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De Prauved

Pulling up to the wrought iron gates of tudor castle, a banner over the gate arch 'De Prauved (pronounced like sauve) Institute Of Higher Learning' under that line "Forming The Future One Student At A Time!". Halting the car I get out and unlock the gate, opening them wide enough so I can drive through. Driving along the long, curved driveway, Peter De Praved surveyed all he owned, that wasn't taken by the court to settle a little matter of a sexual discretion a few years ago!

'Coming to Andorra was the best thing I ever did!' he thinks to himself, walking up to the front door. He met by the head groundskeeper Bruno Marche "Morning Mr. De Prauved, ready for another year to begin sir?" Winking, remembering the past year spent with that little brunette he did every chance he got, which was often.

"Should be a bumper crop this year Bruno and we have four new faculty members freshly hired from the States!" Moving past Bruno making his way to the teacher lounge's main door "Say Bruno can you go open the gates? The student body should begin arriving soon!" Unlocking the door to the lounge, entering before getting a reply, inside his eyes are greeted with the white piece of paper that reads 'Depraved Institute Of Higher Learning- fucking the future, one student at a time!"

"Ah Mr. Turnbull must be here already!" Walking deeper into the lounge finding the Theatre Arts teacher already feeling up the student body of Heather Quinn, president of the student body once again this year!

"Doug!, Heather! pleasant summer I take it?"

"Ah! Peter, good to see you!" rising, offering his hand to Peter "Miss Quinn was just showing me her plans for the coming year!" Peter think among other thing, I'll bet! Heather gets up and makes her way past, deliberately brushing her hips against Peter. Both men's heads turn to watch her leave

Opening the door "Oh excuse me! I thought this was the teacher's lounge!" Just laughing Heather hold the door for the newcomer!

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