I'm going to be getting my ass kicked by a girl, but I'm happy I'm going to be dressed so the colonel doesn't see me naked."

"Why do you care if the Colonel sees you naked or not? Are you gun shy?"

"He would know I got beaten up by a girl, and would never hire me again."

"While we are sitting here talking, do either of us know what Julio and Consuelo are doing?"

"I think we should look."

Consuelo had her hands and feet on the ground in the form of an inverted V (^).

Julio was between her legs giving her everything he had at top speed. He must have looked at his watch and realized he had used too much time up for his blow job, and now was in a hurry to bring her to a gratifying orgasm. She sure didn't look comfortable, but the sound of the cries coming from her mouth seemed explosive.

"Harder Julio... Faster Julio... Deeper Julio..." For a young woman she sure did know what she wanted, and Julio was doing his best to deliver it in a timely manner.

At 5:53, as if timed by professionals, they both reached their orgasms and let the surrounding areas know it. There wasn't even an attempt at hiding it this time. These were full throated roars of completion by 2 very animated lovers. Consuelo fell to her knees, and Julio wrapped her in his arms.

"Baby, I'd like to keep you here with me forever, but the sun is coming up, which means you have to leave before someone sees you. Go straight home and get your rest. I will see you tonight when I get off work."

With no time to clean up, Consuelo threw on her dress, and nothing else. Julio led her down and out the same side door Jimmy led Kelly out.

As he reentered the roof, Julio looked for the blanket and didn't see it. All he felt was a pinch in his left arm, and then his eyes slowly closed.

"Which way?"

Through the door turn right, there's another access door. Open it and you will see the Ultralight. Put him on the left side, behind it, and were good to go."

"Cover him, close up and let's get back into position."

"Are you ready to have fun?"

The Colonel responded, "Yes Mark, what did you have in mind?"

"Oh Shit! Good morning sir, we weren't expecting you on this net for another 90 minutes, or so."

"I will discuss your behavior privately at a later time. Frequency security I will discuss now. Look at your comm-links you 2 idiots."

Mark looked at his utility belt, and wanted to scream. Somehow, while they were fooling around, and watching Consuelo and Julio, he inadvertently changed his communications setting from Intercom Link, to 3 Team FM. It was designed specifically for the Colonel to have communications between Kelly, and him. Thank God for small favors; because if the rest of the team heard what was going on between them, there would have been hell to pay.

"Are you 2 sufficiently satisfied now that work has become your primary objective?"

"Absolutely Colonel; the subject left one very expensive, high end rifle here. It has a laser pointer, but no scope. Should we disable it, or keep it for further use?"

"Bring it down to the ultralight room; remove the firing pin, and give it to me when we meet."

"Yes sir. Colonel during the night one of the guards took a walk around the estate, without his weapon. It appears to me that they are getting very lax as far as their security protocol for him is. We may be able to use that to our advantage."

"He went outside without his weapon Kelly, not even his sidearm?"

"That is correct, Colonel. He had no visible weapon on him at all."

"That's very important information Kelly. They may want to live, rather than give up their lives for that bastard. Radio silence from your end; the team is forming up."

The Colonel heard 3 clicks, and all transmissions ended.


"Gentlemen, from this moment forward you have no names. You are only the numbers assigned to you. You have practiced these numbers for weeks. I do not expect any slip-ups, if there are, you will not be going on vacation with me to Switzerland.

I have been informed by a very high source that the tip of the spear is in hiding there, and only the best of you will be coming with me. Some of you will be entering the European Continent through Portugal, others by Spain, Italy, France, and the Netherlands. I will advise you of our meeting point, if we get the appropriate information out of Mister Watley.

It is extremely important that no one die today. We do not want police, FBI, or other law enforcement agencies looking to closely into this home invasion. Keep your glasses, masks, and gloves on at all times.

When you see his protection detail, which is led by the former Delta Force operative, go for him first. Aim for his legs. He must be disabled, before he can get to his weapon.

Numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4 that is your job if he stands on the right side of the driveway. 13,14, 15, and 16, it is your job if he is on the left side of the driveway. Don't miss, because he won't.

We have high cover on the roof of the house with number 17 and 18. That guard has been neutralized. We expect Mister Watley to come out surrounded by the 4 members of his internal security team. If the Delta force operative is protected by the automobile, they will disable him. Is that understood 17 and 18?"
He heard 2 clicks in acknowledgment.

"Number 5, what is your job?"

"I drive the Lincoln Mark LT eastbound, and pull to a stop on the left side of the driveway. 6, 7, and 8 jump out of the bed of the truck, under the cover of fire. They put the antitank mines in place on the driveway to prevent any escape by the limousine, and join in the assault. I leave the truck in place as an increased deterrent for the limousine to exit. I pull out the rocket propelled grenade, stand behind the bed of the truck, and point it at the limo."

"Number 9 what is your job?"

"Sir, my job is the same job as number 5, except I drive westbound and stop at the opposite side of the driveway. 10, 11, and 12 will place the anti-tank mines in place, and join in the fight. I will pull out my rocket propelled grenade, stand behind the bed of my Lincoln truck, and point it at the limousine."

"What's missing from this scenario?"

"Sir, numbers 19 and 20."

"That is correct. What will my shadow, and I be doing all this time?"

Number 9 said, "We don't know sir, you never told us."

"We have convinced the maid to leave all the sliding glass doors in the rear of the house unlocked, but closed properly. Since all the guards will be walking Mister Watley to the limousine, the alarm system will be off. Numbers 19 and 20 will walk in through the back door, and go to the front. Number 19 will be holding an M-16 at anyone attempting to return into the relative safety of the house. That should deter anyone, who wants to live, from putting up a fight."

"Colonel, I would give anything to be old enough to have fought with you. You are a master tactician."

"Thank you, number 9, but honestly you didn't want to be there. It was a God awful war, and so many innocents were killed, it made your blood boil."

His phone rang, and it was William.

"Good morning, this is number 20."

"Good morning, I have news. I asked my eldest to check into one step down's finances. The money has been moved out of the US as of last evening.

Since then, it has been redistributed to the spouse, as well as a generous portion to you and I, for our efforts in dismantling this abomination.

The aircraft in question is scheduled to leave at 2 p.m. The FBI is going to impound the records in 2 days. They intend to make an arrest within 10 days. It would be educational if we could get a copy of those before they do."


It was done. Without their usual interplay, very serious information had been transferred between them. Stephano and Patty Valentino were now involved in the war against this terrorist organization. In the stroke of her computer genius, billions of dollars in ill-gotten gains, made by James Watley were transferred to his wife, children, charities all over the world, William Zabo Junior, Patrick Zabo, and Colonel Lucius Canyon. The title to their houses all over the world were now in Mrs. Watley's name.

It took Patty 40 minutes to complete this task. She nearly killed Stephano, when he jokingly asked, "What took you so long?"

Even though their makeup session was very entertaining, he still woke up black and blue the next morning.


William and Jemma had so much money coming in, they gave every penny they received each year to charities, both in the United States, and to the UN, in an attempt to stamp out hunger around the world.

William Senior was audited every year by the IRS. It pissed them off when they found out, through their tax returns, they paid more in taxes than they were supposed to.

Every time they sent him a refund, he returned it, through his attorneys, asking them to give it to the poor. They couldn't do it, by law, so it was returned to the general fund.


Everyone was in position, but the limousine was running late. It finally arrived at 7:40 a.m. The former Delta force operative exited the vehicle, and closed the front door.

The Opera's Prelude began to play.

He walked to the rear of the limousine, and opened the trunk.

The front door of the Watley home opened, and with his four guards surrounding him, James Watley walked out. The guards were carrying luggage, instead of holding their firearms in readiness.

Kelly keyed her microphone, "Now 20, now."

The Colonel went on the net. "Execute."

Number 1, 2, 3, and 4 left their hiding places, and charged, while firing their weapons at the legs of the Delta. He was hit so many times, he screamed in agony and fell to the floor.

Kelly and Mark fired down at the guards who were carrying the luggage, and disable them before they could drop the luggage, and reach for their weapons.

The two Lincoln's drove into place, disgorged their anti-tank mines and the men joined the battle.

The drivers took their positions, holding the RPG's at the ready.

James Watley seeing the debacle all around him, charged back towards his home. He opened the door, and was faced with number 19's M 16 staring him in the face.

"Please don't kill me. I'm a very rich man, and I can give you whatever you want; but please don't hurt me."

Number 20 said, "Mister Watley, if you truly mean it, we have just come to an agreement. Are you armed?"

"Yes, I have a gun in my waistband, behind my back, and a little one tied to my left ankle."

"19 would you take care of that for me please."

After removing his weapons, the Colonel said, "Why don't we go to your office, where we can see if you want to use your hand grenades, and your sawed-off shotgun against us. Or if you truly wish to cooperate with us."

"How did you know about them?"

"You have a maid that you pay less than $200 a week. We hung her children upside down and put knives to their throats. She had to protect you, or her children. Who do you think she chose?"

"I should've paid her more money."

"Why didn't you? You are a billionaire many times over."

"Honestly, I don't know. She is an excellent maid, and worth 3 times the money I pay her."

"Well Mister Watley let's get back to business. Let's go to your office."

As number 20, walked with Watley to his office, his team was bringing in the incapacitated guards. Each of them had been given an injection to keep them asleep, while they were transferred to separate panic rooms. 9 and 10 went to the ultralight room, and brought Julio down and placed him into a panic room, before he woke up.

All phones were destroyed, personal cell phones removed from their bodies, and the keypads to exit the panic rooms were burnt to a crisp by acid. All the weapons were removed from the rooms, and after they closed the doors from the outside, steel pegs were hammered in, under the bottom opening to make sure the doors would not move.

It took the 6 strongest men to move Delta into his panic room. He was a bear of a man, and as the Colonel wished he was not seriously hurt. He was also the first one to come out from under the sedative.

When he realized what was happening to him his training kicked in, and he began fighting the men who were laying him on the floor.

1 and 2 drew their weapons on him. They told him to stop, or they would be forced to shoot him.

He stopped.

"Sergeant, you ran into a buzz-saw outside, and there was nothing you could do about it. Number 20 specifically told us not to harm you, because you are a brother in arms. Please do not make us hurt you. There will be hell to pay, when we have to explain to him why we did."

"I agree. I will take no further action against you. Can you at least tell me what the hell is going on?"

"I would have to ask number 20's permission to do that for you."

"I know I have no right to ask as a prisoner, but I'd really like to know. You've got rubber bullets in your guns, specifically for me, and you took the other guys down. I find that very interesting."

"I will ask him, but I'll leave you with this one admonition. If you try to escape, number 19 has an M-16 standing by the front door. It does not have rubber bullets in it."

"I told you I would not take any action against you. I give you my word, I won't."

"I'll be right back."


"Number 20, may I have a moment of your time?"

"Yes, Mister Watley and I have not started. Let's step outside his office."

"What is the problem number 1?"

"Sir, Delta has asked why this operation is going on. He knows we shot him in the legs, with rubber bullets, specifically not to harm him, and he finds it odd. We told him you told us not to hurt him, and is curious. I told him I would have to ask you for permission."

"That's a very interesting turn of events, don't you think number 1?"

"If Watley never confided in him what he was doing, and he was only a rich guy that need guarding during the day, he might not know a thing about what was going on."

"Join Watley; keep your weapon out, and pointed at him. If he makes any sudden moves, shoot him in his left arm. He is a left handed, and that should disable him."

"Yes sir."


"Delta come with me."

They sat down in the plush living room area, and the Colonel said, "You may refer to me as number 20. What is your name soldier?"

"Chief Master Sergeant Harry Chase, Sir."

"What do you do for Mister Watley, Master Sergeant?"

"I am the head of Mr. Watley's security team."

"Do you have access to his computers?"

"No sir, only his senior staff does."

