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Digimon Adventures #1

There are many sexy female and male digimon alike whose paths you can follow in the world of Digimon: Digital Monsters. Ever had a curiosity as to what would happen between two characters if they were alone? Have a pairing you really want to write out, or maybe even a pairing that not a lot of people would think of? You can do so right here! And there are a LOT of choices.

There is the lovable knucklehead that is Veemon. He is the partner of Davis Motomiya. He has a heart of gold but can also be a bit slow at times. He is also sometimes the main target when it comes to romantic and sexual situations.

Gatomon is the seductive and sexy kitty with a bad-ass attitude. She is the partner of Kari Kamiya, and previously an enemy to the digidestined before she changed her ways. She was previously considered the most serious of the group though has developed a very laid-back personality.

Last on this page is Hawkmon; a knowledgeable and intelligent bird with a wide vocabulary. He isn't the strongest of the group though he certainly isn't the weakest, and his voice is certainly well-heard at times when the time count.

Click "More" for more choices! You didn't think we'd leave you with just three choices, did ya?

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