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Doctor Wedgie

_A/N: Just a few things before diving in. While I would prefer at least the first few chapters of any given story-line to focus on wedgies, you're free to add to this story in any way you see fit. Everything from juvenile kinks to the most disturbing fetishes to regular intercourse will be accepted. Also, there will be a separate story-line for Old Who added in the path choices at the end of this chapter.

You turn off your TV, having just finished watching one of the many reruns of Doctor Who that was on. You stand up and stretch, deciding to go to bed a bit earlier than usual. As you make your way up the stairs, you begin to feel light headed. You must have been more tired than you'd thought. You make your way to the top of the stairs and stumble into your bedroom, collapsing onto your bed and passing out.

You wake up in a plain white room, your face pressed against the floor. You blink a few times before standing up and looking around. You couldn't see any features in the room, no windows, doors, tables, not even a light. Just as you were thinking you were dreaming, you heard a voice.

" Hello there young man. I am known as The Entity, a creature older than the universe itself, and as powerful as a god." The voice was female, and seemed to be in your head, almost like you were just thinking it.

"Who are you? What do you want?" You ask the voice, fear tickling your gut.

"Who I am is a subjective question." The voice said, seemingly amused. "What I want is a far more interesting question. You see, I've grown bored with just existing, so have been creating universes with different rules to this one and placing people such as yourself into them to see what happens." Sensing your doubt, the Entity adds "I know it doesn't make sense to you, and there's no point in explaining it. Just go with it."

"So, you want to put me into a different universe with different rules?" You ask.

"Yup." The voice answers plainly. "Now, there are a few things you need to know. First, I'm going to put you in a universe nearly identical to that one television show, what's it called? Doctor When? Where? Whatever, you know which one I'm talking about. Second, you don't need to do anything if you don't want, you can just live out your life as you would, though I might not if I were you because, third, I'm giving you the power to do almost anything to anyone in this universe. You can talk to someone and call them whatever you want, take their clothes off in public, hell, even force them, service you if you wish. I know a few participants who've done that. If you want to go somewhere or erase an event or anything like that, just think it and your wish will be granted, within those boundaries of course."

You start to think that this won't be so bad. You could even see yourself having fun, possessing all this power. Than the voice speaks up again, sounding more serious. "However, mutilation, murder or anything similar will not be permitted. Any such brutality will garner my wrath, leading to my fourth point; if at any-point you displease me by disobeying, I will erase the universe and obliterate in many painful ways until my own death." The voice finishes on a deadly growl, sending shivers up your spine, before becoming more jovial once again. "Other than that, go nuts. Have fun."

Before you can question her further, a door appears in-front of you. You slowly walk over to it, opening it and walking through too...

What's next?

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