"Where does he keep his passwords?"

"I'm not sure sir. I believe he keeps them in his checkbook. He never writes checks, but he always refers to it."

"That's very important information Master Sergeant. I will look into it. Now, what did you want from me?"

"Why all the firepower to take down a stock trader. I know he's rich and all, but he has a lot of people working for him that are rich also."

"Master Sergeant are you familiar with the super rocket that's being built to take 4 people to Mars, at the cost of $1 Trillion dollars to the American public?"

"Yes sir, isn't everyone?"

"What if I were to tell you that your boss is the number 2 man in a conspiracy to blow up that rocket, so the next one that is built would cost the American public $1.5 Trillion Dollars."

"Sir, first I would ask for proof of that allegation. Then I would ring his neck, until he was dead."

"Master Sergeant, in 2 days, the FBI is going to impound all his records. Then, within 10 days, they are going to arrest him for securities fraud. We are helping the FBI, along with the Department of Justice, to find the number one man in this conspiracy. We believe he is hiding in Switzerland, and I am about to get that information from Mister Watley, one way or the other. By the end of today, Mister Watley will be dead. Can you live with that Master Sergeant?"

"What proof do you have of this conspiracy?"

"We followed the money. 2 men tried to blow up the spaceship called, "Good Luck 1."

"I remember that, it was in the news."

"They were paid and insignificant amount of money, but we were able to trace it to the man who paid it. He led us to a Boston Mafia figure, who believed he was untouchable. We wiped out him and the White Hill Gang out of existence to get to the next man up the ladder."

"Holy crap, that was you guys?"

"Yes, that was us. Then we ran into a problem. The next man up had no knowledge of where his payments came from. It was always done by courier, as well as the deliveries down the ladder. He had no next of kin except his niece, who was an outstanding lawyer, and had nothing to do with him. There was no way in hell we were going to hurt her, because of him. We got rid of him in the Las Vegas desert, and put her in charge of his business.

One day a mysterious package was left in the front of their office. We planted a very experienced woman as her secretary, and she saw the package first. She evacuated the building and called me. I called a friend at the police department and he brought a bomb sniffing dog with him. The dog didn't stop at the package and the handler had to bring him back to it to test it again. There was nothing explosive in it.

When I opened it, the package had 2 sets of schematics for the rocket. One was the original, the other was what they wanted to do to have it explode on takeoff.

Due to the amount of fuel on board, the blast would have been as large as the original bomb at Hiroshima. The people sitting in the executive gallery, miles away, would've been killed by flying aluminum, and other parts of the rocket as they moved at supersonic speeds.

That includes anyone, from the President on down, who attended the event. We expect there would be many absentees that day, because of the amount of devastation that would take place. Everyone would have an excuse, like they had the bird flu, or some other curable disease. It would be too late for the astronauts, and for the people on the ground, who died needlessly for one simple reason; Greed.

I called a friend, who called a friend, who called the FBI headquarters, in Las Vegas. He asked for an agent, and a technical whiz to meet with us, on neutral ground. They were sent to this secret meeting to verify the authenticity of the original plans, and the doctored plans, to see what would happen to the rocket, if it was built to the specifications of the altered plans. He was the one who told us what would happen, when the rocket exploded below 5000 feet.

The originals, and the copies were given to the FBI agent, and sent off to Washington that evening for verification. They were taken to the Director, who walked them over to the Attorney General. The AG set up an immediate meeting with the President. The President called in every one, including the Chiefs of Staff, the CIA, and the complete alphabet soup of Intelligence Agencies. They couldn't agree on who should verify the altered documents. This friend of my friend told the president to have these men pick out 12 independent scientists to verify the plans. They did, along with many other things that are not germane to this story. That's why we are working with the FBI, to take down Mister Watley, and to find out who is the tip of the spear."

"This is a no shit story Master Sergeant. I can give you the name of the FBI agent if you wish. She will grill you to find out how you got this information. However, it would implicate you in the death of Mister Watley, which I do not wish to do. No one here has been killed. Everyone is in a separate panic room. There are enough supplies for 10-days of food and water in each room for 10 people.

Mrs. Watley will be back in 3 days. The maid is due here soon, and before we leave, we will tie her up with rope. She will be able to escape a few hours after we leave. She will call the police and tell them something is wrong. They will be all over this place by this evening, and bring in the FBI, because Mister Watley is missing, and he is the subject of their investigation.

That's the entire story Master Sergeant, except Mister Watley will attempt to escape using his ultralight, which is upstairs above the second floor. Number 19 will shoot out the wires that attach the airfoil to the seat, when he is sufficiently far over the bay. Mister Watley will fall in the water, and die."

"Number 19 must be one hell of a shot."

"Yes he is."

"Is there any chance of my joining your group? I'd like to get my hands on this top guy, because anyone trying to kill the President of the United States should be dismembered, very slowly."

"You are a man after my own heart Master Sergeant. I'll have Mister Watley give you paper and a pen so I can check you out. If you pass muster, you will receive a phone call. If not, I congratulate you on your service to our country."

"Thank you very much Colonel."

"How did you know?"

"You are a legend sir. After they make us read all the technical army shit, we all go back and read about what you did, and your methods of command. The guys who went through the course before us make sure we have every one of your words memorized. That's why we work so well together. It doesn't matter if the captain gives the order, or if it's the private, whoever sees the danger, and gives the order, is in command.

You said that back in the middle 1970's, through the early 1980's, before they kicked you out. They should've made you a General, but they couldn't see the forest through the trees."

"Master Sergeant Chase return to your quarters. It would look very bad for you not to be among the captured, when the police get here. Write down what I need to know, and hand it to me. I will get back in touch with you, within a few weeks."

"Thank you, sir."

Chief Master Sergeant Chase stood up, saluted the colonel sharply, and returned to the safe room. He said to numbers 2,3, and 4, "The colonel is quite a man. Don't ask me how I know, but I do. That information will never pass my lips."


"Thank you, number 1, Mister Watley and I will now begin our conversation. Would you get my medical kit, and bring it in here, please? Also have numbers 15 and 16 bring in their implements."

"Mister Watley, would you please clear your desk of everything. You are going to be lying on your desk, in excruciating pain, if you lie to me."

He did as he was asked.

"Do you have expensive cowboy boots, Mister Watley?"

"Yes, I have several pair in my upstairs closet."

Number 1 returned with the medical kit, and opened it to show a variety of torture implements. James Watley's eyes showed fear as he had never known it before.

"Number 1, Mister Watley would like to change his shoes. In his closet are several pair of cowboy boots. You know the type we want; would you get them for him, please."

"Yes sir."

In his closet were boots that ranged from ankle length, to just below the knee. Number 1 chose those, even though they had a side zipper, which would allow him to get out of the boots quickly. Superglue would end that fantasy.

He returned to Watley's office, removed his shoes, put the boots on him. He asked number 15 for the glue, which was included in his implements. Number 15 usually used the glue to keep the victims' eyelids open, so we had to watch what was being done to him.

Using it to keep the zipper up, insured that any water that got into the boots would add extra weight to Watley's legs, and eventually drag him down to the bottom of the bay. The natural tidal movement of the water would drag the ultralight out to sea, and make any search of the area, both time-consuming, and exceedingly expensive. Hopefully, the indigenous creatures that crawled at the bottom of the bay would feast on Watley's body, adding additional time for the authorities to find, and identify him, that is if they ever found him in the first place.

"Number 15, would you find a stud, take a spike, and show Mr. Watley what happens?"

"Yes sir."

"This should be of interest to you, Mr. Watley. Picture your hands lying flat on your desk with number 16 holding it tightly, and number 15 driving a spike just like this, through it, and into your desk."

Number 15 used his stud finder, placed the spike on the spot, and with one powerful blow drove the spike half way into the stud.

"How loud would you scream Mister Watley, when that happens to you? It will happen to you, when you lie to me. Do you have a disc player in this room?"

"I can play any disc you want on my computer."

"A word of warning Mister Watley, if you try to erase anything on that computer, I will begin to fillet the skin off your body."

"I promise, I will just boot up the computer, put your disc in, and hit play. Your disc is the only thing that will show up on the screen."

"Watch this disc closely, because this could be you next. You have a chance at life and we will accompany you to Switzerland on your private jet, which is due to take off sometime this afternoon. We can't get to your money, because you transferred it out of the country. That was a very smooth move Mister Watley, because in a few days, we may have been able to take a few dollars from you, and leave you a very wealthy man. We don't want you, we want the tip of the spear. I want you to watch what happens to everyone that lied to me. Don't be next or you will get the same treatment. Here is the disc. It is not the original, and there are many copies of it. The FBI will be impounding your records in 2 days. Wouldn't you like to be in Switzerland, with me, and my crew, instead of in jail?"
"Yes, I like that idea very much."

He booted up his computer, opened the disc drawer, and hit play. What he watched turned his stomach, as the colonel explained what he was watching.

"These 2 men are alive, and with their families, because they told us exactly where they planted the explosives, who paid them, the exact amounts of the payments, and where we could find them."

"This man was cooperative up to a point, and then he lied to me. This was his reward. His name was Randall Smallwood; does that ring a bell with you Mister Watley?"

"No, I don't recall the name at all."

"Do the names Isstiron Intelligent Systems, General Scanning, or Agiligent Automated Intelligence mean anything to you?"

"No, nothing at all."

"Number 15, his right hand please."

As number 16 grabbed him around his neck, number 1 pulled his arm straight. Number 15 took a spike, placed it into the palm of James Watley's right hand and raised his sledgehammer I above his head.

"I know them alright; I know their names. I knew their owners until recently, that's why I'm getting out of town. I guess it was you guys who eliminated all of them to get to me."

"Very astute thinking Mister Watley, but again you are just another steppingstone on our way to the top. The choice is yours; do you want to live, as the plumbers are, happily with their families; or do you want to die like Mister Smallwood, Mister Flynn and his White Hill Gang, and Mister Parsons who inhabits a grave outside Las Vegas?

It was very cute of you to attempt to skip over yourself to Stansfield Turner, a member of Boeings Senior Staff. What you did not realize was that he is a heavily invested, and an initial board member of the 'Deep Space Science Project'. It was a terrible oversight on your part.

I want to cut to the chase this instant Mister Watley, I want copies of all your financial dealings, and everything the FBI will be looking for the day after tomorrow. Don't tell me they're not in the house, because number 15 will start with your palm, and work up to your elbow before he will stop."

"There are 2 recessed buttons on the left side of the wall unit. They must be pressed simultaneously, and the unit will roll forward. There is a safe underneath it. I have the combination."

"Number one if you would please."

After feeling for the buttons, on the bottom of a small ridge, number one pressed the buttons and the unit slid forward 3 feet. The safe was underneath the wall unit.

"Open the safe Mister Watley, and if anything comes out of there besides the discs you are in a lot of trouble."

"There is a gun resting on top of everything, as well as a great deal of cash. The discs are buried underneath everything."

"When you open the safe, use 2 fingers and hand the gun to number 1. Put the cash off to the side, and give the discs to number 1."


"We are ready to transmit the information on the disc."

"1-919-516-543/ Ext- 5491."

"Thank you."

"Split the discs up between numbers 11, 12, and 13. Give them this phone number, and they will know what to do."

"Yes sir."

"How advanced is your HIV-AIDS, Mister Watley?"

"Is there nothing you people don't know?"

"If there was nothing we didn't know, we wouldn't be here asking questions, would we?"

"No, I guess not. I am very seriously ill, and I am on my way to a clinic in Bern Switzerland that specializes in cases like mine."

