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Rules? Pftt... yeah no there actually are rules, the rules of the site that is, but other than that, I guess just no real fucked up shit that is just distasteful I guess. Btw, I'm gonna act like a tyrant, if I do have control over posts in this "story", so if something doesn't fit my narrow point of view of the world, and I actually feel like it, I'm probably gonna try to delete it. Will I? I don't know.

Anyways, this will just be the hub page, the seed where all of your daydreams, nightmares, fleeting fantasies, can sprout from as long as you write them. Hell, if you want, you can just straight up make a diary, though keep in mind people will be able to read it so only actually do so if you feel that your internet "anonymity" protects you.


Stars dotted the night sky, an uncountable number of eyes stared through you in one world.

The air screamed as towers of steel and blood pierced the heavens in another world.

Grass is trampled and the skin of trees peeled as turbulent beings filled with rage fly past in a world that is in fact more than one mashed together.

"AGH FUGCCK!" A cacophany of voices jumbled together in sync, in an unnatural amount of sync, screamed out curses in a multitude of languages, both familiar and unfamiliar to your human ears, as a mass of flesh pulsed and flared out an aura of suffering that radiated through the window that The Old Man soon closed.

Reality can be quite strange, one's imagination being an example of that. Even stranger is that sometimes reality can completely outdo imagination, so really, is it all that impossible that the imagination isn't simply a window to other worlds? To mind-bending concepts? Windows to the vastness of existence?

Nay, I say. It isn't impossible. Everything is possible, even the possibility of everything being impossible is possible, after all, mysteries are simply added evidence to the fact that the human mind is limited, and to believe anything with all of your being other than that the human mind cannot understand even a single thing in truth is stupendous.

But don't mind the ramblings of an elderly mind trying to be "deep" or "philosophical" or anything. Just tell me, what does your imagination conjure up? Actually, no, that's a misnomer, its not your imagination that's being conjured, that is actually your reality.

In fact all of what I have shown you is a reality of yours, though those were the more "fantastical" ones, as you might say.

It would be more accurate to say that this is a dream, sort of. An inter-dimensional "dream", if you will.

So, where do you wake up, how do you wake up, maybe even when do you wake up. Hell, if you wish, how much of this "dream" do you remember and what do you do with whatever amount of memories left from either this dream or before it?

The Old Man stepped forward, a gangling hand reaching towards your face. His finger tips your eyebrows and begin to drag downward. As your eyelids are pulled shut, you slowly begin to feel your consciousness rising from the depths of your mind to the surface.

What's next?

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