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Dorm Room Access

You're a few weeks into your first term as a college freshman. You live on a co-ed floor, and have really enjoyed the company of your floor-mates so far. You've spent many evenings in the common room, playing games, getting drunk, and getting to know each other. Among them are your next-door neighbors; Emma and Sara.

Emma is cute, and you get along with her very well. She was initially soft-spoken and shy at the start of the term, but the more time you've spent with her, the more she's come out of her shell. The two of you enjoy the same movies and shows, and you've found a lot in common with each other. She smiles a lot when she is around you, and she laughs at your jokes, even the bad ones that make others groan. Her laugh is sweet, and it makes you feel warm inside. And every morning when you leave your room to take a shower, you seem to always pass her in the hall as she's returning from her own, wearing only her towel, greeting you excitedly and awkwardly. It certainly makes you wonder.

Sara, on the other hand, has curves. Not to say that Emma's body is undesirable, her petite frame is lovely, but when the two roommates stand next to each other, it's easy to tell who would traditionally get the most attention. You haven't gotten to know Sara very well, you've only had a handful of inconsequential conversations with her, but she seems very fun. She doesn't always come to hang out with you and the rest of the residents, but when she does, she certainly brings a good time with her. You also know that you share a wall with her; your bed is up against the wall, and on the other side is hers. This is a fact that you've been acutely aware of on nights when you stay up secretly stroking yourself, wondering desperately what she's wearing at that exact moment, mere inches away from you.

Both of them are frequent actors in your thoughts and fantasies. You would want nothing more than to spend the night in their room, intimately enjoying their company.

It's a Thursday night, and you're up studying for an exam that you have early tomorrow morning. Your door is propped open with a shoe, always welcome to distractions. Emma knocks and enters your room without waiting for a response. She says "Hey! Whatcha up to?" and makes her way to sit at the edge of your bed. "Studying, unfortunately," you regretfully respond. "Well a bunch of us are heading out to a big house party, you wanna come?"

You consider for a moment, but the coming exam was worth a significant portion of your term grade. Missing even an hour of studying could be fatal to your academic career. "Man, I really wish I could, but I've got so much shit to catch up on before tomorrow morning." Emma looks disappointed. You promise to join them for the next outing, and Emma accepts. She gets up to leave, and you notice a key ring sitting on your bed where she had just been. It must have fallen out of her pocket, but she seemed not to notice. She made her way out the door, saying "don't study too hard!"

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