"You have 3 hours remaining to make your 2 o'clock departure time. It's a little more than 1 hour from here to O'Hare. Since you're going through a private terminal, it will only take you 30 minutes for boarding. That gives you 90 minutes to tell me who is at the top of this conspiracy. We can do this painfully, or peacefully. You can do this as a billionaire, or in a grave. It matters a lot to me, because 2 of the people who are going to be sitting on top of that rocket are sons of friends of mine. They are not blood relatives. However, I would have to attend their boy's funerals, look at my friends' faces, and feel their devastation. My friends can simply turn away from me, knowing there was something I could have done to save them from their pain, or could ask me to join their son's, because I failed in my mission to save them.

I will have to stand in a room, with their families in attendance, apologize for my failure, and blow my brains out in front of them. They would not weep for me. It would just be the final act in a tragedy that we were all caught up in."

"Now, Mister Watley, you know my situation. It is life or death for me, just as it is for you. I want names, and I want them now."

"Listen to me carefully, because this is not a lie. I can tell you where I get my information from as far as my stock dealings go. I have tried to follow the paper trail with them to find out their names, but they are extremely well hidden. There are between 2 and 5 of them that are involved. I can only tell you that I call them 'The Trident Commission', because none of their information comes to me via satellite or telephone. It always comes via cable, and in code. I have the translation for the code in my checkbook, as well as my computer passwords. When I enter their information, it re-scrambles it into information for me to make purchases on upcoming deals all over the world. Without the checkbook, the code, and the passwords, the information on the computer discs are worthless. What you just transmitted to your friends is worthless without the information on my checkbook."

"Where is your checkbook now?"

"Do I live or do I die?"

"How would you like to fly out of here on your Ultralight, so you can say to the police you escaped a criminal invasion of your property?"

"How do I know you have been tampered with the ultralight?"

"Why don't we go upstairs and check it out?"


Watley tested everything, from the seats to the tension on every string, and even if there was a sugar or some contaminant in the gas tank. He ran the engine for 3 minutes, and it purred like a kitten getting a massage.

"Do you wish to fill up your tank Mister Watley? You can test that fuel also before you put it in. When you're finished we can put tape over the fill cap, with some sort of identifying mark you will recognize."

"Yes, let's do that."

When he was finished, he drew a picture of this corporate logo on the tape, with his initials in the center, and he affixed it to the fuel cap.

"Would you like to put your shirt back on, or a sweatshirt for your flight?"

"My shirt would be more believable in an escape attempt."

"When we return to your office you may put it on. However, I want the names of the people you know, or that shirt is going to have blood on it."

"I like your escape theory, rather than my blood on the shirt. If I stay alive, and you save your friends' sons, we will both live to see another day."

"Names please, I'm getting tired of conversation."

"Before I give you the names, I have one other piece of important information to give you. There is an attack scheduled on your South Carolina facility, for either Tuesday or Wednesday of next week between 2 and 4 a.m. At last count there were 700 men involved, using everything from automatic rifles, mortars, light armored vehicles, transport vehicles to keep their soldiers' undercover of direct fire, and bulldozers to get through the razor wire fences."

"How did you find out this information?"

"It came through as an ordinary cable. They forgot to put a code on the front that was supposed to keep me from opening it and forwarding it to our security team. They would forward it to another asset."

"Do you have a copy?"

"Yes I do, but it's in the drawer with the hand grenades, and I don't want to scare anyone when it's opened, and I'm about to fly away a free man."

"It's a matter of trust Mister Watley, and I'm going to trust you. Open the drawer, remove the cable, close the drawer, and hand it to me."

While Lucius sat in his chair, extremely calm and nonplussed; James Watley was sweating as he opened the drawer, moved the grenades, and the shotgun aside, took out the copy of the cable, and closed the drawer securely. He handed the cable to Lucius, who read it with great care. He opened his cell phone, and hit speed dial.


"911, 911, 911, on the way directly. Destroying chip, suggest you do same after receipt."



Junior looked at his father and knew immediately something serious had just occurred. He didn't ask, he waited for his father to say something.

The 2 Williams' looked at each other.

"An attack is eminent in South Carolina. We will be getting the information by secure text in a moment. Change the chips in everyone's phones, and tell security to do the same."

Junior didn't say a word; he just did as he was told. He found Alfonse and gave him his marching orders. He went to the small safe and pulled out five new chips. He went to Patrick, Gwen, and his mother to change theirs. He also changed his at the same time.

He walked over to his father and handed him his chip, which he knew would be installed later.

The tone, and the buzzer went off on the secure text machine, and although you would not consider it running, it sure wasn't walking.

Just as they were closing in on the machine, 2 females, with fearsome faces, blocked their path.

"Go ahead mom, 7 months pregnant, I can still beat the shit out of the younger one."

"Only in your dreams dear."

"And the next time you are getting laid is?"

"Dad is it always like this?"

"Son, sometime you wish you could roll over and die."

"What's going on everyone; what's this confrontation about?"

"How do you always know when to stick your nose into the middle of something you're not supposed to?"

"I am a Zabo; it's a gift. When did you say you are getting your nose fixed?"

"Please dad, just a leg, maybe both of them?"

"We have to read the text first, then we will know what to do."

Gwen reached for the text.

"7 months pregnant or not, you won't be able to sit down for a week if you touched that text."

Gwen retracted her hand, as if she had put it into an open flame.

Jemma looked into her husband's eyes, and didn't move her hands away from her body. She moved out of the way so he could take it off the machine, and read it for the first time

"What are your restrictions on travel, Gwen?"

"I just entered my seventh month, dad, I don't have any restrictions yet."

"Wonderful; Jemma, you, and half of our security team are going to Patti's tomorrow morning. Take enough clothes for one month, although it will not be that long before you return here. An attack is eminent in South Carolina. William, Patrick, and I will not be there, but I want the enemy to have to split up his forces to find us.

Underneath Patti's house, where she keeps her computers, is a safe room that is akin to a nuclear bunker. If anyone decides to attack you, while you are there, they would need the equivalent of a hydrogen bomb to get you out. Now, have the team help you bring the luggage down, and start packing.

This is not a game. I will have Paul fly the helicopter in, and you will be in Glenn Falls by early afternoon tomorrow. The security team will leave early in the morning to get there before you, and do a security sweep of the entire area. I am not taking any chances with any of you. You are too precious to both of us, and we will not lose you. Other forces will be brought into play to protect you, while you are there also."

The wives kissed their husbands torridly, and then looked at each other.

"I guess they do love us mom; unless they're going to Washington to find a Monica Lewinsky look-a-like, while they're away."

Patrick yelled, "Can I get one too?"

The 4 elder Zabo's joined in saying one word very definitively.


"You guys are never going to allow me to have any fun. I'm even missing out on my dancing lessons, because of this fiasco. I'll make you a bet it will be a three-pronged attack. They will make it look like their heavy forces are coming in through our most heavily defended areas to keep a majority of our forces pinned down. Their main assault will come by light truck straight down our normal entryway. They will drive down into the bowels of our building complex, and once they get in there, the damage they will do will take more than 15 years to undo. Then we will have to start all over again, if that's possible."

Junior looked at his little brother, and then at his father.

"Where did we get this military genius from dad? If they did it exactly the way Patrick said it should be done, every penny we spent so far is wasted.

If they kill Holden, and Richard while they are in there, the entire project is dead for at least 50 years. It will take that long for anyone to come along to match their genius."

"You have just come up with a scenario that could kill this entire project, Patrick. Patricia's mother told her if she came up with a program to hurt someone, she had to come up with a program to reverse the process, otherwise it was useless. You have just hurt us severely; now show us a way to defend against it."

"Dad, we already have it, and it is as simple as baking a precooked pie. 'The Bear Traps.' This time we dig them deeper, and wider for the attacking trucks to fall into. We make them U-shaped, around the entire perimeter of our front fences. We take the extra dirt and line it up against the surrounding fence to give it extra support if they try to ram through them. Our men will have the extra protection, as they repulsed the enemy.

The text says 700 men. If you raise it to 1000, and take 150 each for the false attacks in the rear, we still have a 2 to 1 ratio in the front, and we have neutralized their element of surprise.

We also build a 'Bear Trap' on the entry road. We use huge steel construction plates to cover the 'Traps.' As soon as we hear the firing start, we have tractors pull the plates off, and open the pits. It's dark as hell outside at that time of night. As they are trying to speed away, they will never know what hit them. Fifty men will be able to hold off 300 men, who are either dazed, or hurt because of their retreat posture."

"You should write a book Patrick. That stuff is amazing."

"I can't do it Will; someone else already did."

"Who was he? How long ago did he write it? It should be part of everything taught at the military academies."

William Senior began laughing. 1 + 1 now equaled his best friend. Patrick was going to lower the boom on his older brother again.

"Don't hit him in the nose Patrick. Just spit it out and get it over with."

"You know the answer dad?"

"Patrick please?"

"The book was written in 1977 by Major Lucius C. Canyon, United States Army. The military hierarchy called it a piece of junk. However, he was the most decorated military officer in the Balkan theater of war.

His men, and the teams he supported in battle, loved him. He was discharged from the Army for the Good of the Service. The men of his division refused to reenlist, because they did not want to work for an officer who went strictly by the book, and get them killed."

"Would you get me a towel, Gwen; I seem to have egg on my face."

"Eggs have a great deal of protein. They will help your nose heal, and the swelling go down."

"Don't make me say it Gwen. Pat is here, and he will want to watch."

"Can I? I promise I won't tell anyone what I saw?"


"No fun, no fun at all."

Alfonse walked into the room, and asked William Senior a question.

William nodded his head in ascent.

Alfonse made a phone call and asked number 20, for permission to hire a man, who was known to the entire group, to assist in protecting the 4 Zabo females. The request was granted.

Alfonse dialed a number in New York.


"May I speak to bear please?"

"This is little bear, who may I tell him is calling?"

"The adjutant."

"I will get him."

"This is 'Bloody Nose'."

"This is 'Right Field.' The man wants to know if you are available?"

"The man never has to ask me that question. He only has to tell me what, when, where, and who."

"What is close body protection: 2 large, 2 small. When is now. Where is Glenn Falls New York. Who is worth your life."

"I am bringing an addition, who is part of my current contract. We will be there in 3 hours 45 minutes. Text me the address. I will be bringing a full armament package."

"My team will be coming in several waves. I will not be with them. You will identify: 'Hoosick.' They will identify: 'Trumpet.' 'The Packages Are Your Absolute Responsibility, Regardless Of The Addition."



"Kathy, we are going on a field trip. Pack jeans and enough clothes for 2 weeks, plus walking boots and sneakers. This one does not sound like fun."

"Well, thank goodness you taught me how to shoot the mini-gun."

"They just informed me that the people we are going to guard are worth both our lives. Whoever they are, they are at the very top of the food chain. Whoever is coming for them will be too."

"Should I bring my play clothes?"

"You little devil you. You still look 14 years old, and I love every tiny bit of you. Bring your play clothes, and your toys; it may throw them off our scent for a short time."


37. Flight and Fight

"Let's go Doctor Aubrey; the rocket is ready to fly, and almost time for you to die."

He stood up, and walked confidently out of his cell.

"We have about 10 minutes yet before we turn, Monty; why don't we play catch?"

"That sounds good to me; how about you Doctor?"

"I don't care."

"Here you go."

Jack threw the rounded piece of C-4 to Aubrey. He caught it and threw it to back. The next round went to Monty and she threw it to Jack. This went on for a few minutes, before Monty asked, "Have you noticed anything interesting about this ball of ours, Doctor?"

As Aubrey looked at it, and something registered in his mind. He dropped the ball to the floor, and jumped away.

"What's the matter Doctor, haven't you ever played catch with C-4 before?"

"You people are out of your mind. If this gets too hot, it will explode."

"Yes, we know Doctor. That's why we're in an enclosed space. I'm keeping track of how many times we are throwing the ball. The critical temperature will be reached when we throw it 48 times. You will never guess who is going to be holding the C-4 at that time, would you?"

"This will blow up the entire section of the ship."

