Open on CHYOA



I am no longer maintaining this story on this site. This story was taken from a free WIP game that I am developing. The features in that game no longer fit easily into the CHYOA format. To be clear, CHYOA is awesome, I just don't have the drive to maintain two versions of the game.

You can play the game online at

It is recommended that you use GAME MODE (Start Game) to read this story. This story uses many variables and conditional chapters. If you are not playing in story mode, things will often not make sense and you can miss content. If you experience any pages that look like they are missing content, please message me or add a comment.

You don't know where you are or how you got here.

_Am_ I dreaming? It doesn't feel like a dream.

You felt wide awake. The air around you seemed to buzz with energy. You looked around and found yourself in what could be best described as a large open-air pavilion. There were no walls, only tall, thick columns around the perimeter.

Mounted on each column were dimly burning torches. A slight breeze blew through the pavilion, but the torches did not flicker. Looking out past the columns, you saw only blackness. A voice sounded from behind you.

"I think you will find it is much nicer in here than out there."

You turned around, expecting to find someone standing at your back; no one. Instead, you noticed a figure near the center of the room.

Was someone there before?

Without more light, you cannot discern anything beyond a basic outline, but the figure beckoned for you to approach.

"Quickly, at this first meeting, our time is minimal."

The voice did not seem to come from the figure but rather from all around.

That's creepy.

As you walked toward the middle of the pavilion, the room got progressively brighter. It soon became clear that the figure was, in fact, a stone statue.

The stone of the statue seemed to glow, and you felt an overwhelming urge to touch it.

Great abs. This one could be an underwear model.

You reached out, and your fingers lightly brushed the leg. A blinding wave of light surged from the statue. When your vision returned, you found that in its place stood a stunningly handsome man. He seemed to be admiring his body as if seeing it for the first time.

This body will do nicely. You have excellent taste. Thank you. Now, to business. As you are in my temple, it is only appropriate that you introduce yourself.

What's next?

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