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Debased Quest

Jara holds little interest to the rest of the kingdom it's within and outside of maps held by the nobility no mention of it ever reaches past the borders. This is where you grew up, thatch roofs and rough stone walls are a sign of wealth here, most people live in roughly woven tents pitched against the cliff walls that hide your childhood home. Traditional and paranoid nothing has changed much in the last five hundred years and before that only one major event was ever forced upon the villagers.

In a time when all the world of men was in danger your village was called upon by the lords of the land to provide soldiers to fight. Having no sons of age the village elders sent there daughters instead. Among those girls was the soon to be daemon slayer Hera. Slaying the wizard who marshalled the daemon horde and closing the portals they flooded from turned her into a legend and a cultural force in all the world. Although no one but those in your village know where she came from the village elders honour her success by every 10 years sending a young woman out to strive to gain such acclaim again. Never mind the fact that 12 young woman were sent to fight that day and that 11 of them met fates worse then death ranging from the corruption of their souls, petrification, eternal torture and becoming the breeding stock of monsters producing the children of their masters till their bodies broke. No they focus on the triumphant one here.

That's where you come in of course, the young woman who is this cycles heroin. You've just finished your right of age at 19 and stand before the village elders.

Eer who are you again young lady?

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