"You're wrong Doctor. That would only happen if it received an electrical charge through a blasting cap. That is the force multiplier. Heat, when applied to C4, will only destroy a section of 63. You will disintegrate, but you will not harm Monty, who is standing only a few feet away from you. We decided to do it this way, when we found this block of C 4 in a landing gear shaft. The other block of C 4, which you planted in the rocket was given to the 17-year-old engineering student, who found it, while micro-welding the scratch on the inside wall of the rocket body. It was a great diversionary tactic doctor. The senior engineers missed it completely. You are a genius of the highest order."

"So all my work was for nothing. I couldn't destroy the computer. I couldn't get away with changing the pages in the manual. I couldn't destroy the nuclear engine. I can't keep you from contacting Earth, and I can't keep you from crash landing on Atwater Luck. My life's mission is a total failure."

"You must remember Doctor Aubrey; you went up against some very brilliant people. You mustn't get down on yourself. Doctor Even Luck was the most brilliant engineer Earth has ever known. His son, Gordon, developed the Nuclear Fusion Engine. He knew it better than everyone. Even for someone as brilliant as you are Doctor, and everyone on this ship realizes how brilliant you are, ran into the makers of these magnificent machines, and they are the only reason we are still alive.
Everyone, from the Senior Captain on down, has remarked on your brilliance. The way you went around setting up false flags was absolutely remarkable. For example, the scratch on the interior wall of the rocket, nearly let the C-4 slip by, because everyone thought the scratch was the major concern. A brilliant piece of work Doctor."

"Yes it was, but not as good as what I did in elevator 3."

"Absolutely Doctor, if you want to talk about brilliance, nobody saw that coming. Laura Schiff accidentally found it, while looking over the electrical system in the landing gear access room. She only found it because she tripped over her own feet. Apparently you left something exposed, or it got loose somehow. Her hand touched something she was not familiar with. She had to call Colonel Daniels to find out what is was. Even he couldn't figure out where you learned how to do that. Sheer brilliance Doctor, sheer brilliance."

"Yes, everyone knows they are run by electricity, so that's the first place they will look for a bomb after they check all the other electrical systems. They can check the wiring all the way back to the circuits and the circuit breakers, and they won't find anything. So what they'll try to do is lower the elevators, and just let the fluids push them down by using its own weight. However, what no one realizes, is when you use the pneumatic system in this fashion, there is a .7-amp charge that lasts 8 milliseconds as it begins. That is just enough to set off the blasting caps. The explosion will destroy the elevator, and the whole side of the ship by elevator number 3. You will be stranded on Atwater Luck forever, with no chance of leaving, or communicating with anyone, ever again."

"As we said Doctor, from the Senior Captain down, sheer brilliance, we have never known the likes of a man like you, ever. We don't understand why you could not put that brilliance into motion, as did Da Vinci, Einstein, Kepler, Newton, and the other geniuses who line our history books. Your name would have come before each of them, because of your intellect."

"They have my family. Not just my great grandparents, grandparents, parents, and wife, but down to my youngest child. They have my aunts, uncles, and their children also. They told me if I did not do this, they would eradicate my family name from the face of the Earth. I didn't have to kill anyone, all I had to do was make this mission seem like a failure. I have failed to do that, and they will all die because of me."

"Who are they Doctor Aubrey, do they have names?"

"Of course they have names. I worked with, and for them for many years. We were friends. They supported me in my work. They funded my research when no one else would. They reaped the rewards, when my research proved to be correct. For more than 20 years they groomed me for success. Then they did this to me, and I failed."

"Who are they Doctor; their names?"

"Friedrich von Bierman, Otto von Osterhagen, and Arthur Schultheise. My friends, and now my tormentors."

"Doctor Aubrey did you plant any other explosives around the ship?"

"No, just in elevator 3, and at the base of the rocket being sent to Earth."

"Go to sleep Doctor, rest easy, we will see if we can help you."

"Let him sleep Hannah. He's had an awful lot on his mind, since he's been on board."

"What the fuck do I do now Jack?"

"As much as I hate to pass the buck Monty, you are the Senior Captain; it's up to you to decide."

Monty keyed her communicator. "Communications, I want 3 copies of that interrogation made instantly. I want one delivered to me, one delivered to Colonel Daniels, and one kept for our files. Set up a quorum call for 45 minutes. Everyone not involved in critical duties has to be there. This is not a request; this is in order."

"Jack, I don't care what you have to do, but I want the part of his confession, where he says those people have his family, and he says the names of those men to get to Earth. I don't care if you have to take that rocket apart one more time; I will keep this ship moving towards Earth, until it's ready to fly."

"Monty, on my life, that bird is ready to go."

"Then change the message on that disc, we will make the turn, verify the solution to Earth, and send it off with a bottle of champagne attached to its ass. We want everyone to know we are alive and well. Tell them where we are going to land, but tell them to try and help the family of Doctor Aubrey, if at all possible. Put that in clear language, I want the world to know what they did to him."

"I will have the corrected message loaded in one hour. Tell the science section, and Callie to figure out the turning point, and then the best firing solution so I can reprogram it into the rocket. I will have to firing crew ready to go. Adam can go into Landing Gear 3, and remove the explosive device from the pneumatic tube, where Doctor Aubrey hid it. Then, this ship is ready to go to our new home, at 4.3 light speed."

"One favor Jack; send one of your senior engineers to number 3 to keep an eye on Adam. If he winds up flat on his back, holding the C-4 in one hand and the blasting caps in the other, Laura will wind up fucking him to death in there."

"There are worse ways to go. However, from the way she treated him the last time he found an explosive, I think I'll send the engineer as you requested."

"Thanks Jack, I don't want to oversee a murder trial."


"Members of the quorum, we meet again on the matter of Doctor James Aubrey, and his conviction on High Treason. He would not speak to us as to why he did this, but we knew it had to be something so terrible he was willing to give up his life for it. Using a combination of drugs, Doctor Daniels was able to put Doctor Aubrey into a state of relaxation, where he would only tell the truth. In other words, he received a truth serum. I am not going to preach to you about the efficacy of using this medication, I want you to listen to the words of Doctor Aubrey, as he is being interrogated by Laura Schiff. I want you to know that it is my sole authority, according to our bylaws, to expunge his sentence. However, I want you to give me guidance on this extremely serious matter. Please listen closely, and help me decide."

The 48-minute interrogation was played for the quorum. During it many people could be heard gasping at what he did to the ship. Then, in the last 12 minutes, they heard the reasons why. Their mouths opened wide and tears were falling down cheeks. 'What had they done to this man, and what would they have done in his stead.' These were not easy questions to answer, after the testimony heard earlier in the day.

"Members of the quorum that is the extent of our interrogation of Doctor Aubrey. The medical reason for keeping it under an hour, is because the drug is very powerful, and could do harm to his body. It could also cause a psychotic break from reality, and our bylaws say you cannot execute a person who is insane. I ask you, at this time, for your guidance.

"Should I carry out the death sentence, or commute the sentence, and put Doctor Aubrey into the Science Section, as a Junior Member?"

"All in favor of my carrying out the Death Sentence, please rise."

"I count to 33 in favor of carrying out the Death Sentence."

"Betty what about you?"

"I Count 33 also, Captain."

Under her breath Monty said, "I hate this fucking job."

Even whispered into her ear, "Why do you think I needed you here? You are the only one strong enough to do this job. Pull yourself together, and take command this room."

Without realizing it she said out loud, "I don't like you Even."

"Captain, the quorum couldn't hear you."

"It's better that they didn't, because there are children here."

The audience laughed.

"All of those in favor of my commuting Doctor Aubrey's sentence, due to extenuating circumstances, please rise."

"Betty would you like to bet the number of people who just rose is 33?"

"No Captain, because I was thinking the same thing."

"Make your count and make it accurate."

"I count 34 Captain."

"That's amazing, because so do I"

"Laura shouted, "Why should It be so amazing, Captain? I wasn't here for the last quorum call, because I was with the patient."

Jack yelled, "The disc is ready Captain. Do you want me to vote, or do you want me to put it in the rocket?"

"So help me God Jack, if you open your mouth, you won't be able to pleasure your wife for a year, or more. Go, leave, you are dismissed; put the disc in the rocket, get the updates from Callie and the Science Division, and call me on the bridge. Move your ass Colonel, now."

Jack didn't respond, he ran to engineering to install the disc. On his way, he told the Science Division, and Callie what he needed, and when he needed it.

When he entered engineering, Delicious, Mark, and Jerry were fully suited up, and waiting to put on their helmets. Gordon was helping with a minor problem with his backpack, and was wearing his spacesuit wrapped around his waist.

"There you go Harry; we're back up to full pressure. Now let me get this monster on and we can test it."

"What the hell did you do Gordon?"

"Apparently, the last time I wore it, I must have been sweating a lot more than I thought. The moisture got into this line, got mixed in with a little dirt, and formed a blockage. After we come in from this little trip, we're going to have to take that complete line out to see if it's salvageable, or replace it with a spare line. I hope it salvageable, because plastic tubing is going to be hard to come by out here."

"In that case, why don't I just make a stiff little brush, and attach it to a thin wire. We can push the wire through, because there will be no resistance. Once we have the wire end out, we can grab it with a small vice lock, pull the brush end back and forth through the tubing cleaning out all the dirt. We can use a high pressure hose to blow the dirt out, and brush it again, and then hook it up to a pressure valve to see if it's working properly."

Gordon had a big grin on his face. He jumped up on a chair and shouted, "I am putting Harry up for this month's genius award. He has just found us a way to clear every tube in this marvelous machine, without wasting one inch of plastic. It was so amazingly easy, and so amazingly smart and ingenious, I can't imagine why no one thought of it before. Harry you're my man of the month.

Harry did not know what to say or do. He was stunned. Normally the cheers went towards Gordon or the other senior scientists. This time, he, a lowly laboratory assistant, had come up with a way to save a precious resource, which they would not be able to replicate on this new planet for a few centuries, or more. Finally, he began to grin.


Members of the Quorum it has been decide that ...

"Captain Jamison."

"Yes Doctor Daniels."

"Doctor Lincoln Aubrey has died. He was resting comfortably, and then his heart stopped for no apparent reason. I believe he lost his will to live, once he realized what he'd done, and failed to accomplish his goals."

"Thank you Doctor Daniels."

"Communications, this is the senior captain. Open a ship wide channel please."

"Channel is open Captain."

"Crew members, and families of the Good Luck 1. We have just lost a member of our crew. Doctor Lincoln Aubrey, was found innocent of the charges against him, due to extenuating circumstances. I believe any of us, if we were put under the same strain he was under, might have done the same thing he was attempting to do to this ship. You will be afforded the opportunity to listen to his statements, either in the privacy of your own rooms, or in the auditorium at the times that will be posted. I ask you now and ask our Lord for Her kindness upon his soul, and to help those he left behind, and was trying to help be saved from the men who were tormenting him. In your own way, 'Let Us Pray.'

There wasn't a sound in the ship. The babies didn't cry; the turkeys didn't gobble.

"Thank you very much; you may continue on with your duties, and your lives."


"What do we do with his body, Monty?"

"The same thing we would do with anyone, while we are in space. He will be floated over the side, and cast him into the heavens forever."

"We could bury him on Atwater Luck."

"No; that would be too much of an honor for him. I understand what he was going through, but he was trying to keep all of us from getting there safely. I won't have him be the first one buried at our new home. He goes out, when the rocket goes out, and then there's nothing to stop us from going home."

"Very well Captain, I will get his body ready."

"He goes out the way he was born, naked. If anyone finds him in the future, I don't want them to think we were all born in a suit and tie."

"Aye, Aye captain."

"Thank you Doctor, thank you for what you did for us today, and hopefully for what you did for him, when this message gets to Earth."

"Senior Captain to Landing Gear 3, senior captain to Landing Gear 3 immediately.

"I'm on my way."


Landing Gear Access Area 3

"I'm telling you there's nothing in here, and if there is, I'm blind."

"He said it was in here. He told us everything he did from the books, to the C-4 in the back of the rocket. How could he lie to us about this one thing when he was under the drugs?"

"Laura think of what you kept saying to him? Every time you said it, you also told him how brilliant he was. You kept reinforcing that one message, 'Doctor Aubrey, you are so brilliant.' Could he have realized, from the very beginning what we were doing to him? Could he have faked everything up, after that point? Could he have fed us false information? Did he know that there was no way for C-4 to explode, while throwing it around? Could that have been the clue to him that he was being put under hypnotic drugs? Could he have fed our egos, while we were feeding his from that point on? Was this thing about his family true or false? Was it a message to his handlers on the ground that he was going to be successful, or he had failed? Right now we have one problem; we still have to find the last package of C-4."

"Landing Gear 1 is clear. There is no sign of tampering, and there is definitely no sign of any explosives in here."

"Number 2 is also clear. If he screwed up and didn't use gloves in engineering, you would think he wouldn't have used them in here either. There are no fingerprints any place in here."

"I found something in number 4."

"What is it Newton?"

"I have a spider web."

"Remind me to lock you in there."

"Gordo, if you think your pregnant wife misses sex when you are not available, think about mine. Your wife has already had one child, and is reasonably aware of how to control herself, now that she is expecting her second.

My wife, on the other hand, is new to all this. If she finds out you are the culprit, and are keeping us apart, she will eat through lead to get to you, and when she does it won't be pretty."

Adam asked, "What's happened to all the ferocious men in this world? Where have they all gone to? When we were single, we were at the top of the heap. We fall in love, with the most beautiful women in the world, with dainty habits, and pointed pinkies. They take us by our noses, and other protruding parts of our bodies, and lead us around for the rest of our lives. What's worse about all this, is we let them do it! They beat the shit out of us, and we come back for more. Why! Where did all the John Wayne's and Gene Autry's go? Where did all the single men go, who left the women crying, with dainty handkerchiefs dabbing at their eyes, as we rode off into the sunset go?

Now we are left with the likes of the Justin Timberlake's, and the Jonas Brothers of the world; men's men, if you've ever seen them.

On the other side of this equation you have Rocky, who can't speak English, without tripping over his tongue, and Bullwinkle, who played governor, and drove California into recession, depression, philandering, divorce, and then went back into acting, if that's what you can call what he does.

We take our lovely women on the trip of a lifetime. We take them out of the world we live in, and into the next world, and the next world, and so on... Do they change their habits, heck no! They find themselves in an enclosed space, and they blame us for it. It's not like it was a secret to any of them, because they watched it being built. My darling wife, may she live forever, was instrumental in getting this adventure off the ground.

Elizabeth used her mental acuity to get on board this ship as a way to escape from the horrors of the life she knew before. Then she met Newton. She wiggled her tiny behind, blinked her eyelashes, used a coy smile, and Newton was dead in the water. He went from 4 dates in an hour, to a one lady man in 5 weeks. He thought it was a secret, but he didn't count on his little sister.

Teddy is known as the little bugle. Zoey is known as the big bugle. Between the 2 of them, nothing is sacred aboard this sphere. The 2 of them spread it around that Elizabeth was being courted by Newton.

There were only 2 people on the ship that didn't know about it. They were Newton's parents, Delicious and Gray. Nobody told them; it would have been too great a shock.

When Newton finally got around to asking Elizabeth to marry him, hardly a murmur moved around the ship. Another man bites the dust. Another woman has a punching bag, all that's needed now is the paperwork.

Monty has it notarized, waiting for their signatures. What's a little informality for the bride and groom?"

Laura asked Adam, "Darling, do you remember that tool you gave Jack to work on Gordon's head with, and have been trying to make a replacement for because of where it needs to go?"

"Yes I do, but there is very little extra metal on the ship to make it with, because of its shape, and size."

"Would bone do; specifically, a head bone? You will not be needing yours if this line of thought continues."

"You would miss a particular part of me."

"There are always your forearms, your thigh bones, your..."

"I understand, and I will cease my statement at this point. I just hope my message got through."

"May I continue that line of thought, Adam?"

"Sure, go ahead Gordon, if you dare."

"When I was in Charleston chasing Zoey, I found out if I stayed still I could catch her. She would run away from me, as fast as she could, and I would lay down on the sand, in the sun, not move, and I could catch her. There were miles and miles of beach, and I would always catch her by staying still.

I find it amazing now that we are in this little spaceship, for some reason or another, she can always catch me. I have found the reason and it took me a long time to reason out what it is. It's this."

Gordon raised his left hand and pointed to the little gold ring around the third finger.

"This is the great equalizer. When you mentioned, 'when we were single', we didn't bear this weight. This little ring may weigh one fifth of an ounce on a jeweler scale, but if we meant what we said on the day we were married, it weighs everything. It weighs on our hearts, on our minds, on our body's, and on our soul's.

We take the abuse simply because we know it's not abuse. We love them to death, because we would protect them unto death, if anyone threatened them. They are us, and we are them. Just wait until you have children Adam, and watch how your view of life and the world changes."

"Was that my son talking?"

"No that was just Gordon."

"Oh good, because if that was my son Gordon talking, I would be running to the infirmary to get some tranquilizers. I know I would be on my way to having a stroke."

"Grandma, they lied. It was Gordon and your son. Those were also original words coming out of his mouth. So if you were to count all those Gordon's up and hit him now, it would be a 3 for 1."
"Newton if you don't want me to really have a stroke, keep quiet."

"Yes grandma."

"Gordon, I want you to go to Doctor Finch and have an MRI done. I want to know if that section of your brain has healed, and if those nerve endings have grown together."

"Mom nerves don't grow. Once they are severed they are severed forever."

"That's exactly what Doctor Finch said during your operation, but he swore he saw movement in the nerve cells that were in that jell. I want them checked and I want them checked now."

"I love you, mom. I love you as much as I love Zoey and my children, but we have more important things to do now. We have to find that last block of C 4 before it explodes."

"I thought it was in Landing Gear 3?"

Monty said, "So did I, what's going on?"

"Captain, we all thought the explosives were going to be in Landing Gear 3, but it looks like it was Doctor Aubrey's last false flag. He fooled us again. We are going to have to search the ship from top to bottom to find it. Everyone is going to have to pitch in and help us. We may have to go into orbit around Atwater Luck, until every inch of this spacecraft he had access to, has been taken apart, and put back together. It may take a month, but not longer than 6 weeks to do it, but we will do it, and we will find it."

"Come here Gordon."

"Shit, I'm going to get hit."

With his head down, he approached his mother with great trepidation.

Jennifer grabbed him, pulled him into her arms, and wouldn't let him go.

"I can't tell you how proud I am of you. I know you don't want me to call you a grown-up, because it would keep you from having fun as the child inside you wants to play with this ship. I can't believe the man you become, but you can still be a man, and only be 15 years old, as you were when you invented the nuclear fusion engine. I don't know if you realize how important what you said to Adam and Newton is, but it was very profound. I know it shook me to the ground to hear that statement come out of your mouth. Now you have taken this spacecraft under your wing, and you are determined that no one is going to destroy 'Our Family's Dream.' My how you've grown. Your father and I are so proud of you."

"Don't you dare make me cry. If you make me cry in front of them, they will think I am a woos."

"OWW! What the hell was that for?"

"I didn't want anyone seeing you cry for nothing. I hit you with my crutch to give you a reason."

"Thank you Captain, I will remember that the next time."

"Yes little turd, there will be a next time. I don't know if you've noticed it, but I'm finally losing weight. I have a thyroid condition that our new doctor diagnosed. When I get down to my fighting weight, and my knees are better, you little man, are in trouble."

"I've been in trouble with you, since I was 4 years old."

"Just remember that, and you will keep your head on the right way. Now where do you want to start?"

"Doctor Aubrey was brilliant; we all agree on that. He would never place a bomb in the most obvious place for us to look, would he?"

"The Science Section?"

Adam laughed. "I can tell you one area he's never visited."

Everyone looked at him and laughed along with him.


"Hello agent, Burkart how are you?"

"I'm still waiting for the information on those 3 names Mister Zabo?"

"I've run into a problem with those names, and that is very unusual for me. I can give you the names of the people I think they are, but they have come up clean so far. When I do a check on someone and it comes up clean, someone is trying to set someone else up. I don't allow that to happen. I hope you understand my reticence and giving up those names."

"Yes I do Mister Zabo, I understand completely."

"Are you available next Tuesday and Wednesday, because if you're not; I can make you available."

"Is it part of our continuing relationship in this investigation?"

"It most certainly is. We are getting closer and closer to the tip of the spear. It is why this information is getting more difficult to verify. It's being held closely, by fewer and fewer people. I would suggest you bring an escort of about one dozen people with you. You will be taken by ground to our facility in Charleston South Carolina. A party, for many highly explosive guest, is be held. It should be invigorating and entertaining. My jet will pick you up in Washington, and deliver you safely there."

"That will not be necessary Mister Zabo, the government will pay for our transportation."

"Why add to the national debt, Miss Burkart; when I so easily can put you on a private jet that's going your way anyhow?"

"As you wish Mister Zabo; what time should we be ready to leave?"

"Be at Washington National, Tuesday, at 7:30 p.m., that should be plenty of time for you to get to Charleston, and out to our facility. You don't have to worry; we will not take your guns from you. Charles and I had a big laugh over that."

"Why do I have a feeling Charles funds many anti-gun pieces of legislation?"

"You will never see his name on them, but you can be guaranteed many of his dollars started them, and continue to fund them. So do mine agent Burkart, so do mine."

"I understand that Mister Zabo, thank you very much for this invitation."

"Remember this may involve an overnight stay. Your hotel rooms will be taken care of, so bring a change of clothing. Some of our guests may be one night late coming from overseas. We do not want them to miss anything we are going to be exposing. This is not suit and tie event, this is very casual.

Due to the high ranking of many of our guests, we have asked our security members to wear camouflage fatigues for the evening, so they can be easily recognized. Intruders, especially the press, will be thoroughly inhibited from attempting to encroach on our privacy. We are unveiling some highly patentable products, and we do not wish for them to become public knowledge yet."

"I will inform all of those traveling with me."

"Goodbye agent Burkart."

"Goodbye Mister Zabo."


"Dad is it really a good idea to have Federal Agents there? What happens if one or more of them gets hurt, or worse gets killed?"

"When General Marcus told Holden they were taking him away from the facility for his protection, Holden pulled his personal weapon from his ankle, pointed it at his head and said those famous words, 'Over My Dead Body.' The worst part of it was Marcus believed he was telling the truth. So they made a deal; he told Holden, and Richard what they were probably up against using Patrick's scenario, but without the Bear Traps.

He asked, "Using a worst-case scenario, defend yourself using all the forces you have at your disposal. The kids are geniuses in whatever field you put him in. They drew a circle indicating the spacecraft, within X in the deepest part of it indicating where they thought the enemy would be looking for them.

On the level above them would be the twelve FBI members, and Agent Burkart putting up a last stand defense for their lives.

On the sleeping quarters level, which is 2 levels up, is our A-Team defense. It's jungle warfare on that floor, because of all the doors and passageways. The fallback position is one floor down.

Again 2 floors up, is the B team defense. Using squad automatic weapons, grenade launchers, and other means of mass destruction, they will attempt to annihilate the enemy. Again, one floor down is their fallback position.

You move up 3 floors to the main gallery. 300 armed soldiers are focused on that one portal: The Main Entrance to the spacecraft. The fusillade of lead going into that opening at one time should be enough to stop anything that comes through it. If not, they disperse to the 3 floors below and fight a delaying action. They will do anything they can to stop the enemies progress, until our main force returns from their rear action duty.

While all the heavy fighting is going on, and the enemy commander sees that the defense is based on downward momentum, he is going to set up all his explosives, and his men's efforts to that purpose, with the intent of killing Holden, and Richard. They are the Holy Grail of his mission. They know it, we know it, we know they know it, and we know they know we know it.

The boys made up a complete battle plan of the enemy, using the elevator shafts, food-service dumbwaiters, stairwells, and blowing holes through the flooring to get to Ground Zero.

Where are the two boys during all this mayhem? They were reading comic books, or watching movies in stasis boxes, on the newly completed eight floor. The boxes will be fully armored, and air-conditioned, sitting between 36 other stasis boxes, which just happened to be delivered last Wednesday, by Schneider Industries, and happen to look exactly the same.

If the enemy has eyes on our position, and doubtless they do; last Wednesday's deliveries looked nothing out of the ordinary.

The boys know that the enemy will be thinking downward, ever downward against the fiercest competition to get to them. While they, the 'Holy Grail' of this attack, are two floors up, lying in stasis boxes, among other stasis boxes that are sitting on 1" thick steel plates."

"Are those kids' geniuses or what?"

"Are they as good as me, dad?"

"Apples, pears, and oranges Patrick; they are all wonderful pieces of fruit. I do believe you are destined to be great friends. Richard, Holden, and you, because of your proximity in age, will flourish as one.

William will be the source of your nourishment, and guidance. Without him there will never be a spaceship 3, 4, 5, or 10. Who knows where your 3 genius minds will lead you to in the future?

The most unknown part of our universe, to date, is under our feet. The Marianas' trench is 5-miles deep, and only a handful of men have ever seen it. What they have seen and understood, could only fill a thimble.

One day your minds could lead you to the bottom of our ocean depths, instead of the stars. It may not be as lucrative as space travel, but the pure science of it, and the revolutionary way you could impact the food chain to restore the fish in our oceans to a healthy balance with nature, could feed the world many times over.

We came from the sea my son's! She gave us dominance over the sea's first. Then She gave us dominance over the birds of the air, and then the animals of the land. Maybe our God was telling us something very important, for our own salvation on this planet, from the very beginning.

"How can we talk about killing people, Dad, and in the same breath, talk about saving humanity from its own destruction?"

"To answer that you have to go back to the fiction called 'The Bible.' The story made up by men, supposedly holy men, to explain what they didn't understand, to people who understood less than they did.

Adam and Eve had Cain and Abel. Cain killed Abel. End of story. No females around no procreation. Go off to the land of Nod! Who was living in Nod? He only created 2 people, they created 2 people, and one of them was killed. No females, end of story. How did we get here; they started telling lies. Adam lives more than 900 years. Eve doesn't do too badly; she lives well into her 700's. During all that time they have 9 boys and 7 girls. 16 children over 7 centuries. What did they do with the rest of their time; play with themselves?

"Go forth and multiply." 16 kids in 7 centuries is not even close to multiplication. With no superbugs around, let's say they all lived to ripe old ages, and the girls reproduced like their mother. Another 16 children over the next 7 centuries. When we get to the 21 century, we may have reached 10,000 people all over the globe. No one is going to be fighting over land, water, or building rights. There is more of it than they know what to do with.

No one is hungry, because the animals are doing a better job of procreating then man is. If we don't hurry up man is going to be eaten by the animals. Who knows, the dinosaurs may make a comeback?"

Patrick said, "I love when you wax philosophical, dad, a peace comes over your face that we rarely see."

"I hope that's true Patrick, because I've done things during my life to protect this family from others who would destroy it that I'm not proud of.

The Bible says an eye for an eye, and because people wanted to kill my family, I've done that. An arm of the government wanted to kill your sister, Patricia. I broke that arm of the government off and killed it.

The Mafia put a hit out on me, Patricia, and Patricia's mother. Except for 2 men in that family, who were not involved in the family business, I annihilated the entire family.

There was a threat against William. An agreement was made, because I sent a film of what I did to that family in Italy, to the family that wanted to kill William. From not wanting to talk to me about the contract on my son, they begged my attorneys the next day for a conference. I said no. I told them my contract would start the following Monday, and the only way they could stop it was by killing me. That would have been bad for business, and no one hurts business. They called my lawyers again and begged for a meeting. This time I acquiesced. They were afraid William would grow up sitting at my right knee, learning everything I knew, and handling things as I know how to handle them. The agreement was he would be banished to China until the age of 33. I was to have minimum contact with him, although visitation was allowed. During that time no one would hurt him, not one hair on his head.

During the first month of Williams banishment, there was a news release that said a US nuclear hydrogen bomb, from an Air Force Base in Louisiana was missing. Congress was having committee hearings, the president had a headache, and heads rolled. Of course, I had nothing to do with it.

However, the people in Palermo got wind of the fact that one of my ships tested positive for uranium, when it entered the port of Naples. The ship was boarded, and tested. Every item on board was opened and searched thoroughly. The ship was searched by the Italian, and U.S. Navies, using the best detection devices available. The ship was in port for ten extra days, and nothing was found amiss. There was nothing on the ship, which was not listed on the manifest.

I sent a gift to the head of the family that threatened William, along with a one-line note, "If anything happens to William..." The agreements were signed and William stayed healthy in China. No one, Patrick, no one hurts my family."

"What was the gift, dad? Did you send him something expensive, something priceless?"

"Patrick, there is nothing in this world more priceless than family. You will do anything in this world to protect your family. Remember that as you grow up. It is a man's prime duty in this world to keep his family safe."

"I promise dad I will do it. William will teach me how to do it after you're gone, but I have to know what the gift was?"

"It was a package of mushrooms."

Patrick sat there with frown lines on his forehead thinking about what mushrooms had to do with protecting his brother. The light went on in his head as the lights do on the monuments in Washington DC.

"Dad, you scared the crap out of them, and you did nothing. You put a little lie in a newspaper, and like a snowball, you let it roll down the hill gathering speed and volume. By the time it got to Palermo, those people didn't have a prayer. The only thing it cost you was the price of a stamp, and a little influence. What a wizard you are."

"Did you notice I never mentioned a price being put on your head Patrick?"

"I did, but what about that attack in Jacksonville?"

"They weren't after you. You just happen to be in the wrong place at the right time. They were after Holden and Richard, so that doesn't count."

"It sure felt like accounted at the time."

"17 seconds of pure hell, my son. It was good practice."

"I would like to get more practice going after them, before they come after me again."

"You will, but not now. Your airplane is due in 10 days; your flight crews have been vetted. You have 3 former generals, 5 colonels, 6 airline pilots, 18 flight attendants, 30 top-flight mechanics, and 80 armed guards protecting your aircraft on 15 man rotations, at all times. The flight crews will fly many times without you in it to keep their proficiency up. We may even lease it to certain people for exorbitant amounts of money.

I was very impressed with the name you gave it, and the insignia. Watch out for your mother when she sees it, she may hug you to death, or just kill you because of it.

While we know you will be busy for extended periods of time; the aircraft will be in Kansas City being upgraded to beyond Presidential Standards. There are certain things the Secret Service won't tell us Air Force One has, but that will not be a problem for me. By the time Boeing gets finished with her, the President will want to take a ride with you, instead of on Air Force 1."

"You're too much dad, thank you."

"Don't thank me, I'm not putting a dime into it. My friend in Algeria gave you the airplane, and William is paying for all the extras."

"How did I get wrangled into this?"

"Do you remember all the paperwork my lawyers had you sign?"

"Painfully, I remember that day; correction, those 3 days."

"Who now owns 80 percent of my companies?"

"I am the titular head of your companies, dad. They will always be your companies, as long as you draw breath."

"Thank you William, and since you call them my companies, you are paying for Patrick's upgrades."

"Isn't it enough that he broke my nose, now he has to rub my nose into it?"

"Is he going to come to the Senatorial hearings with the bandage on his nose, dad?"

"I'm going to demand that he does son. I want the Senators to know how strong you are. Can you imagine your brother on the front page of every major newspaper in the world, as the reporters ask you what happened to his nose?"

"I'd rather die dad."

"A little humility helps us all son. You see what your mother does to me. I see what Gwen does to you. Soon we will see what dancing does to Patrick."

"Please dad, don't dangle that in front of me again. Every time I get my hopes up, something happens to dash them right in front of my eyes."

"I promise you, Patrick, when we get to Greenbrier, you will be dancing your feet off like you never have before."

"Since I've never had my first dance, anything would be an improvement."

"You're absolutely correct, everything will be an improvement. Are you all packed, and ready to go?"

They both answered yes.


"Yes sir."

"Are the teams and readiness?"

"Yes sir all teams are in stage one readiness."

"Excellent. Are the women finished packing?"

"Yes sir, the luggage is being moved down to the front hallway now."

"Excellent. Tell the woman to get dressed. I want them moved to Westchester now. The helicopter will meet them there in less than 2 hours. Tell the advance group to move to their new positions now. What about the other asset?"

"He's on his way sir."

"I don't have to give you any instructions, you know what they are. If no one else comes home but those 2 women, and our little baby girls, your mission has been successful. Best wishes Alfonse, try to come home safely, I will miss you if you don't."

"Thank you Mister Zabo, my teams and I will protect the girls with everything we have."

"Thank you. Get ready to leave. William grab the 2 suitcases that are in the safe room, with my initials on the side. Patrick there is a longer suitcase in there, with my initials on the top, would you get that one please?"

"Yes dad."

Jemma came running down the stairs, with her coat folded over her arm.
"Why are we leaving now, William?"

"I want you, Gwen, and our girls out of here now. I don't want another surprise attack on this house with all of you in it. As soon as your cars leave, the boys and I are out of here also. You are going north. I am going southwest. I promise on my love for you that I am not going near the battle zone. I will be directing it from a safer place. It has a nuclear fallout shelter designed for Presidents, and Congress. I will be safe, just as you will be safe underneath Patty's home. We will not have to worry about one another, my love. If divine providence smiles on us, we will die in bed together of old age."

"You old fart, you better keep that promise to me. I expect you home, when this is over."

"We have all the pieces in place to protect everyone. Fortunately, we had a 4-day window to prepare for this attack. The element of surprise has been negated, and this may be over before it starts. I will not take a chance with the people I love. Put your jacket on, kiss me, tell me you love me, and go."

"I've never seen you this worried William."

"I've never had so many family members to worry about at one time. This is the hardest game of chess I've ever had to play, and until I get you, our boys, and our baby girls safe, I have a right to worry."

"I love you William. I have since the day you came down my throat."

"That was fun.""

"I want to show you something I packed."

She ran to a piece of her luggage, opened it, and hid the item behind her back as she returned to him.

"Do you want to take a guess what is?"

"I don't believe now is the time for 20 questions dear."

"I don't want to leave you with such a dower look on your face. I want you to take this with you, smile, and think of me while we are part."

"I'll try; what is it?"

She brought her hands around to the front of her body, and handed him a Lucite cube. It took him a second before his frown started to crack, and a smile crossed his lips. Then a full throated laugh left his body.

"You're giving me your panties?"

"Would you prefer I give them to Patrick?"

"Yes mom give them to me. I'll do more with them the he will."

"Pat, it's time for us to leave this room; quietly if possible. Otherwise I'll drag you by your neck."

"Why, what did I do wrong this time?"

"Don't ask, just come with me."

"No fun, no fun at all."

"So you want me to think about your ass, while I'm gone?"

"I was hoping you would think about more than my ass, but if that's as high as you can get, I'll take it."

"Jemma, when we get back together, I'm going to buy United Airlines, and make it a private company. I'm going to give it to you as an anniversary present. I don't give a fuck if you close it down, but that was the best day of my life."

"You cursed in our house, William. It's the first time you've ever done that here."

"It's the Patrick effect; he's rubbing off on me."

"When we get back, I'm going to start beating the hell out of him until he gets his mouth straight. I won't have you falling backwards on your manners."

"Thank you dear. Now I want you out of this house without any more delays."

"Gwen let's go."

"She can't mom, she has Williams' head down her throat."

"As long as it's not the head of his penis, you can watch."

"I watch it on my computer all the time."

"Now that I have been informed of that fact, we will remove the computer from your room."

"I don't use the one in my room for entertainment. I use the one in your room. It has easier access to the Internet."

"William, if you come back with only one son I will forgive you."

"There will be a lot of changes by the time we get home dear. Get out of this house, now. Gwen will be 4 feet behind you."

"Alfonse if you would."

"Jemma please come with me."

"Yes Alfonse."

"You will recognize your close body protection instantly. He is a mountain that moves and will answer to the call sign 'Hoosick' initially. He has to bend down to get into rooms, and is as gentle as a baby bear to friends. You don't want to get him angry, because bullets won't stop him. His name is Andy. He will have Kathy with him. She was a part of a different mission, and is still under his protection. We picked him to guard you, Gwen, and the babies, because he is the best."

"Thank you Alfonse, please take care of yourself."

"Thank you Jemma, please listen to your guards. Don't ask why, just do it."

"You're beginning to sound like my husband."

"I take that as a compliment."

"It was meant as a compliment."

"Is everyone ready?"

The replies were 'Yes.'

"The cars are ready."

"Countdown: 1-2-3-GO."

14 seconds later, Jemma, Gwen, the two infant girls, and their nannies; plus, Davis, the driver, and Heath, the lead agent, were in the armored limousine, screaming north on Central Park East. They had 2 cars in front, and 3 cars trailing them.

It was 12:15 a.m., and any car on the road seeing lights flashing and sirens roaring, darted out of the way of this oncoming site. They turned left on 110 Street, at the north end of Central Park, heading west towards the Joe DiMaggio Expressway. Police cars, seeing this convoy believed it must be a head of state or some political emergency situation they joined in making the major crossing streets, like Broadway and Seventh Avenue by stopping traffic north and southbound.

Once on the highway, cars swerved to get out of their way. Beside the lights and sirens blaring at them, the horns were added for extra emphasis. 100 miles an hour on these highways made the ride bumpy, but the only ones that seemed not to mind where the babies. They were sleeping through the entire event.

Jemma and Gwen were holding each other's hands fearing for their lives. They were wondering if this was the safest way to get the Glens Falls; maybe walking would be better.

The limousine took the turn onto the cross County Parkway on 2 wheels, maybe. There was a crunching noise heard on the left side of the black beast they were riding in, and a loud bang when it settled down on all 4 wheels.

The 2 agents up front looked at each other and grinned.

Jemma was happy she wasn't pregnant. She would've thrown up all over everyone if she was.


"Look mom there's the airport, we are here."

Their smiles faded as the signs for the Westchester County Airport past them by.

Jemma yelled, "You missed the airport."

"Mister Zabo changed his mind at the last minute. We are not going to the airport. We are going to some place more secure. When it comes to your safety he does not fool around."

"You better watch out mom, pretty soon he's gonna staple you to his body to keep watch over you."

"I'm not sure I wouldn't mind that Gwen. He does have his moments."

"The way he goes on about when William was born, I can't wait to see what the girls do to my husband."

"Get him a farmer's apron, otherwise he's going to ruin all his suits."

"All of this started because of a little redheaded girl."

"He screamed he wanted to go back to China in the worst way, and then you tripped him."

"I did not. We will argue over that for the rest of our lives."

"At least you have something to talk about when you're angry with one other."

The limo skidded into a 90o left turn, down an unlit road. Davis put on an infrared driving helmet to see where he was going. It was pitch black outside, and the only things you could see was the taillights in front of you. At least they had slowed down a little; they were only doing 70.

The 2 cars in front of them slid into a blocking formation, as the limousine drove towards an underground garage, as its steel gate was still in the process of opening. In order not to take the top of the limousine off, Davis hit the brakes, threw the car into a spin, went into reverse, and finally entered the parking facility backwards.

Davis yelled to Heath, "How long man, how long did it take me?"

Heath looked at his watch. "19 minutes 27 seconds."

"Yeah man, pay me. I told you I could do it in under 20 minutes."

"Are you 2 out of your damn minds? You could have killed us driving like that. My husband is going to murder you two."

"Actually Mrs. Zabo, we were following his directions."

"Exactly what were my husband's directions Davis?"

"Your husband said, 'Get our wives to this facility as quickly as possible.' That's exactly what I did, Mrs. Zabo. The bet was irrelevant."

"How much did you bet him Heath?"

"Our usual Mrs. Zabo, $10 dollars."

"He drove like that to win $10 dollars?"

"The hard part is still to come."

"I can't wait to hear this."

"Neither can I mom, this should be good."

"Go ahead Davis, tell us the hard part."

"As soon as the helicopter touches down, we leave. We have to be in Glens Falls before you arrive. The helicopter will land here. The team will put Cynthia, Veronica, the 2 little girls, and you two into it, and take off. It will hover around until the rest of the team can get to the Westchester airport refueling area, where it will refill its tanks, and put some refreshments on board their vehicles.

Meanwhile, we will be using our lights and sirens heading north on Interstate 87 eating up as much ground as we can of the 188-mile trip, before your friend Paul takes to the air.

Our guys will be on the road heading north behind the helicopter and should arrive between 4 and 5 AM. Paul will not land, until we tell him to. There is one other asset up there, who will be waiting for us."

"My husband is out of his fucking mind."

"Ma'am, you are one of the few people in this world that can get away saying that to him. Neither Heath, or I would dare do it."

"I understand that. Gwen, I think all Zabo men are crazy."

"Maybe we should never let Patrick get laid. If he doesn't know what he's missing, he will never get married. He will never have children, and that poor girl will never have to put up with him."

Jemma looked at Gwen, and Gwen returned Jemma's wry glance. They smiled as they spied each other.

"Fat Chance!"


The Attorney General's secure private line rang at his home at 2 A.M. Monday. He was very unhappy when his wife kicked him, because he didn't pick it up by the third ring.


"General, this is Beach. You have 4 of us on special assignment looking into the items that were blown up on the way to Virginia."

"Beach, if this is not earth shattering news, the 4 of you are fired as of this instant. What do you have?"

"Sir, we have come across nearly 1300 L-1 Visa's that have been issued, but have no paper trail. They have a name, no country, no specialty. They don't have a sponsor, or state they are going to be working in. Portsmouth Virginia is the point of entry for all of them, but they don't have a date of entry, or if their visas have been extended for any period of time. A few of these could be marked off as part of the free trade agreement with Chile, and Mexico, but not all 1300. Something big is going to happen sir, and we have a feeling it is going to happen soon.

Our first worry was why this information was on the NASA computers, and not on the FBI, or any other intelligence agency computer. NASA is not required to share information with those agencies, because their work is not in the intelligence field. It's a perfect cover if someone is planning a large-scale attack on US facility.

Our super-rocket is spread out all over the country, in various stages of completion. Assembly won't start, until the engines have been certified. That leads us to one conclusion sir; someone is going to attack the 'Deep Space Science Project' facility in South Carolina."

"Best estimate, how sure are you of this?"

"1300 unknown nationals entering the country. No paper trail. 3 months to prepare; our best estimate is 85 percent positive."

"Good work, you are still employed. Keep digging and see what else you can dig up. I have work to do."


"William, Tim Kenshaw, I have problematic news. 1300 L-1 Visa's cannot be accounted for over the last three months. My people believe, with an 85% certainty, there is going to be an attack on your South Carolina facility."

"I know Tim, and we are prepared."

"What the fuck do you mean you know, and you are prepared? I just found out about it."

"Tim, your responsibilities are all over the world. My responsibilities are centered around my family, and my businesses. My biggest business at this moment is the spacecraft. Every ear I have is on the ground listening for trouble. We found out about this Thursday, and we have made the appropriate moves. My family has scattered, our defenses have been mobilized, and members of the FBI have been invited to make the arrests for those who survive.

I have to ask you a very big favor, and I know it will be hard for you to do, because you are the nation's top law enforcement officer.

Tim do and say nothing to anyone not even yourself, until this is over."

"Why William, this is equivalent to an act of war against the United States."

"Tim, we are getting very close to the tip of the spear, and when we blunt this attack, and catch its leader, alive, we hope, we may have that name. We believe he's hiding in Switzerland, and I am coordinating with the FBI's Agent Burkart, who will be in attendance, Tuesday and Wednesday, when we believe this attack will take place. Will you do that for me Timothy?"

"I owe you my position William; I will do this and much more for you if you ever ask."

"Does anyone else know about this?"

"Yes, but they won't say a thing about it. They are good people William. They wouldn't leak information to the press at the point of a gun. Are you safe?"

"My family and I, although we are separated, are all in bomb shelters. If they come after us, they better have a nuclear weapon with them."

"Tim, I can make the appropriate precautions if you want to be in attendance. I know it is very risky, that's why I and my family are not going to be there. It would, however, give the impression to our enemy that we know nothing about their impending attack. Agent Burkart and a dozen other federal agents are going to be in attendance. It would look like another ordinary party for dignitaries. The boys are going to be there, and we can arrange for one more armor plated 'Stasis Box' to be arranged nearby theirs. Think about it and let me know. My plane is picking up the FBI personnel Tuesday, at 7:30 P.M. Tim, how many Visa's did you say were missing?"

"1300 William."

"Very good, I will spread the word to General Marcus."

"Wasn't he just kicked off the Joint Chiefs of Staff?"

"Yes he was, but it was a mistake in moral conduct that he did not know about. Everyone is entitled to one mistake Tim; we've all been there before."

"Yes we have, I can attest to that myself. We will get together when this is over William. I have a bottle of Napoleon brandy from 1866 that I've been waiting to use for a special location. I can't think of anything more special than this."

"I will take you up on that offer. Hopefully, we will open that bottle next Monday, in Washington."

"Why don't I come to you instead. The bottle is in a vault under the Citibank building."

"I'll send my helicopter to get you. It's better than that god-awful train, and waiting at Andrews'. Thanks for the call Tim; let me know about Tuesday, now go back to sleep."

Timothy Kenshaw thought to himself, "I wish I knew 1/10 of what that man knows. I don't need his money, I have enough of my own. What I want is his intellect, and to understand the way he moves his pieces around the world wide chess board, he either owns or controls.


"Engineering to Captain Jamison, Engineering to Captain Jamison."

"This Captain Jamison go ahead Jack."

"Captain, I would sit on this bird and fly it myself back to earth if need be. That's how sure I am she's going to make it."

"Okay Jack, let me check with Callie and the science section and get you an updated heading to earth. I'm going to turn the ship now to a heading of 0800, and we will use that as our firing position."

"Roger Captain, 0800. I'll set that into the computer now."

"Captain Jamison to Captain Thyme. Captain Jamison to Captain Thyme."

She received no answer

"Elizabeth answer me."

"I'm sorry Captain, I haven't gotten that through my thick skull yet. How can I help you Captain?"

"Turn the ship left heading 0800 angle of inclination 0550 execute immediately."

"Roger Captain."


"Roger turning to new heading 0800, angle of inclination 0550."

"Senior Captain is on the bridge."

"I have command Elizabeth."

"Callie, Senior Captain Montgomery Jamison has the bridge."

"Do you agree Senior Captain?"

"I do Callie. Do you have an updated trajectory for the rocket to planet Earth?"

"Heading for planet Earth is 124.1040 angle of declination 280."

"Callie from our current heading of 0800, what is the best routing to Atwater Luck?"

"I cannot give you that information at this time, due to the delay factor in launching the rocket towards Earth, Captain."

"Thank you Callie, I was getting ahead of myself."

"Bridge to engineering, Jack how long?"

"Keep your pants on Captain; we don't want to screw up now. Not more than 10 minutes, we are screwing on the nose plate, and rolling it into position. The boys and girl are suited up and in the clean room checking their pressurization, while we are pushing the rocket out onto the platform and into its' locked position.

"Gordon is EVA ready to go?"

"Yes we are ready Jack. My air pressure is a little low, but you will take care of that when I get back in. We already know what the problem is, so it's no big deal. In case of an emergency, I can hook up to Delicious air supply."

"Captain, engineering and EVA is ready to go."

"Kiss that sucker for all of us Jack, and send it to our former home: The Planet Earth."

Everyone who worked, and put his or her blood sweat and tears into fixing the last rocket went by it, touched it, and wished it a safe journey home. They had done everything in their power, and beyond, to make it a safe and successful journey. Now it was up to God to see if She willed it to get there safely, and deliver the messages that were recorded for the ones they left behind.

"Jack, we are all sealed up out here, you can lower the pressure."

"The pressure is neutralized, and the ramp is coming down."

"Captain, the first thing you have to do, when you lose enough weight, is to take a walk with me out here. If you ever want to believe how strong our God is, you can see it in the stroke of Her hand. It is beyond words."

"If I went with you, it would spoil the view."

"That's what I get for being nice. Okay everyone, release the springs in order. Sam your number one."

"Spring is released and secured."


"Spring is released and secured."

"Bill it's you and me together and let's catch it when it pops up. 1-2-3, release."

"Sam, move the cart back, and lock it in place. I'm opening the timer door. It's preset for 2 minutes. I'm pushing start. The numbers are counting down. I'm closing the timer door, and locking it.

Delicious, it's your honor. Give this thing a good push for dad. Send it home to Idaho Springs."

"You got it handsome."

She took hold of the grip, leaned back, and with everything she had, threw the rocket forward into the ink black night. Theoretically, they were done. Moving at over 4 times the speed of light there was no way they could predict where the rocket would be when it lit off.

Gordon kept track of the time on his chronometer, and counted down for his 3 crewmates as they scanned the dark abyss.


Delicious pointed and yelled, "Look, there, there goes daddy."
Sure enough, at their one o'clock position, nearly 350 down was a trail of light, blazing away from them, where moments ago there was nothing.

"Have a great trip dad, say hello for all of us."

"Jack were ready to come in."


Alright Mister Watley, you've proven to us that these codes, and your passwords will work on any computer. There is still one problem we haven't addressed. Is there a day code? Are there codes that can only be used on certain days of the week, weeks of the month, or months of the year? It wouldn't be nice of you to show us today's work, and as of tomorrow morning nothing works. We would be very angry with you if that happened. We would find your wife and family, wherever you sent them off into hiding. We would find your parents, and extended relatives, and make them pay dearly for your transgressions against us. You wouldn't be doing anything underhanded like that to us Mister Watley, would you?

You are moments from freedom, would you risk that all Mister Watley? We can all be on a plane to Geneva in a few hours if need be, or you can be on your ultralight trying to escape us. Either way you can be alive, but in 2 days the FBI is going to be all over you. Your passports will be gone, your ability to leave will be gone. You won't be able to go to the bathroom without them being able to tell you how much you went. Tell me Mister Watley, what games are you playing against me, or I will nic your carotid artery, hang you upside down, and watch you die in 34 minutes."

"I don't believe I have ever come up against anyone quite as good as you number 20, and I have come up against some of the best bargainers in the world. They always miss something, and you haven't missed anything. You have to promise me one thing, and then I will give you the proverbial shirt off my back. You have to protect me while I am in Switzerland being treated. They are in Switzerland. I am as sure of that as I am sure I am breathing now. They may go through the tunnel into Germany every now and again, but I'm sure Switzerland is their base camp. I need at least 6 men, 6 of your finest to guard me day and night. If you give me that I will tell you everything you need to know about those codes."

"My men are private contractors. I cannot answer for them; they will have to answer for themselves. You will have to pay them what they want, and they only accept cash. I know that's not a problem for you. Number one if you would gather the men in the living room, Mister Watley you can ask them yourself."


"Gentleman, I need 6 guards for round-the-clock work for at least 6 months possibly longer if I survive the treatment. I will guarantee the 6-months pay. I do not know the exact nature of the hazard, because I'm not sure if they will know I am there. I will not be using my real name, passport, or credit cards. I will be strictly a cash customer. As number 20 has advised me you only accept cash also. I will pay you monthly in advance as to the agreed amount. After watching what you did today, I would suspect you are very highly paid, because you were extremely proficient at what you do. Is anyone interested in 6 months' service to me, in Switzerland, starting immediately?"

"Number 7 you have a question?"

"Will the drawdown of 6 men cause a problem to our current operation?"

"No it will not. Our current operation, in Switzerland, would only require 10 people. Since everyone acted so proficiently today, I was going to take all of you, and keep the remainder as a second-tier just in case we needed to move to another area of operation after that."

"In that case number 20, I would like to join Mister Watley's crew, as long as we can come to the same financial arrangement or more than we have with you."

"That's totally between you and Mister Watley."

"May I ask what you receive per month number 7?"

"35,000 US dollars per month."

"I will make it 40,000 US dollars per month. The Swiss winter is setting in, and you will need better clothing and probably a better weapon to withstand the cold weather."

"Does anyone else wish to join Mister Watley's crew?"

7 hands rose from the group.

"Mister Watley you have a choice, you can take 5 of the hands that are raised and leave two or you can take all 8. It's your decision."

"I'll take all 8 number 20. There is safety in numbers after all."

"Gentleman, remember as you leave my employee to destroy all evidence of our agreements both present and past. I have your information and if in the future I need your services I can contact you. Mister Watley you and I have further business to talk about."


"Number 20 do you see how pristine the logo is in the center of my checkbook."

"My initial thought when I saw that was why was it on the inside of the checkbook, instead of the outside, not how good it looked. Go ahead."

"When you put my information into the computer, as I showed you, the password goes first, and the other information goes in afterwards, everything will come out looking wonderfully, for that day, will because it is pin coded into the computer before I get to work. If I want to look back on a transaction to change something that I know the feds are going to look for I put everything into the computer and I lineup the appropriate pin by my name and log it in. The computer never shows I was there, it never shows anything was changed, and it alters every book up and down the line. It does it without being told to do it. Now in reference to your case and day codes. For tomorrow all you need to do is look for the day of the week in my pinwheel can you see it?"

"I'm sorry no I can't."

"Try it without your glasses and tilt your head down."

"Turnaround Mister Watley, we are not that friendly yet."

"My goodness the days of the week are even spelled out. They look like little arrows. How ingenious Mister Watley. You may turn around now. What would I do with those days of the week?"

"Regardless of what month of the year, as long as you line up the day of the week, with the pin code, and add it together into the computer, you are in. You have your user ID, password and new pin code to get into the computer every day of the year. No one can stop you, because that is my backdoor program."

It lays dormant, until you ask it to open. They can look all they want, and they'll never see it. I paid the kid $6 million to do make that program for me. I made $6 Billion off it in 3 years."

"Is that person still alive?"

"Hell no, he died at the party I threw for him. It must've been something in the drink."

"Excellent precaution Mister Watley. It is nearly 3:30 P: M. You are past your flight departure time by 90 minutes, so we must use the Ultralight Escape Plan. We stole money from your safes, your wife's insured jewelry, and whatever else you can think of. Just be sure you are out of the country by early tomorrow morning. Canada is across the water, and for a very rich business man, renting a private jet should not be a problem. Good luck Mr. Watley, I am very pleased we came to amicable terms. I dislike blood, when it is not necessary."

"Thank you number 20, I enjoy being alive."

"Do you need any help launching that thing?"

"No, it rolls down the ramp, and flies like a bird."

"I will keep both feet on the ground, if you don't mind. I'll watch you take off from you back yard, and then I'll take my leave of you."


Paul was set up on the western ridge of the roof, using Kelly as his spotter.

The wind was brisk over the bay, 15 to 18 miles per hour from the northwest, and the sun was to Paul's left, 170 above the horizon. The glare off the water was intense and sparkling, but hopefully Watley would climb high enough to negate that factor. The temperature was 540 and falling, as the cloud cover was being pushed away by the wind. All in all, it was a shitty day for a long range shot that had to be made, without hitting the man flying in his tiny machine. Maybe he could scare him off the thing, by whizzing a few by his head, and getting him to jump to his death? It was just a thought.

Paul brought his rifle, but was using a different type round in it today. Instead of the sleek aerodynamic Pointed Shape round he regularly used, which had a higher muzzle velocity, and impact capability; he chose a 45-70 350 grain Round Shoulder, which had a lower muzzle velocity, but a wider impact point. When you are shooting at strings, 1/16 of an inch wide, every little bit helps. His rifle held a clip of 4 cartridges, and just in case, Paul had 11 more 4 cartridge clips lined up close by. In these conditions, anything could, and probably would happen to him. He only hoped the colonel kept his word, and stayed downstairs, where he belonged.

The colonel was walking along the bank of the bay, when Watley opened the doors that revealed his flying machine.

"Hello number 20."

"You are nuts Mr. Watley."

"I've done this hundreds of times before, what's one more?"

"Can you get to Canada in that thing?"

"I don't know; I've never tried?"

"Enjoy you flight."

They waved to each other. James Watley strapped himself into his Ultralight, and started the engine. Moments later, he released the brakes, slid down the ramp, and was off into the Michigan air, straight over the bay behind his home. He looked over his right shoulder, and saw number 20 walking into his home. All was right in his world.

"320 yards. He is in the crosswind Paul. It's causing the left side to jerk up and down every few seconds. I think you should take the shot early."

"The colonel said 450. I'll shoot him in the back of his head, before I shoot him one-yard shy of 450 yards."

"You tell her Paul. Range to target."

"380 yards, colonel."

"There is one hell of a chop out on that water today, isn't it?"

"Yes it is sir."

"I wonder if that is the reason he can't gain attitude?"

"No sir, He can't gain altitude because of the severe crosswind he's fighting. Every time he lifts the left side of his airfoil, the wind nearly blows him over. He shouldn't be flying that thing in weather like this."

"Really, you mean an accident could happen? Paul aim for the string that connects to the rear of his seat."

"You mean you want me to aim at something in this weather?"

"Do you want me to do it for you, Paul?"

"Don't think about it; I can do this. Range to target."

"435 yards, wind 3280 18 gusting 23. Temp 520 F Range 450 yards. The range is open, fire when ready."


Paul changed his magazine, without looking downrange, that was his spotters job. He reloaded, reset his position, and waited for Kelly's report.

"Wide left and low. Left and low, left and low, Hit. Number 3 string left side. Shredding but still holding on."


He repeated his previous actions precisely.

"Miss high and left. Hit 5 string is severed. He's down in the water. Hit 4 string. He is under the water. No sign of him. Craft is being blown, end over end, away from the scene of the accident. No sign of a swimmer in the water. Great shooting Paul."

Paul looked over his right shoulder, and saw the colonel looking down at him with a frown on his face. He had to know what he did wrong this time, so he shouted, "WHAT IS IT NOW?"

"What are you going to do with all these slow cartridges?"

He turned, walked away, and shook his head.

The team gathered around Paul, laughing, because the colonel had done it to him, AGAIN!

The End

Chapter 9

Dark As Daylight



Note: A thank you to anonymous: one of you advised me to get a tape recorder and put my thoughts down on it, and have someone else put it on my computer. As my current problem moves slowly along, my hands inability to type progresses. My aide happens to be an excellent typist. Although she blushes at certain portions of the story, she gets through them quickly and moves on. She is a wonderful woman. So whoever you are, I take this moment to thank you for putting this thought in my head, because it keeps my mind active as I lie down, and continue to think of where this story is going. She is why Chapter 9 has gotten to you more quickly than Chapter 8, and hopefully, Chapter 10 will be the same.
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